Navigating Insurance Claims: The Role of a Public Adjuster (2024)


Should I hire a public adjuster? This is a common question among homeowners and commercial property owners facing significant property damage. In simple terms:

If you feel overwhelmed by the insurance claim process or believe you are not getting a fair settlement, hiring a public adjuster can be beneficial.

Here’s a quick overview to help you decide:

  • If your claim is large or complex, a public adjuster can ensure you get the maximum settlement.
  • They handle the paperwork, negotiations, and communication with the insurance company, saving you time and stress.
  • They charge a fee, usually a percentage of your claim settlement.

Insurance claims play a crucial role in protecting you financially when unexpected events like fires, floods, or storms damage your property. When disaster strikes, the last thing you want is confusion about how to file a claim and secure the compensation you deserve.

A public adjuster is an expert who works on your behalf to handle your claim, ensuring you receive a fair and prompt settlement. They navigate the complexities of your insurance policy and advocate for you, so you can focus on restoring your property and peace of mind.

Navigating Insurance Claims: The Role of a Public Adjuster (1)

Understanding Public Adjusters

A public adjuster is an expert who works on your behalf to handle your claim, ensuring you receive a fair and prompt settlement. They navigate the complexities of your insurance policy and advocate for you, so you can focus on restoring your property and peace of mind.

Roles and Responsibilities

Public adjusters have a variety of roles and responsibilities to help you through the claims process. Here’s what they do:

  • Damage Assessment: They inspect and document the damage to your property, ensuring nothing is overlooked.
  • Policy Review: They analyze your insurance policy to determine the coverage and exclusions, making sure you understand what you’re entitled to.
  • Claim Preparation: They compile all necessary documents, including estimates, photos, and reports, to support your claim.
  • Negotiation: They negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf to maximize your settlement.
  • Settlement: They help you understand the settlement offer and ensure it meets your needs.

Homeowner Representation

Unlike insurance company adjusters who work for the insurer, public adjusters represent you, the homeowner. Their job is to make sure you get every dollar you’re entitled to under your policy. For instance, James Guercio, owner of Rubin & Rosen Adjusters, emphasizes that “hiring a public claims adjuster will put you on an even playing field with your insurance company.”

Insurance Policy Fluency

Insurance policies can be full of legal jargon and complex terms. Public adjusters are fluent in this language. They ensure you understand your coverage and help you navigate the claims process. This is especially helpful when you’re dealing with multiple policies, such as homeowners, windstorm, and flood insurance after a hurricane.

Negotiation Skills

Negotiating a claim settlement requires skill and experience. Public adjusters are trained to spot potential damage that might be missed by the insurance company’s adjuster. They use their expertise to argue for a higher payout, ensuring you receive a fair settlement. For example, they can help you determine how much of the water damage was due to rain coming in through a roof damaged by wind, versus flooding.


Understanding the role of a public adjuster can make a significant difference in your claims process. They advocate for you, manage the complexities of your insurance policy, and negotiate to maximize your claim settlement. This expertise can be invaluable, especially in the aftermath of a disaster.

The Claim Process Explained

The insurance claim process can be a maze. Understanding each step can make it easier to navigate. Let’s break it down:

Filing a Claim

When disaster strikes, the first step is to file a claim with your insurance company. This involves notifying your insurer about the damage and providing details about the incident. For example, if a pipe bursts and causes water damage, you need to report it as soon as possible.

Insurance Company Adjuster

Once you file a claim, your insurance company will send an adjuster to assess the damage. This adjuster works for the insurance company, not you. Their job is to evaluate the extent of the damage and determine how much it will cost to repair or replace the damaged property.

Damage Assessment

During the damage assessment, the insurance adjuster will inspect your home and document the damage. This may involve taking photos, videos, and notes. They will look at everything from structural damage to personal property loss. For instance, if a hurricane hits, they might assess roof damage, broken windows, and water damage to furniture.

Cost Estimates

After the assessment, the adjuster will provide a cost estimate for the repairs. This estimate is based on the damage they observed and the current market rates for labor and materials. However, homeowners often find that these estimates are lower than expected. According to the book From Good Hands to Boxing Gloves, insurance companies typically offer about 60 cents on the dollar of what the claim damages actually are.

Settlement Agreement

Finally, the insurance company will offer a settlement based on the adjuster’s estimate. This is the amount they are willing to pay to cover the repairs. You can accept this offer or negotiate if you believe it’s too low. If you can’t reach an agreement, this is where a public adjuster can help. They can advocate on your behalf to ensure you get a fair settlement.

In summary, the claim process involves filing a claim, an insurance company adjuster assessing the damage, providing cost estimates, and reaching a settlement agreement. Knowing these steps can help you navigate the process more effectively and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

When to Consider Hiring a Public Adjuster

If you find yourself disagreeing with the insurance company’s settlement offer, or if the damage is extensive, it might be worth considering a public adjuster. They can help you get a more accurate estimate and negotiate a better settlement.

When to Consider Hiring a Public Adjuster

If you find yourself disagreeing with the insurance company’s settlement offer, or if the damage is extensive, it might be worth considering a public adjuster. They can help you get a more accurate estimate and negotiate a better settlement.

Extensive Damage

When your property suffers extensive damage—think hurricanes, floods, or fires—the claims process can be overwhelming. Public adjusters specialize in handling large claims and can ensure all damages are accounted for, including those that might be missed by the insurance company’s adjuster.

Disagreement on Cost

If you feel the payout offered by your insurer is too low, a public adjuster can step in. They will reassess the damages and provide a second opinion. This can be crucial if you believe the insurer’s estimate won’t cover all repair costs.

Case Study: Jane’s home was severely damaged by a storm. The insurance company offered her $80,000, but she believed the repairs would cost much more. A public adjuster helped her negotiate a settlement of $120,000, ensuring her home could be fully restored.

Large Claims

For large claims, the stakes are high. A public adjuster can handle the complex paperwork and ensure every detail is covered. This expertise can be particularly valuable when dealing with multiple types of damage, such as structural and water damage.

Complex Claims

Some claims are inherently complex. For example, if your home is damaged in a way that affects multiple areas or systems, a public adjuster can help. They will thoroughly document all damages and ensure nothing is overlooked.

Advocacy Needs

Sometimes, you just need someone on your side. A public adjuster acts as your advocate, negotiating with the insurance company and fighting for the best possible settlement. This can provide peace of mind, knowing that an expert is handling your claim.

Quote from an Expert: “When considering whether to engage a public adjuster, the insured should weigh the proposed fee or proposed percentage the insured will have to pay to the public adjuster from any potential claim settlement.” — Ricki Gardenhire, Information Officer for the Kentucky Public Protection Cabinet

By understanding when to hire a public adjuster, you can make a more informed decision and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Now, let’s explore the differences between public adjusters and insurance adjusters to further clarify their roles.

Public Adjuster vs. Insurance Adjuster

Understanding the differences between a public adjuster and an insurance adjuster is crucial when deciding whether to hire a public adjuster. Let’s break it down:

Insurance Adjuster

Employed by Insurance Companies

Insurance adjusters work for the insurance company. Their primary job is to assess the damage and determine how much the insurance company should pay out. This means their loyalty lies with the insurer, not with you.

Cost to Homeowner

There’s no direct cost to you for using an insurance adjuster, as they are paid by the insurance company. However, this doesn’t mean their assessment will always be in your best interest.

Experience and Knowledge

Insurance adjusters are knowledgeable about the claims process and often have experience in evaluating property damage. However, their goal is to minimize the payout for the insurance company.

Goal Alignment

The main goal of an insurance adjuster is to protect the interests of the insurance company. While they may offer a fair settlement, their primary objective is to keep costs low for their employer.

Public Adjuster

Homeowner Employed

Public adjusters are hired by you, the policyholder. Their job is to advocate on your behalf to ensure you receive a fair and adequate settlement.

Fee Structure

Public adjusters typically charge a percentage of your claim payout, which can be up to 15%. For instance, if your claim payout is $150,000 and the public adjuster charges 10%, you would pay them $15,000. Some may charge an hourly rate or a flat fee, so it’s important to understand their fee structure before hiring.

Claim Settlement Focus

A public adjuster’s main focus is to maximize your claim settlement. They work to ensure that all damages are documented and that you receive the highest possible payout.

Professional Standards

Public adjusters must adhere to professional standards and ethical guidelines. Many are members of associations like the National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters, which sets high standards for its members.

Licensing and Credentials

Public adjusters need to be licensed in your state. You can verify their credentials through your state’s insurance department. Always check their licensing status and ask for references from previous clients to ensure you are hiring a qualified professional.

By understanding these key differences, you can make an informed decision about whether to hire a public adjuster to assist with your insurance claim.

Navigating Insurance Claims: The Role of a Public Adjuster (2)

Next, let’s delve into the pros and cons of hiring a public adjuster to further help you decide if this is the right move for your situation.

Pros and Cons of Hiring a Public Adjuster


Maximized Claim Settlement

One of the biggest advantages of hiring a public adjuster is the potential for a higher settlement. Public adjusters are experts in evaluating claims and know how to document every aspect of your loss. In fact, they often secure settlements that are significantly higher than what homeowners might achieve on their own.

Expertise in Claims

Public adjusters have specialized knowledge in the insurance industry. They understand the intricacies of policies, coverage, and the claims process. This expertise can be particularly beneficial when dealing with complex claims. For instance, after a hurricane, determining what damage falls under which policy can be daunting. A public adjuster can navigate this maze for you.

Advocacy for Homeowner

When you hire a public adjuster, you gain an advocate who works solely for you. Unlike insurance company adjusters, who aim to minimize the payout, public adjusters strive to maximize your claim. This can be crucial in situations where the insurance company’s offer seems unfair or inadequate.

Comprehensive Damage Assessment

Public adjusters are thorough in their evaluations. They look beyond the obvious damages to identify hidden issues that might be missed. For example, water damage from a burst pipe might also lead to mold inside walls or compromised structural elements. A public adjuster ensures these are included in the claim.


Fee Percentage

Hiring a public adjuster comes at a cost. They typically charge a percentage of the final settlement amount, usually around 10%. While this fee can be worth it for larger claims, it might not be justified for smaller, straightforward claims.

Major Claims Focus

Many public adjusters prefer to work on large-scale claims because their fee is based on a percentage of the settlement. This means they might be less interested in smaller claims, which can be a drawback if your claim isn’t substantial.

Potential for Slower Settlement

While public adjusters can speed up the claims process by knowing the steps, involving another party can sometimes slow things down. There might be back-and-forth negotiations between the public adjuster and the insurance company’s adjuster, which can extend the time it takes to settle your claim.

By weighing these pros and cons, you can better decide if hiring a public adjuster aligns with your needs and circ*mstances.

How to Choose the Right Public Adjuster

Choosing the right public adjuster can make a significant difference in the outcome of your insurance claim. Here are some key steps to help you make the best choice:

Verify Licensing

Start by ensuring the public adjuster is licensed in your state. Licensing is critical because it means the adjuster has passed rigorous exams and meets state requirements. You can check their license status through your state’s insurance department. For example, in Texas, the Texas Department of Insurance provides resources for verifying an adjuster’s license.

Check Reviews

Look for online reviews and ask for references. Speaking with previous clients can give you a sense of their experience and satisfaction. Positive reviews and testimonials are a good sign of reliable service. You can also check for any complaints filed against the adjuster with the Better Business Bureau.

Understand Fees

Public adjusters typically charge a percentage of your claim payout, often up to 15%. Make sure you understand their fee structure before signing a contract. Some adjusters might also charge hourly rates or flat fees. Clarify all costs upfront and ensure there are no hidden fees.

Assess Communication

Effective communication is vital. Your public adjuster should be readily available to answer questions and keep you informed throughout the process. Assess their communication style during your initial interactions to ensure it aligns with your preferences.

Experience with Specific Claims

Ensure the public adjuster has experience with claims similar to yours. For example, if your claim involves hurricane damage, find an adjuster who specializes in that area. Their expertise will help navigate the specific challenges and nuances of your claim.

By following these steps, you can find a qualified public adjuster who will advocate for your best interests and help you secure a fair settlement.

Frequently Asked Questions about Public Adjusters

How do I know if I need a public adjuster?

You might need a public adjuster if:

  • The damage is extensive: For example, if your home suffers severe hurricane damage, a public adjuster can help ensure all damages are documented and claimed.
  • You disagree with your insurer’s estimate: If the payout offered seems too low, a public adjuster can provide a second opinion and negotiate on your behalf.
  • The claims process is overwhelming: Filing a claim can be complex and time-consuming. A public adjuster can handle the paperwork and negotiations, saving you time and stress.
  • You want to maximize your payout: Public adjusters work to get you every dollar you’re entitled to, often resulting in higher settlements.

When should I hire a public adjuster?

You can hire a public adjuster at any point during the claims process, but it’s often best to do so as early as possible. According to Ricki Gardenhire from the Kentucky Public Protection Cabinet, “The first few weeks of the claims process dramatically impact the outcome of a claim.” Early involvement allows the adjuster to guide you through every step, ensuring nothing is overlooked.

However, you can still hire a public adjuster if:

  • Additional damage is discovered: If you find more damage while repairs are underway, a public adjuster can reassess and help file for additional coverage.
  • You’re unhappy with a settlement offer: Even after an initial offer, a public adjuster can negotiate for a higher payout.

What should I expect from my public adjuster?

Hiring a public adjuster means you’ll have a professional advocating for you throughout the claims process. Here’s what to expect:

  • Damage Assessment: Your public adjuster will thoroughly inspect and document all damages.
  • Cost Estimation: They’ll provide a detailed estimate of repair or replacement costs.
  • Negotiation: The adjuster will negotiate with your insurance company to maximize your payout.
  • Communication: Expect regular updates and clear communication. Your adjuster should be readily available to answer any questions.
  • Fee Structure: Most public adjusters work on a contingency basis, meaning they only get paid if you receive a settlement. Fees typically range from 5% to 15% of the payout.

By understanding these aspects, you can better navigate the insurance claims process and ensure you’re adequately compensated for your losses.


Navigating the aftermath of a disaster can be overwhelming. However, you don’t have to go through it alone. At Insurance Claim Recovery Support, we specialize in helping Texas homeowners and businesses maximize their insurance settlements.

Maximizing Your Settlement

Our team of experienced public adjusters works on your behalf to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. We understand the intricacies of insurance policies and use our expertise to challenge underpayments and denials effectively.

James Guercio, owner of Rubin & Rosen Adjusters, highlights the advantage of hiring a public adjuster: “Hiring a public claims adjuster will put you on an even playing field with your insurance company.” By meticulously preparing and presenting your claim, we aim to maximize your settlement, often identifying claims money you might not even know you’re entitled to.

Texas Fire and Storm Damage

Texas is no stranger to severe weather, from hurricanes and floods in Houston to wildfires in West Texas. Each city faces unique challenges, and our team is well-versed in handling them.

For instance, Austin and Dallas frequently deal with hail and tornado damage, while Houston and San Antonio are more prone to hurricanes and flooding. Our adjusters are skilled in assessing all levels of damage, ensuring nothing is overlooked during the insurance claim process.

Navigating the Insurance Claim Process

The insurance claim process can be daunting, especially when dealing with extensive damage. We guide you through every step, from initial damage assessment to filing claims and negotiating settlements. Our goal is to make the process as smooth as possible for you.

Jeff Zander, CEO of Zander Insurance, notes, “In most cases, a public adjuster is not needed. But an adjuster can be helpful or be worth their cost in the event of a very large claim or total loss of a home.” This is where we come in, providing the expertise and advocacy you need during such critical times.

With Insurance Claim Recovery Support by your side, you can confidently navigate the insurance claim process. Let us help you rebuild, restore, and return to normalcy with the financial compensation you rightfully deserve.

Contact us today to learn how we can assist you in maximizing your insurance claim settlement. Together, we can turn a devastating situation into a manageable recovery process.

Navigating Insurance Claims: The Role of a Public Adjuster (2024)


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