Lincoln Loud: Peacemaker - Cornholio4 (2024)

Chapter 1: Secret Origin of Lincoln Loud

Chapter Text

The busy traffic Metropolis Bridge; a certain van followed by several moving vans was waiting patiently in between cars as the sound of honking horns filled the air. The van nicknamed 'Vanzilla' by the family; housed the Loud family with the family patriarch Lynn Loud Sr behind the wheel. All of their children bar the eldest Lori Loud (who was starting college) and most were upset about leaving their old lives and friends.

"Come on everyone... I know it's a huge change in our lives... But it's a new start and you all can make new friends and you already said that you plan on keeping in touch with your friends..." Lynn Sr said turning to face his children with an encouraging smile for a moment.

"Yeah popstar but a long distance relationship with Sam isn't the same and having to see if I have to put a new band together..." Luna spoke up with a sigh with some of them nodding.

"Plus having to build a new reputation for myself as a comedian and party clown; more pressure having to do so in a bigger city than Royal Woods." Luan spoke up sighing as she was having an arm wrestling competition with her Mr Coconuts doll.

"Bummed about leaving behind my old team but a new big city full of potential rivals and butts to the kicked... I am for it!" Lynn Jr said looking a little thrilled as Lola nodded along with her sister.

"I for one am excited to be in a big city such as Metropolis! A new pageant scene to wow and more opportunities for stardom!" Lola smirked as some rolled her eyes.

"Leaving behind the ones who understood me at my school... Sigh." spoke Lucy and amongst the chatter was Lincoln looking out the window seat with a sad groan; he had to say goodbye to Ronnie Anne when she moved away and now he had to do the same to his other friends. Especially his best friend Clyde who he had never been apart from for long. Another best friend that he had to be satisfied with regular video calls from.

He glanced outside the window and saw a flying figure fighting some sort of winged monster in the sky. "Look Linky! It's Superman; you get the chance to see actual superheroes!" Leni said pointing out the window trying to be an encouraging big sister to lift up her only brother's spirits; despite her own sadness about moving away.

Lincoln put on the best smile he could and thought that maybe it won't be so bad...

"...The new house is cool... I mean it's nothing special but it's bigger than the last one and we all get our own room and I mean an actual bedroom that was designed to be one and didn't use to be a closet..." Lincoln was telling Clyde on the phone 3 nights later while sitting at a table inside the newest Lynn's Table restaurant. It was actually what got them to move as Lynn Sr had gotten an offer to expand and it included it bigger restaurant there in Metropolis.

"That's cool Lincoln... Hope you have a swell time as Ronnie Anne adapted well to Great Lakes City but it won't be the same without you Lincoln... The rest of us going to middle school without our team leader and me without my best friend... Have fun and I hope you can tell me about the new friends that you will off course make..." Clyde was telling him and Lincoln's face fell as he heard Clyde's words and he sighed.

They said goodbye to eachother and Lincoln just sat at the table with his hands to his cheeks while his elbows was on the table to keep his head up; his dad took him to the newly opened up restaurant because he was still taking the move worse than the others despite attempts to lift his spirits. Lynn Sr wanted him to see if he could meet any kids his age among any customers to try and be friends with.

He looked and saw that the place was busy with the customers trying out the new restaurant; he wondered if there were kids his age that he could try and talk to. Did he have any way to impress them? He got out from his pocket a deck of cards that he had brought just in case he had gotten born.

Practicing he tossed the cards into the air for a trick where they landed in a house of cards. "What a fascinating trick young man!" said a voice as Lincoln got up and looked smug.

"Well I don't mean to brag but I am something of a magic connoisseur; Lincoln Loud and I just moved here and my family owns this place and..." Lincoln said but he stopped as he saw the smiling man with a moustache and a suit that he recognised. None other than the famous stage magician and escape artist John Zatara who made it big in Metropolis. Along with him was a girl Lincoln's age with violet hair who shrugged at Lincoln.

"Be sure to nurture your talents young man!" John told him as Lincoln got up and allowed them to take the table. "Thank you very much; you know my lovely daughter and assistant Zee here aspires to be just like me! You both could work on your talents together!" John said bringing the girl close to him and Lincoln walked by but Zee went to his hair.

"Fair warning Mr Connoisseur; I plan on shoving any potential rivals to the wayside and normal parlour tricks won't match to my special brand of theatrics!" Zee told Lincoln causing him to frown and then walk away. Well he could cross off Zee on the potential friends list before he can even really consider it...

Wanting to see if his dad was available for him to talk; he walked into the staff area where there was the kitchen but stopped as he noticed an open door. He went out and saw hiding by the trash can was a muscular man wearing a dark red short sleeved bodysuit shirt with an emblem of a yellow background and a white dove over it; a dark blue jacket over it, white pants, dark blue gloves, black boots and a silver helmet over the upper half of his head with the dove symbol moulded onot it and holes for his eyes.

"Who... What are you? Some sort of superhero?" Lincoln asked wide eyed as he heard of the real life superheroes that existed like Superman or Green Lantern but never saw or heard anything about this one and the man looked like he would be hard to forget.

"Indeed; I'm Peacemaker." the man replied in a whisper as Lincon stared wrapping his head around it.

"Peacemaker..." Lincoln muttered wondering what kind of name was that.

"I made a vow to fight for peace no matter how many people I kill or beat up to achieve it!" Peacemaker told him as Lincoln stared and took a step back.

"Superheroes don't kill..." Lincoln muttered as Peacemaker looked determined.

"This one does; he puts the dangerous criminals down under permanently... Not like that Batman who wrestles with clowns and puts them into an easily broken out of asylum so that they can commit more crimes! I get the job done!" Peacemaker explained in a whisper as Lincoln just stared and took a step back.

He went to walk in but Peacemaker grabbed his wrist and then looked through the door before going in. "What's the big idea..." Lincoln demanded as Peacemaker covered his mouth.

"Be careful in there kid... One of the chefs there is a dangerous assassin... Specialises in infiltrating restaurants where he poisons his targets... A crime boss expressed interest in trying this restaurant out and I have gotten intel that the assassin will strike... Plus there is a masked mercenary after this assassin as well... Not for any noble reasons but because he lost clients to this guy before they could pay him... Deathstroke who uses swords and has a half mask like Two Face or... Ever heard of VR Troopers? They tried to replicate Power Rangers' success but... You know what; not important... Be careful in there kid..." Peacemaker told him as he let him go.

"I will keep that in mind thanks..." Lincoln muttered sarcastically thinking that he really needs to find his dad now and let him know about the weird guy stalking about the property. Lincoln got to the main area of the restaurant ended up noticing something up in the corner; hiding in a dark corner was a figure in a dark blue and orange bodysuit with a half orange and half dark blue mask that looked like Peacemaker's description.

"Deathstroke..." Lincoln called out with a jump freaked out wondering if that Peacemaker guy had a point. One of the chefs hired for the restaurant heard Lincoln and looked up and saw him. People were taken aback as the chef then pulled out hidden guns after dropping the dishes that he had. He began firing at the roof with Deathstroke moving about causing the patrols and staff to start screaming and running to the exit.

There was a crowd of panic around as people were moving about and debris was falling down; Lincoln gulped terrified but saw Zee calling out for her dad terrified as they had gotten lost and he saw pieces of rubble and wood falling down.

Without thinking he ran to her shouting for her to look out and pushed her out of the way. He screamed in pain as he was hit by it hard onto him; Lincoln felt himself pulled out forcefully by the chef. "I have to thank you Lincoln for warning me that Deathstroke had found me but you will have to be my ticket out of here... See if the infamous Deathstroke is willing to endanger a kid's life to get to his target..." spoke the chef as he placed a gun to Lincoln's head making him gulp.

However a shot from behind to the chef's head caused him to drop Lincoln and he found his vision fading.

Lincoln groaned as he opened his eyes and found his vision returning to him and then he was in a hospital room; actually feeling better than normal. He saw his parents there along with all 10 of his sisters there and they all jumped at him to embrace him while looking worried. The doctor then yelled at them to let him go as he needs to recover but Lincoln felt fine.

"What happened... Lori? What are you doing here?" Lincoln asked eyes widening at seeing the eldest sister but she scoffed with her arms folded.

"That's literally the first thing that you ask? Mum and Dad called me to tell you what happened; I was in the car five minutes later and I got here as soon as I could... The speeding fines that I have to pay doesn't matter..." Lori explained to him looking incredulous at his question but looked relieved. "I had to tell Bobby why I was in a hurry to leave and... Expect a frantic call from Ronnie Anne; next time you speak to her..." Lori then told him as he chuckled nervously.

"You are a lucky young man Mr Loud as you seemed to have recovered quite well; especially considering that you needed a blood transfusion and with a rare bloode type. However a donor with the same blood type stepped in." the doctor told Lincoln as he laughed nervously.

"Rare blood type? Boy; do I feel special..." Lincoln joked but it seemed that not even Luan wanted to laugh at his joke; he noticed at the bedside table there was a signed picture of John Zatara that also had Zee's name on it.

"You have a worried new friend that has been asking for updates when she and her father came to visit you Lincoln." Lynn Sr said with a smile to Lincoln's surprise. Within the hour; the doctor said that Lincoln could be discharged but recommended that he be careful.

Lincoln felt embarrassed as his family helped him out of bed and get changed; through the door and there was John and Zee there to see about visiting and Zee ran at Lincoln to embrace him softly but let go.

"I... I just want to say... Sorry for acting like a bit of a jerk... Thank you so much for saving me... If you want... We can be friends..." Zee was telling him and Lincoln decided to let there be no hard feelings and nodded; plus his friendship with Ronnie Anne started out worst so who was he to judge Zee too much for this.

Days later and Lincoln was able to go out and explore the city but there was repeated warnings from his family; as Lori warned when he had his first video call with Ronnie Anne since moving there... A good 15 minutes of Ronnie Anne with worry on her face screaming at him before she calmed down; she even said that her family was worried for him when they heard and her abuela was considering asking if Lincoln could come and live in Great Lake City and stay with Lori where it would be safer. Plus off course Ronnie Anne told his friends back in Royal Woods and Clyde reacted as expected along with the others...

However through the letter box of their home; the family kept getting flyers from the Action Comics store which had a bit about saying that they were hiring and they were circled. He was in front of the store when he found it and entered and thought that it looked amazing; aisles of superhero toys, movies and especially comics around the place. He looked and almost bumped into a muscular man in his early 20s with a uniform.

"Excuse me... Sorry but I am here to see about a job please... I'm Lincoln..." Lincoln said to the man getting his attention and read the man's nametag as John.

"Ah yes... Chris said that he believed that a young man would be coming over for a job... Good luck and just be warned... Chris can be a bit much and a little demanding but... He isn't bad... He owns and manages the store." John told him and had him follow him to the manager's office and got through. Seated at the desk was a muscular man with brain haired cut short in an employee's uniform. "Lincoln here is applying for the job Chris sir." John said as he gave a salute and Chris dismissed him.

Chris gave Lincoln an application form and Lincoln looked and saw to his surprise that while there was the usual questions you would expect; there was also questions asking what kind of comics and TV shows and movies he liked. He filled it out and Chris looked at it and said "Ace Savvy... Real popular seller; rivalled only by the real superhero comics... John likes them as well... Welcome to the Action Comics family..." Chris then put out a hand for Lincoln to take a shake. "One more thing... I have a special offer for you and let's go to the secret room for some 'staff training'..." Chris told him motioning Lincoln to follow him to a small closet.

Lincoln looked perplexed but Chris moved a broken light switch to reveal... A high tech keypad... One number combination later and Chris opened the door revealing some sort headquarters inside that was way bigger on the inside than the outside. Lincoln was in awe as he saw a trophy case filled with items, area for suits and an area for gadgets. Plus a training area? He looked at the suits there and...

"You're that Peacemaker guy!" Lincoln yelled in shock at Chris who smirked with his arms folded.

"Christopher Smith the Peacemaker... I saw you crazy kid... Saw that girl in danger and... It seemed that your legs moved before your brain could catch up with what you were doing... Seems like a hero and I looked you up... A big fanboy of the comics and heroes... You look like you have the capacity to be a hero... Young, naive, not jaded, stupid..." Chris told him and Lincoln batted an eye.

"What are you trying to say?" Lincoln asked.

"I am saying that with training; you could become a much better Peacemaker than a jaded pessimistic old jerk than me... I want you to be the new Peacemaker when you are ready..." Chris said as Lincoln was in shock and stared at him.

"What? I'm a kid and... I don't have any powers?" Lincoln retorted and Chris laughed.

"Don't you find it odd how well you were getting out of the hospital... You were only in there for like 3 days at the most... You know Deathstroke was once a soldier who got a special serum that made him faster than a normal human, more agile, better reflexes, stronger than he was before and his brain can process what his eyes sees faster than a normal human... Plus he has a soft spot for innocent kids and what else... Oh yeah... He has your blood type; it turned out..." Chris replied and it sunk into Lincoln what he was implying.

"Listen Lincoln... I know that I'm not that good a superhero and... I got issues is all I will say but... A nice kid with the powers you have been given... You could be better for protecting the peace than I ever could..." Chris offered and Lincoln thought it over and wondered could he really do this...

Plus what would his family say...

After a minute he gave a nod and Chris held out a hand and put his other hand up as if taking a vow; "Do you Lincoln Loud take this solemn vow to fight for peace and the innocent as the next Peacemaker?" Chris asked as Lincoln quickly repeated it and accepted the hand for a handshake...

Chapter 2: Are You Bad Enough to Save a Queen?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

t was about a month later Lincoln was settling into his new home at Metropolis alright; adjusting to Metropolis Middle School fine and growing a friendship with Zee. In fact he was finding studying and lessons a lot easier; probably from what Chris had said about his brain able to process images faster. Plus for a couple of hours after school and some hours in the morning on weekends; he started his new job at Action Comics where most of the time there he was getting his training from Chris.

On a sparring mat; Chris was putting up his arms in a defensive manner while letting Lincoln show off his punches and kicks. Chris then out of nowhere went and kneed him in the gut. "What... What was that for Chris?" Lincoln cried out holding his gut as he went down to his knees letting out a groan and then waiting for his new healing factor to heal it.

Chris had his arms behind his back as he looked over Lincoln and said "you left yourself wide open to an attack; never let anyone exploit an opening like that... In this job; there are no rules to fighting and the dirtbags you will fight will exploit any weakness or opportunity... Still this can help you learn how to take a punch while giving one back but just remember... You're not invulnerable and your strength only goes so much... Don't expect to moving boulders or anything... Use this when you don't have these..." Chris told him as he then pointed to his forehead and then did a muscle man's pose as he flexed his arms.

"Thanks for the lesson there..." Lincoln groaned as Chris gave him a hand to help him up and Lincoln took a moment to recover. Lincoln then noticed a trophy case filled with different items. "These came from bad guys that you fought?" Lincoln asked and Chris grinned enthusiastically.

"A story to every single one of them... There is that rock that I got from Eclipso after I beat him out of his host... Some sort of ghost wizard demon thing... Plus this red rock that I got from Dr Destiny... A Skeletor looking dude who was using it to power his machine to go into dreams... Think Freddy Krueger if he didn't have a sense of humour or had the charm..." Chris told him and Lincoln then nodded along with it even when he had no idea who this Freddy Krueger was. "Anyway... Let's get back to work and remember so we don't get too much attention from this arrangement and because I legit don't know if this breaks any child labour laws... You are volunteering and I am your long lost uncle the money I pay you is for your folks..." Chris told him as he then went and opened back up the door and Lincoln nodded going through; knowing the arrangement by now.

Chris then closed the door and activated the special lock as Lincoln looked to a bird cage and petted Chris' pet eagle inside; named creatively enough 'Eagly'. They then went to the main part of the store where there was the customers looking at the various comics and on the TV; it showed the news with a reporter reporting from the outside of a Metropolis hospital.

"Snapper Carr here reporting from the outside of Metropolis General Hospital where our very own beloved Superman is in the intense care unit. Having been shot by a Kryptonite bullet after responding to a hostage situation at a Kord Industries facility 2 days ago. Superman managed to rescue the hostages and capture his assailant before succumbing to his injuries. He is expected to recover but Metropolis' faithful has turned up to give their 'get well soon' presents to the Man of Tomorrow, wishing him a speedy recovery." the reporter said as Chris scoffed.

"Superman... It wasn't that long ago when he was Superboy and he gets sent to ICU thanks to 1 bullet..." Chris muttered shaking his head as Lincoln looked at him.

"He has fought aliens and it took a special bullet to do so..." Lincoln told him as Chris still didn't look impressed.

"Well; I was on this mission overseas and I managed to pull through and save the day with a bullet in my shoulder for 2 days... I powered through it like a man!" Chris said as the reporter identified the assailant under custody as ex military officer turn mercenary Robert DuBois known as Bloodsport. It showed his mugshot and a picture ogf him in his bodysuit uniform and a skeleton like helmet.

"You know my combat instructor personally trained with him... Gave the story to us cadets and told us not to disappoint him by using what we learned for fortune." John said while putting up comic books on the rack as Lincoln looked his way in surprise. "Oh... I can't believe that I didn't tell you this... I'm military; private to be exact... Sent home and told to wait until Uncle Sam calls for me." John then explained to Lincoln as he took this in.

"You are a soldier working at a comic book store?" Lincoln asked wide eyes as John gave a big smile.

"I love superheroes and comics; always wanted to help people and help to save the world so that's why I enlisted! I used to come here all the time when I was a kid; before Chris bought the place off course..." John said as Lincoln looked surprised as the story changed talking of a big arrival in Metropolis that day as early in the morning from the airport flacked by security was the to be crowned new Queen of the eastern European nation of Vlatava. There was a live coverage of the limo being chased by reporters.

"Wow... A new queen here in Metropolis..." Lincoln muttered impressed as Chris just shrugged at this but Lincoln coughed. "Still in this city... Any of the super criminals might be wanting to take advantage and especially with Superman in the hospital..." Lincoln brought up as Chris had a look of realisation and then smirked.

Chris was going to the small closet and then entered the code; "So... I guess that Peacemaker will be there for extra security..." Lincoln asked already figuring out what he was thinking when Chris' face changed. Chris then tossed him a silver shield with the Peacemaker logo on it in colour. "What is this for?" Lincoln asked as Chris looked at him through the doorway as if he had just asked a stupid question.

"I use it to deflect bullets and bash people in; use it to protect yourself in case any bad guys spot you. I have a ski mask in my desk so go get that and get a jumper from the merch... The custom Peacemaker ones... Want to keep your identity as you shadow me and watch me at work on the field." Chris explained to him and Lincoln then nodded.

"Oh I get it; as I... Wait what?" Lincoln asked wide eyes once it dawned on him what he was told.

Lincoln's concerns and incredulity was ignored as Peacemaker fully uniformed had dragged Lincoln in a Peacemaker jumper, white ski mask and holding the shield and now they were hiding out in an alleyway. "Is this really needed Chris... I know that you said that you would teach me to be a superhero but... I am still a kid..." Lincoln whispered as Peacemaker then stepped on his foot and gave him a look.

Lincoln was holding onto it as Peacemaker whispered to him "Seeing me on the field will help you see what to do... Plus it's Peacemaker when I have the suit on...

Lincoln then looked to Peacemaker and thought about how he was being trained by him and now he was brought to a possible dangerous situation and Lincoln sighed; maybe this wasn't a good idea after all. He wasn't being given wisdom by a wise experienced hero but by some reckless fool.

"Maybe; I am not cut out for this or rather this arrangement..." Lincoln muttered as they heard gunshots as some marksman from the top were aiming for the limo. Civilians nearby screamed and Lincoln from a hiding spot watched as Peacemaker got out a pistol and started shooting at the marksmen as he noticed them. Lincoln was gasping while hiding behind a trash can as bodyguards got out of the limo.

They were directing someone to come with them but then a van came up and then out came countless masked and armed criminals. Lincoln saw someone running away from the security detail and began running to the alley where Lincoln was. Lincoln saw that it was a blonde haired girl about his age with a pink hairband, a white shirt and black dress over it.

"Are you... With that man with the silver helmet and the bird symbol? Birdman?" asked the girl as Lincoln nodded as he caught his breath.

"He's Peacemaker and I'm his student, protegee... protégé... Trainee or whatever... He's training me to take over as Peacemaker at some point..." Lincoln explained and then Lincoln saw masked criminals entering the alleyway and Lincoln pushed her out of the way and blocked the way with his shield as they began firing at him.

Lincoln gulped; "So... I think that they are after the new queen... Your Mum or sister? If so Princess then I can be your knight in shining armor." Lincoln told her trying to sound casual and she gave him a look.

"I don't need your storytelling metaphors as I am 10 and my mother died years before. My father has died last night himself; I'm Queen Perdita." the girl answered and Lincoln looked at her in shock.

"Wow... A queen your age... My sister Lana would be so jealous... If I had one that is..." Lincoln muttered but caught herself but then the masked criminals stopped firing and went further and Lincoln grabbed Perdita's hand and had her run with him to the fire escape. He had her put her arms around his neck as he climbed up and managed to do well while shielding them from bullets with his shield.

"So... Young Peacemaker? What is the plan?" Perdita asked as Lincoln kept on climbing and running up to the roof.

"I... Will let you know once I have one... Honestly; I am just winging this..." Lincoln muttered as they got to the roof and Lincoln found it hard to breathe in his mask. He then took it off as Perdita glanced at him and he groaned. "So... As you can see; I have no idea what I am doing... I have not even graduated from superhero training yet and my secret identity has already been jeopardised... Sorry you are stuck with me; I'm Lincoln by the way..." Lincoln muttered as Perdita came up to him and helped him up.

"You didn't hesitate to try and save me; I say that you are superhero material. You may not have the shining armor but I consider you my brave knight." Perdita told him with a smile as Lincoln looked surprised and then flattered.

"You are pretty brave yourself your highness... It can't be easy with an attempt on your life and your dad just died..." Lincoln said as they heard tutting.

"To think that I wanted hired killers and I got some losers who get distracted by a clown in a helmet and who can't even catch some kid who doesn't know that it's not Halloween." spoke a voice and behind them in a dark green attire including a high collar cloak was a grey haired man with a walking stick; Perdita gasped upon seeing him. "Surprised to see your Uncle Werner; young Perdita? I took the first trip to America when I learned that my older brother sent his child here on a trip while he was at home. Put a dent in what was otherwise a perfect assassination." said the man as Lincoln looked to the girl.

"Let me guess... Uncle Werner gets the throne if you are not around..." Lincoln asked guessing this bad guy's motive and a nod from Perdita said it all; the man ran to tackle Lincoln and Lincoln was ready for a fight but the man had put out a wave from his eye making Lincoln feel dizzy and saw a weird pattern in his eye.

"It's amusing that you came here to play hero but Count Werner Zyte does not play! Your end will be swift and then I shall deal with Perdita; King Werner I of Vlatava has a nice ring to it." Werner told Lincoln as kneeled down with his knee in the stomach with Lincoln having dropped his shield.

Perdita had gotten out her phone and started recording the back of Zyte and called out "I't over Uncle! I have this video and it will allow me to revoke your diplomatic immunity and charge you for treason!"

"The dead tells no tales young niece." Zyte said unconcerned as Lincoln felt like a loser and groaned; but then remembered that the young queen was counting on him and what Chris said earlier... Perdita took a step back in fear as she had put her phone away. Lincoln then managed to gain to strength to get his fist up and ended up punching Zyte hard in the sensitive area. Lincoln then took the distract to grab his shield and got up and started bashing Zyte hard in the face with it.

Helicopters were coming by and Lincoln took a deep breath; Perdita then surprised him by kissing him on the cheek and then handed him his ski mask. Lincoln was taken aback but was motioned to move but Perdita then threw him Zyte's cane. "A trophy for my victorious hero..." She told him and Lincoln put his mask back on and and climbed down from the ceiling and managed to land on his feet and there was Peacemaker there clapping.

"Stuck the superhero landing there; come on... The bad guys are taken care of and a security guy said that the queen is safe... You can tell me later how you saved her life..." Peacemaker told him as they then sneaked away.

Later in the afternoon Lincoln was going to the dining room of the new house on the phone with Chris; "So I have found the perfect place to put the cane in the trophy case; your first bad guy beaten! I can't be so proud... You know I heard rumours that he had been involved in some underground cartel stuff... Nicknamed 'Count Vertigo' and from what you told me; you can probably see why they call him that... Not because of any love for Hitchco*ck and... Listen; I realise that this might be overwhelming so... Still up for this?" Chris asked and Lincoln looked to the TV in the dining room and the news report was talking about Perdita being saved by a mysterious rescuer and she utterly refused to disclose any information as she didn't want her saviour to be targeted.

"You know what Chris... Count me in... Your advice helped out..." Lincoln said with a smile.

"That's great! Because I have the next lesson plan all set out; all about how to look cool walking away from an explosion without looking! There is even a Lonely Island song to go along with it!" Chris said as Lincoln shook his head and then ended the call.

"A new queen was here in Metropolis and she didn't have the fortune to meet me... I could have given her such helpful tips..." said Lola looking disappointed as Lana rolled her eyes.

"Isn't that the same clown that was there at Dad's restaurant?" asked Luan as they showed phone footage of Peacemaker attacking the masked criminals.

"Going to have to get used to how dangerous and exciting Metropolis is now..." Rita muttered with a sigh not too thrill about the idea entirely.

"What do you think Lincoln? You got to see this dope when he was at dad's restaurant before... You know..." Lynn Jr asked as her parents admonished her for bringing that up but Lincoln put up a hand.

"I think that... He could have merit to him..." Lincoln said and before anyone could respond Lynn Sr came in to start dishing out the dinners.

John was in his apartment and took out a deep breath while looking around his apartment that had posters of Ace Savvy, the Gray Ghost and even a poster about the World War I heroine Wonder Woman. He then got out a special device and clicked on it; the small holographic head of an obtuse man with a five o clock shadow appeared to him and John gave a salute to him. "At ease soldier; you have probably heard the news and I definitely have. What do you think of Mr Loud so far?" the man asked John.

"An eager nice young kid; would think he was perfectly normal if I wasn't... You know in the know... Are you sure that you don't want me to help put a stop to it General?" John asked and the General shook his head.

"Believe me Private; I am not too keen of Smith training a young kid to take after him... But still; Smith despite his issues is a trained fighter and... The Loud child now with the abilities of the world' most deadliest assassin; a young and impressionable superhero fanboy... With Smith's training; he could become just what Project: Peacemaker was supposed to create... Monitor them both for now and keep me posted on updates." the General told him and John nodded at once.

"You can count on me General sir!" John said with a salute.

"I know that I can Private Corben." the General told him as the hologram ended.


I know what I said last time but I wanted to put this down before the big time skip as I had this idea and I might be bending my statement about who will be in the pairing and how big it could be but don't expect Ronnie Anne in the pairing. You may recognise Perdita from the Showcase: Green Arrow short and probably more so from the Young Justice cartoon. Expect the actual time skip to the time period of the Super Hero Girls show next chapter.

Yes; you can see a case of Canon Character All Along for John the only other employee introduced so far for Action Comics. See how this goes and it will show with the liberties that I will be taken of the show story for Super Hero Girls... Hold on a second; I mentioned Wonder Woman and yet this is years in the past of where the timeline of DCSHG is where she was starting out and here I was establishing... I promise that there will be an explanation to come and Diana is still a teenager in this verse and it's not that this is not the first time that she snuck out... Wait and see...

Chapter 3: Years Later


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

green logo of an 'L' on a black background is shown before it zoomed away to show a smiling bald headed man in his 40s in a dark green business suit and with a dark purple shirt; the name card revealing him as Lex Luthor Sr the owner and founder of Lexcorp. "Progress. Innovation. Protection. These are the main principles of Lexcorp since it was founded 20 years ago by me Lex Luthor. Growing up in the worst parts of Metropolis; it showed me how ugly the world can be and with my intellect; I resolved to make it better. Along with the various minds who have come to work for Lexcorp or worked with us; we have created new defence programs to protect our country, rebuilt our homes and well as work on revolutionary medicine and procedures. All in the name of creating a world where war, poverty and disease are things of the past." Luthor said as it showed corner screens of defence missile systems, buildings being rebuilt and scientists researching bacteria.

"We also know about how we all need enjoyment in our downtime as we wait for this new better world. That's why our entertainment division works as hard as our other branches. I can let you know that famous comic book hero Warrior Angel; a personal childhood favourite of mine is getting the big screen with Lexcorp Studios producing. Not only that but this Fall; expect the enhanced from the ground up 3D remake of the hit 1990 computer game Secret of the Minotaur coming to the Lexbox games console!" Luthor said showing off teaser posters for the project.

Then it showed off Luthor with a blonde haired woman in a red dress and an 11 year old blonde haired 11 year old girl in a school uniform with a green bow. "Lexcorp cares about family." Luthor said as he and the woman his wife nodded and the girl gave a forced smile.

The Loud family were gathered at the dinner table for Saturday breakfast; almost 4-5 years since they had moved to Metropolis. Everyone managed to settle into their new lives and they tucked into their breakfast as they watched the ad on the TV. There was scoffing from Lynn Loud Jr; the eldest Loud child still living with the family at their house.

"Can you believe that Luthor guy? Guy with his bald head thinks he is so smart and wants to lord it over the entire planet! I mean honestly; starting your own company and naming it after your own first name? Can you imagine someone with such an ego?" Lynn Jr asked and there was an awkward silence and whistles from the athlete's younger siblings as she looked around with a raised eyebrow.

"You do not want the honest answer elder sister. At least with his high IQ since a young age; he never had to repeat senior year of high school as you are currently doing." Lisa ended up speaking up and Lynn Jr had her arms folded with a glare as the other siblings struggled to keep in their laughter; not wanting to face any disapproval from their parents. "I for one look to Mr Luthor as an inspiration for myself as I hope to enter employment under his company or STAR Labs when I reach employment age." Lisa then stated matter of factly.

"I would be more than happy to help you put your foot into the door since we are in the same class... If Ms Lena Luthor didn't reject my offer of friendship... Who needs that stuck up brat whose only thing going for her is daddy's money while I had been a pageant champion... I know that for certain that I would have won that first pageant when we moved here if it wasn't for that brute Otis; I know that she had him threaten and bribe the judges..." Lola then said speaking up gritting her teeth as her voice became heated as the family knew that Lena was a sore topic for Lana.

"How about you Lincoln... What do you think of the Luthors?" Lana said making the now almost 16 year old Lincoln wearing his Action Comics work uniform jump at him being brought into this conversation. Lincoln gave it a thought took a deep breath.

"Well... I don't know much about Mr Luthor or Lena... Apart from what Lena had said but... Cool that he is so smart and... I love the games on the Lexbox and I had gotten so much time after getting that copy of the original Riddle of the Minotaur and... The Warrior Angel movie sounds cool so far..." Lincoln ended up answering as the TV was now on a news report showing footage of a recent monster attack foiled by a tall strong teenager in a red and blue warrior uniform with a miniskirt and golden belt, golden armor plating, silver bands and a golden lasso.

Lincoln looked impressed at the news footage and Lynn Jr smirked as she said "careful Lincoln... Your girlfriend might get jealous if she knows about how you are looking at her?" Lincoln's cheeks went red as his sisters snickered referring to his close friendship with Zee. Lincoln grumbled a denial as they looked back at the report and how people were calling her the 2nd Wonder Woman; due to the similarities of her suit with that of the mythical heroine who helped out the US during World War I and was supposedly an Amazonian queen.

"If that first Wonder Woman existed and this new one is related to her... Do you think that it's a descendant or something?" Lynn Sr asked and everyone looked to Lincoln as the superhero expert of the family.

"Well... You never know..." Lincoln said with a shrug as he read theories online about the original Wonder Woman but no way to know for sure without asking this new one herself. Then the report was talking about the various heroes and how there was a new one; showing a mugging and a mugger being met with a figure swooping down from a grappling hook. It was a figure of a teenager wearing the Peacemaker uniform to fit but with a dark blue jacket and instead of the helmet there was a white full face mask with yellow lenses as well as the Peacemaker shield strapped to his back. The new Peacemaker was shown punching the mugger in the gut and retrieving the stolen wallet for the mugging victim.

"So is this new Peacemaker the son of the original? Can you imagine someone wanting their kid to be in this dangerous line of work?" Rita asked as Lincoln whistled nervously as he got up and got his bag.

"Well I have go get going... Chris told me that he wants us to make a display of Warrior Angel comics; take advantage of the renewed interest after that movie was announced. Love you all; bye!" Lincoln said with a whistle as he cleaned up after his sandwich breakfast before going out the door.

To the busy streets of Metropolis and he was walking among the crowd; an area closed due to Superman battle going on right now and without batting an eye and the rest of the crowd change course. These years have given him practice to the drill of these things and there was no mistaken that he was a Metropolitan now.

He made his way to the Action Comics store and got in; waving to his co-workers and looking at the time, he took the liberty of flipping the sign at the door from closed to open. "Just in time Lincoln; I have unboxed the Warrior Angel comics from the back... Chris has picked up where to put up the display." John said coming up to him with a box of comics and pointing at the display to be set up complete with a standee. Lincoln then began helping to pick up and set up the comics as through the door was a large grey haired man with glasses and a moustache along with an orange haired teenage girl Lincoln's side wearing shorts and a dark purple hooded jumper with the hood up showing bat ears.

"Hello here; just a man and his daughter having moved here from Gotham. I thought that coming here could help her find people to relate to before she goes to Metropolis High on Monday for her first day!" the man said as the girl looked embarrassed and covered her face with a hood.

"Well I can help with that; I got there myself. I'm Lincoln and welcome to Metropolis." Lincoln said trying to be friendly and went up to Barbara. "Don't worry about it; I know about dorky embarrassing dad... My dad plays the cowbell as an instrument and isn't shy about it..." Lincoln then told her as she then glanced with surprise at this.

"Wow... I don't know if I can show my face in public if my Dad did that..." Barbara told him and they then laughed at this.

"Making friends already Barbara. Call me when you need a ride home; I need to get my new office set up at the precinct." Barbara's dad then said as he then waved to them and left.

"Yeah... Dad was the police commissioner in Gotham... He got us to move here as he now has the job here in Metropolis." Barbara explained and Lincoln took this in and his eyes widened at this.

"Wow... So that was Commissioner Gordon? They say your dad was Batman's eyes and ears in the police..." Lincoln said as Barbara nodded. "So have you met him? The guy who inspired your hoodie?" Lincoln asked as Barbara shook her head.

"No but I wish that I could as he is the best! Between you and me; dad told me all about how will always appear behind him at a crime scene and disappear when he had his back turned." Barbara whispered to Lincoln who was intrigued.

"I can believe that as I think that my sister Lucy can do the same thing... Sneak up behind you like magic..." Lincoln said as he jumped as he turned and saw that there was Zee there waving to him. "Barbara... This is my best friend here Zee and this is Barbara." Lincoln introduced them as Barbara waved and Zee got out a photo poster of her that she quickly signed to which Lincoln opened his eyes.

"Well is Lincoln now making a new friend? I have known him since he moved here to Metropolis and he hasn't quite gotten his own clique yet." Zee then said as Lincoln gave her a look.

"Zee; you don't really have a clique yourself and no; I don't think fans and the audience to your shows counts." Lincoln said as Zee shrugged her shoulders. Then going to her ear he then said "plus while I am always happy to see you Zee; are you sure that you should be hear talking to me... I am certain that Chris hasn't forgotten about and is still mad at me when he found out that I let you put posters of your shows up on the walls of the store!"

Lincoln then gave her a look and Zee just gave a laugh; "Sorry Lincoln... But I couldn't help but want to see my darling favourite boy and I didn't want to wait until the lunch break or when you are off the clock so we can get to Sweet Justice." Zee then said as Lincoln sighed knowing her point.

"So glad that I have staff on board who I pay to chit chat with friends as if this was a youth spot instead of actually putting a display up like I asked them to!" called out Chris going to the area and Lincoln jumped and then nodded looking startled.

"Sorry... Chris... I will get right on it..." Lincoln muttered as all eyes were on him and Zee began muttering something underneath her breath. They then looked and saw that the display was set up instantly; Lincoln had his eyes widened but eyed Zee who just flashed him a smile and Barbara rubbed her eyes at this. "Well... Time sure flies when you are having fun doing work..." Lincoln muttered shaking his head as Zee then waved to Lincoln and passed going to the door.

"Your welcome by the way... I know it's a risk to get noticed but since I had risked you getting into trouble... Besides no one will get suspicious..." Zee then whispered to Lincoln and then exited with a wave and blowing kisses. Lincoln just smiled at her love of dramatics and theatrics.

"I think I will let you go back to work Lincoln and thanks for the talk; I will see what Batman stuff you have..." Barbara said as Chris rolled his eyes but motioned for Lincoln to come with him to the staff area.

Lincoln went to speak nervously but Chris smiled and said "let's not get into that... I saw the news and not bad for your first official Peacemaker escapade; I knew you were ready to take on the mantle and now the Quantum Unfolding Storage Area is your new headquarters... I will be here to... Well you know run the store and be your boss but also here if you need any more of my experienced wisdom and guidance..." Chris told him and Lincoln then smiled at the praise.

He then looked at Barbara excitedly looking at the Batman comics and Chris sighed when he saw what Lincoln was looking at; still Lincoln thought that Zee was right that he didn't exactly have the same kind of friend group he had in Royal Woods. True he was still in contact with especially Ronnie Anne and Clyde but it was mostly Zee. He did get along great with classmates such as Barry Allen and there was no one there that he had a lot of problems with. Maybe he should be opening up his friend horizon while also thinking of his new official superhero career...


Yes Lena is instead of Lex's sister; is his daughter in this universe with him an older adult here.

Chapter 4: Secret Origin of Super Friends part 1


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

OST:Born Readyby Dove Cameron

Soon it came to the following Monday and Lincoln whistled to himself as he was driving the younger siblings as well as Lynn Jr and himself to their respective schools: Lily, Lisa, Lana and Lola to the elementary school, Lucy to the middle school and finally him and Lynn Jr to the high school. Lincoln got his keys and backpack ready as Lynn Jr grumbled getting out of the van that had replaced Vanzilla finally as the family vehicle; Lincoln helping to drive the siblings to school and back with his lessons permit.

"This is not fair; why do I have to be driven by Stinkcoln... I am a legal adult... I should be allowed to drive..." Lynn Jr grumbled as Lincoln rolled his eyes as he stepped out and then locked the car.

"Not according the judge; until and I quote... 'Until Hell freezes over...' for what legally binding that it is... I checked and the DMV still has your poster banning you from the premises in their windows, you made the the news when you were driving on the sidewalk and recklessly on the road... Plus when you had that game of chicken with a getaway truck, the crash totalled Vanzilla to the point of no return... I still remember that big meal Dad had to treat the police, the DA and the people who were nearly caught to lessen the charges... That included the driving instructor you were supposed to be taking the test under..." Lincoln reminded her shaking his head as the event was something; somehow Lynn found a way to fail her first and only driving practice so spectacularly and not even LENI had screwed it up that bad.

At least she managed to make it to the tests themselves and she didn't cause the van that was in the family for 3 coming onto 4 generations to be destroyed. At least none of Leni's failed driving attempts made the news in the small town and yet Lynn managed it in a big city.

"AHHHH! Why don't you and the universe stop bringing that up!" Lynn Jr screamed and Lincoln rolled his eyes as she was inviting that with her rant. They got to the sidewalk outside of the school gate when they found Barbara outside her dad's car with Gordon talking to her.

"You will find your own clique Pumpkin Pants and here is your new friend Lincoln! You will have your clique in no time!" Gordon assured her and drove off as Barbara looked at Lincoln and waved but Lynn Jr bursted into laughter.

"Pumpkin Pants? I can see from the hoodie that she's a Bat nerd; How does she even walk out of her home when her dad calls her that?" laughed Lynn Jr as Lincoln glared at her with a sigh.

"Barbara; this is my sister Lynn... Don't worry she isn't in our year and stay away from her and you will be fine." Lincoln told Barbara and Lynn Jr was calming down when they noticed a blonde haired tall strong looking girl telling what appeared to be her parents that she didn't know why she was being punished for something that she didn't do.

The parents put 'air quotes' around her not doing it and said to think of it as an adventure to be the best Kara that she can be and to learn impulse control. "I think that there was word that another girl called Kara that made the news in Smallville was joining our class as well... So you won't be alone in being in a new school in a new city!" Lincoln told Barbara encouragingly as Lynn Jr glanced at Kara.

"You know... I heard that she destroyed the school and she looks like the thug type; tell me if she messes with you and let your big sis take care of her for you my baby bro!" Lynn Jr told Lincoln slapping him on the back with a grin as Lincoln glared at her for being so patronising as if he was 11 years old again. Then they noticed Kara angrily unch the car causing it to be thrown up before going back down in it's normal position.

Lincoln snickered and said "you know what Lynn... Please try feel free if you think that you want to start something with her..." Lynn Jr looked scared but Barbara looked actually bewildered.

Then the school bus came up besides them and out came students and tripping down was a small black girl in a big yellow sweater with a heavy back causing parts to fall out. "Hello! I'm Babs and this is my first day..." Barbara greeted the girl with a smile as she and Lincoln helped her get her things in her bag and Barbara noticed a big gauntlet that the girl took and hurried into the school looking anxious.

"Don't worry about Karen; she is quite shy and doesn't like being noticed." Lincoln then explained to Barbara who looked confused at what she had just saw.

"Did you notice the gauntlet arm thingy?" Barbara asked as Lincoln and Lynn Jr shrugged. "How could you be shrugging like that?" Barbara asked wide eyed as Lincoln laughed.

"It's just that it isn't unusual to us; I think Karen has a high IQ just like our sister Lisa who has been inventing since practically our parents took her home from the hospital." Lincoln explained as Lynn Jr looked bored. Then from behind Lincoln had his eyes covered and behind him there was Zee smirking.

"I hope that you are not too busy introducing Barbara around that you won't notice myself having arrived." Zee told Lincoln and waved to Barbara who waved back and Lynn Jr grumbled as she started going to the steps.

"I just realised that I have nothing to gain from standing here and watch you expain your class. See ya Lincoln." Lynn Jr said as Zee waved goodbye to her dad who was at his limo.

Zatara brought out her backpack saying that she had forgotten it; Barbara's eyes widened as she noticed Zee now holding it from her position. "Have a good day Zee and you too Lincoln!" Zatara waved to them as they started walking in and Barbara looked freaked out.

"Did you see that? With the backpack..." Barbara asked as Lincoln's eyes widened realising that Barbara had noticed the little magic display and began thinking of a way to try and steer her away from the line of conversation.

"I mean... Zee's dad has a fast throw; another magic specialty since he is a magician!" Lincoln said thinking of the fly trying to hide that his best friend in Metropolis had actual magical powers. Try not to draw too much attention to how real Zee's magic was. Barbara didn't look convinced as they walked in together.

Inside the halls Barbara looked at her class schedule and Lincoln looked at it; "I have English first as well Babs; how about we catch you later Zee!" Lincoln said as Zee waved goodbye to them as they walked to their classes through the halls.

"Okay; good luck... Babs and I will see you both later! Toodles!" Zee said as she waved goodbye to them. Barbara looked around and saw the different types of students but noticed a Hispanic girl in green clothes with a bandana talking to a tall strong redhaired boy with orange hair. Lincoln kept on watching as Barbara stood.

"I don't want it Guy; the Corps' methods are too extreme..." the girl told the boy trying to give a ring and they then noticed Barbara who pretended to be opening a locker.

"No Jess; the ring chose you..." the boy called Guy said as the girl had a green ring in her hand and Guy was wearing a similar one. Lincoln then noticed Barbara was standing there and she ran to him.

"I see you noticed Guy Gardner; captain of the football team and kind of fits the bill for an idiot jock. Plus Jessica Cruz the eco-activist who runs a column in our school paper. Jessica is alright but Guy... Better stay away from him..." Lincoln said as they went to their English class.

Soon as Barbara went through her classes okay; it was time for lunch and Lincoln with his tray motioned for Barbara to come follow him as he went to sit with Zee. Barbara nodded but sat at a nearby far away as she looked and saw Jessica at her table braiding a girl's hair, Karen reading while eating her spaghetti and meatballs (which Barbara also had), Kara sleeping with feet on the table and Zee texting while Lincoln next to her was already eating his meatballs.

"Let's do this Metropolis High!" Barbara said to herself as her spaghetti was thrown right at Kara's face and she got up angrily and noticed Karen eating hers while Barbara was making herself look inconspicuous by drinking her juice box. A burger was thrown at Karen's head knocking her down and Karen and the boy with her went to hide as Kara's other burger was thrown as well.

Lincoln's eyes widened and Jessica jumped in to use her tray to throw the burger away shouting "leave her alone you big bully!" Then Jessica' eyes widened and Lincoln sat in fear as he heard Zee state her hair. Lincoln saw that the burger was thrown at Zee's hair and Lincoln gulped knowing how much Zee valued looking her best.

"Zee... It was an accident... Please..." Lincoln tried to plead with her but it fell on deaf ears as Zee shouted out about her hair and a milk box was thrown and some more food was being thrown. "What to do... What can happen now..." Lincoln muttered as Barbara then jumped onto a table and shouted out about it being a food fight. "I walked into that one..." Lincoln facepalmed.

Lincoln then nervously looked around and thought that he should try and keep the peace; he then got his tray and began using it as a shield for him and Zee with her looking grateful at that. "Can we not... Should we please try and give peace a chance please everyone..." Lincoln asked knowing that it wasn't like a Loud family food fight where the parents knew it was in good fun; they could get into trouble for this at the school. A burger was thrown at Lincoln's head and he heard Lynn Jr's laughing. "Don't let her provoke you Lincoln..." Lincoln told him self but then he heard her say catch and he turned around and caught a meatball and Lynn Jr who was enjoying herself looked as if she was in softball and someone had thrown a ball she had batted out of the field.

Lincoln looked at her and something came to mind:

In the Quantum Unfolding Storage Area; Chris had set up different targets and he had given 13 year old Lincoln a bunch of baseballs. "Pretend that these targets are drugs or weapons stashes and you are throwing grenades or if you would prefer; pretend you are throwing set off bombs to areas where they can't do any damage." Chris told Lincoln as Lincoln picked up one of the baseballs and began aiming...

Lincoln grabbed some meatballs from an abandoned plate on a nearby table and was throwing them at Lynn Jr's back as she was running away. Barbara's eyes widened as she noticed this as well as Lincoln using the tray as a shield. "So you have surprises as well Lincoln..." Barbara grinned as she jumped at Lincoln to drag him into a brawl.

"You leave Lincoln alone!" Zee yelled jumping at Barbara and it was then when going by was none other than Principal Mr Chapin who yelled and got everyone to stop. Lincoln, Zee, Barbara, Karen, Kara and Jessica were in a bundle and everyone else was pointing to them.

"Going to have to explain how I got caught into this to my parents and I'm the Peacemaker now; can't even stop a food fight, much less wars..." Lincoln thought was Mr Chapin marched them right into the detention room as the 6 looked upset and or angry except for an excited Barbara.

They sat down and Zee said with a glare "you 4 will be hearing from my attorneys; my daddy has some good ones who will represent me and Lincoln!"

"You threw more potatoes than the rest of us while you had your boyfriend shielding you!" Kara snapped at Zee who got angry at the comment but her and Lincoln's cheeks went red making Kara laugh.

"Please; violence doesn't solve anything..." pleaded Jessica as Karen looked nervous.

"Sorry if I offended anyone..." whispered Karen and the door opened and a police officer told Mr Chapin that they found someone wandering the street and Mr Chapin said to wait there until he found out her homeroom. Then entered a figure in a cloak with the hood up as the door closed.

She then took the cloak off and everyone was in awe and Barbara had wide excited eyes as it was the new Wonder Woman who hung the cloak up before going to sit down.

"Is that..." Jessica muttered and Zee muttered that she was gorgeous.

Lincoln looked at her was she sat down nervously; "So... Wonder Woman isn't it? I'm a big fan of how you took those monsters down and... You see... I know there may be someone who dressed like you during the first World War and... Any relation?" Lincoln decided to ask and Zee looked at Lincoln for THAT being what he first said to her.

"You are referring to my mother Queen Hippoltya of Themyscira; she was made aware of the Great War in Man's World and donned the regalia and weapons necessary to venture out as an ambassador of peace for my people. I now wear this to pick up where she left off! I am Princess Diana of the Amazons!" Wonder Woman told Lincoln politely as he was in awe.

"You are instantly convinced nerd boy; I am sure this is some cosplay girl..." Kara spoke as Wonder Woman went to confront Kara. "I bet you can't even fight..." Kara said as Lincoln groaned and got up.

"We are in trouble as it is and I would prefer not to have a suspension on my record..." Lincoln pleaded as Wonder Woman offered Kara first strike. Kara tossed Lincoln aside getting Zee's attention as she helped him up; Karen was still freaked out and Jessica was looking sadly as Wonder Woman dodged punches from Kara who kicked her back.

Kara was throwing punches at Wonder Woman who kept dodging making Kara angrier; Kara ended up punching Wonder Woman through the wall as everyone was in shock. Kara was in shock and asked if she was alright as Wonder Woman went to tackle her. Barbara was in awe as everyone else was watching them fight.

"You know what..." Lincoln muttered getting his backpack and jumping through the hole. Zee didn't notice as she was watching the fight with a sight.

"Enough! Fighting is never the answer!" Jessica yelled her ring to summon a green construct of a spring to send her back.

"You know what? I agree about there being enough fighting here." Peacemaker said getting in between Kara and Diana having avoided the punches they were throwing as Peacemaker jumped down with his shield and Barbara was open mouthed.

"Wait? You are that new Peacemaker... That other one was some villain with a silly helmet..." Jessica muttered unexpectedly as Peacemaker coughed.

"Superhero actually but I see the confusion as he can be quite aggressive... He was my mentor and gave me the title so now I fight for peace; no matter how many people that I have to beat up to get it!" Peacemaker told her and Jessica just looked put off. Karen was putting some bulky bits of yellow armor that allwoed her to shrink down to fly size and try flying away.

Zee was getting a wand out to put everything back into place...

Mr Chapin went in to check and saw the 7 teenagers sitting down with forced smiles and everything fixed; Lincoln changed back into his normal clothes. Mr Chapin then left. "Wait... Where has the nerd been when that Peace guy was here... With the mask like that Spider-Man knock off from Invincible... Not that I like the nerd stuff; just watch it for the cool violent fight scenes..." Kara muttered as Lincoln was excited.

"You watch the show as well? I have a fan forum and John one of my co-workers showed me the comics..." Lincoln said as Zee's eyes widened as she realised what had happened.

"Hold on Lincoln... You're that new Peacemaker... Wait.. You were trained by him to be a new one? How? What? Why?" Zee shouted out with a gasp and Lincoln groaned realising that the jig was up as eyes were on him. "How could you even be... You are usually at home, hanging up with me or working at the comic shop... Wait did that Peacemaker guy work there? Why are you even involved with him? You know that he helped send you to the hospital when we first met!" Zee shouted out at Lincoln who sighed sadly as he saw hurt in Zee's face that he would hide this from her.

"I can explain later..." Lincoln muttered as Barbara jumped up and excitedly pointed to everyone as she was facing them all.

"I knew it! When Kara here dented that car, when Karen spilled those metal thingies, Zee had her backpack suddenly and Lincoln's excuse about her dad throwing it didn't fly with me, Jessica there talking to that cute football boy about a ring and I decided to start the food fight for us to get detention together so you all can be riled up and rveeal that you are super, Wonder Woman showed up which I didn't plan and it was a huge bonus and Lincoln was another last surprise as I saw him act as a soldier during the food fight and he used the tray like a shield and throwing the meatballs with precision! Now to find out he is that new Peacemaker guy and I think that it's neat!" Barbara said as they looked at her in wide eye.

"You INTENTIONALLY started the food fight and got us here... What the hell Babs... You think that I'm neat... Well thanks Babs..." Lincoln said as Zee gave him a look and he looked sheepish. "Sorry I didn't tell you Zee..." Lincoln muttered and Zee shook her head.

"You have been trained by some weirdo to become like him? Why did he even want to train you so you could put yourself at risk as you don't have powers..." Zee said as Lincoln coughed.

"Well the cats out of the bag... You remember that Deathstroke was there... Well... It turned out that he was the guy who donated his blood for my transfusion... Pretty sure he didn't do it in his costume but still... . Apparently his fame comes from his skill and a serum he was given and now the serum is in my blood..." Lincoln muttered and Zee was silently open mouthed and everyone looked at him suddenly.

"Wow Lincoln... You have to tell me the rest as it sounds like your origin story is Ah-MAZE-Zing!" Barbara shouted out in awe. Barbara then showed form her backpack a purple Batman like uniform and Lincoln's eyes widened as he recognised it from research onto Gotham hero business. "You are here with the one and only Batgirl!" Barbara said as Wonder Woman embraced Barbara.

"Huzzah! A sister in arms! I have never dreamed to encounter a warrior spirit as I enter Man's World!" Wonder Woman said as Barbara jumped out of her grip and pointed to everyone else.

"Make that 5 sisters and a brother!" Barbara corrected her and they all stared and Lincoln looked excited at the idea.

"Well... I think that 10 sisters was enough for me but I get what you mean Barbara..." Lincoln then said as Kara looked at him.

"10 sisters? You must be joking..." Kara muttered as Zee shook her head.

"Believe me; he does and I saw for myself when I met all 10 at them at the hospital..." Zee said and she shook her head. "But I am an arteest and not really wanting to be one of those costumed vigilantes even if they do look fabulous... That is more Lincoln's thing..." Zee then said as Lincoln sighed knowing that she probably wouldn't be for it.

"Plus I'm out as well; I use my powers and I get into trouble..." Kara said folding her arms.

"I am not really the hero type..." Karen muttered.

"I don't believe in violence at all and I never wanted this ring..." Jessica said as Wonder Woman looked at them.

"Are you really running away from destiny? From a calling to use your gifts to protect the safety of the world!" Wonder Woman said seriously as Barbara looked encouragly at everyone.

"Come on everyone; especially you Zee as how could you say no to fighting crime with your bestie as you tackle secret identities and lairs!" Barbara said as Zee looked like bringing up Lincoln made her falter.

"Still... Secret identities involves connivingly pass as a normal teen and Diana here..." Zee said looking at Wonder Woman and Lincoln realised her point as Wonder Woman didn't look like she was trying too much to act like a normal teenager since coming there.

"How about we give being a team a teensy try, Diana here helps us be heroes and we give her a makeover!" Barbara offered.

"You already had me..." Lincoln said jumping over his desk as Zee sighed.

"To support my bestie and keep him out of trouble while planning to get details from him later and how can I say no to a makeover?" Zee then said.

"If you are all here then I guess I can..." Karen said coming over and Jessica joined them.

"Okay to encourage and support Karen's brave decision. Plus I am curious as to how Lincoln tries to implement the ideology of peace through violence even if I am having trouble with the idea." Jessica said with a smile looking to Karen and then to Lincoln who shrugged knowing that it sounded weird when said out loud. They all looked to Kara.

"Whatev... Fine for your little idea of us being super friends or whatever..." Kara relented getting up and going to them and Barbara pulled them together.


Inspired by a suggestion by 1_true_believer_3000 on AO3... Kind of... Sort of... I replaced Hal's role from the show with Guy Gardner who is a bit more appropriate as the man man on campus whose the GL that's kind of an A-hole... Okay more than Hal anyway... SO thanks for the idea and I am open to suggestions please. Plus yes; Hippolyta was the original Wonder Woman in this universe (as she had served as Wonder Woman at times in the comics) and here Diana ages like a normal human until well into adulthood.

Born Readyfrom Marvel Rising instead ofSuper Lifeis the theme song of this fic as I think it needed a couple of listens to and me recently discovering the full version for it to grow on me.

Chapter 5: Secret Origin of Super Friends part 2


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Yes Mum... Don't worry about it... I will be more careful from now on... I didn't start the food fight and I wanted to try and stop it but Lynn got in and... We all made up in detention and we are hanging out like that old movie the Breakfast Club... I know it's not ideal and I have now fully kind of befriended the girl that intentionally started it and... Thanks; see you later and I love you and Dad as well. See you later!" Lincoln was on the phone with his mother explaining the situation of what happened that day as he was sitting at the clothing store where the rest of the girls were picking out clothes for Diana. He had already called his Dad and Lincoln had to drive him and Lynn Jr to Lynn's Table so that his dad could take the van and to pick up the rest of the sisters but off course he had phoned Rita as well. Plus Lincoln had to call Chris and say he was on 'superhero business' which was technically true.

Diana noticed and went up to Lincoln while holding up the pile of clothes; "Is that your mother? What witch cursed your mother to be in some sort of handheld object; I will hunt them down and make then turn her back!" swore Diana as Lincoln looked at how into her words and seriously Diana was speaking but Barbara laughed as she showed Diana her own phone.

"No Diana; it's his phone and pretty much the most important thing to a teen's life! It holds practically all info known to man, takes and keeps your pictures and communicates with loved ones via text and social media!" Barbara said showing off scrolling on her phone.

"Plus it can play music and I have my own superhero playlist put together..." Lincoln said putting in earphones and getting up. "Somebody save me, let your warm hands break right through..." Lincoln sang showing off his dance moves as the girls just watched.

"This is normal in man's world?" Diana asked as Zee shook her head with a sigh.

"I want to make fun of him for this but he had made it too easy and it wouldn't bring me any satisfaction..." Kara muttered.

Zee went up to Lincoln and got his earphones out; "How about you help out with picking out Diana's style! It will be fun Lincoln; show your artistic side for Diana's style!" Zee said as Lincoln grimaced shaking his head.

"Zee; I know you love these kind of things like fashion but... Speaking as a boy who grew up with 10 sisters; I have had to go clothes shopping with them more times than I can count and never once could I describe any of those times as 'fun'." Lincoln said gently as Zee giggled and the girls looked amused.

"Let me guess; your sisters used you as their own dress up doll?" Kara asked amused as Lincoln reluctantly nodded.

"You don't mind when I have us try on magician outfits." Zee said as Barbara had Diana go to the changing room with the clothes. She stepped out in a mish match of different styles.

"Lori and Leni would be dead with heart attacks if they saw this..." Lincoln said as Zee got out her wand shaking her head.

"Let's not torture this girl any further..." Zee said and then used a spell and Diana's outfit changed to an amazing blue top and red skirt and they all nodded at this. "You will fit right in now! Diana Prince; exchange student from Greece!" Zee said as Diana looked over herself as Barbara was excited and nodded.

Diana then said "now; my turn..."

They were now on top of a building and Wonder Woman in her warrior attire again was facing the other girls and said "If we are to be a team then we need to learn our skills, abilities and weaknesses!" Lincoln then climbed up onto the roof with a grappling hook as he was finishing putting on his mask. "You! Name, rank and abilities!" Wonder Woman said to Peacemaker and he straightened himself and was in line with everyone else.

"Well; Lincoln Loud and as said I am Peacemaker! Years ago I got a blood transfusion from the most dangerous mercenary in the world who had a serum and I have it too! I am now extra strong, fast, agile, my brain can react to images and information faster and I was trained by the previous Peacemaker to carry on his name as he is now retired. I also have other gadgets he had but most of them are back at his old lair and I mostly just use this shield." Peacemaker then said showing off his shield.

"So your mentor must have been a season hardened experienced warrior." Wonder Woman said as Lincoln looked nervous as eyes were on him.

Peacemaker then muttered "Well... He had his quirks and his training could be... Well..."

In the training area within 6 months of training; Lincoln looked at the shooting area where Chris had put up stuffed animals. Lincoln looked at gun he was given and shook his head saying "I don't know Chris... What purpose does it serve to fire at them? Even if I wasn't comfortable with using guns or killing..."

"I am training you to not only fight but be ready to make the hard decisions when the time comes; you should be ready to kill an animal if it will mean peace!" Chris told him sternly as Lincoln looked wide eyed.

"What scenario would that ever be the case?" Lincoln asked slowly as Chris thought it over.

"You don't know what that dog has done; it may look innocent but... Maybe it's the reincarnation of Hitler! I read that he loved dogs so maybe he came back as one!" Chris told him as Lincoln was open mouthed.

"I am trying not to second guess my decision to go through with this mentorship but you make it so easy to do so..." Lincoln muttered as Chris thought it over.

"Okay... Look at it this way... Maybe these animals have a disease and you have to fire the cure at them! Save their lives and there is no time to run to them!" Chris said as Lincoln just sighed.

"How old were you when he was trying to teach you to kill animals..." Jessica asked slowly in a horrified voice as the others looked uneasy and Zee was exasperated.

"You have been under the tutelage of a nutjob and we will be having a long talk about this later!" Zee warned him and Lincoln gulped as Wonder Woman went up to Peacemaker and he managed to block a kick with his shield and he grinned but Wonder Woman sweeped his leg and the girls helped him up with a grunt.

"Should not get co*cky but onto the next one." Wonder WOman said as she then pointed to Jessica.

Jessica nervously showed her ring and said "Well... I'm Jess and I was chosen by something called the Green Lantern Corp... An organisation of space cops; our leaders are these immortal Smurfs on a planet called Oa and we patrol different sectors... It's complicated... I can make things with this ring..." Jessica then created a construct and they looked impressed and Barbara had her do various things to turn the construct over.

"Wait... Those other Green Lanterns... The black and white guys... They come from this Corps as well?" Peacemaker asked excited as Jessica nodded at once and he had a thousand more questions that he was keeping at bay. "With this... You could create anything you need to beat up the bad guys..." Peacemaker muttered as Jessica sighed.

"I don't believe in violence but in theory yes..." Jessica said as Wonder Woman called it admirable and asked how would she like to be known. "Well... Green Lantern just comes with the ring but with the others..." Jessica thought and Peacemaker thought of something quickly.

"How about Limelight?" Peacemaker asked looking at some of Jessica' clothes being of a lime green and the light constructs from her ring.

"Like the name... So yes Limelight..." Jessica said and then summoned a black and green bodysuit with a lantern shape symbol on a white circle along with white gloves and the symbol over her eye. Wonder Woman looked to Barbara who excitedly got out her stuff and changed into her Batgirl suit.

"I have all these gadgets that I made... I was close to being noticed by Batman but that twerp Robin showed up and..." Barbara said and Wonder Woman said that she lacked focus. Wonder Woman looked to Zee who quickly changed into her stage magician's outfit and said that she can be called Zatanna and Peacemaker smiled as Zee said before that she wanted that to ber her official stage name when she was older.

Zatanna showed her magic and Lincoln smiled at her; "She can do almost anything and it's all real... Unlike my legit stage magic; found out by accident when we got our magic books all mixed up. Zee had to rush back to my room and save me as I accidentally summoned a ten headed goat demon." Peacemaker then said as Zatanna looked sheepish and patted him on the back.

"You are a perfect partner and friend for me Lincoln!" Zatanna told him and Lincoln was red in the face.

"Your magic is incredible but it should be channeled into a cause and think of another outfit as it's not practical!" Wonder Woman told her and Zatanna looked outraged and Peacemaker sighed knowing that she would not like it. Batgirl suggested suggested a cape to her.

Wonder Woman looked to Karen in her full bee armored suit; Karen nervously tried acitvating it but shrank and was floating in the air and went to Wonder Woman's finger. "I am working on rocket launchers but they never work... This was supposed to make me big and strong but the growth tech backfired and I'm now smaller and more unnoticable than ever before when I use my suit's capabilities!" Karen sighed as Wonder Woman smiled at her.

"You need to focus on your inner strength as your confidence is your weakness little mighty bumblebee!" Wonder Woman said as Karen wasn't sure about the name as Wonder Woman went to Kara. "I have seen your incredible strength and what else can you do?" Wonder Woman asked Kara with her arms folded.

"I am no hero; that racket is for chumps!" Kara said as she got looks from Peacemaker and Batgirl. Wonder Woman suggested motivation as she then took Batgirl and then threw her flyign into the air with her screaming.

"Okay... I think you have lost your mind..." Peacemaker muttered as they screamed and Kara at once quickly revealed an 'S' shield from her clothes and then flew at super speed into the air and caught Batgirl. She went back to them in red boots, a red skirt and a blue top with the shield and cape. They were in awe open mouthed.

"Okay... I'm a superhero... Supergirl... You know the other guy... That's my cousin... No big deal..." Kara muttered as Peacemaker started laughing and he got looks.

"Sorry... This morning; Lynn saw you and thought that she could take her on in a fight... Now that I know that she was doing that to Superman's cousin..." Peacemaker muttered and Zatanna looked amused. They didn't notice that a drone was overhead spying on them.

"I conjured up a new outfit so that you could sneak us into your work Lincoln?" muttered Zatanna in her new outfit like a mystical superhero as Peacemaker had them sneak out to the back alley of Action Comics and he showed them through the back door.

"Peacemaker please when we are in the suits Zee... I mean Zatanna and I thought this could help us train... Trust me as there is a secret staff area to use..." Peacemaker muttered as Limelight looked and saw Eagly in his cage and went to pet him Peacemaker held his hand to him. "Please be quiet Eagly... I would rather Chris not know about this now... Yeah this is my boss Chris' pet Eagly..." Peacemaker explained and they looked dumbfounded.

"Wow... Your boss is a real creative one..." Supergirl muttered sarcastically as Peacemaker went to the storage closet and then revealed the keypad to put into the code. "What is..." Supergirl asked as Peacemaker opene dthe door to reveal the insides and they were silenced.

"You lot look like you have never seen a Quantum Unfolding Storage Area before." Peacemaker said with a smirk and he showed them inside. "There is a training area and watch where the gadgets and momentos are stored... The helmets have special abilities to them and I just went with the mask because they were more heavy to me than needed... In case we need them, we have rocket launchers, bombs, a jet pack that I haven't used yet..." Peacemaker explained as Batgirl was thrilled.

"How long has this place been here..." Zatanna muttered as Bumblebee looked to the gadgets and no one noticed at the door peaking in was John looking seriously.

In a secret area an obtuse Korean man with a five o clock shadow, a work shirt with a collar was sitting down overlooking the footage from the drone. He then answered a device to see a hologram of John's head. "You may know already General but Lincoln seems to have found new friends along with his own one to form their own super team. I thought that there was something funny about him setting up that Warrior Angel so quick when Chris found us. If you want sir then I can have it shut down." John told the General and he put his hands together and shook his head.

"Let this play out... For now... A team of fellow young heroes may help the new Peacemaker grow and him being close to a Green Lantern, a Kryptonian, the new Wonder Woman and others who might be more than mere mortals... Could be useful... Play dumb for now and let's wait and see..." the General ordered and John nodded at once.

They all began their training with Peacemaker and Wonder Woman running through the obstacle course that had huddles, climbing bars and a climbing wall and Peacemaker was able to keep up but she was still faster with everyone nodding. Batgirl then tried it after they were done and was not bad at it.

At the shooting range the normal targets was up and Limelight was struggling to be willing to throw blasts and Bumblebee was nervously shooting at all directions with her blasts.

At a section where there were doll hostages with robots guarding them; Zatanna was up in the air and sent purple magic against it and then summoned purple glowing hands to clap and she blew kisses but everyone stared... "Oh no... Sorry..." Zatanna muttered upon realising that she had blown up the hostage dolls as well.

Supergirl and Wonder Woman were sparring with Supergirl struggling with her anger and Peacemaker noticed that Batgirl couldn't help but try on a helmet and messing about. "Batgirl... That's the human torpedo... I never even touched that one..." Peacemaker yelled as Batgirl was screamed as she was sent flying through the air.

"Nothing like a refreshing time at the spa..." Lincoln muttered with a sigh as they all in civilian clothes went out of the spa as it was getting dark. Kara looked at Lincoln with wide eyes and Zee smiled.

"That's why you were always my favourite guy besides daddy... You don't mind a day at the spa!" Zee said and they shared a laugh.

"This has been fun hanging out hasn't it Diana... Not sure about the training parts as of yet but still... I can see us being one close friend group!" Jessica said as Diana gave an optimistic look.

"This has been enjoyable..." Diana admitted as Lincoln and Barbara grinned.

"I have my pack, my clique now..." Barbara beamed and Lincoln patted her on the back.

"I have a whole friend group in Metropolis now..." Lincoln smiled and then pointed to where the amusem*nt fair is. "Let's show Diana and Babs the best rides in Metropolis..." Lincoln said as they teenagers started running but they didn't know that there were robots in waiting nearby with glowing eyes...


I have decided to be flexible in the pairing ideas and I am welcome to suggestions but no adults with Lincoln and still no with Karen and Diana who will be sister figures for him. Plus as said here; Hal Jordan and John Stewart are the main adult GLs and are established known heroes in this verse.

Chapter 6: Secret Origin of Super Friends part 3

Chapter Text

The 7 new friends left the pier amusem*nt park after some exciting time at amusing themselves. "To think that winning such challenges would grant you the prize of an inanimate animal. The poor person tending to the challenge looked like he was gutted after I had broken his fragile challenge." Diana spoke holding a big soft toy of an animal that she had won from a test of strength battle.

"Yeah well... I have done that myself when I went to a carnival." Kara laughed and patted Diana on the back and Diana suddenly looked tense as Kara sighed. "Chill... It's a show of friendship..." Kara told her as Diana was puzzled.

"Hitting your friends is normal? Plus I still don't understand why Zee didn't want us to go onto that Tunnel of Love; don't we all wan tto show our love for another?" Diana asked as they chuckled with amusem*nt.

"The other kind of love Diana; the one where you want to give to your special someone. Say if you have someone in mind that you wish to one day ride with." Zee explained and gave a quick side glance to Lincoln.

"So for one last thing before we go home as I have a curfew and if no one in my family sees me get home... Then well..." Lincoln then brought up as Zee grinned.

"How about... A meal to commemorate this friendship!" suggested Zee and soon they were on the outside of the Big Belly Burger restaurant.

"This is the place for the best burgers in town; even my dad tried as he might couldn't compete with his own burger recipes!" Lincoln said as they went to the counter where there was a smiling blonde haired teen taking orders while talking a thousand words a minute. "HIYA BARRY!" all but Kara, Barbara and Diana greeted the teen. "Barry not only works here but is the best customer as well! I have seen him down at least 10 burgers in under a minute. I would be surprised if his paycheck doesn't all go back to this place or if he doesn't just get paid in burgers." Lincoln explained to Barbara and Diana as they looked at the menu and Barbara gasped.

"They serve frosting treats here!" Barbara asked with glee and soon they were sitting down with their orders as most had burgers but Zee had a milkshake along with Barbara, Jessica had a veggie burger and Diana looked at the burger that was ordered for her and thought that she was tasting happiness as she wolfed it down like how Kara was doing.

"Wow... Remind me of Lynn there..." Lincoln snickered along with Zee there. "So Babs; looks like we have our crew here..." Lincoln said as Barbara grinned and brought them all together and took a picture of them all together with her phone.

"Super best friends forever selfie!" Barbara squealed as they laughed together but then there was stomping on the ground which had them pause and everyone else started evacuating screaming.

"Dude... I think there's a Xena cosplayers convention outside!" yelled someone and the 7 took a look at eachother before going off. They found what looked like an army of tall strong muscular women standing tall and at the front was one with a fur cloak looking stern with a big golden tiara on her head.

"Wait... I think I have seen her before..." Lincoln muttered taking out his phone and looking up photos of World War I Wonder Woman posters and the sketches looked like her only with Diana's warrior outfit. "Is that..." Lincoln asked as Diana looked worried.

"Sisters... Brother... Meet my mother... Queen Hippolyta of Themyscira..." Diana said as Lincoln excitedly went up to Hippolyta and took her hand.

"You're the OG Wonder Woman? That is so cool! I am such a huge fan! Can I have your autograph please... Dang it; I left my notebook at home..." Lincoln groaned as they all stared and Zee went and grabbed his arm to pull him away.

"Sorry your highness; forgive my friend here as he tends to get excited... I love your look by the way; looks fierce and regal!" Zee told her with a smile as Diana had her head down and they noticed.

"Diana... When you said that you came here to be an ambassador... You did this without your mother's permission or knowledge... Didn't you?" Jessica asked as Diana sighed.

"Diana of Themyscira! By all that is... Do you know how worried I was and saw that old regalia and the Lasso of Truth missing... Of all the idiotic things that you could have done..." Hippolyta yelled as they watched.

"I only wanted to help mother; be like you... I have found friends that share the same goal in fighting for peace..." Diana said as Hippolyta sighed as she put up a hand to silence her as they felt tense.

"Diana; you would only see what I saw when I foolishly thought that I could bring peace to man's world but they never change... That Great War showed the ugliness and it wasn't long before they started another war... They will only destroy themselves with all the fighting..." Hippolyta said sternly as they watched.

"Should we say something..." Lincoln muttered uncomfortable.

"Well... If her experience here was World War I then..." Jessica muttered as Kara groaned.

"Who are you to judge us your majesty? You stay on your... Whatever Themy whatev is and feel fit to pass judgement..." Kara then shouted getting up into Hippoltya's face and shoving her as they all gasped. Hippoltya looked at her.

"I see that you have associated yourself with bad influences." Hippoltya stated as Kara blinked and then went to punch her but she quickly caught it and then sent her back. Diana sighed as she followed Hippoltya and the amazons left.

"What was that? Pick the fight with an admittingly fabulous looking warrior queen!" Zee asked Kara incredulously as Lincoln watched them leave and Barbara ran after them but some of the amazons pointed their spears at her and Diana motioned to Barbara sadly to leave her be. Barba went to her knees.

"At least I was doing something; unlike you who just sat there and it's not like your boyfriend there made things easy at the beginning acting like a stupid fanboy!" Kara snapped as Zee was open mouthed and Lincoln watched.

"I dare you to insult Lincoln one more time; it will be the last thing that you will ever do as I magically remove your mouth!" Zee snapped at them as Lincoln and Jessica tried to separate them.

"Please no fighting; this is what the Queen said as fighting only brings out the ugliness of our world!" Jessica said as Kara shoved her aside.

"You just sat there and could have stopped them with a wave of your stupid ring but you're too much of a coward... She is only moreso!" Kara screamed pointing to Karen who jumped nervously.

"I was right... Fighting brings disaster... Jessica sighed looking away.

"Trying to be heroes was a chumps move..." Kara snapped starting to walk away with Jessica.

"Sorry everyone but we did try..." Karen sighed with her head down and walked away.

"I didn't want to do this anyway... Sorry Lincoln but this is not for me; I won't tell anyone about what you do but I will stick with the stage..." Zee sighed apologetically to Lincoln and walked away as Lincoln looked friendly.

"So much for us being a crew..." Lincoln muttered as he then heard tears and looked and saw Barbara crying while on her knees.

"I hoped we could be heroes together... As well as friends... Dad was wrong; I couldn't find my clique..." Barbara muttered as Lincoln helped her up and thought about it.

He then made a decision and then yelled out "STOP!" They looked at him and looked at Lincoln who looked serious. "Listen... I know things didn't start out well and they got better only to get worse but... Are we sure that giving up is the answer here?" Lincoln asked as Barbara managed to wipe away her tears and mustered up her courage to look at them in determination.

"Lincoln is right and we both know that you all didn't want us to be heroes but Diana did and she also wanted us to be friends... Now she is being taken away and is having her choice taken away from her! We can do this together! Stop Diana's mother from taking her choice away and letting her actually be a teenager... We should at least do this for her... If you don't want to be heroes afterwards then fine... But I hope that at least we can be friends..." Barbara said as they looked at eachother.

"You know what... Helping Diana disobey her mum and have her teenage rebellion... How can I say no? I will give this another try..." Kara laughed and smirked with her arms folded.

"I am still not for this fighting but... You are right; Diana's choices should be returned to her!" Jessica then said as Karen looked nervous.

"Well... I guess that things go wrong in the rehearsals and... Lincoln is in this so I will support him in this! Plus I will miss my new tall friend if I do let her leave..." Zee then said smirking as Karen managed to muster up her courage.

"Okay then... If it means we can still be friends..." Karen muttered and smiled. "How do we do this though? We will need a plan..." Karen muttered as Lincoln smirked.

"Back in Royal Woods before I became Peacemaker; I was known as the Man with the Plan... We should catch up and then I am sure that I can whip up something..." Lincoln said with a smirk as they then put their hands in a circle as a drone was in the sky spying on them.

"...Things could go so wrong... I am not certain if the third act reconciliation after the group break up will work out fine..." John muttered back home in his apartment looking at the live feed sent to him on his device as the hologram of the General appeared.

"A foe to bring the formation together should help. How are you up for some field work finally Private? I have sent a gift to your apartment that I think that you will have the 'heart' to make use off..." the General told him and then there was a slight bump on the roof and John then climbed out of his window on the top floor and went to the roof.

His eyes widened as he noticed a large pod had landed marked 'METALLO MK 1'. He then pressed the button and it opened up with him grinning after looking on in awe at what was inside...

Chapter 7: Secret Origin of Super Friends part 4


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

On a wooden rowing boat; the amazons departed from the Metropolis pier and Diana had her head down as she sat down. Hippolyta looked at her and sighed she sat down with her and put her arm around Diana's shoulder. "It's for the best My Sun & Stars. You haven't seen what I had saw during those times and I pray to Hela that you never will. The ugliness, the deplorableness, the arguing, the fighting, the hatred and distrust... Man's world would just eat you up and destroy everything good about you... Better be safe back on Themyscira and let them destroy themselves..." Hippolyta said softly as Diana looked at her.

"Mother... If you had seen what I had saw the day where I was... The openness and kindness that they saw me... The beauty... They are capable of horribleness yes; but are just as capable of great things... They are flawed but are we not flawed in our own ways as Hippoltya then shook her head and became more stern.

Then suddenly zooming through the air until she was casually flying by the ship facing them with her hand to her cheek was Supergirl. "Sorry am I interrupting something? If you are busy then I can return and rescue you later?" Supergirl asked casually as she then put her hands together behind her head as she faced up to the sky. Diana's eyes widened as she noticed her and then went to the side to face her as Hippolyta angrily went to do the same.

"Kara... Supergirl... What?" Diana muttered taken by surprise as Hippolyta gritted her teeth and the amazons got their weapons ready.

"What are you doing..." demanded Hippolyta as suddenly all of their eyes widened as easily catching up to the boat was a light green construct of a pirate ship with Limelight, Peacemaker, Batgirl, Zee and Bumblebee there.

"Avast me hearties; ready the cannons and be prepared to rescue our captain! Be ready for the poopdeck and I am not talking about where Ace does his business at home!" Batgirl spoke with a smirk miming aiming a sword at the amazons who were just bewildered.

"We are a crew of swashbucklers ready for anything!" Peacemaker said miming holding a word up above his head as Zatanna sighed looking amused.

"The pirates fashion isn't for me but helping friends is!" Zatanna said floating above the group as Limelight waved to Diana with Bumblebee.

"I want to state for the record that this was not my idea; Babs suggested it and Lincoln went along with it... Karen as it turns out likes pirate movies which I didn't expect but there you go... Jess quickly got into it and me... I wanted a super spiked spaceship but I was clearly outvoted..." Supergirl then explained as Hippolyta then stomped her foot in agitated.

"So you have found a group of mystery men then..." Hippoltya said shaking her head as most were puzzled but Peacemaker had his finger up.

"Oh yes! That was the name given I believe during World War II and I think the Cold War to what became known as superheroes in real life! I mean there are mostly women there but..." Peacemaker said as he got a grappling hook out and then they all jumped or flew to the ir ship with Batgirl using her own grappling hook. The amazons had their spears pointed to them but they stood firm even if Bumblebee was shaking a bit. "We know that you enjoyed your time with us Diana and your mum made you go back but... We are here to talk about this and come to an understanding..." Peacemaker then said as Hippoltya then face him and Diana was about to plead that they don't.

"Understanding? After you invade our ship and want to kidnap my daughter; the Princess of our island?" demanded Hippoltya as Zatanna's eyes widened.

"So... She is an actual princess?" Zatanna asked as she got looks from the others and then faced the queen again.

"Give us a chance and I am sure that you will come to see..." Peacemaker said as they heard something coming from the sky. They looked up and their eyes widened and they dodged as coming flying down was a bulky metal robotic figure that had a glowing green single visor eye that looked like a line and a dark green glow from it's chest.

The figure then tossed the amazons away as they attacked with their spears and most looked surprised and Bumblebee was freaking out. Supergirl scoffed and said "big deal... Let me take care of this hunk of funk for you..." Supergirl then flew right at the figure but from the eyes came out a blast that hit Supergirl causing her to yell in pain and crash to the ground and then the others yelled as they went to check her as she looked a bit weakened.

The amazons kept on trying to attack the figure as it took them and slammed them down to the ground. "Kara... What... What magic was in that blast to make you weak like that..." Diana asked with concern as Supergirl coughed and Peacemaker's eyes widened and Batgirl gasped.

"I don't think that was magic... I think that blast could be Kryptonite..." Peacemaker muttered as their eyes widened but Diana looked confused.

"Yeah... It's a little piece of my birth home that's radioactive to us Kryptonians... Could kill me with due time... Feeling better though..." Supergirl muttered as they faced the figure.

"YOU CAN CALL ME METALLO. IF YOU DESIRE TO FIGHT; YOU SHOULD FISH YOURSELVES OUT OF THIS!" the figure then spoke in a metallic voice and then it smashed the ground with it's fist and then flew right through the ground and then back up from the water. They all held on tight as the ship ended up sinking the ship.

Then Limelight created a bubble construct to hold everyone and then floated them in the air as Zatanna then glowed violet.

"PIHS SIHT XIF!" Zatanna shouted out and then suddenly the ship was good as new and Limelight let them go. Most were in awe and Peacemaker smirked underneath his mask as Zatanna couldn't help but take a vow as Limelight let them go. "Sorry... Couldn't help that bow but... My magic works well as I speak backwards." Zatanna then explained to them as they looked up.

"You have my thanks..." Hippolyta admitted as Limelight created a construct of a plane and all but Kara, Zatanna and Bumbebee who was back flying at nomrla size went in. Diana then looked determined as she then went and got changed from her new civilian clothes into her warrior uniform as Wonder Woman with a sword and shield. She then ran to the ship and Limelight held the door open as Wonder Woman came in.

Hippoltya and the amazons faced them as Wonder Woman sighed and said "sorry mother but... My friends need me now; I will deal with the consequences later but for now I must disobey you!" Hippoltya glared as the ship flied up along with the flying members of the team.

"Spoken like a true teenager Diana... Sorry Wonder Woman!" Peacemaker said patting Wonder Woman on the back as they were face to face with Metallo. who floated in the air and banged it's fists together warningly causing Limelight and Bumblebee to gulp. Thinking on the fy Peacemaker asked "wait... Supergirl; you have your cousin's powers! So can't you use your x-ray vision to look for any weak spots?"

Supergirl stared at Metallo and gave an agitated sigh as she exclaimed "whoever built that thing clearly wanted it to fight me or Kal and did their homework; whatever it's made off is lined with lead which we can't see through!"

"A setback is not a loss Supergirl; Metallo must have a weakness and we will find it!" Wonder Woman said seriously pointing the sword at Metallo who flew right at them and Limelight had the ship dodge it's impact as they held on tight.

Bumblebee coughed to get their attention and brought out a small device and said "well... I have this... PDA device that I have been able to hack into computers... Not for anything illegal or spying or anything but just to test out my tech... If I can get close enough then I could see about connecting a wire attachment to the wires and hack into the data..."

"I can help with that... You see I couldn't help but snatch this little bad boy and hoped to practice with it again... Sorry Peacemaker..." Batgirl said as she got out from her cape the human torpedo Peacemaker helmet.

"Okay Batgirl but you really have to focus..." Peacemaker told her and Batgirl then looked serious and nodded as she did so. She put it on and Bumblebee gulped as she got onto Batgirl's shoulder. Batgirl then activated it and was launched at Metallo and held around the neck but then was tossed off but Batgirl grappled around the shoulder with her grappling hook and kicked it's head. They all held out for her and Batgirl then jumped and Zatanna caught her in a violet bubble to ut back in the ship construct.

Bumblebee appeared and yelled as she was back to normal size and falling down but Diana leaped and grabbed her as the ship then flew underneath them to catch them and then Metallo flew at them which they had to dodge.

"Found any weaknesses little Bumblebee?" asked Wonder Woman as Bumblee calmed gasped. "When you are ready..." Wonder Woman said in a softer tone as Bumblebee calmed down.

"I wasn't able to get much... One strong firewall that caught on but I got something... This was made by something called... ARGUS? For something called Project 7734?" Bumblebee asked as most shrugged but Wonder Woman looked confused.

"One of the Argonauts is responsible? Hercules' ship builder has went on to build flying metal golems?" Wnder Woman asked as they shook their heads.

"I am sure that they chose to call themselves that..." Peacemaker then said as Supergirl floating in the air groaned.

"I wish that I could just smash that thing with my bare hands... If only I didn't have to worry about that Kryptonite..." Supergirl ranted as she banged her fists together. Bumbleebee had her hand to her cheek as she pondered.

"Well... What I have gotten is that the Kryptonite beam once fired have to wait 2 minutes before being used again; if they get fired again so soon then then the system will overheat and could cause serious malfunction..." Bumblebee then said as Peacemaker sat up and looked at them.

"I think that I have a plan..." Peacemaker said as they listened as he whispered and Supergirl grinned.

"Hey metalhead! How about we try this close quarters style?" Supergirl yelled flying right at Metallo as the metal figure fired its Kryptonite beam at Supergirl who get dodging it. Zatanna held them all in violet bubble as Limelight charged at Metallo and used a construct of cuffs to cuff the hands besides it's back. Then the beams stopped as Metallo tried to break free and Supergirl wen tand punched at the back of Metallo hard.

A door to the bubble opened up and Wonder Woman leaped up and Supergirl caught her dn threw her at Metallo's chest as she grabbed the Kryponite from the chest. "You shall endanger my friend no longer evil rock from the Titans!" Wonder Woman yelled as she threw the Kryptonite at Zatanna who used her magic to banish it to another realm.

There was an alert coming from Metallo about power being lost and Supergirl then fired at the suit with her heat vision; another alert about the system malfunctioning and going to implode and the figure then flew away. They all cheered and they floated back down to the amazon ship; "That was so cool! If only Babs and I could have done more!" Peacemaker exclaimed as they were excited.

"Come on sockhead; your plan helped us end the fight!" Supergirl then said patting him on the back not too gently.

"Plus you and Batgirl helped us stay together to help out Wonder Woman and otherwise; we would never have known about Metallo!" Limelight then said and sighed. "I want to apologise if I was being rude..." Limelight said as Zatanna sighed.

"I think that I didn't help myself and you were being nice Limelight... Sorry to you all..." Zatanna said as Supergirl grunted and sighed.

"Sorry to you and your peace loving friend as well..." Supergirl said as Wonder Woman enveloped her into a hug. There was a forced cough and Wonder Woman stared at the stern look of Hippoltya causing her sigh.

"Diana... For your vagrant disregard yet again; as your queen to the princess... I am so..." Hippolyta sternly said as she got glares and frowns from Wonder Woman's friends. "But as your mother to her daughter... I am so proud... I see a fire, an optimism in you that reminds me of a younger me... May the spirit live on while mine died... Hope your friends can take care of you as you remain to be ambassador for our people..." Hippolyta then said softly as Wonder Woman looked and jumped and hugged her mother and then went and did the same to the others.

At the Loud House; Lynn Jr was in the living room yelling while watching a late night baseball game and the parents arrived home and then went and sternly went up to her. "Lynn Loud Jr; do you know what time it is? Far too late for you to be reacting like this to a game! You could wake your siblings!" Rita told her sternly as Lynn Jr sighed.

"Sorry... I will keep it down... Just have to finish watching this game..." Lynn Jr grumbled as Lynn Sr then had a tub with him.

"So did you and the others have your leftovers cooked and were alright? I know your brother texted saying he would have a bite with his new friends for the afternoon... Did he get home alright?" Lynn Sr asked as Lynn Jr looked at them and blinked.

"Yeah we did... I don't think Lincoln came home at all... Trust me; I would have heard him as I have been watching this sports marathon all day... No way could he have gotten in where I couldn't hear him..." Lynn Jr said as the Loud parents blinked.

"Are you sure... This is past his curfew..." Lynn Sr asked and Lynn Jr grinned as she nodded.

"Stinkcoln is getting it... He is so busted when he gets there... So much trouble and after he got detention today... That will teach him for getting snippy at me this morning and trying to get the better of me at the food fight..." Lynn Jr snickered as the parents went to text Lincoln and from the kitchen window there was Peacemaker scaling up the building with his grappling hook and Lynn Jr heard it and ran to see a figure's boot scaling up the wall.

"MUM! DAD! THERE IS A BURGLAR!" Lynn Jr yelled out and then ran up the stairs causing the other younger siblings to jump out of their rooms in shock and Lynn Jr went other room and got a special bat. The parents ran up the stairs as Lynn Jr realised that the burglar would be going into Lincoln's room.

She kicked the door open and then put on the eyes; They all watched and saw that there was Lincoln in his bed with his eyes closed and looked tired as he rubbed them and looked at everyone and was in his pyjamas.

"What? How? He couldn't have gotten home... Where is the burglar?" Lynn Jr asked confused and then looked to the window and opened it and saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Lynn Jr saw looks from her sisters and glares from the parents. "Lynn? Everyone? What is happening?" Lincoln asked facing the doorway.

"Nothing honey... Go back to sleep and we will be having a talk in the morning with your sister..." Rita said softly and then Lynn Jr was open mouthed as the parents marched her out.

"Quick changing into pyjamas from superhero suit, hiding it and getting into bed with the lights out in a minute trick..." Lincoln thought satisfied.

John was in wet clothes with a blanked as he was sitting on a table in some sort of craft while a scientist was looking over him. "Impressive how you managed to so readily eject yourself and dived into the water before we could have you fished out Private Corben... How are you feeling?" the scientist asked as John chuckled weakly.

"Tired and honestly; the thing that hurts the most is my pride after having been beaten by a couple of teenagers... So nice to see you again Professor Vale..." John said as the scientist nodded to him. "Still... I don't think that I can continue on 100% without my special heart..." John muttered as the General walked up to him with some guards in military uniform with one holding a lead box.

"Ask and you shall receive Private; I think that you have done well in giving Mr Loud's new team an extra push. Project 7734 has made it certain that we have more than where this came from." the General said as one of the guards opened the box to reveal a rock of Kryptonite.

John put the blanket aside as he had taken his wet shirt off; he then went to his chest and opened up what seemed like flesh disguised metal open to a high tech compartment. The Kryptonite was placed in it and and it seemed to power John up with him jumping up.

"Thanks General; it was fun playing the villain like that... Still; ARGUS has lost the suit though..." John said as the General looked dismissive.

"Don't worry about that Private; it was only the Mark I and can be rebuilt and improved upon for when we need it again. Plus; for your years undercover; I want to say that a promotion is in order. Congratulations Corporal; I trust that you will be able to do your new duties as well as expand your previous assignment to keeping an eye on the new group." the General said as John was surprised but gave a salute.

"Wow... Thank you General!" John said at once.

"Grounded... At my age... I know that Lincoln never made it back home at the time... I was so sure that someone was breaking in..." grumbled Lynn Jr in the morning jumping out of the Loud family van as Lincoln parked it for them to go to high school and he couldn't help but snicker. Lynn Jr glared at him as Lincoln got a text from his phone from Chris:

You do remember that there are security cameras in the QUSA right?

Lincoln's mood dropped to a panic and he was trying to think of a rebuttal but then a new text popped up:

Chill Lincoln; I passed the torch and I trust you. Keep an eye on your friends and as long as you get on with your work; you can share it with them.

Lincoln blinked and gasped as he then walked to the front door and then there was Zee, Karen, Kara, Barbara and Jessica who were dropped off and went to him and then suddenly Diana was there enveloping them into a hug. "Huzzah friends! We are here for our school activities as our friends group! Sorry that our superhero team activities has ended but as long as the 7 of us can be friends then..." Diana said in a whisper as there was scoffing from Kara as Lincoln and Barbara's faces fell.

"Who said anything about us not being a team anymore? I know what I said but maybe I could be a chump and give the hero team another try!" Kara admitted as Lincoln was surprised. "Besides; why let my cousin have all the fun..." Kara grinned as Diana let them go.

"I hate fighting but... There are obviously those that should be stopped to prevent them from hurting others so... I shall keep on as a representative of the Green Lantern Corps!" Jessica said in a whisper.

"It was kind of nice helping out so... I'm in as well..." Karen said softly as Lincoln looked to Zee.

"I a performer but I think that it wouldn't hurt to add crimefighter to my profession as well... Besides let you go out and get yourself hurt if I could help... Even with your training for years from an idiot..." Zee then said with a big smirk.

"So we are all a team as friends and heroes?" Barbara asked in a squeal and they nodded.

"We also have a headquarters; Chris said that we can use the Storage Area. Surprised that he went for it considering he never was one for teams..." Lincoln said but paused and groaned when he realised what he had said.

"Wait... Your boss is the Peacemaker?" Barbara asked as Zee looked perplexed.

"You mean that big muscled lunkhead who seemed sure of himself and was proud... Actually I can see it now perfectly..." Zee then said in realisation as Lincoln sighed.

"You know... I was thinking... We still don't know where ARGUS came from and... They clearly were able to make a Kryptonite robot or something that was meant to kill Superman... For some reason they attacked Diana's ship..." Karen pointed out and they blinked realising her point.

"The mystery is afoot..." Barbara then said as Diana looked serious.

"We shall be ready for when ARGUS strikes again; for now we will keep to our cover as ordinary teenagers who goes out as heroes when the time comes!" DIana whispered and they all nodded and then went in through the door together as the group got looks from other students.

Do Ya Wanna Taste It by Wig Wam was playing in the boss' office of Action Comics as Chris was dancing about and then went out to give a treat to Eagly. He then noticed that the door to the closet was open and the Quantum Unfolding Storage Area was on.. His eyes widened and he said "what the... I didn't leave it on..."

He went through and found the General there; "What the hell? I told you that I don't work with the military or government anymore... How did you get in at all? Did you hack your way in?" Chris ranted at the stone faced General with his hands at his side. Then John made himself known looking serious.

"I let him in Chris." John said simply as Chris stared at him.

"That's how you repay me after all the times I made you the employee of the month?" Chris asked shaking his head. "Whatever you want... I want no part in..." Chris said simply as the General walked closer.

"I think that you should at least hear us out Smith considering all we have done for you; all these years we let you train a kid to take after you... Be like you... We are willing to let him be the hero you trained him to be and he can even do it with his friends... All we ask for is that at times we come to you for some black ops missions; the gritty side of protecting the peace... And if there is something that the new Peacemaker can help out with..." the General said as Chris looked angry.

"You leave Lincoln out of all of this... I can do your dirty business but Lincoln... You shouldn't be near him..." Chris ranted as the General raised an eyebrow.

"Should he be near you though? Have you ever told him about the voices you hear and you ask the ghosts you see for forgiveness? What you did before you became the Peacemaker and how it is all to try and make up for the horrible stuff you did? Does he know that he is carrying on the legacy of a war criminal?" the General asked as this got Chris silent.

"Trust me Chris; we don't want anything bad to happen to Lincoln... We want him to be what you trained him to be just as much as you do." John then said as Chris then glared at them but threw his arms up in the air.

Lincoln looked at the wall in his bedroom as there was a framed photo of him and Clyde next to it there was a framed photo of them and their friends group just before he moved in his going away party, he then hung up a framed picture of the selfie that Barbara took of them and the other girls at Big Belly Burger and smiled warmly at it.

Barbara was at home excitedly texting her best friend from Gotham:

OMG! I have found my new friends, clique, squad, pack here in Metropolis! I can't wait for you to meet them Harleen!

Inside an office building there was the staff nervously on their feet as hostages as there was masked people with guns and the leader had a bomb device with him holding a detonator. He was looking out an open window as there were police officers and a crowd outside. As well as a police helicopter. "Tell everyone that we want no less than 10 million dollars in unmarked bills as well as safe passage in one of those military helicopters! No one better follow us! Once we get our money then these people can go free and if there are anyone following us then we will set the bomb off... There is enough power to wipe out the whole block!" the leader then yelled as then they noticed Zatanna flying toward them and Peacemaker and Batgirl were swinging their grappling hooks to get up the inside of the building.

"Costume types; this goes for for you as well... I am warning don't come any closer..." the leader said shouted out but they kept on going and the leader glared as he ended up pushing the button which did nothing. He looked to the bomb and just kept pushing the button expecting a timer.

Then suddenly Bumblebee appeared in her new improved armor looking nervous; "Sorry; was that your bomb that I just defused?" Bumblebee asked as she shrank down again floating in the air and then through the window taking out some guards was Wonder Woman as Limelight came through with Limelight looking serious.

"Get them!" the leader yelled as Wonder Woman lifted her sword in the air.

"Heroes attack; Limelight please get the hostages to safety!" Wonder Woman called out and the masked criminals pointed their guns at them.

"That I can do!" Limelight said seriously getting into action.

"Peacemaker; I have a portable sound device with me. Does your superhero playlist have anything for this?" Batgirl asked taking out from her cape a music device with a connection cable for a phone and Peacemaker grinned behind his mask as he then connected it causing music to play out loud.

Wonder Woman used her sword to cut through guns and her shield to deflect bullets as she then summoned a golden lasso to tie up several criminals at once. Peacemaker and Batgirl were back to back as they were kicking and taking out several criminals that tried to attack them. Peacemaker then going to hostages and shielding them as Limelight used bubble constructs to get them out.

So if it takes forever...

Zatanna was sending blasts to several of the criminals and saw that some held hostages close to them and aimed guns warningly. "ETALOCOHC OTNI NRUT!" Zatanna said as the criminals saw their guns turning into chocolate that instantly melted in their gloved hands.

"What kind is this... I'm lactose intolerant..." muttered one of them bewildered as Wonder Woman and Batgirl took some down and Peacemaker kicked one in the head and then jumped to bash a big one in the head to knock him down.

We'll save the world together...

The leader then made a run for it and got to the top of the building as Supergirl was standing casually next to a broken down helicopter. "Oh hi; I made this sick landing where fist first I landed on this helicopter and totally smashed it... Did you plan on using that? To escape or something?" Supergirl asked with a smirk and the leader went to his knees in defeat.

Soon Limelight was using construct bubbles to put the last of the hostages safely on the ground as Zatanna had summoned a platform to float the others down as Wonder Woman had all the criminals in a heap tied up by the lasso.

The crowd stared at them and started cheering and they grinned pleased with themselves and Zatanna started blowing kisses; people started asking questions. "Fear not for as Wonder Woman; I swear to protect the good people of Metropolis and make sure that they are safe while keeping evil at bay! I shall be doing this with my comrades Batgirl, Peacemaker, Bumblebee, Supergirl, Limelight and Zatanna!" Wonder Woman said as they questions continued as pictures and footage were taken.

Then came in a mid 20s Korean woman with short brown hair in a business suit and a recording device. "Hello. Lois Lane from the Daily Planet... Does your group have a name?" the woman asked as they looked at eachother and Peacemaker thought of somethign and grinned as he stepped forward.

"You can call us... The Super Friends!" Peacemaker said with his arms out and they stared and started smiling and nodding but there was a scoff from Supergirl.

"Are you serious? I said that as a joke you know? I would take something like the Super 7 but Super Friends?" Supergirl asked with a scoff as she then got looks from the others. "Fine! Whatever; Super Friends it is then since I am clearly outvoted again... There are worse names..." Supergirl conceded with her arms folded.

Peacemaker just smiled as he had gotten a good clique of friends together like his old one and started out as a superhero nearly the same time! Metropolis was definitely worth moving to!

We were born ready...

Don't care if the world ain't ready for me!!!


I think that I should clarify some points about this verse for later besides what I have said before: for the Batman in this verse consider the voice to be the Diedrich Bader voice as he has shown the works perfectly as a serious Batman who can be the straight man to the more outlandish elements of the DC universe especially those that came from the Silver Age so his batman would fit right into the worlds of the Loud House and DC Super Hero Girls. Those reasons why they probably knew that they had to cast him in the role for the Harley Quinn show. Plus as said before Hal Jordan and John Stewart at the main official GLs and a broad strokes version of the Green Lantern animated series (which I love as a big fan of the GL universe) happened in this universe and with John taking Guy's role in the show only to be the straight faced professional when faced with Hal.

Chapter 8: Sleepover


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Downtown Metropolis and the Super Friends gathered together to face off against a giant menace that was rampaging through the city; a was humanoid with big black hair, grey skin, yellow eyes with no pupils, fangs, a red harness, red boots, black belt and red shorts. The foe tried to grab at Bumblebee flying about in her small form and gave a squeal as it had failed but Peacemaker and Batgirl both used their grappling hooks to attach to attack themselves to the foe's harness as they ran up and kicked the foe in the face.

"I can't believe it... I just kicked something like that in the face... This is so cool... I am a real superhero!" Peacemaker muttered in awe and squealed with Batgirl as they held their hands and jumped into a circle.

"I know! This is so awesome!" squealed Batgirl as Limelight from her position creating a protective barricade construct around the area watched this.

"You two are doing well and you two Bumblebee! Distracting the foe by going as close as you are is so brave off you!" Limelight said with a smile and gave a thumbs up to Bumblebee who smiled at the praise nervously.

"It is brave of Bumblebee indeed but bravery along does not win fights; decisive action helps with the outcome! We need to hit the foe as hard as possible..." Wonder Woman said seriously using her lasso to tangle it around the foe's fist and get it to knock itself in it's gut.

"Don't need to tell me twice..." Supergirl grinned as she from her spot flew right at the foe's head and punch it hard in it's face knocking it back.

"We will off course need to make sure that we end this with style!" Zatanna said summoning a magical cage around the foe and setting off purple violet fireworks. Limelight rolled her eyes but Peacemaker smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

Then Limelight dropped the construct and the civilians started cheering as they started taking pictures and video; the Super Friends ended up posing victoriously with Zatanna blowing kisses. "While protecting people and stopping evil doers is great; the recognition definitely feels nice!" Peacemaker said with a smile underneath his mask as Bumblebee in normal size looked nervous.

"Does feel nice... Even when all the eyes on us... But the cheers..." Bumblebee then said as Peacemaker pulled her close.

"They are cheering because they love us Bee! They are cheering for all of us and you!" Peacemaker said as Bumblebee brightened up.

"Peacemaker is right; the cheers are of excitement that they are now safe from this menace. They no longer have to feel threatened... Until the next threat is here but still..." Limelight then said as Wonder Woman looked determined.

"That is why we must be vigilant Super Friends; there always threats to the world and we must see to it post haste when they come!" Wonder Woman spoke with her fist raised.

"Still... Day is saved and that means we can be ready for tonight... Dad said that he prepared the best snacks for us all..." Batgirl then whispered to them as they had a sleepover planned for that night at Barbara's house.

"I will be the judge of that but the real question is if Peacemaker will be fine... You know sleeping over with 6 girls..." Supergirl asked with a grin and then looked to Peacemaker who stammered and was red within his mask and some red got onto the cheeks of some of the girls.

"What... Nothing strange about that... Just a couple of friends having a sleepover... One just so happens to be not of the same gender..." Peacemaker whispered as they noticed the police cars arrived and started to see to the defeated foe. Outside the main car was none other than the new MCPD commissioner Jim Gordon.

"Sorry Super Friends but if you will let us; we can take care of your fallen friend here. They hardly got this big back in Gotham." Gordon said as he got their attention while the rest of the officers came over.

"Sorry Commissioner; we will let you deal with this. We were just discussing things... We will let you get on it..." Peacemaker said apologetically as they started to depart.

"Thank you; the sooner that we have this sorted the better as tonight I have my daughter inviting her friends over for a sleepover." Gordon then said as they managed to not react.

"...I really mean it; she was practically bragging about her family having been invited over for dinner at the White House! Once again throwing her parents' money in our faces and how she has to use it as a clutch... Smirking at me as I tried to argue about the various trophies that I had won using only my own hard work and talent! Could you imagine someone so insufferable?" Lola was ranting at the Loud family table as dinner had been served and Lana was rolling her eyes as she had to see the story at school for herself.

"Don't let Lena get to you Lola; just focus on yourself and you will be fine..." Lynn Sr said encouraging his daughter but Lola grumbled.

"Your father is right; if you let it get to you then you will only be inviting more rivalry. At the Planet; I just stick to writing my column and not let any jealousy of the success of my peers get to me. I manage it just fine despite my desk being right next to Ms Lane's where I see that framed photo of her getting her first Pulitzer... At 19 but not big deal... A big busy city and the Planet has many accomplished reporters but I am working hard in my own field..." Rita then said trying not to show any frustration that she had show; when the family moved to Metropolis, Rita had transferred to the Daily Planet and had managed to get a job doing the same type of column as she did the previous paper that she worked at in Royal Woods.

Lincoln was eating his plate of dinner when Lily faced his direction and asked "Lincoln; can you help me with my homework please after dinner?" Lincoln ended up looking apologetic and shook his head.

"Sorry Lily but I don't know if I have time... I have a busy night today. Going to have a sleepover with my friends." Lincoln then said as Lily looked dissapointed but understood.

"We can help you sweetie!" Rita told LIly as Lola looked Lincoln's way.

"Friends? Don't you only have that magician girl since we moved here?" Lola asked as Lincoln gave her a look.

"Stinkcoln and Zee have been hanging out with a bunch of girls recently; surprised that Mum and Dad agreed to this..." Lynn Jr said with a smirk as Lincoln glared at her with red in her face as she snickered.

"Lynn; you know that you are in trouble enough!" Lynn Sr said firmly as Lynn Jr quietened down.

"Are you sure that you are fine with going to what is a girl's sleepover Link? Going to one featuring mostly guys like you is one thing but this..." Lana asked as Lincoln shook his head as he finished and got up to clean his dish. Lola and Lana shared a look and there was Lucy and Lisa joining in. They finished their dishes and got up together.

"No way is Lincoln NOT going to embarrass himself without help... We have to make sure that he doesn't..." Lola whispered to them and they looked at eachother.

"No way are Mum and Dad going to let us spy on them all night and how would we even sneaking out?" Lucy asked as Lisa gave a slight cough.

"Leave that to me..." Lisa whispered to them.

Lincoln with his stuff in a suitcase had managed to walk to the new Gordon house and was there at the door along with the other girls. "This is... I have never been to a sleepover before..." Karen said as Diana knocked on the door.

"It will be just fine Karen." Jessica said encouragingly as Barbara answered and enthusiastically showed them in.

"It will be better than fine! This is gonna be the best sleepover in the history of sleepovers! Only thing better would be if my best friend Harleen was here with us from Gotham!" Barbara said as they were met with a straight faced looking brown furred dog that eyed them and Jessica went to clap his head.

"Hello there..." Diana said as the dog looked ready and Diana looked battle ready as the others took a step back but Barbara hugged the dog by the neck.

"Don't worry Ace; they are all friends!" Barbara assured the dog and then faced the others. "This is Ace the best police dog ever! He worked with my dad but he retired when we moved here and now he's all mine!" Barbara said as she let Ace go who then went and sniffed the others with them standing there and Karen looked nervous. Ace then nodded and went back to Barbara's side.

"See that you all here; welcome to the Gordon home!" Gordon said going to the main area to greet them all. "I have put snacks in Barbara's room and please let me know if you need something! All that I ask is that you please keep it down as I have a video call with an old friend of mine." Gordon then said welcoming them in.

"Thank you so much Mr Gordon; you have a lovely home!" Jessica said as Barbara showed them up the stairs and then opened the door for them to go into. They looked and saw the Batman posters and the shelves of Batman merchandise.

"Wow... Babs; you really were more than inspired by Batman..." Lincoln said in awe as Barbara excited went to the shelves.

"I have so much that I could tell you about... I have an actual Batarang that my dad got from Batman and had him sign for my 12th birthday... Plus a broken ear from one of his Batsuits that I had retrieved in the aftermath of him fighting Bane... Plus a print of the tires of the Batmobile and... This was my first and my favourite Batman figure!" Barbara said excitedly as they stared at her sort of amused as they put their cases down and started to unpack.

"Is this how i am like when I like to geek out..." Lincoln asked Zee who just smirked to him. as he sighed.

Kara noticed Karen pull out a teddy bear and faced her and said "is that... A teddy bear? Listen Karen; I know that you are younger than the rest of us but aren't you a little old to be sleeping with a teddy bear... I mean you don't see us big kids..." Kara was motioning to everyone else but noticed Lincoln pull Bun-Bun from his suitcase. "Lincoln... What is that?" Kara asked incredulously.

"Bun-Bun my first friend! He has been with me forever!" Lincoln said hugging Bun-Bun close to him as most smiled at him but Kara just sighed with her arms folded.

"If you wanted to feel masculine in this sleepover with girls Link then sorry but..." Kara muttered.

"Don't be like that; I have brought Jumpa with me!" Diana said taking out a stuffed kangaroo from her bag to hug close to her.

"Can I ask how are we going to see about getting changed..." Jessica said as Zee took out her wand.

"SAMAJYP RUO OTNI SU EGNAHC!" Zee then shouted as they were now in their sleepwear.

"Shame for you Lincoln; I was thinking that you might want to get a peak of my muscles..." Kara then teased posing with her biceps and Lincoln was now red in the face.

Outside the Gordon house there was Lola, Lana, Lucy and Lisa in the bushes and Lola was grumbling about being maong the dirt and leaves. Lisa showed them her phone and they saw a live security feed to show that it looked like that they were still in their rooms. "Holograms fitted with an AI to mimic our personalities. Programmed to reply to anyone that tries to check on us until we return..." Lisa then explained and they then took it in.

"Now we wil just need a way to sneak up to look through whatever room Lincoln is in somehow..." Lola then said as Lisa sighed and from her pocket came what looked to be a golf ball sized drone.

"I haven't gotten it to pick up audio yet but this should get us a visual that we should see as a hologram from this remote..." Lisa said bringing up a remote control stick and then started powering up and flying up the drone.

The 7 friends were in a circle; "So what are we playing... I could get a bottle if we want to do spin the bottle... Lincoln can spins it and whoever it lands..." Barbara suggested as Lincoln blinked once again red in the face and the girls looked nervous but Diana looked confused.

"Maybe something else..." Zee suggested with a cough. "Unless I could make sure that it lands on me..." Zee thought in her head and then had a realisation. "How about truth or dare..." Zee suggested and then Diana brought out from her bag her lasso.

"The Lasso of Truth compels anyone caught or holding it to tell the truth. We could use it to answer honestly." Diana suggested as Kara rolled her eye but Lincoln took a hold of it.

"Does this work... I used to like reading my comics in my underwear when I was younger... I had a crush on a substitute teacher when I was in 5th grade..." Lincoln then said and he blinked at what he said as he was now red in the face again causing Kara to snicker.

"This could be fun..." Kara grinned.

At the dinner table downstairs Gordon was on a video call with a large gruff looking man in a longcoat, dress shirt and tie and a hat along with a five o'clock shadow. "You are saying Babs is in a sleepover that has a boy in it? Tell me if the kid tries anything with any of them, especially Babs and I will drive over to Metropolis..." the man said banging his fist into an open hand.

"Don't worry Harv; Lincoln is a good lad from what I have seen." Gordon assured him and then coughed. "So how has Gotham been doing since we left; Commissioner Bullock?" Gordon asked Harvey Bullock his long time friend and partner in the GCPD who became his replacement after he moved.

"Well today we are dealing with 3 homicides, 2 kidnappings, 1 bomb threat and we caught 4 punks doing graffiti for the Joker." Bullock then said as Gordon took a sip off his coffee.

"Wow. Sounds like a real slow day at the GCPD." Gordon said casually as Ace came into the kitchen and looked out the window noticing something and started barking. "Have to end this short Harv; I think Ace has found something outside..." Gordon then said getting up.

"Sheesh... Batman pyjamas and all that Batman stuff... Looks like Lincoln found a girl that's a fan of that type of stuff like him..." Lana said as they stared at the Batman stuff in the room.

"I like it all." Lucy said simply as a fan of all thing bats and they then glanced at her.

"You would..." Lola said as they looked and saw that Jessica tied her wrist with the Lasso and looked down in shame. "What could they possibly be talking about..." Lola muttered but then they heard barking.

"... After I saw that the hot dog vendor had put the BBQ sauce on my veggie dog by mistake... I ended up taking a bite out of it and I liked it..." Jessica said looking like she was ashamed of the story but then they heard barking.

"That's Ace! He only gets like that at home if he sees someone trying to break in..." Barbara then spoke as they suddenly looked alarmed.

"If there is an intruder on the premises then we should be alert..." Diana said looking determined.

The 3 Loud children then jumped up and saw Ace run to yard and then looked like at them. "Don't worry; I got this..." Lana grinned taking out an emergency dog treat and then threw it right at Ace who just growled with a snarl as the treat fell to the ground. The Loud children gulped and began running away.

"Sorry but I am sure that the police dog there is a good boy who don't take bribes; unless it's for him doing tricks!" Batgirl said as suddenly appearing at the front of the yard were the 7 Super Friends and Wonder Woman lassoed the 3 together.

"What are you doing here... 3 random children that I have never seen before in my life..." Peacemaker shouted out shocked as Gordon arrived.

"Our brother is in a sleepover with his girl friends and we wanted to spy on them and we snuck out..." Lola said feeling shocked that she was being compelled to tell the truth as Peacemaker sighed exasperated.

"You know... Brothers deserve privacy as well..." Peacemaker told them sternly as Limelight put a hand on his shoulder.

"Young ladies; not only is this reckless and foolish but you are lucky because us Gothamites are known to react strongly if we find someone intruding in our property... I am getting Lincoln to call your parents so that they can come and collect you!" Gordon said sternly with his hands on hips as the Loud family van pulled up.

"No need Mr Gordon; I assure you that they are in very big trouble now!" Lynn Sr said sternly as the 3 Loud children gulped in panic.

"You still have some glitches in your holograms Lisa." Rita said as isa sighed and the parents sternly marched the children into the van as Wonder Woman let them go.

"Got suited up for nothing..." Supergirl groaned as Limelight looked to her.

"At least justice was still served." Limelight assured her as Gordon came up to her.

"I suggest you go home as it's getting late and I'm sure that even superheroes have worried parents." Gordon said as they nodded and left as Gordon and Ace then went back through the front door. They went up the stairs and to Barbara's room and there were the 7 teenagers in their pyjamas.

"Something happened Mr Gordon? I thought I saw my parents and our family van outside..." Lincoln asked as Gordon shook his head.

"You had some nosy sisters that snuck out Lincoln but it's all sorted out now." Gordon said as Ace then jumped into the room and then snuggled up to Barbara with her laughing. "Enjoy the rest of your night kids." Gordon said as he then shut the door. "Honestly... Babs was never like this to James..." Gordon muttered as he went back downstairs.

Back in Lisa's room; her computer had the feed from her drone saved to the external memory. It included footage taken before the drone was stepped on as the teenagers had Zee magically turn them into their superhero selves...


The enemy at the beginning is the adversary from the My Superhero Movie song from Teen Titans Go to the Movies.

Plus on the subject of the pairing again; only sure bet so far with Lincoln are Zee, Jessica and Perdita.

Lincoln Loud: Peacemaker - Cornholio4 (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.