Graydove's Half-Brewed HP story Ideas. - Graydove71 - Harry Potter (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter Text Chapter 2: The Invitation Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 3: Vilu Returns Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: A Marauders Betrayal Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: Red String of Fa... You Got to be Kidding Me. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: L.O. Harry Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 7: L.O. Harry chapter 2 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 8: The Prince and the Potter Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 9: The Savior or the Toy Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Red Strings of Fa... You Gotta Be Kidding Me 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: The Prince and the Potter II: School Daze Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: Two for the price of one Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 13: Then and Now Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 14: Fighting Tooth and Claw Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 15: Fighting Tooth and Claw II Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 16: The Invitation 2 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 17: A Marauders Betrayal part 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Fighting Tooth and Claw III Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Yo Cousin, do you want to mess with Dumbledore? Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 20: Hidden Grandparent Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 21: Hidden Grandparent 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: Children of the Future Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Yo Cousin, do you want to mess with Dumbledore? II Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Vilu heads back to Hogwarts Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: The Flaw Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: Early Trial Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 27: Children of the Future part 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 28: Fighting Tooth and Claw the fourth Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 29: Silent voices Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: Silent voices part II Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: Hogwarts Vs the Ministry Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: Apollo Black (L.M.) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: Apollo Black (L.M.) chapter 2 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 34: Apollo Black (L.M.) the third chapter. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: Hogwarts Vs the Ministry II Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 36: OC Cavalcade Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 37: Angel in Green Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 38: Angels in Green II Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 39: Angels in Green the third part Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 40: Angels in Green 4 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 41: Angels in Green chapter 5: Back at Hogwarts Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 42: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 43: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 44: A Third Side Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 45: Silent Voices part 3 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 46: The Potter boys Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 47: The Potter Boys II Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 48: A Spanner in the Works Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 49: Spanner in the Works 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 50: Erised of Family Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 51: WHAT!?!? Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 52: Under the Governor's Protection Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 53: Under the Governor's Protection part II Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 54: Under the Governor's Protection the Third Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 55: Full Moon Panic Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 56: Full Moon Panic 2: The Dreamscape Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 57: Full Moon Panic 3: Another visitor Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 58: A Second Letter Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 59: Second Letter: DWMA and reactions Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 60: Second Letter: New School Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 61: Ariana's Protection Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 62: Red String of Fa... You Got to be Kidding Me Part 3 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 63: An aborted Timeline or an Unexpected Alpha Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 64: An aborted Timeline or an Unexpected Alpha 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 65: A Loud Answer Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 66: A Quarter-brewed idea Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 67: Another Prophecy Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 68: Another Prophecy part 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 69: Spanner in the Works Part 3 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 70: Target Acquired Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 71: Target Acquired part 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 72: I've Changed my Mind Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 73: An aborted timeline or an Unexpected Alpha 3 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 74: The Fates must be having a laugh Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 75: The Fates must be having a laugh part 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 76: Uh-Oh Dumbledore Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 77: Uh-Oh Dumbledore part 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 78: Apollo Black (L.M.) IV Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 79: The Ascendance of Lord Potter Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 80: If you can't beat it, join it. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 81: Temporalquake Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 82: Third Times the Charm Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 83: Temporalquake 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 84: Changing Face of War Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 85: The Ascendance of Lord Potter part 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 86: Shouldn't I get... Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 87: Shouldn't I get.... part 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 88: The Invitation part 3 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 89: Writer's Block- Ended Chapter Text Chapter 90: Making the Grade Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 91: Harry for a day. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 92: Dear Diary Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 93: A Mother's Duty Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 94: Shouldn't I get... III Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 95: The Ascendance of Lord Potter part 3 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: References

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter Text

Hello to anyone who selected this story. As anyone who takes a look at my account, which at the time of writing this besides this story, contains over thirty-five different stories most of which are from the Harry Potter Univers. I tend to get inspired by a random bit of the universe a lot and can't help but start a story. I sometimes, however, come up with ideas that I never seem to be able to get that far into yet rest in my mind.

This work will be focusing on that so just a heads up the chapters might not be fully complete or fleshed out. I am putting them down in the hopes that by writing them I am further inspired to complete the story, or someone's comment can help me move past a part where I was stopped at.

These chapters will be either random ideas I had that I have not fully finished or even have a ship in mind for it or even a side-story or consultation of another one of my works.

Some small facts to consider. While none of these ideas for stories start with a ship in mind there are some ships you will never see here. If you are looking for these ships to enjoy I would suggest you look somewhere else.

  • Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley: I know this is the cannon relationship but it always rubbed me the wrong way. If Harry was to end up with a girl I would rather have seen him with Hermione or Luna.
  • Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore: While I do have some stories which are pro-Albus after multiple rereads and rewatches of the series I have seen that Dumbles is not a good man and would never want it to see him get with Harry even if I was pro-Albus due to the age difference is too much for me.
  • Harry Potter and Dolores Umbridge: Let's face it I don't like seeing the toad with anyone, and only pair her off with Dumbles as a way to show how sick and twisted the man's plans are for the world.
  • Harry Potter and Cornelius Fudge: I dislike this corrupt slimeball who approves of members of his staff touring students and began a smear campaign against a fifteen-year-old boy for fear of losing his power.
  • Harry Potter and Ron Weasley: Just like Dumbles after rewatches and rereads of the series I have come to rather dislike Ron and while I may have some pro-Ron stories I just cant' get over the fact that he turns his back on Harry multiple times and Harry forgives him for it so easily. Plus the whole "rest of the train is full" bullsh*t from the Philosopher's Stone is nothing more than him trying to get close to Harry.

At the start of each chapter/idea, I will post the tags and the idea of the chapter in the notes so you can get an idea of if it is something you wish to read.

Thank you for your time and your views,

Chapter 2: The Invitation


Set during Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: Petunia Dursley gets an invitation to attend the Third Task as Harry's family.
Tags: Petunia redemption, some Weasley Family Bashing, Severus Snape Bashing

Chapter Text

Petunia sat in her very clean and modern kitchen looking down at the letter on the table. That morning she had almost been tempted to call all her neighbors over when she got a good look at the letter. For it was not every day that someone got a letter from the Office of the Prime Minister and held the seal of the Royal family. But for some reason, she stopped herself from telling anyone about the letter. She found that it had been a good idea not to tell anyone as she read the letter with her morning tea.

Petunia Dursley and family,

As you may have heard this year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry the Triwizard Tournament has taken place. In a couple of days, the final task for the tournament will be held. As your nephew was selected as one of the Champions we extend you an invitation to come to watch the event as it happens at Hogwarts. While Muggles are not usually permitted to come to the castle we are making an exception this once due to you being the only family Harry Potter has left.

Since your relationship with him has made the Magical World known to you if you agree to come you will have almost complete access to the castle during the family day before the final task. We will also arrange travel accommodation for you if you decide to come, including a guide and ticket to ride the Hogwarts Express and all meals during the trip.

If you wish to come to the event and are worried about your jobs we will file paperwork to make it look like you had jury duty.

Lord Adam Szalinski, Head of the Magical and Muggle Liaison Office British Ministry of Magic

Petunia was not sure what she should do, with Vernon away on a business trip for the next week and a half, and her sweet Dudders at Smelting for the next two weeks it was just her in the house. She was half tempted to rip up the letter and toss it into the fire while another part of her desired to keep it and show Vernon to share that the freaks had somehow infiltrated the highest places in their government. But a part of her that she had long thought she had gotten rid of really wanted to go to Hogwarts. She recalled her long-buried memory of writing to the Headmaster at the school when Lily got accepted to see if she could come as well. The response she got back still irked her for it seemed like the person who wrote it was calling her dump saying she would not be able to comprehend the classes taught at the school. And while she was not as smart as her younger sister, Petunia had always managed at least Bs in all her subjects. It was only Vernon's pride and her wanting to spend time at home with her baby that had prevented her from taking a job offer that would have earned twice as much as Vernon's pay now. A position that she had been told she would have been easily able to climb the ranks at with her skill and the knowledge she had possessed.

But now thanks to this letter she could not only go to Hogwarts like she had dreamed of as a kid but also get proof that magic was wrong as she believed now and not even Professor Dumbledore could stop her. What was even better with all her meals and travel arrangement covered she could use the trip as a vacation from Privat Drive. With a smirk on her face, Petunia pulled out the envelope that have been included for a return message and sent her agreement to go to Hogwarts to see this tournament thing.

She received a response the next day telling her to be packed and ready by five pm when her car and guide would arrive to take her to Hogwarts. Having seen some of the strange outfits that those people wore Petunai packed pantsuits and comfortable clothing so that any high fashioned dress she had would not be mistaken for one of their robes. She also packed a camera so that she could get the proof of magic being evil as they used blood rituals and all those stuff the Church and popular media say magic users did.

When her guide arrived, Petunia had a superior smirk on her face as they drove up to the house in a Rolls-Royce short limo with Royal plates and British flags denoting high governmental status. The driver was a muscular black man with a shaved head in a suit who opened the door for her as he placed her luggage in the trunk of the car. As he took the driver's seat he introduced himself as Kingsley Shaklebolt and would be her guide during the trip to Hogwarts. "Now in a slot before you, there should a broach with a letter "M" on it if you could attach that to your shirt top," the man said as he pulled away from her home.

"Why?" she asked fearing some sort of enchantment on it that would put her at any of the freaks' mercy.

"As some locations, you will be going to have spells that repel non-magical people this broach will allow you to not be affected by them," Kingsley said seeming to jump to the front of a line at a stoplight. "It will also show your Muggle Status to others so they will not take offense if you do not show proper protocol, plus it will register all the expenses for the trip so you will not have to cover them yourself at a later date." That part sealed the deal for her as Petunia took the broach and pinned it to her left lapel.

As Kingsley drove to Kings Cross he asked her about her experiences with the Magical World. Petunia did not hold back telling the man how she hated it and how it always seemed to bite her and her family in the back. When asked what she meant Petunia told of Harry blowing up her sister-in-law, sure Petunia did not like Vernon's sister that much but still. How when Harry's Hogwarts letter came they stalked her and her family for over two weeks when they did not respond right away, plus when that giant man finally gave Harry his letter the man had cursed her son and gave him a pigtail. How at the end of last summer her living room had been destroyed and her baby had nearly been killed by the Weasley man and his brats. As she talked about all this Kingsley's face took on a concerned look as he used magic to take over driving the car so he could take notes of some of these events to discuss with his superior at a later date.

In a much shorter amount of time that it took her family to make it to Kings Cross, they arrived at the London train station. Kingsley gently took her arm as he guided her into a wall between Platform nine and ten. While she recalled Lily going this way to the express Petunia could not help but close her eyes and expect to run into the wall only opening them when she felt a burst of steam. Opening her eyes she saw a platform filled with robe-wearing freaks as they waited to get onto the train passing their tickets to a conductor, Kingsley avoided all that as he led her to the front of a train and showed a ticket for a first-class cabin. Thankfully the man did not stay long informing her that his normal position was an Auror, whatever that was and he had been asked to help patrol the train since there had been some issues with a person named Rita Skeeter who was harassing students at the castle. Kingsley told her that if the woman had gotten wind of Petunia coming to the event she might try to get into see her and have an interview.

Knowing how long the train trip lasted, thanks to Lily's stories and a letter sent out each year telling Vernon and her when to come to collect Harry, Petunia pulled out a book to read to pass the time. After nearly an hour a woman pushing a food trolley came to her cabin and asked if she wanted anything. "What would my nephew Harry normally have?" she asked seeing if the brat was breaking the diet she had forced the family into for Dudder's health.

"Oh, the kids only get candy when they ride the train, but as that is hardly appropriate for non-students we have some meals," the old woman said. "You have a choice of steak or pheasant."

"I shall go with the pheasant," Petunia said and was amazed as a large plate containing roast pheasant and several side dishes were pulled from the trolley and placed before her. As the old woman left and she began to eat Petunia thought to herself that maybe magic was not all bad. The meal was better than the one time Vernon had taken her to one of the best five-star restaurants in London.

Petunia saw Kinglsey again as the train pulled into a station with her guide leading her to a horseless carriage that would take them up to Hogwarts. Petunia had to admit the castle look rather spectacular as she looked out the window of the carriage all lit up and the moon rising from behind one of its tall turrets. "Now as we want you and the other families to be a surprise for the Champions you will be put up in some guest rooms for the night and meet your nephew after breakfast," Kingsley said as he lead her into the castle and down a side wing to her chambers. For only containing a large king-sized bed and a wardrobe the room was huge almost as big as half the upper story of her house. The room was lit by some floating candles which as soon as she was alone again she could not help but waver her hand around them to see if she could disrupt the magic holding them in the air. Not only did she find that she could not disrupt the magic but even if her hand got too close to the flame of the candle it was not hot at all. The only downside to the room was that there was no television or any other form of entertainment leading her to once more read her book before going to sleep.

She was woken up the next morning as someone knocked at her door as Kingsley arrived with the breakfast she had ordered the night before. As there was no other place to eat it Petunia had her breakfast in bed finding the food just as scrumptious as before, which made a plan of wasting some of the food to make a mess for someone to clean up end before it really began. After she finished her breakfast Petunia dressed in a black pantsuit and followed Kingsley down the hall to a trophy room where four other families were waiting. Taking a look at the others she admired one man who had a very muscular physique and strong jawline which Vernon used to have before they were married and he began to let himself go. One woman in another family look like she was a professional model with long silver-blond hair that stretched halfway down her back and in some clothing that seemed to hug her body at just the right spots. Petunia shook her head having never before found herself attracted to another woman yet the blonde woman just had something about her. Looking away from the woman, a scowl came to Petunia's face as she laid eyes on a plump redheaded woman and a young man with hair that reminded her of the Weasley man that destroyed her living room.

Soon teenagers entered the room and went to see their families yet there was no sign of her nephew or the kid the redheaded pair were waiting on. One of the students turned away from his folks and called out the door telling Harry to hurry for people were waiting for him. Five minutes later her nephew came into the room and saw the redheaded woman and young adult his face lighting up as he approached them. "Mrs. Weasley I thought it was the Dursleys," Harry said confirming the woman and male's identity.

"Hm," the plump woman said in a very dismissive tone of voice.

"Harry," Petunia said stepping forward and making Harry jump a little.

"Aunt Petunia? What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I received an invitation as your family, and as I have always wanted to come to Hogwarts I thought this would allow me to do so," she said looking down at him. "I think the real question is what are you doing here?" she asked the redheaded pair.

"We came to stand in for Harry's family since Headmaster Dumbledore did not think you would come," the plump woman said.

"Well, I did come so you can both leave," Petunia said only to get interrupted by a man coming over.

"Not feeling too good now are you, Potter, not that my Cedric has caught you up in points," the man said.

"Excuse me, we are having a discussion here," Petunia said glaring at the man.

"And who the devil are you?" the man asked,

"I am Petunia Dursleys not that it is any business of yours," she said used to dealing with overblown windbags after having to deal with some of Vernon's clients. Taking in her broach the man scoffed. "Now why don't you deal with your own business and leave us to ours. As for you," she said turning to Mrs. Weasley, "I was invited by a member of your lot's government which I think would outrank the Headmaster so you can go now."

"Now see here," the woman began seeming to puff up a little.

"No, you see here, your family wrecked parts of my home and almost killed my child and as I am Harry's actual family not you should be here go get lost," Petunia said not really caring for her nephew either way but she did not want to deal with any of the redheaded family.

"She does have a point, Molly," what looked like the wife of the man that had interrupted her earlier stated. The redheaded woman glowered as she stomped off with her son and Harry following her.

Reaching out Petunia easily caught her nephew's arms to prevent him from leaving. "Harry I want to see this place, show me around," she ordered him.

With a sigh, Harry responded, "Yes, Aunt Petunia."

Half an hour later Petunia was a little confused, for in every classroom she had peeked into apart from seeing some students wave one of their little wands about it seemed like a normal school. "Harry quite trying to hide it, show me where the bloodletting and demon summoning stuff happens," she ordered him.

"We don't have any classes that deal with that. Maybe ones, where Dark Magic is taught but Hogwarts, doesn't teach those,' Harry said.

"Fine then show me where you make poison and stuff I know from your mother that your lot does that," she said. With another heavy sigh, he lead her down into an area of the school that looked like they were dungeons and would have torture chambers. "Why are you leading me down here?" she asked him in a dangerous tone.

"The Potions classes are taught down here due to brewing working better in colder places," he said leading her to a door which unlike the other classrooms in the castle above did not have a window. Softling opening the door for her, Harry let her peek into the room. Once again Petunia was surprised as apart from the cauldron and supplies they were using reminded her of some chemistry work she had done at University.

But then she saw Him. With a growl knowing that he was a reason for her sister and her growing apart in their youth and Lily's eventual death, Petunia pushed the door open all the way and yelled at Severus Snape, "YOU!"

Chapter 3: Vilu Returns


When Harry learns his kids are getting in trouble for fighting at Hogwarts he decides to check things out by returning to his Vilu form and heading back to Hogwarts.

This idea is a sort of follow-up from my story The Pet of Slytherin House. Ships: Theo/Harry, Ron/Hermione.
Tags: Hogwarts the Next Generation. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny Bashing. Creature Inhetience. Protective Parent Harry Potter


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry looked down at the letter from Hogwarts utterly stunned his eldest son and two oldest daughters had gotten in trouble for fighting. While he knew his kids were not always perfect little angles he had trouble seeing them fighting so much that the staff at Hogwarts had to send Theo and him a letter. Pulling out a magical two-way mirror Sirius had given him for Christmas his first year free of Azkaban, Harry placed a call to Remus to find out what was going on.

"I had a feeling I would get your call Harry," Remus said as he opened up the link.

"Hello Remus, can you tell me what is going on?" he asked.

"It seems we got a couple of new transfer students this year who had been in the normal regulation classes at the Ministry," Remus explained. "It seems the families had finally had enough money to send their kids to the castle. From what I heard they approached James, Lily, and Pansy* right away saying Theo had somehow enchanted you and they wanted to help your kids break the enchantments that had been placed on you."

"They what?" Harry asked confused why anyone would believe that nonsense for even his old Housemates Dean and Seamus who he had reconnected with after Hogwarts had seen that Theo and he were deeply in love.

"Yeah," Remus said his hand coming into view to rub the back of his neck. "At first I think your kids thought they were pulling a prank as their Godsiblings do." Harry rolled his eyes thinking that just like Fred and George their offspring, Percy Flint and Pandora Weasley, were just as big as pranksters as their Bearer and Sire respectively.

"Why would my kids think the new students were pranking or just teasing them?" Harry asked.

"Well it seems the two new students have the red hair that is common in their family or at least parts of their family," Remus said but seems unwilling to give the students names and Harry had a feeling it was not based on some privacy issue.

"What are their names, Remus?" Harry asked.

"Well you see," Remus said sounding as if he was about to go off on some tangent.

"Their names Remus," Harry said a little harshly to his old teacher and friend.

"There are two new students a boy and a girl both in the same year as James. They are not siblings but cousins but share very similar names. The boy is Harry while the girl is Harrie," Remus said holding up some parchment to show the spelling of the kids' names.

"Who are their families?" Harry asked a little mystified by the kids basically sharing his names and singling out his kids.

"Well, um from their records Harry is the son of Ginny Prewett and some unknown father," Remus said making Harry see red that the girl was trying to mess with his kids again. One would think that when Harry called on Lady Magic's Judgement against Molly, Ron, and her just that last summer they would have learned their lesson.

"Wait then who is the girl?" Harry asked unable to see how they were cousins since he knew none of the Weasleys would think Theo had enchanted him.

"Now that is the kicker for the girl's parents are Ron and Hermione Granger. Ron seemed to have taken Hermione's name for the girl is Harrie Granger."

"But, but how she was kicked out of the Magical World and a Magical Dampening Cuff had been placed on her, as well as blocking out all her memories of her experience in our world?" Harry asked.

"I don't know," Remus answered with a shrug.

"I am going to look into this," Harry said.

"I did not expect anything else," Remus said with a smile as he signed off.

Harry went to his Floo and got in contact with his fellow mbers of the Hogwarts Board of Governors asking for permission to look into the background of Harry Prewett and Harrie Granger. While some of the staff cautioned him to let someone else handle the issue since his kids were involved there was no way he was going to let Ron, Hermione, and Ginny try to mess with his family again. He informed them that he was trying to find out who the father of Ginny's kid was as well as understand how Hermione had found her way back into the Magical world. Putting his request down that way he had been approved by the Board. Unfortunately, he was unable to find out anything about Ginny's baby daddy but then again Dean had not known who his father was until he went to take a test at Gringotts after he graduated Hogwarts and before he married Seamus. And while Harrie Granger was shown to be Ron and Hermione's biological child it did not state how her mother had returned to the Magical World. Harry could only assume that both Harry and Harrie having already been born and of age had prevented them from getting Lady Magic's punishment of making Ron and Ginny's offspring not be touched by magic.

With a huff of frustration, Harry tried to think of his next step. Deciding to calm down a little he slipped into his Kitsune form which now had three tails and went to go play with his younger kids for a bit. "Alright what is the problem?" Theo asked when he came home to find Harry as Vilu playing with Daphne Eliza, Minnie Penelope, and Draco Sirus.

"I got a notice from Hogwarts," Harry said once he shifted back into his human form and handed the letter over to his husband.

"While this is upsetting, I don't see it enough to cause you to play as Vilu which I know you only do while highly stressed love," Theo said pulling Harry into his arms and tightly hugging him.

"It is due to the kids that ours are seen fighting with. They are the offspring of Ginny as well as Ron who somehow married Hermione," Harry said and felt Theo's body tense up a little at the news. "You see that is why I needed to become Vilu to relax a little."

"But how?" Theo asked.

"I don't know," Harry said laying his head on his husband's shoulder.

"Why not find out Papa?" Daphne asked.

"And how would I do that baby?" Harry asked.

"Sniff them," his eldest child still at home said as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

Harry had to admit her plan was rather good for as he had gotten older Harry's ability as a Kitsune had grown just like his tails. Sometimes when he was feeling bored or stressed out he would shift into his Vilu while at home. One day when his kids were having some new friends over who he had not met yet Harry had found that he had been able to identify the kid's parents from their scent while having no idea who said parents had been. That was as long as he knew the smell of either parent in the first place. But there were also some downsides to this plan, one of which was it would only reveal the identity of the person Ginny had slept with to produce her son, it would only work if Harry knew the person. Also, it would not unravel the mystery of Hermione being back in the Magical World. There was also the fact that to get a sniff at Ginny's son he would have to head back to Hogwarts which would me he would need to get permission to do so not only from the Board but also Headmistress McGonagall. If perchance he was allowed to head to the castle as Vilu he would most likely be sent back to Slytherin House due to the history of a Kitsune attached to the House thanks to himself. That would mean he would have to pretend to be the House Pet again which might put Pansy in an awkward position being the only one of his kids who had been sent to Slytherin House. He did not want his daughter to think he was spying on her to make sure she stayed focused on her classwork. Or that he was missing her too much that he came back to the castle for her First Year.

As if sensing some of his concerns Theo hugged him higher for a moment before saying," If you get permission to find out who Harry Prewett's father is I shall look into Grangers return. Also, it is not as if you would be unable to communicate with anyone again since our kids can all understand you in your Kitsune form," Theo pointed out something that had not even crossed Harry's mind.

Harry was a little surprised that the Board, Headmistress McGonagall, and even a Ministry oversight worker approved him to look into the matter of Harry Prewett and Harrie Granger for they were also concerned about Hermione's reappearance as well. They even worked out a plan for his return telling him to go to Hogsmead during the next visit from the students so he could be collected by James who would pass him over to Pansy when the Fourth Year student returned to the castle. Professor Snape since he was still the Head of Slytherin House would explain Harry's presence back at the castle. Harry and Snape would work together on a ritual that would prevent Harry from returning to his human form outside the Slytherin Common Rooms while he was at Hogwarts. Harry would also take a Magical Vow that he would not act to hurt or protect any student while he was at the castle nor would he share answers to his kids if they were struggling with their homework or a test.


* Theo and Harry's kids: James Vilu, Lily Cissa, and Pansy Luna

Chapter 4: A Marauders Betrayal


When he was young a Marauder betrayed the others but it was not Peter. As the Marauders believed in loyalty to one another when they were kids at the time they created the map they put charms on it that would announce any form of betrayal done to a holder of the map if they were from one of their families.

Tags: James and Lily Potter, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Molly, and Dumbledor bashing. Harry has different parents. Betrayed Harry Potter. Good Weasley twins, Different Hogwarts House selection at least for the Weasley twins


Having read a post discussing an idea where Fred and George got the Sorting Hat to send them to different Houses I decided to use the idea in this story idea.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry looked askance at the raggedy bit of parchment Ron's older brothers held out to him as a means for him to go to Hogsmeade. He was not sure if he should trust it even after they made the parchment fill with a magical map having heard the pair of them were massive pranksters. He had never really hung out with them much, even after they and Ron rescued him from the Dursleys before his Second Year. And there was a little rivalry between them due to Quidditch with Fred being a member of the Ravenclaw team and George a member of the Slytherin team.

From the stories of Ron about the twins' First Year the pair had somehow gotten school robes for all four Houses and would go to class dressed as members from all four House. Somehow even knowing where their classmates would be in class so during their free periods rather than work on homework would sit in on a class as a member of House that was in it. Evidently, it had confused most members of the staff even all the way up to Harry's First Year when Professor Snape tried to take points away from Ron and thinking of the twins accidently removed the points from his own House before fixing the mistake an hour later.

"This thing is not going to blow up on me or anything is it?" Harry asked.

"Nah, mate it is just a map to show you around," Fred said giving him a lopsided grin.

"Though if you try to force it to reveal itself when the map is wiped it can insult you," George said with a similar grin basically shoving the parchment into Harry's hands. "Now all you have to do to get... rid... of the map," George said becoming distracted as he noticed that the map had vanished and writing was appearing on the map.

"Well, that's new," Fred said looking down as well as the map quickly filled up with writing.

"This is not the insult thing you were just telling me about?"

"No that only happens when the parchment is blank. I have never seen the map leave and a message appear when it has been activated. Have you Geroge?" Fred asked his twin.

"Not during any time I used it," George answered.

"So this text might be a joke by these Marauders or something new?" Harry asked only to receive twin shrugs from the Ravenclaw and Slytherin Fifth Years. "Well, I guess we will just have to see what it wrote."

Looking down Harry and the twins saw that the lines on the parchment were labeled as being written by two of the Marauders, Wormtail and Moony.

Wormtail: Prongs has betrayed us when he stole you, my boy.

Moony: His name shall be removed his contribution shall be left unacknowledged.

Wormtail: Stop being so pretensions love and focus.

Moony: Sorry Peter.

Wormtail: It is alright my wolf. Son due to some spells we had placed on this map when we created it a member of one of our lines has been betrayed the map shall list all the betrayals.

Moony: We never saw one of the betrayals being one of us though. Would you like to see the full list of how you were betrayed, baby?

Harry did not know what to do, and the twins were not helping as reading the line about a member of a Marauders' line holding the map activating this function the pair had begun to bow to him stating they were not worthy. Harry thought back to the line from Mr. Weasley as he chastised Ginny at the end of the whole Chamber of Secrets thing saying it was never a good idea to trust something if you could not see where it kept its brains. Yet Fred and George had been using this map for years without any issue with it and Harry suspected after last year the pair had made sure it was perfectly safe, lest they get in trouble as their sister had done. Harry decided if this was a prank by the map it was a rather interesting one so he decided to see what it had. Looking down, Harry saw that as he had decided what to do the words had vanished and the map returned. Yet it was different for the name Prongs had been removed from the top of the map crediting its creators. Not sure how to get the list of supposed betrayals from the map Harry did as the twins did to activate the map taking out his wand and pressing it to the parchment saying," Please show me the list." Almost instantly the map vanished as words once more filled the page.

  • Betrayal number one: James "Prongs" Potter and Lily Potter nee Evens kidnapping you, Harrison Joseph Pettigrew-Lupin, from your parents, Peter "Wormtail" Pettigrew (Sire) and Remus "Moony" Lupin (Bearer.
  • Betrayal number two: Illegal Blood Adoption to James "Prongs" Potter and Lily Potter nee Evens.
  • Betrayal number three: After the death of Potters, Albus "too many f*cking middle names" Dumbledore cast enchantments on you. Blocking 59% of your Magical Core, shifted your Magical Core from being Dark to Light, gave you hatred towards anyone with a Dark Core. Placed blocks on your intelligence and memory. Made you loyal to him and the people he chose later. (Addendum people chosen Molly Weasley, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginevra Weasley.) Mail Wards so only people he approved on could reach you. Spells that would make it impossible for people to track you.*
  • Betrayal number four: Albus "too many f*cking middle names" Dumbledore stole from vaults belong to you through Blood Adoption: cash, family heirlooms, and treasure.
  • Betrayal number five: Ronald Weasley getting paid to become your friend, payments coming from vaults gained through Blood Adoption
  • Betrayal number six: Molly Weasley and Ginevra Weasley getting money sent to them from vaults gained through Blood Adoption after only meeting you once.
  • Betrayal number seven: Albus "too many f*cking middle names" Dumbledore placed enchantments on the Sorting Hat making it place you in Gryffindor no matter what.
  • Betrayal number eight: Hermione Granger becomes friend only to start getting paid from vaults gained through Blood Adoption
  • Betrayal number nine: During your first Yule, while attending Hogwarts sent a sweater dripping with Loyalty and Compulsion Charms on it geared toward Ronald, Ginevra, and Molly Weasley
  • Betrayal number ten: Hermione Granger's "help" with homework is giving incorrect information to make sure you don't outperform her in class despite the blocks Albus "too many f*cking names" Dumbledore has on you
  • Betrayal number eleven: Most of the school turns against you thinking you are the Heir of Slytherin. While you are due to Rite of Conquest it is unimportant. Various spells and curses are cast at you due to belief.
  • Betrayal number twelve: Staff at Hogwarts make no move to stop harassment from students due to the student belief you are the Heir of Slytherin. Surprisingly exception to his is Snivilsu... Severus Snape cast a spell on your bookbag to ward off most spells cast at you.
  • Betrayal number thirteen: Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger spread lies about you to keep others away so they could not become real friends to you, unlike Ronald and Hermione.
  • Betrayal number fourteen: Spells placed on you from Albus "too many f*cking middle names" Dumbledore, Hermione Granger, and Molly Weasley force you to take Divination and Care of Magical Creatures shifting you away from the classes you had wanted Study of Ancient Runes, the Study of Ghost and Spirits, as well as Cultures and Customs of the Magical World. Addendum Albus "too many f*cking middle names" Dumbledore since our time removed vital lessons being taught at Hogwarts such as Introduction to the Magical World, several classes on Law, physical fitness which you will need to learn as quickly as you can.
  • Betrayal number fifteen: Albus "too many f*cking middle names" Dumbledore convinces you to give him the Sword of Gryffindor after you removed it from the Sorting Hat rather than having it be sent to the Gryffindor Vault that you gained through the Blood Adoption.
  • Betrayal number sixteen: Ginevra Weasley starts to dose you with low-level Love Potions so that in a few years you will want to become her boyfriend, and later marry her.
  • Betrayal number seventeen: Teller Vicegrip and Cart runner Griphook do not inform you to talk to an account manager about your vaults or gaining your Heir Rings. Both Goblins are also responsible for allowing Albus" too many f*cking middle names" Dumbledore access to the vaults gained through Blood Adoption and his use of them.
  • Betrayal number eighteen: Cornelius Fudge leaving you at Diagon Alley alone with no protection from any free Death Eaters.
  • Betrayal number nineteen: Seeing you show looks of interest in other males, Hermione Granger and Ginevra Weasley brew and slip illegal and banned potions into your food that will force you to be attracted only to females.
  • Betrayal number twenty: Due to spells placed on our adult selves, by James "Prongs" Potter and Lily Potter nee Evens, we have not come forward and informed you that you are our son. Addendum due to spells on Bearer he has class against Bogarts revealing everyone's biggest fear. Thankfully he has enough paternal instinct to prevent your fear from being publically displayed.

When he was finished with the list of betrayals that had been done to him Harry was flabbergasted. His best friends were anything but and had actively prevented him from meeting people who might actually like him. Hermione had sabotaged his homework forcing him to get lower grades, even though away from the threats of the Dursleys to never outperform Dudley he had tried to get high marks. Hermione and Ginny dosing him with potions that would make him prefer girls over boys. He had found it strange that he had for a month fantasized about a student in his year only to suddenly feel sickened by them due to it being a guy.

But all the more shocking was that according to the map he was not the son of James and Lily Potter but Professor Lupin and someone named Peter Pettigrew. There was also the fact that Professor Dumbledore had placed spells on him and was stealing from him, while Snape had acted to protect him in his Second Year. Snape's enchantment to his bag must have been strong for Harry did not recall any spells cast at him at all during the year unlike what the map had informed him had happened. He took a moment to wonder if that was why no other member of the staff had intervened when people had supposedly cast spells at him in the corridors that year.

Fred and George were pissed seeing what members of their family had done to Harry... Harrison whatever. Unlike the younger boy, the pair trusted the map completely and knew the information it had shared was correct. They were both sicked to see their younger sister and Granger use the illegal "Sexual Attraction Correction" potion on Harrison. Granted they did not spend that much time with the younger boy, but they had thought he and their younger brother had been friends. They had both believed Ron's stories about how stuck up and arrogant Harrison was which had made it strange when Ron had them help rescue Harrison from his home. Having not seen the same attitude that their brother had described in him when Harrison was staying at the Burrow and hearing he could not come to Hogsmead had made the pair decided to lend the younger boy their map for the day so he could go to the village. They had planned on asking him to give it back when he returned during supper but seeing all this changed everything. Wondering if perchance Professor Lupin had another map so they both had their own, plus wanting to show Harrison the map was telling him the truth they decided to take the younger boy to see the Defense Professor.


* Dumbledore does not know Harrison's real parentage so is did what he did thinking Harry was James and Lily's son. Making "Harry" unable to be tracked would make it that no Death Eater could use a locator spell to find "Harry" before he could fulfill Dumbledore's plans.

Chapter 5: Red String of Fa... You Got to be Kidding Me.


During Harry's Sixth Year he felt that everything was going right for once in his life. He was the Quidditch Captain, for once the school had not turned on him for something out of his control. Hell, he was even the topped ranked student in Potions thanks to the Half-Blood Prince's old potions book. So when he and his classmates were informed that they would be learning the spell that showed someone who they were meant to be destined for he thought it would lead him right to Ginny who he had been crushing on since the summer. Harry just forget to take in one simple fact. He was Harry Potter and as such he was Fate and Life's whipping boy where nothing was easy.

Tags: Weasley Bashing, Good Slytherin, Good Dark Side, Destined Mates


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

How Harry hated Snape, the man had been a horrible teacher at Potions and now as the new D.A.D.A teacher had ruined what had always been Harry's favorite class. But he was determined not to let the man get him down for even his least favorite living teacher could not ruin the spell they were to learn today in class. Harry had no doubts that when he cast the spell he would be led to Ron's younger sister Ginny. After all, they were perfect for each other both of them were fantastic at Quidditch both had Voldemort trying to corrupt them at various points in their lives, and as she showed during the events at the Ministry last year both were brilliant fighters. It also did not hurt that Ginny bore a small resemblance to the pictures Harry had of his mother.

He was sure the so-called Red String of Fate that the spell they would be learning would lead to Ginny making this year at the castle his best yet. So for the first time since Snape had taken over the class, Harry arrived early and sat in the front row wanting to make sure he cast the spell perfectly on his first attempt and seal the deal for this year. After all, if his Red String lead to Ginny she would have to break up with Dean and date him for it was destiny.

Harry it seemed was not the only student in his class eager to learn the spell for most arrived early for it and sat at attention waiting for Snape to arrive and teach them for once. It was actually a little unnerving for the former Potion Master when he arrived seeing everyone in their seats not making a sound with eager looks on their faces making him recall the old Muggle horror movie The Children of the Corn. This feeling only grew as the entire class turned to look at him and follow his movements up to his desk still not saying a single word.

"I see you are all ready to learn this spell and see who you are meant to be with," Snape said in his normal drawling voice as the class began. "I will warn you that even though this spell can lead you to one that is considered perfect for you that does not mean you have to date, marry, bond, or even have any type of relationship with them. There is also a slim chance that you may be destined for someone who, unfortunately, is not destined for you. A true perfect match is shown only when you get connected to someone who is also connected to you," Snape said yet his warning did not decrease anyone's excitement to learn the spell.

"Very well, I did my part in issuing the warning," Snape said as he directed everyone to take out their wands. "After you cast the spell only you will be able to see the connection. This does mean that I will be having you perform the spell one at a time since I can only grade you on your wand movement and pronunciation of the spell and not its effects. Snape then lead the class in wand movement which consisted of using their wand to make connecting circles in the air before them before shifting to a slicing movement from their dominant hand's side to the other side of their body before ending with a quick flick forward with their wand.

When it came time to cast the spell Harry watched his classmates move to the front of the room where they were able to cast the spell out loud rather than use silent casting for once. Harry watched the reactions of everyone when they cast the spell to see if he could detect if the person their Red String of Fate was in the class or not. Harry was not surprised when after Ron had his turn his friend smiled as he looked over at Hermione, knowing Ron had only started to date Lavender to make her jealous. Yet when Hermione cast the spell her attention wasn't on Ron but Neville who was as usual sitting as far away from Snape as possible. Neville after his use of the spell shot a surprised and blushing look at Hermione as well. Other strange couples that Harry assumed based on his classmate's looks after they had their turn were Dean and Seamus seeming to be bound together. This gave Harry a thrill seeing that he would have a chance with Ginny since Dean had his bond connecting him to Seamus.

Though he did not care who the Slytherins in the class ended up with he did take note that Pansy smiled as she managed the spell looking at Draco. Yet when Harry's rival cast the spell his gaze shot to the door to the classroom, meaning his Red String of Fate was not in the class. After everyone else had their turn it was finally Harry's chance, since besides practice dueling if he could help it Snape always chose to have Harry be the last one to cast a spell in the class. Harry did not really mind that much after all thanks to Dudley and his gang when he had gone to Muggle school Harry had always been picked last in everything there.

Standing before the front of the class Harry performed the necessary wand movement as he called out the spell, Aeterna Fati Vincula. As he finished saying the invitation which according to the book meant Everlasting Bonds of Fate, in Latin a red beam of light, seemed to shoot out of his wand transforming into a bright red ribbon. One end of the ribbon wrapped gently around his left wrist while the ribbon began to elongate and head right out the door to the classroom. Seeing this Harry could not help but smile after all Ginny could not be in this class since she was a year younger than him.

As Harry took his seat Snape moved to the front of the class again to continue his lecture on the spell. "Though it pains me to say this all of you performed the spell adequately and passed today's lesson so I can not give any of you dunderheads any homework for not getting it right. That being said all of you will have noticed that your so-called Red String of Fate has wrapped around a part of your body. The location signifies something rather significant. If perchance it wrapped around your waist this signifies that you are your destined partner would be considered equal in power for your relationship," Snape said making Harry and a few others confused on what he meant by "power" in the relationship. "Those of you who had your bindings wrap around your wand hand would be considered a top or dominant partner in the bond that Fate had made for you. Literally, on the other hand, those who have the bindings on their non-dominant hand are considered the bottom or submissive partner. As Harry looked around at his classmates he saw he was not the only one who was blushing at this news as Hermione, Seamus, and even Draco had some red come to their faces.

Harry for his part was a little embarrassed to think that he was destined to be the submissive partner of a girl a year younger than him somewhat wising his binding had been at least around his waist to signify they were equal partners. Harry knew that when he was not dueling or facing down Voldemort and his minions he just did not have a dominant leaning thanks to what he had gone through living with the Dursleys.

Harry thinking about what his Red String of Fate had shown him had been lost in thought only coming out of it as the bell rang to end the lesson. "Now remember when you touch the person the spell guided you to if you are under any potions or enchantments to be attracted to another they will both be revealed but also cleansed from your system," Snape said as everyone began to noisily leave the classroom. As the couples who had been connected with someone in the class took each other's hands two people had rolls of parchment appear before them, Hermione and Dean.

Harry did not even notice as he hurried past everyone so he could go find Ginny and see it was official that they were destined together. He was not the only one hurrying out of the class room as Draco made a beeline to the door avoiding Pansy's outstretched hands. Both Harry and Draco had not been paying much attention as they reached the door at the same exact time and actually got stuck for a moment. "Watch it, Potter," Draco sneered as he elbowed Harry out of the way and hurried down the corridor. As Harry's ribbon was heading in the same direction as the retreating blond Harry followed his rival. In the back of his mind, Harry wondered at that for he knew that at this time Ginny had Charms which was the complete opposite direction he was heading which was towards the library. He could only guess that for some reason Professor Flitwick had ended class early that day and Ginny had gone to the library to get some work done. "Why are you following me, Potter?" Draco asked as the pair reached the library corridor.

"I am not, I am following where the Red String of Fate is leading me to my partner and it is directing me to the library," Harry said.

"Great so I get a front-row seat to you and whatever idiot you end up with just cause my string is leading me to the same place," Draco muttered.

"I could say the same thing Malfoy," Harry shot back as the pair reached the doors and pushed them open. Both teens then began to walk at a normal pace and stop talking to each other knowing if they made too much noise or disruption Madam Pince would throw them out.

Surprisingly both Harry and Draco headed in the same direction once they had entered the library. For a moment Harry worried that Draco was also connected to Ginny and was too afraid to admit it lest his father who had issues with the Weasleys kick him out or something. Harry could tell that he was getting close to Ginny as the Red String was getting clearer and a deeper red than it had been back in the classroom, resembling a red ribbon once again. As Harry and Draco both turned at the ends of a stack Harry ran right into something very solid causing him to fall back onto his ass just as a roll of parchment appeared in his lap. Harry looked down at the parchment in wonder recalling Snape's words as the class ending about documents only appeared if he had been placed under any potions or spells that caused him to love someone the Red String of Fate had not directed him to.

Still not looking up Harry unrolled the scroll and began to read it. He was shocked and horrified as he saw that almost since his first trip to the Burrow after Ron and the twins rescued him from the Dursleys before the Second Year he had been given love potions geared towards Ginny. The potions had started out small just designed to make him notice her and feel protective of her which might be why he had gone to save her when she had been taken into the Chamber of Secrets. Over time the strength of the potions and even some love spells had been cast on him not only by Ginny but other members of the Weasley family. One mention was that some compulsions had been applied to him from cursed clothing he had worn around Christmas time meaning it had to be done by Mrs. Weasley and attached to one of the sweaters she always sent him. According to the roll of parchment, the only Weasleys who had neither tried to dose him or cast a spell on him to make him fall for Ginny at some point had been Percy, Charlie, and Bill. Hell, even Fred and George had notes saying they had doused Harry with potions making him think of the time he helped them test out some joke products.

As Harry thought about it, it did make some sense after all when he had visited the twins' shop over the summer they did have a large display of love potions and were selling them to people like Romilda Vane why tried to dose him as well, only to be warned of the potion plot from Hermione. It was not that big of a stretch to think that the Weasley family which was so closely knit to each other, at least the parents and the youngest members would help brew love potions for the twins to sell. Harry recalled in the twin's shop as he was being shown around by the twins they had come across Hermione and Ginny looking at the display of love potions with the Twins making a show of it talking about who Ginny had been dating.

Harry finally looked away from the list as he heard Draco swear," That f*cking bitch I will see her pay for this." As he looked over to the sound of Draco's voice Harry finally noticed what, or should he say who, he had run into as well as the fact that his Red String of Fate was wrapped around their wrist. Looking up Harry saw that the hand that wad connected to his own belonged to Draco's henchman Gregory Goyle. The same person Harry had changed into when he had used Polyjuice Potion in his Second Year and was now glaring down at him. The only good thing about all this was that unlike his earlier worry that he and Draco had been rushing towards the same person was not proven false as Harry spotted Draco with his other goon, Vincent Crabbe.


I can assume you can guess what was on Hermione and Dean's parchments as well?

Chapter 6: L.O. Harry


A sort of mash-up story of Annie, Oliver Twist, and of course Harry Potter.

Tags: Dumbledore and Weasley Bashing, Good Dudley Dursley, Good Malfoy family, Good Severus Snape

Chapter Text

The crowd gathered around the hastily constructed stage as the red-headed girl in the touch too-small dress began to sing "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow." As the girl sang and performed a tap dance for the crowd the rest of the young members of the Weasley Performing Troop moved among them lifting wallets, jewelry, and money both Muggle and Magical. For Har, this was just a normal day of his life since he had been brought into the red-headed family after his Aunt and Uncle had either died or abandoned him leaving him and his Cousin Dudley to fend for themselves. Har always had some misgivings of stealing from people who came to the shows, but if he did not steal he did not get to eat.

Everyone in the family had a role to perform for the shows as well as some special talent which they used to distract crowds of Muggle and Magicals alike. Mother Molly, as Har had been told to call her, along with her husband Papa Arthur ran the shows during the school year and managed the money, buying food and items that Har and the other kids needed. Brother Willaim had taken over leading the shows since he was out of school as well as showing off some sleight of hand for the Muggles while animal training for when they had a Magical crowd. Brother Charlie had just graduated from school and amazed Muggle and Magicals alike with his feats of natural strength. Brother Percy challenged anyone to ask him a question that he could not answer correctly for money and tended to come out on top ninety percent of the time. Brothers Freddy and Geroge had a comedy act for the Muggles and firework shows for the Magical crowds.

Meanwhile, Har and the other young members of the "family" who had not yet found a talent were in charge of stealing from the crowd. Sister Ginny was doing her first show today where she would sing and dance for everybody for a larger share of the money and more food. Brothers Freddy and George were seeing about adding Brother Ron to their act, and even Har's real relative Dudley did his part having found that he had some natural strength about him leading him to do more of the setup for the show and assembling the stage. Har had no talent, apart from what he had learned on how to steal from people. So he got no extra money to spend when the shows were not going on and out of all the kids in the group he got the least amount of food. If it was not for Dudley sharing some of his extra food with him, Har might have grown too weak to actually work and thus earn no food at all. He had discovered that he could talk to snakes one day bringing it to Mother Molly's attention so he could get an act. Only for her to give him one of the worst beatings of his life, and kill his new snake friend ordering him never to talk to a snake again.

Har also had the worst of everything being the youngest of the boys he was forced to wear the clothing that everyone else had already worn out. There were even times when he had been forced to wear Sister Ginny's old clothing as a means to dress up as a girl to be less noticeable in a crowd as he stole from the patrons at the show. He was also the dirtiest of their "family" as well since he was the last one allowed to take a bath meaning the tub was either filled with freezing cold water or was so dirty it would do him no good. The first time he had found the water somewhat clean yet cold as ice he tried to talk Mother Molly to use her Magic to heat the water only to get punished for his suggestion as she made him take a bath in the water as it was. Though never being allowed to clean his face. That was one strange rule that both Dudley and he had, neither of them could clean their faces or wash their hair. Har assumed it was to disguise the fact that neither of them had the red hair the Weasley family had.

Har did think he had a talent in stealing, but he guess that would not make a good act and it might make the watching crowd become aware of what was being done during the performances. Har did not know why but he guessed it was some form of magic that he alone could use but he could find the place a person held their wallet or money pouch as well as get rid of any magical protections that were on it better than the rest. One would think that since he could actually collect more money than anyone else he would get a bigger share of it than he did but Mother Molly and Papa Arthur did not seem to see it that way.

At least Har knew that since he showed signs of having magic unlike Dudley there was a chance he could go to the school Brothers William, Charlie, Percy, Freddy, and George went to when he was of age like Brother Ron talked about doing. Har did miss the older boys when they were away at school and not just because to meet the same quotas meant he had to work faster with the daily performances being shorter with not all the older boys there. He hoped Brother Willaim might find an act for him to do as he took over the show as Mother Molly and Papa Arthur began to leave them alone most days now. The pair of adults said they were going to buy food with the previous day's profits but that made no sense to Har since he did not recall them doing that before Brother William graduated school.

Another thing that set both Har and Dudley, who Har had overheard the other members of their family give the nickname of Dud to, from the rest of the family was their birthdays. While everyone else had a birthday there would be no show and a huge party would be thrown for Har's "siblings" including piles of gifts and a huge plate full of food for the birthday boy/girl. But when it came to Dudley or his birthday they were forgotten. Har even brought it up one year when he was turning seven and while Mother Molly and Papa Arthur said they had big plans for it, the day passed like any other. Dudley and Har began to celebrate their own birthdays together away from everyone else exchanging small gifts and letting the other have the bigger share of their meager food for the day's meal.

Everything changed on Har's tenth birthday. As usual, apart from Dudley, everyone else in the family made no mention of the day being his birthday as Ginny got up on the stage to perform "It's a Hard Knock Life" for the crowd. Seeing a tall man in a tidy black cloak and overly shiny shoes, Har figured the long-nosed man might be rather rich. Making sure that no one was paying attention to him from the crowd, apart from the rest of the family, Har located the man's money pouch and went to collect it. No sooner had his hand entered the man's robes than the man's hand moved like lightning to grab his wrist. "What do we have here?" the man asked looking down his long nose at Har squinting a little at Har's dirty forehead.

"I am sorry sir," Brother Willaim said coming forward, "that is just my parent's young ward. He tends to be rather curious and not good with personal boundaries." Brother bill placed his hand on Har's shoulder giving it a hard squeeze as a punishment for getting caught, which Har knew was just the beginning of his punishment which would happen later that night. For getting caught meant he would get no food and Dudley would be watched to make sure he did not pass Har any.

"It is more than that," the man said arching an eyebrow at Brother William having seen the hand grabbing the young boy tighten and a pained wince flash across the boy's face.

"I assure you that is all it was," Brother William said trying to pull Har away but the man kept a hold on his wrist.

"No, it is not," the man said, "I have some special enchantments on my pouch making it undetectable but your family's ward found it easily. And while I have some documents for my boss in there that would be bad if they were found I must admit I am amazed that this young lad was able to get past my magic."

"I see," Brother William responded not sure what to do for most of the time when one of their group was caught trying to steal from someone the person raised a big fuss but this man actually seemed impressed.

"I shall make a deal with you lad. I shall not press charges against the boy or your troop, you are involved with the show after all I believe. In doing so I want to take the boy for a couple of days to test out his magical skill," the man said.

Har looked up at Brother William fearing that he was going to be handed over to this strange man thinking this was going to be the worst birthday of his young life. "Very well, take him," Brother Willaim said letting Har go and pushing him at the man.

"How can I return him after my work with him is over?" the strange man asked gently catching Har and without even looking at him straightened the boy's clothing and grimy glasses.

"Just drop him off in Diagon Alley we usually have a show there every couple of days and we will collect him then," Brother William informed the man. Har bit his tongue knowing that the family did not do a show in Diagon every couple of days but maybe once a week at random meaning he might have to fend for himself before everyone showed up for a performance.

"Very well, I shall see to it," the man said showing the same level of gentleness as before placing a hand on Har's shoulder and leading him away.

"My name is Severus Snape, my lad what can I call you?" the man asked as they walked away from the troop, where no one, except for Dudley again showed any signs of being upset that Har was being led away.

"My name is Har," Har answered back.

"Well, that is an unusual name," the man said.

"You are one to take Mr. Severus," Har shot back wincing a little as he wondered if he would get punished as he would at home.

"I guess you got me there," the man said to Har's shock let out a laugh.

"Plus it is the only name I know after first my parents died then my only living relatives died and I came to live with the Weasleys," he told the man.

"Ah, I am sorry about that Har," the man said and sounded it, though he could just be acting like some of Har's "siblings" did.

"So what do you want with me?" Har asked as they reached an Apparition Point and left Kelpie Alley.

"As I told the show's announcer, I was rather impressed by your skill with magic and I think you should meet my boss," the man said with a sad smile.

"Is there a problem with your boss?" Har asked in response to the look on the man's face.

"What? No, it is just that since his wife and child died almost five years ago my boss has shown some interest in kids with special talents. And you look to be just a few years younger than his son meaning he would like to meet you all the more. I should warn you though not to try stealing anything while you are at his place. My boss is also a little rough around the edges, but that comes with being in control of two of the largest family accounts in Europe thanks to the passing of his wife," Snape told Har.

"What's an account?" Har asked.

"It means he is one of the richest men in Europe, and as such he has some bodyguards that you will most likely meet as well. The first one is named Hagrid and he is well, a large man. I barely reach his armpit. But the one you have to look out for is Madam Tonks, while she is young she has a gift that allows her to shift her form at will and thus leads the undercover forces of my boss," Snape explained.

Har had been so focused on what Snape had been saying he had not been paying attention to where they had been walking towards. As he caught sight of a building so large and grand he was sure this had to be some sort of train station where Snape and he would get on some train to take us to their final destination. Yet as Snape opened the doors Har saw it was a home, maybe a school sort of place like his older "siblings" went to learn how to use their magical gifts better. "Welcome Har to Malfoy Manor," Snape said as he walked through the door and called for a House Elf to take his overcoat. "Is Lord Malfoy in his office?" Snape asked the Elf. Har stood amazed having heard of House Elves but never thought he would meet one.

"He is out to a meeting with Minister Fudge, Lord Prince," the creature said in a slightly high-pitched voice.

"Hm, that could mean he could be back in five minutes to a few hours," Snape said looking at a pocket watch he had just pulled out of his pant pocket. "In the meantime let's get our young guest here something to eat," Snape said as Har's stomach rumbled.

"What do you want me to do to earn the food?" Har asked, "I can clean if you want. I am very good with laundry and windows."

"Why I," the House Elf began only to stop as Snape lifted a hand to it.

"There is nothing you need to do to earn your meal, Har. And all cleaning here is done by the Manor's House Elves," Snape said before calling each Elf forward and telling Har in detail the Elf's job ranging from cooking, cleaning, and even making beds. All the while leading Har to a grand dining room and to get them something to eat.

Har and Mr. Snape had barely sat down to eat, and Har was surprised by the large amount of food he was given. The plate had more food on it than any birthday meal he had seen any of his "siblings" or even Mother Molly and Papa Arthur get. Snape on the other hand was rather sad that he could only offer the boy so little food, having performed a diagnostic spell on the boy as he looked in wonder at the Malfoy Manor Entrance Hall and had found the boy due to some issue of malnutrition would be unable to have a full serving or handle some heavy foods. Snape also had Ducan the Malfoy Family House Elf that held the role of the head waiter to go grab nutrition and stomach healing potions from his potion stores in the Manor. Having a feeling the boy might be a little self-conscious about how little he could eat, Snape had Ducan prepare him a plate of similar proportions for the meal, if he was hungry later he would eat as an example for Har that it was allowed in the Manor.

Snape was also a little put off by the poor boy's eating habits, Har had taken the plate off the table and used one hand to wrap possessively around it as if afraid someone would take it from him while messily eating his meal one-handed. It made Snape happy that the Elves had just given them sandwiches to eat he could not imagine the possible mess if they had spaghetti and meatballs. Snape had recognized the family of redheads that Har had been staying with so he was not that shocked when Har did not even offer thanks to Lady Magic or one of their kin before he started eating.

Har had nearly cleaned off his plate before Snape had finished one and a half of his sandwiches. Snape was almost afraid the boy was going to start choking on his food when the pair of them heard a voice call out. "Severus? SEVERUS? Where the bloody hell are you?" Snape winced at the swearing of his boss as he used a napkin to dap at any crumbs on his face.

"I will be right back, Har," he said smiling down at the boy who he saw had flinched not at the swear but the yelling. Patting the boy's shoulder in a kindly manner Snape left the room to go find his boss.

"Ah there you are Severus, Fudge was as useless as ever wanting me to fund his reelection campaign, almost by myself. Almost blew a gasket when I reminded him I don't like many of his policies or how he is listing to Albus as the man breaks down all our old traditions. Now, where have you been? Lucius asked.

"I was running those errands for you in Kelpie Alley this morning. And I was almost robbed," Snape informed his old friend and boss.

"Robbed you? I have seen Gringotts with less security on some of their money and document transfers than you have Severus. I take it you sent the thief right to Amelia?" Lucius asked as his two bodyguards entered the hall taking off their traveling cloaks and giving Severus a nod in greeting.

"Actually I brought him here," Snape said smiling a little at Lucius's reaction.

Lucius Malfoy sputtered incoherently for a moment before finding his voice, "You Brought Someone Who Tried To Steal From You Into My Home!? Are You Mad?"

"I have not taken leave of my senses at all. I thought about having them at least charged but it was a boy, Lucius," Severus said. "He looks even younger than your son would have been at this time. And as you have been too busy this year to invite a kid over to help you celebrate Draco's birthday I thought you might like to celebrate it with him. Plus the boy was able to somehow find where I kept my wallet and pouch which as you pointed out I have some extreme protections on meaning he has a great deal of magic."

"What about the boy's family?" Nymphadora "Dora" Tonks asked.

"The poor boy told me his parents and closest living relatives are dead and he was being brought up by the Weasley family," Severus informed them making the three scowl a little having heard stories of what happened at the Weasley shows.

"Very well, he can stay a couple of days as long as he understands he is not to take anything," Lucius said with a small huff of what was possibly either frustration or weariness.

"I have already talked to him about that," Severus informed Lucius.

"Good now, where is the boy?" Lucius asked peering around.

"I left him in the ground floor dining room eating a small meal of toasted sandwiches," Snape said as he lead the way back to the room. When the small group entered it they found Har still at the table gazing longingly at the remains of Snape's meal. "Would you like the rest of my food, Har?" Snape asked as he made his way over to the boy.

"I would not want to be greedy after the feast you gave me already. It was the largest birthday meal I can remember," Har said looking embarrassed.

"His birthday," Snape heard Lucius mutter to himself as he took in Har at the table with his raggedy clothing and dirty appearance it making it hard to say what skin tone the boy had.

"If you are hungry you are allowed to eat, Har," Snape said getting on his knees to look the boy in his eyes seeming them mist over with unshed tears as Snape pulled the plate over to the boy. "Just go slowly so you don't choke and drink these," he said passing over the two potions he had gotten for the boy. "Har, I would like you to meet my boss and the two bodyguards I told you about," Snape said directing Har's attention to the newcomers.

Har cast his gaze at them as he shoved another wonderful sandwich into his mouth only to nearly choke as he laid eyes on the biggest man he had ever seen. "Dance Dragons, Har said looking up and up into the man's bearded face seeing the man had a pair of Beatle black eyes that twinkled down at him in a friendly manner.

"Lo," the large man said waving a hand the size of a trashbin's lid at him which Har could not help but return.

"After you finish your meal young man we shall clean you up and put you in some new clothing," a blonde-headed man said drawing Har's attention to him.

"You don't have to bother, sir. The meal was enough of a birthday treat without any new clothing," Har said having learned long ago from Mother Molly and Papa Arthur that gifts from strangers would lead to beatings for him.

"Nonsense," the blonde-head man said waving away his words, "if it makes you feel any better we will keep the clothing when you go back to your... "family." Now you said it was your birthday how old are you know so I can let Morice put the correct number of candles on a cake for later?"

"I am," Har said before turning to count on his fingers for a moment, "ten years old today." His pronouncement shocked everyone for thanks to Har's small size everyone had assumed him to be maybe six, seven at the oldest.

"My son would be ten if he had lived," Lucius quietly muttered to himself before continuing in a louder tone, "We shall make sure you a presentable for special birthday supper than tonight. Starting with a wash-up. Can I assume you have never had a shower before?" Lucius asked while adding in his mind "or a bath."

"A shower sir?" Har asked.

"I thought as much, a bath it is then," Lucius said as he took off his overshirt and rolled up his sleeves wanting to handle the boy's bath himself rather than leave it to a House Elf or one of his employees. As the boy finished his meal Lucius went to draw the boy a bath adding various bubble solutions to it not knowing if the boy had any scent preferences, or if any by the state of his current unclean appearance.

The Burrow

"Bill, how could you let this happen?" Molly asked her eldest son.

"I had no choice mom the man said he would charge us for theft if I did not let him take Har for a few days. Considering you never really seem to care about him I did not think you would mind this much," Bill said.

Molly ran a hand over her face. "Of course, I care. It is thanks to the boy that we are as well off as we are or did you think the meager pocket change he, his nasty cousin, and your younger siblings collected for us could feed and clothes us all?"

"He is? Bill asked skeptically.

"He is," Molly said looking over at the door to make sure it was still closed. "Albus gave him to us to make sure he was brought up as ignorant of the Magical World as well as the Muggle one so he would have to rely on us and Albus to get by."

"But why?" Bill asked becoming completely confused now.

"He is the missing Potter Heir," Molly said shocking him. "After You-Know-Who killed his parents he tried placing him with Lily's sister and her family but they spent the money allotted to them on themselves and Dud not letting Albus have access to any of the Potter Vaults. So he got rid of them and gave the boys to use on the condition he had free access to the Potter Vaults as well as the ones I just told you about keeping him ignorant. But if this man you gave Har to discovers who he is and takes him to Gringotts it could all be for nothing. The brat's fortune is almost as large as the combined Malfoy/Black fortunes that Lucius Malfoy holds. Which can now be lost to us and Albus if the man discovers Har's identity and gets new keys to his vaults. I am going to have to report this to Albus," Molly said as she made her way to the fireplace to Floo to Albus's office at Hogwarts. Bill remained in the room for a couple of moments thinking about what he had just learned before he went to check on his younger siblings and the Dud. Thankfully giving Dudley who had been listening at the door to the room time enough to get away and wonder how he could let his cousin know what he had just learned.

It had taken two hours, several refillings of the tub, and some cleaning spells but Lucius with the help of Severus had managed to get the boy's hair and skin cleaned up. After drying Har down with a large fluffy white towel the pair of soaked men decided to trim the boy's hair a bit since without the dirt and grim in it almost completely covered Har's face. Placing Har into a robe Dora had gone out to purchase for the boy to wear, Lucius stood behind him and began to cut the boy's wild mane of hair. Severus holding the boy's hand who had flinched in fear when he had seen the scissors in Lucius's hands. This is when both Severus and Lucius discovered the boy did not need the glasses he had been wearing, as Har tracked the scissors from one side of the room to where he was sitting as Lucius carried them over. Thinking it would be easier to do the back and sides first Lucius waited until he was almost finished before he worked on the boy's bangs letting Har see past them.

After cutting Har's hair, Lucius began to style it a little when he discovered what he had taken as a birthmark earlier for what it was. As for Severus, he saw that without the fake glasses on the boy's face blocking his eyes the pair of dark green orbs reminded him of his old childhood friend Lily. "Severus I think we have a problem here," Lucius said his voice breaking a little.

"Did I do something wrong?" Har asked looking up at him.

"Of course not, Har," Severus said quickly drawing his gaze away from the boy's too-familiar eyes as Lucius draws his attention to Har's forehead. "Good Merlin, do you think they knew?"

Lucius gave him an incredulous look at the dumb question. "Are you serious? They had to know, why else would they have let him remain so dirty all the time compared to the rest of them."

"Is something wrong sir?" Har asked looking between the two men.

"Nothing is wrong my lad," Snape said giving him a friendly smile. "We just found out who you are."

"I am Har, Mr. Severus I told you that," Har said a little confused.

"That is the name they told you, you were called your birth name is Harry James Potter and you are quite famous in the Magical World," Snape said.

"No I am not, I am just an orphan," Har said shaking his head in dismissal of the man's statement.

"I assure you I am not Harry, I knew and was friends with your mother. You have been missing since their deaths everyone has been looking for you to thank you for somehow stopping their killer," Snape said.

"I can't do anything like that, I can't even perform all I am good for is um," Har said sending a worried look up at Mr. Lucius.

"That is only due to what they taught you to do Harry," Lucius said kneeling before the young too-small boy and placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You will find that people can do almost anything if they are taught how to do it."

"I don't know I might get in trouble," Har said.

"From them? You should not worry about it. I don't know how you ended up with the Weasleys but you never should have been with them in the first place. One of your Godparents should have been responsible to raise you," Lucius said.

"Who are they?" Har asked.

"I was hoping you could tell me the only one I know of is my deceased wife's cousin who is in Azkaban for murdering the person who betrayed your parents and a handful of Muggles. Due to him being sent to prison he lost his claim to take you in," Lucius said.

"Gringotts?" Snape suggested.

"It seems like the best option," Lucius said. Har knew of Gringotts it was large white buildings that were in every Magical Alley that Mother Molly and Papa Arthur used to deal with the money they gained from the shows and forbid Har and Dud from ever getting close to or not getting food for a full week.

Chapter 7: L.O. Harry chapter 2


In which Little Orphan Harry heads to Gringotts.

Chapter Text

"While I go call the bank to schedule a meeting why don't you tell Severus and Dora a little bit about yourself," Lucius said straightening up as he gave Harry a kind smile.

"What about myself?" Harry asked.

"How about your schooling and studies," Severus prompted, "you said you only knew how to steal what about your reading, mathematics, science, brewing, and the like." As Lucius left the room he caught Dora's eye giving her a slight nod. Understanding the unspoken order, his niece gave him a nod in return as she began to study Harry's face and hair as the young boy began to talk.

"I didn't have any of that stuff. I tried to look through one of Brother Percy's books but it was just full of wiggly lines no pictures. He offered to help me learn what the lines meant but Mother Molly caught us and I got punished," Har said kicking his legs over the edge of the chair a little being too short to reach the floor.

"What about Percy was he punished as well?" Severus asked.

"Nope," Har said simply.

"Why not?" Dora asked.

"He is useful in the show I just take money from others. Mother Molly said I did not need to know how to read," Har said with a shrug of his shoulders as if it was not that important to him.

"Dobby," Severus called out.

With a small pop, the requested Elf appeared and asked "What can Dobby do for Mister Severus?"

"Dobby I would like you to get a tutor for young Harry here. I think I recall one of Potter's friends went into education. See if Remus Lupin is free to take the job," Severus requested of the Elf since as he was not a member of the Malfoy family and thus could not give him or any other House Elves of the Manor orders.

"Dobby shall look into it, Mister Severus," Dobby said being one of the few elves who did follow the man's orders which was the reason Severus had called for him.

"You don't have to do that," Har said blushing a little.

"Since I believe I have heard from some of my old friends that the Weasleys go to Hogwarts you would want to go as well, don't you?" Severus asked.

"I know Bill and Charlie went there, I was in Charlie's class," Dora said as she worked on memorizing Harry's face.

"More than anything I want to do magic and not have to steal anymore," Har said whispering the last part fearing he might get in trouble for thinking such a thought.

"Well then you will need to know how to spell, that is write things down properly, read, and have some other basic knowledge if you want to be able to do well in your classes," Severus said.

"What do you know about protocol?" Dora asked recalling that Charlie was rather lax with Pureblood protocol when they were at school together.

"You mean like taking one's shoes off when one goes inside, or to excuse myself after I sneeze, burp, or fart?" Har asked.

"No I mean more like how to properly greet someone, how to address Magicals based on their place in their family, proper reasons and ways to call forth a duel, and so on," Dora asked.

"Is that important?" Har asked having never heard of anything like what she was talking about.

"Well, as you are the last member of your family that is alive," Severus said.

"No, I am not my Cousin Dudley lives with me and the Weasleys," Har interrupted.

"Magical family member that is alive. I can only assume your cousin is from your mother's side of your family which are either Muggles or Squibs so are not taken into account for this. As the last Potter, you are considered an Heir and future Lord of your House. So if you do not know the proper protocol you could upset someone accidently and end up making them an enemy of your House," Severus explained.

"Or, Lady of the House, depending on if you realize that you are a male in a woman's body. You could also be known as the Leader of the House if you find neither that neither male of female gender feels right for you," Dora added.

Seeing Harry looked confused at her statement Severus said, "But that is for when you are older, for even if you are the last of your family you will not be able to take full control of your House until you are of age. Do you know what age that is?" he asked testing Harry's knowledge.

"No," Har said shaking his head making Severus bite his lip for a moment.

"Do you and your cousin get along well Harry?" Severus asked confusing both Dora and Harry with the random change of subject.

"Yes, he usually gives me more food when I get punished so I don't pass out," Har said.

"I am going to have to talk to Lucius about getting you both away from the Weasleys," Severus said more to himself than the others.

"WHAT?! No, they are my family. They were the only ones who took me in after my aunt and uncle left us," Har said taking Severus' arm and shaking it in protest.

"And kept you ignorant not only of the Muggle World but the Magical World as well. Forced you to steal and from what you said earlier punished you more than their own kids," Severus said in a soft tone as he wrapped an arm around Harry to help him calm down a little.

"I want to go home take me back there," Har ordered the man. For while he liked what Mr. Severus and Mr. Lucius had done to him but they were talking bad about his family.

"Maybe after our appointment," Lucius said entering the room arching an eyebrow at Severus as if asking his old friend and personal assistant why Harry suddenly wanted to go back to the Weasleys.

Har began to chew on one of his fingernails in thought. He did not like what Mr. Seveurs was saying about his family, but on the other hand, he had always wanted to go into Gringotts and to see one of the supposed Goblins that worked there. It was not a hard choice. "Alright, after my visit to the bank but not a second later," Har liked that it sounded a little official like Brother Percy did during his act.

"Very well, please follow me," Lucius said reaching out for Harry's hand for the young boy to take. As the pair left the room Severus and Dora soon followed after them. Hagrid, who had been outside of the room took a position at the rear as the group headed to one of the Malfoy Manor Floo rooms. Harry once again looking at the art and items along the hall missed Dora's face scrunching up as she turned her hair and eyes into the same color that Harry had so it looked like they were related. Getting to the Floo, Lucius pilled out some powder meant for use by large groups handing it to Hagrid for the connection would stay until the person who set it up walked through it, and as usual, the half-giant would be the last one to go through. "Now I shall go first when the connection is made," Lucius said explaining what the plan was, "next you will be helped along by Dora. Severus will be next and finally Hagrid. As I have already called ahead we will skip the lines and head to our meeting. Keep close to Dora for me Harry," Lucius said as Hagrid threw the handful of Floo powder into the small fire making it flare green and filling the oversized fireplace.

Har did as requested of him though he really wanted to get close to one of the Goblins as well as the large amounts of treasure he saw them working on. As if sensing his desire, Dora pulled him in closer to her keeping her hand on his shoulder. This also made it look like she was a mother making sure her kid did not get into too much trouble during their visit. Lucius lead their group to a side door that opened up into a corridor of polished stone. Har saw Mr. Lucius pull out a card which rather than the strange squiggles that were in Brother Percy's books looked to be a random symbol. Har then saw that each door they passed had symbols on them as well making him think that the card in Mr. Lucius's hand was letting him know what door their meeting was to take place in.

After a good ten-minute walk the group arrived at the door which matched the symbol on Mr. Lucius's card, which looked like a lion's head with a third eye in the middle of its forehead. "This is the place," Lucius said knocking on the door and being told to enter the room. "Hello, I scheduled a meeting with the Account Manager of the Potter family."

"Contract, Loan, or other?" a Goblin asked from behind the desk.

"I guess other. Earlier today my assistant brought a young boy into my Manor for an annual remembrance celebration for my deceased son. After cleaning him up a bit we found him to be the lost Potter Heir." Lucius said making the Goblin lean forward.

"Is that so," the Goblin said looking at Harry taking in his eyes, scar, and the rest of his face. "We will have to prove this you know. You are not the only ones who have come to the bank saying they have found the Heir, though you are the first to call for a meeting with me."

"Um, how do we prove that I am who they think I am?" Har asked.

"We will give you an Inheritance Test. If you are not Harry Potter and this is some sort of bid to gain access to his vauts you will be facing Goblin Justice. Well maybe not you but they will," the Goblin said indicating the four adults that had come with Har.

"I assure you I have no desire for any money from the Potter vaults I have more than enough as it is," Lucius said trying not to sound affronted knowing most Goblins would take that as a challenge.

"I am still going to administer the test," the Goblin said as he pulled out the necessary items to do the ritual speaking in Gobbledegook to get them all ready for use. Har was fascinated by all this sitting at attention finding he could actually understand what the Goblin was saying as it asked for help from Lady Magic and something known as the Keeper of the Stone to uncover the truth of the person he was about to test. Har was so entranced by the Goblin's words he did not even notice as the Goblin used a small knife to cut Har's left palm and collected some of his blood to add to a potion inside a pure silver goblet. The Goblin held the goblet up offering another wish of hope from Lady Magic and the Keeper of the Stone before he dumped the contents of the Goblet onto a blank roll of parchment. Har's eyes bulged as the liquid from the goblet was absorbed into the parchment and the squiggly lines appeared leaving the parchment utterly dry. Placing the silver Goblet on a tray the Goblin pushed the parchment at Har.

"I shall read it for you, Harry," Mr. Severus said getting permission from the Goblin after he explained Harry did not know how to read.

Harry James Potter


  • Sire: James Tiberius Potter (Deceased)
  • Bearer: Lily Samantha Potter nee Evens (Deceased)


  • Sirius Black (Incarisrated lost position)
  • Alice Heather Longbottom nee Beswick (Mentally Compromised)
  • Narcissa Harley Malfoy nee Black (Deceased)


  • Vernon and Petunia Dursley (Mentally Compromised)
  • Arthur and Molly Weasley (Illegally)

Magical Guardian:

  • Severus Tobias Snape (Prince) (Not claimed)
  • Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (Illegally)

Family lines

  • Peverell (87,964,071,546 Galleons in holdings)
  • Gryffindor (368,221,573 Galleons in holdings)
  • Potter (25,342 Galleons in holdings)
  • Slytherin (457,330,584 Galleons in holdings)
  • Gaunt (343 Galleons in holdings)

Enchantments and traces of foreign magic in system

  • 3% Core blocked (placed by parents, not removed at the normal time of two years of age)
  • Horcrux (attached to the soul by Tom Marvolo "Voldemort" Riddle)
  • 58% Core blocked (placed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • Memory Charm (placed by Molly Weasley after being kidnapped from guardians)
  • Loyalty Charms: Geared towards Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (placed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore) Addendum spell cast to include all offspring of Molly Weasley and Arthur Weasley
  • All-Speach blocked (placed by Molly Weasley) Addendum spell only partially successful
  • Mage-Sight partially blocked: only allowed to see spells/Wards of protections around money and treasure on a person (placed by Molly Weasley)
  • Intelligence Dampening (placed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)

Account activity

  • 50,000 Galleons removed from Potter family holdings in total since January of this year
  • 85,714 Galleons removed from Potter family holdings a year for the last five years

As Severus finished reading the document it was all he could do not to rip it in half and throw it in fire out of anger. How dare Albus and the Weasleys do this to the son of one of his best friends. They had taken him in only to steal from him. He had thought it strange that the Potter accounts had only 25,342 Galleons in them. He saw what had happened to the majority of accounts seeing that Albus and the Weasleys had stolen 478,571 Galleons, rounded up as the nature of such documents, from Harry. He also could not believe that he was Harry's Magical Guardian he had never received any not about it after Lily and Potter had died. Though considering Albus was listed as the Magical Guardian illegally and at the time of the Potter's deaths, Severus had still been working as a spy for the man the bastard could have blocked access to the news of his role from him.

"Severus you don't think...?" Lucius began only to look like he could not ask what was on his mind.

"Think what Lucius?" Severus asked.

"Well, all of Harry's guardians that were legally put in place either were not informed as I assume you were or disposed of. You don't think that they found out Narcissa was Harry's Godmother and are responsible for her and Draco's death?" Lucius asked.

"I did not even think about that," Severus said recalling the death of Lily and his old friend from Hogwarts when she and Severus's Godson had gone early to a Malfoy family vacation. Lucius had to go later as he was finishing up a case at the office. Something had gone wrong with the Portkey the pair had been using causing them to appear not in an open field but inside one of the stones of a pyramid killing them instantly. Lucius had been devastated causing Severus who had been close to the whole family to quit his job at Hogwarts and come work for Lucius, who had quick his job as a lawyer and had become an investor in various magical travel groups so such a thing did not happen again. With Narcissa dead, her cousin Sirius sent to Azkaban along with Narcissa's older sister, and the remaining Black sister having been banished from the family line Lucius had inherited the Black family fortune adding to his already massive wealth becoming the richest Magical in Europe.

Well, the richest Magical it seems after Harry who had almost two and a half times as much money as Lucius had. Money that was getting stolen from Albus and the Weasleys.

"Since I am listed as Harry's Magical Guardian I would like to ask for new keys to his vaults since Harry has stated he has never been to any bank before," Severus said seeing the Potter family Account Manager clenched his fist as he understood what that meant. "I would also like to see Harry getting cleansed of what is in his system, as soon as possible."

"I will see to it, as well as looking into the stolen funds and possible property since this test was not set out to list such items," the Goblin said ready to take his ax to Dumbledore and Molly himself.

"Also if there is a way for us to find out what happened to Vernon and Petunia Dursley if that could be looked into as well," Lucius suggested hearing a little bit about Dudley Dursey being with Harry at the Weasleys, and not liking the idea that a child was separated from their parents, thanks to the Albus and the Weasleys.

"Harry, have you ever met Albus Dumbledore?" Dora asked surprising Lucius and Severus who had could not find the reasoning behind her question.

"I don't know what does he look like?" Har asked seeing Madam Dora's face scrunch up as if she was trying to recall what the man looked like herself. But to his surprise, the woman's face changed as her hair grew longer as well as her growing a beard both of which turned pure white as her face took on a more masculine appearance.

"He looks like this, though also with a pair of half-moon glasses which I can not create," Madam Dora said making Har giggle a little to hear her voice come out of the old man's face.

"I have never seen anyone with that amount of hair either during a performance or back home at the Burrow," Har said after his small fit of giggles had ended.

"I thought as much," Madam Dora said as with another face scrunch returned to her normal look.

"Dora?" Mr. Lucius asked sounding confused.

"Sorry, Lucius," Madam Dora said, "but even if the document labeled the Headmaster as an illegal Magical Guardian since most people believed it when he shared it in the Wizengamot. He should have visited Harry at least once a month."

"So without doing so even if he held the position legally it should have been taken from him," Lucius said in understanding.

Chapter 8: The Prince and the Potter


Who Lily marries determined who won the war.


Tags: James Potter, Light Side, and Albus Dumbledore Bashing. Harry has different parents, Severus Snape/Lily Evens, Good Dark Side.

Also Harry is a year younger than he is in the normal timeline due to Lily and Severus taking a little longer to get married and have him than Lily and James did

Chapter Text

Lily Evens' son was a child of destiny in most realities, but his mother also played an important part as well. For it is who she falls in love with that determines which side is seen as the victor in the First War between Albus Dumbledore and Tom Riddle's forces. In many realities she marries James Potter leading Albus Dumbledore to step up for various reasons, some of which were noble others not so much, to bring her son up to bring an end to Voldemort and a Light Side in charge. In some realities, Lily married Severus Snape leading Albus acting under James's wish to make Lily his wife to attack the couple leading him to be driven away by Tom Riddle as the Dark Cored Magicals lead the world for the better. There are even a few realities in which Lily marries both Severus and James leading to the trio gathering their own allies to put a stop to both Albus and Tom leading to a victory in the balance of magic where neither Light nor Dark has too much power.

This story is one of the middle categories where after years of friendship during his Fifth Year Severus Snape asked Lily to go out with him on a date. Lily had been reluctant not wanting to ruin their friendship but finally agreed to have a date during the last Hogsmead Visit before the start of their OWLs. Finding the date did not change any aspect of their friendship as she had feared Lily agreed to see where their growing relationship lead them. So that rather than going over his test papers after his Defense OWL Severus and Lily had gone to a secluded part of the castle and shared their first chasten kiss and thus avoided James and the Marauders bullying which in realities where Lily chose James, Severus had lost control and called her a Mudblood ending their friendship.

When it became public knowledge during Lily and Severus' Sixth Year that the pair were dating James got Sirius to help him increase his harassment towards Severus who he saw as taking what should have been his. This act leads to the end of the Marauders as Remus despite seeing the pair as friends was smart enough to realize the reason they were acting like they were to Severus now and wanted no part of it. Peter Pettigrew after seeing Remus walk away and seeing James and Sirius not include him in anything just give it all up feeling rather lonely until he started hanging out with another outcast Chester Weasley, the younger brother of Arthur Weasley.

Lily and Severus just continued to ignore the pair of Gryffindor idiots as they finished school both being at the top of their class, alongside Remus Lupin. After graduation, Severus proposed to Lily with a ring he had gotten from the Prince vaults having finally moved away from his abusive alcoholic father when he came of age and finding out that he had been named Heir of the Prince life by his Grandfather. Lily had said yes as the pair began to plan the wedding around their schedules. This was rather hectic since Severus was working in an apothecary as he went after his Masters in Potions, while Lily had started in the Ministry as an Apprentice Unspeakable. The only way the pair had managed to get married so fast was the wife of one of Severus' friends taking care of all the planning. This leads Lily and the woman, Narcissa Malfoy nee Black, into becoming best friends.

Lily had been shocked by her new friendship with Narcissa Malfoy since the woman, as well as several others she had introduced Lily to were followers of the Political Activist Tom Riddle. Lily stilled recalled her former Headmaster talking about Tom, or as Albus called him Voldemort, as well as Tom's supports or "Death Eaters" and how they hated all Muggles. Yet Lily experienced no form of hatred or disgust from anyone even Narcissa's older sister Bellatrix. She was treated like anyone else as the two sisters, and some of their friends helped plan her and Severus' wedding.

James meanwhile was angry when he heard of the woman he loved planning on marring Snivilus, knowing the bastard had to have her on spell or potions to get her to fall for him rather than James. Though the only people who listened to this was his best friend Sirius and Albus Dumbledore. What was worse James had heard Lily had moved in with the slimy snake meaning he was dousing her or enchanting her every day. Yet when he brought it up to his training officer in the Auror Core, Legvistus Nott, the man did not believe him. Though Legvistus was also a Dark Cored Magical so, of course, he had stood up for Snivilus.

James finally brought it to a head when Albus informed him that he had learned when Lily's bachelorette party was going on. When James had asked why the Headmaster knew o the event. Albus had stated that besides Lily most of the attendees were suspected Death Eaters or spouses of Death Eaters. Fearing for Lily, James talked to Sirius to join him in crashing the party and rescuing the girl of his dreams. Sirius hearing that his cousin Bellatrix was going to be at the event, and knowing what a superb duelist she was talked James into taking some potion to help enhance their reflexes in case it came to a fight. Unfortunately for both of them, without Remus around to help brew the potion rather than enhance their reflexes it made both James and Sirius drunk. When James and Sirius were let out of the Ministry Holding cells the next morning after their "attempted rescue" of Lily which lead to property damage and being brought in for drunk and disorderly conduct but men were dismissed from the Auror Core. Lily had also filed a magical restraining order against both of them as well thus preventing them from showing up at her wedding a few days later.

With the restraining order in place, the wedding of Lily Evens to Severus Prince went off without a hitch. Being officiated by Tom Riddle himself, Lily's Maid of Honor was Narcissa Malfoy while Severus had chosen Regulus Black as his best man. Most of the attendants at the wedding were Tom's allies which Lily had gotten to know and grown close to as the wedding was being planned. Only one person had refused an invitation to come, which had been Lily's older sister Petunia, who Lily had invited as a way to bury the hatchet. Receiving an angry letter back Lily and Severus had agreed to follow the nasty older female's wish and let her live her life without any interaction from the Magical World.

Albus was furious when he heard about the wedding, not only for the fact that he had not been invited but also because it upset James Potter. Knowing how powerful the Potter line was and how it had connections to the Peverell family and thus the Deathly Hallow, Albus tried to keep James happy so he could one day get access to the Invisibility Cloak. Albus tried to increase the smear campaign against Tom's group paying a few Magicals to talk to the paper about attacks the group of "Death Eaters" had performed killing their families. Sometimes having his people stage the attack dressed as Death Eaters against people who stood against them.

One such attack was planned by Molly Weasley who had targeted her own brothers so that she could take over as head of the Prewett Family. Albus did not have the heart to tell her that even if she killed her brothers she could not lead as the Prewetts Head of the Family could only be filled by Twins. He just approved the plan for the Prewetts were a highly liked and respected Light Side Family that after the story of the Death Eaters killing them would lead to people turning away from Tom. If only Albus had helped plan the attack himself rather than leaving it to Molly, for while Fabian and Gideon Prewett had been killed the Law officers who had gone to look into the attack found some hair left behind by Molly leading to her arrest for Line Theft and Siblicide. Albus had cursed the woman for ending up in Azkaban as well as not following his suggestions of leaving her brothers enough time to content some of their allies which might have brought Edgar and Louise Bones to Prewett Manor to be killed as well. Not that Albus had an issue with Edgar or Louise but if they died their daughter would be passed over to her closest living relative Amelia Bones who was too good at her job. Not to mention the woman somehow was able to keep the peace between his forces and Voldemort.

The only good thing about the attack was that only Molly had been sent to Azkaban and since Albus had all his people under powerful enchantments so they could not reveal other members of the Order her husband and others who had taken part in the attack had not been arrested as well. Knowing that Molly's three-year-old twins when they came of age would become the next Heads of the Prewett Line, Albus came to Arthur to support him during the trying time and even offered the man some monetary support.

A year after Lily and Severus got married they welcomed their son, Hayden Leopold Prince. They had named him after Lily's father Harry and Severus' Grandfather. The pair had chosen Hayden's Godparents to be Narcissa and Regulus while naming Tom Riddle as Hayden's Magical Guardian if anything was to happen to them.

James who know worked as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts upon hearing about Hayden's birth had begged Albus to step in and save Lily bringing both her and her son to him. Albus only accepted it when James told him that if he did so James would perform a ritual that would make them blood relatives since the Potter Line was more powerful than the Dumbledore one was. Seeing it as a way to get the Invisibility Cloak from James, Albus agreed to it. He also did not tell James that after the Ritual was performed since Albus was older than James and how little James did anything involving his family seats or power it would place Albus as the Head of the Potter family line along with any others that James had access to.

After the ritual was done, but before he went to "collect" Lily and her brat from their home Albus headed to Gringotts to find out what families he know controlled thanks to the ritual. Albus couldn't help but let out a long slightly mad laugh seeing that he was now considered Lord of the House for the Gryffindor, Potter, and Dumbledore Lines as well as the Co-Head of the Peverell Line. Since James had made it that he could achieve his wish Albus saw no point in rescuing Lily or her brat but made as if he was going to. Arriving at the Prince Family Town House, Albus blasted the Wards away with his Elder Wand surprising the inhabitants inside. Bursting into the front room he saw Severus Prince wandless trying to block the stairs leading to the upper stories. Without a thought, Albus blasted the man with a killing curse before walking over him to where he heard the man's family was upstairs. Finding Lily Prince before her son's crib he mockingly told her he was going to rescue her... from her mortal body as well as her son. The stupid woman begged him not to hurt her son saying she would go with him and submit to James as long as her son was safe. Albus let out another mad laugh saying he no longer needed James and was going to kill him after he was done there before he turned his wand on Lily and blasted her.

If Albus had been in his right mind and not having it filled with triumph for his soon being able to get his hands on the Cloak of Invisibility he might have recalled the old ritual that he had unwilling invoked as he killed Lily Prince as she tried to protect her son. So as Albus went to kill the boy his spell rebounded and blasted him instead, however, he did not truly die for he had unwittingly created three Horcruxes as he had killed the Princes and tried to murder their son. Bits of Albus's soul came to resided in an old options book of Severus as well as a broach from Lily's mother. The last Horcrux bonded to young Hayden centering on a curious half-moon scar on the boy's neck. While the potions book would be placed into the Prince family vault the broach would be sent to Lily's sister, as a stipulation in Lily's Will ordered it to be. The Horcrux inside Hayden was not there very long for as Albus had attacked Prince townhouse it had activated a Security Ward which relayed news of the attack to the couple's allies. A practice that had been put in place as had many of the nation after the fake Death Eater attack done by Molly Weasley.

As Regulus, Lucius, and Tom arrived at the townhouse the three men mourned their friends as they collected Hayden from the ruins of the house. The first thing the trio did was take the one-year-old boy to Gringotts to get tested to see if anything was wrong with him after surviving the attack. All three had been horrified that he had a Horcrux attached to his soul after Tom shared what it was to his fellow rescuers. While at the bank the trio also learned of who had attacked the Princes since there had been no one besides the dead bodies of Lily and Severus in the townhouse with Hayden. From the results of the Goblin test and seeing Hayen had gained the lines of Gryffindor, Potter, and Dumbledore as well as co-ownership of the Peverell Lines through Rite of Conquest they figured the attack had been done by Albus Dumbledor, though where the man was they could not say.

As Hayden was too young to go through a Cleansing the trio agreed to look out for him until he could at age six. Since they could all claim guardianship to the boy they took him to Malfoy Manor to decide where Hayden should go. Tom could not take Hayden in due to his schedule but promised to still be available if they needed him. Regulus would take him in but having just graduated Hogwarts had not yet found a place to live and did not want to take Hayden back to his mother's place due to her views on Muggleborns and Half-Bloods. Regulus still wanted to take care of his Godson leading Narcissa and Lucius to invite Regulus to move into Malfoy Manor to help care for Hayden, an arrangement Regulus had instantly agreed to.

After Albus had seemingly vanished off the face of the Earth some spells he had on people came undone leading to some people he had had under an enchantment being free for the first time in who knew how long. One of which was Hogwart's Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall who had been so angry at what had been done to her left her post. With Hogwarts losing its Headmaster and Deputy Headmistress in the same week the Hogwarts Governors were in a panic to find their replacements.

The Wizengamot was in a similar state since Albus had basically run the place for the last forty-seven years with little opposition. As some members in all three parties had come out from under the spells the man had placed on them it had also led to a shift from the Light Party as the Majority to the Dark Party. As most people began to understand that everything Albus had put forth against Tom had been baseless slander he was offered to become the new Chief Warlock. A position he decided for the Hogwarts Governers having gone through past qualified teachers to fill the Headmaster, Deputy Headmistress, and Transfiguration post after Professors Flitwick, Sprout, and Slughorn turned them down had been offered the Headmaster's position. While letting the committee that had chosen him to take the Cheif Warlock down easily he did offer Lucius Malfoy as a possible candidate. The committee after studying Lucius' career as a lawyer and his steadfast position on laws that should have been either passed or failed to pass if not for Dumbledore's interference was soon sworn in as Chief Warlock.

Regulus meanwhile worked on earning his Masters while helping to look after both his one-year-old Godson and two-year-old second cousin, Draco Malfoy. This was a godsend for the Malfoys since Lucius became rather busy with his new position and Narcissa as a Healer who worked at St. Mungos was busy dealing with the people who were suddenly free from Dumbledore's enchantments on them.

As Hayden grew up he saw Draco as his older brother loving the time they spent together. He was a little upset at age six when after he was able to get Cleansed of Dumbledore's Horcrux from his body, he and his Godfather had moved out of Malfoy Manor. For after years of studying Hayden's Godfather Regulus had earned his Masters in Transfiguration and had taken over the post at Hogwarts, thanks to a recommendation from Hayden's "Grandpa" Tom, who had found the last Transfiguration Professor did not put that much effort into teaching the class so she was fired.

While Hayden did like that he got to see his Grandpa a lot more he missed Draco, plus the Defense Agast the Dark Arts teacher was really mean to him, but Grandpa could not fire him due to one of the last things Albus had done, and actually legally without enchanting anyone, had been to give James Potter tenure as a teacher. Though James had been put on probation for harassing Hayden let the son of his crush be, at least until Hayden was old enough to become a student at Hogwarts.

Chapter 9: The Savior or the Toy


On the train ride back from Hogwarts after Dumbledore's death, Harry contemplates his lot in life.

This story will focus more on events that happened during the summer when Harry is out of Hogwarts as most of what he experiences at school will be the same as in canon. When it is not I will write about it.

Tags: Dumbledore, Weasley family, Hermione, and Light-Side Bashing, Bottom Harry, Top Vernon Dursley Top Dudley Dursley BDSM, Objectification, slu*t Harry. Vernon Dursley/Harry Potter, Dudley Dursley/Harry Potter, SPH, Pseudo-Incest, some underage. Older male/younger male. Story with Smut. Size kink, both penis size but also weight.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

As the Hogwarts Express left Hogsmead station Harry just looked out the window wondering what he should do now. All the while ignoring Ron and Hermione as they tried to pull him into a conversation. Ron was upset that Harry had "broken up" with Ginny as if the pair had been dating in the first place. While Hermione was discussing Dumbledore's plan to go Horcrux hunting rather than returning to Hogwarts next year. Harry turned them both out as he thought about his life at the moment and how he wanted to move forward after the death of a man who had at first seemed so nice but had been behind the biggest betrayal of all in regards to him.

Thinking back he thought it all started when Harry was eight years old. His aunt had died when a shelving unit had collapsed on her when she was out shopping for groceries leaving his Uncle Vernon to take care of both him and Dudley. The only real change that had happened after his aunt's death was that Dudley began to get chores as well. With Uncle Vernon having to support them without Aunt Petunia to help take care of the home Harry was tasked with keeping the inside of the place clean, as well as continuing to cook all the family's meals, while Dudley not was tasked to work outside maintaining the yard and garden to keep up appearances. Harry was just glad that Uncle Vernon had refused his sister's offer to move in with her so Dudley and he could have a female figure in their lives, as the woman was a total bitch, just like the dogs she worked with.

For over a year things stayed the same, and even worked into a routine for the three males at #4 Privat Drive, that is until one night shortly after Harry had just turned ten his uncle came home drunk. Dudley and Harry had been unaware that Vernon had tried to start dating again only to be shot down each time. Vernon had also not wanted to pay for sex, thinking he was too good for that, so he had gotten drunk and horny. Arriving home Vernon had pounded on the door to Harry's cupboard under the stairs and told him to get out of the "room." Harry had gulped as his uncle had stood wobbling before him his face red due to how drunk he was. "Upstais boy my room," Vernon orders his words slurring a little. Fearing he was about to be punished but knowing he could do nothing about it Harry had rushed up the stairs heading towards his Uncle's room at the end of the hall. If he had looked back Harry would have seen that as his uncle had followed him the man's gaze has been on his perky bottom.

Reaching the room Harry assume the position as he placed his hands on the mattress his bottom sticking out branching himself just in case his uncle started to spank him as soon as he arrive in the room. Much to Harry's surprise, Vernon did not spank him as he sat down on the bed and forced Harry to sit beside him. "Freaks don't count," Harry heard his uncle mutter. "Boy they don't get I am a catch," Vernon said though Harry had no idea what he meant. "f*cking iddiots all of them. I need release my hand won't do again." Veron said as he reaches forward and harshly grabs Harry's hand in his beefy fist and places it on his crotch.

"Uncle Vernon?" Harry asked in a quiet voice.

"You want move out of cubpoar boy do as you told," Vernon said as he directs Harry to unzip his pants and pull out his co*ck. Fearing what would happen if he disobeyed his uncle in such a state. Seeing the man forcing him even more than he was now and possibly raping Harry, the young boy had no choice but to obey. Having only his co*ck to compare it to Harry was astonished at how big his uncle was. Still holding onto Harry's hand with his beefy one Vernon forced Harry to jerk him off until he was fully erect.

"Let see if maths is learned, boy. Take the measuring tape and give it a see," Vernon said letting go of Harry's hand at last. Harry thought for a moment of making a break for it running to one of the neighbors and telling them what was going on. But even if he managed to escape the house and his drunk uncle he did not see anyone believing him, due to the stories that his family shared of him being deranged and dangerous. Getting the measuring tape from his Uncle's chest of drawers Harry returned to his uncle and measure the size of his co*ck. "Good anit," Vernon said as Harry measured the length to be thirteen inches from head to balls, and as round as a bottle of soda. "Now cup dem balls," Vernon ordered as Harry had to use his hands to "measure" how big the balls were, grapefruit.

"Betta den you I bet," Vernon said as with a sudden jerk pulled down both Harry's oversized pants and underwear both of which had used to belong to Dudley revealing Harry's co*ck. "You small than I though boy," Vernon said using his hand to fully engulf Harry's small co*ck. Feeling the large rough hand on his co*ck Harry to his shame became hard. Feeling him become erect Vernon let him go and barked out, "Measure it." Harry did as he was ordered showing the results of his work making Vernon laugh seeing Harry was barely five inches long. "Knew you were freak, now get back to work," Vernon ordered pulling Harry's hands back to his co*ck and starting them on jerking him off again.

Harry did not know which was worse, the moans his uncle was making or how warm the co*ck felt in his hands. Feeling something rush up the co*ck Harry turned his head just as his uncle shot his load with an almighty growl before passing out due to having just climaxed and his drunken state. Harry quickly removed his now cum drenched hands from his uncle's co*ck and ran to a bathroom to clean them off. Not sure if his uncle would recall what would happen when he woke up or his promise to allow Harry to not use the cupboard under the stairs as his bedroom. Harry went back to his room and tried to go to sleep. His dreams had been filled with visions of his uncle's co*ck as well as the phantom feeling of Vernon's beefy hand covering his co*ck making Harry experience his first wet dream.

The next morning as Vernon complained about his hangover Harry did his best to avoid his uncle's eye fighting back a blush. Dudley did not seem to even notice as he scarfed down his breakfast so he could watch some TV to see if it was going to rain that day. "What is wrong with you boy?" Vernon growled as Harry not looking at his uncle almost set Vernon's plate of food on the edge of the table.

"Nothing Uncle Vernon," Harry meekly said. His uncle just grunted a way that said he did not believe Harry but did not want to get into it.

That night when his uncle came home the man was as white as a sheet as he ordered Dudley to go play a computer game or something upstairs so he could talk to Harry. "What is wrong, Uncle?" Harry asked when the sound of Dudley's door closing was heard.

"At lunch, I remembered what I did last night. While you are a freak I should not have done that," Vernon said shocking Harry a little.

"It is alright Uncle," Harry said.

"No, it Bloody well isn't," Vernon thundered at him. "I crossed a line, it has just been too long without and none of the women I have tried to see will do anything unless I pay them, and I don't trust a prostitute to be clean." Harry had no idea what a prostitute was and knew better to ask. "I will, however, fulfill my promise of letting you move out of the cupboard and into one of the extra rooms upstairs. If your cousin asks I will tell him it is a way to save energy only having to heat one floor of the house."

"Thanks, Uncle," Harry said.

"You should not be thanking me for doing what I did to you boy," Vernon said putting his face in his hands filled with shame.

Seeing that his Uncle might be open to talking about stuff at the moment Harry said, "Something strange happened to me this morning."

"What do you mean did I do more than have you jerk me off and hurt you?" Vernon asked looking up his face going even paler.

"No, it was strange I woke up to find my underwear wet, but it was not pee but cum," Harry said.

His Uncle actually chuckled at him, "That is actually quite normal, boy, it is part of growing up and is called a wet dream. Where your body gets stimulated in your sleep and shot a load. It could be that after what I did to you, your body tried to block it from your mind by making you dream of something that would give you pleasure."

"But I dreamed of your co*ck and hand around my dick," Harry admitted.

"WHAT?" Vernon thundered his face turning red in his anger.

"Sorry Uncle," Harry said quickly backing away from him.

"I can't deal with this now," Vernon said seeming to deflate before ordering Harry to move his meager belongings from the cupboard to one of the empty rooms upstairs.

While Dudley did complain about Harry moving into one of his extra rooms nothing came of it. Harry was not sure how to feel about what had happened as a small part of his mind thought about what his uncle said last night about getting the room for what he had done to his uncle's co*ck. Another part of his mind was still fixated on the large co*ck his uncle had stuffed down his pants, as well as how it felt to have Vernon's hand completely covering his co*ck. As he thought about it Harry's body reacted as his co*ck became erect. Doing what he had done to Vernon the night before Harry stuck his hands down his pants and began to jerk himself off moaning a little as he did so. Not wanting either Vernon or Dudley to enter the room as he jerked off to tell him to shut up Harry used his free hand to insert a few fingers into his mouth and suck on them as he wanked off. It felt utterly different handling his co*ck compared to Vernon's massive meat stick. For one thing, Harry could use just a couple of fingers to jerk himself while last night he had used both hands to accomplish the task.

Harry shut his eyes as he sucked on his fingers and jerked himself off his mind filled with images of his Uncle's massive co*ck seeing Vernon use it to smack Harry around a bit. Or else Harry's hand was replaced by Vernon as the large beefy palm swallowed up Harry's tiny co*ck in its folds of flesh all the while his uncle talked down to him like he normally did calling Harry a Freak or Waste of Space. With the most powerful org*sm of his life, not that that was saying much for Harry had only learned how to wank a little over a month ago, Harry shot his load into his underwear. Pulling his hand out he saw that there was less cum on his hand than he had gotten from his Uncle last night.

While nothing happened with his uncle after his move to his room Harry found it hard not to pop a boner anytime his uncle started to lay into him. Sometimes Harry even messed up on purpose just to get told off by Vernon, and then later when Harry was in his new room he would wank to his Uncle's words imagining the man telling him off fully nude his co*ck erect.

A month passed in such a manner before Vernon having gotten tired of Harry messing up had decided to spank the boi. Taking Harry up to his room for the spanking Vernon had his nephew assume the position arching an eyebrow as Harry seemed to wiggle his ass at Vernon before the spanking began. Rather than just plain cries of pain at the blows to the boy's ass, Veron heard some moaning. But what caused Vernon to stop was after one blow Harry cried out, "Harder Uncle."

"Boy, what the Blood Hell is wrong with you?" Vernon asked.

"Nothing, Uncle," Harry asked using the opportunity with Vernon not spanking his ass to wiggle it once more in the older man's direction.

"Leave now," Vernon thundered at his freak of a nephew. As the boy turned around Vernon took in two things a look of disappointment on the boy's face but also a small tent in the baggy pants he was wearing. "I blood broke the freak," Vernon muttered to himself after Harry had left the room.

Harry wished he had not called out as he rushed from his uncle's room to the upstairs bathroom. Locking the door behind himself, Harry dropped his pants and began to spank himself as he envisioned Uncle Vernon doing it maybe every once and a while pinching one of Harry's cheeks. Harry was about to start jerking himself off when Dudley pounded on the door telling him to hurry up or get pounded. Harry quickly pulled up his pants before flushing the toilet and running the sink before leaving back to his bedroom. Harry had it bad wanting to deal with Vernon's co*ck again but he had no desire to see Dudley's thinking his cousin due to their similar age would be just as small as he was.

That night Harry laid awake late into the night listening to his uncle and cousin falling asleep before leaving his bed and room as quietly as he could sneaking to his Uncle's room. pushing the door open and wincing a little at a small squeak made Harry freeze to see if his uncle would wake up. When the large beefy man just grunted in his sleep Harry breathed a sigh of relief before tiptoeing over to his Uncle's bed. Harry could not believe he was doing this he was going to be in so much trouble if Vernon woke up and caught him, but he could not get his uncle's co*ck out of his head and wanted to see it again. Thinking it might wake Vernon up if he either removed or lifted all of the sheets to gain access to his uncle's crotch Harry slipped under the sheets at the foot of the bed and wiggled his way upward.

His uncle sleeping alone in the large Kingsize bed had his fat thighs spread giving Harry easy access to the man's large boxers. As gently as he could Harry hooked his fingers into the waistband of the boxers and pulled them down freeing his uncle's co*ck. Gingerly reaching forward Harry touches the flaccid beast before him stopping when he heard his uncle let out a grunt from above him. When the sheets were not ripped away to reveal his uncle's angry visage Harry began to run his hand up and down the length of his uncle's co*ck trying to wake the sleeping beast and return it to its fully erect form. However, before Harry can accomplish this, Vernon rolls over in his sleep trapping Harry between the man's massive thighs his face inches from his uncle's co*ck.

Harry is surprised when Vernon does not wake up feeling Harry between his thighs leaving Harry trapped and breathing in his Uncle's musky scent. Harry tries with all his might to push his Uncle's thighs away from him but he might as well be trying to move two brick walls for all the good it does. For at least ten minutes Harry is left trapped between his Uncle's thighs unable to smell anything but the musk coming from his uncle's crotch and sweat. Harry feels like it is affecting his mind as without thinking he sticks his tongue out and runs it a little along the semi-flaccid co*ck mear inches from his face. His mouth is filled with the taste of his uncle's co*ck and sweat which for some reason taste rather good.

As he starts to lap at the co*ck it starts to harden again pressing into Harry's face. As his face stops the co*ck's growth, his uncle grumbles in his sleep reaching down to adjust himself only for his eyes to shoot open as he feels the back of Harry's head. The bedsheets are thrown off as Vernon looks down at his freak of a nephew trapped between his thighs with his growing co*ck pressed into the boy's face. Vernon pinches himself to make sure he is not dreaming before getting angry at the freak. Sure last time he had something like this happen with the boy, Vernon had been drunk as a skunk but now he was perfectly sober. What was worse from the freak's expression he was enjoying himself. He is about to give the boy the worst beating of his life when he feels Harry's tongue come in and lap at his co*ck again. Vernon can't help but think to himself, "Ah hell" as he realizes it has been an awfully long time since his wife died cutting off his sex life. It had been hard to go from sex every couple of days to have to jerk himself off, but now his freak of a nephew had willingly climbed into his bed to molest him while he slept.

Vernon suddenly recalls another memory of his drunken night with Harry as of how freaks did not count. The large man bit his lip lost in thought as his need for sexual released fought against his aversion to using a child. "Freaks Don't Count" kept running through his head as did the boy's confession of what he had dreamed about when he had his wet dream. "It could not hurt to get some release from the freak," Vernon thought to himself as he spread his thighs to free Harry from them.

When Harry got free he moved forward and wrapped his hands around Vernon's thick co*ck and began to work the shaft like he had weeks before all without being told to do so. Vernon watched the boy work his shaft running his surprisingly smooth hands up and down Vernon's length. "Don't forget the balls Harry," Vernon said making Harry jump for his Uncle did not usually call him by his actual name. Leaving one hand to work the shaft Harry began to cup and fondle his uncle's large balls with the other.

Vernon began to moan finding Harry had better technique with the handjob than Petunia had ever shown, but unlike his late wife Harry followed his orders when it came to speed or anything else. "Why not give my head a kiss," Vernon suggest to Harry both of them knowing it was more of an order. Vernon had expected the boy to just give the head a quick kiss but was surprised as Harry positioned his face above Vernon's co*ck head and brought his lips into contact with Vernon's piss slit. Harry began to make out with the piss slit not seeming adverse to it as Petunia had done who always chided her husband for not fully cleaning off the last bits of piss from the slit making her taste it if she gave him a blow j*b.

Watching and feeling Harry make out with his slit Vernon felt his climax approaching as he let out a deep grunt as he began to shoot his load. Harry had felt it coming up the co*ck as well had moved aside so rather than the load shooting into his mouth it showered out of his uncle's co*ck onto his face and hands. Harry was about to leave the room to go clean himself off again when Vernon ordered, "Lick it, clean boy." Harry had been curious what it would taste like after his hands had been covered with it last time, so with only a little hesitation did as he was ordered and licked his uncle's cum off his hands and swallowed it. Just like he had found the musky-sweaty taste of his Uncle's shaft Harry found the flavor of cum rather delicious as he soon had his hands clean of his uncle's seed.

Vernon let out a satisfied chuckle as after Harry had finished cleaning his hands of the cum his nephew had begun to run his tongue over Vernon's co*ck to get any cum that had dribbled past his earlier hold on the co*ck. Both males realized a change had come to their relationship but neither of them cared as Vernon put his arms behind his head watching his nephew eagerly clean his co*ck kissing it before wishing Vernon a good night. "Not so fast boy, I think you need to be punished for sneaking into my room so late," Vernon said adjusting himself in bed so he was sitting with his back on the headboard. Vernon patted his lap as a sign for Harry to lay over it for a spanking. Harry eagerly dove onto the lap making Vernon let out a small oomph. "This should teach you not to climb into my bed in the middle of the night without my permission," Vernon said as he began to spank Harry's ass.

After a few swats, Vernon yanked the boy's pants down to spank his bare ass finding that Harry's cheeks were so small and perky one hand could completely cover it, something Vernon had never noticed before. Vernon also took into account that Harry was moaning more than crying out in pain and that something was poking into Vernon's thigh. Easily lifting Harry a little Vernon saw his nephew was getting off on the spanking, to not wake Dudley, Vernon inserted one of his fat fingers into Harry's mouth to muffle the sound of moans as he spanked the freak. The spanking died away as Vernon realized Harry had begun to suck his finger for a bit, an act Vernon found a little sensual, making his co*ck start to become erect again. Catching sight of the time Vernon pushed Harry off his lap, "Go to bed boy, I don't want you too tired to make breakfast in the morning," Vernon ordered.

"Yes, Uncle," Harry said scooting off the bed and leaving the room wiggling his ass and earning him another swat from Vernon.

Vernon did his best to keep Dudley from learning what had happened between him and Harry. Something that became hard to do as Vernon discovered his freak of a nephew turned out to be a total slu*t. At breakfast the next morning Harry placed food before both Dursley men only to drop a piece of silverware and went under the table to get it. Vernon soon had to push the boy away as Harry tried to get at Vernon's co*ck under the table while Dudley ate his meal.

After a few days of this, Vernon finally allowed Harry to pull his co*ck out and service him while Dudley ate his breakfast being none the wiser one seat over. Vernon was not sure if Dudley knew what his cousin was doing to his dad beside him but Dudley knew Harry was under the table and by how Harry's body spasmed every once and a while when working Veron's co*ck Dudley was kicking the freak as he ate.

While Vernon was alright with Harry jerking him off or even giving him a blow j*b he drew the line in actually f*cking the boy's ass. This was for a couple of reasons one of which is they were partially related due to Harry being the nephew of his late wife, but also Vernon did not think Harry's ass could take his large co*ck and had no desire to explain to anyone how Harry got hurt if they did do it.

Vernon had found that most likely due to how Harry had been treated by him and his family since Harry had come to live with them, the boy was a masoch*st seeming to get off on getting spanked and even being lectured by Vernon. After Harry had told him this, Vernon had started to lecture Harry up in his room and made him take his clothes off so Vernon could see the boy's reaction to getting told off. This led to part of his lectures to Harry involving putting down Harry's co*ck size saying he would never please any woman or man with it and was lucky that Vernon was willing to see it let alone touch it. Anytime Veron did touch Harry's co*ck, especially after a lecture the boy would almost always instantly shoot his small load into Vernon's hand. Vernon always had Harry lap up his own cum after he had dirtied Vernon's hand with it leading to telling the freak more of his faults, all the while the boy stood at attention both his full body and his small co*ck as well.

Befoe the end of the summer Vernon surprised both Harry and Dudley with a camping trip as he took the boys into the woods. This gave him a way to get Dudley in on teasing his cousin as he talked to both of them to perform an old male bonding ritual by peeing together in the woods. Dudley had let out a loud laugh seeing Harry's small co*ck as the three of them peed together, while Harry's eyes bulged at seeing his cousin, though not as big as Vernon, was rather gifted for his age. Vernon began to give a lecture to both boys about true men and sissies saying that with a co*ck so small, compared to them, Harry was nothing but a sissy while Dudley was a true man. Dudley had puffed out his chest and got into teasing Harry about how small he was. This of course fed into Harry's masoch*st tendencies making his co*ck become erect yet still smaller than Dudley's flaccid one. Which only brought out more laughter at Harry from Vernon's son. A little later Vernon pulled Harry aside and order the boy to not do anything with Dudley, he could get off on the abuse his cousin gave to him but Harry was not to try to get at Dudley's co*ck. Harry nodded his understanding to his uncle as the pair headed back to camp. Apart from more teasing from Dudley during the camping trip, nothing really happened, since the three were sharing a large tent and Vernon did not want Dudley to wake up to find Harry sucking him off.

Dudley seeing he was not being told off for his teasing of Harry being a small dicked sissy the fat pre-teen boy came up with his own plan when they got home. Taking some of his pocket money he made a special purchase before going into Harry's room and replacing all his underwear with panties. Harry thought the underwear was from Uncle Vernon had not questioned it as he started to wear the panties under his clothing. Dudley had not gotten any sign of Harry having an issue wearing the panties he had bought his cousin as a prank, though Harry had somehow found some more normal underwear. To test out if Harry was wearing the panties Dudley decided to give Harry a wedgie to check. As he hoisted his cousin's underwear out of the hand-me-down baggy pants Dudley saw that Harry was wearing the panties he had bought for him. As he was wedgied Harry could not help but let out a moan as he shot a load into the panties, which Vernon noticed seeing a wet spot appear in the area of the boy's crotch, but let his son continue giving Harry the wedgie for a couple more minutes.

Things had changed for Harry on his eleventh birthday when he got the letter from Hogwarts. After a year of basically servicing Vernon's co*ck whenever his Uncle wanted it Harry had become quite the co*ck hungry slu*t. Dudley as far as either Vernon or Harry knew was not aware of the relationship between the pair though he did notice that sometimes Harry got gifts when he would not get anything. When the letter from Hogwarts came Vernon had read it to himself. Sure his wife had told him about those Magical freaks like Harry's parents but he had not believed it. Along with the school letter, there was one from Albus Dumbledore explaining a little about the Magical world and Harry's place in it. A postscript on this letter informed Vernon that when Harry was sent to Hogwarts, Dumbledore would arrange for a payment of 1000 pounds a month to be placed in Vernon's bank account. While Vernon did not want to send Harry away and lose his favorite co*ck toy the money would be nice.

Sending an acceptance letter back through the mail, Harry had not even seen the letter but as far as Vernon believed the boy did not need to. Barely ten minutes later a large man knocked at their door to take Harry to someplace called Digon Ally or some such nonsense to get his school stuff. Vernon ushered the boy out of the house to follow the large man.

Harry was shocked to find people in Diagon Alley seemed to respect him and want to meet him a complete opposite of how his life normally went down. But not altogether that bad. He had enjoyed his day out shopping with the large man who introduced himself as Hagrid Groundskeeper and keeper of the Keys at Hogwarts. When he had been shown the vault left to him by his parents Harry considered letting his Uncle know about it so they could use the money, but Hagrid had said it was for his schooling. Harry did not know how much his lessons would cost and did not want to place more of a financial burden on his uncle if they ran out before he was finished learning at Hogwarts. The Goblins were interesting creatures all of them giving him looks as if they knew some great secret about himself that he did not know. Harry was about to ask one of them about it after he visited his vault and Hagrid collecting some package from another vault but the large man rushed him out of the bank before he could. After the bank, Hagrid left him alone to get some robes where Harry finally met someone who did not seem to be in awe of him, thank goodness he just was not used to being shown such respect it felt wrong. It felt normal for the way the blonde boy put him down making Harry feel right at home as he got his robes.

After he got his robes Hagrid came to collect him and took him to get his wand. Seeing the walls of the wand shop lined with the wands made Harry think of switches that his Uncle could have used to disciple him with as he got an erection as the store owner had him test out the wands. As he was told to wave the wands to test them Harry ended up imitating his Uncle's movement for a spanking as he sharply swung the wands in arches downward. After going through all the wands in the shop he finally found one that worked for him which evidently was the brother wand to the wand that had killed his parents. Harry had to arch an eyebrow at the storekeeper for sharing that, for what type of person works that factoid into conversation with a kid. "Oh hey by the way the wand that works best for you is similar to the wand that killed both your parents and made you into an orphan." That statement more than anything finally caused Harry's erection to die down as Hagrid took him out of the shop.

When he returned home that night Vernon took him aside to talk. "Now I may not know much about the Magical World as Petunia had done but I know enough about the normal world. Our relationship is bad in the normal world."

"But, Uncle Vernon," Harry protested kneeling between Vernon's thick thighs and jerking him off as Vernon talked to him.

"The don't get that Freaks Don't Count," Vernon said running his hand through Harry's hair and pulling him back to his co*ck. "Anyway, it is a good idea to not tell anyone about this at that school of yours. You can still have fun, but I want you to let me know about it so that I can clean you up the next time I see you." Harry gave a sound of agreement as he bobbed his head up and down Vernon's co*ck. "Also try to maintain a healthy diet, I don't want you to come back all misshapen or anything." Harry nodded as he increased his speed on sucking the co*ck.

As Harry headed to Hogwarts he kept his promise to his Uncle, as he did not talk about his special relationship with his Uncle. Though he did overindulge a little on the train ride and the opening feast by scarfing down a lot of snacks. Though he planned on telling Vernon when he saw his uncle next so he could be punished for breaking a rule he had been given. The only person who asked about his home life had been a boy he had met on the train named Ron Weasley. To cover up what he really did at home Harry gave the only other example he could think of, of doing countless chores and how he had been treated before Aunt Petunia had died. Harry saw Uncle Vernon had been right for Ron did not even seem to care that Harry's old bedroom had been in the cupboard under the stairwell, something Vernon had told him had been a form of child abuse, while Harry had sucked and worshiped his Uncle's co*ck.

While his uncle had given Harry permission to have fun during his time at Hogwarts. Which Harry assumed meant it was alright for him to possibly suck co*ck or other stuff, he was rather disappointed by his prospects. Harry had been ruined by dealing with his Uncle's large co*ck, for his new dorm mates were all around the same size he was with a boy named Neville Longbottom being half an inch longer than Harry's co*ck. While Dean Thomas was just an inch bigger. Harry's new friend Ron's co*ck was even smaller than Harry was by a full inch. Even when Harry due to flying after Neville's Rememberall and getting onto the Gryffindor Quidditch team had been disappointed. Sneaking peeks at his male teammates in the shower Harry saw that not even the team Captain Oliver Wood could compare to Dudley's co*ck let alone Uncle Vernons.

Meanwhile, when Harry and Dudley were away at school Vernon had used the extra money he was getting by allowing Harry to go to Hogwarts to hire someone to clean the house and take of the yard when the boys were at school. He also went out to buy some specialty gear to use on Harry when he came home. Vernon also uses some money to buy Harry a Christmas gift. Nothing too extreme just a fresh package of panties, having heard and seen Harry wear them after Dudley had bought them for him as a prank.

After a trying year, Harry was glad to be heading home. He felt he was lucky to have survived his meeting with Quirrellmort in the rooms beneath the third-floor corridor, seriously what was up with the random room locations in that school. Rooms hidden behind doors pretending to be walls, hidden behind portraits that needed code words/phrases. And then a whole set of rooms beneath a corridor that held challenges to reach the Philosopher's Stone. Something that was supposed to be protected with undefeatable tasks which somehow he and his two new friends were able to handle. Though to be honest he was surprised that he had been able to get the stone out of the mirror in the first place, since he had wanted it to give to Uncle Vernon so his uncle would not need to worry about money ever again. The mirror itself had led to Harry lying to Ron again saying he had seen his family, but by the time Harry saw it he was utterly missing his Uncle so the mirror had shown him getting impaled by Vernon's massive co*ck. Something that his Uncle still had refused to do not wanting to hurt Harry too much due to how large he was. Harry still wanted to test it to see if he could take it.

When Harry got off the train he found his uncle waiting for him alone and wanted nothing more than to run and the large beefy man and hug him. But keeping up with the lie that he was mistreated at home, not that either Ron or Hermione seemed to care about it, Harry meekly walked over as if scared of his Uncle. Vernon greeted him tersely before he helped Harry move his trunk to the car. Since Dudley was not with them as soon as his uncle started driving he told Harry to take a blanket he had prepared and use it to cover himself when he gave his uncle Roadhead. Having missed his uncle's co*ck so much Harry wasted no time in doing as he was ordered son laying across the front seat as he bobbed up and down on the thirteen-inch co*ck. Due to lack of recent practice on it, as well as some health potions he had been given after facing Quirellmort Harry was unable to get much of Vernon's co*ck as he normally did with his throat having returned to the state it had been before he started to suck the co*ck at least every few days.

To help him take more of the co*ck down his throat Vernon placed a hand on the back of Harry's head forcing Harry's throat to resize itself to Vernon's co*ck or else. Not that Harry could or would complain about the treatment just happy to be able to taste the magnificent co*ck again. He even got a treat as Vernon shot his load into Harry's mouth forcing him to swallow multiple times, his cheeks bulging at the amount of cum his uncle unleashed into him. "I hope you like that boy, I have been saving it up for a while as part one of your welcome home gift," Vernon said with a content sigh as Harry having finished swallowing the cum went to work cleaning his Uncle's co*ck.

Before they got home, Vernon had pulled into an abandoned parking lot that was not visible in any CCTV to give Harry his other welcome home gift. Harry looked at the item in confusion before his uncle helped it put it on. It was a sort of harness that restricted his body making Harry think of a corset. "I also got you this so that when I punish you at night I don't have to always use my finger to gag you," Vernon said holding up a ball gag that due to its coloring looked like a Snitch. "Though I still will do that from time to time if I wish."

"Yes, Uncle," Harry said getting a little bit of thrill at the use of the ball gag.

"I also got you a cage that you can use at that school of yours. I thought about it and decided I don't want anyone else to play with my toy when I am not around," Vernon said pulling out a co*ck cage, which thankfully did not look like it had a bit that would be inserted into Harry's piss slit. "You can use some of your magics on it to make sure Dudley or anyone you go to school with can't see it."

"I can't do that," Harry admitted gulping a little under his Uncle's glare.

"And why not?" Vernon asked.

"I can't use magic outside of school," Harry admitted.

"Well we would not want you to get in any trouble, well from someone who is not me that is," Vernon said as he started to strip Harry of his clothing so he could put the harness on him. Harry found the bindings felt rather right letting out small moans as his uncle tightened them as much as he could.

"Speaking of getting in trouble did you do as I ordered you to do at the castle?" Veron asked putting the last binding in place.

"I told anyone who actually asked that I was just made to do a lot of chores around the house and treated like a sort of slave," Harry said.

"A co*ck slave maybe," Harry heard his uncle mutter to himself.

"As for keeping to a diet, apart from the first day when I got a lot of snacks on the train ride up to the school and overate a little at the opening feast," Harry admitted, any thought of lying to his Uncle not even entering his mind.

"I see," Vernon said pulling Harry onto his lap to administer his punishment. Rather than use his hand or belt-like normal Vernon reached over to Harry's discarded clothing and pulled out his nephew's wand. And just like Harry had thought of when he had entered the wand shop before school started Vernon used the wand as a switch to punish Harry. Harry cried out in moans of pleasure/pain as he was punished by his uncle. When Vernon was finished with the spanking he left Harry lying over his lap and threw the blanket over him again, but not until he shoved Harry's wand up the boy's ass. Harry's cries reached a fever pitch as his wand was shoved up his ass since this was the first time he had anything up there. He had wanted to save his ass for his Uncle's co*ck.

Vernon left the wand up Harry's ass the entire ride home only pulling it out when he pulled into the garage. When the door to the garage was closed Vernon helped Harry get redressed putting on his clothing over the boy's new binding harness. "I have another surprise for you when we get upstairs," Vernon whispered into Harry's ear as the pair of them took Harry's trunk and empty owl cage out of the car to move them to Harry's room. Harry was thrilled with excitement wondering what else his Uncle had in mind for him. But before he could find out he had to deal with Dudley.

"Welcome back sissy boi," Dudley said pushing himself off the couch and moving to black Harry's path. Harry saw that unlike what Vernon had told him in making sure he maintained a diet at school, Dudley had not. He looked like he had gained some weight back after losing a lot of it while working outside in the garden. As Vernon carries Harry's trunk up the stairs Dudley pulls Harry into a headlock as he forces Harry's face into his armpit. "Let's see you use magic to free yourself," Dudley said wanting to see actual magic.

"He can not use it outside of school Dudley," Vernon called from the top of the stairs, wondering if he need to put the co*ck cage on Harry now seeing a tent form in Harry's pants for how Dudley was treating him.

"Ah, too bad," Dudley said in a mocking tone as he began to give Harry a noogie as Harry was forced to breathe in the scent coming from his cousin's pits. Harry found the scent so similar to his uncle's, plus how Dudley was treating him was returning him to his normal masoch*stic ways Harry could not help but become erect. He was a little surprised that Dudley did not feel the harness he was wearing under his clothing with how tightly his cousin was holding onto him, but he just put it down to his good luck.

When Harry was able to pull himself free from Dudley's powerful grip and make his way upstairs he found his uncle waiting for him in his room. Motioning for Harry to close the door Vernon pulled something out from under Harry's bed. "As Dudley never comes in here I thought I would add something in case I feel that you need to be punished more than usual." Harry gulped a little seeing that the item his uncle had pulled out was a cage. "Let's see if it fits," Vernon said as he had Harry lay in the cage. Due to Harry's slim form, he was able to lie down inside the cage but if he got any bigger he would have to curl up a little to fit inside. "I will not put you in here every night, only when I think you need some extra punishment."

"When I use it do I get a pillow or blanket?" Harry asked still laying in the cage.

"I had not planned on it, but I guess you could get a special pillow slash nightcap," Vernon said as he shuts the cage door trapping Harry inside, and pushes the thing under the bed. Harry heard his uncle grunting and sounds of fabric for a bit before the cage was pulled out again. "If I have you sleep in the cage I will give you something like this to use," Vernon said as he smiled and pushed a large wad of cloth material through the bars of the cage. Harry was just able to unwad them to find the material was a pair of large underwear. With a smirk, Vernon lowered his pants a little to reveal they were the boxers he had been wearing. Harry smiled as he tugged them over his head and took a deep whiff of them.

Harry must have been so lost in sniffing his Uncle's underwear he had not realized that the cage had been pushed back under the bed leaving him trapped inside. Harry gave a sigh of relief not caring that he was in a cage under his bed with nothing but a pair of his uncle's used boxers. He just felt happy to be home again.

The summer was much the same as the last one, Harry working to maintain and clean the House while Dudley worked in the garden when Uncle Vernon was at work. When his uncle came home the fun would start. Harry would provide supper for his uncle and Cousin, where more often than not drop his silverware under the table reading him to crawl under it and suck his uncle off. Sometimes his Uncle's cum was the only food he got as everyone in a while when he came back up he saw his plate of food was empty having been eaten by either Dudley or Vernon.

After a month of doing this something did change as one day when he crawled under the table as he knelt between his Uncle's meaty thighs he heard the sound of a zipper leading him to see Dudley had also pulled out his co*ck. Knowing that his Uncle wanted to keep Harry from doing what they were doing together away from Dudly all Harry could do was to bring Vernon to his climax and clean up before climbing back up. When he was back in his seat Harry saw Dudley glared at him but there was nothing he could do for his cousin.

A few days later Harry was woken up as he felt someone slide into his bed. "Scream and I will beat you to a pulp sissy boi," Dudley's voice said as he grabbed Harry's arms and tugged them behind his back. "Did you think I did not see what you were doing with my dad freak? Well, I think it is time that you do the same to me."

"Please," Harry begged not wanting Dudley to take his anal cherry still wanting to lose it to Uncle Vernon's massive co*ck.

"Beg all you want this is happening," Dudley said as he pulls Harry to his crotch and forces his co*ck into his cousin's mouth.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief knowing this he could handle as without any prompting from Dudley began to bob up and down his cousins' nine-inch erect co*ck. "Wow you are a lot more willing than I thought you would be," Dudley said as he pushed down on Harry's head trying to force Harry to gag on his co*ck. While Dudley was big he was still nothing to Vernon's thirteen-inch beast so Harry did not gag that much on the co*ck being forced down his throat. Harry discovered that both Dursley men besides having larger co*cks than anyone else he had yet found also had the same amount of staying power for it took Harry twenty minutes to get Dudley to shoot his load down his throat.

Harry expected Dudley to have him clean his co*ck and they leave the room but his cousin had other plans. "I saw the tiny tent when I gave you the noogie after you came home freak. I think I should reward you for a job well done by putting you back in my pits," Dudley said suiting actions to words as Harry found his nose pressed into his cousin's hairy pit. "Drink it in freak," Dudley chuckled seeing that just like last time Harry had become erect breathing in Dudley's pit stank. What the fat bully had not expected was to feel Harry's tongue come out and begin to lap at his pit causing him to let go of Harry's head. Despite being free Harry continued to hold his head in Dudley's pit licking it clean of the other's sweat. Dudley was so engrossed as he felt and watched Harry lick his pit he did not hear the door to the room open.

"What do we have here?" Vernon asked staring into the room in nothing but his specially made extra-large boxer shorts hands on his hips.

"Dad," Dudley said jumping a little.

"Harry cage now," Vernon ordered as to Dudley's astonishment Harry pulled out a cage from under his bed and climbed inside looking expectingly at Dudley's dad. Vernon just used one of his feet to push the cage back under the bed before sitting next to his son on top of the bed. The combined weight of the two Dursley men caused the mattress to sink a little and get pushed a little through the bars of Harry's cage.

Harry was locked in the cage for over twenty minutes as his Uncle and Cousin sat on his bed talking about things. Vernon was slightly annoyed that Dudley had come to Harry, at least until his son shared the same motto that Vernon used "Freaks don't count." Hashing some things out the pair agreed before they got up from the bed and pulled Harry's cage out and let the boy free.

"Your cousin and I have agreed," Veron said in a way that said that whatever the pair had agreed on was just to be considered fact for Harry whether he liked it or not.

"Yes, Uncle?" Harry asked.

"First of all, as you well know you are not a normal human but a freak and as such we have decided you should not be treated as one. From now on if it is just the three of us at home you are to only wear your harness and your panties. Secondly," Vernon said not giving Harry a chance to chime in. "as you are not a normal human but a freak you are not really human at all so we can do anything we want to you. In terms easier for someone like you to understand you are nothing but our property, a toy if you will."

"Does this mean I have to call you something else?" Harry asked.

"No you are still to call us Uncle and Dudley, but we will never use your name again but refer to you as boy, freak, or toy to give you any orders we can think of," Vernon said

"Toy kiss my feet," Dudley ordered breaking into the conversation. Knowing what was to be expected of him Harry got onto his hands and knees and started to kiss his cousin's feet. "Yeah that is it get between my toes as well It has been a while since I cleaned between them." Harry followed Dudley's orders showing he fully submitted himself to both Dursley men.

That night truly marked the turning point in Harry's life as he really did become nothing more than his uncle and cousin's personal toy. They got rid of his chair at the table during meal times as they let him survive on a diet of bread, water, and their cum. Harry would spend more nights in the cage under his bed, they only kept the bed in the room just in case Vernon's sister Marge stopped by so she would not ask too many questions. Sometimes when Vernon was at work when Dudley took a break from working in the yard he had Harry give him massages and to make sure he would not have to listen to Harry forced the snitch-like ball gag into Harry's mouth. As Harry massaged his cousin he began to appreciate Dudley's beefy body as he rubbed his hands over his cousin's massive belly, thighs, and chest. Sometimes just for the hell of it, having heard of what happened the first time Harry had snuck into Vernon's room Dudley would sometimes trap Harry between his thighs. When this happened Dudley would only let Harry free after Harry licked up as much sweat as he could from the position his head was at.

Uncle Vernon had also decided to remind Harry that he was in a cage, even when he was not slipping in it, that he added bars to the windows to Harry's room and locks to Harry's door. This meant that sleeping in the cage under his bed or not Harry had to wait for one of the Dursleys to free him each morning showing the utter control they had over him.

Harry did not even realize that he had not gotten a single letter from one of his friends he had made at Hogwarts until the night he was woken up by the sight of Ron and the twins outside his second-story window telling him they were there to free him. Harry wanted to say he was not a prisoner but had accepted this but that would mean sharing about his relationship with his Uncle and now his cousin. Harry allowed himself to be "rescued" by the Weasleys wincing a little as he saw his uncle trying to pull him back into the house fall out of the window and into some bushes.

Staying at Ron's house was a little awkward, especially when he had to tell Ron's mom that his panties and harness were just part of the "In" Muggle clothing at the time. Thankfully Ron's dad who acted as if he knew all about Muggle stuff was actually rather clueless so did not contradict him. Another awkward thing Harry managed to keep from Ron's family was the package he got from Hedwig a few days after he had been "rescued" that contained his co*ck cage. Harry immediately put it on and having seen Ron cast some spells placed a secrecy ward on it so only he and the Dursleys would ever be able to see it.

While staying at the Burrow, Harry was once more confused by some of the design choices of Magical buildings. Although they had access to magic and one would assume the ability to add rooms to the house there were only two bathrooms, one of which it seemed was for male members of the family the other for the females. The only upside of this, in Harry's opinion, was it gave him a chance to check out both Ron's dad and Percy's co*cks. He may not be able to do anything with them but he could still look at them. Unfortunately, when he managed to catch a glimpse of them he saw that both of them were smaller than even Dudley's co*ck.

During Harry's Second Year at Hogwarts, he felt like he was living two lives. One back home where he was treated like a toy but still somewhat respected. While at Hogwarts some saw him as a hero, at least until everyone turned against him. Which they did his first year due to Hagrid's dragon, and now the second year thinking he was Slytherins Heir when he, and everyone else, learned he was a Parselmouth. He had wanted to go back home to the Dursleys during the break but Hermione and Ron bullied him into staying so they could out Draco Malfoy as the real Heir of Slytherin. Harry did receive a nice gift from them a collar that he immediately place around his neck adding it to the secrecy charms to allow only the Dursley and him to see it. After he put the spell on the collar Harry stole the camera of the first-year boy who had been petrified and took a picture of himself in nothing but the collar and his co*ck cage before developing it and sending it to his Uncle.

It was so great to get back to the Dursleys after his second year, surprised that nothing prevented him from returning even with Ron, Fred, and Geroge telling their mom that there had been bars on his windows and locks on his door. Not that Harry minded he was just glad to be home again where he belonged. That summer Harry was told that he could not wear panties or any other clothing around the house unless visitors came over leaving him in just the co*ck cage, harness, and collar. That year he got two welcome home gifts from the Dursleys. The first from Dudley was a leash that could be attached to his collar allowing Vernon and Dudley to better control, but the gift he liked most was from Uncle Vernon. After his years of literally begging for it, Vernon finally decided to take Harry's cherry. It was not a private thing either as Dudley was in the room to watch it.

The Snitch ballgag was placed in Harry's mouth to prevent him from having one of the neighbors come to check out what was going on. Harry lined up his uncle's co*ck with his eager hole as he slowly impaled himself on it. Vernon did not like that one bit as he took hold of Harry's hips and pulled the boy down hard getting almost half his length up the boy's ass. "Man you are tighter than your aunt and mother combined," Vernon said.

"Huh?" Dudley asked a little confused.

"Oh, have I never shared that story?" Vernon asked as he used his grip on Harry's slim waist to basically use Harry to jerk himself off. "Petunia and I were invited to the wedding of our toy's parents. The night before the wedding I accidently went into the wrong room and mistook our toy's mother for your mom and f*cked her brains until dawn. As far as I know, the slu*tty freak had my cum dripping out of her as she got hitched." Both Dursleys roared with laughter at this while Harry could only moan into his gag as he was used as a living sex toy to get his uncle off.

While Vernon had claimed Harry's cherry as a welcome home present his uncle refused to let Dudley f*ck Harry's ass yet saying he was too young to do it. Dudley was upset by this but he could do nothing for while he could order Harry to let him f*ck him, Harry refused for Uncle Vernon was the one in charge, it said so on the collar he had been given. The tag that only the three of them could see stated that if Harry was lost he was to be returned to his owner Vernon Dursley, making no mention of Dudley at all.

With Vernon claiming Harry's ass sometimes during meals Harry found himself under the table but rather than servicing both the Dursley's co*cks he was getting spit-roasted by the pair of Muggle studs. Dudley did make his displeasure of being unable to f*ck Harry clear as he would sometimes now order Harry into positions that would allow Dudley to sit his fat ass right on Harry's face for a while during the day as he watched TV.

Once more Harry left the Dursley's home before the start of the school term, as Uncle Vernon permitted him to head out when Marge scheduled a visit. Harry spent the last few weeks before the term in a room at the Leaky Cauldron spending his days in Diagon Alley. It sort of made him smile that even though everyone could use magic here still none of them could see the collar around his neck denoting him being owned by his Uncle Vernon. Another major advancement from the time last summer he had been away from home was that at least the Leaky Cauldron had private bathrooms in each room.

During his third year at Hogwarts Harry had to contend with the Dementors as well as a crazed madman being after him. Uncle Vernon had not signed the permission form to allow Harry to go to the nearby village, saying he did not want Harry around non-Hogwarts staff adults during the school year so Harry would not be tempted to find someone new to dominate him when he was at the castle. Vernon already knew that Harry would not turn to a teacher to dominate him when he was at school so it was only the villagers he worried about. Unfortunately due to a business retreat Vernon was not going to be home at Christmas time thus keeping Harry once again stuck at Hogwart,

The new Defense teacher, Harry's third, helped teach Harry a way to deal with the Dementors involving a spell that required Harry to use his happiest memories to cast. Harry had a fair number of good memories to choose from. He started with the first time he had been forced to jerk his uncle off but that only produced a fine mist and not a Patronus. The same thing happened when Harry used his fist blowj*b for both Vernon and Dudley, his first spit-roast under the supper table, even Dudley sitting on his face procured the mist. Near the end of the year Harry was finally able to produce a full Patronus that he used to protect himself and his Godfather, the memory he used to produce it being when Uncle Vernon took his cherry.

Harry tried to take his uncle into letting him drop out of Hogwarts getting sick of the random adventures he had at the end of the school year each year. But as Vernon had been sent a letter telling him he would get a pay increase for having Harry come back for the fourth year Vernon had to send him back. To somewhat make it better for Harry that summer Vernon took a few days off letting him spend it at home with them. Vernon also increased Harry's bindings sometimes leaving him trapped in place for hours at a time. If his legs and arms were bound in certain ways he could spend that time trapped as a table on which they placed their cups and plates on while they watched TV.

Dudley took pleasure in making the bonds loser and tighter so that Harry basically had to crawl around like a dog behind Dudley as his beefy cousin pulled him along by his leash. Vernon used the tighter bindings that were now part of Harry's harness to wrap the boy up and f*ck him. Vernon seemed to find great pleasure in binding Harry's arms across his chest and his legs into kneeling positions. Vernon would then add some extra bindings to attach Harry to his large body while having his co*ck up the boy's ass transforming Harry into a living pocket puss*. Vernon would leave Harry strapped to him all day like that bond in place as his uncle watched TV or headed to the kitchen to get a snack, only being taken off Vernon's co*ck when his uncle had to use the bathroom.

One day during Vernon's week off of work he showed the boy what happened when they were both at school as he called in the lady who cleaned the house to come over. Harry fear a whole day without submitting to either Dursley when she came over but his Uncle surprised him. Before she arrived, Vernon put Harry into the position that he took as his Uncle's pocket puss*. Vernon then had Dudley help him put on an oversized set of clothing over him and Harry, trapping Harry between his uncle's flabby stomach and the tight confines of the clothing. Harry was glad they had placed the snitch ballgag in his mouth as he was Vernon's pocket puss* the whole time the cleaning lady was in the house. The whole time Harry was sure the woman was going to discover him under his uncle's oversized clothing Vernon's co*ck up his boi puss* slowly getting drenched in his uncle's sweat. Yet the woman never did making it the tensest and exhilarating moment of Harry's life.

The summer between his third and fourth years he spent mostly in full bondage around the house. Besides the semi-exhibitionist time that he spent as Vernon's Pocket puss* under his Uncle's clothing as the woman came to clean the house, one of the best memories Harry had over the summer was a day he sent in full bondage. Shortly after Vernon's vacation ended Dudley one morning came to let him free of his room. After letting Harry use the bathroom and have a quick meal Dudley had Harry follow him to Dudley's bedroom. Dudley tightened the straps on Harry's harness, crossing his arms over his chest, binding his legs together so that if Dudley pushed Harry the toy would fall to the floor like a plank of wood. Dudley inserted the Snitch-ball gag, which after Harry had informed them about the Magical sport now was painted to look like a real one, into Harry's mouth. Leaning Harry against the wall so he would not fall over Dudley went over to his hamper and dug around in it reaching into the very bottom of the hamper. Being fully bound Harry could not move but Dudley had aimed him at the hamper so Harry could watch his cousin's fat ass as he wiggled in place trying to get whatever he was reaching for from the hamper. When Dudley stood back up he held a pair of his boxers in his hands. "I think you will like this freak I don't think I have washed these all year. They were my lucky shorts when after my gym teacher got me into boxing. I wore them during every match I had and never washed them since I never lost while wearing them," Dudley said as he twirls the large grody boxers on one of his fat fingers as he walks back to Harry propped against the wall.

Rather than be disgusted Harry was slightly turned on having an idea what was coming next. He moaned into his gag while his co*ck still locked in its cage struggled to become erect. Dudley chuckled at his reaction as he moved over to Harry and slipped large nasty boxer shorts over Harry's head tugging them down so they completely covered the bond boy's face. Due to how large Dudley was the pair of boxers fell to Harry's shoulders giving Dudley an idea. The fat teen opened Harry's collar and had it wrapped around the cloth of his boxer shorts before closing it and locking it back in place. It now looked like Harry was wearing a bondage hood made out of the sweat-stained boxers as Dudley easily lifted Harry up and attached him to a hood on his bedroom door. For the rest of the day, Harry hung from the reinforced hook, his feet unable to touch the ground, making muffled moans through the snitch gag and breathing in the stench of Dudley's unwashed boxer shorts. While he might have not been able to get erect Harry felt horny just hanging there the entire day.

When Vernon got home that night he removed Harry from the hook and took him to the bathroom and removed the co*ck cage to let the boy get some release. Due to the events of the day almost as soon as Harry was free of the cage he shot his pent-up load right into the toilet where Vernin had aimed him. Vernon had then flushed Harry's seed away before cleaning and then reattaching the co*ck cage to his grateful toy, who still had his arms bound over his chest.

Once more Harry was removed from the Dursleys before the summer was over as the Weasleys came to collect him for the Quidditch World Cup, destroying the Dursley's living room in the process. While his uncle was furious at the redheaded family, making Harry hope his uncle would punish him for when he returned home, hopefully for the holidays this year, Harry at least had prevented Dudley to eat one of the twins' enchanted candies. Knowing the pair were pranksters and believed Harry's lies that Dudley bullied him when he was at home. From a certain point of view, that was technically true but since Harry got off on it he had no complaints from his Cousin's bullying.

Harry had met Ron's two eldest brothers, Bill and Charlie, which thanks to the tent they used at the Quidditch World Cup campsite also having only one bloody bathroom. He was able to sneak a peek at their co*cks and found them, like the rest of their family, lacking when compared to Dudley and Vernon. The game was alright, though Harry found it was better to play a game of Quidditch rather than watch it. The real excitement happened after the game when the Death Eaters attacked causing all the underage members of their party to flee into the forest. Harry ran in fear for his life wishing he could be back home licking the sweat from his uncle's massive belly or Dudley using his face as a seat. The time Harry spent in the forest was chaotic though he did notice that when Ron, Hermione, and he came across a group of Goblins they looked up from some money they had won on the match to give Harry a knowing look. Reaching what looked like a safe place Harry and his two friends breathed a sigh of relief and tried to distract themselves from what was going on. Harry had just asked Ron why only Hermione and he out of all the Weasley kid's friends were invited along for the game. Before Ron could answer him a harsh male voice cast the Dark Mark from nearby and the trio got surrounded by Apparating Ministry workers.

If the Quidditch Cup had been bad Harry's Fourth Year had been worse as someone had placed his name in the Goblet of Fire turning most of the school against him, again. Even Ron did not believe Harry when Harry told the redhead he had not put his name in the Goblet, but at least Hermione believed him, one of the few that did. Harry wished he could just drop out of Hogwarts and return home finding his life as the Dursley's toy so much more filling than what he had to go through at the castle. Ron did come up and "apologize" to Harry after the First Task. If one could say a half-hearted sentence that was not even completed or had the words "sorry" or "I was wrong" in it counted as an apology.

Harry found out that once again he could not return home as the bloody tournament had a ball he had to attend. Harry knew who he would have loved to ask thinking of "dancing" with either his Uncle or Dudley fully bond up tight as they swung his body around, possibly leading him around in front of everyone by his leash, but that would never happen. He was forced to settle going with one of the Patil twins, just so Ron could get a date. The event was not fun, though Padma did lead him during their introduction and dance taking away some of his control which he always liked.

During the Second Task Harry was to collect something that matters most to him, but his harness, co*ck cage, and collar were still in place on the day of the event when Dobby, a House Elf he freed a few years ago from the Malfoy family came to him with a way to survive in the lake and inform him that it had been Ron who had been taken. Harry was confused for sure he and Ron were friends, though a new level of separation had formed since Ron never fully apologized for abandoning him earlier in the year. If anything it should be Hermione, at least from the castle, who he would have missed the most. Though he did find Hermione at the bottom of the lake with Ron, evidently being the person Viktor Krum, the Durmstrang Champion, would miss most. As Harry tried to free Ron without magic, since every spell he cast just created a stream of bubbles under the water, Harry thought maybe the people were chosen by being the person each of the Champions had spent the most time with during the Yule Ball. Though that did not fit with Fleur's person which appeared to be the French girl's younger sister.

On the day of the final task, Harry was just looking forward to having the bloody tournament over with as well as some more time relaxing in class. Only to have the Seventh Year and fellow Hogwarts Champion to tell him his family was waiting for him. Harry almost ran to the side chamber to see Vernon and Dudley only to come to a complete stop seeing not his actual family but Ron's mom and brother Bill. Feeling rather disappointed Harry put on a happy expression as he greeted the woman.

The worst part of the tournament was not that he had been forced to participate or once more not being able to see Vernon or Dudley during the year, but the return of Voldemort after he killed off Cedric Diggory. The only good thing that happened with the whole thing was seeing the shades maybe ghosts of his parents. While his mother's whatever whispered to him before his father arrived she at least did not give him any grief on how he spent his time alone. Telling him things were about to get better.

Harry had not known what she meant until a week into the summer after the tournament when he received a letter from Gringott telling him to come to the bank along with the Dursleys. Vernon, fearing that the Goblins had found out about Dudley and his relationship with Harry and were threatening to cut off the funds he was getting agreed to go to the meeting. Harry inwardly smiled as he brought his Uncle and Cousin into Diagon Alley and to Gringotts Bank. Harry noticed all the Goblins he passed gave him knowing looks lingering on his hidden collar with small smirks on their faces.

Harry and the Dursleys were escorted into a well-appointed office occupied by a Goblin in a black three-piece suit and a golden cape. "Thank you all for coming," The Goblin said indicating three chairs before his desk two normal-sized armchairs with a smaller bare wooden one, almost a footstool, between them. Without a word between them, Vernon and Dudley took the two armchairs while Harry settled onto the footstool. "You will not remember me, my lad, but I have been your family's account manager since the time of your Great-Grandmother, Aurelian Potter-Black, taking the post from my father when he moved on to become the current Goblin king."

Vernon having noticed the Goblin's eyes kept shifting to the collar around Harry's neck, the Muggle man lost his patients. "What is the reason for this meeting?"

"It has nothing to do with the money your family is being sent, not in the strictest sense. A situation has arisen that I thought we need to discuss," Bonecrusher said. "Thanks to the tournament you had been forced to take part in your status has changed."

"What do you mean his status has changed?" Dudley asked.

"Well, a normal Magical person is considered an adult at the age of seventeen. But since an Age Line had been placed around the Goblet of Fire when Harry was chosen as the Champion it caused Magic to recognize him as an adult. Thus you are not considered an Heir but the Lord of your family lines. According to our records, you have not been given an Inheritance Test since you have returned to the Magical World. I think you will find the results rather eye-opening. Just a few words of warning. One unless we are asked to do so my people tend to not meddle in the affairs of your kind even if you are my client. And two unliked some beings Goblins don't really care about whatever relationships anyone else has. So we do not care what sort of relationship you both have with young Lord Potter. Also just to let you know those spells you have on your collar have never worked on any Goblin.

"You really don't mind?" Vernon asked a little suspicious of the thing.

"I would not lie to my client. So if you want to attach the leash you have in your pocket to Lord Potter's Collar, not a single Goblin would care," Bonecrusher said. With some hesitation, Vernon took out the leash and with a sideways look attached it to Harry's collar. All Bonecrusher did was give three a smirk as he pulled out the items to perform the test. It felt so good to have the leash attached out in public that he barely noticed Bonecrusher collect some of his blood for the test. When the results were collected Bonecrusher passed them not to his client, but seeing the fat Muggle man holding the attached leash, sent them to Vernon who began to read them aloud.

Harry James Potter


  • James Harrison Potter (Deceased)
  • Lily Helga Potter nee Ravenclaw {Evens by adoption} (Deceased)


  • Sirius Black (on the run from the law due to illegal and wrongful imprisonment)
  • Alice Jill Longbottom nee Beswick (Unsuitable due to being mentally compromised)


  • Vernon Leopold Dursley (Dominant Partner)

"What does that mean?" Vernon asked reading the note behind his name.

"It will be explained further on Harry's results," Bonecrusher said motioning for Vernon to continue reading.

  • Petunia Rose Dursley nee Evens (Deceased) {Under investgation}

"What does it mean mom is under investigation?" Dudley asked.

"Due to her being listed as Lord Potter's Guardians when she died so suddenly we looked into it. Here are the results that we found," Bonecrusher said passing over a document to Dudley to read.

"According to this, the Goblins found that mom's death was caused by a spell cast by someone named Mundgus Fletcher that caused the shelf to collapse on her, and when that did not kill her right away he blasted her with a spell," Dudley read off the document. "The bastards."

"If you want to press charges it is well within your rights due to your connection to her as well as Lord Potter," Bonecrusher said.

"Wow you have some more useful than I thought freak," Dudley said with a laugh pulling Harry into his pit and giving him a noogie. Hary took a moment to enjoy the musk of his cousin's pits before Vernon continued to read from Harry's results.

Magical Guardian:

  • Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (Illegally)
  • Sabastion Roma Potter (Uncle) (Killed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)

Family Lines by Blood:

  • Peverell (Total holdings:10, 468,325,998,264 Galleons in money, artifacts and properties)
  • Gryffindor (Total holdings: 5,380,431,002 Galleons in money, artifacts, and properties)
  • Ravenclaw (Total holding: 6,271,006,421 Galleons in money, artifacts, properties, and patents)
  • Potter (Total holdings: 71,003 Galleons in money, artifacts, properties, patents, and royalties)

Family Lines by Rite of Conquest:

  • Slytherin (Total holdings: 5,403,822,046 Galleons in money, artifacts, and properties)
  • Gaunt (Total holdings: 150 Galleons)

Magical abilities;

  • Parselmagic (Partially Blocked by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • Gained ability of Magical Submissive (Found two Dominants Vernon Dursley and Dudley Dursley)

"That it there is no information of why we are considered dominant partners, and what is a Magical Submiisve?" Vernon asked as he saw no further note behind the entry.

"Lord Potter gained the ability as a Magical Submissive due to some of the enchantments that had been placed on him, which are listed further down the list. As for how you both became his dominant partners, as you call it, that is due to how you have treated him after he became the submissive. The collar and bindings he is wearing are clues enough as it is for if Lord Potter had not become a Magical Submissive, his magic even if he had no access to his Family Rings of power would have protected him from anything you might have done to harm him. As for what a Magical Submiisve is, Lord Potter will feel the need to be dominated by others, and his body is able to take a lot of and heal quickly from any harm to their body if caused by one of their dominants. One example that we often give is that if say a Magical Submissive find a dominant from another species they could easily handle being f*cked by a troll," Bonecrusher said.

Harry blushed thinking back to the trolls he had seen during his first year. "What does that mean exactly?" Dudley asked. "I mean how big is real living troll?"

"I get you confusing," Bonecrusher stated recalling both of the Dursleys were only Muggles. "Most Trolls can be around fifteen feet tall, but the thing is their co*cks do not really match their size. While still larger than most humans it is a Troll's roughness with a partner that this statement actually refers to. In the matter of size, most male troll's co*cks are around eleven inches long and as thick as my arm." If Bonecrusher had hoped to shock the pair of Muggles he was mistaken for Vernon's co*ck was both larger in size and almost twice the girth of the Goblins' arm. The fat Muggle man gave a superior smirk hearing he was larger than a troll while Harry blushed a deep crimson and Dudley laughed. After a moment Vernon returned to reading Harry's results.

Enchantments and Potions in Lord Potter's System:

  • Horcrux bounded to Soul from Tom Marvolo "Voldemort" Riddle
  • Magically induced Loyalty geared towards Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Molly Antioness Weasley nee Prewett, Arthur William Weasley, William "Bill" Daniel Weasley, Charles "Charlie" Brian Weasley, Percvical "Percy" Ryan Weasley, Fredrick "Fred" Gideon Prewett-Weasley, George Fabian Prewett-Weasley, Ronald "Ron" Billius Weasley, Ginevra "Ginny" Molly Weasley, Hermione Jean Granger. Petunia Rose Dursley nee Evens (ended due to death factor in Harry James Potter becoming a Magical Submissive)
  • Magical induced Hatred geared towards Severus Tobias Snape (Prince) Dark Cored Magicals, Slytherin House and those associated with it, Tom Marvolo "Voldemort" Riddle
  • Bad Eye Sight Jinx (Automatic Counter Jinx when on a broom)
  • Blocks on Magical Ability (Parslemagic)
  • Mail Ward in places only people approved of by Albus Percival Wulfric Brain Dumbeldore can contact.

Vault Discrepancies:

  • 100,000 Galleons transferred per year, started after the death of parents, from Potter family vaults to Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore's personal vaults
  • 50,000 Galleons transferred per year, starting before heading to Hogwarts, from Potter family vaults to Weasly family vaults.
  • 2,400 Galleons converted to Muggle Pound Sterling and transferred per year, starting before heading to Hogwarts, from Potter family vaults to Dursley family accounts (up for approval due to status of Lord Potter's Magical Dominant partners)
  • 10,00 Galleons transferred per year, starting around Samhain/Halloween first year at Hogwarts, from Potter family vaults to vault set up for Hermione Jean Granger.

Seeing he had reached the end of the document Vermpm slams the parchment onto Bonecrusher's desk. "I want those enchantments out of him," Vernon thundered harshly tugging on Harry's leash forcing Harry out of his seat and into Vernon's beefy body. "I also want all that money returned with interest."

Bonecrusher gave him a predatory smile. "That is what I was hoping you would say," the Goblin said making a note before asking for Harry's leash so he could take the Submissive to get cleansed.

After Harry went through the Cleansing he was led back to Bonecrusher's office by another Golbin holding his leash. "Now that the Cleansing has been taken care of we need to discuss our next order of business," the Goblin said.

"What now?" Vernon asked a little tired of being in the bank, while Harry had taken over three hours to get Cleansed. Sure Bonecrusher had taken him through conversion from Muggle money to Magical ones, as well as several magical banking regulations that were not seen in the Muggle world.

"As Harry has become the Lord of the Houses he controls we need to discuss his rngs and power. Now normally these would be handed right over to Lord Potter but as you and your son are listed as his Dominants you would also control his lines as well," Bonecrusher explained.

"Who holds the power now?" Vernon asked.

"Albus Dumbledore," Bonecrusher said without looking at his notes on Harry's accounts. "Now as Muggles, you would be unable to vote in the Wizengamot, and would still need to be handled by Harry, but you would be the ones having the power of his Lines, and control of all his finances, within reason."

"What do you mean my within reason?" Vernon asked.

"There are protections that would prevent you from saying transferring all of Harry's money and treasure to your control and then getting rid of him. The whole process is referred to as Line Theft and is punishable by both the Goblins and humans in the most severe manners. If you get tried by us if we are lenient we will send you to work in our minds, while the Humans give you a life sentence in prison."

"Is what Professor Dumbledore, the Weasleys, and Granger did enough to be considered Line Theft?" Harry asked from his footstool between the Dursleys.

"It could be, do you want to change them for it?" Bonecrusher asked Vernon, not Harry.

"I want to see what they might do. Let's see if they try to commit any more crimes concerning the boy," Vernon decided.

"I like the way you think human. We shall keep an eye on them," Bonecrusher said passing over Harry's family rings to Vernon who slipped them onto one of his beefy fingers of his right hand thus fully taking control of Harry and his Lines. After the Rings had all accepted Vernon's authority Bonecrusher brought the meeting to an end.

With the knowledge that Harry was not related to them, Vernon finally allowed Dudley to f*ck Harry. Knowing that Harry could take a lot of punishment led to other changes in the Dursleys home as Vernon and Dudley started to bind Harry in various ways making him spend time as a table again among other things. Having access to all of Harry's belongings allowed the Dursleys to open Harry's school trunk, which before had been warded against them, and let them find Harry's Firebolt. Dudley had laughed as he bounded Harry's arms to his side and strapped the broom to the submissive's back and had him sweep the floors of #4. Dudley also had a chance of using Harry as a Pocket puss* though due to them being closer height, with Dudley only a head taller than Harry, they did not do it when anyone else was around. For Harry when he rode Dudly's now eleven-inch co*ck, thanks to his body's growth during puberty, even with Dudley's massive belly in the way Harry would be at head height.

A month after the meeting at Gringotts, Harry begged the Dursleys to try f*cking his ass at the same time. It had been heavenly squashed between their massive bodies as both their co*cks shoved up his ass. Even being locked up in his co*ck cage Harry somehow still managed to cum a little as they roughly f*cked him with abandon coating his slim form with their sweat. Harry did not want the summer to end putting him back in contact with those who had betrayed him and were stealing from his and now Vernon's accounts.

Unfortunately, it all had to come to an end. As shortly after Harry's birthday he was "rescued" on a night Vernon and Dudley had gone to see a football (soccer) game. Harry was just glad that the pair of Muggle dominants had not tied Harry up and hooked him on the back of his door while they were out. For one it was more than just the Weasley that came to collect him, and secondly, at the start of the rescue, the real Mad-Eye Moody blasted his door which would have smashed Harry into the wall. The group of "rescuers" mentioned something about Harry being charged with using Underaged magic. Harry did not recall using any magic unless he had used some without meaning to as he received the double anal joy ride from Vernona and Dudley a few days ago. The group mentioned Harry had to appear before a member of the Magical Law Enforcement department at the Ministry for his use of magic. The group shepherded him out of his home before he could stop them as Mad-Eye left a note explaining what had happened to the Dursleys.

When Vernon and Dudley got home to find the submissive gone and the note the pair of fat Muggles got rather angry. As the bank referred to Harry as their submissive they both further saw Harry as property making what those magical people did nothing less than stealing from them. Having been given a way to contact the Bank, just in case they found more signs of meddling in their Submissive's life, Vernon informed Bonecrusher what had happened. Bonecrusher assured them that some of the group that Harry was now with actually had the submissive's best interest in mind, such as the boy;s Godfather. The Goblin further explained the trumped-up charges against Harry and how he had used a Patronus Charm in front of Dudley. Bonecrusher promised to keep track of Harry's conditions while he was with his Godfather just in case more enchantments were placed on him.

It was a good thing Bonecrusher did, for he got a notification that some memory charms had been Harry making him recall casting the Patronus on a pair of Dementors going after him and Dudley. Vernon used his power of the lines he now controlled to have Bonecrusher keep track of everyone around, wherever he was, so he could press charges on them later when he went after Dumbles, the Weasleys, and the Granger girl. From the sensors at the bank, the Goblins were able to detect all but three adult Magicals that were in Harry's vicinity. Bonecrusher passed over the names of both the three trustworthy Magicals: Sirius Black, Remus James Lupin, and Kingsley Shacklebolt. As well as the list of people who were around the submissive and were either doused Harry with potions or cast some sort of spell on him. Unfortunately, Vernon had to wait until they saw Harry again before they could take him in for another Cleansing at Gringotts.

Something that did not happen until Harry came back after his Fifth Year at Hogwarts. Both Vernon and Dudley could tell something was wrong with a group that cornered them at the station and threatened them as they told the Dursleys about Harry's Godfather dying. Harry was also glaring at them, an expression he had never used even back when Petunia had been alive, but on the upside, they saw Harry was still wearing his collar. During the discussion, Vernon felt the combined family ring from Harry's lines heat up a bit making him wonder what was going on. As they walked back to his car Vernon noticed that Dudley was being rougher with Harry than he normally did in public shoving the submissive boy and trying to make him trip. When they got to the car Dudley shoved Harry out of the way to claim the front seat as Vernon placed Harry's trunk into the trunk. Dudley started to ask about where they were going to eat and a show he wanted to see on the Television that night as if they had not already made plans to take Harry to Gringotts and have the boy get another Cleansing.

Both Harry and Dudley seemed confused as Vernon parked by the Leaky Cauldron before leading them inside and to the bank. Dudley sneered at everything around him while Harry, thankfully, followed Vernon's orders to open the passage to Diagon Alley. Once they got to the bank, Vernon did as he had been told to by Bonecrusher as he flashed the Family Ring to one of the Goblins working upfront. The Goblin immediately hopped down from his seat and lead the trip back to Bonecrusher's office. Both teenagers acted like they had been there before, and while that made sense for Harry being under spells again it did not for Dudley. Bringing it up to Bonecrusher once the door to the office had been closed and Warded. "Has anything else happened, maybe your rings heating up?" Bonecrusher asked.

"Now that you mention it, yes they did," Vernon said. "What does that mean?"

"It means that someone tried to place some enchantments on you. Which were only stopped by the rings. Your son was not so lucky," Bonecrusher said performing a simple test on Dudley to show that he had been made to forget his relations with Harry and parts they knew about the magical world." Vernon ordered a cleansing for both Harry and his son talking to Bonecrusehr on ways to protect both teens. Bonecrusher suggested Vernons to use his position as the holder of the family rings to declare Dudley the Heirs to the family and give Harry a bracelet offend given to Submissive that offered the same protection. As the bracelet resembled a cuff and could be used to help put Harry into bondage when they wanted it Vernon agreed.

When Harry returned from his Cleansing, this time it lasted only thirty minutes this time, he was horrified at what he had gone through that year. Harry told them about a woman he referred to as Umbitch and how she had taken control for a while at Hogwarts. Vernon was happy to hear her dealing with Dumbles that is until he heard about how she tortured Harry. And since the damage had not been caused by either of the Dursleys it had not been fully healed. Dudley seeing the scar of "I must not tell lies," marring Harry's pristine skin, he growled in anger wanting to punish the bitch who had damaged his and his father's property. Both Dursleys were surprised as they showed their submissive some support as the borough Harry's scarred right hand to their mouths and age it a kiss. As soon as they pulled away the words vanished from Harry's hands as if it had never been there, making Harry give a happy sound as he curled into Dudley's lap. On the ride home from Gringotts Harry sat on Dudley's lap enjoying the feeling of one of his dominants in him once again.

As he rode Dudley's co*ck, Harry shared more stories about the past year. Such as while under enchantment he had gotten a crush and had dated a girl named Cho Chang, but had thankfully broken it off before it had gotten too serious. As the girl had not tried to push him into doing anything neither of the Dursleys thought she had anything to do with what had been done to their toy. They had learned the reason Harry had not tried to get some that year, besides being enchanted, as he told them about a connection with Tom Riddle which had led him to see an attack on Mr. Weasley. Vernon and Dudley had both wished that the man had ended up dying for what he and his family had done to their submissive. Harry ended the story with the death of his Godfather, a fact they already knew about thanks to the "warning" they had been given at Kings Cross, but also due to Bonecrusher informing them that Sirius had a Will listing Harry as his single beneficiary and "future" Lord of the Black Family. Bonecrusher had smiled as he gave them the news before passing the Black Lordship Ring to Vernon to add it to his collection, the Heir Ring to Dudley. As Harry's bracelet cuff was connected to their rings he did not get anything new apart from more protections on his cuff.

The pair decided to make it up to Harry for what had happened to him while he had been enchanted as best they could. This meant binding him in more variety of ways and f*cking him into he was nearly unconscious. It was as if they wanted to f*ck him for a whole summer in just a few days. Not that Harry had any complaints about it. He loved that he either spent time tied up in various poses or hung in random places around the house. If he was not doing that he was acting as one of the Dursley's pocket puss* being traded back and forth by his dominants.

It was a good thing the Dursleys had done this for barely a month into the summer Harry received a letter from Dumbles saying he was going to come to collect Harry from his home for his protection. Harry had not wanted to go but Vernon told him it was for the best so that the basted did not know he had no more control over Harry. Vernon also passed over a communication mirror passed over from the bank so Harry could keep in contact with them and tell let Vernon and Dudley know what those that enchanted him would do thinking he was still under their control. Vernon and Dudley hated having to lose their toy so early in the summer but it was worth it as Harry began to give them information about the Weasleys and Granger girl.

Vernon guessed the group had found out that "Harry" had cut off their access to his vaults for Harry reported that Ginny Weasley was doing her best to flirt with him as if she planned to get him to marry her and thus gain control of his power and money that way. Not that she had a chance at it since they were under Vernon's control and he was not about to let anyone else take them from him, or his toy.

Harry kept them apprised of everything that had happened that year as he pretended to "date" Ginny and how he learned about Tom Riddle's past. Haring about it Vernon suspected it was all down to Dumbles as well. Hearing his toy's suspicions that one of his classmates had plans for DUmbles Vernon gave Harry orders to try to slip a note to the boy near the end of the year, or if Harry saw him succeed in his pans with an invitation to meet Harry during the summer.

As Vernon no longer had to work anymore with full access to what had been Harry's vaults he began to search for a new place for them all to live. Vernon decided on Potter Castle since he was the new Lord of the Potter Line. Having evidence, due to what Harry told them of his "trial" at the end of the last summer that Figg from down the strat was one of Dumble's people, Vernon had some Goblins come in to help him move his family's belongings to Potter Castle in secret. To help them move the Goblins set up what they called a Floo pathway between #4 and Potter Castle. Vernon worked this into his plans as he told Harry to give the location of Potter Castle to whoever killed Dumbles and to meet them there a couple of days into the summer.

Harry came out of his memory as he saw London on the horizon, having never thought it would be Severus Snape of all people he would give the note to with the invitation to meet his Dominants and him at Potter Castle but there it was. He had a hard time not cheering when Snape blasted Albus off the Astronomy Tower killing the bastard. I that taken some quick thinking and some quicker spell work to slip the prepared note into the man's pockets while looking as if he was trying to stop him. Then all it took was acting like he was still friends with the Weasleys and Granger for a day and this train ride before he could finally be rid of them. Harry tried, but ultimately failed, at avoiding Molly Weasley pulling him into a tight hug saying she was going to come to get him soon from the Dursleys. Harry felt like he needed to scrub his body clean after she let him go as he hurried to his dominants.

For the first time Vernon, Dudley, and Harry rode in the car without Harry servicing one of the Dursleys after they picked him up from Kings Cross. Vernon drove as fast as he could while following the traffic laws back to #4 Private Drive. Making sure Figg saw them Vernon made a production of heading into the two-story home before he closed the blinds as if he was about to abuse Harry so no one could see it happen. Vernon then activated the Floo taking them to Potter Castle.

A few days later Severus Snape, along with Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy showed up at Potter Manor for the meeting that had been requested by Harry Potter. The three Death Eaters were shocked to be greeted by a naked fat teenager at the door when the door to the castle opened. But that was nothing to what they saw when they arrived in the Masters of the House's personal office. It took them a moment to recognized Harry Potter in leather bondage gear bond to the form of a massive fat man, whose co*ck was up Harry's ass.

"What the hell is going on here?" Snape said pulling out his wand and pointing it at the fat man using the son of his old best friend in such a way.

"Severus Snape I assume," the fat man said leaning forward allowing Snape and the Malfoys a good look at Harry's face seeing the unbridaled jouy on it as he was used as nothngi more than a living sex toy by the man. "A few years ago we discovered that Harry, due to what Dumbes had done to him had been made into a Magical Submissive and was my and my son's toy. It was I who called you all to meet with you hear not the boy."

"What is the purpose of the meeting?" Narcissa Malfoy asked who thanks to her work at St. Mungos was more familiar with Magical Submissives than the other two had been able to accept what was going on faster than her husband and Snape.

"I want you to leave me and my family out of your war," Vernon said sitting back and spreading his legs while he grabbed Harry's hips to make him bounce on his co*ck before the three visiting Magicals.

"What could you offer us to make us agree to that?" Lucius said a little disgusted to see a Magical person, even if it was Potter to be used by a fat ass Muggle.

"As your bank accepts my place as Harry's dominant I have control of his Lines and Vaults. I have been told that your governing body uses those Houses. So if you accept my conditions I will have Harry vote your way using the Peverell, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Potter, Slytehrine, Gaunt, and Black family Lines that I control as his dominant." The three Death Eaters' mouths fell open in shock at the lines and power the fat wan was willing to offer to their cause.

"And you only want to be left alone?" Snape asked.

"Well that plus making those that betrayed and hurt my toy here," Vernon said patting Harry's thighs as he used the boy to jerk himself off, "pay for what they did or tried to do to him." Vernon then pulled Harry off his co*ck and handed him to Dudley who bent Harry over the couch's arm and took over f*cking the submissive boy toy. Vernon then got up and made his way over to his new desk and pulled out the results of Harry's test for a few years ago, as well as the bank's record of people who had enchanged him at Grummauld Place and passed it over to Snape.

Snape saw red seeing what Albus had done to Lily's son as any form of loyalty he had for the now-dead man ended. "What do you need to make it happen?" Snape asked. Vernon just grabbed some of the Potter Castle's wine and poured them all a glass as he shared with them his plan.

A day after Harry's birthday one of the damned helpful House EWlves delivered Vernon a Magical Newspaper, that he had started to get delivered, as the headline stated the terrorist group known as the Order of the Phoenix had been captured trying to kidnap and possible kill Harry Potter. Seeing the list of names included all those who had betrayed and enchanted his toy Vernon smiled before passing the paper over to his son sitting across from him. When Dudley had finished the article both men could not help but let out a laugh knowing they and their toy were safe from then on. With a grunt of satisfaction both Durlsye men shot their load filling both Harry's mouth and ass as they spit-roasted Harry between them.


Holy Hell this story. For some reason, I got into a kick of Vernon Dominating Harry and this was the result. It took me nearly three full days, well at least the time I was not at work, to finish. This makes it the second-longest piece I have ever worked on, the first being Step-Up Vernon Dursley. This is less than an unfinished story and more of a rough draft I don't see myself ever finishing which is how it is in this collection.

Chapter 10: Red Strings of Fa... You Gotta Be Kidding Me 2


Seeing all the Love Potions that had been just Cleansed from his System makes Harry want to see if he has anything else affecting him.


Added Tags: Light Side Bashing, Good Crabbe, Goyle, Draco. Future Snape redemption

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Why the rush Potter?" Goyle asked as the large brutish boy reached down and surprisingly held Harry to his feet.

"Well, um?" Harry said not sure how to respond thought thankfully Draco was causing so much of a scene it lead to a distraction as Madam Pince came over and forced them all to leave.

"You too huh?" Draco said as he took notice of the parchment Harry was clutching in his hands. "How many love-struck girls tried to get you to follow their fluttering eyelashes?" the blonde said with a small sneer.

"Only one," Harry said for some reason not finding Malfoy as detestable as he normally did. "Well, one and a good portion of her family."

"Damn," Draco said.

"What are you both talking about?" Crabbe asked sharing a look with Goyle since neither had any idea what was going on. Harry thought it might be best to explain what had happened but Draco took another approach.

"Follow me," the blonde ordered his two hulking henchmen, though Harry saw the hint of a blush on his face as he lead the two boys to a nearby empty classroom. "You might as well come along as well Potter to see if the reverse is also true." Harry had no wish to do so but as he heard the familiar voice of Ginny coming he quickly rushed through the door Draco had been holding open for him. Crabbe and Goyle raised their eyebrows at him as Harry ducked to the side and held himself to the wall so if Ginny peeked into the room she would not see him. "Get lost Weasette," Draco said as he closed the door using a spell to lock it. "I am going to teach you both a spell and I want you to cast it so we can prove something," Draco said turning to Crabbe and Goyle and directing them to pull out their wands.

Harry was not sure of the three Slytherins but he knew that he had a class at this time, but he planned on skipping it to avoid Ron as well as to see whatever Draco had planned through. It took nearly ten minutes, and Draco had to take hold of their arms to direct them in the proper wand movement before Goyle and Crabbe were able to cast the spells. "Well, what do you see?" Draco asked hoping he had taught them to use it properly and had not made a mistake.

"There is a red ribbon connecting my right hand to your left one," Crabbe said looking at Draco who blushed.

"I see the same ribbon but it connects my left hand to Potter's left one," Goyle said with an uncertain look in his eye. "The red strings of fate?" he asked.

"That is the spell Professor Snape showed us in class today," Draco said seeming timider than Harry had ever seen him as the blonde had wrapped his left hand across his body to grab his right elbow.

"Why did Vincent's ribbon connect to your opposite wrist while Potter and mine were both on the left wrist?" Goyle asked.

"Your right-handed correct Potter," Draco asked turning to him.

"Yeah," Harry answered simply.

"Professor Snape informed us in class that one could tell the... um.... power structure of a relationship by where it was tied on them," Draco said his blush deepening as he licked his lips for a moment to gather his thoughts. "When the ribbon is tied to a person's dominant hand it shows that they will be the dominant partner in the relationship and if tied to the other hand they will be the... non-dominant one. I did not realize that it would show where it was tied on your partner as well. But then again I was distracted by seeing my ribbon leading out of the room and not to the bitch Pansy. Potter, do you recall if he said anything about it?"

Harry took a step back a little as all three Slytherins turned to look at him, normally not a good sign in his books especially when he was alone with them. Gulping a little Harry said, "I don't recall I was also thinking of the ribbon going out the door but thought it was normal since Ginny was not in our year."

"I take it she is the one who doused you?" Draco said.

"Her and a good portion of her family," Harry said crumbling the parchment in his hand.

"If you do recall I did tell you that some families were better than others when we meet on the train," Draco said.

"Shut it," Harry said, "though to be honest I wonder if I have anything else that is affecting me."

"What do you mean? Goyle asked finding it rather strange that the so-called Red String of Fate had bonded him and Potter together.

"Professor Snape said the parchment would appear if there was evidence that we were under potions or enchantments to be attracted to another," Draco explained shaking his parchment which had stated Pansy Parkinson had been dousing him with love potions of gaining strength since his First Year.

"Yeah, but we have never gotten along at all," Harry said, "yet here we are and I don't feel like attacking you in any way."

"That is a good point," Draco said bringing his right thumb to his mouth and chewing its nail for a moment in thought. "He did say only love potions or the like nothing else would be listed. Who knows what the bitch and the Weasels did to us we need to get tested," Draco said seeming to be talking more to himself than the others as he began to pace. "Pomfrey is out she shows too much favoritism to Gryffindors and so far up the Headmaster's ass, her breath has as got to smell like his sh*t. Professor Snape could but would he?" Draco said shooting Harry a look.

"What do we need for the test? Is it a spell or potion?" Harry asked.

"I am not sure," Draco admitted, "I know the Goblins do one at Gringotts but it would be hard to get there. But I know from what I have heard my mom talk about in her job that Healers have their own version."

"And Snape would know it?" Harry asked.

"To get a Masters in Potions you have to have at least some Medi-Magical training due to all the health potions that a person needs to know how to brew," Draco explained.

"Could a House Elf do it?" Harry asked.

"Well... huh," Draco said seeming to be at a loss for words. "I honestly have no idea if they would or not, if they did it would most likely just be the Head House Elf that knew it due to having to take care of their family's health."

"More could know it so that they make sure that any food a student is allergic to is not around them during meals," Crabbe pointed out.

"True but their version could just give barebones results and might not list any potions or enchantments though," Draco said.

"Well, we could always have the Hogwarts' Elves do their version of the test to see," Harry prompted as he headed to the door and peeked outside to make sure no teacher or Filch was in the halls.

"Where are you going?" Goyle asked.

"To the kitchens to go talk to an Elf," Harry answered popping his head back into the room.

Harry soon heard footsteps behind him as the three Slytherins followed him down to the entrance to the kitchens. The three of them showed signs of interest as they saw Harry bring out the door to the kitchens and the headquarters of where the House Elves tended to be. "What can we do for you young Masters?" a small Elf squeaked as they came into the room.

"Do you have a way to perform a test that shows if we have any enchantments or potions in us?" Harry asked the Elf surprising the three Slytherins as he got on his knees to be closer to the Elf's eye level.

"Head Elf Helga knows of such a spell. Would you like for me to get her or any food as you wait?" the Elf asked.

"Please and thank you," Harry said seeing some tears come to the Elf's eyes at how polite Harry was acting towards it.

"Why did you do that?" Draco asked as the Elf hurried away while some of its brethren came forwards with trays of food.

"Do what?" Harry asked.

"Thank him?" Goyle said as he grabbed a chocolate chip muffin from the tray of food.

"Because he deserved it. I know all too well what it is like to be just given tasked and told to do them without even thank you, plus it made his day and was nice," Harry said with a small shrug.

"You are a strange one Potter," Malfoy said shaking his head as he grabbed a bear claw.

"I think that is true, for a certain point of view, about everyone," Harry said taking a maple Honeymooner.

"He got you there, Draco,"' Crabbe said with a laugh as he took a multigrain bagel.

The four teens ate their second breakfast and drank some provided milk as they waited for the Head of the Hogwarts House Elves contingent. She arrived as they finished eating wearing a Hogwarts four-house flag as a cape setting her apart from the other Elves in the room. "I hear you are asking for me to perform a scan on you to detect any potions or spells in your system?" she said revealing herself to be more articulate than other House Elves Harry had come across before.

"That is correct... um... Madam," Harry said.

"Helga will be fine. Can I ask why you have come to us rather than head to the infirmary?" Helga asked.

"Madam Pomfrey's show of favoritism," Draco said.

"Ah, understandable," Helga said with a knowing nod. "Now are all four of you getting the test or are some of you here just around for moral support?"

"I don't know about them," Harry said nodding in the three Slytherin's direction, "but I would like to see what else I have in my system besides this." He passed the parchment that had appeared as he ran into Goyle earlier to the Head Elf. Looking it over Helga began to get rather upset for she knew that most love potions to not let the person taking them would be slipped into their food, which means someone was messing with her people's work.

"I will do as much as I can to help," Helga said trying to sound like her normal happy self while she tried not to grind her teeth at people messing with students' food.

Cracking her knuckles Helga held out her hand and wave it before Harry, who felt a rush of magic wash over him feeling like a gentle summer breeze. "You seem to have some powerful stuff on you young Master," Helga said her arm beginning to wobble as she scanned him. "I don't know if that is everything but it is as much as I could detect and name," she said passing back over Harry's parchment which she had magiced to include the results she had taken off him. While Draco had thought the Elves would reveal barebones results Harry saw there was a lot of new information on the parchment.

Harry John Potter-Lupin's health form


  1. James Harrison Potter-Lupin (Bearer) Deceased
  2. Remus Jordan Potter-Lupin (Sire)


  1. Mint
  2. Pumpkin juice (antidote provided while at Hogwarts)


  1. Too numerous to mention (should go see a fully licensed Healer as soon as possible)

Foreign Magic in system:

  1. Unknown dark item connected to the soul (once again go see a licensed Healer)
  2. Love Potions (Cleansed through the use of the Red String of Fate spell)
  3. Hatred Potions Geared towards: Dark Cored Magicals, anything associated with Slytherin House among other things*2 (Partially Cleansed through use of Red String of Fate spell)
  4. Loyalty Potions geared towards various people (to see full list see licensed Healer, partially Cleansed through us of Red String of Fate spell)
  5. Low grade Intelligence Dampning Potions

Harry was surprised by the items listed on the health form. His mum was not his mum and Professor Lupin was his dad, did he know about that? Harry had known about being allergic to mint having had some as a kid and sent to the hospital, the only time it had happened while living with the Dursleys, but being allergic to pumpkin was news to him. He could see why his physical injuries had not been listed since Helga had put his results on the earlier parchment there would not have been room for them all. As for the unknown dark item, Harry suspected it was the reason he and Voldemort were somehow connected, making him wonder if he could lose the connection if he had the item removed.

As for him being partially cleansed of the hatred and loyalty potions this also made a little sense for if he was connected with Goyle it would be bad for him to be magically made to hate him. He assumed the loyalty potions had been cleansed due to them being geared to the Weasleys which he now distrusted due to what they had done to him in slipping him all the love potions.

Seeing what had been on him, as well as seeing that his parents were different than what everyone had believed Draco, Goyle, and Crabbe also had Helga perform the test on them as well. Thus they learned that someone had also slipped Crabbe and Goyle intelligence Dampning Potions, as well as potions which would prevent either of them from getting too close, emotionally at least, to Draco. While the test did not reveal who had either brewed or dosed them with it, unlike what a test from a Healer or taken at St. Mungos would reveal according to Draco, they could all guess who had been responsible for it. Harry had to agree it was the work of Pansy due to how much time Draco spent with Crabbe and Goyle, the pug-nosed girl would not want them to develop any closer relationship between them besides what Harry had thought of them as boss and henchmen.

"We should talk to Professor Snape about this," Draco said after he finished reading his list, which thankfully did not mention anything apart from a small peanut allergy and the already Cleansed Love Potions.

"Agreed," Crabbe and Goyle said.

Harry had no desire to join them as he thanked Helga wondering what he was going to tell Professor Flitwick for skipping his class, yet as the three others left Goyle turned back and asked, "You coming, Harry?"

"Not planning on it," Harry answered.

"Come on with all the stuff on you, you need to tell someone and this way we only have to tell one person who can look at it rather than you going to McGonagall and them having to share it Professor Snape can let her know what he has found out before he shares it with her," Goyle said as he reaches back and takes hold of Harry's hand to pull him along.

Harry could not tell if it was due to the Red String of Fate thing or something else entirely but he did not pull his hand away letting the hulking teen pull him along. He was rather surprised at how soft Goyle's hands were having expected them to be rough. Harry also noticed that the red ribbon around his left wrist was brighter than ever due to the contact with the hand in which Goyle's ribbon was tied to being the one that Harry was now holding. Harry wondered what the reaction from the rest of the student body would be if they saw him being pulled along by Goyle. Not that there was any reaction since at the moment most were still in class.

"What if Snape is in class?" Harry asked.

"He isn't," Goyle said turning a little to glance back at Harry.

"How do you know that?" Harry asked.

"Professor Snape post his schedule for teaching in the Common Room so we knew when he is free if we need to see him. Doesn't McGonagall do the same thing?" Goyle explained.

"No she doesn't," Harry responded.

"You should bring that up the next time she has a House meeting," Goyle suggests.

"Yeah, but who knows when that will be," Harry said with a scoff.

"She doesn't stop by at least once a week to see if anyone has any issues or needs any help?" Goyle said coming to a stop due to his shock and having Harry nearly run into him again.

"Since I have been here I have only seen her in the Common Room maybe five or six times," Harry said.

"A year?" Goyle asked.

"In total," Harry answered.

"Well damn," the other teen said before he recalled what there were currently doing as he started moving, leading Harry down to Professor Snape's office.

When they arrived at Snape's office they saw Crabbe and Draco looking to be waiting for them, but as they got closer the other two made gestures for them to be quiet so they could listen to a conversation that seemed to be going on inside. "I specifically ordered you not to teach the students that spell, Severus," Dumbledore's voice said muffled by the closed door.

"And I told you I had no choice it is part of the regulated curriculum set up but the ICW Department of Magical Education, as you should well know," Snape's snide voice answered back.

"Be that as it may, you could have made some excuse to them for why you refused to teach it. I would have handled any fine or punishment you received," Dumbledores said.
"Has any other instructor of the class not taught that spell to the Sixth-Year class and I not know about it? You had Gilderroy do it and he made a bugle of it, as I recall. Madam Pomfrey had to come in and help straighten things out since he taught them the Silver Blades of Hatred instead. I also don't recall you offering to pay any fines or handle any punishments from that. So is it just me being the teacher or is it due to your precious scapegoat being in the class?" Snape shot back. Harry had a sinking feeling the former Potions Professor meant him when he talked about scapegoats. "Or did it have to do with several students receiving documents that were in class that showed they had been under Love Potions compared to previous years?"

"It has nothing to do with the sort," Dumbledore's voice said which to Harry's mind sounded rather defensive. "I was thinking it would be hard for you considering Lily and everything."

"That is in the past, and I warned them that the Red String of Fate could lead them to someone who might be connected to someone else," Snape's voice said sounding sharper than normal as if he was telling off a student for messing around in class. Harry had to wonder about that for if Snape had found the Red String connecting to Lily, who she had been connected to since he assumed his Dad had been connected to Professor Lupin.

"I am sure it was," Dumbledore said in a supportive-sounding voice, "I just did not want you to have to deal with it. Now we just have to deal with the after-effects."

"After effects, Albus? We now have documents that showed two students had slipped love potions to their classmates. You know the school charter states those who do so are to get suspended for a full year at the least. I don't care that their families are part of the Order we can not just sweep this under some rug. And to be honest I don't want to. I have already noticed that some students this year acting as if they had been dosed by overpowered Love Potions most likely purchased from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. I am surprised they have not been busted by the Ministry for selling those types of potions to minors."

"Those are just harmless fun," Dumbledore said.

"Albus a student was nearly poisoned when his friend recognized the effects of the Love Potion he had been dosed with and had gone to get it cleansed from his system," Snape said making Harry start for he recalled that happening as it had involved Ron, Professor Slughorn, and himself. "Then you had Ronald Weasley getting actually poisoned when Potter took him to see Slughorn once he had noticed the change. Enough is enough I will be bringing up the results to the School Governors as well as a contact I have in the Potions Maker's Guild," Snape said with a voice of finality.

Hearing the tone Harry and the others moved away from the door in case Dumbledore came out of the room to find them. After another fourteen minutes, which the four teens saw as Dumbledore trying to talk Snape out of his decision the Headmaster finally left the office. Giving the man a few moments their group went to the door to knock on it to see him. "Albus enough I..." Snape said before noticing who it was he arched an eyebrow seeing Harry and three of his Slytherin students "What do you boys want?"

"We also go parchments dealing with us being under potions," Draco said not even bothering to hide that they had overheard a little of Snape and Dumbledores' conversation.

"Great just what I need," Snape said rubbing his brow, "Well come on in."

"We also got scanned a little to see if anything else had been done to us," Draco said as Snape nodded in approval at the blonde.

"That was a good choice, Draco," Snape said.

"It was Potter's idea," Draco admitted making Snape's brow shot up in shock.

"Very well if you give me the form I shall add it to everyone else's documents to send to the school Governors," Snape said holding out his hand for them. "Why do you two have forms?" Snape asked when Goyle and Crabbe hand him their Elf Health Test.

"They did so after we saw Potter's test due to my string connecting me to Crabbe and his to Goyle," Draco shared a slight blush on his cheeks.

"I see," Snape said, "your results Potter." With some reluctance, Harry passed his test over and saw the man's brow crease as he read quickly through it. "The Wolf?" Snape said in shock seeing Remus listed as Harry's Sire. "Potter, do you have the means to contact him?"

"I assume you mean besides sending Hedwig. No," Harry answered.

"I will get in contact then for this is highly irregular." the man said, Harry wanted to point out what else was new.


*1 Harry's parents are only listed so the Hogwarts Elves could get in contact with either them or one of his family's House Elves if need be.

*2 Due to magic on their kind House Elves can not give out names of any singular people that Harry has been enchanted to react towards

There will not be Lily Bashing, if/when I continue with the story I plan on making her Harry's Godmother or possibly Remu's long-lost sibling or something.

Chapter 11: The Prince and the Potter II: School Daze


Hayden goes to Hogwarts as a student not just a child of one of the Professors.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Hayden bounced in his seat as he rode the Hogwarts Express for the first time. Every other time he had gone to the magical school he had accompanied his Godfather by the Floo Network from Malfoy Manor to the Transfiguration Office. He was so looking forward to being an actual student at the castle rather than just Regulus or he guessed now Professor Black's Ward.

Granted there were a few things he was dreading, topping the list was Professor Potter. The Tenured Professor had stopped harassing Hayden as his Godfather's Ward only after they had put a restraining order on the man, but that had to be scaled back now that Hayden would be attending the man's classes in Defense. Grandpa Tom, Hayden guessed it was now either Professor or Headmaster Riddle, did say that if it got too bad once more they would have to remind Professor Potter that Hayden technically was the next Lord Potter. Aunt Bellatrix guessed he held the line due to something Albus had done to Professor Potter before he had gone after Hayden's parents. Aunt Bellatrix also guessed that is why Potter was still a Professor and had not left the castle to spend his days partying like Regulus's brother, Sirius, had done before being cut off and forced to find a real job. Hayden had spotted Sirius working at one of the shops in Diagon Alley when he had picked up his school supplies.

After Professor Potter on his list of dreads for becoming a student was a pair of students in big brother Draco's year, Ronald Weasley, and Hayden's cousin Dudley Dursley. Both older boys had for some reason been happy to get sorted into Gryffindor House which had become known as a place of bullies and ner do wells since Albus's real nature had been revealed. Granted Hayden had not been surprised by Ronald Weasley being sent to that place for all but one of his older brothers had been members of Gryffindor. The real shocker to Hayden had been at the Opening Feast at the start of last year when Professor Sprout called the name of his cousin Dudley to get Sorted.

While Hayden's mother's sister had cut ties with his parents, Regulus taught Hayden all about his dead parent's families. Having heard that his Aunt had hated magic as a kid and had numerous times hurt his mum, when Dudley's name was called Hayden had expected to find an abused boy step forward. Instead, Hayden saw a slightly chubby boy wearing Half-moon glasses step up to be sorted. Hayden also saw that, unlike other students, Dudley was wearing a small broach attached to the front of his robes. Hayden could only assume that Grandpa Tom had allowed it for some reason.* From his seat next to his Godfather at the Head Table Hayen had seen Dudley shoot him a strange look before he got sorted into Gryffindor House. Hayden could not figure out Dudely's reaction to being sent there, for he knew that all the people who were sent to bring Mugglesborns or Squibline decedents back into the Magical World gave a full history of each Hogwarts House. Dudley must have known the place had earned a nasty reputation after Dumbledore's crimes had been discovered. Yet his cousin had given a fist bump and proudly walked to the table of the red and gold. Hayden could only guess that Dudley just liked Lions and had chosen the House for that reason unaware that in recent years the common joke was that Gryffindor was the House of Jackals, not Lions.

When he had some free time between his studies and Dudley had not been in class, Hayden had gone to see his cousin and learn more about him. Hayden did not even say a greeting before Dudley pushed him aside Hayden got a random feeling of foreboding from the older boy. Dudley had told him, "Get lost freak" and Hayden thought he was about to be physically attacked if Professor Dexter, the Muggle/Magical World Studies teacher for the first three years, had not come around the corner.

This led Hayden to believe that the Sorting Hat had placed Dudley in the right House, as anytime he was within the other's sight his cousin either glared at him or made threatening gestures. When he brought it up to his Godfather, Regulus just guessed that Dudley might be hiding the fact that his parents were mistreating him due to his magic as his mother had done to Hayden's mom. As Hayden and his mom were the first in the line in several generations to have magic he could see that it was thanks to them that Dudley had been mistreated at his home. Though they had found no indication that such mistreatment was happening when the Dursleys were informed that Dudley had been accepted to attend Hogwarts. Hayden had just done his best to avoid Dudley as much as he could as he hoped he was not sent to the House of the Jackels.

Ronald Weasley had been harder to avoid as he tended to pop up around the castle to tease Hayden, using the stupid name some of the papers had called him after his parents had died to Dumbledore. How Hayden hated that name, The-Boy-Who-Survived, seriously it was just dumb as a troll and a constant reminder of his parent's deaths. Grandpa Tom, Uncle Lucius, and his Godfather had even filed an injunction against the various papers that referred to him by that name after he had suffered through a week of nightmares imagining his mum and dad's death at Dumbledore's hand.

Hayden also did not want to lean too much on his big brother Draco, or other members of his family at Hogwarts which is why he was sitting in a cabin by himself as the train zoomed towards the castle. He knew he could be going over his books again, but apart from Defense, he was sure he was prepared for all his classes. Instead, Hayden was admiring his new wand rather than getting it at Ollivander's, Regulus had taken Hayden to Master Jax-Gat to get a wand that was made from items chosen by his own magic. His Ebony Wand had the core of a magical flower known as a Starlife blossom and was eleven inches long and very flexible. According to Master Jax-Gat, this meant that from the field of Wandlore Hayden was going to be good at dueling, Transfiguration, and Potions, while being able to cast very refined spells and was a very versatile person.

Hayden's study of his wand came to an end as the door to his compartment opened. Expecting Draco or one of his brother's friends to come to check up on him he saw the visitor was a girl with blonde hair that hung down to her waist. "Hello, do you mind if I join you? The girl I was sitting with," the girl just stopped speaking for a moment as she fluttered her hands," seemed to be housing some Gortans."

"I have no idea what that is, but sure you can sit with me," Hayden said smiling at her.

"Thanks," the girl said slipping into the cabin with the grace of a dancer as she took the seat opposite him. "I am Heir Luna Lovegood by the way."

"Hayden Prince," he said not recognizing the name and guessing she was a First-Year like he was. What was even stranger she did not react to his name at all or ask to see his scar like some older students had done when he was on break at the castle.

"Nice to meet you, Hayden. Muggleborn or younger sibling to an Heir?" she asked.

"Actually I am the Heir I am just used to knowing who I am," he admitted.

"Sorry, my parents and I have only just returned to Brittian. Daddy has taken us on safari all over the world to research Magical Creatures," Luna admitted.

"There is nothing to apologize for it is better than being gawked at and asked to see my scar," Hayden said as he began to tell her about being taught at Hogwarts due to being raised by his Godfather who was the Transfiguration Professor.

"Oh hey Looney this is where you got to," a voice said breaking into their conversation as Hayden was telling Luna about some of the classes Grandpa Tom had returned to the curriculum after he took over as Headmaster. Hayden saw his companion seem to deflate within herself as she and Hayden turned to look at the door. Hayden let out a sigh of his own seeing a familiar shade of red in the girl's hair as the member of the Weasley family. He had a small hope that she was like Percy Weasley, in Hayden's mind the only good Weasley he had met, but based on Luna's reaction to the girl he did not think it was true. "Oh hey there. Are you a friend of Looney's?" the red-headed girl asked.

"We only just met," Hayden said.

"Ah, that explains it," the girl said as if the only way Luna could make a friend is if the person had just met her and did not know her. The redheaded girl leaned in and with a loud whisper told Hayden, "You need to watch out for Looney she is a little crazy." The girl then spoke in a normal voice to introduce herself confirming his guess of who she was, "I am Ginny Weasley, nice to meet you."

"Miss Weasley, I am sure I can figure out how good a person is on my own," Hayden said not giving his name or accepting her handshake. He knew that he was slighting her by not accepting her offered hand, but he also knew that the Weasleys were Blood Traitors and did not follow normal Magical World customs.

Ginny glared at him for a moment but as she opened her mouth to respond a voice asked from behind her, "Is there a problem here?"

"Oh hello Heir Longbottom, Miss Granger good to see you," Hayden said recognizing the odd set of friends from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw as Ginny turned around.

"Hey, Hayden you excited to actually attend class?" Hermione asked already in her Hufflepuff House Robes.

"Sure, as long as I stay away from the Jackel's den," Hayden said with a laugh acting as if Ginny was not there.

"I don't see you having any problem doing that," Neville said with a small chuckle.

"Oh, Luna Lovegood, excuse my manners," Hayden said not leaving the introduction to Ginny since she called his new friend Looney. "These are Heir Neville Longbottom from Ravenclaw and Miss Hermione Granger from Hufflepuff they are in the year above us."

"Hello," Luna said holding out her hand to shake theirs also ignoring Ginny.

"So Neville, how are your parents?" Hayden asked.

"They are good, we took a trip to see my dad's brother this summer in America," Neville said as he shook Luna's hand.

"Aren't your parents insane?" Ginny asked with a growl annoyed that they were ignoring her.

"That is some lie by Dumbles' Order," Neville spat out in anger. "Those f*ckers tried to attack them but they were no match for my parents, and fled when their allies showed up."

"Which is how we meet," Hayden shared with Luna. "My pseudo-Aunt Bellatrix and her family came to their aid driving the attackers back,"

"Who attacked them?" Luna asked as she shook Hermione's hand.

"Most got away," Neville answered with a grimace that turned into a smirk, "though they did capture Moody and Fletcher and sent them right to Azkaban."

"Some of the last Order members to be captured," Hermione added. "Well unless you count the ones everyone suspects like those Weasleys."

"My family are not bad guys," Ginny said through gritted teeth, while Hermione blushed a little having not realized that Ginny was a Weasley having only met the male members of the family.

"Oh, sorry," Hermione said with a blush,

"Screw you," Ginny said as she stomped away from the cabin.

"I did not mean to make her mad I thought the Weasleys only had sons," Hermione said watching her go.

"Six sons and one daughter," Hayden said, "according to Grandpa Tom, Molly was pregnant when she was sent to Azkaban so Ginny was born there."

"Ouch," Hermione and Luna said having heard stories about the feature guards at the prison and fearing how that could mess with a baby who was born in such a location.

Neville and Hermione did not stay much longer as the food trolly showed up letting Hayden and Luna get some fresh sandwiches and a chocolate Frog each. Hayden almost laughed as his frog contained Dumbledore's card which the company had issued to correct their original card which told of the man's lies and plans to conquer their world. The Dumbledore card was also the only Chocolat Frog card in which the picture of the man did not move as it was actually an illustration of the man as he would appear behind bars in Azkaban.

Luna and Hayden had fun remaining on the trip as Hayden introduced his new friend to Draco when his older brother stopped by as well as informed her why he considered Draco his brother when they were not related to each other. Having both come from Magical families both were already in their blank school robes, their House Crest would be added once they were sorted when the train pulled up to Hogsmeade Station. Hayden had no belongings to leave on the train apart from his backpack since his Godfather had his school trunk already at the castle. Joining the throng of students heading onto the platform Hayden and Luna followed the sound of a voice calling for the First Years to come to him. Hayden smiled seeing Uncle Pettigrew who gave him a welcoming nod before pointing him and Luna to the fleet of magical boats for the ride up to the castle. During the trip, Hayden was the only new student who did not let a sound of amazement escape his lips as Hogwarts came into view.

Arriving at the underground entrance Uncle Pettigrew passed them off to Deputy Headmistress Sprout who gave them a small welcoming speech and some information about the four Houses being their home while they were at the castle. Hayden could not tell if it was just her nature or seeing him bounce on the ball of his feet that made her laugh during the speech since this was the first time he had been allowed to hear it. Hayden did not participate in his new classmates' guesses of how they were to be sorted. This was not only due to the enchantment on the ceremony to prevent it from being talked about to those who had not gone through it or seen it, but also not wanting to ruin the surprise even if the spell had not been in place.

As Professor Sprout came back to lead them into the Great Hall Hayden smiled and waved at some of the older students he had met and come to like from the Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and of course the Slytherin table. He did not wave to his Godfather, Grandpa or the others at the Head Table having been told to show some restraint, this did not stop him from giving them all a large smile and receiving a small toast from his Godfather and Grandpa. As the Sorting started once more there were only a few that were sent to Gryffindor and they all acted like it was the best place there was. Hayde did see that like her older brothers, apart from Percy, Ginny ended up in the Jackele's den with the Sorting Hat calling out Gyrffindor as soon as it touched her head. When it was Luna's turn Hayden smiled and applauded her as his new friend was sent to Slytherin.

As Professor Sprout read his name Hayden heard a gasp from Ginny at the half-full Gryffindor table as he went forward to be sorted. "Hello, Hayden we meet officially at last. And not just talking after you sneak into Tom's office," the Hat said.

"Hello again Godric," Hayden said giving a small bow of his head making the hat wobble a little.

"Are you ready to head to Gryffindor?" Godric's old hat asked.

"Don't you even dare, that is not a good joke at all," Hayden shot back knowing there was no way he would be in that House, even if one paid him.

"So what is it then? Ravenclaw or Slytherin my young Slytherclaw?" Godric asked

"As if there was any doubt," Hayden said.

"Not in your mind," Godric said before calling out. "SLYTHERIN" Hayden smiled as he slipped off Godric before going to sit beside Luna who was across from his older brother. As he sat down Hayden saw nods from Regulus, Grandpa Tom, and most of the staff apart from Professor Potter. Who as usual was glaring at him.


*The Broach is one of Dumbledore's Horcruxes he had accidently created when he killed Severus and Lily. Like the Diary in the main universe did with Ginny as it took control of her. The Broach has allowed the part of Dumbledore's soul to fully take control of Dudley. Dumbledore used the boy's latent magical powers to place a spell of control on Vernon and Petunia letting him now worry about the same harsh childhood that Harry had received. Basically Dudley is akin to Quirrell without the second face as Dumbledore is his puppet master.

Chapter 12: Two for the price of one


Two storied ideas which have burrowed into my mind but unfortunately have not increased at all so are both rather short, and in the second one actually has two branching paths I can not decide upon.

Chapter Text

Story Spark 1: Lessons Learned from History

After having his first special lesson with Professor Dumbledore on the life of the man that would become Voldemort, Harry was feeling rather paranoid. What if someone was slipping him potions and he did not know it. After all, according to Hermione, it could happen since people were sending away for the Love Potions made by the Weasley Twins for their store. Such as Romilda Vane, the Fifth Year had already given him what he expected were some dosed Cauldron Cakes what if she had seen that they either had not worked properly or seen he had not taken them. She could try other means to slip him some Love Potion.

Harry hoped that with Dobby working in the Hogwarts Kitchens his friend would prevent anyone from slipping anything into any of Harry's food during meal times. But for all, he knew Romilda's family might have a House Elf of their own that was using its magic to place the potion in the food right on the table in front of Harry thus preventing anyone else from getting dosed with it.

Wanting to be sure he had not been slipped some potion Harry did the only thing he could think of, he went to see Madam Pomfrey. "What is wrong now Mister Potter?" the Matron asked as he came into the infirmary during his next free period.

"Um, is it possible to see if I have any potions in my system?" Harry asked.

"And why would you want to be tested for such a thing?" she asked giving him a slight glare and placing her hands on her hips.

"During my lessons with Professor Dumbledore last night he showed me a memory of someone getting placed on Love Potions and being forced to marry someone. I have also overheard that some students have been getting some Love Potions from outside the castle," Harry explained.

"Are they now?" she asked arching an eyebrow at him. "And they are getting past the screening process how exactly?"

"From what I heard the potions are just being put in different bottles," Harry said surprising the Medi-Magical who knew that even under the new security measures at the castle they did not test all potions being sent to the school if they thought it was something a student needed like allergy potions their parent sent them. She would have to speak with the Headmaster about this.

"Go on," Madam Pomfrey prompted him.

"Well, with how famous I am plus with the Prophet," Harry said spitting out the name of the Magical newspaper as if it was a curse, "now calling me The Chosen One. I think a lot of people would want to make it so that I end up with them, even if I had never really interacted with them before now," Harry said thinking of Romilda.

"I see," Madam Pomfrey said, "please take a seat and I will start to test you. You are not under any health potions I should know about for allergies are you?"

"As far as I know I don't have any potions in my system since the last one you gave me when I was in here," Harry said heading over to his "normal" bed and sitting down on it.

"I see," she said making a note before casting a Potion Detection Spell on him thinking it would appease him but hopefully not reveal anything. Unfortunately, a list of three potions came back from the results of her spell. The first two were not bad for it seems unlike what Harry knew he did have some allergies and most likely some of the Potter Family House Elves acting without him being aware of it were slipping him potions that would allow his body to handle digesting mint and pumpkin. The third potion, however, was a little troubling.

After his trip to the castle's infirmary, Harry was angry as he stomped over to Ron slamming down the results of his test making his redheaded best friend jump in his seat. "What's up Harry?" Ron asked.

"Your bloody sister has me under Love Potions," Harry snarled his wand hidden behind his back just in case for whatever reason Ron was helping his younger sister slip Harry the potions which according to the results of the test have been steadily increasing in potency since Harry's Third Year.

(Well, that is as far as my mind takes me with this first story. It can not decide if Ron was helping Ginny or is disgusted with her actions toward Harry. If it is the latter I thought of Ginny getting help from Hermione to brew the potions and that possibly the two girls are dosing both Harry and Ron with potions. Either way, the story obviously is Ginny Weasley Bashing but as of right now that is about it)

Story Spark 2: Help WIll Always be Granted for Those Who Need It

Ever since Professor Lupin's lesson on Boggarts Snape had been taking it out on Neville more than usual. One would think that since the man had been revealed to be Neville's greatest fear the subject would be looked into rather than letting the man get even nastier to the student. Harry at least thought the man should be reported to the School Governors, but since the only Governor he had ever known was Draco's Father he was not sure how well or deeply they might look into it.

Today it seems Snape decided to take his growing frustrations out on Neville as well as act like he normally did to Harry by forcing both boys to work together on their potion in class. As Harry and Neville were two of the worst brewers in class, Neville due to his fear of Snape, and Harry for not being properly trained to brew. Unknown to Harry he was also missing some of his books due to the stories Albus had informed everyone about how his home life the special reference books that were placed on the Muggleborns or Muggleraised book list had been left off of his. Without the books for Potions Harry was unaware of the proper way to prepare his ingredients and special brewing techniques. Surprisingly it was Harry's innate Potions skill that many in the Potter line possessed that had prevented him from losing a cauldron in class so far, even with the Slytherins throwing items into his work to mess them up.

Snape had Harry and Neville work on their potion separated from the rest of their house so Hermione or someone else could not help them brew. Harry unaware of his skill in brewing the potions had taken the job of preparing the ingredients leaving Neville the supposedly easier job of brewing them together. This left Neville focused on their cauldron allowing Harry to keep an eye out for any Slytherin interference. The only problem was that while Harry had some innate skills in brewing Neville lacked them. If the round-faced Gryffindor boy had a more understanding teacher, or some more confidence in himself his work would have been better. At one point while Neville was stirring some powdered unicorn horn into the mixture Snape decided to swoop in and as menacingly as possible ask how they were doing. This caused Neville to jump as without meaning to rather than mixing in clockwise motion caused him to cut the cauldron in half with his spoon before starting to stir counter-clockwise as he answered the man.

Snape told Neville off for not giving him the proper amount of attention leading Neville to stop stirring and answer the man stuttering in fear of the Potions Master. Harry who had thought that since Snape was standing right there would prevent a Slytherin student from throwing something into Neville and his cauldron had focused on his grinding down some beetles to add to the mix. Seeing that Neville was still dealing with Snape, Harry went to add the beetles to the potion unaware that Neville had messed up the stirring. As Harry dumped the correct number of crushed beetles into the cauldron it blew up completely drenching Harry in the potion as a cloud of deep Orange vapor made everything hard to see.

(Branching path one)

With a wave of his wand, Snape banished the cloud of possibly toxic vapor ready to give Harry detention only to stop as he saw a pile of robes where Harry had been standing lying on the floor. Fearing that Lily's son had been hurt, not to mention his Magical Vow that would keep Harry safe less he gets hurt, Snape crouched down to examine the pile of robes as the students stopped their brewing to watch. Snape found the robes were not empty as in the very center he found Harry, just not in the way he expected. Lying in the bundle of robes was a boy, who looked to be three years old, his eyes shut, though thankfully after checking him over still alive. With a huff, the Potions Master gathered just enough of the robes to cover the young boy and lifted him into his arm. "Find a place to stop and leave the classroom," Snape said as he used his wand to collect a small trace of the potion at the bottom of Neville and Harry's cauldron to examine later when he had the time. There was a rush from both the Slytherins and Gryffindors to follow his orders as they made a break for it seeing the strange look in the man's eye.

Snape glared at Harry's friends who looked like they wanted to stay and see what was wrong with him, as well as his Godson who Snape knew had a rivalry with Harry and would love to have some ammunition against Harry. "Not you Mister Longbottom you are going to accompany me to the Infirmary so you can share with both the Matron and me precisely what you did while brewing that might have caused this," Snape said holding himself back from shaking the still unconscious boy in his arms.

It was a very tense walk up to the Hospital Wing in the deserted corridors since most students were still in class, at least it would stop people from knowing what had happed for a bit. Reaching the Hosptial Wing, Snape let out a growl seeing Lupin was in the room talking with the Matron, most likely about the coming full moon. Their conversation stopped as they saw Snape enter leading Neville and holding something in his arms. "Severus, what is going on?" the Matron asked usually if there was an issue in potions he would send a student alone to her never show up himself.

"There had been an accident, obviously," Snape said in his normal drawling voice, "Longbottom and Potter's potion exploded, but when I banished a cloud produced by the explosion I found Potter like this." Snape moved over to one of the beds and tried to lay the unconscious boy down only to find that the boy had grabbed onto his robes and would not let go.

"Are you saying that is Harry?" Lupin asked getting closer to let his wolf-like sense of smell identify the boy. Knowing what the bastard was doing Snape used a free hand to move Harry's bangs revealing the young child in his arms had the famous Lightning Bolt scar on his forehead to keep the man back.

"What potion were you working on today?" Madam Pomfrey asked coming over with her wand and a clipboard out.

"We were once more working on the Shrinking Solution," Snape answered, "but it should not have caused this." Snape started to pry Harry's tiny fingers and hand away from the grip they had on his robes.

After making a note on her clipboard the Medi-Magical used her wand to cast a Diagnostic Charm on Harry's current form to see if there was anything she could do to return him to his normal body. Unfortunately, while her Charm did not give her a way to return to normal it did let her know that Harry was alright and at the moment he was actually sleeping. Reaching over Madam Pomfrey gently shook the young boy's shoulder saying, "Wake up, Harry." The only problem with her spell was that while it stated Harry was not in any immediate danger it did not let her know what state his mind was in.

Rather than wake up Harry buried himself deeper into Snape's chest. "Wake up, Potter," Snape ordered the young boy.

"No wanna," came the childish reply from his chest.

"I said get up," Snape ground out through clenched teeth once more fighting the desire to shake the boy.

"Severus," Lupin said with a tone of censor in his voice.

"Ucca Mooney," Harry's tiny voice called out hearing Lupin speak as he pulled away from Snape's chest to look around. "UCCA PRINCE!" Harry shouted seeing who was holding him and snuggled closer to the startled Potions Master.

"Are you alright, Harry?" Remus asked moving closer to a glowering Snape and placing a hand on Harry's back.

This caused Harry to let out a couple of sniffles as he removes his face from Snape's robes to show some eyes full of unshed tears. "I in twobble?" Harry asked with a small hiccup.

"Why do you think you are in trouble, Harry?" Lupin asked gently.

"Uncca Mooney say Hawwy, I in twobble," Harry said with a sniff as to Snape's disgust and uses a part of the Potions Master's robes to wipe his runny nose.

"His mind seems to have regressed with his body," Madam Pomfrey stated.

"But by the age, he appears to be Lily and James are," Remus said not wanting to say they were dead in front of the boy. Harry who only knew his parents as Mommy and Daddy did not even catch it as he continued to wipe his tears and runny nose over Snape's robes until the man had had enough and conjured a handkerchief and start to wipe Harry's face with it.

"Tanks Unnca Prince," Harry said looking up at the man.

"I also never stepped foot in that house so why does he see me as his Uncle?" Snape shot at the Matron.

"I don't know what to tell you," she answered with a shrug of her shoulders. "As far as I can see Harry is perfectly healthy despite having been reduced to three years old at the most."

(Branching path 2)

James Potter was heading down to lunch when he heard a magical bang in a normally unused corridor. As only his friends and he seem to know of its existence it was strange since Peter and Sirius, at the time, were up in the library working with Remus on some homework. Going to check out what had caused the explosion just in case they had to make this passage unsafe on the map they were creating. Peeking his head into the only classroom in the corridor, James thought everything was normal until he spotted a bundle of robes on the floor. Entering the room James saw the robes were marked with the Gryffindor House Crest though slightly different. He wondered if either Sirius or Peter had come to this room to test out their Animagus Charm alone and for some reason had left their robes behind. Shaking his head at his friends James bent to gather the robes only to jump back as they start to move. When nothing came out, as a possible prank or booby trap from one of his friends, James reached for the robes and shifted them revealing a young boy curled up in them seeming to be asleep and sucking his thumb.

The boy did not look like anyone James knew for he was sure he would remember a Lightning Bolt scar on one of his classmates' foreheads. So that ruled out someone doing some spellwork or brewing the room and for it to backfire on them. But that did not explain who the boy was or what he was doing there. Performing a simple cleaning spell on the bundle of robes the boy was in, just in case, James gather the robes and boy into his arms and went to the Medical Ward. "Healer Noble are you in?" James asked carrying the bundle of robes and child into the room.

"Heir Potter what can I do for... what's with the robes?" the redheaded woman asked.

"While heading down to lunch I heard an explosion in a nearby classroom and went to check it out," James began.

"Of course you did," Healer Noble said rolling her eyes and chuckling a little.

"When I went into the room I found the robes which appear to mark the student as a member of Gryffindor House but the crest is slightly different. Also whatever caused the explosion seemed to well, this," James said as he placed the bundle of robes onto one of the four-poster beds in the room to reveal the small child who was still sucking on their thumb.

"Well that is unexpected," the Healer said as she pulled out her wand to perform a full diagnostic on the sleeping child. "Can you check the pockets of the robes to see if he had anything with him?"

James went to work pulling out a couple of quills and a wand from inside. He also noticed a tag attached under the inside collar of the robes. Making sure not to throw off Healer Donna Noble's spell he shifted the young boy to get a better look at the name. "According to a tag his name is Harry Potter, but I don't have any cousins that attend Hogwarts?" James said in a confused voice.

"That is strange let me up the level of my spell a little," the Healer said causing her wand tip glow to shift from white to purple. A few moments later some parchment began to print out. "Oh dear, this is well, huh."

"What is it?" James asked trying to look at the results over her shoulder.

"Do you have anything you want to tell me Heir Potter?" she asked turning to face him with an arched eyebrow.

"About what?" he asked utterly confused.

"I don't like to pry into you and your classmates' private lives, but have you been making some mature potions to use for something?" she asked.

"What are you one about?" James asked getting annoyed.

"According to the results of my spell this boy is your son," Healer Noble said.

It was as if a Muggle bomb had gone off as James was stunned to silence for a moment before he responded blushing a deep crimson red, "But that is impossible. I haven't I don't even know how to..." James snatched the parchment from her hand and read

Harry Cygnus Potter-Black (born: October 31, 1978)


  1. James Flemot Potter-Black (Bearer)
  2. Regulus Arcturus Potter-Black (Sire)
  3. Lily Evens (Mother by Blood Adoption)

Magical issues

  1. Horcrux attached to Soul by Tom Marvolo "Voldemort" Riddle
  2. Age Regression Potion at age four to become one year old
  3. Under Potions for Allergies to Mint and Pumpkin
  4. Blood Glamor Potions to remove traces of Sire from physical form
  5. Incorrectly brewed Shrinking Solution with Doppler Effect crated time travel side effect.

(As of right now that is all I have. I am not sure if I want to do one or the other paths for this story or possible have them both happen thus the Doppler effect in the time travel)

Chapter 13: Then and Now


part two of Help WIll Always be Granted for Those Who Need It


The idea, but not the storyline/events, of Harry being sent back in time as a young kid to meet his parents which are not Lily and James came from the story When Pigs Fly.

Then: Takes place during James' Fifth Year
Now: Takes place during Harry's Third Year

Chapter Text


As James looked up from the information about the strange young boy he had found he looked at Healer Noble. If it was anyone else say Frank's mom or Healer Noble's assistant, Medi-Magical Pomfrey, he would think they had made some sort of mistake. But the redheaded Healer was not one to share results unless she was sure. James had a cause to know that after the number of times she had treated him over his five years at Hogwarts from his Quidditch injuries or when he and his friends got hurt from one of their own pranks.

"He can't be my son," James said looking down at the boy who he had to admit did have the same wild hair that he and old pictures of his father showed their family had.

"According to the results of the test he is," Healer Noble said summoning some Calming Draft to help him calm down seeing the start of a small panic attack developing in the Gryffindor Fifth Year. "So I take it you and young Regulus never...?" she asked letting her question trial off.

"What no he is my best friend's little brother," James answered. "And I like Lily Evens," he added as if in an afterthought.

"Well there may be another explanation," she said.

"And what would that be?" James asked with the same hope a man lost in the desert held when he came across an oasis.

"Well, since the last item on Harry's list states a potion accident caused both a Doppler Effect and Time Travel you and Regulus may get together later," she said.

"I don't see that happening unless I was drunk maybe," James muttered to himself.

"Or," the Healer said as if she had not heard his statement, "Harry not only traveled through time but also from a different dimension one where you and Regulus are together. But there is still a couple of issues."

"What?" James asked.

"Well, a Doppler Effect should mean that Harry was duplicated so there may be another form of him somewhere around the castle. that is unless his second form did not travel through time, something we can not know. Even if there is only one young Harry here at this time there is also the issue of what to do with him."

"What do you suggest?" James asked.

"Well, in case the other Harry is somewhere around the castle we need to start a search of the grounds. As for what to do with Harry. I have no idea," Donna said giving him a shrug. "In either case, we will need to inform Professor Dumbledore about this." The redheaded Healer lifted Harry off the infirmary bed to take the young boy to the Headmaster only for the toddler to begin to struggle in her arms. "Calm down Harry I got you," she said in a soothing voice but the still partially asleep child still wiggle in her grasp so much she almost dropped him. James had to bite his bottom lip and look away lest he laughs at the Healer as she tried to hold the squirming toddler.

"No want," the young boy said waking up.

"It is alright Harry," Healer Noble said as she put Harry back into the bed.

"No want," the boy said again. "Want Mommy Daddy. Want Mommy Daddy. Want Mommy Daddy," Harry cried.

"James maybe you can do something," Healer Noble said not used to dealing with patients as young as Harry was.

"I guess I can try," James said before turning to the toddler in the middle of a tantrum. "It is alright Harry you are safe."

"Mommy!?!' Harry said turning to him and throwing his small arms around the startled James' neck. "Mommy where Daddy? Where I?"

"We are at Hogwarts, Harry," James entered before seeing Healer Noble holding up a bit of parchment with a question on it. "What is the last thing you remember Harry?"

"Mommy cry Daddy missing. Mista Dumblesnoe come to home and Mommy make me take nap. I not tired Mommy," Harry said.

"Do you know how you got here?" James asked this time without prompting from Healer Noble.

"No," Harry answered. "I in twoble?"

"Of course, not Harry," James said without any hesitation as he wrapped his arms around the young boy.

"Let's go see Mista Dumblesnoe," Healer Noble said using the same name as Harry had used to put the boy at ease.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"So he can help us find your daddy," she answered.

"Kay," Harry said wrapping his arms tighter around James's neck. James who was an only child had no real experience holding a toddler so followed Healer Noble's direction on how to hold the boy by placing one hand under his bottom and carrying Harry on his hip. As James followed the Healer to the Headmaster's office his ears were constantly filled with Harry's voice. "Look Mommy a Knight," as they passed the portrait of Sir Cadogan. "Mommy a twoll." Despite himself, James could not help but smile at the young boy's voice even though every once and a while it was a scream in his ear.

"Getting paid to babysit, James?" a voice said from behind him making James turn to see his friends in the corridor behind him.

Harry who had also heard the voice turned to look a large smile came to his face as he yelled out, "Ucca Mooney, Ucca Pafo, Ucca Wowmy." James's three best friends looked a little shocked as Harry wiggled in James' grip looking as if he wanted to go over to them. "Uccas help Mommy find Daddy?"

"James, what is going on?" Remus asked.

"You would not believe me if I told you," James said.

"We go Mista Dumblesnoe to find Daddy," Harry said bouncing a little in James's arms. Bemused James's friends started to follow them as they headed to Dumbledore's office. This caused some issues with James for it to lead to Harry yelling louder when he saw something of interest. "Ucca Mooney lake we go swimming? Ucca Pafo look, funny hat man. Hide Ucca Wowmy cat." James had to motion his friends closer so Harry would not have to yell so much and possibly disturb some classes as they passed some rooms.

The group was almost at the corridor that held the entrance to the Headmasters' office when two more people walked into sight. James felt Sirius tense up seeing Snivilus and Lily approaching them. James, for his part, tried to make himself as small as possible not wanting Lily to see him with a small kid who was calling him "Mommy." But Harry saw the pair wiggled to be put down again. Yet unlike last time when he had seen James' friend and had called down once he greeted them Harry did not call out to the approaching students just struggled to get down even harder when James did not move to let him go. Having no experience with little kids, James lowered his body to place Harry on the floor lest he accidently drops the toddler. However, he was not quick enough, even with his reflexes honed from his time playing Quidditch, to catch Harry's arm as the young boy waddled away. Harry waddled over to the pair and the astonishment of James, his friends, Lily, and Snivilus himself the toddler fasten himself onto Snivilus's leg. "What the?" Snivilus asked looking down at Harry.

"Ucca Prince, you come save Daddy with us?" Harry asked looking up into the greasy face of the bastard.

"Potter, what is going on?" Lily asked having noticed the kid having come from James' arms.

"I can't even begin. You know what just come along we can all go over everything when Healer Noble tells Professor Dumbledore," James said.

"Get off me," Snivilus said trying to pull Harry away from him but the boy had a death grip on his leg as he called out to the greasy-haired git to be picked up.

"Come here Harry I don't think he wants to come with us," James said as he is able to pull Harry away from Sniviuls.

"Ucca Prince hate me?" Harry said with a sniffle as he buries his head into James' neck and begins to cry.

"Nice going Snivilus you made him cry," Sirius shot at the Snape, though to be fair he had no idea what was going on at all.

"Oh, Mommy Ucca Pafo say bad word," Harry said looking up with a look of shock on his face.

"No I didn't," Sirius said.

"Did so, did so," Harry said. "You say bad word to Ucca Prince. Daddy say so. Mommy he need, time out," Harry said wagging a chubby little hand and finger at Sirius and making James, Peter, and Lily hold back some laughter at him.

"Now listen here," Sirius began only for Remus to place a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't argue with the toddler," Remus said with a strange look on his face as his enhanced senses due to being a werewolf detected the combined scents of James and Sirius' younger brother coming from the lad.

"If you are done we need to see Professor Dumbledore about this," Healer Noble said noticing Remus's nostrils flare and knowing the boy would pick up the scents of what had been listed as Harry's parents. Granted the woman thought that Remus being involved in this might make a search for Harry's second form go faster with the same senses coming into play. As she said the password to reach Albus's office Harry let out a sound of wonder watching the golden gargoyle move aside to gain access to the moving staircase. The entire ride up to the office Harry and Sirius went back and forth on whether Sirius should get a time out for saying whatever bad word he had said. As Healer knocked on Albus' door to be let in to talk to him about something urgent Harry stop arguing with the Fifth Year Gryffindor as his body tensed up a little as he heard the Headmaster's voice. Healer Noble arched an eyebrow at the boy's reaction as she lead the group of Fifth Years into the office.

As soon as they entered the room before the Headmaster could ask what was going on Harry let out a terrified scream and buried his face into James' neck his boy curling into the fetal position in the mystified Gryffindor's arms. "BAD MAN MOMMY DON'T LET HE HURT ME!!" Harry screamed making every look between the bewildered Headmaster and the crying toddler.


Severus could not get Harry to let go of his robes as he tried to leave the transformed boy with Poppy so he could look further into the potion which had caused this strange set of events. "Let go Potter," he ordered forcing his tone to stay level for Potter being turned into a toddler was one thing but Snape did not think he could handle said toddler throwing a tantrum.

"No," Harry said stubbornly. "Where Mommy Daddy?"

"Remus, can you take him he called you his uncle as well?" Severus nearly begged the wolf not wanting to go into Lily and Potter's deaths. For his part, Remus did try to take Harry from him, but the toddler form of his best friend's son just dug his fingers even harder into Severus's robes.

"Looks like he wants to stay with you," Remus said after he attempts to take Harry.

"Great, just great," Severus said through gritted teeth, "so how am I to analyze the potion to find out not only what went wrong but how to correct it if he won't let go of me?"

"We can watch his sir," a voice said as to his annoyance Granger and one of the two youngest Weasleys fell into the room as Ginny opened the door. From the other two's falling into the room Severus guessed the trio had been listening at the closed door making him wish he had put up some Wards before entering the place.

"What do you three think you are doing?" Severus asked glaring at him.

"Offering to babysit him so you can fix him," Ginny answered him almost making him take points away from her due to her response. "You would like that wouldn't you Harry to come to play with me so Professor Snape can make you better?" Ginny said reaching out and taking hold of Harry's sides and trying to pull him away. Harry's response was to once again dig his fingers further into Severus's robes.

"No wanna," Harry said.

"Come on Harry we are your friends," Ginny said pulling Harry even harder Severus wondered if the boy's grip on his robes would cause them to rip despite the magic protection on such garments.

"I no know you," Harry said.

"Yes you do," Ginny shot back, evidently not used to dealing with kids so young most likely due to her being the youngest child in her family.

"No," Harry cried as he buried his face into Severus' robes.

Thankfully Granger intervened as she got Ginny to stop tugging at the boy. "We would like to be your friends, Harry," Granger said evidently seeing or possibly hearing earlier that Harry's mental state had been altered to be the same as the age of his body.

"Who you?" Harry asked with a sniffle finding the girl's voice nice as he looked over at her.

"I am Hermione Granger, can you say Hermione?" the bushy-haired Witch asked.

"Hewmonniny," Harry tested.

"Very good Harry," Hermione said making Harry beam at her. "My friends are Ron Weasley and his sister Ginny. Oh yeah, my friend Ron also has a pet rat," she said seeing the telltale lump in Ron's robe pocket of the rat.

Harry perked up at the word rat, "Like Ucca Wowmy?" Harry asked making everyone but Remus look confused about who "Wowmy" was. Remus was more stunned that Harry knew Peter's Nickname and the fact his deceased friend had a rat Animagus form.

"His name is Scabbers," Ron said feeling his pet rat wiggling in his pocket. Ron wondered if Hermione's bloody cat was nearby for usually, Scabbers would curl up in his pocket unless the cat was close to him. '"Um, would you like to meet him?" Ron asked trying to get Harry's attention in hopes they could get him away from Snape so the bastard could figure out what had happened to Harry so he could be returned to normal.

"Yeah wat," Harry said nodding his head enthusiastically.

With a small chuckle at Harry's actions, Ron reached into his pocket to pull Scabbers out. "Ouch he bit me," Ron said incredulously as he held his hand up to see if he was bleeding. Thankfully he was not, so he decided to show Harry his pet this time by using a levitating spell on Scabbers so he could not bite him again. As soon as Scabbers was out of his pocket, squeaking and tumbling in the air as if he was scared of something.

Seeing the rat floating in the air Harry screamed, "Ucca Wowmy!" Hearing this Remus took a closer look at the floating rat and saw Harry was right for apart from a missing toe the rat looked just like his old friend who had been killed by Sirius Black. Almost too alike, in fact, as Remus just to be sure cast a spell that he and his friends had created to force them out of their Animagus form on the pet rat. To his shock, as the spell hit the rat it changed into his old friend.

"What the?" many people asked.

"Ucca Wowmy," Harry cried out happily at the rat-turned-man. The man threw a look around him before he made a break for it. Not sure why Peter would spend so much time as a rat that he had caused his human form to be altered, nor why the man was running away Remus thought it was best to get some answers from his old friend. So planning to apologize later Remus sent a stunner into the man's retreating back.

Chapter 14: Fighting Tooth and Claw


In the aftermath of the Second Battle of Hogwarts, Harry makes some changes in his plans for the future.


Tags: Ginny, Molly Bashing, Marriage Contracts Epilogue what Epilogue, Post Second Battle of Hogwarts, Andy Tonks, Baby Teddy.

Possibly Hermione bashing in future installments if I write any.

Chapter Text

Harry woke up sore after regaining consciousness in his old dorm room bed. After the events of the day before where the Second Battle of Hogwarts had been fought and Voldemort as well as all the man's Horcruxes had been destroyed once and for all Harry had returned to his old dorm and fallen asleep in his old bed without even getting undressed first. Groaning a little as he left his bed, Harry saw he had not been the only one to fall asleep without changing clothing as everyone else in the room was still in the ruins and dirty clothing they had worn from the day before. Well, at least the House Elves would be busy cleaning up all the grim from the beds which should make them happy. Though he had not been at Hogwarts at all that year out of habit Harry moved to the foot of his bed for a fresh change of clothing only to recall that they were in Hermione's beaded bag. He would just have to get some fresh clothing later Harry thought to himself as he made his way to the connected bathing room to take a quick shower. Not sure if a House Elf would collect his grimy clothing if he took them off he used a quill and some spare parchment from Dean's bedside cabinet to write a message to any Elf to leave his clothing be for the moment.

The hot water in the shower felt like heaven itself as he had his first real shower in as many months. Sure he could have had a shower when they had been at Shell Cottage but with Fleur, Bill, Ron, Hermione, and Griphook there besides himself, he did not want to waste all the hot water to take a proper shower. The tent he and his friends had been living in while having a kitchen and bedroom the bathroom had only been a toilet and a sink. Washing off all the grime that had accumulated on him since his stay in Grimmauld Place took Harry almost forty-three and a half minutes bringing his hair back to its normal wild mess rather than the dank and greasy mess that laid on his head like a dead animal.

The whole effect was only ruined as he put on his mud, blood, and he did not even want to think what else stained clothing. Feeling slightly refreshed Harry headed down to the Great Hall to see if he could get some breakfast. During his trip, it pained him to see the state the castle was in with blasted portraits lining the walls and the floors covered with rubble. He had even spotted two of the moving staircases seeming to be broken one halfway connected to on floor but aimed into space, while the other was not connected on either side with some bodies huddled on it. He really hoped were just some trapped people sleeping, and not corpses that had not yet been collected.

Reaching the Great Hall he still saw the dead from the battle lying in place with only one single table set up. By the look of it, the table was not being used as anything other than a place for food for people to take and eat wherever they could. Grabbing a plate and filling it with some food Harry moved to a somewhat sturdy mound of rubble where some others were sitting to eat their own breakfasts. Everyone seemed to be lost in their own thoughts for besides a perfunctory nod of their heads the group on the rubble just ate their meals while looking at the rows of the dead or the damages in the once majestic room. As Harry ate he thought about his future for with Voldemort finally defeated he had no idea what to do with his life. After a year on the run and surviving by sometimes the skin of his teeth, Harry no longer wanted to become an Auror even if whoever took the lead in the Ministry offered him a job right on the spot. He was just so tired of fighting and the losses that came with it, as his eyes fell on the forms of Remus, Tonks, Fred, and all the others.

Harry was also not sure if he wanted to resume his relationship with Ginny either, sure it had been fun last school year but so much had changed since then. As if Ginny had been summoned by his thinking of her he felt someone gently bump into his shoulder causing him to look over to see the redheaded girl in question smiling at him as she sat down beside him to eat her meal. "Well it looks like we both survived again," Ginny said bumping his shoulder playfully with his.

"Not appropriate conversation Gin," Harry said with a nod towards the rows of the dead.

"True, but so is my statement," she said with a look as if she was waiting for him to ask her to get back together right then and there.

"So should we talk about us?" she asked after Harry did not respond but continued with his meal.

"I am not there yet Gin," he said truthfully.

"When do you think you will be ready for it?" Ginny asked placing down her silverware to look at him.

"I don't know Gin, Merlin I killed a man yesterday," he said putting down his own knife and fork.

"So did I, so did a lot of people here," Ginny shot back her voice rising a little making the others on the rubble pile look over towards them.

"I get that but still just give me some time, alright?" he asked her.

"Just don't take too long," she said with a slight huff as she returned to her meal and a cloud of annoyance seemed to settle on her like a cloak.

Harry could sense some looks from others nearby after Ginny and his conversation leading him to quickly finish his meal. Not knowing what to do with his plate just set it down where he had been sitting before he left the hall. Harry did not want to see more of the castle in ruins so made his way outside after his breakfast only to find that the grounds were in no better state with small blast creators and fallen walls. In the distance, he saw at least two of the greenhouses had been broken open leaving jagged holes in them. But at least the lake looked normal as he headed down to it just to sit at the edge and watched the water.

Harry was not sure how long he had been sitting staring at the water alone before Hermione and Ron came over to him. "Well it is finally over," Ron said as if he had not said the same thing last night after the battle and Harry returning the Elder Wand to Dumbledore's grave.

"Mhm," was all Harry said as he kicked a small stone into the water.

"They're looking for you up at the castle," Hermione said, "it seems Kingsley was named the interim Minister."

"What do they want?" Harry asked

"To congratulate you and most likely offer you a job as an Auror," Ron said as if Harry was being dumb on purpose.

"I don't feel as if I deserve to be congratulated, nor do I feel like becoming an Auror is right for me," Harry said getting to his feet.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked as rather than head back to the castle Harry was walking towards the ruins of the bridge.

"I am going to visit Tonk's mom and my new godson rather than face all that," Harry said.

"But the celebrations and the morning?" Ron said.

"As I said I don't feel like celebrating and when a plan is made for their funerals or whatever they do with them I will see to it but right now I need to... I don't know I just need to do something, and I hope it is being a good Godfather that Remus and Tonks would be proud of," Harry said before he suddenly recalled that Voldemort demolished the Wards around Hogwarts the night before letting reinforcements in for both sides. This memory leads Harry to turn on the spot and Apparate away.

While he had visited Tonk's parents' house before it had been by the flying motorbike during his leaving Privat Drive so he had no idea where the place had been located. Hoping to find some clue to the house's whereabouts Harry had gone to Grimmauld Place recalling a book in the library that held information on any property owned by a member of the Black Line. He hoped Andy's place was listed considering Sirius's mom had banished her from the family. Knowing that the last time he had been at Sirus's family home a Death Eater had been brought along Harry pulled out his newly repaired wand ready to defend himself, but apart from the spectator of Dumbledore, like always, there did not seem to be another living soul in the house.

Quietly making his way to the library, to not wake up Lady Black's Portrait, Harry brought down the book on Black family properties and began to look through it to see if he could find Tonk's place. As it was a more recent property he looked in the back of the book finding property listings for Malfoy Manor (1/4 share, Order Safehouse (full share, and to his surprise #4 Privat Drive (full share. But there was no listing of the place he was looking for. Sitting back in his chair at the library desk Harry thought about what to do next, he would think his next step would be to send a message to Andy to ask where the place is but since Hedwig was dead he had no other means to do it at the moment. He might be able to Floo to the home but was not sure if she would have kept the passage open after what had been going on in the country. With a snap of his fingers, he called for Kreacher.

"What can Kreacher do for you, Master Harry?" the ancient House Elf asked him.

"I have been looking for a way to send a message or to find Andromeda Tonks and my Godson, Teddy, since she used to be a member of the Black Family can you manage it?" Harry asked.

"It would be no problem for me to do so," Kreacher answered.

"Can you reacher her to ask where she is and if she is willing to have me come over?" Harry asked Kreacher.

"Right away, Master Harry," Kreacher said with a small pop as he disappeared.

Not knowing how long Kreacher would take Harry headed up to Sirius' old room and took down some old clothing that had belonged to his Godfather, having left Hogwarts before getting his stuff from Hermione. Harry cursed the Dursleys slightly since some of Sirius' old clothes that were in the room were from before he had run away which Harry had been told was either the summer before or after Sirius' Fifth Year. Yet due to his small stature, thanks to the abuse they had done to him growing up, Harry was easily able to fit into the old robes of his fourteen or fifteen-year-old Godfather. Disliking his small size Harry could not help but like the fact that he was in somewhat more clean clothing than what he had been wearing. Harry was just giving the robes a small tug downward to better settle them in place as Kreacher came into the room. "Mistress Andy and Theodore Lupin are now in the Drawing Room, Master Harry," Kreacher announced.

"They came with you?" Harry asked.

"Kreacher found them not in a home but a magical tent in the woods, Mistress Andy asked to be brought here," Kreacher explained.

"Ah," Harry said leaving the room to head down to the Drawing Room.

"Harry," Andy said getting to her feet holding a small bundle of yellow blankets which could only be Teddy.

"Mrs. Tonks, let me first say I am sorry for your loss," Harry said going over to the couch she had been sitting in to join her.

"Thanks," Andy said, "and you can just call me Andy." Harry saw that her eyes were red, most likely from crying with the death of not only her husband but her only child from the war. "So what did you want to see me about?"

"I wanted to get to know you, as well as Teddy," Harry said simply. "Can I hold him?" She gave him a small smile as she passed over the young baby directing him on how to hold the bundle. "This feels right," Harry said to himself as he pulls back the yellow blanket a little to look down at the face of his Godson who was sleeping peacefully.

"Surprise you are not celebrating somewhere," Andy said.

"I just can't see the point. I mean sure I understand the Dark Lord is finally gone but at what cost. I also do not feel like celebrating having to take a life from someone, even him. I just wanted to be with family. And as of right now that is Teddy," Harry explained.

"You got me as well if you will have me. I know I need someone, after all, that," Andy said giving him a one-armed hug to not disrupt Teddy too much.

"Thanks, I think I will," Harry said giving her a small smile.

Without even being aware of it a month had gone by as Teddy and Andy had joined him in living at Grimmauld Place. It was not as if he was avoiding everyone, no it was more that Harry was getting used to helping Andy take care of Teddy as well as getting situated. Harry did receive countless owls a day many asking for interviews, others for him to show up in public forums to give a speech. He ignored them all, the only letters he responded to were the invites to the funerals. Harry also responded to his friends and had even met up with Hermione to get his stuff back from her before she went in search of her parents accompanied by Ron.

When Harry went to a funeral he made sure to arrive late and stay in the back to not get noticed, being so thankful for the Magical World's use of cloaks meaning he could just put his hood up and he would seem like any other Magical with a young child. There were only two funerals which he did not take these actions for. The combined funeral for Remus and Tonks as he joined Andy in the front row offering her some quiet support as he paid his respect to his parents' last friend. The other funeral had been the one for Fred where he had still arrived late but had kept his hood offer him keeping his distance not for privacy but due to the amount of Weasley family, there had been in attendance. He was not sure anyone but Mr. Weasley, Bill, and Fleur saw him the trio giving him small nods of thanks for coming.

When Harry received no notice of any funeral planned for Snape, he looked into it to find that no one was doing one. Having learned what he had from the man's memories Harry did not like that so he decided to give the man one himself. Not knowing if the Potions Master and his secret protector had any friends which were not Death Eaters, Harry ran an announcement for the event in the paper rather than send out invitations. Since he had planned the funeral he was the first one there and was a little disappointed that no one was showing up as the time for the start grow closer. Harry feared he was going to be the only one in attendance since he had left Teddy with Andy for the event. But five minutes to the door opened as Narcissa Malfoy and Draco walked in, along with their escorts a pair of angry-looking Aurors. Harry was thinking this was going to be a lovely service with just the three of them, he was not counting the Aurors when the door opened again and Professors Flitwick, Sprout, Madam Pomfrey, the newly appointed Headmistress McGonagall, and Filtch, entered taking some seats. Harry was rather glad he had shared with Professor McGonagall the memories Snape had given him before he died so that they could learn the truth about him as well.

It was still a shorter ceremony than the others Harry had been to since the Second Battle of Hogwarts, made more so without Snape's corpse being present. As he was in charge of planning the event rather than leaving after the ceremony had finished as he normally did Harry stayed around to talk to the other mourners as he thanked them for coming.

"You arranged this Potter?" Draco asked incredulously as Harry thanked his formal rival and mother for coming.

"I thought someone should do it," Harry said with a small shrug.

"But you hated the man," Draco pointed out.

"I did but before he died he showed me that he had been working to keep me safe and had even gone to bat for me when it seemed that Professor Dumbledore had raised me as a lamb for the slaughter," Harry explained.

Draco gave him a strange look but before the blonde could say or ask anything one of the Aurors came over and barked out, "Enough you were given small leave to come to this funeral nothing more."

"We are in the middle of something here," Harry said glaring at the man who sort of flinched as he recognized Harry.

"I am sorry, but I am just doing my job they were only permitted to get out of house arrest for the ceremony and only due to it being for this Death Eater bastard's Godfather," the man said using his grip on Draco's shoulder to shake the blond rather harshly, in Harry opinion.

"He is no more a Death Eater than I am," Harry said.

"He is, the mark has been found on his arm as well as his bitch of a mother," the Auror said with a slight snarl as he turned to spit at Draco's mom's feet. Harry was surprised when rather than do anything at the man's rudeness to his mother Draco hunched his shoulders slightly in defeat.

"If it was not for both Draco and Lady Malfoy I would never have been able to kill Voldemort," Harry said smiling inwardly as he saw the Auror flinch a little at the Dark Lord's chosen name while Draco looked surprised that Harry was standing up for him.

"Share it with someone who cares," the Auror said the look of wonder and awe that had been on his face from recognizing Harry now completely gone.

"Oh, I will," Harry said.

After returning to Grimmauld Place after Snape's funeral Harry began to get in contact with Kingsley to request a meeting with the interim Minister of Magic. It took another month before the meeting took place, wherein Harry attended more funerals and Teddy began to scoot around on the floor a little. "What can I do for you, Harry?" Kingsley asked when Harry was led into the man's office. "Are you finally coming to accept a post in the Auror's department?"

"Not at all Kingsley," Harry said with a smile at the shaven-headed magical. "I actually came to discuss what is being done with Draco and Lady Malfoy."

"Oh, not you too," Kingsley said laying his head on his desk.

"Not me too what?" Harry asked.

"You heard that all they got were House Arrest rather than be sent to Azkaban like Lucius and now you want me to send them there as well," Kingsley said speaking into his folded arms under his head.

"Actually not at all," Harry said making the dark-skinned man raise his head a little. "I want to see about getting them free due to how they helped me during not only the final battle but a little bit before as well."

"Well that is new," Kingsley said raising his head from his arms and desk, "tell me everything." Harry did, sharing with Kingsley the events that had taken place at Malfoy Manor a month before the Second Battle at Hogwarts where Draco had recognized him and had lied about it. How during the battle he had saved Draco in the Room of Requirement as well as Draco decided to step away from the Death Eaters. A decision which had almost led to his death later in the battle as Harry and his friends under the Invisibility Cloak had saved the blonde from another Death Eater. Harry ended by sharing how Lady Malfoy had been called forward after his "Duel" with Voldemort in the forest where she lied to the Dark Lord so she could reach her son, somehow getting past the man's attempt to most likely use Legilimency on her to make sure she was telling the truth.

After he had finished his story, Harry watched Kingsley stroke his small beard in thought for a couple of minutes. "I will do what I can, but I can only see them getting free by having a trial and you revealing all this to the Wizengamot yourself. I know you are letting Molly control your votes but she will be unable to take part in the trial due to conflict of interest," Kingsley said.

"What?" Harry asked confused.

"What about what?" Kingsley said.

"What do you mean Mrs. Weasley controls my votes?" Harry asked.

"You know in the Wizengamot for your family seats," Kingsley said giving Harry a strange look.

"Um, no I don't," Harry said.

"Huh. You should probably talk to her about that then," Kingsley said not sure what else to say about it and had no desire to get involved with Molly himself finding the woman was too much of a busybody and her voice grated on him.

"I will do that," Harry said, "please let me know when the trial is to take place when you get it organized in the meantime."

"I shall," Kingsley said, "it has been nice to see you again Harry." With a quick handshake, their meeting ended leaving Harry to head back to Grimmauld Place wondering how to broach the subjects of his votes and family seats to Mrs. Weasley.

He did not get that much time to think about it as he arrived back at Grimmauld Place finding both Mrs. Wealsey and Ginny waiting for him in the kitchens. Just as they had been during the summer they had been at the house previously. "What can I do for you both?" he asked them.

"Well, since you have not been around we thought we would stop by to go through the details," Mrs. Weasley said pulling out a large book and placing it on the table.

"What details?" Harry asked.

"Your wedding of course," the woman said smiling at him.

"I was not aware I had one coming up," Harry said.

"Of course, you do Ginny will be of age shortly so we want to have the ceremony before she returns to Hogwarts," Molly explained still giving him the same gentle smile.

"Ginny I get that you like me and want to get back together I am still not there yet," Harry said turning to the younger red-headed woman.

"But the contract states you and Ginny are to be married when you both are of age," Molly said.

"What contract?" Harry asked.

"Your Marriage Contract of course," Molly said.

Seeing Harry's confused looks Andy who had been sitting at the other end of the table asked, "Did you not know about this contract?"

"I don't even know what type of contract you guys are talking about. Well by the name I can guess it has to do with marriage but other than that no clue," Harry said turning to Andy.

"Did you sign anything to say you would marry young Ms. Weasley?" Andy asked.

"No we just dated last year," Harry said, "and while it was great I broke it off after Dumbledore's funeral knowing I might not survive."

"But you and Ginny have had a contract for years," Molly protested.

"How long exactly?" Andy asked Molly.

"Oh it is hard to say," Mrs. Weasley said sounding evasive all of a sudden.

"Do you know if your parents perchance set a contract up between you and Ms. Weasley?" Andy inquired.

"I don't know but I doubt it," Harry said, "after all, I was told they went into hiding before my first birthday which was before Ginny had been born."

"Can you produce the contract?" Andy asked who just like her late husband Ted was a barrister.

"I did not bring it with me," Molly admitted.

"So you expect Harry to take the fact that he and your daughter have a contract on trust?" Andy asked.

"Well, no but we just came here to start on the planning for the wedding I could bring it during the next meeting," Molly said.

"There will be no more in this meeting without us getting a look at the contract," Andy said dismissing both Weasley women from the place. "Harry, I know you have been avoiding Gringotts from what happened when you and your friends had been there last, but I think you need to head there to talk to your Account Manager about this contract," Andy advised him when they were alone in the house once more.

Chapter 15: Fighting Tooth and Claw II


The contract is looked over and Harry begins his fight against those who betrayed him


added tags Dumbledore and Ron bashing

Chapter Text

At Gringotts Harry's Goblin Account Manager, Bonecrusher was pissed off at his client. For one thing, Heir and then Lord Harry Potter had not yet come to the bank and taken control of his vaults yet, nor had the human responded to the letters Bonecrusher sent him at least once a month. No, his client had passed off permission to allow the late Albus Dumbledore and Molly Weasley to run his accounts. And now Bonecrusher had to use funds from the Potter family holdings to pay for damages that his client and two allies had done at the bank as well as paying for either the retrieval of the Albino Gaurd Dragon or for the bank to get a new one.

If that was not bad enough, among the group that had been with his client during the whole fiasco was one of the Weasley boys meaning that their family Account Manager, Halbert, should have received a portion of the fines for damage to pay back. But once again all the responsibility had fallen to Bonecrusher to take care of. Halbert was wisely staying far away from the Goblin Prince which could have to do with the fines but also due to the fact that he had reminded Bonecrusher that soon the Marriage Contract set up between Bonecrusher's client and the young Weasley girl was about to take effect. While Halbert refused to share the full contract with Bonecrusher, the bits that the Potter-Gryffindor-Peverell-Slytherin-Gaunt-Black Account Manager had seen showed that after his client's marriage the control of all the newlywed's vaults would be under the Weasley family control. This meant that Halbert would raise in ranking among the Goblin people and since he had lost control of such powerful accounts Bonecrusher could kiss not only his power goodbye but also be prevented from taking over as the next Goblin King after his father stepped down how he had made a blunder with Potter's accounts. He did not see it as his vault since the boy had never come in to see him even once since he had returned to the Magical World.

As if his thoughts about the human had summoned him, for once, the door to Bonecrusher's office opened and a Goblin teller showed Lord Potter inside. "Well it is about time you came to see me Lord Potter, but I guess as you humans say it is better late than never," Bonecrusher growled at the human as he took one of the seats across from him.

"What?" Harry asked a little confused.

"Nevermind," Bonecrusher said regaining control of himself, "why have you come to see me after all this time Lord Potter?"

"Um, I was informed that I have a Marriage Contract which I know nothing about, also since it involves a person who was born after my parents and I went into hiding I don't see how it could be in place," Harry said feeling awkward under the hard stare of the Goblin.

"Who is this contract with?" Bonecrusher asked knowing that due to his client's fame in the human world there maybe be numerous illegal contracts out to get him to marry into random families.

"With Ginny Weasley," Harry admitted and saw the Goblin's thin black eyebrows shoot upward.

A sudden feeling of hope entered Bonecrusher as with a small quiver in his hands pulled out some documents. "I will need to look into that. To get a look at the contract I will need you to provide a small bit of your blood to make sure you are who you say you are and not someone under a Glamor or using Polyjuice Potion," Bonecrusher said passing over the document and a small magical treated pin to collect the blood. While not used to taking part in Blood Magic, which Dumbledore removed from the Hogwarts curriculum when he became the Headmaster, Harry was no stranger to pain so had no problems pricking his finger for the blood for the test.

The test showed Bonecrusher that Harry was who he said he was, not that the Goblin Prince had doubted it but he had needed Harry's blood to get full access to the Marriage Contract between the boy and the Weasley family so he could look it over. As the document appeared in its entirety rather than just the summary which Halbert had given him before Bonecrusher was horrified. The thing looked to be about five pages long when usually even the most extensive contracts would be two maybe two and a half tops. Forgetting about his client sitting in front of him Bonecrusher picked up the contract and began to read through it. He was horrified even by Goblin standards this was bad. According to the contract besides letting the Weasley family gain control of all the Vaults that Harry possessed, the boy would be reduced to being nothing but his future wife's plaything. She would have full control over every aspect of his life. This included the jobs he could work, the food he was allowed to eat, and even his clothing. It might have been a joke but in the sidelines of the contract there were some written lines of the types of clothing Harry would be allowed to wear such as thongs, speedos, diapers, and any fetish wear that his future wife wanted him to.

Harry would be paid a tiny sum of money of no more than a single Galleon a month to take care of himself while his wife, mother-in-law, and brother-in-law could spend the money from the vaults as they wished. It had been money management like that which had reduced the Weasley family fortunes to what it was now for Bonecrusher recalled a point maybe a hundred years ago long before Molly had arrived and due to her actions got the family to be known as Blood Traitors. Back then the Weasley vaults, while not as large as the ones his client-controlled were in the same league as the Blacks, the Malfoys, and other families of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. But then came Ronald Weasley the First, which the current Ron Weasley was named after, had become Head of the Weasley line and in thirty years had reduced the Weasley fortune to barely above poverty level due to his extravagant lifestyle and gambling problem.

The contract's money issues were bad enough but it was not even the worst of it. Getting to the final page, Bonecrusher, read about the next Potter Heir selection. It seemed that like the rest of his client's life after he was married the choice of Heir was no longer under his control. The contract went into great detail on how if she wanted to Ginvera "Ginny" Potter-Weasley could sleep with anyone she wanted to outside of marriage without a monogamy clause involved to punish her. The clause was mentioned but it only applied to Harry who would only be allowed to sleep with his future wife lest he loses what little he had left to him after their marriage. From the contract not only would Ginny be allowed to sleep around as much as she wanted to but if she got pregnant with one of the men, women, or other she slept with she was well within her rights to name that child as the next Potter family Heir. Such a breach of protocol made Bonecrusher's vision turn red as he imagined taking up his ax and using it on the Weasley women mentioned in the contract.

But even that was not the worst of it by far. When Ginny selected a child that might not even be Harry's to become the next Heir or Lord Potter she was given two choices. One of which was to take the titles, which Harry would only hold in name only, and with the birth of the child declare herself the family steward. But that was the better scenario for the contract also stated that if she wanted to if she got bored with Harry and one child had been born, even if Harry was not the father of the kid, Ginny was well within her rights to kill off or declare Harry a No'name with no repercussions placed against her. The contract did not even cover the ground for divorce leading Bonecrusher to guess that once the marriage had happened Harry would be unable to get free of his "wife" and in-laws but considering what Ginny could do if she got bored and had at least one child she could be gone of Harry whenever she wanted to with no legal problems.

Getting to the end of the document Bonecrusher stared at the names that had been signed not by his client's parents but by Albus Dumbledore and Molly Weasley in the guardian's positions while Ginny and Harry had signed underneath. As Harry had signed the contract himself there would be very little Bonecrusher could do to get him out of it. He was about to tell the human this before he recalled the boy saying he had no memory of a contract in place. This meant that the boy might have been enchanted when he was forced to sign it meaning the contract was not legal at all, or someone else had signed the boy's name on it.

As Harry had never come to see him or sign any documents at the bank all Bonecrusher had to work with was the note he had been passed after the human's Second Year at Hogwarts giving Albus and Molly Weasley access to his vaults. "Lord Potter, can you please sign your name for me?" Bonecrusher asked wanting to see if the signatures matched up. A signature that was copied by the use of a spell onto a document would be slightly altered from the original one. This little-known protection prevented people from stealing another Magicals Identity. With a shrug, Harry took the scrap of parchment Bonecrusher passed over to him and signed his name. "Is this how you always sign your name?" Bonecrusher asked.

"Yes," Harry said sounding a little confused.

"Well, then I have some good news and some bad news for you Lord Potter," Bonecrusher said.

"Alright what is the good news?" Harry asked.

"Since your signature does not match up with the one on the contract that was used to sign your name you did not actually approve of it, thus making the contract illegal as well as voiding it," Bonecrusher explained since Harry's signature was done very roughly in a way that some humans said was akin to chicken scratches as if even after all this time Harry was not used to using a quill. On the other hand, the signature on the contract was written using very precise and clear strokes of a quill.

"And the bad news?" Harry asked breathing a small sigh of relief.

"Well it seems that some member of the Weasley family is trying to commit a crime known as Line Theft to take control of not only all your vaults but also your life," Bonecrusher said as he gave Harry a "quick" thirty minute rundown of everything in the contract between Harry and Ginny.

Leaning back in the seat Harry felt angry and devastated at the betrayal at the hands of his friends and Mrs. Weasley. For a moment he wondered if Hermione knew about all this or was involved as well; before he recalled the remark from Kingsley about Molly controlling his family seats in the Wizengamot. He had not talked to her about it yet as Kingsley had suggested he did. But if she was involved with this contract between him and Ginny he did not see her giving the seats back to him without a fight, and knowing the woman she would put on a show to try to make it look like Harry was in the wrong for taking his seats back. "I assume since the contract is not in play I don't have to worry about marrying the bitch?" Harry asked.

"That is correct," Bonecrusher said attaching the scrap of parchment containing Harry's real signature to the document and sending the contract to his father to be reviewed.

"A couple of weeks ago I was informed that Molly was also controlling my seats in the Wizengamot is there a way to take them back from her?" Harry asked

"You would just need to take up your family Lordship Rings," Bonecrusher said with a toothy grimace which Harry took as a smile.

"How do I do that?" Harry asked.

Bonecrusher smiled as he summoned forth the box containing all the rings to the family lines Harry controlled and opened it up to show the boy. "Now each of these Rings denotes a family that you have the rank of Lord over. The first one Potter, Gryffindor, and Peverell are yours by blood. The next set Slytherin and Gaunt are yours from the Rite on Conquest given to you when you bested the previous owner not once but twice leading to the man's death both times," Bonecrusher said. Harry gazed in wonder seeing the Gaubt ring which he had thought he had lost in the forest on his way to meet Voldemort. "The last ring from the Black family is yours due to your Godfather, the previous Lord declaring you his Heir and since he died without any other children it places you as Lord of the House." Bonecrusher then had Harry place the rings onto his hands in the order that Bonecrusher had named them. After they were finished another ring appeared in the box making Bonecrusher lift his eyebrows as he read the small notice that had appeared with the new ring. "It seems that due to you taking in your Godson Teddy you have also been appointed Steward of the Lupin family until the boy is of age alongside Andromeda Tonks nee Black."

"Alright," Harry said placing the Lupin ring on his left ring finger, it being the next finger in line that was bare after he placed the rings on his hands starting with his right pointer finger. "Is there a way to hold the rings without them being on all my fingers?" Harry asked.

"Well, now that you have claimed them all you can combine all but the Lupin Ring into a single Family Ring if you wish to," Bonecrusher said before leading Harry into the procedure to accomplish it. After the ritual was done Harry only had three rings on his fingers, his right pointer holding the combination of the Potter, Gryffindor, Peverell, Slytherin, and Black Rings. The Gaunt Ring, most likely due to the presence of the Resurrection Stone in it, would not combine with the others and rest right above the combined ring. The Lupin Steward Ring was held on Harry's right middle finger by itself. Once all the rings were now in place and comfortable for Harry, Bonecrusher led his Client into taking back his seats in the Wizengamot. "I would suggest you find someone to help you bring forth any laws or regulations Molly brought to the council. I would help you myself but as a rule, Goblins are forbidden to see such documents unless a Magical is Underage and has no other Magical family to call upon to help them," Bonecrusher explained.

"Thanks for the advice, I shall see about doing that," Harry said getting to his chair planning to return to Grimmauld Place and get Andy to help him go over the documents.

"Ah before you leave, I would like to ask you to return in the next week or so, so we can go over your vaults for even without the contract coming into effect Molly and Albus have had access to your vaults for several years so we will need to deal with all that," Bonecrusher said.
A look of pure unadulterated anger came to Harry's face as he clenched one of his hands into a fist as magic sparked from it, but it was with a level voice that the human said, "I shall find the time to do it as soon as possible."

Leaving the bank Harry tried to clear his mind by going shopping to pick up some more diapers and stuff for Teddy as well as some grocers for a meal he could make for him and Andy to help calm down a little. His anger had reduced to a small simmer by the time he returned home, only to go blazing hot again seeing Molly and Ginny were once more sitting at the kitchen table. "Hello Harry dear we brought the contact to show it is legal," Molly said patting a single-page document laying before her.

"I am afraid it is too late I already saw the real one and we found it was false," Harry said smirking a little seeing the color drain from the two bitches' faces. "I have also regained control of my seats, thank you very much, so leave now."

"But Harry," Ginny began.

"Did that sound like a suggestion to you? If so I am sorry I misspoke. I, as head of my family lines as well as the Black family, banish you from this place and all others I own/control from this moment on," Harry declared. With a small pop, Molly and Ginny were expelled from Grimmauld place taking along only their wands and clothing but leaving the fake contract laying on the table.

"Harry?" Andy asked with Teddy on her hip giving him a startled look.

"The contract at the bank was a fake and it was according to my Account Manager a contract that would not even have been used during the Dark Ages between a person who wanted to marry a slave they had purchased. It was illegal and void so it should not matter anymore anyway. I also was reminded of my place as Lord of my Houses so I will do something that I should have done earlier. I, Harry James Potter current Lord of the Ancient House of Black return Andromeda Ellenor Tonks nee Black to the family."

Chapter 16: The Invitation 2


Petunia's chat with Snape followed by a discussion with her nephew

Chapter Text

The Third Year Gryffindor/Slytherin Potion class fell silent as Petunia yelled that one word. "Back to your work," Snape ordered the students, "you still have a half-hour left for your test." Most students in the class jumped a little and returned to brewing, Ginny Weasley, however, caught Harry's eye for just a moment giving him a questioning look. He gave her a small shrug as a pointed cough from Snape put her back to her test.

Rubbing a calloused hand down his face Snape walked to the door before motioning Petunia and Harry out of the room. Confused by the woman's presence at the castle the Potions Master put up some monitoring charms before joining them in the hall. "What are you doing here Tuna Fish?" he asked unable or possibly unwilling to refer to her as anything else but the old childhood nickname.

From beside Petunia, Harry mouthed the words, "Tuna Fish," trying his best not to smile at the name.

"Wow dumb as ever Snivvly," Petunia shot back.

Harry had to bite his lip as he mouthed, "Snivvly."

"I am Harry's family so your government invited me," Petunia said a little smugly hoping the greasy-haired man tried to cast some magic on her like he threatened to do when they were kids so the badge she had been given might register it somehow and get him in trouble.

Rather than pull out his wand to cast something on her the man's face held a look of confusion on it. "But why you? Why not Greggory?"

"My Uncle died nearly fifteen years ago," Petunia said. She had mourned him, even if he favored Lily over her, for the man was rich and had sent elaborate gifts for birthdays, Christmas, and even Easter. Yet he had left everything to Lily, and she did not even attend the man's funeral sending Petunia a message about needing to go into hiding.

"But, but?" Snape said confused, "Potter was said to be raised by him?" Having met Lily's Uncle/Godfather had underscored Albus' claims that Potter was raised like a prince having his every desire catered to making him arrogant and stuck up as he was.

"No one of your lot left him on my family's front porch after Lily and her husband died. Neary got us called into court when our milkman found him in nothing but a baby blanket and nappie," Petunia said. "We were only able to get off on child abuse claims by pointing out he had been left there without our knowledge."

"But," Snape said sounding like he did not believe what he was hearing.

"Your lot abandoned him on our porch and expects us to take care of him. But also tells me in a letter that my baby sister and her husband had been killed. While Lily and I had a falling out she was still family and that is not the way to tell someone that a family member is dead," Petunia said as to Harry's slight shock he saw some unshed tears in her eyes.

"I did not do it," Snape said a little defensively.

"No you were just responsible for her death," Petunia shot back making Harry wonder what she meant while the Potion Masters's face drained of color making him look like he was undead.

"How do you know that?" Snape asked his voice breaking a little.

"Are you serious?" Petunia asked looking as if she wanted to take a hand full of his robes and shake him. Either that at slug him but her hatred of magic and not wanting to mess with it left her with her hands being kept at her sides bawled into fists.

"He wrote that thanks to what I overheard the Dark Lord went after them?" Snape asked surprised Albus had put that in any letter he left with Potter as a baby.

"What? No, you killed her by introducing her to this freak world leading to her death. If you had just left her alone she would have married a normal man and lived a good life," Petunia said.

Gulping a little and knowing this was most likely a bad idea Harry could not help but interrupt the pair as he asked, "What did you overhear?"

"Don't interrupt or asked questions," Petunia said out of habit while Snape had jumped slightly having forgotten Harry was there.

Snape once more ran a hand over his face and considered what to tell the boy. He did not want to share what he had overheard between Albus and Trelawney in the Hogshead concerning him. But hearing that Albus had lied to him about the boy he could see that the news that Potter had been told about the Prophecy was also a lie.

Severus decided on the truth, "Shortly before you were born when I was still a member of the Death Eaters I overheard a conversation between Albus and Professor Trelawney."

"Overhear my eye you were probably eavesdropping," Petunia scoffed which Harry thought of the pot calling the kettle black for her normal attitude towards the neighbors on Privat Drive.

"Alright, I was. It was a war and we were on opposite sides," Snape said shooting her a look. "Anyway, I overheard a bit of prophecy about a boy who would be born to a couple who had stood against the dark lord three times which could lead to the man's downfall. Being in the man's camp I went to inform him of this only for him to decide that the parents of the child to defeat him were Lily and Potter."

"So you not only brought her into this freak world but sent someone to kill her?" Petunia asked with a scowl that Harry had only ever seen once before as she had talked about Harry's mom to Hagrid.

"I did not mean to. I... I have always loved Lily so finding out that the Dark Lord chose her family to die to stop the Prophecy I asked Albus for help. I thought he did his best but now I am not so sure," Snape said.

Harry was about to ask what he meant by that only for the bell to ring signally the end of the class making the Potions Master reenter his classroom and direct the students to place their work on his desk so he could grade their test brewing. As the students file out of the room Petunia notices some badges on the robes that the students with green and silver striped ties. Well, it was hard to miss, as the group turned their bodies to flash the badges at her and her nephew letting her read the message on them, "Potter Stinks." This once more surprised Petunia for she had thought that as a freak like everyone else in this world, and from the letter from Albus telling them that her nephew was famous she thought he would be treated like some sort of celebrity. Granted the students with red and gold ties did seem a little in awe of him and gave him some thumbs up but since Harry had the same color tie Petunia assumed they were from the same group.

Not wanting to talk to Snivvly again as well as finding out why the other freaks were treating him like he was either a hero or pond scum, Petunia took hold of her nephew's shoulder and pulled him away. "We need to have a chat. Take us somewhere where we will not be disturbed," she ordered him.

"Yes Aunt Petunia," Harry said leading her back up into the main castle and to a random classroom where she held her nose up at seeing the layers of dust in the room.

"This room is filthy you need to clean it better," Petunia said.

"I don't do that here," Harry mumbled.

"Now explain the reactions of those freaks with the green and silver ties just now," she ordered him ignoring his muttering.

"They are from Slytherin House and they think I cheated to get into the tournament," Harry began.

"Did you?" she asked sharply.

"No, I never wanted to do this at all but was forced to compete," Harry said. "As if I would choose to face dragons or swim to the depts of a lake to rescue someone," Harry added in a low voice which she still picked up on.

"A dragon?!?" Petunia asked a little shocked gulping a little to think such creatures were not myths or fairy tales but truly existed. "But if you rescued someone should they not be happy about that. I mean even freaks must care for their own kind?"

"The students of Slytherin House have always hated me due to the Dark Lord coming from the House and it rumored that many family members of the students were his supporters. So they go out of their way to get back at me," Harry told her.

"So what they call you names big deal," she said knowing that he should have no issue with being called names since Vernon, Dudders, and she rarely used his name unless they were in public or had company stop by.

"No they send curses my way and target me and my friends," Harry said.

"And the teachers do nothing about it?" she asked with a scoff finding that hard to believe since the teachers at the normal school he went to would send letters to her about her Dudders bullying him before she explained that Harry was not right in the head and her son was just doing what they had found "helped Harry stay focused and level."

"They tend to either ignore it or unwittingly add to it," Harry said looking down at his feet before Petunia took hold of his chin and made him look her in the eyes again.

"Explain," she ordered.

Whatever Petunia had expected what Harry shared with her was not it. He told her of the events of his First Year when after the teacher who was the Head of his school-based House took away points from him and a couple of his friends the whole school turned against him even members of his own House. How in his Second Year when people were getting attacked many students thought it was him doing it saying he was the Heir of Slytherin. "Why would they think you were attacking or this Heir?" Petunia asked.

Harry gulped before answering in a low voice, "It seems that I have a rare gift that allows me to talk to snakes. Which is a talent shared by Slytherin."

"Setting aside this newest freakiness, that would not explain why they thought you did it besides sharing the freak talent," she pointed out.

"As I don't know my own family's history or genealogy I could not dispute it," Harry said.

"But why think you were attacking people?" she asked again her voice getting a little hard seeing him avoid her question.

"Because the people getting attacked were Muggleborns, and they heard," Harry said trailing off.

"That you do not like what your Uncle and I have done for you so you were attacking these Muggleborns as a means of transference since you could not attack us?" Petunia said.

"Um, something like that," Harry said before telling her the people only stopped thinking he was the one behind it when one of his friends who is a Muggleborn was attacked.

When Harry moved on to his Third Year, he surprised her by not talking about the escaped Prisoner he had as a Godfather. Rather he talked about coming in contact with Dementors. Petunia who recalled Lily telling her about those things in her youth could not help but shudder and let out a soft gasp. "What about them?" she asked surprising Harry.

"Hm?" he asked the best way to ask her a question without getting punished.

"You met a Dementor how does this lead to the other freaks messing with you?" she asked expanding on her earlier question.

"Due to mom and dad dying when I was a baby when I get too close to a Dementor I passed out and relieve their last moments, at least until with the help of a teacher who was a friend of my dad I was taught how to fight them back. The Slytherins and some others made fun of me for passing out due to the trauma of my parents' deaths," Harry explained. Having heard a lot about Dementors from Lily and some from Snivvly for the first time in her life Petunia was half tempted to comfort her nephew.

"Alright what about this year," she asked giving him a small moment.

"It was fine until my name came out of the Goblet of Fire naming me as a Champion," Harry said as he described most of the school turning against him and no one but a girl named Hermione Granger believing that he had not put his name into the goblet. He told her about students sending him hexes and curses in the corridors so that he and Hermione had to research some Warding magic and place it on his bookbag so he would be protected. How he had to face off against the dragon and somehow outfly it, which despite herself actually impressed Petunia a little. He explained that after he took on the dragon most except for the Slytherin students seemed to forgive him.

"Forgive you?" she asked incredulously. "I know you don't always tell the truth Potter, but I would think that in this instance especially with that Age Line you mentioned most would believe you. They should be the ones asking you to forgive them." Harry was rather shocked at her almost supportive statement. "Now you said only this Granger girl believed you had not entered yourself, yet it was those Weasleys that were asked to come in to stand in for your family. I take it that at least the youngest boy that came out of our fireplace asked for forgiveness?" she asked.

"Not really. He just admitted that he had been mistaken," Harry said.

"Did he apologize for not believing you?" she asked.

"No, not really," Harry said feeling a little uncomfortable seeing a strange gleam come to his aunt's eyes.

"Tell me about him, Harry, this boy. When you are together what do you do?" Petunia asked.

"Most do our homework, play chess and just hang out," Harry said finding it strange that Aunt Petunia was asking about one of his friends feeling as if he had somehow stepped into an alternate dimension, even more than just having her at Hogwarts.

"And what do you talk about besides homework?" she asked.

"The Chudley Cannons, that is his Quidditch team," Harry said knowing she would have no idea what they were. "Also what he plans to do after Hogwarts talking about getting a well-paid job. His family apart from some distant uncle who is an accountant. He talks about food a lot," Harry said scrunching up his face as he tried to recall other main topics of his and Ron's chats.

"Does he talk about money a lot?" she asked startling Harry as he tried to think.

"I guess but that is just because his family is sort of poor," Harry admitted.

"Hm, now does he even mention your money?" Petunia asked making Harry hope she was not going to go too far into that topic having kept the secret of his Gringotts Vault from the Dursleys.

"Um, sometimes, like when I got him some items at the Quidditch Cup he mentioned he hated being poor when he found out some gold he had given me to replace them was... vanished after a while," Harry said making sure not to mention Magic at all despite where they were having this conversation.

"Any other times mentioning money or I don't know fame?" she asked glossing over the clear example of magic with the vanishing money.

"He has taken great pride when he gave me a better explanation of why I was famous in this world. And during our first week or so of class when we first started he seemed to have a large smile on his face and walked rather proudly which sort of diminished in time such as the events after the points lost I told you about earlier," Harry said dredging up some old memories of Ron.

"I see," Petunia said recognizing the redheaded boy she was asking Harry about sounded more like one of her old classmates when seeing how smart and talented Petunia was in Computer Programing became her friend thinking she could ride Petunia's coattails to success. When Petunia left work after getting pregnant with her son and decided to be a stay-at-home mom, that old friend suddenly vanished from her life, after trying to convince Petunia to just hire a nanny so the pair of them could become rich working together on the newest computers. It was then that Petunia realized the woman had only acted as her friend for the rewards she was getting for the pair of them working together. Petunia had also realized that she had ended up doing the majority of the work while they had both shared equal credit. Petunia contemplated informing her nephew that the redheaded boy might have the same goals in mind as her former "friend."

Chapter 17: A Marauders Betrayal part 2


The twins take Harrison to go see his enchanted Bearer.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Fred and George decided that no matter if Harry or Harrison, they did not want to call him the wrong name since he had not said if he would change it or not, wanted they were going to take him to see Professor Lupin about this. While they were both the top students in their year for their respective Houses, neither of them knew any spells that could get rid of the enchantments and potions the map stated the Third Year Gryffindor was under. "Like it or not we are going to see Professor Lupin, if you want after everything is cleared up we will allow you to use the map to get to Hogsmead," Fred said.

"But if the reason you can't go, is due to parental permission if we fix everything Professor Lupin could give you it," George pointed out. Not giving him a chance to argue the pair grabbed Harry/Harrison under his arms and began to drag him away from the statue of the one-humped witch which held the passage to Honeydukes.

Harry did not protest though after the twins rounded a corner he pulled himself free of their grip to walk to the D.A.D.A Professor's office on his own. While Harry still did not completely trust the twin's map he could admit that Professor Lupin was the best teacher he had ever had at this school. So yeah maybe it was some sort of prank, not that he thought that was true due to the looks on Fred and George's faces, but maybe it was a prank that was leading him to get some help from someone. That at least Harry could get behind.

Harry did hope the Professor was in his office since he had no idea where any member of staff with the exceptions of Hagrid, Dumbledore, Flitch, and Madam Pomfrey rooms were. Yet when they reached the office they found it closed with the lights off. Harry could have smacked himself as he turned to look down at the map and looked over to see where Professor Lupin was among the moving dots occupying the map. Sensing what he was doing Fred or maybe George, Harry could not tell and from the stories from Ron, he could not use the House robes they were wearing for he had heard tell that sometimes they exchanged clothing to go to each other's classes even now, pressed their wand to the map and said, "Trail marker Remus Lupin. At once a line started to move from where their dots were on the map and to a location. Thinking this line would lead them to the Professor, Harry began to head in the direction it lead him.

Harry recalled a demo video game he had once played in a mall he had used to escaped Dudley, where a random dotted line lead the player character to their next objective, as he followed the map using a path only the user of the map could see. The map's path led them from the third floor D.A.D.A. office and classroom area up to the fifth floor complete opposite side of the castle. Arriving at an indiscreet door which according to the map Professor Lupin was on the other side Harry reached up and knocked on the door, fearing that if he let the twins do it they would perform some random knock like "Shave and a haircut, two bits."

"Yes?" a voice called from inside the room.

"Professor, can we speak to you?" Fred called out before Harry could.

"It is highly irregular, at least it was in my time at the castle for students to come to a staff member's private rooms," Lupin's voice called. "Come see me during my office hours Messer Fredrick Weasley." Harry could tell that the twins were impressed that the man had been able to tell which of them had been speaking.

"It is important Professor," George chimed in.

"I am sure it is, but I think it is for the best if...," Lupin began.

"It is about the Marauders' Map," both twins said at once interrupting him.

There was silence from the other side of the door for a moment before it was flung open revealing Professor Lupin in his normal shaggy attire. "What did you just say?" he asked his eyes bulging a little as he had them come into his room before he quickly shut the door behind them.

"The Marauder's Map, you see we found it in our First Year and after much trial and error we were able to unlock it thanks to the insulting clues we got from the Marauders," George said.

"Knowing that our young friend here might try to get to Hogsmead we decided to lend it to him for a day," Fred began.

"You know by telling me this I could give you all detentions at the very least," Lupin said.

"We are not done," the twins said in unison.

"But when we passed it over the map did something we have never seen before. It talked about and listed some betrayals done to him," Fred said making Lupin's eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

"What did they do to him?" Lupin asked worried about what had been done to Lily and James's son and his cub.

"Maybe it would be better to show you," Fred said. "As the map let slip you are Moony you must know a way to get it back so you can see we are not lying." Harry had to admit the twins were brilliant for if the map was telling the truth one of the betrayals done to him was the enchantment of his real parents one of which was the Professor, so if Lupin touched the map the betrayals done to him would be listed as well.

"I think I recall the spell we used to see that," Lupin said after a moment of thought holding out his hand for the map. Harry instantly gave it to him. Lupin brought up his wand to cast whatever spell he had planned only to stop in shock as his wand dropped from his slackening hands. "THAT f*ckING BASTARD AND BITCH," Lupin called out with a growl looking as if he wanted to shred the map into confetti but was holding himself back with some great effort. "IF THEY WERE NOT ALREADY DEAD I WOULD KILL THEM MYSELF."

"Who?" Fred asked while George asked, "Why?"

"The Potters," Lupin growled as he slammed the map onto a coffee table letting Harry and the twins read what was on it.

Remus "Moody Pettigrew-Lupin you have been betrayed. What is worse the betrayal was performed by one of our former numbers. You might have missed it since this would appear as soon as you touched the map, but James Potter Betrayed us so by the laws established during school he is no longer a Maurader.

Betrayal number one: James and Lily Potter kidnapping your baby, Harrison John Pettigrew-Lupin, and performed a blood adoption on him as they renamed him, Harry James Potter.

Betrayal number two: James and Lily Potter (Padfoot: henceforth called the Bitch and Bastard or BB for short) casting numerous Memory Charms on you making you forget:

  1. Falling in love and marrying Peter Pettigrew
  2. Attending the double wedding ceremony Sirius Black to Severus Snape and Regulus Black to Tom Riddle
  3. The birth of your child and the naming of his Godparents, Alice Longbottom, Sirius Prince, and Regulus Riddle
  4. Your relationship with Tom Riddle, your mentor as you earned your Masters in History and Defense, as well as his marrying your blood brother's twin brother Regulus.

Betrayal number three: BB placed a curse on your wolf making the transformations hurt more and even drain your life a little with each change.

Betrayal number four: Albus "too many f*cking middle names" Dumbledore places Memory Charm on you to make you forget that you are Lord of the Lupin line. (Wormtail: due to him not knowing we got bonded you were not blocked as Pettigrew family Steward.)

Betraylay number five: Albus "too many f*cking middle names" Dumbledore pocketing half your pay for your work as D.A.D.A. Instructor at Hogwarts. (Wormtail: Congratulations love I knew you could do it)

Betrayal number six: Albus "too many f*cking middle names" Dumbledore begins to slip you some non-directional love potions so that at some point in the future can have you fall in love with someone of his choice. (Moony: Thankfully due to our wolf, bonding with Peter, and the Wolfbane Potion from Severus blocks the low-level potion he is currently using)

Betrayal number seven: Everything that has been done to son*

Betrayal number eight: Albus "too many f*cking names" Dumbledore uses his position in the Wizengamot to work behind the scenes to make it harder for Creatures such as Werewolves to get jobs in Britain, or have access to their family vaults.

Betrayal number nine: Having used his position in the Wizengamot Albus "too many f*cking middle names" Dumbledore takes funds from Lupin family vaults, among other Werewolf and other creatures he has blocked from accessing their vaults.

"Wait Professor Snape is married?" Fred asked in shock as he finished reading.

"And to Sirius Black of all people," George added.

"But why did the map refer to him as Snivilus for a moment during my list of betrayals?" Harry asked.

"If I was to guess," Lupin said wanting to pull his son into his arms but not sure how the boy would respond for he doubted that Harrison had been cleansed off everything that had been done to him yet. "I would say that since we made the map back when we were not on friendly terms with Snape it will respond to him as we would have when we made it. It most likely would not have been aware of Snape's status in regards to us until I touched it and it access all the betrayals that had happened to me."

"How did it do that by the way?" Harry asked.

"It is just a diagnostic charm that Potter had learned from his mother and placed on the map during our creation of it," Lupin said spitting out "Potter" as if it was a curse.

"So can we use the information from the map to get the manhunt for Sirius to be called off then?" Harry asked.

"Why would you want to do that?" all three of them asked him in disbelief.

"Well if one of my Godparents was married to Tom Riddle I don't see him coming after me to kill me. He must have been there to rescue me from the Potters," Harry said earning him some confused looks from them. "I learned last year that the man, known as Voldemort," he said making Fred and George flinch at the name, "real name is Tom Riddle. Which means something must have gone wrong since something happened to him that caused him to basically die and I won control of the Slytherin Line through the Rite of Conquest."

"But he killed Peter," Lupin said.

"He what?" Harry asked.

"It must have been after BB had enchanted us for Peter went after Sirius for revealing where you and BB were letting Riddle get to you. The enchantment led to Sirius blasting Peter and a street full of Muggles with a Bombarda Maxima," Lupin explained.

"Maybe not," Fred said.

"What?" Lupin asked.

"Granted we don't know about the enchantments you and your friends put on this map but one would think if the enchantments BB put on you guys lead to one of your deaths it would have been listed in either yours or Harrison's results," George pointed out.

"You might be right," Lupin said after a moment of thought, "however, the only way to prove it would be to get a full test from either Gringotts or St. Mungos."

"Then I would choose Gringotts so you can let them know about Vicegrip and Griphook just in case they are allowing Dumb-some-more to access more vaults that he should be keeping his mitts off of," Fred said knowing from his eldest brother how protective the Goblins were of the vaults they watched over.

"And since it is a Hogsmead weekend you should have time to go see them and if you end up going through a cleansing just asked for a Time-Turner to be used so you can be back before supper and you are both missed," George said.

Lupin let out a laugh before saying, "Well you both live up to not only your Hogwarts House reputation but also have the mindset of a Marauder." Fred and George beamed at that having loved the idea of the Marauders since they had been able to get the map to work even if at the time it had only been giving them specifically crated insults.


* at this point the map shows Remus the same list of betrayals done to Harry which I don't feel like putting in again.

Chapter 18: Fighting Tooth and Claw III


Harry Potter Blood Traitor?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Andy thanked him profusely for returning her status as a member of the Black family as she sat down at the newly vacant table while Harry began to unload the items he had just purchased and began to start making some food for them and Teddy. As he prepared the risotto Harry went into further detail about what his Account Manager had found in the real Marriage Contract that had been tried to be made between Ginny and him. After a moment Andy had to summon Teddy's bassinet to lay her grandson into as her anger was causing her magic to manifest itself and she did not want to hurt him. Harry was able to calm her down a little as he reminded her that since Bonecrusher had found the signature of his name was not made by him the entire contract was not only illegal but voided.

Harry also showed that he had taken possession of his Lordship rings as well as the Lupin Co-Steward ring before he shared the troubling news that Molly had for a while had been in control of his seats in the Wizengamot. Since she had been kicked out of the Black family Andy had not been allowed to even sit in on a meeting of the body neither of them knew what damage the woman had done under Harry's name. The good thing was that even though she was not a member of the Wizengamot her background in law would be helpful to Harry as he went over any law or vote Molly had called for in his name.

"I will also be going back to the bank at some point for Molly and Dumbles had access to my accounts and Bonecrusher wants us to go over them," Harry said as he placed the risotto on the table for them before grabbing Teddy's bottle and testing the temperature the Muggle way by letting some of the milk fall onto his wrist to make sure it was not too hot for his Godson.

"And what do you plan to do after that?" Andy asked.

"For now I am just going to try to fix everything they did to my accounts and possibly my reputation," Harry said with a world-weary sigh as he dug into his food.

"I get that, Harry. Trust me I do, but you also need to get out of here everyone and a while and have some fun," Andy said reaching across the table and patting his arm.

"I know I am becoming a somewhat hermit, but what am I supposed to do the people I was closest to had this contract made and were only after my money and possible power. My only other real close friend is somewhere in Australia looking for her folks and as far as I know, might have been in on it," Harry said letting go of his silverware and putting his head into his hands.

"Then find another friend, someone not associated with the Weasley, and just visit them for a bit. I am not asking you to go out and throw a party but there is more to life than looking after Teddy. I don't want you to fall into the trap of being so focused on him that you learn to resent him as he gets older or the other extreme when you get too attached to him you prevent him from living his own life," Andy said.

"You make it sound so easy," Harry said.

"I can tell you that at first, it isn't. Ted and I had the same issue after Dorra was born we wanted to be with her at all times and found it hard to return to work after our leave was up. It took a good friend of mine, Pandora Lovegood, to get us to relax a little even offering to babysit to give us some time away from Dorra. It did help. we found a good life-child balance and at least I hope led Dorra to have a happy life," Andy explained.

"I will try as long as you do so as well. Even if we have to find someone to babysit Teddy so we both can have some free time," Harry said leading her to offer her his hand so they could shake it in agreement.

A few days later Harry headed back to Gringotts for his meeting with Bonecrusher to go over his accounts and vaults. He arrived around seven-thirty in the morning and due to how long it took he only left the bank five minutes after midnight. Molly, Dumbles, Ginny, and his former best friend had made a real mess of his accounts from the Potter line. Bonecrusher showed the balance the account had at the time his parents had died at being nearly seventy-one billion, five hundred forty million, twenty-six thousand, and one hundred thirty-three Galleons. The Potter vaults now only held sixty-five million, seven thousand, and seventy Galleons. Going over the books Harry saw that a lot of the money had gone to the Weasley's trips abroad to visit their sons, some repair and remodeling of the Burrow, the new wand Ron got before their third year and some therapy for Ginny after the events of Riddle's diary. at the start Dumbledore did not spend the money he took from Harry's accounts but hoarded them like the Dragon Smaug did his treasure in the Muggle story The Hobbit. After Harry's Fourth Year and the return of Voldemort, Dumbledore used to set some of the money he was embezzling from Harry into something called the Bird Fund, which Harry took as a code for the Order. The Headmaster also was using the money to pay legal fees which Bonecrusher sent a notice out of the room for more information about.

The legal fees it turned out were for his basic kidnapping of Fleur's younger sister for the Second Task and not sending her home, as well as a case from Cho Chang's parents for using their daughter as a hostage at the same time. Other legal fees that Dumbles had paid from Harry's vaults included the outcry for Harry being chosen as a Champion and other bits of legal fallout that came from the tournament. Dumbles even paid some money to Rita though Harry was not sure if it was to hire her to write her articles on Harry, or because the woman had been held prisoner by Hermione for a bit. Some legal fees had even been paid to Gringotts itself after Dumbles had taken possession of the Sword of Gryffindor but had not paid the fees to hold it, which had caused Griphook to repossess it during Harry, Hermione, and the prat's visit to the bank to get Helga Hufflepuff's Cup. Bonecrusher did say that at least Harry was not going to be charged for the theft of the cup, as well as its destruction. Nor for the destruction of the other Founder's objects, for the Goblins recognized Horcurxes as SS-grade hazardous material and would have destroyed them themselves if they had been aware of them. Granted the Goblins would have used a ritual to separate the Horcrux from the treasures but were aware that humans did not know of such procedures so allowances had to be made.

When Harry returned to Grimmauld Place late in the night, or early in the morning depending on how one looked at it, he barely had the energy to look in on Teddy before going to his room and collapsing into the bed and falling asleep without even changing his clothing. After the exhausting day at the bank, Harry decided to finally follow Andy's advice and left the place to check in to see how Neville was doing. As Harry had learned of where Nevile was living when they had talked at Fred's funeral he showed up and tapped the Wards to announce his presence.* It took a couple of moments before a House Elf arrived to ask about his visit. Harry introduced himself and said he just wanted to check in on his friend. The Elf vanished leaving Harry at the entrance of the Wards for a few moments before a slightly disheveled Neville came out to greet him.

"Hey Harry," Neville said as he tried to pull his top down to reduce the wrinkles in it.

"Sorry about the unannounced visit, Neville, but you did leave a standing invitation to stop by," Harry said.

"That I did," Neville said using a hand to cover his mouth as he let out a yawn. "I just did not expect you to stop by so early."

"Sorry about that, I did not think of the time I just needed a distraction," Harry said.

"I can bet after that article on you last night," Neville said letting Harry into the small townhouse he had moved into after the Battle of Hogwarts to get away from Longbottom Manor and most of his extended family.

"What article?" Harry asked.

"Well, um," Neville said blanching a little having thought Harry had read it and thus the reason for his visit.

Seeing a copy of the Evening Prophet on a table right inside the front room Harry snatched it up. His vision turned red as he read the headline as well as the article it was from.

Harry Potter Savior or Blood Traitor?

By Rita Skeeter

Now before you, all start sending me Howlers let me explain. Yes, Harry James Potter was key in stopping He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named but that does not mean he is above reproached. My dear readers, I have been given information from a very interesting source. As many of you may know after the events of the Triwizard Tournament I have a very interesting relationship with Harry Potter and his group of friends, sometimes allied with them other times on opposite sides of various issues. So it was surprising that Molly Weasley and her daughter Ginevra "Ginny" Weasley approached me a couple of days ago. The pair revealed to me that Ginny Weasley, who it turns out had been the one dating Harry Potter, not the Muggleborn Hermione Granger that I reported about in my previous articles on the boy, and Harry had a Marriage Contract with each other. A contract that Harry now is trying to worm his way out of.

Now for those of you that do not know there are a variety of ways that a Magical can be declared a Blood Traitor. This includes trying to take control of your own House from the Magically recognized Lord or Lady. Performing certain spells and rituals such as one that allows a person to try to produce offspring with a non-intelligent animal for example a normal dog. Creating certain Black Magic Artifacts, which under the advice of my publisher I will not list for legal reasons. A person calling for Lady Magic's judgment on a relative for an internal family dispute and Lady Magic giving the Blood Traitor status out themselves, The one method which is important to this article is when a Magical for whatever reason breaks a Marriage Contract.

Having seen the contract I can not see why Harry Potter would try to break off the contract with young Miss Weasley for it is a standard contract in every way. I even suggested to the pair of women that it was fake but Molly Weasley who as some of you may know has been Harry's Proxy in the WIzengamot until rather recently, shared that Harry's signature was genuine on the contract. Molly also shared with me her grievances that Harry had removed her as his Proxy shortly after deciding that Draco and Narcissa Malfoy should be given leniency for their actions during the war.

This news is just the most recent strange behavior that Harry has shown since the Battle of Hogwarts. Since the battle, Harry has all but vanished from the public eye only showing up for the funerals of Fred Weasley, as well as the one for Remus Lupin and his wife Nymphadora Lupin nee Tonks. Before calling for leniency for the Malfoy Heir and Lady, Harry had also held the funeral for one Severus Snape noted Death Eater and late Headmaster of Hogwarts. Many people, I have talked to have all agreed that Harry and Severus had a very antagonistic relationship at Hogwarts no one could think of Harry's change of heart. Only two people who attended the funeral agreed to comment on it though they were only there to guard the Malfoys and prevent them from trying to escape. According to Auror Brian, there were not many in attendance apart from his charge, Potter, and a few members of the Hogwarts Staff. Auror Brian's partner, Daniel stated that Harry even interfered a little in their job as he prevented them from removing the Malfoys after the event using his fame to get them to stay and chat with mother and son for a bit.

I have not found out what had happened but it was shortly after this meeting at Snape's funeral that Harry put forth the suggestion to offer the Malfoy's leniency. One can only hope that somehow he had not been enchanted during the meeting, though that might explain his wish for the pair and his decision to break his Marriage Contract with Ginny Weasley. I can only hope that Harry reads this article or one of his friends does and convince him to get tested for any enchantments that he has been subjected to. As always I will report more as further information is released.

"THAT f*ckING BITCH!" Harry growled as he ball the paper up and tossed it into Neville's trash.

"it isn't true is it, Harry? Tell me you are not backing out of a contract?" Neville said hardly raising an eyebrow at the outburst thinking Harry was calling Rita the bitch for once again interfering with his life.

"I am not backing out of anything since I never signed a contract with the bitch in the first place," Harry said calming down to speak in his normal tone of voice.

"I can get that Rita lied but why would Ginny and Mrs. Weasley do so?" Neville asked.

"Oh, they tried to get me to marry her, even had a fake contract which is what I assume they shared with Rita for I doubt even she would see the one that was submitted being normal," Harry said sinking into one of the seats in the room feeling drained again.

"Why what was written?" Neville asked hoping Harry did not take his questions as prying into his affairs.

"Let me put it this way when my Account Manager looked over it he said the contract would not even be approved during a time when someone wrote up a contract to marry a Slave they owned. And from what was in the contract I would have been placed in the role of the slave," Harry answered.

"The bitch," Neville said bawling his hands into fists in his anger. "And the thing about Mrs. Weasley being your Proxy?"

"I had no idea about it until I talked to Minister Shacklebolt to speak on Draco and his mom's behalf for how they helped me stop the Dark Lord. I have since taken back my seats and am working with someone I trust to go over everything she did in my name," Harry said.

"If you need any more help I would like to if I can," Neville offered.

"Thanks, Neville but I think right now I need to answer this article, so sorry for cutting the visit short. I will stop by and we shall have to hang out sometime, maybe I will introduce you to Muggle bowling or Mini-golf." Harry said as he left the place and headed to Diagon Alley.

Harry was only in the alley long enough to pick up a copy of the Evening Prophet before heading to Gringotts to speak once more to Bonecrusher about the article. Reading the article Bonecrusher became as angry as his client as he quickly wrote not only a response to it as Harry's Account Manager but also an order for the Human Ministry to start a case against Rita Skeeter for what she had written about Harry since neither Harry nor he had received a request for an interview to get their side of things the article could be seen as libel. While Bonecrusher and Harry both agreed not to reveal the full contest of the illegal contract with any newspaper, Bonecrusher sent the contract to the Gringotts legal department to give a summary of it that would not reveal too much as well as could be authenticated as being from the bank and thus sharing some actual content from the contract. To go along with everything Harry wrote a short statement to explain his withdrawal from the public eye. Harry said he was just trying to get his life together and take care of his new Godson. Not trusting the Prophet, and despite the fact of what Luna's father tried to do during the war Harry had Bonecrusher submit everything they had in answer to Rita's article to the Quibbler first. The Quibbler would have exclusive rights to the article for a couple of days before they sent the packet of information to the Prophet and other newspapers. Harry having now taken control of his Lordship rings also wrote a message to the Prophet that if they wrote an article of a similar nature about him again he would press charges agast them as well as Rita or any other journalist who had submitted the article if they did not come get his side of things. He also warned them if they did not print either an apology article or retraction once they received the packet from him and his Account Manager he would press charges.

Leaving the bank for what he hoped was a good long time Harry headed to the alley's Post Office to send a message to Neville asking his friend to send him any copy of the Prophet that had an article about him in it. He thought about going to get a new owl but he did not want to interact with anyone having heard some mutterings behind his back due to what Rita had written about him. So rather he Apparated back to Grimmauld Place and spend some time with Teddy ready to hear about him not staying out too long from Andy.


* Basically the same as knocking on the door or using the doorbell.

Chapter 19: Yo Cousin, do you want to mess with Dumbledore?


Dumbledore placed Harry with the Dursleys so that they would purposely mistreat him and make him easier to control once he came to Hogwarts. However, the Headmaster had not been paying too much attention for Petunia was not the only one who had a Magical family member, Vernon had one as well.

Tags: Dumbledore, selective Weasley, and Mrs. Figg bashing, Good Dursley family, Squib Vernon Dursley


this is a bunny that was given to me by Rowenasheir from the earlier chapter The Savior or the Toy.

Chapter Text

Vernon looked in horror down at the note his wife had found next to the baby that had been left on their doorstep. Petunia was in the process of giving the baby a warm bath since it had been left outside overnight in Bloody November. Even finding out that the baby was her now-deceased sister's kid, no matter what she had felt about her sister, did not wish the baby any harm. Unfortunately, that is what the letter that had been left with Harry had directed them to do.

While he had never shared it with his wife, Vernon actually came from a Magical family only to be kicked out after being discovered to be a Squib. The only person he had told about it in recent years had been Lily Evens when he had met her at her wedding to marry James Potter. Confiding in her that he sort of knew what she had gone through as Muggleborn entered the Magical World which was the exact opposite of what he had dealt with. It also did not hurt that Vernon's older cousin had also been invited to the wedding and as it turned out was one of Lily's teachers from Hogwarts. Vernon had explained that after his parents kicked him out of the family Horace helped him get by providing some money for him and helping him change his name to Durslesy after the family name of Slughorn had been stripped of him by their parents.

Vernon, also keeping it a secret from his wife, kept in contact with his cousin as they exchanged letters at least once a month. Vernon had shown Horace how to use the Muggle post to not make Petunia suspicious. While he hated lying to his wife, Horace had cared for Vernon most of his life and had saved him from dying of starvation and the elements when their parents had abandoned him for being a Squib.

So with his memories of the Magical World, Vernon recognized the name of the person who had written to tell them to abuse James and Lily Potter's baby. Dumbledore even wrote that they would have some help if they needed it in the form of a free babysitter from one of his allies that lived nearby. Arabela Figg was to help them not only look after Harry but to teach them what to do when the boy's magic started to manifest. Dumbledore stated that the woman would turn a blind eye to any punishments they gave the boy growing up, only stepping in so that Harry did not become an Obscurial.

It was at that point in the message that Vernon realized that Dumbledore did not know that much about him for the man had shortly written on what an Obsurial was, incorrectly. The bastard described it as if Harry would become a psychopath and end up killing them all in their sleep. Granted that could happen if Harry had become an Obsurial but Vernon knew the real issue was that Harry would become more akin to an actual monster creature than the slightly unhinged human Dumbledore was talking about. Vernon having read enough of the letter hid it in a secret safe where he stored some of the letters and pictures from his cousin as he begins to write to Horace asking him to come by as soon as possible.

Horace arrived on Thursday night surprising Petunia as she looked at the robe-wearing man with the scholarly cap under his arm. "We don't want anything," Petunia had said and tried to close the door in his face.

"I am not selling anything Madam," Horace had said with a slight bow to her, "I was invited to come here by my baby cousin."

"My husband's only family is his sister, leave me and my family alone," she said once more trying to shut the door only for Horace to stop it with his foot.

"Verny are you in there?" Horace called.

"You know I hate that nickname," Vernon said coming down the stairs with Harry snuggled in his arms. "Don't make me call you Horc again."

"Vernon you know this.... man," Petunia asked.

"I do my love," he said. "Petunia my dear meet my older cousin Horace Slughorn."

"Enchanted my dear," Horace said in the manner which had led him to become friends and patron to many up and comers over the years, but unfortunately was wasted for the moment on the woman.

"Slughorn?" Petunia asked as the name rings a bell. "Wait a moment I recall it now he is a teacher at that Freak School for my sister and the Potter bastard."

"I beg your pardon?" Horace asked in shock.

Handing Harry over to his wife, Vernon let Horace into the house, just in case, Figg was about. "Petunia my dear there is something you should know about me," Vernon said as they moved into the living room where Dudley was banging around in his playpen.

"What is it Vernon?" she asked rocking Harry in her arms and utterly refusing to look over at Horace.

"I was born in the Magical World but was kicked out due to not having much access to Magic which classified me as a Squib. Sort of the reverse of what your sister was a Magical born into a Muggle family. While my parents kicked me out my cousin helped me to start a life, which is not an easy thing to do at the age of seven but he made sure that some good folks adopted me. The Dursleys were a Squib and non-Magical sibling of a Muggleborn so helped me get used to the Muggle World growing up. Horace kept in close contact with me ever since," Vernon explained to his wife.

"But why is he here now?" she asked.

"It has to do with Harry and the letter that was with him," Vernon said as he leaves the room to go get the letter to show it to them.

"Harry? Harry who?" Horace asked sounding confused.

"My blasted sister's baby which was left with us after she died," Petunia spat out at him, though showing no anger at the bundle in her arms as Harry sleep peacefully.

"Your sister is Lily Potter correct?" Horace asked.

Grinding her teeth a little Petunia answered with a short terse, "Yes."

"I am confused, the birth announcement for the Potter Heir gave his name as Harrison," Horace said as he reaches into his robe and pulls out some crystal pineapple and begins to much on it in thought.

"We only know his name due to it being given in the letter," Vernon said arriving back and holding the letter out to Horace to look over.

"Dear Merlin's sweaty left sock," Horace said in shock as he read the contents of the letter for himself.

"What is it?" Petunia asked having not seen a single line of the letter herself yet.

"Albus wants you to abuse Harrison, who he does only refer to as Harry, as he grows up. Saying you will be paid to do so. If I miss my guess is that the money will come from the Potter family Vaults and is meant to provide help in raising Harrison along with that lad," Horace said giving a small nod at Dudley who was no longer banging the bars of his playpen but eyeing the bag of crystal pineapple in hunger.

"And since we would not know this we would trust the message and mistreat Harry to make sure we had access to the extra funds," Petunia said working it out having already seen how much their normal finances were being stretched with the addition of Harry into their lives.

"Precisely," Horace said tapping his nose. "Is it alright if I give the boy a piece he seems fixated on them?" he asked having noticed the toddler looking at his treat.

"Um, sure I don't think Dudley is allergic to anything," Vernon said giving his cousin permission before turning to his son. "Dudley, this is your Uncle Horace Slughorn would you like some of his candy?

"Gimmie," Dudley screamed reaching out of the playpen for some candy.

"What do you say?" Horace asked.

"Gimmie now," Dudley said.

"Tut-tut been too busy to teach some manners to your son Vernon?" Horace asked making Petunia bristle a little. "If you want to get places in the world Dudley you need some finesse."

"Gimme now," Dudley wailed.

"Say please my boy," Horace said, "if you do I shall give you a piece to see if you like it alright."

"Gimmie," Dudley said

"We will work on it," Horace said as he puts the pineapple back into his robes.

"Now then you to based on this letter I would suggest you take Harrison to Diagon Alley, you do recall how to get there right Vernon?" Horace asked.

"Yes it is behind the dirty pub in London called the Leaky Cauldron," Vernon answered.

"Correct, though why anyone would want to get food and drink at a place with a name like that, for who knows what might have leaked out of it or due to how bad the cauldron is I doubt it would have been cleaned recently," Horace said.

"It is just the pub's name you Potion snob," Vernon teased the man.

"Well if you are going to be like that maybe I will keep the rest of my advice to myself," Horace shot back though with a twinkle in his eyes to show he was only joking. "Now once you get to Diagon Alley you need to head to Gringotts and get Harrison tested. For no one knows how he survived the attack by Riddle. I have a theory and it is not a pleasant one. The test they give him should provide a lot of information such as if he has any Godparents, which I am sure he does, and if he has access to magic. If there are any Marriage Contracts out for him, and such.

"Contracts?!" Petunia said in horror.

"Yes a common practice in the Magical World though with James and Lily being a Pureblood and Muggleborn couple they might not have filed one or maybe hand not been able to after they went into hiding," Horace explained.

"Why did they go into hiding?" Vernon asked. Horace gave a heavy sigh before he told them about an old student of his who had grown up in a Muggle Orphanage during WWII and had been filled with hatred of the Muggle World so had tried to take over the Magical One in Great Brittian to further separate the world. While Horace and several others sort of agreed with the idea the man had been twisted so much by his hatred he purposely attacked and killed Muggles and Magicals alike to take over.

"He is sort of like your Adolf Hitler and his ilk during the War," Horace finished.

"Some other advice is to move away from here. I am not saying move out of England just away from Figg," Horace said.

"Arabela why?" Petunia inquired.

"Dumbledore wrote that she was to help us raise Harry sorry Harrison and turn a blind eye on any abuse we might give him," Vernon explained. "My guess is that Horace thinks that she might also keep Dumbledore apprised of what we are doing as well."

"Not only that but Albus might have tasked her with slipping Harrison potions when she watches him, and possibly all of you as well," Horace added.

"The B..." Petunia said before stopping herself from swearing in front of Dudley and Harry.

"I would also say that when you are at Gringotts to get your son tested as well. He might not have access to Magic considering you are a Muggle and a Squib but there is Magic in the family," Horace said as he gets ready to leave.

"Aren't you coming with us?" Vernon asked.

"I am too well known in the alley and with everyone still celebrating Riddle being defeated it would attack too much attention to you all. Albus did have one good idea and that is that it would be best if Harrison not be exposed to all that fame attached to him at such a young age for it might have a negative effect on him as he grows up. I shall leave some candies for Dudley for when he can ask for them politely," Horace said as he takes a small bag of crystal pineapple from his robes and puts them on a shelf as he heads to the door.

Not sure if Figg had been watching them Vernon and Petunia decided to wait a day before heading down to Gringotts bank to get the boys tested. Not sure how widely known either of them was, Vernon explained their presence at the pub and need for help accessing the alley as the Muggle siblings of a Muggleborn wishing to get a birthday gift for his brother. The pub's owner reminded that that to pay for anything on the alley one would need Magical World money and directed them to the bank after he opened the path Thanking the man the pair hurried down the alley keeping Harrison wrapped up tight in his blankets and Vernon carrying Dudley so he did not get into too much trouble. They did receive some strange looks but Vernon informed Petunia that it was due to Harrison being in a blue blanket and not a Yellow or Green one as a Magical baby would be to signify the baby's gender.

As they waited in line for a Goblin Teller, Vernon tried to recall the proper protocol while dealing with Goblins from his few visits before his parents kicked him out. While he remembered the greeting and bowing his head and exposing his neck, Vernon knew the biggest challenge was to reveal Harrison's identity without proof or a vault key. "What do you want?" the Goblin snarled at them as they reached the counter causing Petunia to cower a little behind Vernon's bulk.

"Good day Master Goblin," Vernon said bowing to show his neck. "um let your coffers never run empty."

The Goblin's red bushy eyebrows shot up at the greeting which while close was not fully correct. "I ask you again what do you want human?" the Goblin asked in a gentler tone of voice.

"On November first my wife found our nephew outside on the porch with this," Vernon said handing over Dumbledore's letter which he hoped would give credence to their identities. "We want to get the boy tested, as well as our son if that is possible. Is it possible?" Vernon asked as the Goblin read the letter his face clouding ever as he did so.

"Oh yes, of course," the Goblin said now in a tone that Vernon would get from a bank teller in a Muggle institution. The Goblin had another of his kind to direct them to a Goblin that could help.

Their guide leads them down a series of touch-lined corridors to a large gold and blue door before knocking. The Goblin guide left them in the corridor to talk to whoever was inside for a moment before the Dursleys were allowed in to meet a third Goblin. Unlike the other two, this Goblin introduced himself as Bonecrusher, the Potter family Account Manager. Bonecrusher started to bring out items to get the pair of boys tested calming Petunia down by saying that while a blade was used to collect some blood there would be no pain or mark left over after the procedure. He even tested it on Vernon who slightly hesitantly held out a finger to get tested and found he had not felt the blade cut his flesh and collect some blood. The results showed that he was the son of Brian and Rose Slughorn before being adopted by Donna and Vincent Dursleys and who later had a daughter his "sister" Marge.

Seeing that Vernon had not been caused any pain Petunia allowed the test to be given to the baby and toddler. When Harrison's results came back the Goblin gasped in horror seeing that something called a Horcrux had latched onto the boy. It also seemed that either before he was left with them or the one time Arabela had watched him since they got him. Petunia not knowing about the woman had left the boys with her as she ran errands and Vernon had been at work. For Harrison had some Potions in his system to dislike Magicals with Dark Cores, which if Vernon had access to his family's magic he would have had. Some potions were making him loyal to Dumbledore and a desire to go to Gryffindor House. There were some potions to block a percentage of the boy's magic, some put in place by his parents but a good chunk by someone else. Bonecrusher explained that it was normal for parents to block a small bit of a child's magic until the age of three so that any magic they had access to would not overwhelm their young bodies. Harrison also had a curse on him to block off something called Parselmagic, as well as to interfere with his eyesight.

The test also revealed that while Harrison had some Magical Godparents who would be better to bring the boy up one was now in prison and the other had been attacked leaving her mentally compromised. Petunia was slightly horrified to find that Harrison had not one or even two, but three Marriage Contracts listed for him. Two which the notes said were set up by Lily and James were for their son and a pair of boys named Theodore Nott, and Blaise Zabinin. While the third had been set up by Dumbledore and according to the contract a Weasley child to be named later. There was a side note on the third contract that said the child would be either Ronald or Ginevra Weasley depending on what sex Harrison was attracted to.

At the end of the test, it showed that while Vernon and Petunia were set to receive money for taking care of "Harry" they were not the only ones getting money from the Potter Vaults. Dumbledore was getting some funds, as was one of his businesses known as the Bird Fund. Molly Weasley who had signed off on one of her kids marrying "Harry" was also getting funds from the vaults. Even as a Squib Vernon saw what Dumbledore and this Molly Weasley person were doing as the preludes to Line Theft. Wanting to see if anything had been done to their son before he started taking action Vernon read the results that Bonecrusher had gotten off of Dudley.

The presence of potions in Dudley's system lent to the idea that Figg had dosed the boys when they had visited her. For Dudley was revealed to be a Magical child but was under potions that blocked over ninety percent of his access to his core. For warning them about "Harry" becoming an Obscruial those potions would make Dudley into one later in his life. Dudley had also been slipped Potions to make him hate Harrison "Harry" Potter which explained why the toddler had gone from just poking and prodding the new child in their house to sometimes throwing toys at him for no reason or screaming if Harrison was placed beside him during nap time.

"Um I am not sure I have the right authority to do so but can I get both boys Cleansed, cancel the payments from Harrison's accounts to everyone but us, and get rid of the Marriage Contracts?" Vernon asked Bonecrusher.

"I can schedule a Cleansing and put a watch over the payments made to Albus since he is listed as Harrison's Magical Guardian. If he does not show up at all during the month let me know and I can have him removed as the Guardian for failure to do his duties. The payments to Molly Weasley, on the other hand, I can easily stop with no issue for even if Albus set them up there is no reason for someone not looking after an Heir to be paid from their vaults," Bonecrusher said.

"An Heir to what?" Petunia asked. Bonecrusher reached for Harrison's results and turned the page concerning the boy's vaults to list the lines the boy came from. Vernon could not help but let out an impressed whistle seeing that not only was Harrison a Potter but he was in line for the Peverell, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw families. And due to a Rite of Conquest would also inherit the Slytherin and Gaunt Lines when he was of age.

"Now unfortunately I can not end the contracts with the Nott and Zabini Heirs nor the Weasley girl for them having been set up by Harrison's parent and Magical Guardian. While it is strange that there is a contract between the Weasley girl and your nephew one could argue that Albus did not do any research to find other contracts so had placed one with Ginevra. If Albus is removed as Harrison's Magical Guardian the contract he created will end as well," Bonecrusher explained. "Is there anything else that I can do for you today?"

"Um, my cousin suggested we move away from our current residence, which after seeing my son having been dosed when he has not left us that long I quite agree with. Is it possible to move into a property controlled by Harrison's family even if we don't have access to Magic and are just raising him?"

"A case can be made for it," Bonecrusher said tapping his left ear in thought. "Your statement about who had given potions to your son could be given as a reason to enter the property for the boys' protection."

Chapter 20: Hidden Grandparent


After a class on Family Line Potions Harry find out some disturbing news about his family


So I went to see Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them: Secrets of Dumbledore. And one of the first scenes of the movie that is also in the trailer where Grindelwald and Dumbledore meet in a restaurant gave me the spark of this idea.

I will not give any spoilers away from the movie to those that haven't seen it.

Tags: Dumbledore Bashing, James Potter has different parents, MPreg

Chapter Text

Gellert had not only been defeated in his plans to bring the Magical World out into the open and control the Muggles/No-Majs but also, in the end, he saw he had been betrayed by one who had been so close to him. History books that would be written of his defeat at the hands of Albus Dumbledore would speak of a great magical battle between the two, but that was not what happened in real life. Albus had called Gellert to sit with him for a parley to see if they could reach a peaceful end to the conflict which was a Bowtruckles' leaf from spilling out into the Muggle World just as the Muggles had created the A-Bomb. Gellert had given Albus a chance, as he had always done, and had some tea with his old boyfriend.

Gellert would later believe that Albus had slipped some love potion into his drink for rather than talking of peace the pair had gone straight to a nearby hotel and ended up sleeping together. As Gellert came down from his post-sex high he found himself face to face with Albus' wand right before getting stunned. Next thing Gellert knew he had been imprisoned in his former headquarters, Nurmengard Castle. His new ICW jailers informed him that he was free to go about the castle but if he stepped outside, even for a single moment, a Blood Burn Ward that had been put in place would kill him instantly.

For a long while, Gellert just stewed in his anger at the betrayal from Albus, but soon he was distracted as he learned that from the sex he had had with Albus before his capture he had become pregnant. He contemplated ending his pregnancy since the child was possibly convived via rape, but in the end, Gellert who had wanted to make sure his line remained in place could not do it. Having decided to carry his child to term Gellert knew that Nurmengard would be no place for a baby to be brought up, with no company except for Gellert and prison guards who stopped by only once every three months.

He knew he had to get the child out of there, but also feared what Albus would do if he learned about them. The next time one of the ICW guards stopped by Gellert asked to speak to Newt Scamander having found the man while loyal to Albus was a decent man who could be counted on to do the right thing, at least Gellert hoped. By the time Newt came to meet him Gellert was nearly six and a half months pregnant with his child. Thanks to no longer having access to a wand, Gellert did not even know if his baby was a boy or a girl. He had tried to get one of the guards to cast the spell for him but they always refused. Thus it was that Newt not only cast the spell revealing that his baby was a male but upon hearing his plea agreed to smuggle the child out of his prison.

Newt even gave Gellert a small item, a button that had fallen from his waistcoat, which after it had been enchanted Gellert could use to summon Newt when he went into labor. As male bearers' pregnancies tended to be shorter than their female counterparts, barely a month went by before Newt was summoned back to Nurmengard to help deliver the baby and to make sure Grindelwald did not have to go through with it alone. After a two-hour birth, Gellert was shown his son who he begged Newt to take away before he got too attached to the boy, not even giving it a name. With a sad and understanding look, Newt bundled the baby in a yellow blanket and removed it from the castle/prison to deliver it to a loving home.

About a month after the birth of his son, Gellert received a visit from Albus. "Why Albus, I thought you would never show," Gellert said glaring at his former lover.

"Gellert I have been informed that you were pregnant and would or have given birth," Albus said waltzing into the small library where Gellert tended to spend most of his time.

"And who told you that? Did you bribe one of my guards?" Gellert asked.

"Of course not," Albus said with a scoff. "Why would I need to bribe my own people."

"Ah, I see," Gellert said, "I guess I should offer my congratulations for becoming the Supreme Mugwump of the ICW. At least one of us had been able to achieve it. Should I stand up and bow to you now?"

"Now Gellert, there is no reason to be so flippant," Albus admonished.

"Well I have been relieved of my wand and other magical tools my mind and razor-sharp wit are all the weapons I have left to work with, my old friend," he said ending in a mocking tone to the other man.

"Yes, how droll where is the child, Gellert?" Albus said starting to grind his teeth a little in annoyance.

"I don't know and even if I did, I would not tell you, Albus," Gellert said smirking a little as he saw the other's face cloud over. "I am sorry you wasted a trip to see my Albus, only to learn that our child is out there somewhere. And as neither of us knows where the child ended up you will just have to get used to the thought that somewhere out there there is living proof of our relationship since I know you wanted the full details of it to be kept quiet," Gellert said openly smiling now.

"I will find the child Gellert," Albus warned him.

"And all I have to say is good luck with that Albus," Gellert said as he felt Albus try to get past his Occlumency shields to find out what gender their child was only to fail. Albus turned on his heel and with a huff and either anger or frustration left the castle never to show himself before Grindelwald again.

Newt Scamander had found the perfect home for Gellert and Albus' son with the Potter family. Fleamont and Euphemia Potter had always wanted a child but due to an ancient curse on Euphemia's line, she was unable to get pregnant since her sister had already had a child. Having been informed by the famous Mythozologist that the baby was an orphan the Potters wasted no time in Blood Adopting him and naming him James Henry Potter after both their fathers. The pair brought up James with as much love and support they could give him at their advanced age naming Newt their new son's Godfather and Magical Guardian just in case something ever happened to them. The pair had promised each other that they would tell James of how they came to them when he finished school hoping that if he took it badly they at least would not have to deal with any magical outburst. However, both had died due to complications from Dragon Pox while James was in his last year at Hogwarts. Their deaths had been so sudden they had not even been able to write him a letter to explain he was not their child.

James himself never found out his true parentage as to get tested before his marriage to Lily Evens he had turned to Albus Dumbledore who also officiated the ceremony to perform the test. Thus after years of searching, Albus found out the identity of his son, but could not just kill the boy so made sure that as the rising new Evil Magic-user came to power and needed a sacrifice he would make sure his and Gellert's son was the obvious target.

However, there were two flaws in Albus's plan, the first was that James and Lily produced Harry Potter who had somehow survived the attack from Voldemort. The second flaw came while he had been distracted placing Harry in a location where the boy could never look into his family history, Newt having heard about James's death had gone to report it to Gellert. Gellert was heartbroken by the premature death of the son he had never known and now feared for his grandson. Once again Gellert begged Newt to take action and use his fame as a Mythozoologist, and being part of the team to stop him all those years ago to put forth a motion for all magical schools. Knowing that Albus would try to prevent his grandson from learning about his family, Gellert had Newt add the teaching of the Family Line Potion as a mandatory lesson for each school that reported to the ICW. Gellert knew that while Albus was quite gifted in Potion making, he barely paid attention to the subject as it was taught at Hogwarts since the professors for the class mostly came from Slytherin House.

Harry's mouth fell open in shock seeing the results of his Family Line Potion wondering if he had made some sort of mistake while brewing it. Even though he had been forced to do it while paired with Malfoy who was still milking his cast that he got at the start of term and the incident with Buckbeak. While Harry was not the best brewer he did take commands fairly well so he had followed Malfoy's orders to a tea to produce their potion. Malfoy having drunk his portion of it had not acted like the results had been wrong which could only mean Harry's results were true as well. According to the results he had more family members which were alive than just the Dursleys. The parchment that had been produced after he drank his portion of the potion stated that his father had been blood adopted into the Potter family line while his real parents were Headmaster Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald.

Chapter 21: Hidden Grandparent 2


Harry is not sure if he should be happy or angry to find out that Professor Dumbledore is his grandfather.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Getting confirmation from Malfoy that he had brewed the potion correctly, Harry pocketed his results before anyone could see them. He did not even care that this mean he would receive a zero for today's lessons for he was not going to let Snape see that he was Professor Dumbledor's Grandson and give the man another reason to make his life a living hell. As he joined the throng of his classmates leaving the room he could not bring himself to echo some of the joy they felt, such as Dean who finally learned who his birth father was and was planning a trip to the library to see if Hersleh Shakelbolt was a Magical. Harry could not help but wonder if Professor Dumbledore had known that James had been his son. Or why James had been put up for adoption in the first place. As Hermione had mentioned as they waited for class to start that the teaching of the potion had only been made mandatory five years ago, Harry also wondered if his father had been aware he had not been born a Potter.

Harry recalled reading the name Grindelwald before on the back of Dumbledore's Chocolate Frog Card but he did not know that much about the last Evil Magical to threaten the world before Voldemort. Harry decided he would join some of his classmates in researching the information revealed in their results in the library. Harry did his best to ignore Hermione talking a mile a minute as she went off on her results which revealed that she had a Magical relative in America named Bobby Singer. His bushy-haired friend was sure that the man was just like her and had done some great things academically so would have papers or treaties that have been published by him so she could learn a little about him before making contact with the man. Ron was coming along just cause he had nothing to do since he already knew all of his magical relatives.

As they arrived at the Hogwarts Library, Harry saw that Madam Pince had some older students assisting her so that they could answer the questions of the combined Gryffindor/Slytherin Potion class without it taking too long. Rather than talk to the librarian herself, Harry was helped by a Sixth-Year Ravenclaw. Still not wanting to share what the results had told him he made it sound as if he was doing some work for a History of Magic essay and needed any books on Grindelwald. While the Ravenclaw was confused since Binns hardly changed his lesson plans and they did not recall any lessons from the Third Year that needed material on Grindelwald, they just put it down as having slept through the assignment being given and summoned the books for Harry.

In the Scamander residence located in the middle of Britain's top Magical Animal preserve, a tracking charm went off. Standing up and cracking his back the now elderly Mythozoologist checked the parchment that had appeared from the charms activation. A crooked smile came to his face as he saw that at Hogwarts a Third Year student just asked for books on Gellert Grindelwald shortly after being exposed to the Family Line Potion. The student could only be Harry Potter (Grindelwald-Dumbledore. Ever since his godson had died to Voldemort, Newt had tried to locate the boy only for all traces of the boy to be blocked, Albus' doing no doubt. While he did not attend meetings of the Wizengamot he had some old friends watch out for any mention of Harry Potter that was brought up hoping it would lead him to the lad. But once again that had failed since most early meetings after Voldemort's fall had been the governing body asking where Harry was would be dismissed by Albus who stated he was the Boy-Who-Lived Magical Guardian and he had placed Harry somewhere he was safe and looked after.

Newt had long since lost any belief he had in Albus having seen the man move quickly after Gellert's capture to secure a power base and move into the role of the Supreme Mugwump of the ICW and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. Newt had even heard rumors that for a time, less than a month, Ablus had been the Minister of Magic for Brititn only to leave the job finding the paperwork for it added to his other positions too much even for him. This mistrust of the man grew as he learned more stories about Albus' youth from Gellert. Albus had told Newt the story about his sister's death when they had been working together against Gellert, but Grindelwald had shared a different version of it but also a memory of the event to show he was not lying. In the memory, Newt had seen Albus cast a killing curse at his younger brother, only for his sister to jump in to protect Aberfroth. By the expression Newt had seen on Albus's face the spell had not been a spur of the moment thing either but had been planned.

Gellert had even shared what he had learned about Aurelius' real history from the boy's own memories. Gellert had been so horrified by them that he had placed a block on the memories of both Aurelius and Queeny. It turned out that Albus had delivered Aurelius to the ship himself wearing what Gellert pointed out was a cursed necklace which after the ship was a certain distance to its destination would create a Bombarda Omagaus centered on its wear. It had only been blind luck that Aurelius had lived when a sneak-thief had seen the necklace and lifted it from young Aurelius preventing the boy from dying but not the accident which scuttled the ship leading to the death of Leta Lestrange and her family.

With no luck finding where Albus had moved his Grandson to after James' death, Newt after he had arranged for the Family Line Potion to be taught to all Magical Institutions under the watch of the ICW he had placed a tracker in Hogwarts Library. It had been easy as he had passed on the batch of guidelines to Albus who always had someone deliver it rather than bringing them back himself after a meeting. Newt had just stopped into the Hogwarts Library as if to check to see if they had the most recent addition to his works as he set up the trace for any student who had recently taken the potion that went looking for information on Gellert Grindelwald, or Albus and Grindelwald's relationship.

Having a feeling that Albus had somehow been responsible for James's death and not knowing Harry's relationship with the man Newt wanted to act quickly to share everything he could with the boy before it was too late. For he feared that if Harry learned he was Albus's grandson and went to go talk to Albus about it Dumbledore would do something to Harry. All so that his real relationship with Gellert would never be revealed and possibly lose him his power base. Getting in contact with his niece Rikku, Newt talked to her about getting a guest appearance at Hogwarts to talk to the most recent Care of Magical Creature's class. Not wanting Albus to know his real plan he told his niece/agent that he had heard about a trial over a hippogriff named Buckbeak and wanted to help clear Buckbeak's name.

As Harry read about Gellert Grindelwald he was horrified that what his other Grandfather had done in a plan to take over the Magical World. He wondered if that was why Professor Dumbledore had thought he survived Voldemort's attack on his parents. While he was at first happy that he had other relatives other than the Dursleys, Harry had quickly soured at it. For if Professor Dumbledor had known he was Harry's grandfather, he had chosen to leave him in an abusive home rather than take him in. Harry could not even use the excuse that Dumbledore was too busy to do so with the three positions he held for he could have hired a nanny or someone to watch Harry when he was busy and still seen him when he could. Granted that could have led to Harry suffering from possible abandonment issues, or even becoming a stuck-up prick like Malfoy but it had to be better than being physically and mentally abused as he was now.

There was also the story from the rise of Grindelwald which told of how one of a relative of Professor Dumbledore had been visited by a Phoenix. Grindelwald had informed a man the books called either Aurelius or Credence that as a Dumbledore the Phoenix had a special bond with their line making Harry wonder if Fawks had come to him in the Chamber of Secrets due to his loyalty to Professor Dumbledore or because Harry was a member of the family. To add further confusion was that the Family Line Potion revealed that his family lines not only included Dumbledore, Grindelwald, and Potter but he was also connected to the Gryffindor line through blood. And some line name Gaunt, and Slytherin from something, called a Rite of Conquest. So it could have been his connection to the Dumbledore line which had brought Fawks to his added and his connection to Gryffindor that brought the Sorting Hat and later Gryffindor Sword to help him in the Chamber. Harry also could not help but wonder if he could have somehow controlled the Basilisk if he had tried.

But if Dumbledore and Grindelwald were his grandparents, how is it he had not seen them in the Mirror of Erised during the Christmas break of his First Year. The only explanation he could think of was that the Mirror had shown him his greatest wish of having a family. And since at the time he had not known that his Dad was not a Potter it was that line that appeared. After all the Mirror had shown Ron as being the Headboy, Quidditch Captian, and holding the House and Quidditch cups because he wanted to be better than his older brothers.


Just as a reminder these chapters are just half-formed ideas so they will only be as long as I can come up with ideas for them. Hence the random ending of this one as I just got hit by Writers Block and could not think of where to go with it.

Chapter 22: Children of the Future


Two kids are sent back in time to protect their parents and save the future.


My take on Harry/Voldemort's kids being sent back in time to get them to stop fighting each other for a better future.

Tags: Dumble bashing, of course, Time-Travel fix it, Ginny Ron, and Hermione bashing as well. Soul-Mate identifying marks. I am also going to do something a little strange where Harry is still the Bottom but turns out to be the kids' Sire, not the Bearer which I will explain in this story when I reach that point.

The title of the chapter/story is a homage to Back to the Future.

The idea came to my mind as I was doing my week-long run in finishing My Mother Will Hear About This.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

In the ruins of the once-great city of Leeds, two robed figures sneak through the devastation. The pair were vastly different from each other with the taller one hunching over to be nearly double, while their shorter companion was moving slowly to not trip over the bottom of their robes which were pooled around their feet. Both robes had seen better days, both were ripped and so dirty it was almost impossible to see their original coloration. If the taller one had stood up their robe would be shown to be so short that it would barely bass their knees. While their shorter companion had been given the larger robe due to a strange bulge that appeared in the area of the shorter's stomach and chest. Besides their robe being larger the shorter member of the pair's robes was in better condition with several patches to make sure it covered their entire body with the majority of the damage in the hems for the times the shorter one tripped over them. Both figures had their hoods up and covered as much of their bodies as they could as they made their way through Leeds as stealthily as possible.

Anytime the pair heard the sounds of a dog barking or the presence of other beings reach their ears the pair pressed themselves into the nearest dilapidated wall and wait for the sounds to die down. As they waited in fear of being discovered they both held onto an item that they would die to protect. For the taller one, said item was a ripped and old bit of parchment that the pair had just recovered from an old magical library a few blocks away in the former Magical district of Leeds. The shorter one's item was clutched to their chest, hence the bulge in their cloak, and it was their younger sibling.

Reaching their current hiding place the taller one got to work. Using the ripped parchment as a guide they began to draw a rune on the floor kicking aside items that were in his way. The shorter one made sure to stay out of their companion's way as they shared the last of their group's provisions with their younger sibling. Finishing with the runic design on the floor the taller one began to work on the potion that accompanied the ritual they were about to perform. They wished that they could put some Wards up for protection but were aware that their enemies would be able to trace the Ward being cast and secrecy was the key here.

The ruined basem*nt where the group was using as their current base was soon filled with soft and low voices as the taller one began to chant in incantation as they brewed the potion, while their smaller counterpart kept the youngest member of their group's attention as they told them a story about the past and their parents. The older sibling had more memories of their parents than their younger siblings since their Sire had been captured by the enemy shortly after their Bearer had given birth to them. Their Bearer had disappeared soon after that due to the ongoing war leaving the siblings to be taken in by their Godparents. The pair of siblings' Godparents had done the best they could as a Magical Civil War tore the country apart. It got so bad that the Muggles had taken notice, and upon finding that the Magical combatants had placed a Ward around the entire island preventing anyone from leaving, entering, or communicating with the rest of the world, began to bomb the Magicals not caring which side of the civil war they were on.

These bombings had claimed the life of one of the siblings' Five Godparents. While another had died during an attack from the enemy but not before they learned of a ritual that could be used to send a couple of people back in time in hopes of fixing everything. Having passed the information about the ritual to the remaining three Godparents before they were killed, led the remaining three started looking for the ritual. They knew that if anyone could change the timeline it would be their Godkids.

Having finished their brewing the taller one motioned their godkids to the center of the runic design they had placed on the floor. The older of the siblings who had overheard some of his Godparents' talking about the ritual knew that the only ones sent back in time would be in the design. "Aren't you coming with us uncle?" the older sibling asked in a low voice as if afraid they would be overheard.

"That had been the plan sprout," the taller one said their voice a little ragged from a near miss a couple of years ago which almost took their voice. "But since," they stopped talking though if to protect the youngest member of the group or the pain of loss from the recent loss of the other two Godparents the older sibling could not tell. "Anyway one of us has to remain outside to perform the ritual." The taller one then stepped forward and placed a kiss on both kids' foreheads before he moved away to start.

"Unc?" the younger one asked in a small voice.

"Don't worry sprout if this all works you will be able to see your Papa at last. If I did this correctly you should show up where he is either alone or with people that can be trusted. If not I am sorry, just remember if you and your Papa need help find my younger self or get him to search for Mama," the taller one said before they began to walk around the runic circle speaking the incantation while moving their hands in the ways that the parchment instructed for the ritual. Their speech did not waver as the sounds of a blast were heard nearby though when a crash was heard from the upstairs of the ruined house they were using they did wish they could go faster.

As the sound of the door to the basem*nt blasted off its frame, a blue aura began to emanate from the runic circle rising like a mist to surround the two kids. While he could not stop the incantation lest the ritual is stopped the taller one used some silent casting and Wandless magic to place as strong of a Ward around his Godkids as he could while putting a minimal one around himself as he still walked around the rune. "This ends now," a voice claimed as the invader entered the basem*nt their wand out and pointed at the taller one's back.

"Remember we can kill him, but Albus wants the kids," a second and feminine voice said from behind him.

"I know, jeez," the male invader said which thankfully due to the pair of attackers' conversation allowed the taller one to finish his incantation leaving just one step.

"You will not have them," the tall one said pulling out his wand and imposing himself between the invaders and his Godkids.

"Like you will be able to stop us," the female invader said with a sneer.

"Just like I have always done since we were in class together," the tall one said as he used his wand to set fire to the parchment that contained the time travel ritual before to the surprise of the invaders turns the wand on himself and magical slits his wrist. Turning to his Godkids the taller one presses his bleeding wrist to the runes finalizing the ritual. The ritual had only called for a small amount of blood but there was no way in Hell that he was going to let himself be taken in. So he chose to sacrifice himself just like the other Godparents so that the kids could go back and hopefully fix their world. "Let Lady Magic keep you safe sprouts," the taller one said his hood falling from his head revealing a head of dirty formerly blonde hair.

"Unc," the younger cried out seeing him in pain as they struggle to be put down and go to him.

"Thank you uncle," the older sibling said holding onto their sibling as tight as they could with tears falling from their eyes.

"Oh no you don't," the female invader said casting a spell to summon the two kids to her as the ritual takes effect, but as Draco Malfoy, while dying, was still alive his Wards held as with a bright flash the pair of kids were gone sent to the past and hopefully the salvation the Magical World in Great Brittian. With that happy thought, Draco allowed death to take him at last letting him see his mates and lost friends once more.

Hogwarts many years earlier

While it was the end of year feast the decorations in the Great Hall were not showing which House had won the House Cup rather everything was black. The inhabitants of the Hall were in a very subdued state after the end of the Tournament and the death of Cedric Diggory. So rather than award the Cup, Headmaster Dumbledore leads the Hogwarts, Beuxbatons, and Durmstrange students in a small funeral and morning for the dead Sixth Year Hufflepuff. Having everyone in the Hall stand and hold their drinks aloft the man gave a eulogy for the boy.

“Remember Cedric. Remember, if the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort. Remember Cedric Diggory.”*1

After the eulogy, Professor Dumbeldore had everyone drink a little before retaking their seats. He was about to continue to pay tribute to his weapon only to stop as he and many in the hall saw someone in a robe standing between the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw tables which had not been there before. "Um, can I help you?" Dumbles asked.

The older sibling was muttering to themselves, "No, no, no it went wrong," as their eyes peeked out of their hood looking for their Papa from this time or anyone who could help. It did not take them long to find his young Papa for it seemed the ritual had at least placed them right behind where they were seated. His Papa's Soulmate-Identifying-Mark is easily spotted on his forehead.

When the older sibling did not respond to Dumbles the Headmaster began to make his way around the Head table to approach them. While he had never seen the man in person before the older sibling had seen photos and heard stories of the leader of the forces which had imprisoned his Papa and caused his Mama to go away after his sister was born. Shifting his grip on his sister, the older sibling placed a hand on his young Papa's shoulder making his Papa give him a strange look. Hoping that his hidden Portkey worked during this time the older sibling said the code phrase and with a pop of displaced air, the siblings and Harry Potter vanished from the hall.

Dumbles was dumbfounded as he continued walking to where his weapon had been stolen from the hall. "What did you see?" he asked the students who had been sitting beside Harry. "Who was it?"

"It was not anyone I recognized sir," Hermione answered.

"It looked like a little kid," Dean Thomas said having spotted a young face under the cowl of the large robe.

"The robe looked to be a Hogwarts robe," Ron said. "I think I saw a dirty House Crest on the front before they kidnapped Harry."

"What House did it show?" Albus asked his pawn?

"I could not tell under the dirt, I am sorry sir," Ron said nearly making Albus growl as he wondered where his weapon had been taken.

With a lurch, Harry found himself no longer at Hogwarts but in what appeared to be an office. Though if he was confused a Goblin that was sitting behind the desk in the room was flabbergasted. "What are you doing here?" the Goblin asked with a growl as they reach behind them for an ax hanging on the wall.

"Well, I um have no idea," Harry said looking to the stranger in the robe that had brought him here. Suddenly an oversized sleeve was lifted up to push back the cowl revealing a young boy maybe six or seven years old with dark green eyes with a ring of red around the iris and a mane of messy dark brown nearly black hair. "Who are you?" Harry asked the young boy.

"In a moment," the kid said turning to the Goblin. "By order of the Houses, you manage I beg you to give Harry Potter an Inheritance Test. I know for a fact he is under various enchantments and Potions, as well as a block on his Soulmark and bond." Hearing the words from the boy the Goblin stopped reaching for the ax and took a closer look at Harry.

"You do appear to be my client, not that you have come to the bank for us to chat," the Goblin said through gritted teeth as he gave Harry a once over. "But who are you two?" Harry was a little confused by the Goblin's statement until the boy unbuttoned the robe revealing a young girl with similar eyes and hair held tightly in her arms. The girl appeared to be around three years old.

"Um, just a moment," the boy said putting the young girl on the ground as he began to pat himself down. "Ah, here it is," the boy said taking out a small ring and tossing it at the Goblin whose eyebrows shot up in surprise. The Goblin took in every side of the ring and even licked it as a look of understanding came to his face.

"It shall be done," the Goblin said placing the ring back on the desk which let Harry see a symbol on the front of it of a potion bottle with the letter P inside. Before Harry could take a closer look at the ring the boy grabbed it and placed it back in one of the many pockets that appeared to have been added to his clothing.

"Now Lord Potter this will be quick," the Goblin said pulling out several items from his desk.

"Lord?" Harry asked in confusion.

"Yes, since Albus put the Age Line around the Goblet of Fire since he allowed you to complete rather than used his role as your Magical Guardian to pull you out Magic will now see you as an of Age," the Goblin said but Harry barely listened as his mind latched onto the fact that Professor Dumbledore could have pulled him out of the tournament. Yet the man had made a public showing of asking him multiple times if he had put his name in and been told that Harry had not done so.

"The test will show us not only what enchantments and potions this young man believes you are under but will also reveal the Houses you are connected with," The Goblin said passing over a circlet with strange symbols etched into it and a solid black quill. "You will need to put the Crown of the Ancients which will measure your magic and perform a scan on you as you sign with the Blood Quill," the Goblin explained motioning for Harry to put on the circlet.

Feeling a little foolish Harry put the item on his head as it magically adjusted to fit perfectly. He felt a small shock as it connected to him as he picked up the Blood Quill which complete a magical circuit that would help produce the results of the Inheritence Test. Having only been told to write his name Harry wrote "Harry James Potter" on the top of the blank roll of parchment the Goblin had given him. Once the name had been written Harry was directed to place the circlet on the parchment so that his name would be in the exact center of it. The Goblin then began to speak in what Harry assumed was Gobbledegook in a way that reminded Harry of a chant causing the symbols on the circlet to glow a soft yellow color before writing began to appear on the parchment.

Harry James Potter

Born Harrison James Potter July 31, 1980


  • James Godric Potter (Sire)
  • Riona Quistis Potter nee Dincht-Leonhart (Bearer) (Name changed to after being kidnapped and put up for adoption to Lily Kara Evens)


  • Thomas Marvolo Riddle (Blocked by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)

Soulmate Marks:

  • Lightning bolt-Personal on the forehead (Glamored to resemble a scar. Cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • Skull Eating a Snake-Mates on the back (Glamored to not be seen Cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)


  • At the moment none and two (has produced no child but through a Time Travel Ritual son, James Mordred Potter-Riddle and daughter Bella Lily Potter-Riddle are present)

Magical Family that are alive

  • Squall Rikku Dincht-Leonhart (Grandbearer)
  • Zell Yang Dincht-Leonhart (Grandsire)
  • Seifer Genix Dincht-Leonhart (Uncle)*2
  • Selphie Julia Dincht-Leonhart (Aunt)


  • Sirius Orion Black
  • Alice Dorthey Longbottom nee Beswick

Enchantments that have been cast on Harrison James Potter

  • Blocking of Soulmate Bond/Glamor on Soulmate mark (Cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • Corrupted Soulmate connection (Made to look like beings connected by a Horcrux) (Cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • Magically geared Hatred towards Soulmate, any Magical with a Dark Core, Slytherin House, and Magical Humanoid Creatures (Hatred of Remus John Lupin Broken due to semi-family bond due to Remus being Soulmate to Godfather Sirius Orion Black) (Cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • Magically geared loyalty geared towards Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Ronald Billius Weasley, Hermione Jean Granger, Ginevra Molly Weasley, Molly Antoinette Weasley nee Prewett, Arthur Septimus Weasley, and Order of the Phoenix (Cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • Love Potions- a total of seventy-three in the body to produce love towards Ginevra Molly Weasley.
  • Memory Charms geared towards words Soulmates, Soulmate Marks, Soulmarks, Heir/Lordships, and the sight of Love Potions being put into food/drink (Cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • Eye-sight Jinx so that vision shifts depending on how close an item Harrison James Potter is reading (Reverse some nearsighted when reading something far away and farsighted when reading something close at hand. Automatically suppressed when Harrison James Potter is flying on a broom) (Cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • Traces of Intelligence Dampening Potions
  • Overpowered Mayrt Jinx (Cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • Overpowered Savior Potions flooding Harrison James Potter's body
  • Mail Ward so that only people approved by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore can reach Harrison James Potter by mail (Cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • Second Generation Blocking spell to prevent Dincht-Leonhard family from locating both Rinoa Quistis Dincht-Leonhart and Harrison James Potter


  • Peverell-Co-Head with Soulmate (From Sire)
  • Gryffindor (From Sire)
  • Potter (From Sire)
  • Leonhart (From Bearer)
  • Dincht (From Bearer)
  • Black (Named as Heir by Godfather)
  • Slytherin (Once connected to Soulmate)
  • Gaunt (Once connected to Soulmate)


*1 a direct quote from the book

*2 a reference from my favorite Zell/Squall story: Salvations End of one of the secondary relationships

Chapter 23: Yo Cousin, do you want to mess with Dumbledore? II


Scenes from Harrison and Dudley's youth.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Due to his familiarity with the Magical World, Vernon did not move them away from Private Drive right away. Knowing that since Dumbledore was listed as Harrison's magical guardian if Arabella informed him that they had moved away the man might follow them. Since he was only a Squib and Petunia was a Muggle they would have no defense even if they moved into one of the Potter's properties if Dumbledore decided to enchant them. They just had to wait a month and hope the man did not show up so he could be removed from the role giving them a clean break.

Not wanting to arouse Arabella's suspicions, Vernon had Bonecrusher send a copy of the potions they had found in Harrisons and Dudley's system to Horace. Vernon asked his cousin to brew some cleansers that would nullify similar potions and send them to him disguised as baby formula. Knowing what to look for now, Petunia noticed whenever she had been forced to let Arabelle watch the boys that they would get dosed by potions. Dudley would go from playing with Harrison to throwing stuff at him and screaming whenever Harrison would get close to him. But as soon as she gave him one of the potions sent to them her baby would return to normal, making her see that there were some upsides to magic, after all.

After a month had gone by, and even giving it a couple more days just in case, with no sign of Dumbledore they returned to Gringotts. With the help of Bonecrusher Vernon and Petunia submitted their memories to show that Albus had not shown up thus removing him as Harrison's Magical Guardian. The first thing Vernon and Petunia did was abolish the marriage contract between Harrison and either Ronald or Ginevra Weasley before cutting Albus off from access to Harrison's vaults. After those two tasks were taken care of the pair spent over an hour looking through information on the properties that belonged to Harrison's family that they could move into.

They finally found a property that could work, the Slytherin Townhouse, which was located just five miles from Vernon's work. Bonecrusher did caution Vernon that when Dumbledore found out he had lost his position as Harrison's guardian he might go after Vernon if he knew where the work was located. Vernon saw this as a good point asking if it was possible to have either his cousin or the Goblins put an Anti-Magic barrier around his office so that if Albus ever stopped by he would have to deal with Vernon as a Muggle. Bonecrusher agreed since with Albus removed from his position the role was given to the Dursleys, so to keep Harrison safe the family would be protected. This included not only the Wards placed on Grunnings but some Potter family rings being given to Petunia and Vernon which would deflect and record most magical spells that were cast on them.

Thankfully the month it took to wait for Albus to show up, or fail to show up as was the case, allowed Vernon and Petunia to make it look like they were heading out for a family trip for the holidays as they made the move to the Slytherin Town House. Once they were situated inside Petunia found another upside to the Magical World as she met the House Elves who worked on the property and was informed by her husband that the Elves would handle all the cooking and cleaning. When she asked him what they got out of it Veron explained that House Elves were a special type of creatures who were sustained by magic that other beings gave off, even Muggles. Harrison and Dudley who would one day be able to harness magic were like buffets to them and would work to make sure their family was well-taken care of. Vernon did caution her never to give a single piece of clothing to an Elf in anger for it could be misconstrued as "freeing" them which was more along the lines of banishment and cutting them off from their food.

After the start of the new year, they received a letter from Albus asking, well demanding, what they had done. Evidently having either realized they had cut off his access to Harrison's vaults or was informed that they had moved away from Private Drive. Not trusting the letter or what the response would bring, Vernon called Horace over. Since they now lived in a Magical Property, Horace was able to Floo in so he could take a look at the letter. Casting a detection spell on it Horace found that there was a trace attached to the letter, which thankfully was blocked by the Slytherin Townhouse Wards, so all Dumbledore would know was the location of the PO box the Dursleys had set up to receive their mail.

In February Albus showed up at Vernon's work, having not received a response from any of his letters. Vernon met the old bastard in his office, telling his secretary to close the door and take an early lunch. It was almost comical to see the man pull out his wand and try to cast some sort of spell on Vernon only for the bastard's mouth to fall open in shock. "Do you like it?" Vernon asked as if speaking about the Anti-Magic Wards as one would ask about new drapes. "Since your letter when you dropped off my nephew stated we were to take care of him I made sure to get some protections put in place. We don't want a follower of the man who killed Petunia's sister and her husband to try to use us to get to him and all," Vernon said hiding a smile.

"Ah, yes good thinking," Albus said putting his wand away and pulling down his robes to straighten them out. "Now what is this I heard from Arabella Figg that you have moved out of your house?"

"Well since we lived in a neighborhood filled with normal people there was no protection for Harry," Veron said forcing himself to call his nephew by the name the bastard had given him. "Not wanting any harm to come to my family Petunia took me to the bank of your kind and we were able to work some stuff out."

"Ah, they told you of one of Harry's family properties," Albus said nodding his head in understanding. "If you tell me where you moved to I can drop by to make sure the protections on the place are the best they could possibly be."

"Thank you for your offer, but Petunia is still getting used to having to live in your world, and if she sees any more magic after having to watch those strange little men get us to the place she might just lose it and take out her anger on Harry. The last time that happened she nearly drowned the freak," Vernon said playing the part of an ignorant Muggle.

Vernon hid a smirk seeing the old man's face turn white at the thought. "Good point I should let you all get settled in. Please drop me a line when you feel she can take it."

The man started to leave Vernon's office only to turn back as if he just recalled something. "What did you actually do at the bank?" Albus asked his hand on the doorknob.

"Nothing much, found a new place to live," Vernon said, "why?"

"Oh, no reason. By the way, did your family get the first payment for taking care of Harry?" Albus asked.

"No, but we were not expecting it since the bankers said that the payment we were to be given was not being used as rent for the property we are using," Vernon lied.

"Ah," the man said almost making Vernon see the wheels spinning in the man's head as he thought that with the Dursleys moving to a new location some paperwork or something had gone wrong leading to Albus being blocked from the vaults.

After he got off work Vernon made a trip to Gringotts to see if there was a record of the spell Albus tried to cast on him. Seeing it was a Compulsion that would make Vernon susceptible to the man's orders, Vernon got the Goblins to put up some Magical Restraining Orders in place to make sure that at least until the boy's headed to Hogwarts the man would be unable to reach them or get too close.

At the age of three and four, the boys started showing signs of their magic abilities. This led Petunia and Vernon to reach out to Horace for some help training the boys in how to properly use the magic. Horace sent a letter in apology saying he would love to come to help his "Nephews" himself but he was in the middle of training his replacement Potions Teacher for Hogwarts. He did pass on a name of a Magical tutor for Dudley and Harrison. Vernon and Petunia interviewed the suggested tutor before hiring them at the bank. This way they were able to have the Goblins place a Secrecy Spell on the tutor so that they would be unable to reveal Harrison's identity or anything about their family.

The tutor, Heir Rowena Sheir, agreed to the conditions and moved into Slytherin Townhouse to better work with the boys. As he taught the boys how to control their power Petunia taught them Muggle things. Both Horace and Rowena hearing Petuina's plan to send both Dudley and Harrison off to Muggle school to learn basic subjects that they would need to know, Maths, science, writing, and the like talked to her about sending them to Sycamore Academy instead. Petunia was not so sure having heard the pace was an ultra-exclusive school where only the top of the top was allowed to attend. Rowena shared with her the truth about the academy.

The real reason the school was so hard to get into was due to students ages five to ten being the offspring of Magical families that were sent there to learn the right lessons before attending the Magical School of their choice. From ages eleven to eighteen the student body would mostly consist of the siblings of Muggleborn Magicals and Squibs. Hearing about this Vernon and Petunia wished Sycamore Academy had been a thing when they were both growing up. Another shocker was that the academy was run by the Notts, one of the families James and Lily had made a Marriage Contract with Harrison.

As they got Dudley and Harrison enrolled at Sycamore Academy the Dursleys learned that like Hogwarts due to Dudley being born after the start of the term he would be in the same class as Harrison despite being almost a full year older than him. Not that it bothered either boy since without the potions being given to him to hate his cousin Dudley and Harrison were as close as best friends. This was mostly since for both their protection neither boy had interacted with any other kid their own age. The only person other than Vernon and Petunia they saw was Uncle Horace. Now Horace Slughorn believed in creating connections with famous people, but he knew that if someone as young as Harrison lived through that it might make the boy full of himself and rather arrogant. So for the boy who he had adopted as a nephew's protection, while he might share stories of his famous friends with the Dursleys he would never have them meet with the family.

Once the pair of boys started to attend classes they soon found some new friends of their very own. Harrison due to his magic responding to the boy that his parents had set up the contract with almost instantly bonded with Heir Theodore "Theo" Nott. While Dudley had become friends with a pair of boys which had a similar build to his own. The pair of boys, Vincent Crabbe and Greggory Goyle, also introduce Dudley to another of their friends, Draco Malfoy. While the six youngsters became fast friends they did not get along with everyone. One boy in Harrison's class just rubbed him the wrong way. The boy would throw a tantrum if they did not play games that he wanted to play as well as taking everyone's toys, sometimes yanking them right out of one of their hands. Thankfully the boy was scared of Dudley, Vincent, and Gregory after the trio had pulled one of the toys back with such force that the classroom monitor had been required to magically reattach the stuffed turtle's head. Soon the friends just started to avoid the redheaded boy and scattered whenever he tried to join in their group activities.

While Harrison had met Theo at Sycamore, his other betrothed did not attend the English school. From what Theo told him when they were a little older was that Blaise's family lived in Italy so he attended the school over there. Harrison might have met Blaise and the other Zabini family members if the Dursleys ever attended a Yule Ball or other holiday function. But Petunia, while having mostly gotten over her hatred of magic still preferred to celebrate Muggle holidays and have it be a family event. During Christmas shortly after Dudley and Harrison started Sycamore Academy they tried to have a family get together with Vernon's adopted younger sister Marge, but the woman had mistreated the boys calling them names, especially Harrison, who she kept referring to as Harry. As Horace had also been present at the Christmas party, Vernon had his cousin give Marge a check-up due to the use of "Harry." Horace was able to detect some small whiffs of Potions on the woman's breath making him think that since Albus had been unable to reach the Dursleys normally thanks to the restraining order he had tried to get to them via Marge. A quick test of the bottle of wine Marge had brought, but thankfully not opened yet showed it to be nothing more than a potion to make everyone who drank it loyal to Albus.

While they could not figure out why Albus was still trying to get them to do something, Horace told Vernon not to press charges against the man. For one thing, Albus had many people in positions of power that were loyal to him, which he might use to try to gain control of Harrison if they brought it to the courts. So rather than deal with that they just let Albus waste his time as he kept trying to get at them.

Flash forward

On Dudley's eleventh birthday he received an invitation to attend Hogwarts. For a while, Vernon and Petunia contemplated sending him to another magical school. But Besides both their son and nephew's friends all planning to go to Hogwarts, the pair did not want to send the boys so far away to attend classes. Confirming Dudley's enrolment at the school Vernon took the boys shopping using the school list sent in Dudley's letter. Taking Horace's advice rather than going to Ollivanders to pick out their wands Vernon took Dudley and Harrison to Kelpie Avenue where an old friend of his cousin had their wand shop. Master Jax-Gat made his wands to order, and while they were more expensive than the premade ones used by Ollivander the Dursleys and Harrison could afford them. Petunia liked the man due to him explaining what the parts of the wand said about the person who owned it. Dudley's magic had him create a nine inches Willow wand with a core of a Unicorn hair which was rather flexible. According to Master Jax-Gat, this meant Dudley would be good at healing but was also unsure of himself in some way. Dudley's spells would be more focused as indicated by the length of the wand and he was open to change according to how flexible it was.

When Harrison got his wand, his magic led him to two types of wood along with a twin wand core. Harrison's wand was also nine inches in length and flexible but for its woods, Harrison's magic had selected Dogwood and Black Walnut. The Wand's cores were from a vial of snake venom and a dark crystal that Master Jax-Gat had told them was called a Death Gem. According to Master Hax-Gat's Wandlore lesson, the woods of Harrison's wand showed that his magic was suitable for Charms but unable to perform nonverbal spells. The skill in Charms made sense for Uncle Horace had told tales of Lily while she was at Hogwarts and how she had been at the top of her class at Charms. Even showing a memory of a goldfish she had given Horace that she had created by putting some Charms on a Lily blossom, which had unfortunately reverted after her death.

Master Jax-Gat had shared that the reason one of Harrison's cores was snake venom was due to Harrison possessing the magical talent of Parselmouth/magic. While the Death Gem was a rare core piece that one usually only got later in life after studying the rituals related to funerals, that Harrison had gotten such an item for a core in his first one showed that he would have a powerful connection with Death.

Vernon was glad they had used Dudley's school list when it had arrived nearly a year later when Harrison's list was delivered it was missing several books and some supplies. Vernon could only assume that Albus had no idea that Harrison and Dudley had attended Sycamore Academy and had friends in the Magical World thus would have people to talk to about their school list before heading to class.

Vernon took September first off when it was time for Dudley and Harrison to head to Hogwarts so he and Petunia could both see them off. Petunia kept wiping the tears from her eyes as she hugged both boys wishing them a good term and telling them to make sure they sent their new owl, Jason*1, with letters at least once a week back home. Harrison was excited about the train ride to Hogwarts for he would finally be meeting Blaise to see if his magic reacted to the other as it did with Theo. So after saying his goodbyes to Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, he joined his friends in their compartment. He barely paid attention to his cousin and friends' discussion on what House they would end up in, though everyone in their group already expected to be sorted into Slytherin, or the best House according to all their families.

When the compartment door opened, Harrison looked eagerly towards it, only for a grimace to come to his face seeing it was not Blaise but Weasley. "Get lost," Harrison said.

"Ah come now new school, new start," the redheaded idiot said holding out his hand.

"Are you going to apologize for everything you did?" Dudley asked.

"I have never done anything wrong" Weasley protested.

"You kept saying Draco was going to turn Harrison and me over to his dad who was going to kill us," Dudley reminded the idiot.

"It was a childish joke," Weasley said.

"It was not funny neither were many of the stories you told either about us or to us," Harrison said getting to his feet and closing the door in Ronald's face. "I really hope I am not in the same House as that idiot." All his friends agreed with him as they resume their conversation.

Blaise turned up just as the train took off from London entering the compartment and greeting Draco, and Theo like old friends before introducing himself to Harrison and Dudley. When he took Harrison's hand during their greeting rather than bringing it close to his heart like a normal Pureblood greeting the dark skin Italian boy lifted it to his mouth and give it a kiss making Harrison blush a little. During the ride up to Hogwarts Harrison sat between the two males his birth parents*2 had set up Marriage Contracts with as he got to know Blaise a little better. Besides a witch pushing a food cart, the group was only interrupted by others three times. The first was Neville Longbottom looking for his toad, which Theo suggested he get help from an older student to cast a summoning charm to collect. The second time someone came to their compartment was Pansy Parkinson, who was another friend of Draco and Theo that had not attended Sycamore. Pansy asked to join them finding the girl who had sat with her too annoying saying the girl would not shut up about what she had read in Hogwarts as History and how Gryffindor was the best House. Hearing that everyone agreed Pansy could join them.

After the witch with the food cart had stopped by Ronald had shown up again sending an envious look at the snakes Harrison and his friends had bought. As he could give no reason for his visit Harrison got up and close the door on him again, as the group explained to Blaise and Pansy why they disliked the redhead and all the stuff he got up to at Sycamore Academy. "He really tried to get Theo expelled due to how close he is with Harrison?" Pansy asked in shock. For while she had been home-schooled she knew enough about the academy to know that Theo's family was in charge of the place.

"I don't think anyone could call Weasley intelligent," Vincent said making them laugh for many thought the soft-spoken boy was rather dumb for he preferred not to speak unless he thought it was really necessary.

During the sorting Vincent, Dudley, Gregory, and Draco all ended up getting sent to Slytherin as they had predicted. But when it came time for Harrison's turn, the Deputy Headmistress called out Harry Potter rather than his real name. Knowing this had to be the work of Professor Dumbledore Harrison stayed where he was holding Theo and Blaise's hands. After calling Harry Potter four times with no response Professor McGonagall moved on with the list. Once Blaise had been called forth and joined the rest of Harrison's friends at the Slytherin table Harrison was left alone.

"Who are you?" Professor McGonagall asked having reached the end of the list of students.

"I am Heir Harrison James Potter," he declared.

"Why did you not come up when I called your name earlier?" she asked making several students start laughing at him.

"Because you did not call my name. Rather you called out Harry Potter which has never been my name," he said in a civil tone.

"Now my boy there is no reason for semantics," Albus said standing from his seat to look down his crooked nose at Harrison.

"It is not semantics it is my name and how I preferred to be addressed as. Plus I am well aware that certain spells are geared towards names. I would hate to have my Ancestor's Hat placed on my head after being called forward as Harry Potter and such a spell to activate placing me in a Hogwarts House which I was not meant to go to," Harrison said ignoring the muttering from some students as he shared his connection to one of the Founders. Harrison thought he saw Dumbledore wince a little at his reasoning for not coming forward to be sorted under "Harry" making him guess he had come to the correct conclusion.

"Very well Harrison, step forward and be sorted," Professor McGonagall said.

Harrison did so and just like what happened during Draco's sorting as soon as the Hat touched his head it called out "SLYTHERIN."


*1 I have read several stories that state that Harry chose the name Hedwig as it had something to do with Magical Orphans. I decided to call the owl Jason as a reference to Jason and the Argonauts as a means to show them going off on a Magical adventure.

*2 While Harrison still calls them Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia he also sees them a little bit being his parents, so Lily and James are his birth parents by his Aunt and Uncle are his living parents.

Chapter 24: Vilu heads back to Hogwarts


Part two of my Vilu Returns storyline which is itself a continuation of The Pet of Slytherin House


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The first part of the plan to find out who Harry Prewett's father was worked out without a hitch as Harry and Theo Apparated to Hogsmead. Not wanting to shift into his Vilu form in town and thus let someone learn his identity, Harry was already in his Kitsune form as he curled around his husband's neck. As Theo made his way to the small meeting place where they were to meet James, Harry saw some of the store owners and citizens of Hogsmead sending him looks as they recognized him from his visits during his and Theo's visits while attending school. Though only those Magicals who had been in Slytherin House while they had been at Hogwarts knew his real identity.

Not wanting to meet up at an overcrowded location Theo walked down the path to the Shrieking Shack to pass Harry over to their eldest child. Even though some of the bigotry against Werewolfs had dropped off since Dumble's incarceration, Remus, Severus, and Sirius had not explained the true history of the Shack to anyone outside their families thus the place was still famous for a group of rowdy ghouls. Remus had even gone to the Shack a couple of times during his transformation to make it seem like the ghouls were still active after so long of being silent.

Seeing James with a couple of Ravenclaw students, whom Harry assume was his eldest's friends, he could not help himself as he hopped off Theo's shoulders and ran to his baby wagging his tails happily. James able to hear Harry's shout of "Hello" which his friends would only hear as a normal fox-like sound turned and bent down letting Harry leap into his son's arms. "Wow James you were not lying," one of the students said as James strained up with Harry curled in his arms.

"What do you mean?" James asked, "you've been to my home and met Vilu before."

"I know," Demetri Krum-Creevy said, who Harry had been surprised to find was the child of Colin Creevey who had met the famous Quidditch Star, Viktor Krum, during a trip he had taken after he had left Hogwarts. It seemed that the Creevey brothers were not Muggleborn but from a Squibline, a line that had some creature blood in it which had allowed Colin to go through a Creature Inheritance. It seemed during his trip Colin had randomly run into Krum who was also a Creature and the pair had instantly bonded. "It is just strange to think that your dad's familiar, hello Lord Nott, would leave him to come to Hogwarts," Demetri clarified.

"Well he might be my familiar," Theo said scratching Harry behind his ears, "but he also is connected to my kids due to how long Kitsunes can live. He used some magic to let me know he missed them when they were at Hogwarts so after years of work we finally got the approval of him to come to visit for a couple of months," Theo explained.

"But he is being sent to sleep in the Slytherin Dorms?" James' other friend Sabastion Moon asked who was the son of Lily Moon and her gender-fluid spouse Artie.

"Due to him finding me while I was a student many practices had been put in place so there are protocols to help take care of a Kitsune," Theo said. Both Ravenclaw students nodded at the logic of this statement as Harry climbed his son's and wrapped his form around James' shoulders.

"It is just a good thing Pansy was sorted into it otherwise I don't think we would have gotten the approval," James shared with his friends as he gently pats his transformed Bearer's head.

"That must be why it took so long to get approval," Sabastion said logically, "that way they did not have to create a new protocol for us or Gryffindor House."

"I never thought of that, but you might be correct," Theo lied since they had only tried to get Harry to the castle after learning about Harry and Harrie accosting their kids.

"Pass on my and your Papa's greeting to your sisters," Theo said as he scratched Harry under his chin one last time before he left to start looking into how Hermione Granger was back in the Magical World.

Harry had some fun riding James' shoulders as his eldest son and the boy's friends wandered around Hogsmead feeling like it was old times with Theo with the only difference being the new students. Acting like the wild animal he was meant to be, even if he was assumed to be a familiar which would give him higher intelligence than a normal Kitsune, Harry kept glancing around as if he had forgotten what was in the village. His real purpose for looking around was to see if he could spot Harry Prewett and Harrie Granger as well as to see which students visiting the village had Slytherin robes since he would be interacting with them the most of the Houses. James could not help but chuckle not only at how his Papa was acting but also as Harry looked around his fur tickled James' chin.

James and his two best friends headed to "Uncle" Marcus and Geroge's joke shop which the pair had opened in Hogsmead when Fred and George had expanded their business a few years ago. Having not been made aware of Harry's plan as soon as George saw Harry perched on James' shoulder he moved to his Godson and scoop Harry up and spun him around. "Oh Vilu what a surprise," George said as Harry rolled his eyes though thankful that George had not called him Harry.

"Dad said Vilu was missing us when we were at school so he got Vilu permission to come to see us for a bit," James quickly told his "Uncle" lest George let Harry's identity slip.

"I see," Geroge said. "I will hold on to Vilu while you and your friends shop so he does not cause any issues." Seeing that his Uncle wanted to chat with his Papa, James gave a nod of understanding.

Harry found himself being carried into the back room of the shop before George put him down. "So does your retuning to Hogwarts as Vilu have anything to do with a niece and nephew I just found out I have that are at the castle?" George asked. Having already gone through the ritual which would prevent him from changing back into human form, outside of the Slytherin Dorms while he was within Hogwarts' expanded Wards, which now included Hogsmead Village, Harry nodded at his old friend. "I take it you are trying to find out who Ginny had her son with and Hermione's reappearance?" George asked getting another nod. "I would help you if I could but I have not seen them since they came to beg for money and ask about you at Fred and Luna's wedding," George said with an apologetic nod as he ran a hand down Harry's back. Harry shrugged, well as much as he could in his Vilu form, as he used his Kituse Magic to write a quick message that at least his time at school would allow him to see his kids before the Yule.

A short time later James knocked on the door to let George know he and his friends were done so he could collect Vilu. Harry was once more wrapped around James' shoulders as the trio of Ravenclaws decided to head back to Hogwarts to take care of some of their homework for Professor Sinclar's Transformation class before supper. Harry closed his eyes as if he was falling asleep due to his son's movements while he focused his magic on his nose to increase its ability to detect sense. As James, Demetri, and Sabastion were heading down the path between the village and school Harry's eyes shot open as he detected the scents of someone connected to Ronald, Hermione, and Ginny. Looking around he saw the origin of the scents being a girl as old as James who was lanky like Ronald had been but with Hermione's bushy hair style, which was a darker shade of red than the normal Weasley hair color. Something that Harry put down to Arthur removing his ex-wife and youngest kids from the family, and Lady Magic cutting them off from the Weasley family magic.

Walking beside the girl was a boy who looked to be the same as Harry's eldest daughter, Lily, meaning it would normally be the boy's first chance to go to Hogsmead, if not for the fact that since he and Harrie had just started at Hogwarts it was the girl first chance to come as well.* While Harry could detect the scents of Ginny on the boy he was not close enough to get a sense of the Sire's scent at the moment. Harry could not even determine who the boy's father was based on his looks, for the boy was slender like Ginny with the same angular face with mud-brown eyes and red hair that the boy had pulled back into a small pony tail.

"Oh great those two again," Sabastion said with a small groan seeing the pair coming towards them down the path.

"Hey James how is it going," Harrie asked her voice sounding just like Hermione's had done with the same underlying tones that made it sound like the girl was dealing with idiots.

"It had been fun before now," James said making his two friends let out some soft chuckles.

"And why is that?" Harrie asked as to Harry's horror the girl began to bat her eyelashes at his son. Thinking back to what Remus had found in his accounts when he had been at school where Dumbles and Molly had tried to set up a Marriage Contract between Harry and Ginny, Harry got mad. Sure he knew that none of his kids had Contracts yet, but that did not mean that Ronald and Hermione had tried to talk their daughter into flirting with James to work their way into Harry's life again. One would think that having Harry call on Lady Magic to pass judgment on them in the middle of Diagon Alley would leave some impact on them, but evidently not. "Oh he is a cutie," Harrie said noticing Harry and reaching out to pet him. Harry was not going to let that happen as he lifted his head and growled at the girl showing off his sharp teeth, the girl hastily pulled her hand away.

"I would not try that Granger," James said patting Harry's head, "Vilu here is a familiar creature with my family so it is only safe with us or people we approve of. And as I have stated numerous times that does not include you or your cousin. Stop trying to flirt with me and my sister or convince us my Papa is in danger from my dad." Harry felt his fur stand on end thinking the two offspring of his former friends were fliting with his kids and based on their robes both were in Gryffindor alongside Lily.

Making it look like he was growling at the pair of redheads Harry asked his son, "Can you take me to see Lily before we see Pansy so I can put some Protections on her from them?" James gave a quick nod as he and his friends made their way past the pair of bothersome students to head up to the castle.

"I am going to see Lily to pass on my dad's message to her," James told his friends as they agreed to meet up in the library after he had passed Vilu over to Pansy.

"See you in a bit," his friends said as they waved him goodbye. Harry once more curled up on James's shoulders as his son made his way down to the Quidditch Pitch where Lily was at practice rather than at Hogsmead. Harry was glad that there had been a change from his Third and Fourth Years at Hogwarts where Hogsmead visits happened on alternating weekends so the House Quidditch teams did not have to choose between their practice or going to the village.

Seeing James enter the pitch and signal her over Lily asked the Gryffindor Captain, Antonio Diggory-Zabini, for a time out. As Antonio was the son of Blaise he knew Vilu's true identity so agreed to the time out spotting the green Kitsune laying on James Nott-Potter's shoulders. Leaving the goal post Lily came into a land laughing a little as her father jumped from her older brother's shoulder into her arms. "What's up Papa?" she asked knowing her Papa was coming to find out about Granger and Prewett but not expecting him to visit her on his first day back at Hogwarts.

"We just meet Harry and Harrie where your brother let it slip that they had been flirting with you two besides trying to get me away from your dad," Harry explained giving her cheek a lick so anyone else on the team would see it as a pet greeting its owner after a long absence. "Seeing they were both in Gryffindor, I wanted to make sure you were protected," Harry said as he used some Kitsune magic to create a Ward around his eldest daughter that acted like an Heir Ring since she was not old enough to claim any of his or Theo's titles yet or was his oldest kid.

"Thanks, Papa," Lily said rubbing her nose with him as she felt his magic settle into place around her.

"So how do you like bing the Gryffindor Keeper?" Harry asked her glad that she had just made the team that year as he recalled how fun Quidditch had been during his first two years at the castle.

"It is harder than I expected, but thanks to our Kitsune blood I have a small gift to read my opponent's movements. Which I try not to always use during actual matches," she hastily added seeing her older brother open his mouth in protest. Granted unlike Harry or his namesake James was not into flying taking more after Theo in that regard, but he did not want her to have an unfair advantage against his House's team.

"Dad and Papa pass on their greetings and love," James said rather than getting on her case. "I guess I should go find Pansy to pass Vilu on to her," James said as Harry gave his eldest daughter a Kitsune kiss again before returning to his son.

Knowing that Harry was arriving today Pansy was waiting for her Papa and older brother just inside the Entrance Hall. Seeing Harry, Pansy gave a delighted squeal as she rushed forwards and pulled her Papa into her arms spinning him around before letting him settle onto her shoulders.


James and his friends are in their Fourth-Year, Lily is a Third-Year Gryffindor, and Pansy is a First-Year Slytherin student.

Chapter 25: The Flaw


Dumbledore and Voldemort find the flaw in their plans to have Harry enter the Triwizard Tournament.


Tags Dumbles, Dursleys, and Ron bashing, Harry becomes Death, Blaise Zabini/Harry Potter. A sort of cross-over with the book series Incarnations of Immortality.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry cheered with the rest of the school as Cedric Diggory was chosen as the Hogwarts Champion. He hoped there would be nothing more after a small speech from Professor Dumbledore, for today had been a very strange day. It was not just the twenty-four visiting students, twelve from each school with six males and females, that were wandering around the castle trying to find their way around. In preparation for them to attend classes at Hogwarts for the rest of the school year. No, what was strange was as he, Hermione, and Ron had come down for breakfast he had almost walked through the Bloody Baron, only for the Slytherin Ghost to stop just in time and offer an apology. This weird Harry out for apart from Peeves the Bloody Baron talked to no one let alone apologize for almost walking through someone. Something that none of the other Hogwarts Ghosts seemed to mind and never apologized for, not even the jolly Hufflupuff Ghost, the Fat Frier.

Also for some reason thought the day when he walked past any Hogwarts Portraits Harry could swear he saw some cloaked figure following him. Yet, when he asked his friends about the figure they both said they had not seen it. Harry even asked one of the Portraits he had passed a couple of times about the figure but the inhabitants had been confused stating they had not had such a visitor in their portrait. It made no sense, Harry was sure he had seen someone in a dark cloak with their hood up following him from place to place which got even stranger as he got ready in Gryffindor Tower before the feast where the Champions were to be announced. Harry had used the bathroom since Hagrid's hut did not have a loo and he never liked using an outhouse. As he washed his hands he glanced up at the mirror and saw the strange cloaked figure at the very edge of the mirror. Harry had quickly wiped his head around but he was alone in the bathroom. To be honest, he was quickly leaving behind being wearied out and moving towards
being generally freaked out.

"Now I know all you will do your part in showing your support of our three Champions," Professor Dumbledore said only for everyone in the hall to become distracted as the Goblet of Fire started sending up sparks again as it had before picking the Triwizard Champion. With a burst of flame, a scorched bit of parchment shot from the cup, and then things got really strange. Suddenly the parchment stopped moving hanging in mid-air. Harry turned to ask Ron or Hermione about what they thought was going on only to see them looking intently at the parchment. While they looked shocked neither of them look confused at the parchment hanging in mid-air and after a moment he realize that they and everyone else in the Hall did not seem to be moving at all. "What is going on?" Harry asked in a loud voice hoping that someone else was not affected by whatever seemed to be happening and answer him.

He did get an answer as he felt someone take hold of his shoulder. Harry barely had time to look over and see the dark cloaked figure that had been following him in the Magical Portraits and the mirror before it spoke. "Come along Harry, it is time to go." Before Harry could ask anything the pair vanished from the Great Hall.

As Harry left the Hall time resumed its normal progression with Professor Dumbledore shooting his hand out and catching the parchment. Reading it Albus could not help but let the ghost of a smirk played across his mouth seeing that like he had predicted Riddle had one of his people at Hogwarts forcing Harry to take part in the tournament, most likely to get his body back so he could resume his campaign to take control. Schooling his voice into a harsher tone than normal Albus called out, "HARRY POTTER. HARRY POTTER UP HERE IF YOU PLEASE." Having assumed something like this was going to happen Albus had taken note of where Harry had been sitting so turned his gaze towards the weapon he created to use against Riddle. Only to find the boy missing and those who had been sitting around him staring mystified at his now vacant seat. "COME NOW HARRY THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR GAMES GET UP HERE NOW!," Albus bellowed no longer having to pretend to be mad anymore.

When the boy still did not appear Albus turned to Minerva, "Find him and bring him to my office I need to talk to the other Champions."

"Yes, sir," Minerva said as she got up and made her way to where the boy's friends were sitting at the Gryffindor Table looking utterly mystified, though Albus noticed a hint of anger in the youngest Weasley male's face. Albus sent one last look at the spot as he joined his fellow Academy Heads, Bagman and Crouch to talk to the other Champions not only about what had just happened but what they were going to have to deal with for the tournament.

Albus had faith his right-hand woman would do as he tasked her, but as he arrived at his office after the meeting with the Champions, which took longer than he planned due to Igor and Olympia getting on his case for Harry being chosen as a Fourth Champion. Yet when he entered his office he found neither the boy nor Minerva. What he found was the exploded remains of one of the machines he used to track people. The explosion was so large it seemed to have destroyed the other machines on the table where it had been sitting. As one of the machines on the table was linked to Harry, Albus cast a spell to repair all the machines so he could find out where the boy was. Yet while the other tracking machines fixed themselves at his command Harry's remained a broken wreck. Albus found he could bring the pieces together, but for some reason, they would not return to their prior state. It was almost like he was trying to press a negative and positive magnetic pole to a similar charge.

Harry looked around rather confused about what had just happened one moment he was in the Great Hall and everything except for him seemed to have been frozen, then the cloaked man had taken hold of his arm and he had been transported here, where ever here was. It looked like a room but no walls were holding up a ceiling in which panes of glass showed scenes of the cosmos which made the enchanted ceiling in the Great Hall look like it was a simple stage show. Harry and the cloaked man, at least he assumed it was a man, who had brought him here were not alone for in the middle of the "room" there was a large table where six people were sitting. "Come along Harry," the cloaked figure said guiding Harry towards the table and to the seventh seat around the table. Harry stood back thinking it belonged to the hooded figure who had brought him here the man just pulled it out and guested for Harry to sit down.

"Hello, young Harrison," a woman in a bright robe that seemed to shift from pure white to all the colors of the rainbow and beyond said.

"Where am I?" Harry asked as the hooded figure pushed his chair in and stood behind him.

"Now that is a little hard to explain," a second woman said wearing what looked like a cloak made of spider webs with knitting needles in her hair.

"Don't even bother. I doubt the welp would understand anyway," a man said who Harry saw had a bare torso apart from a leather strap connected to a scabbard he wore attached to his back.

"He will in time," the first woman said in a tone of admonishment towards the man. "Harrison a dark and ancient ritual has taken place forcing you into a position long before you would be ready for it."

"What position?" Harry asked.

"Why the position of Death of course," the woman said.

"Death?" Harry asked.

"Yes, the being who is tasked to shepherd those souls to the Neatherrelms," a second man said wearing a pure white robe with an hourglass floating in the air beside him.

"I get it," Harry said in understanding. "I ate some food from the visiting students' homelands and got sick. I am hallucinating."

"This is real welp," the bare-chested man said baning a first into the table.

"Calm down Ares," the woman in the color-shifting robe said. "He is right Harrison, this is real. You should have only been able to reach this place and take your role as Death after you died yourself but things have changed."

"What changed?" Harry asked.

"Your name coming out of the Goblet of Fire," the woman in the spiderweb cloak said. "I had not made plans for that at all, meaning someone is interfering with my work." Harry stared in amazement as the woman seeming to be so overcome with emotion shifted her body from a matronly woman that reminded him of Professor Sprout to an old crone and finally a young woman that looked like she could be a model.

"That in of itself is disturbing enough, but the actions of your name coming out the Goblet shifted the Cosmic Balance?"

"How?" Harry asked.

"By placing you in mortal danger they activated the old ritual which I mentioned earlier,' the multi-colored robe wearer said.

"But I have been in mortal danger before," Harry countered.

"You are correct, Harrison," the woman admitted, "but the other times, except for your first meeting with the mortal known as Tom Marvolor Riddle, you chose to enter the danger yourself. By forcing you to enter a dangerous situation which could lead to your death the ritual activated."

"But why?" Harry asked.

"Your family line are the descendants of a Death who chose to have children after he took his position," the man with the hourglass said. "Your ancestor watched over his kids and when they were of age gave them three treasures that should never have been removed from the Neatherrlems. These gifts created a bond between Death and his children altering the selection of Death from its previous method to what it is now. It used to be that a person became Death by killing Death. But thanks to your ancestor your family line becomes the next Death when they die."

"I still don't understand," Harry said. "So Death is a person or job whatever he had three kids and his kids are all in line to become Death when they die except for me due to whatever this ritual is that forced me to take it now?"

"Well, no not all three of your ancestors' kids were in line to become Death," the man with the hourglass said. "A previous holder of my post, Time, worked it out with Fate," he said nodding to the woman with the spiderweb cloak, "so that whichever of Death's children lived the longest would take control of the post. Your family line actually comes from the youngest of the three children, but it was not his youth that caused him to live the longest. Death's oldest child had been given a treasure from Ares' domain in the form of a wand that could never be defeated in battle. The eldest child killed several of his rivals before boasting in a pub leading someone to kill him as he slept and take the wand," Time explained.

"Death's middle child received a treasure that had been created by the offices of Death and Time during a collaborative effort. The treasure allowed the middle child to summon forth souls from the Neatherrelms, even those who had not chosen to become Ghost. The middle child brought back someone he loved but due to the nature of the treasure he could not do much with his old love leading him to take his own life," Time said. "Your ancestor was given a cutting from Death's cloak which Death had expanded so it two could be used as a cloak. This cutting gave Death's youngest child the ability to become invisible to the inhabitants of the Mortal Realm."

"The Invisibility Cloak," Harry said in understanding.

"You are correct," the still-unnamed woman said. "Your possession of it as well as your contact with the other treasures caused the ritual to come about."

"But I have not come in contact with the other treasures," Harry protested.

"You have young man," the last male at the table said leaning forward letting Harry see he was wearing a blood-red suit. "Not in the normal sense mind you but you are connected with the treasures given to your ancestor's older siblings. "Ares' Wand was used by its false owner to place numerous spells and enchantments on you as a baby. As the false owner cast the spells you had reached for it and touched it thus claiming it as your birthright intended."

"While the last treasure is bond to you due to the attack by Tom Riddle when you were a baby. While he had not intended it he left a part of his soul in your body as well as losing his role as leader of his family," the last woman at the table explained dressed in a simple white smock that seemed more radiant than the multi-colored cloak of the other named woman. "This proved to be a double connection for Tom Riddle was the descendent of the middle child but in his ignorance, Tom left a part of his soul connected to the second treasure. The part of his soul in you and the treasure let you claim ownership of it even though you have never seen or touched it."

"So because I formed a connection to these treasures and am a descendent of Death means I became Death just cause my name came out of the Goblet?" Harry asked once more for clarification.

"Unfortunately, yes," the multi-color robe wearer said. "The magic of the goblet in the Mortal Realm forged a magically binding contract that would have forced you to compete in the tournament which would have started a chain reaction that lead to your death. Not necessarily during the tournament itself but a death long before your natural time." the woman said.

"Do I have to still compete?" Harry asked making everyone at the table let out a laugh.

"No," Ares barked, "though it could be seen as you running from battle your life now has a higher purpose."

"Indeed," the man in the blood-red suit said. "The good thing is that due to the unusual way that you have taken your role you can do something that none of your predecessors had been able to do?"

"What?" Harry asked.

"Reclaim the three treasures for one?" the woman in the white smock said.

"But also fix some issues that someone has caused in my tapestry," Fate said sending a glare at the man in the suit.

"It was not me this time, Lachesis," the man said holding up his hands in surrender.

"Sorry force of habit," the woman said before turning back to Harry. "The two who illegally hold the other treasures at this moment have messed with my tapestry making some live longer than I had planned for them while killing others before their thread is cut by, Atropos," at this Fate changes form for an instant showing off the old crone again making Harry believed that the different aspects of the woman he had seen had different names and she was sharing them with him. "But since you have become Death in the way that you do it caused a shift to my tapestry that will let you fix what those two have done to it."

"How?" Harry asked confused.

"Why, by taking their souls of course," the multi-colored robe wearer said. "Both Albus Dumbledore and Tom Riddle have placed enchantments on both their followers and enemies alike to extend or shorten their lives. Your breaking free will allow you to bypass these enchantments and bring about their deaths as Fate originally had planned for them."

"I don't want to kill anyone," Harry protested.

"You are not killing them, Harrison, you are just guiding them to their next place of existence," the woman said. "If it helps think of yourself as a taxi driver just handling fares as people go to either the Realm of Light, Darkness, or Purgatory." As the woman talked the woman in the smock bowed when she mentioned Light, while the man in the suit nodded at Darkness.

"Or even better a way to get revenge on what the two men had done to you," Ares said.

"So I can just kill Voldemort?" Harry asked.

"Not until his chosen time," Fate said glaring at Ares who did not look at all disturbed. "At the start, you would only be allowed to take the souls of those both men had enchanted to live longer than they should have. And not all of them, for while you hold the position of Death you have servants known as Reapers who take care of the more mundane deaths that occur otherwise you would never have any downtime.

"You would be called to deal with the deaths of people whose souls are in balance that they could go to my realm or the realm of Light without an issue," the suited man explained.

"That is what would normally happen but due to the nature of those Albus and Tom enchanted no matter their alignment you would have to collect their souls yourself," the woman in the smock said.

"Why can't he do it?" Harry gestured to the hooded man still standing behind him.

"I am no longer Death, Harry," the man said. "I will stay with you only long enough to train you a little and maybe help you find your steed but after that, I am going to finally join your mother in the Realm of Light."

"Dad?" Harry asked.

"Lady Magic and the others did say that our family has held the post since the youngest son died," James Potter said lowering his hood to smile down at his son before patting his shoulder.

A small cough led father and son to look back at the others," Sorry to ruin the moment," Time said making several around the table smirk a little, "but there is the issue of the steed that we need to discuss as well."

"Why?" James asked.

"Due to how your son came into the post he can not claim the pale horse in the normal way," Time said.

"Why not?" James said balling his fist.

"I believe Time is referring to the enchantments that had been placed on your son by Albus," Lady Magic said.

"What did he place on me?" Harry asked confused about why Professor Dumbledore would want to put any spells on him.

"He had spells to reduce your intelligence in class, blocked several magical abilities, but the one that concerns you claiming your steed is that he placed blocks on bonds you may form unless he approved of him. And while becoming Death Cleansed you of all these enchantments the block placed on your bonds prevented you from getting a familiar which would be able to shift into your steed when you need it."

"So he will not have a steed?" James asked.

"There is a way," the suited man said snapping his fingers. At the snap, a burst of flame appeared and an old man stepped out. "Asmodeus, I believe I read in some of your old reports that you had come across a way for Ares or Death to claim a steed when their ability to form a bond with a familiar had been blocked while they were mortal?"

"I have such knowledge, my Lord," the old man said.

"Then share it with us, the suited man ordered.

"During my time there was an old workaround where the person who claimed the role of Ares, or Wars as I knew it, had been unable to forge a bond with their familiar in life. So working with Nature, Fate, Death, and Time they found that any bond that had been in place could be shifted to form the steed. Thus War who had a Life Debt bond with another was able to call upon the bond to shift the mortal into his red war mount," Asmodeus explained.

"But I have no such bonds in place," Harry protested.

"Actually in Great Brittian, you have all the population who had been alive at the time of Tom Riddle's attack on you as a baby for defeating him," Lady Magic said.

"So I just randomly choose someone to become my steed? Do I need one?" Harry asked.

"You do," Ares said. "My office and yours have always been associated with having steeds in both the Mortal Realm and the Neatherrealms since our jobs began. We need require our steeds to travel to where are we are needed in a hurry."

"What about using the Floo Network, Apparating or just using a broomstick?" Harry asked.

"Sometimes a death that you need to attend to is in hard-to-reach locations such as those lost at sea, or in clients to inhospitable to normal modes of travel besides your steed," Lady Magic said.

"Fine so I just have to pick someone at random?" Harry asked.

"He does have a point," Fate said, "if he chooses a mount that way he could create further tangles to my tapestry."

"There might be another," James said.

"Yes," the woman in the white smock prompted.

"When Harry was a baby, Lily and I found that his magic was compatible with another child so we set up a marriage contract between them with the child's family," James explained.

"What is the child's name," Fate asked spreading her hands as what looked like a spiderweb stretched between her fingers.

"Blaise Zabini," James said. Harry was about to ask his father about the contract considering it was with another male but got distracted by Fate who began to wiggle her fingers causing the spiderweb to shift about as if she was looking at a computer screen in her hands made of web.

"The connection is strong enough and his thread is woven quite closely to Harrisons," Fate said looking up from her web, "it might work."


Now normally I give Death and the other Immortals various ways to alter their speech, ie putting their lines in bold, underlining them, or putting them in italics but as these will be recurring characters and Harry's future co-workers their lines will be written normally for this story.

Chapter 26: Early Trial


After finding out that Professor Dumbledore and several others had placed enchantments on him and had been messing with his vaults Harry turns over the information to someone in the Ministry so they can be charged. However, Dumbledore has more allies than the ones that had helped in regards to Harry. These allies do not want others to know they were involved as well, taking drastic actions to keep themselves safe.


This idea is based on a comment I got on one of my stories where the commenter said they have gotten tired of some authors writing about Dumbles doing stuff to Harry and others and having proof of the man messing with their lives. Yet they keep the story going rather than just send Dumbles and his allies listed in the betrayals to court and have him face justice.

Tags: Harry is so done, Inndependted Harry, Dumble, Granger, Ron, Ginny, Molly, and Arthur bashing, Sirius gets free of Azkaban. Umbitch is her own warning

Chapter Text

Amelia Bones, Head of the British Ministry's Magical Law office and Head Judge for the trial banged her obsidian gavel to get the room to quiet down so she could hand down her verdict. "This court finds that Albus Dumbledore, along with his accomplices Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Molly Weasley, and Arthur Weasly guilty of placing a minor under various enchantments and spells with the clear aim of Line Theft. The guilty party will not only pay back all money they had stolen from Harrison Potter but are sentenced to no less than seventy-five years in Azkaban Prison," Amelia said making the crowd go wild.

"This is a mistake," Molly shouted as the bra lifts come to remove her and the others from the Wizengamot Courtroom. "I am a good Light Witch. Get your filthy hands off me."

"Harry, my boy I think this prank has gone on too far," Albus said as he was also led away as the rest of the man's statement was drowned out by Molly's screeching.

"You did fine, Harry," Ted Tonks, Harry's court-appointed lawyer, said patting Harry's shoulder gently as he removed his client out of the courtroom via a side door to avoid the press.

"Thanks, for your help Mr. Tonks," Harry said still in the state of shock that had become his new norm after he had gone to Gringotts to get tested while staying in Diagon Alley after blowing up his Aunt Marge. During the test, he had found out his two "best friends," Professor Dumbledore, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, along with Ron's younger sister had been stealing from him, had blocked several of his magical abilities, dampened down his intellect, and had him on potions that in a couple of years make him fall in love with Ginny Weasley. The goblin than had given him the test told Harry that he should move slowly in regards to the news of the betrayals but Harry wanted them all to pay. So leaving the bank, Harry asked Tom the barman at the Leaky Cauldron how to get in touch with a lawyer. Tom told Harry to send a letter to one of Britain's magical law offices, providing Harry with a list of them. Looking over them Harry had picked Ted Tonks firm for it advertised as helping Muggleborn or raised in legal issues they might find in the Magical World.

As Harry shared his results with his new lawyer Ted had gotten in contact with sever people in the British Ministry including Amelia Bones, and his daughter who was just starting as an Auror. After vetting the document and hearing what Harry wanted to do about it a trial started that lasted well into September forcing Harry, his betrayers, and the rest of the Weasley family that was not documented as messing with Harry to miss a few weeks of school. The good news is that as a result of the trial it had been revealed that Sirius Black, the famous escaped convict was Harry's Godfather and not the one who betrayed Harry's parents. The real betrayer had been Peter Pettigrew who everyone had thought had perished when Sirius Black had been arrested. With the reveal that Sirius was innocent Ted's law firm had requested the death certificate for Pettigrew from the Ministry's Department of Life and Death but there had not been one on file. This led to the belief that since the explosion that killed the Muggles had been centered at where Pettigrew had been located their deaths were his fault no Sirius earning Black a full pardon and restitution. And while Pettigrew was still out there somewhere the search for Black had been called off with being spread of his innocence in all the media produced on the island.

Harry was not really sure what he was to do now, besides the obvious of heading back to Hogwarts and catching up in all his classes. How could he be sure that those he interacted with were interested in him as a person or if they were like Ron and Hermione and only after his money, power, or fame? And if not his classmates, how could he be sure that held a position of power over him like Professor Dumbledore dd was not using him in some way. As of right now all he could trust was himself, and Hedwig.

Dolores Umbridge cheered along with the rest of the Wizengamot as Albus, the Mudblood girl, and a large portion of the Blood Traitor Weasely family were removed from the court. Inside, however, she was a little scared for while she had not been listed on any of the results in regards to Potter she had been allied with Albus to help turn the brat into a weapon to kill Albus' earlier project Tom "Voldemort" Riddle. Albus had promised her power to finally get away with all the dangerous Half-breeds who had the gall to interact with full-blooded Magicals, as well as find out how Mudbloods stole Magic from the rest of the population so they could enter the Magical World. She was sure none of Albus's other allies or pawns knew that she and he were allied so she was going to make sure it stayed that way. Arriving back at her office after the trial Dolores made a work order to have Albus get kissed, making it look like a clerical error.

This was easy for she had been pestering Cornelius to order Black to get kissed since the man's escape from Azkaban so that after he was recaptured he would be unable to spread the tale of how he managed to escape to the rest of the prisoners. Using the form she had tried to get the Minister to sign off of she replaced Black's name with Albus's and put it into a stack of documents dealing with the new prisoners' transfer to Azkaban. Stack in hand she headed to Fudge's office and had him sign the forms which contained the approval of three underage Magicals being sent to Azkaban, extra precautions for Albus due to his skill at wandless magic. There was even some approval for medical compensation for some of the guards who transferred Molly Weasley to the prison who nearly had their eardrums blow out with her constant screams. Dolores was not sure if any of the other Weasley family members who had not been listed in Potter's documents were allies of Albus, so she also put in a document giving Percival Weasley guardianship of his younger twin brothers since Percival was of age and the twins were nearly their themselves.

Fudge had been in such a distracted state he barely paid attention, let alone read any of the papers Dolores had him sign regarding the case. She left his office with a large smile on her face somewhat upset to see Albus go for the man had some great ideas but she was not going to let him drag her down on getting her thrown in prison alongside him.

Albus maintained a calm demeanor during both the transfer to Azkaban as well as when he was shoved into his cell. He was sure that one of his allies would be working towards getting him free of this place, and then he could punish the fools that had sent him here before reminding Potter of his place in the world as nothing more than Albus' weapon. Albus had already used some of his great stores of Magical power to cast a protection spell against Dementors so he would not end up screaming like the rabble that called this place home. And since he had done it outside the Wards he would be safe from all but the Kiss those found creatures could throw at him.

Thus Albus showed no fear as a pair of Dementors approached his cell after lights out on his first night at Azkaban. The things were, most likely wondering if such a beast could be said to wonder, why he was not screaming or calling out like the rest of the prisoners. Albus was sure that he could hear Molly Weasley's screams and they were in different cell blocks from each other. One of the beasts leaned in taking a long deep breath may be under the impression that if it got closer Albus would react. Albus almost laughed at the thing only to find that while he had been focusing on the first Dementor the other had reached into his cell and was now pulling Albus closer. Albus tried to struggle but could not break the grip of the beast as he was brought to the first one's face. And with a deep rattling sound, Albus found himself losing his soul to the Dementor. When his soulless body was found the next morning the news shocked the entire world as everyone wondered what had caused the Dementors to kiss a fresh prisoner who had yet to do anything wrong at the prison. Dolores knew she was safe for after submitting the paperwork for the kiss she destroyed it and erased the human warden's memory who had tasked the Dementors to perform the kiss.

Chapter 27: Children of the Future part 2


Harry gets Cleansed and has to deal with having two kids from the future with his "mortal enemy"


added tags: slight PTDS at this moment at least from Harry's future son, James.

Chapter Text

Hearing the enchantments that had been placed on his client and already knowing the mess those who had cast the spells or dosed him with potions were doing to his vaults, Bonecrusher pressed a switch under his desk to call for his husband Silverwing. As Silverwing was one of the Goblin Healers at the bank, Bonecrusher knew he would be able to help the young Lord. "Did you forget your lunch or something?" Silverwing asked bustling into the room only to stop when he saw Bonecrusher was meeting with some humans. "Sorry to interrupt," the Healer said bowling low to expose his neck in both greeting and apology.

"It is fine noble Goblin. Um, may the blood of your enemies flow as much as your treasure," James said doing his best to recall what Draco had told him about the old Goblin greetings before the entire Goblin species left Brittian due to the war.

"Thanks, lad but that is a message for an Account Manager or a Warrior. As a Healer I really don't want the blood to flow if I can help it," Silverwing said with a small laugh.

"Sorry," James said blushing, "we did not deal with that many Goblins due to..."

"Stop right there," Bonecrusher barked.

Sorry sir," James said flinching while Harry just looked utterly confused at what was going on.

"It is not your fault my lad, but due to your Sire's test saying you have come from the future it is Goblin Law that we can not hear of any future events that may or with your arrival may not take place."

"Alright," James said.

"So what am I here for?" Silverwing asked arching an eyebrow at his husband. "If the kid needs to be sent back that would be the job of a Ritualist, not a Healer." Hearing this James tightly wrapped his arms around his little sister fearing being sent back without fixing anything.

"We will not be sending them back, at least for a bit," Bonecrusher said. "They did bring my long absent client around and he needs to be Cleansed yesterday." Silverwing shot a look at his husband for Bonecrusher was not one to make such exaggerated statements. "Also due to the nature of the results, I will need you and your team to use artifact 71-b/tt."

"Right," Silverwing said a little confused as to why his husband was giving the artifact location rather than saying what it was. It became clear as Bonecrusher handed over his client's results showing that due to a time travel ritual the two kids had arrived at this time. Seeing the ragged state of the robe the older child wore it seemed Bonecrusher did not want to separate the kids from the future for their Sire for any length of time if he could help it.

"Um, what is going on?" Harry asked.

"What do you mean?" Silverwing asked.

"I mean time travel, I thought one could only go back a few hours at the most maybe a day. And blood flowing like treasure?" Harry asked.

"There are other ways to travel through time besides the use of a Time Turner, which you are correct can only be used to travel back six or seven hours at most depending on how strong a person's magic is. The blood flowing like treasure, it is a standard Goblin greeting, which as my husband pointed out, is only told to Account Managers and members of the warrior cast," Bonecrusher explained. "I can only assume your future kids came back in time for a reason; maybe to make sure you and their Bearer got together since your Soul Mate connection and marks were blocked."

"But it said I am connected to Voldemort," Harry said unable to figure out why no one was weirded out by that.

"Who?" Bella asked curled up in her brother's lap.

"I think it was the name that was given to mother," James said.

"I don't even want to think about that," Harry said finding it strange that a) he somehow ended up with that monster, b) they had had sex at least twice since there were two kids here, and surprisingly c) he was somehow the father of them. Harry had known since before he had come to Hogwarts that he preferred males but had kept it secret lest he got punished by the Dursleys. When he started to notice Ginny he just thought he might be Bisexual or something. Yet in any fantasy or wet dream he had, Harry was the one receiving not giving. Even the few he had with Ginny had involved her using a strap-on, yet unless the Magical World was that different from the Muggle World Harry could not figure out how he could be the Sire.

"Things might be easier to understand after your Cleansing," Silverwing said thinking that Harry was thinking about Soulmates since he had memory blocks in place on the terms so that if he had ever read about it or it was discussed in class he would never recall it. "We will meet you all later," Silverwing said pulling Harry out of his chair and ushering him out of the room.

"Papa?" Bella asked in a confused and slightly scared voice.

"It is alright Bella he is just going to see the Healers for a moment," James said trying to comfort his little sister.
Bella was not comforted at all as she wiggled out of James' grip and rushes over to Harry and wraps her arms around his leg. "Papa, come back," she cried.

Harry who had not really much interaction with young kids, except when he was a young child and only with Dudley did not really know how to respond at first. Taking a calming breath he crouched down, as best as he could with the girl tightly hugging his leg. "I will be back as soon as I can," Harry said and recalling what he had sometimes seen his classmates back in Elementry school do, extended his pinky towards her. "I promise." Bella looked at the offered pinky for a moment before she used her pinky to shake his with a large smile on her face.

"Don't hurt my Papa," Bella ordered Silverwing.

"I would never dream of it," the Goblin Healer said seriously as he led Harry out of the room.

"As we wait for your Sire to get Cleansed would you like to clean up a little maybe put on some fresh clothing?" Bonecrusher asked.

"No," James said wrapping his arms tightly around his outfit which contained all his most treasured items and memories in its many pockets while Bella stood at the door watching Harry being led down the corridor her pinky still up.

"I see," Bonecrusher said. "What about having a Cleaning charm used on your outfit it will only clean the dirt and grime off of it leaving everything else untouched."

"I guess," James said agreeing to the compromise.

"Can I have a bath?" Bella said entering the conversation after Harry and Silverwing turned a corner.

"I think we can manage that," Bonecrusher said, "I will have Silverwing bring your father to a Healing room that has an attached bathroom so you can take a bath as we wait for him."

"Kay," Bella said kicking her feet over the edge of her chair and turning to her brother, "I can't wait to have an actual bath,"

"Were things that bad where you came from? Just a yes or no answer if you don't mind," Bonecrusher asked.

"Yes," James responded.

"I see," Bonecrusher said simply having guessed that would be the young boy's response due to the haunted look in his eyes and how he clung to his clothing as if afraid to lose them. "Well, let's go to the Healing Room to wait for your father and the young miss's bath."

Bonecrusher saw more signs of possible trauma that the pair of kids had lived through and came back to prevent it as the pair of siblings did not want to lose sight of each other. Such as when James had taken over bathing his sister as if fearful that if he was not in the room with her she would be stolen away and he would never see her again. Bonecrusher left the pair for a bit sending a Gringotts raven to Squall and Zell Dinchet-Leonhart to inform the pair that their stolen daughter's son had been found and was at the bank. Bonecrusher then looked into finding some Mind-Healers not only for the kids from the future but also for the rest of their family due to what had come out with their arrival at this time.

While Bonecrusher had finished his business in less than ten minutes he arrived back in the Healing Room he found Harry's form laying unconscious in a bed. This was due to Bonecrusher having his husband use a time turner to return Harry as quickly as possible for the kids' sake, The Goblin was a little surprised the pair of humans were not in the room with their Sire but heard some splashes coming from the bathroom so assume that Bella was still having her bath. Taking the young girl's statement as her never having a proper bath before, Bonecrusher gave them all the time they wanted as he began to compile some documents for his client and hopefully the boy's maternal grandparents to look over once Harry had regained consciousness. This pile included not only Harry's results from earlier, but all bank notices that Gringotts had tried to send him only for them to be returned unopened thanks to the Mail Ward Albus Dumbledore had placed on Harry. The bank books about the three Houses Harry was now Lord of as well as the books pertaining to any Heir vaults that connected to the other families he was associated with. As an afterthought, Bonecrusher also sent for some books dealing with Soulmates and the other subjects that had been blocked from his client's memory.

Harry woke up before Bella and James exited the bathroom and found that despite the kids not being born yet, he now felt a parent bond with the pair after getting Cleansed. Finding it strange that James and Bella were not in the room he sent a look at Bonecrusher who gave a small nod towards the bathroom door. Hearing some splashes from the other side of the door, Harry immediately thought of the pair possibly making a mess or wasting water which might make the Goblins angry, Harry got out of bed. Feeling wobbling for just a moment, Harry stood in place before he felt confident with himself and moved towards the door. Knocking on it he called, "Is everything alright in there?'

"Papa," Bella's voice called out as more splashes were heard.

"Bella, get back here, we are not done yet," James' voice called out and what sounded like a struggle. Fearing that in the struggle he heard the pair might accidentally break something Harry opened the door to see if he could help. But as he took in the scene before him with Bella's messy hair part of which had shampoo or bubbles still in it and James in his multi-pocket coat looking drenched, Harry could not help but let out a small laugh.

"Papa," Bella said still struggling in her older brother's arms.

Harry took pity on James as he entered the bathroom, closed the door behind himself, and helped James finish Bella's bath. His mere presence seemed to calm the girl down who allowed James to finish washing her hair. Harry could not provide much help having never been given a bath or been responsible for giving one to someone else before. Harry at least was more helpful when it came to drying Bella after they finished the bath, having sometimes helped Hedwig dry her feathers after she came back after flying through a rainstorm. He let out another laugh seeing Bella's wild hair get even crazier after it was dried, which only grew wilder when they put her freshly cleaned clothes on her. Harry was shocked as James pulled a brush out of one of his many pockets and began to comb and style his sister's hair. Knowing through experience how tough it was to tame hair like his, Harry saw his future son seemed to have no problem as he fixed Bella's hair into a pair of pigtails which seemed to tame the rat nest of hair into something nice looking. "Is it your turn now?" Harry asked James seeing that despite the wet splashes on his clothing there were still some clumps of dirt in the boy's hair.

"Um, no," James said putting the brush back and wrapping his arms tightly around himself.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked.

"YES,' James nearly shouted before softly adding, "sorry."

"It is alright," Harry said fearing he had done something wrong.

"The bath was fun Papa, can I have another one later?" Bella asked tugging at Harry's pant leg.

Without thinking, Harry scooped the young girl into his arms and rubbed noses with her. "Sure thing sweetie," he said making her smile and giggle which did not cover up a grumble of hunger coming from her stomach.

"When was the last time you ate something, I mean from your perspective?" Harry asked.

"Perspective?" James asked the word confusing the seven-year-old, which due to the look and manner he had been showing had made Harry forget how young the boy was.

"Well, since you were sent back in time the last time you ate is in the future so would not have happened yet for us. But for you, it is your past so it is in your point of view, aka perspective."

"I had a big meal before we found you and left Unca Draco," Bella said surprising Harry a little for the only Draco he knew was his school rival, but he guess things could change in the future.

"And you James when was the last time you ate something?" Harry asked turning away from the girl in his arms to look down at his future son.

"Yesterday at breakfast," James said.

"What time of day were you sent back in time at?" Harry asked biting his lip in thought.

"Around sunset," James said.

"So you have not eaten anything in over twenty-four hours?" Harry asked in worry.

"Yeah," James said with a small shrug of his shoulders used to maybe getting a single meal every couple of days while surviving off of nutrition potions from Uncle Draco.

Holding Bella to his hip, Harry took James's hand in his and lead them out of the bathroom. "Um may the blood of your enemies flow like your treasure," he said seeing Bonecrusher still compiling some documents.

"Lord Potter, you only have to give a greeting at the start of any meeting," Bonecrusher said.

"Sorry, I am not used to dealing with Goblins," Harry clarified while Bonecrusher gave him a look that said he was perfectly aware of this fact.

"What can I do for you?" Bonecrusher asked guessing the reason his client was being formal was wanting to ask for something.

"Can I get some food for James and Bella?" Harry asked.

"More than one meal?" Bella asked as if the concept was strange to her.

"And can you make it quick?" Harry asked the Goblin.

Bonecrusher wished he had Silverwing cast a diagnostic charm on the pair of kids before he went back to his normal Healing duties. Since he had no way of knowing if they had any allergies, Bonecrusher, sent a order to the kitchens for a wide variety of food and some anti-allergy potions just in case. Both kids' eyes were boggled at the amount of food brought in, though it was less than a full course meal for a family of four. "Is all this for us?" James asked in shock.

"How big are your meals normally?" Harry asked gently sitting down at the table that had been brought in and putting Bella in his lap.

"A couple of slices of bread, if we are lucky some clean scraps of meat. Oh, one time we got some carrots that Uncle Fred was able to scrounge up and a bit of egg," James answered, "but mostly we got by on nutrition potions from Uncle Draco."

Harry who knew all too well what such meals as his future son described to him could do to a body, fixed the pair of kids some plates of food. Not putting too much onto them knowing that their stomach might not be able to handle too much at the current time. "See if you can handle this," he said in a gentle tone of voice, and though he was not that hungry he filled a plate to have as well. Harry and his future kids were silent as they dug into their food, apart from some sounds of satisfaction from the kids for having warm and clean food rather than stale and hastily scrounged up food.

The quiet atmosphere of the meal came to an abrupt end as the door crashed open revealing an elderly man with spiked blonde hair with some splashes of gray, and a black tattoo on the left side of his face. The man was followed by a taller male with gray-streaked brown hair and a scar that stretched from the upper right side of his face to the lower left. "Which one of you is Riona's child, or are all of you her kids?" the man with the tattoo asked.

"Calm down Zell, honey," the scared man said in a soft voice placing a hand on Zell's shoulder. "The notice said Rione only had one child. Hello there if you are my daughter's child I am your Grandbearer Squall and this is my husband Zell. We are your grandparents."

"And Great-Grandparents," Bonecrusher chimed in as he stood up to lead the pair of older men out of the room to explain what was going on seeing James nearly choke on his food at their sudden entrance and now having Harry help calm him down.

Chapter 28: Fighting Tooth and Claw the fourth


Added tags: Ron and Hermione Bashing.

Chapter Text

"It has not even been two hours Harry," Andy's voice called as he reentered Grimmauld Place. "I thought we went over this. You need to spend some time with your friends," she said as he entered the kitchen to see her feeding Teddy.

"There is a reason for it," Harry said.

"I bet. What did Neville get hurt while you were hanging out and have to go to St. Mungos leading you to come home early," she said flashing a smile having tried to pull the same line on her mother after Nymphadora was born.

"No this," he said sliding the newspaper over to her so she could read it without letting go of Teddy.

As Andy read the article the smile slid off her face and a look of anger and disgust took its place. When she reaches for the issue of the Prophet, Harry takes Teddy from her arms just in case she would feel the need to rip or crumple the paper as he had done back at Neville's place. What he had not expected was for Andy to curse so loud, "THOSE f*ckING BLOOD TRAITOR BITCHES!!" that it bypassed the Muffling spells they had placed around Sirius's mom's portrait to prevent the old hag from screeching at them anytime Teddy started to cry.

"My thoughts exactly," Harry said rocking Teddy to help his godson calm down who had jumped and started to cry at Andy's outburst.

"Alright, the first thing we are going to do is order the paper to make a retraction to the article if not we will sue them five ways from Sunday and three for Saturday. No matter what the paper does I will start a case against Rita due to her not even asking for an interview about this. Sure Grimmauld Place has Mail Wards to prevent almost everyone not approved of the inhabitants who live here from contacting us. But as the Wards do not block letters from Gringotts or the Ministry she could have contacted you that way to reach out," Andy said as she got up from her seat and began to pace back and forth not paying attention to the screams of Walburga Black that came from upstairs.

"I already had Bonecrusher issue the order for retraction to the Prophet and he also started to gather stuff to use against Rita," Harry said.

"Good, good," Andy said nodding but not stopping her pacing. "Did he or you think to send the real contract we found at the bank to someone at the Ministry so they can make sure that some overzealous moron does not add you to a list of Blood Traitors?" she asked.

"Um, no. And there is a list on that?" he asked a little confused.

"Oh yes, the identities of Squibs, Blood Traitors, and No'names are kept in the Ministry's record department. That way if a child is born from a Squib there is less need to send a Ministry worker when the child starts developing their magic. As for Blood Traitors and No'names a list of them are kept for neither has the right to hold seats in the Wizengamot," Andy explained.

"That makes no sense," Harry said shaking his head. "So they are trying to take over my line as Blood Traitors by making people think I am a Blood Traitor thus cutting off access to my seats?"

"Well, no one ever said Molly was smart," Andy said making Harry let out a small chuckle.

"Loud and mothering maybe and a newly revealed total bitch. But you are correct not always smart," Harry agreed.

Then I suggest you give an interview. With a decent reporter/human being for once. Rita's way of writing, unfortunately, has become more common than I would like to admit. And Xenophilus tends to be too scatterbrained to give a normal interview. Also while he takes articles written by anyone in his paper unless the writer is as well known as Rita most normal people will not believe a word of it. I believe I know someone we could use if he managed to survive the war. I shall try to get in touch with him and see if he is willing to give you an interview," Andy said.

"How can you be sure he can be trusted?" Harry asked.

"Vicent Cheswick, the man's name by the way, normally writes articles on criminal trials and never shares his beliefs about a person's guilt or innocence but just states the pure facts of the case. And while you may not like it what this is leading to will be a trial. Even if you choose not to press charges against Molly and Ginny. I will," Andy said.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Well, besides Sirius naming you the Lord of the House of Black and you welcoming me back into the family. I care for you, Harry. Maybe it is a bit due to transference since Nymphadora died, but I feel you need someone to care for you no matter what you have accomplished so far in your too-short life," She said making him smile at her level of support for him.

"Thanks," he choked out overcome with emotion as he gave her a one-armed hug while holding Teddy.

After a few moments, Harry handed Teddy back to her and went to go silence Walburga's portrait again, adding more Muffling spells as he did so. Not wanting to head to Gringotts yet again, Harry had Kreacher get a copy of the illegal marriage contract as well as what he found during his inheritance test. With both documents in hand, and since neither he nor Andy had an owl to send messages, Harry headed to the Ministry to get another meeting with Kingsley. He would wait outside the man's office until he got one if he had to.

Reaching the ministry he ignored the looks from the workers in the lobby as he made his way to the elevators. However, he could not avoid the looks of scorn that were shot his way from the others during the ride up to the highest levels. One person gave even pressed the button for the next floor, even though Harry noticed the badge of a Magical Law officer he had noticed during his earlier visits to the Ministry. It was as if the man could not ride in the same elevator with him and wanted to get out and take another one. Harry recalled Hermione's words after his name came out of the Goblet and before the first task of just ignoring it all. Catching sight of himself on a small mirrored surface above the door, Harry thought he looked like Draco Malfoy usually did. This made Harry wonder if Draco had been trying to ignore parts of his life or if it was just a natural look for his old rival.

Reaching Kingley's office, Harry was glad the man's receptionist did not give him any negative looks as he requested a meeting with the interim Minister. When Harry was informed that Kingsley's next free time was three hours from then, he just shrugged and took a seat to wait for the meeting. Now that Harry was in one place, and despite all the protections of the Ministry, there were no Mail Wards so owls began to arrive for him. Harry once recalled Dumbles telling Hagrid, after the article about him, about so many owls delivering letters to him it was like an ocean of birds. That's how Harry felt now as the birds kept coming in to drop a letter off in front of him and flying out. Harry could not tell if they had been ordered to just deliver their letters and leave without waiting for a response or if it was some enchantment at work from the Ministry to prevent mess. From some of the letters, Harry received a warning from his Lordship ring letting him know that some spell or potion was on the letter. He ignored all of them though did not destroy them thinking he could use them in his upcoming meeting with Kingsley.

Out of curiosity, he did open up and read a few of the letters which did not have any magic attached to them. Of the letters, he read many of them were not written out but contained cut words from paper and magazines telling him off.

You are a coward.

How dare you play with someone's emotions like that?

Why are you sticking up for Death Eaters while turning your back on your friends?

You two-timing git. Are you backing out due to your relationship with the Muggle Granger Rita told us about a couple of years ago?

Not all the letters were telling him off as some were sent in support of his actions. These letters tended to be more hand-written than the first group.

Congratulations on getting away from that Golddiging daughter of a banshee.

I don't believe a word of Rita's latest article. I fully support you 100%.

I find it ironic that the biggest family of Blood Traitors is trying to get everyone to see you as one.

Mr. Potter, I represent the law offices of Szalinski, Arbuckle, and Bink. Due to what is known about your history and when your parents went into hiding along with how young Ms. Weasley is. I am sure your parents did not create a Marriage Contract between the pair of you. We at the law firm believe Ms. Weasley and possibly other members of her family are trying to commit the crime of Line Theft against you. We assume that you found out about it and now the family is trying to use this Blood Traitor article as a means to blackmail you into submitting to this sham of a contract. We would like to represent you in your case.- Adam Szalinski, Senior Partner.

Harry, I don't believe this is real for a second. The Weaslette is too young for your parents to have set up a Marriage Contract with her. And I doubt you would do it yourself, as let's face it the Headmaster kept you pretty ignorant of the Magical World. You have my support, though that might not mean much.- Theodore "Theo" Jason Nott.

But what hurt most for Harry was the letters he got from his friends.


I just got a message from Mum and Ginny. What the Bloody Hell Man why are you backing out of your contract with Gin? What you finished off You-Know-Who and now you are too good for us. And why are you defending Malfoy? He may have changed sides at the end of the battle but it was most likely a way to save his own skin. And removing my mom as your Proxy you know she has your best interest at heart right?



First off I can't believe something as archaic as a Marriage Contract still exists in the Magical World. Once again another example of how backward and barbaric it is. But be that as it is, if you have a contract with Ginny you should honor it. I can tell Ron is angry that you are showing support to Draco and his mom. I get it they did help you out during the battle but it is not your place to challenge the guards that are there to watch them. I know that we found out that Snape was protecting you all along but that was no reason to be the one to throw his funeral. For let's face it the man was a monster. He "protected" you by making you and many others' lives' living hells. He was a horrible teacher. And you yourself were against some of the spells he had created that you uncovered in his old Potions book. But I digress. Back to my earlier point, Marriage Contracts are wrong but as you have entered one with Ginny you need to see it through.


P.S. still no sign of my parents yet so we will be here a little longer.

After almost an hour of owls dropping letter after letter for Harry, Kinglsey's receptionist contacted her boss and moved Harry's meeting with the Minister forward in the schedule. "I am going to have to talk to our the Enchantment department to make sure all but section heads and above have Mail Wards from now on," Kingsley said making a note as he saw the huge pile of letters surrounding Harry and more owls arrived all the time.

"Hey it is not my fault," Harry protested.

"I never said it was Harry. I kind of figured this might happened after the Evening Prophet from yesterday, I just did not expect it to happen in my waiting room," Kingsley said ushering him inside and casting a Mail Ward on his office door to prevent the owls from getting in.

"Grimmauld Place has Wards, and none of the letters showed up when I met with Neville this morning so it shocked me as well. Though it does feed into a little what I wanted to talk to you about," Harry said.

"Even though I am the Minister of Magic at the moment I do not have the authority to overturn or end a Marriage Contract, Harry, I am sorry if that is why you came," Kinglsey said.

"I don't need you to, for when Molly and Ginny first brought a contract up I checked it out at Gringotts and my Account Manager found proof that it was not legal in the first place since they used a copy of my signature to sign it. Also despite what Molly and Ginny told or showed Rita, it was no simple contract. I brought a copy of it for you to look at, as well as the results of an Inheritance Test my Account Manager had me take to prove I was Harry Potter," Harry said passing over the two documents he had brought with him. "I also have several letters that were sent to me that had spells on them that set off the protections of my Lordship Rings. Who do I talk to about that?"

Kingsley was silent for a moment as he took in the five-page contract as well as the multi-page test showing Harry had been under several enchantments. Some of which were benign such as a spell to prevent him from having an allergic reaction if he ate mint or black raspberry. But some showed to be blocking part of his core, magical abilities, and even his skill in form of a field of magic, aka Healing and Potion making. Coming back to himself and focusing on Harry's question about the enchanted letters he just got Kingsley said, "I would suggest a member of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, but since I don't want you being followed around the Ministry by the owls I will take care of it. You might also have experienced some problems if the officer assigned the case believed Rita's article."

"Yeah I can see that happening," Harry said thinking of the law officer from the elevator.

"I know you might not want to hear this, Harry, but give me time to work on everything here, and just stay home or in other places where Mail Wards are in place until the dust settles on this," Kingsley said.

"Thanks, Kingsley," Harry said shaking the man's hand and was about to leave the office via the door before Kinglsey had him use the Floo to return to Grimmauld Place to avoid any more owls delivering letters. The letters that Harry brought the letters that were in support of him with him, as well as the letters he had not yet read and were not enchanted leaving the others for Kingsley to deal with.

Chapter 29: Silent voices


Due to the mental and emotional trauma of his youth Harry has been mute since the age of four. How will Hogwarts, and Dumbles' plans react to a Boy-Who-Lived who doesn't talk?


Tags: Mute Harry Potter, Smart Harry Potter, Different House Sorting, Abusive Dursley family, Dumbeldore Bashing.

This story will use events that happen in both the book and the movie.

Harry's "speech" will be in italic.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

At the tender age of four, thanks to the untender mercies of his family, Harry Potter found he could no longer speak. Due to how much they disliked him and thus how little they paid attention to him, Vernon and Petunia Dursley were not aware of his inability to speak for almost a full two weeks. When they became aware of Harry's mutism they were not concerned for their nephew, rather they were worried about the money they were getting to take care of him. When he arrived on their doorstep there had been a letter explaining to Petunia and her husband that the pair could do whatever they wanted to the boy as long as they did not disfigure him or kill him. Fearing the loss of money being sent to them due to whatever was causing Harry to be unable to speak, for the first time since taking him in took Harry to a hospital to get looked at.

Not wanting to have the pediatrician who treated Dudley know about Harry, or have anyone know of the boy's existence that they might run into and ask about him, the Dursleys took a trip to see Vernon's sister, Marge. Leaving their sweet little Duddiekins with his aunt Vernon and Petunia took Harry to a nearby children's hospital to find out why he could no longer speak. The pediatrician who examed Harry could find nothing wrong with him and suggested that the mutism was caused by something else by asking about Harry's history. Vernon told the doctor about how Harry had come into their care after his parents' deaths. Also seeing a way to make it look like the mutism was caused by trauma and nothing they did, Vernon lied about Harry having bad nightmares for the last few weeks about the death of James and Lily Potter. Believing the lie, the doctor suggested that Harry had lost his voice due to stress or some trigger connected to his parents' deaths. The doctor offered to put the Dursleys in contact with a child psychologist to help Harry through his trauma and possibly get his voice back.

However, now that they knew that nothing was wrong with Harry that might lead to Dumbledore stopping the money heading their way, the Dursleys lied saying they would find someone close to their home. Shared with the doctor they had only come to that hospital due to Harry's mutism developing as they were visiting Petunia's brother. This way if for some reason someone was watching them it would not reveal who they were really visiting in the area. As well as making it impossible for the hospital to do a follow-up on Harry's condition.

The Dursleys made no effort in trying to get Harry to talk liking him being silent and following their orders for all his choirs around their home with no complaint. When Harry turned five years old there was an increase in funds being sent their way. A note that came with the funds had been sent by Albus Dumbledore and was ordering them to send Harry to school so he could read, write and have the basic knowledge that would help him later. Vernon contemplated taking the added money but not sending the boy to school. His wife shot it down knowing that doing so could lead to them getting cut off from the money being sent to them, but also might lead to a visit from someone from the magical world. In the end, Vernon had no choice but to agree to send Harry to school, but he also found a way to keep the boy down. Informing the school that Harry thanks to the trauma of his parents' deaths had been mute for years. Vernon lied saying they had tried to teach Harry sign language but had found that the trauma also had affected Harry's mind making him subnormal, thus placing Harry in the special needs class.

What the Dursleys failed to understand was that while Harry could not speak it had not affected his mind at all. Harry despite being so young when he had lost the use of his voice had already learned how to read and was on the way to knowing how to write. He also had a near-perfect memory of anything he saw, or read. So while the leader of the special needs kindergarten class tried to keep his fellow students on task and doing activities Harry would sit at his desk and read or practice writing. He might have been able to communicate with his teachers to show his intelligence with his writing, but most found it hard to decipher his handwriting.

By the time Harry had been in second grade, he would get books from the local library that were meant for students attending college. He had no trouble understanding what they were about either. It was also at this time that one of his teachers became aware of how smart he really was. In the school, Harry and Dudley attended the second-grade special education class and had a college student acting as the teacher's aid. Seeing Harry reading books from one of her courses the student, Mrs. Saul, not knowing that Harry was mute started to ask him about the book. Mrs. Saul thought that Harry had just taken it from his home and pretended to read it so asked the young boy a question. "Hello, young man, I am Mrs. Saul can I ask you about what you are reading?" she asked. Harry just gave her a small nod not looking away from the page he was on. "That is pretty advanced for a kid so young." Harry just shrugged his shoulders finding the subject matter, the history of World War II, rather easy to comprehend. "Who was the leader of the Germans during the events of your book?" Harry did not know how to answer that for he doubted the woman would be able to read his writing, just like everyone else. Suddenly he got an idea as he used some scrap of paper to mark his place and turned the pages to a previous chapter stabbing his finger at the name Adolf Hitler.

"Very good," Mrs. Saul said giving him a large smile. "Now what was the name of his planned museum?" she asked having recognized the book from one of her classmates who had been assigned it for an art history class. Harry turned a few pages silently counting them to himself to find the answer. When he got to the right page he once more stabbed his finger down under the word, Führermuseum, located in the very center of the page, all without looking at it. "Remarkable," Mrs. Saul said impressed by the young boy's understanding but also apparent memory since he had indicated the exact world without even looking at it.

Trying to think of a more complicated question, Mrs. Saul asked, "How old are you?" Harry flipped to the start of the book and pointed to the number eight at bottom of the page. "Can you not talk?" she asked leading Harry to point to a "no"written on the page. "Do you know sign language?" once again Harry pointed to the no on the page. "What about writing?" she asked. Harry sighed as he used some more scrap paper to write his answer, I can but most can't read it. "I see," Mrs. Saul said trying to think of a way for the young boy to communicate besides pointing to words in a book. She knew that some computer programmers were working on a program that would allow text to speech but based on the boy's shabby clothing it did not look like he would be able to afford it unless he got some aid. "Do you understand what you read?" she asked and watched him poke the word correctly on the page, which after a quick scan she saw was the only word of confirmation on the page.

The next day of class Mrs. Saul meets up with Harry again giving him a standardized test meant for a high school student which would only require him to fill in multiple-choice bubbles rather than write anything down. She told him to take as long as he needed to complete the test as she went to help the rest of the kids in the room. When Harry got her attention ten minutes later by tugging on her shirt sleeve she thought he needed help with something only for him to turn in a completed test. Mrs. Saul thanked him and let him go back to his reading as she put the test away not having time to look at it now. After she had helped the main teacher clean up the classroom at the end of the day, Mrs. Saul brought the test out so she and Pam could go over it together. Both were surprised to find Harry had gotten a perfect score on the test, which Mrs. Saul had placed in a location that he could not reach meaning he could not have changed it after she had collected it from him. Pam found it strange the boy was so smart yet was in her class, informing Mrs. Saul of the reason Harry could not speak.

The pair brought their findings to the school administrators so that Harry could be moved out of the class and skipped a few grades. While the administrators of the school were all for letting Harry skip ahead in school when it was brought up to Harry's family the Dursleys refused to allow it. Saying that Harry had somehow cheated or that Mrs. Saul and Pam were just telling stories to get Harry out of their class possibly after finding the boy to be disturbed. Unfortunately, by the school bylaws, the special advancement of grades had to be approved by both the current administration and a student's family for a student to be moved ahead. So without the Dursleys' approval, Harry was stuck where he was. Vernon did not even allow Harry to be removed from the Special Ed class and join the other second-grade class which Dudley attended. Having no choice Mrs. Saul and Pam could only watch, and occasionally provide books for Harry to read as the rest of the class did the day's activities. Before she left, Mrs. Saul gifted Harry with a dictionary, not for him to use in spelling but so he would have access to a wider variety of words so he could communicate with others better.

As Harry approached his eleventh birthday he hoped that since Dudley was going to Smeltings Academy and Harry was heading to Stone Wall High, his aunt and uncle would allow him to leave the Special Ed class since he would not be competing with Dudley for grades in the same class. One day after being ordered to collect the mail Harry found a letter addressed to him from someplace named Hogwarts. He got lost in thought at who could be sending him a letter, let alone knowing where his bedroom was without reporting it to the proper authorities for child abuse, that Uncle Vernon called for him to hurry up. Harry had not bothered to hide his letter as he gave the rest of the mail to his uncle only for Dudley to snatch it away and give it to Uncle Vernon. Harry and Dudley were quickly removed from the kitchen as Vernon and Petunia had a quick "private" chat. as Harry and Dudley listened at the door. Neither really understood what the two adults were talking about in "not having one in the house" and "squashing it out of him." While Harry had not received the letter when his uncle got home from work he was moved into Dudley's secondary bedroom. Harry knew it had something to do with how the letter had known his room had been the cupboard under the stairs, but he would rather have had the letter than the new larger room.

Over the course of the, week more and more letters were sent to Harry each day in various ways after Vernon had boarded up the mail slot. On Sunday his uncle finally relaxed boasting there would be no letters that day since there was no post on Sundays. No sooner had the words left his mouth than a flood of letters came shooting down the chimney and into the living room, somehow seeming to fly around the room. As the three Dursleys look astonished by the letters, Harry quickly grabbed one and stuffed it up his pant leg before quickly standing up and trying to catch one of the letters zooming around the room. As Harry almost catches a second letter his uncle comes back to himself shoving Harry out of the room and ordering everyone to pack some clothing and be in the front hall in five minutes.

Getting to his room, Harry quickly removed the letter from his pants' leg and shoved it into one of the books he was currently reading making it look like a bookmark. He then hastily threw some clothing and a few books into a bag over the book the letter was stashed in before joining everyone in the front hall. Vernon had been distracted by Dudley trying to bring a portable TV that he had barely checked Harry's books as they got into the car. After about twenty minutes and Vernon having developed a slight twitch as he drove, Harry pulled out a book and began to read it. Harry knew the Dursleys while not liking him reading such books would never do anything for the books had been checked out from a nearby library and they did not want to pay for destroying them, again.

An hour later, Harry switched books as he pulled out the one he stashed the letter in, and knowing Dudley would never look over to see what he was reading he read the letter. Harry was amazed at what was written on what looked like parchment paper about a magical school and how his name had been down to attend since his birth. But what really excited Harry was the books that he was to get for school. While they did have strange names he was getting tired of even the most advanced books from the library. He hoped if he could somehow get his hands on these books they would provide him with some challenge. Harry wondered if any more letters would be delivered since he had been able to collect and read it, but the next morning after staying in some crappy hotel a worker approached their table saying that a few hundred letters had been delivered for Harry.

This led Uncle Vernon to have another long drive where he became more and more frantic before he stopped at a small beach and locked them all in the car. When he came back he told them he had gotten them lodging for the night in a private cabin, pointing to what looked like a condemned house sitting on a small island in the middle of the lake. Harry wondered when the person sending the letters would have enough and come in person to get Harry. It seemed that night at the stroke of midnight, and Harry's birthday starting out the front door to the dilapidated shack crashed open and a large man struggled to get into the place. It turned out the man was the one sending Harry the letters and was not aware that Harry had already collected and read one as he passed a letter over. Harry opened up the letter seeing that even though both letters had been handwritten the one he was just handed was identical to the one he had already read.

The large man took Harry's silence as shock as he began to explain about Harry's parents were a Witch and Wizard or Magicals as he called them and said Harry would be going to the finest school to learn magic. Uncle Vernon yelled he would not allow Harry to be taught by some crackpot which seemed to make the large man, Hagrid, angry as he pulled a gun that Vernon had been aiming at him and twisted it into a pretzel. Hagrid then pulled out a pink umbrella and used some magic to give Dudley a pig's tail. Harry wondered if Hagrid had done it due to how chunky his cousin was or because Dudley was eating the cake Hagrid had brought for Harry's birthday. Before Harry could pull out his dictionary to ask Hagrid any questions, the man sunk onto the couch saying he was exhausted, and proceeded to start falling asleep. But not before he threw the oversized jacket he had been wearing at Harry, saying Harry could use it as a blanket. As Harry shifted under the giant coat he heard some clinking of metal and being curious as he normally was looked for the source of the sound. He soon found several large coins of bronze, silver, and gold of different sizes. His curiosity sated Harry quickly fell asleep himself only waking up to the sound some someone tapping forcefully on something.

Getting up Harry found the source of the noise was an owl tapping on the window, finding it strange that the bird was out in the daytime Harry opened the window to let it in. The owl swooped in and dropped what looked like a rolled-up newspaper on Hagrid before it started to attack the large coat. Thinking that the owl wanted to get paid for delivering the paper Harry pulled out the strange coins he had found the night before and held them out to the bird. The owl used its beak to separate a couple of the small bronze coins making Harry believe that was the money it wanted. Seeing a small pouch on the owl's leg Harry placed the coins into it as the owl gave a thankful sounding hoot and few out again.

By that time Hagrid was up and making breakfast saying they had a lot to accomplish for the day, as well as telling Harry about the money and its names. Golden Galleons, Silver Sickles, and Bronze Knuts, evidently being the name of Magical money and that Harry's parents had left him some at some place called Gringotts. As they left the house Hagrid asked if it was alright to use some magic to make it easy for them to cross the lake to the shore. Harry had nodded wanting to see more magic. During the short trip, Hagrid read the paper and seemed to be so endorsed in it that when they reached the shore he left the boat where it was. As there was no other way to reach the island this left the Dursleys trapped there. Not knowing how long it would take for someone to find them Harry stopped Hagrid by tugging on the man's coat and pointing back at the boat. Hagrid blushed a little as he used his umbrella to send the boat back to the island.

As they traveled to wherever Harry could get his school supplies, Harry's mind began to wonder about a couple of things. Based on how Hagrid reacted to everyday items and his size, Harry had to wonder how the normal world did not know about the Magical one, for Hagrid was hard to miss. Harry also wondered that even though his supply list mentioned a wand, at some point when he was older if he would be able to use magic with a random object like the pink umbrella Hagrid was using. Harry was so lost in thought over these two issues he missed Hagrid's speech about the Hogwarts Houses. If he had been paying attention he might have started wondering why the man was placing Gryffindor House on a pedestal compared to the others not to mention how much the man talked about Slytherin in a bad light.

When they arrived at a Magical pub that no one else on the London street could see, Harry was soon crowded by swarms of people. After Hagrid made a big show of bringing everyone's attention to him. Everyone seemed to want to shake his hand welcoming him back like he was some sort of celebrity, which confused Harry. Only two people in the pub had not come forward to shake his hand, the man behind the bar, and a nervous man in a purple turban who Hagrid informed Harry was one of his future teachers. As Hagrid led Harry into the back of the pub revealing a magical street he began to explain why Harry was famous. Harry wondered if the man was curious about why Harry did not talk or if the magic of the school that allowed them to know where Harry was, also informed the staff that Harry was mute.

At the bank, where Harry meets his first living Magical creature in the Goblins, he was a little shocked to find out that Hagrid had possession of a key to vaults that were meant to belong to him. Harry was going to make sure that when the Goblin opened his vault up he would collect the key and not leave it to Hagrid. When they got to his vault, Harry was flabbergasted at how much money was inside. Hagrid said it was to last him until he left Hogwarts, yet only had him put less than one percent of the contents into a bag. Harry took more than Hagrid instructed him for if a single bag would get all his supplies now he would still have a pretty full vault after he graduated from the Magical School. Rather than head back up to the lobby and begin his supply shopping, Hagrid directed the Goblin running the cart to head to another vault. It seemed that using the cart, either due to his size or the speed they were going did not agree with the large man. As soon as they were back on the street he left Harry to get his own supplies for a bit as he headed for a "pick me up" which Harry assumed was some alchohal from the pub.

After being left alone Harry headed to what looked like the book store. Harry marveled at all the books inside wanting to buy everything as he thought about all the new knowledge they contained for him. He must have looked overwhelmed for a clerk came and asked if he needed any help. Rather than pull out his dictionary to explain what he needed Harry just passed over his book list. "Ah a new student... huh," the clerk said sounding confused. Harry tilted his head at the man. "Well, this is one of the Hogwarts' book lists for First-Years but based on your expression you look to be someone unfamiliar with the Magical World which means you should have a dozen more books on your list. Someone must have just made a mistake don't worry we keep an extra list at the counter in case someone loses their list. I will get this all sorted." As the man hurried to fill the order, Harry wandered around the shop finding several books on Magical Theory and other subjects which sounded like stuff meant for college students or the Magical World equivalent of college students. Being so used to reading books that were classified as "too advanced" for someone of his age, Harry grabbed a couple hoping the extra money he removed from his vault would cover it and still leave him enough for the rest of his supplies.

When he went to the other stores and showed a worker his list, Harry at least found out he was not missing anything else besides the books. His second to last stop was a robe shop where a blonde boy was in the middle of getting measured for his robes. One of the workers did not even ask to see his list guessing he was going to Hogwarts and had him climb onto the platform beside the blonde boy. The boy started asking him questions but as he could not reach his dictionary or rely on body language all Harry could do was nod and shake his head which seem to irritate the boy, but there was nothing Harry could do about it. Before the blonde boy fully lost his patients with Harry there was a tapping at the window making both boys look over and see Hagrid holding a pair of ice cream cones and waving at them. The blonde boy just let out a dismissive grunt and muttered something about wild savages. But before Harry could hear anything more the person working on his robes informed him that they were done. Harry was a little confused since the blonde boy had been in there longer than he had yet Harry's worker had finished first. But seeing the dark look on the other boy's face, Harry was not going to stick around to find out why he had finished first.

After Harry hastily finished his ice cream, they went to buy Harry's wand. It took them nearly an hour, and Harry waved what felt like every wand in the store before he found one that worked for him. According to the owner of the store, Mr. Ollivander, the wand was a Walnut wand with a core of unicorn hair rather springy and just shy of ten inches long. It seemed that Hagrid had another store in mind as he took Harry to get an owl, where Harry picked out a beautiful snow-white bird. "So what are you going to name her 'arry?" Hagrid asked. Harry just shook his head wondering what was the point of naming her since he could never call her anything with his mutism. "Ah, I get it you need time to decide. Oh, bloody hell would you look at the time it is rather late," Hagrid said helping Harry put the owl in her cage and with the rest of his new belongings. Hagrid quickly leads Harry out of the alley and back into the pub. Hagrid has a quick discussion with the man behind the bar getting him and Harry rooms for the night.

The next morning Hagrid paid the barman for a quick meal before leading Harry back into normal London. Hagrid led Harry to the London Underground, having Harry pay for their trip to Kings Cross Station since the large man was unfamiliar with Muggle money. When they reached Kings Cross, Hagrid handed Harry a ticket for the Hogwarts Express leaving from Platform 9 3/4 but as Harry turned to send a questioning look at the man he found himself standing alone on the platform. Thinking Platform 9 3/4 would be like the pub leading to the magical alley he had just left Harry did not even bother to ask one of the station guards where it was located. Harry looked around to see if he could see anyone else that held a similar trunk and possibly a caged owl anywhere around the station. He was in luck as he spotted a group of red-heads who had four trunks and a caged owl. Harry quickly made his way over to them running into several people since he had his eyes locked on the group to see if they went onto the platform and how they did it. By the time he reached them all but, what appeared to be, the group's mother and two youngest children had gone to the platform. Pulling out his dictionary Harry quickly flipped through the pages using one hand as he tapped the mother's shoulder. "Yes dear?" she asked arching an eyebrow at him.

Holding out his book he pointed out his message, "Where Entrance Platform?" She gave Harry a confused look before explaining how to reach the platform and even offered to take him through it. Harry just shook his head no and followed her instructions.


I have a part two planned for this since I had worked out more to cover but due to the length and time that I was writing it, I decided to end it here.

Chapter 30: Silent voices part II


Harry's trip to Hogwarts and his sorting


I normally put the Sorting Hat's speech into italics but since that is how I am showing Harry pointing to words in his dictionary to speak the Sorting Hat and other things I normally have in italics will be in bold for this story.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As Harry walked through the dividing wall between Platforms nine and ten he stopped in his tracks and took in the scarlet steam engine sitting on the platform while preteens and teenagers pulled their trunks aboard the cars behind it. Harry's mind instantly filled with questions of whether the train really used steam combustion or if it was powered by magic. Did crossing the barrier to this platform take him to a quantum pocket universe that the Muggles could not see like the Leakey Cauldron and Diagon Alley were? If they were not in a pocket bubble like the book by Doctor Cooper purposed, how did the train not get into accidents with Muggle trains as it left the station? Or maybe rather than a pocket bubble, some magical transport involved took anyone who went through it to a separate location. That would explain why the train to Hogwarts never ran into a Muggle train either entering or leaving Kings Cross. As well, as how no normal train was able to be on the same track as the school train and possibly end up at Hogwarts or wherever the drop-off point was.

Harry's thoughts were interrupted as someone else came through the portal and almost bowled him over. Harry blushed as he bowed his head a couple of times in apology to the red-headed boy whose mother had helped him find the way to the platform. Harry immediately grabbed his trunk and began to tug it to one of the train car's doors which did not have anyone nearby and struggled to get his stuff onto the train. After a few minutes of struggling two pairs of hands reached under his trunk and helped him move it to a free car and even placed it in the storage rack for him. Harry gave the pair of red-headed twins a smile and nod of thanks leading to them giving him matching lopsided grins and deep bows before leaving the compartment all without a word. Harry for a moment wondered if the pair were suffering from mutism as well before he got up onto his seat to pull out one of his books to read. As he was pulling out some books his heart dropped seeing the library books he had brought with him when Uncle Vernon had dragged them on the run from his letters. He was going to have to find out if there was a way to send the books back so he did not get fines for keeping them until he returned from Hogwarts.

Of all his new school books Harry pulled out the ones for Potions thinking that due to the similarities the subject had to have with Chemistry he might be more familiar with it than the others. He started with the small handbook which had been left off his booklist that dealt with how to properly prepare the ingredients. As the book was only fifteen pages Harry had it finished in five minutes letting him move on to Magical Drafts and Potions. He was just reading about Mookshood when the door to his compartment opened up and the red-headed boy from earlier poked his head in. "Hey, do you mind if I join you? Everywhere else is full," the boy said. Having no problem with it Harry nodded his head and returned to his reading. "That won't help you know," the boy said making Harry look up at him arching an eyebrow in question. "My older brothers told me. The Potions teacher hates everyone, not in his House, so unless you are evil Magical and end up in Slytherin it does not matter how much you prepare for his lessons." Harry was not sure if the boy was making a joke about being evil and ending up in one particular House or not so just gave a small shrug as he turned back to his book. "I Ron by the way, Ron Weasley," Ron said looking expectantly at Harry.

It was then that Harry realized he had packed his dictionary in his trunk. But not his first letter which he had been using as a bookmark. So pulling it out he showed it to Ron to introduce himself. Reading Harry's name on the letter, Ron's face turned steely. "Oh, you think you are too important to talk to the likes of me?" Ron asked making Harry shake his head no as Ron took his trunk which he had just put into the storage rack and made to leave the cabin. Harry hastily went to his trunk to retrieve his dictionary knowing that since the Dursleys would not alow him to use sign language, and convinced the school that no matter how intelligent Harry was he was too distrurbed to use it, Mrs. Saul had written a note on the front cover of the dictionary explaining everything. But by the time Harry had pulled the dictionary out Ron had left the compartment saying, "Well f*ck you."*

Feeling a little defeated but not wanting to run after Ron to explain why he did not talk, Harry just returned to his reading now keeping his dictionary on the seat beside him. Harry was not sure if everyone had found a place to sit or not and just hung out with friends but besides Ron, he had only gotten three other visitors during the trip to Hogwarts. The first was a bushy-haired girl asking if he had seen a toad that someone had lost. As he had not he just shook his head in negation making the girl thank him before moving on. At twelve-thirty an older woman opened the door to the compartment asking if he wanted something to eat. As Harry had only a quick breakfast that morning at the Leaky Cauldron before Hagrid brought him to Kings Cross he nodded yes and went to go see what she had. Yet, all he saw on her cart were sweets. Pulling out his dictionary and showing her the first page so she knew what he was doing he flipped through several pages to ask, "Any normal food?'

"Just a few my dear, most of your classmates prefer candy," the woman said opening up a compartment to reveal some sandwiches. Harry used some of his leftover money to buy a roast beef sandwich a bag of crisps and two sweets called Chocolate Frogs for dessert.

"Drink?" he asked pointing to the word and shrugging his shoulders so she understood he was asking a question.

"I am afraid not, but there are drinking fountains outside all the bathrooms on the train," she answered. Harry gave her a nod of thanks as he took his food into his compartment for lunch.

After eating his roast beef sandwiches and getting startled by the Chocolate frogs actually jumping once they were opened, Harry finished his meal in relative peace. As he read the back of some cards that had been inside the hollow chocolate body of the frogs Harry received another visitor. "They are saying up and down the train Harry Potter is in here. Is it you?" the visitor asked letting Harry see it was the blonde boy from the robe shop from the day before. While Harry could not figure out how the news of him was being spread, or why, since he had not really seen that many people pass his compartment door he nodded. "I am Malfoy, Draco Malfoy nice to meet you," Draco said holding out his hand to Harry who shook it. "Are you really Harry Potter?" Draco asked peering at Harry's face to see the famous scar. Harry just nodded his head. "You don't say much do you?" Draco asked.

Rather than having another misunderstanding, Harry pulled out the dictionary Mrs. Saul had given him years ago and show the blonde boy the message inside about how he could not speak. Draco after reading the message began to move his hands about in what Harry assumed was sign language but Harry just flipped through his book to say, "I do not know how to use it."

"What about writing?" a large boy behind Draco asked.

"Sorry these are Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle," Draco said introducing the two large boys. Using the back of his Hogwarts letter Harry wrote a quick message and passed it over to Goyle who had asked about writing stuff out.

"I can't read this at all your handwriting is horrible. Um, sorry," Goyle said.

"Hand injury write hard," Harry communicated with them via his book.
"Oh, sorry," Goyle said in an apologetic tone but Harry just shrugged used to it.

"Well you are not the first person I have ever met who can't talk but you have the most unique way to communicate," Draco said with a smile as he sat down across from Harry. Harry shot a look at Crabbe in question. "No, Crabbe can talk normally he just has social anxiety which makes it hard for him to talk with anyone unless he knows them a little," Draco said understanding Harry's glance at the other boy. "So is that why you are sitting alone? Because you can't talk?" Draco asked.
Harry shook his head nodding to the pile of school books he had been reading during the trip having most of them memorized by now and ready for their classes. "Ah, a bookworm. I know several people like that as well. I will introduce you to them if we end up in the same House," Draco said getting up and heading to the door. "You might want to put on your robes I think we will be at Hogwarts soon. Harry gave them a nod of thanks as the three boys left the compartment so he could get changed in peace.

As the train pulled into the station an unseen speaker came to life telling everyone to leave their stuff on the train so they could transfer it to the castle separately. Harry slipped all but his dictionary back into his luggage and joined everyone as they disembarked getting slightly jostled due to his small size. Once on the platform, Harry heard the familiar voice of Hagrid calling all the First Years over to him, the man's large size making him easy to spot against all the students milling about the place. Harry tried to find Ron so he could show him the inner cover of the dictionary but was unable to find the redhead in the crowd. Once all the First Years had gathered to him, Hagrid led them all down to a small fleet of boats. "Four to a boat," the large man said as he got into the largest boat which dipped deeply into the water before righting itself. Harry found himself in the same boat as Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle as the fleet left the train station. Harry was amazing that despite the speed the boats were going as well as how many there were in the small fleet there was hardly a ripple of water behind them.

Harry was so focused on the lack of ripples or any other sign of the passage of the boats that he missed Hogwarts coming into view. Only turning around when his fellow students gave gasps of surprise and amazement. When he turned back to the front Harry took in a large castle of maybe seven to nine stories with four great towers around the edges of the castle and one shorter tower in the very center. Rather than their boats heading to shore before the large front door, the fleet came to ground in an underground lagoon that held a series of small docks and a large iron door. Which Hagrid, after he got out of his boat, knocked on to announce their arrival. The door was answered by a stern older woman with her graying brown hair tied up in a tight bun who gave them all a somewhat severe look. "Your new First Year, Professor McGonagall," Hagrid said making a sweeping gesture with his hand over the pointed magical hats all the students wore.

"Thank you, Hagrid, I shall take them from here," McGonagall said with a slight Scottish timber to her voice. Making an imperial gesture at the group of First Years to follow her Professor McGonagall led them to a large side room across from an ornate set of doors where the sounds of other students could be heard. Once the group was in the room McGonagal introduced herself as the Deputy Headmistress and explained a little about the Hogwarts Houses being their homes while they were at the school. She told them about Hogwarts using a point system that would be tallied at the end of the year and the House with the most points would win the House Cup. She then left them saying she would return to get them sorted into their Houses.

As soon as she left the gathered new students began to wonder about how they were to be sorted. Harry heard Ron's voice saying, "According to my older brothers we have to wrestle a troll." Harry doubted that for how would wresting a troll prove what House they were meant to be in unless it is how they faced it that was the key? He heard another idea from what sounded like the bushy-haired girl who had been looking for the lost toad that they would have to cast some sort of spell to be assigned their House. Harry hoped this was not true for while he had memories most of his school books he had not yet attempted to cast a spell, or if he could even cast a spell due to his mutism.

Suddenly there were some gasps as a pair of ghosts floated through a wall and into their mist, seeming to be deep in conversation with each other. Harry who had never seen a spirit though having read a little about them in some of his new books found his mind filled with questions. He wondered not only how one became a ghost, but also how close to the original personality a ghost was to its former mortal form. Seeing that the pair of ghosts wore clothing, Harry could not help but wonder if they were restricted to the clothing they died in or if there was some sort of ghostly wardrobe that they could use to change their clothes if they felt like it.

His musing came to an end as Professor McGonagall came back to usher them into the Great Hall. Harry was amazed at the proportions of the room which looked like it could fit the Dursley's house twice over inside of it. Thought that could be down to the ceiling, which according to the bushy-haired girl had been enchanted to look like the sky outside and how she had read it in Hogwarts: A History. Harry wished he had bought a copy of the book for maybe it would have stated what the ceiling did when it rained or snowed. Did it perchance create illusions of snow and rain or actually produce a light drizzle, maybe something else entirely?

Professor McGonagall had Harry and the other First Years gather between the two center tables as she pulls out an old battered-looking hat. Thinking of Muggle's idea of magic and pulling a bunny out of a hat, Harry wondered if they would be asked to pull something out and the nature of the item leading them to be placed in one of the Hogwarts Houses. As the hat is placed on a three-legged stool a rip near the brim opened and the hat began to sing in a slightly masculine voice.

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
if you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means
To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hands (though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap

The entire hall applauded the Hat as Professor McGonagall began to call students forward to put it on and get sorted. After each student was Sorted the House they were sent to make their presence known with loud cheering and sometimes even stomping feet and banging the table. Harry noticed that sometimes the Hat took a long time to send a student to a House. The longest one was a slightly chubby boy called Neville Longbottom who got sent to Gryffindor and caused some laughter in the Hall as he walked away with the Sorting Hat still on his head. While other times the Hat made its choice right away, such as in the case of Draco where it barely touched his hair before sending him to Slytherin.

When Harry was called up the whole Hall fell silent as everyone waited with bated breath to see where he was going to be sent, some students even standing in their seats to get a better look at him. "Hello there Harry," the Hat said once it was slipped onto his head where it sunk to cover his eyes, glasses, and all.

"Um, hello Mr. or is it, Mrs. Hat," Harry said speaking in his own mind his mutism for once not standing in the way of his communication with something.

"They/Them," the Hat said. "Now where to place you, hm? You would do well in almost every House. And due to your family line, you are connected to Gryffindor House, and the event of your parents' deaths put you through a rite of Conquest giving you a connection to Slytherin House."

"I have no preference, I just want to learn what there is to know about the World," Harry said.

"Good choice and with that response my job is clear. I hope you have fun in RAVENCLAW," the Hat said shouting out the last word.

For a moment there was silence before the table with blue and bronze coloring burst into cheers. Harry bowed to Professor McGonagall as he handed the Hat over to her and went to go sit with his fellow First Year students. Now that he was at the Ravenclaw table, Harry cheered the remaining students that got Sorted no matter the House they were sent to giving them all a round of applause. After everyone was sorted Professor Dumbeldore, who Harry only recognized due to the man being one of the Chocolate Frog Cards he had gotten at lunch, stood up and said some strange words making food appear on all the tables. As Harry filled his plate his new Housemates began to talk about themselves and their families. Harry put down the fact that due to his fame everyone seemed to know about his family when no one asked about it. They did ask where he had been living, leading him to pull out his dictionary and hand it over to the boy he was sitting next to, Michael Corner, to read Mrs. Saul's message. There were some sounds of shock when the students around him learned that he could not speak but he paid them no mind as he took back the dictionary to say he had been living with his Aunt and Uncle. Harry missed some worried looks from some of the older students sitting nearby fearing there might be an issue with the door to Ravenclaw tower.

After about half an hour the meal wound down and Professor Dumbledore got to his feet again to make some announcements. The biggest of which was that a certain corridor was forbidden to use lest one wanted to die. The man then had them sing the school song flicking his wrist and telling everyone to pick their favorite tune to sing. Harry just sat there wincing a little at the random jumble of noise surprised that no one got a headache from it. When the song was over Harry and the other Ravenclaw First Years were called over to a Fifth Year student to be shown to the Ravenclaw Common Room and Dorms. The girl who introduced herself as Samatha "Sam" Carter shared with them hints on how to get around the castle as well as warnings to avoid a prank-pulling-poltergeist named Peeves, and to a lesser extent the Weasley twins. Reaching what looked like a doorframe in a wall with an Eagle doorknocker Sam told them how to get into the Ravenclaw dorn all they had to do was answer a riddle. Since it was their first night in the Tower they would be allowed to work together to answer it but after that, they would need to work in groups of no more than two to get inside. All his fellow First Years shot Harry a look thinking they would have to answer for him as Sam used the doorknocker.

I am a vessel without hinges, locks, or lid.
Yet, within my walls, a golden treasure is hid.
What am I?

Harry wondered if his new classmates were too focused on worrying about him having to rely on help to open the door that they could not answer the simple riddle. Or maybe it was simple to Harry who had heard it from Dudley's room when his cousin had been playing one of his video games. Harry just flipped through his dictionary to the proper page and pointing at the word "Egg" held it up before the door, which opened up much to Sam and his new classmates' surprise. Harry did not care as he closed the book and walked into the Ravenclaw Common Room.


*As of right now I do not have this planned to be a Ron bashing story so this could be just a misunderstanding I sort out later.

I tried to post this the day after the last chapter, I had gotten to Harry at the Ravenclaw table. I decided to take a break without saving it and plays some video games while leaving my laptop plugged in and a video playing on Youtube. Somehow with it still plugged in my barely five-month-out laptop ran out of power and just died making me lose everything. I go most of what I recall from the first draft so hope the wait was worth it, also I hope I answered some of the questions that some had in the comments from the first part.

Chapter 31: Hogwarts Vs the Ministry


After Educational Decree Number 28 places Dolores Umbridge as Headmistress, the Hogwart Governors (School Board) are forced to get involved.


Tag: Umbridge Bashing (obviously) Dumbledore bashing,

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Drake Vansel, Head of the Hogwarts Board of Governors since Lucius Malfoy was ousted a few years back, let out a wild growl as he crumpled the letter he had been sent into a ball. Reaching for his wand, held as usual in his official Governor's can, he cast a spell that would signal the other Governors to a meeting to discuss what he had just learned. At the same time, Drake was not always supportive of Albus Dumbledore's methods last year's tournament is a prime example since the man did not even try to get the Potter Heir out of it. Which he could do since Albus always told people he was the boy's Magical Guardian meaning he could at any point in the tournament inform everyone that for Heir Potter's safety he would be removed without the threat of losing his magic. But the Ministry had no right to oust a Headteacher from Hogwarts let alone place someone of their choice in the open position.

"Winslow," Drake called.

"Yes, Lord Vansel?" Drake's personal House Elf asked popping into the room.

"Please go into the records from this last school year. I want you to look into Ms. Umbridge's teaching qualifications that got her the job. Also, take a look at any notices from the Wards on her activities at the castle from points taken or given to the students as well as any detentions," he ordered. He did this because he recalled the notice he had gotten about Educational Decree Number 25 which allows Umbridge to decided the detention for every student at the school even if another member of staff had been the one to give the student detention in the first place.

"Right away, Lord Vansel," Winslow said giving him a bow so that the tie that Drake had made part of the Elf's uniform touched the floor.

As Winslow gathered the requested information, Drake headed to the unplotable manor house used by the Hogwarts Governors for meetings. Knowing it might take his fellow Governors time to shift their schedules to come to his unplanned meeting, Drake headed to the manor's library. While it was called a "library" the room actually held all the important records concerning Hogwarts more than anything else. Drake went to a display case in the center of the room and with his Governor's cane/Wand holder unlocked it to take out the original copy of the Hogwarts Charter. While the document was over a thousand years old he did not worry about it falling apart on him due to the magic that was imbued in it. That self-same magic also allowed the document to keep a record of any changes made to the Charter that one could study by turning to the back page of the document. Just to be on the safe side Drake turned to the back page to see if anyone had given the Ministry the right to interfere at Hogwarts that he was unaware of. There was nothing, the last change to the Charter dealt with the anti-creature clause that Lady Longbottom had fought so hard for after the debacle with Remus Lupin two years ago after Severus Snape outed the man as a werewolf.

Drake did not return the Charter to its case but brought it with him to the main meeting room in the manor so the group could discuss it. As he waited for both his fellow Governors and Winslow to show up, Drake started making tea, and coffee, and summoning snacks from the manor's small kitchen. As the manor was not in regular use since it was only to be slept in if a meeting ran too long there were no House Elves that called the place home. The Governors either had to take care of stuff themselves or have their personal House Elves handle it, but since his Elf was doing a task he had given it, he was taking care of things himself. After the drinks were finished, he proceeded to place the preferred drink before the seats of his fellow Governors' preferred seats in the room.

As there were twelve Governors, including him, belonging to the three types of Magical Cores the room was laid out with three long tables set up in a triangular configuration. Each group of Core alignments shares a table along one edge of the triangle. Besides a person's Magical Core Alignment to be one of the Governors a Magical had to either be connected with a current student at Hogwarts or have a background in teaching sometimes both. Drake, himself had taught Defense Against the Dark Arts at the castle a few years ago only to leave after a single year due to his father dying which made Drake the new Lord of his family. As he placed the drinks into place, Drake could not help but think of the others' connection to Hogwarts. Placing a cup of tea before Lady Longbottom's seat he knew she had a Grandson who was a student at the castle but she also served as a substitute teacher in various subjects over the years from Herbology to Charms. The iced coffee that was Lady Prewett's preferred drink was placed before her usual seat. And while she had no teaching experience due to how large the Prewett and later Weasley family was, that she was connected to by her niece there were a lot of students that were part of her line. Lord Macmillan's son attended Hogwarts and was in the same year as Lady Longbottom and one of Lady Prewett's grand-nephews. The last of the Light Cored member of the Governors was Lord Jones who had a Masters in History and tutored kids before they got their Hogwarts letters, the only reason he had not become the Professor at Hogwarts itself was that Binns had tenure.

Moving to the next table, Drake placed his drink before his seat before moving on to Mx. Shannon's seat. Mx. Shannon, the only non-gendered member of the board, They had a daughter who was a Seventh-Year Slytherin and a son who had just started their First-Year as a Hufflepuff. Next to them sat Lady Janet, who only went by her first name since she did not want her father, the famous Nicolas Flamel, or his fame to interfere with her work However, it was thanks to her father that despite her young age she held Masters in all five core classes at Hogwarts. Rounding out the last of the Gray or Neutral Cores there was Lady Zabini who always had the hardest time finding time to attend meetings since her normal job was the Italian Ministry of Magic which sometimes had to use a proxy for the meetings. Drake hoped that she did not use a proxy this time due to how serious the issue they were to discuss. He showed his hope as he placed her tea before her seat.

Next at the Dark Cored Magicals' table, there was Lord Nott who not only had a Grandson at Hogwarts but was also the Headmaster of Sycamore Academy which helped teach children of magical families who were Squibs but also non-magical siblings of Muggleborn students. After him, there was Lord Flint, whose son had graduated two years before but due to the tournament and the aftermath, they had been unable to find a replacement for him yet. Lady Hansen-Swisgaurd had been the Professor for Transfiguration over at Bueaxbatons before she moved to England after marrying her wife. Lastly, there was Lady Malfoy, who had taken her husband's place on the board after he had been fired and had a more level head than Lucius ever did. Her job as the top children's Healer in St. Mungos also gave them another view to consider as they voted on the issues brought to their attention.

While he waited for the others to arrive, Drake took his seat sipping his preferred milk and honey as he went over the Hogwarts Charter. He was looking to see if there were any precedents to deal with the Ministry interfering at Hogwarts. There was not a lot of information to go on, despite how long the Charter was due to Hogwarts being established over a century before what became the current British Ministry came into being. Losing hope of finding anything to help, yet still keeping the Charter out in case someone else wanted to have a look for themselves the others started to arrive. Mx. Shannon and Lord Nott were the first to show up and seemed to be in the middle of discussing Mx. Shannon's middle child who had been born a Squib and attended Sycamore. Over the next ten minutes, the others arrive with Lady Zabini getting there last.

As everyone took their seats and took a sip of their drinks, Drake stood up to start the meeting. "I am sure most of you know why I called this meeting," he said looking around and getting nods from all but Lord Nott and Lady Zabini who must have been busy with other work to have noticed the latest Decree. "A little over an hour ago we were all sent the letter about what happened in Albus's office and him fleeing the Grounds," Drake said for Nott and Zabini's benefit. "Shortly afterward Minister Fudge issued Educational Decree Number 28 placing Dolores Jane Umbridge in the Post of Headmistress. He did this without seeking our approval completely overstepping his authority as he has done with all the other Educational Decrees he had put out for this year. I think it is high time we do our job and deal with this."

"Hear hear," the others called.

"In preparation for this meeting I sent Wilson to look into Ms. Umbridge's teaching credentials for I don't think she has any in the first place. And from the stories, that you have shared during our other meetings about her classes she does not seem to be doing any teaching at all apart from having the students read from their course books. One of you even brought up detention that a friend of your family had with her," Drake said not giving any names for privacy reasons, "which amounted to a slight torture of the student so I also have Wilson looking it records on that as well." Lady Prewett and Lady Longbottom gave small nods having heard what had happened to the Potter Heir from their school-aged family members and had passed it on to Drake earlier that year.

"Why did you bring out the Hogwarts Charter?" Lady Janet asked seeing the document laying before him.

"I was looking into what Hogwarts response is when the Ministry starts to interfere. Unfortunately, I was unable to find anything," he informed them with a defeated look on his face.

"May I have a look at it?" Lady Prewett asked. "I think I recall something from when we stopped members of staff using corporal punishments on students. And some die-hard members of the Wizengamot tried to get us to reverse the vote at the time."

"Be my guest," Drake said passing the Charter over to her. "Now as we wait for what Winslow is able to find and Lady Prewett's search of the Charter, does anyone else have any business they would like to bring up rather than waiting for our next meeting?"

"I have something," Lord Macmillan said raising her staff cane/Wand-holder

"Yes?" Drake asked.

"It is about young Heir Potter and his visit to Hogsmead Village. Sure due to Educational Decree Number 25, Ms. Umbridge forbade him from going to the Village. But I have found no records from a parent or Guardian giving him permission to go. I understand he went last year due to being selected as Champion but this did not give him permission to go there this year," Lord Macmillan pointed out.

"We will have to look further into it unless you brought your notes on the subject with you," Drake said.

"I did not," he admitted and since the meeting started she could not call a House Elf to go retrieve them since the Wards on the place prevented any House Elf unless they were currently in the manor or doing a job for the current meeting to be called.

"Any other business?" Drake asked. No one brought anything else up as they all sipped their drinks and waited for Lady Prewett to find anything in the Charter.

"I think I have something," Lady Prewett said laying the Charter down and pointing to a line written within it.

If at any moment the Magical citizens within this nation form a Government body, and that government tries to take control of this school we have created. We have only one recourse. Whoever runs the school at the time must activate the full power of the Wards. When the Wards have fully activated any Lords or Ladies that now control our family lines shall find the school under their power. This power will be absolute until our Decendents chose otherwise. So say us Godic Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Salazar Slytherin, and Helga Hufflepuff.

"Well that is something," Drake said.

"Yeah but it could be better," Lady Longbottom said. "After all who are the current Lords or Ladies of the Founder lines?" Every Governor fell silent for none of them could think of anyone who held the lines appearing in public or voting in the Wizengamot in their lifetimes.

"What happens if all the Lines are dead or had the family lose their magic through children becoming Squibs?" Mx. Shannon asked.

"If the lines have no Lord or Lady at the moment they could have the power left to the current Headteacher, us, or Merlin and Morgana forbid the Ministry itself," Drake said taking a guess.

"I doubt the control of the school would be given to the Ministry since it is due to their interference that would lead us or the Headteacher to fully activate the Wards," Lady Zabini submitted. "But do we want to take the chance of doing so with Umbridge being illegally placed into the Headmistresses office?" Once more there was silence in the room as everyone weighed their options.

They were still doing so when Wilson popped into the room. "I have the information you requested Lord Vansel," Winslow said handing over the packet of information to Drake.

"Thank you, Winslow," Drake said accepting the packet. "Since you are here can you head back to Hogwarts and find out the reason Heir Potter was allowed to visit Hogsmead at the start of the year?"

"Yes, Master," Winslow said and popped off able to fulfill the job since he had already been working for the Governors for the current meeting.

"Now let's see what he has found out for us," Drake said using his finger to open up the seam on the packet of information that had to be closed as a sign of it not being tampered with. Pulling out the first form Drake read it aloud.

Educational Decree Number Twenty-Two.*

This decree gives Dolours Jane Umbridge special permission to teach at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry by Order of the Minister of Magic. As she will not allow spells to be used in her classroom this Decree bypasses the Hogwarts standing order for all instructors of the Core Classes to have a Masters in the subject in which they teach.

Signed Cornelius Oswald Fudge

There was immediate anger at the Minster of Magic for abusing his power in the first Educational Decree that he had ever signed. "She should never have been given the job at all if she lacks a Masters," Lord Nott said for even in his school the three subjects that his students learned dealing with the Magical Word: history, herbology, and potions required the instructor to have a Masters in the subject.

"Why did we not look into this earlier?" Lady Zabini asked.

"I think we all know the answer to that," Lady Hansen-Swisguard said. "We have gotten too complacent in our responsibilities to the school. It is only after we had clear proof the Ministry was taking power that should have been ours that we cared or even took notice." Everyone at the three tables looked abashed at her prononcment knowing she was right, but the majority of them also had full times jobs to deal with as well.

"Whatever the case we must act," Drake said. "I mean it is bad enough we let someone without proper qualifications to teach we can not allow them to become the new Headteacher due to the Ministry's interference." Everyone nodded in agreement at his words as he pulls out the next document.

"What is wrong?" Lord Jones asked seeing Drake's face drain of color.

"Somehow she..." Drake began only to stop and breathe out a steadying breath and lick his lips. "She somehow found a way past the normal Wards and brought in some Tainted Blood Quills which she has been using for detention for all students apart from those of Slytherin House."

"Dear Morgan," Some of the group said while others said "Dear Merlin," based on their preference. The only one who had not spoken was Narcissa whose face was also drained of color as she snatched the document away.

"THAT f*ckING BITCH!" she said after reading the information provided by the Wards startling everyone who had never heard her or for that matter anyone swears during a meeting no matter how tense it got during some of their debates and voting. "The Enchantment she has on them would make the Quills use only blood to write with rather than just a single drop as Gringotts has them set up." Everyones' faces drained of color and a look that spoke of danger for the bitch appeared at hearing what the woman had done to the students under their protection. "No detention in which they were used," Lady Malfoy said biting out each word, "lasted less than an hour. The longest being nearly three Hours."

"Forget getting her out of the castle we need to send her to prison," Lady Zabini said taking the list hoping, while wishing not to see, a list of names that had been forced to use the tainted Quills so the students' families could be notified as well as starting to get the students compensation and healing. The Italian Minister was sad to see that there was no list of students as she made a vow to herself to use her position to press charges and see to the woman's imprisonment even if she had to extradite the woman to Italy for it.

"I hate to ask, but what was found out about her points being given and taken from the students?" Lady Janet asked.

Taking out the third form from the packet Drake shared, "Apart from taking some points from Heir Potter during their first class she had mostly just given students detentions. But she seems to have started something already at the school according to this."

"What?" several members called out at once.

"It seems she had used her new "authority," he said using finger quotes on the word authority, "to form a group that is to be called the Inquisitorial Squad. It seems she has given any student who becomes a member the ability to take and give points to students."

"What is so strange about that?" Lady Hansen-Swisgaurd asked. "Is that not the same powers that the Prefects and Head students have?"

"A Prefect can only take points away from their own House but are forbidden to give points to any member of their House. While they can within reason, maybe ten points at most, give points to students in the other Houses," Drake explained. "But according to this members of the Inquisitorial Squall would have no such limitations being given special permission to remove and give points to any House they wish even without good reason."

"Oh that is not good," Lady Hansen-Swisgaurd said.

"According to this as she had submitted this proposal, Ms. Umbridge had started forming a list of students which she plans on approaching to invite them to become members of the Squad. All of them are from Slytherin House," Drake shared.

"So she not only does not have the proper credentials to be a member of the staff. She has been torturing various students, and now is trying to destroy the Points System," Lady Janet said smashing her fist into her table so that the drinks in front of everyone quivered a little and some spilled out a bit of their contents.

"But what can we do?" Lady Longbottom asked, "if we activate the Founders failsafe and there are no Founder Lines left it could place the entire castle in her and Fudge's hands.

"Am I intrupting anything?" Winslow asked popping back into the room and finding everyone sitting in brooding silence.

"Don't worry about it, Winslow what did you find out about Heir Potter being allowed to go to Hogsmead without proper permission?" Drake asked his personal House ELf.

"He is no longer Heir Potter," Winslow said handing over a new packet of information to his Master. This bit of news got everyone's attention as they escaped their thoughts of what they could do to protect the students and listen to what the House Elf had found.

"According to this, since Harry Potter's name came out of the Goblet of Fire last year and the Age Line Albus had put in place, Magic has recognized him as Lord... Dear Merlin," Drake said his eyes bulging as he read the document.

"What now?" everyone asked.

"Harry Potter has been recognized as Lord to not only the Potter Line but also Gryffindor, Prevelle, Merlin and through a Rite of Conquest the lines of Morgan, Slytherin, and Gaunt," Drake shared.

"So he would gain at least partial control of Hogwarts if we activate the fail-safe?" Lady Longbottom asked after everyone was shocked into silence at this most recent bit of news.

"It seems like it," Drake said.


* How it is written out in the document which is why it is the only Decree I wrote the number out rather than just put 22.

Chapter 32: Apollo Black (L.M.)


A deranged Elf makes a startling discovery


Tags: Harry has siblings, Sirius Black Bashing, Misguided Sirius Black, Harry's parents are not Lily and James

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"There is a new boy here, Kreacher, doesn't recognize him," the slightly mad House Elf said seeming to notice Harry in the room with the others.

"This is Harry Potter, Kreacher," Hermione said.

"The Mudblood is speaking to Kreacher. Kreacher will just ignore her," the elf said.

"Don't you call her a Mudblood," Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George all growl at the elf.

"Don't worry about it he doesn't know what he is saying," Hermione said placatingly.

"He knows more than you think," Sirius said coming into the room and glaring at the House Elf. "What are you doing in here Kreacher?"

"Kreacher is cleaning," Kreacher said holding up a solid cloth to prove his point. "After all Mistress would be mad if something were to happen to the family tapestry

"I see, so she put a permanent sticking charm on it as well," Sirius said sending a glare at the tapestry of his family tree hung on one of the side walls of the drawing room.

As Sirius turned to glare at the tapestry Kreacher returned his attention to Harry. "Is it true that he is Harry Potter, Kreacure wonders how he..." Kreacher suddenly trailed off as his half-lidded eye shot open as he looked at Harry for the first time.

"Um, Kreacher is everything okay?" Hermione asked bending down and looking as if she wanted to place a hand on the Elf's body but kept it away as if fearing his reaction.
Kreacher did not even seem to notice her as he stared at Harry. "Can't be Lulu, obviously. Draconis... no can't sense his magic. Can only be Apollo," Kreacher muttered to himself.

"NEVER SAY THAT NAME IN THIS HOUSE AGAIN!!!" Sirius thundered his face draining of every last bit of color while twisted in rage. "LEAVE US TO OUR CLEANING YOU MISERABLE LITTLE sh*t-BAG."

"Sirius Black," Molly cried in admonishment at the uncharacteristic level of anger in the man's voice even towards Kreacher.

"Back off Molly," Sirius shot at her. "Just focus on your damned cleaning of this place if you want. Harry, you have been kept with those Muggle assholes and while you have your hearing coming up did you finish your summer homework?"

"Um, most of it," Harry said also startled by how angry his Godfather appeared to be.

"Well, since Molly had everyone finish theirs before they started cleaning you can do that now," Sirius said as he grabs Harry by his arm and leads him out of the room. Sirius basically frog marched him to the bedroom he had stayed in with Ron to collect his stuff before taking Harry to Sirius's own room. "This room has no dark magic or items in it so it should be safe for you to use to do your homework," Sirius said forcing Harry into an old desk in the room. "I shall be back later and we can go over everything," Sirius said giving him what looked like a forced smile as he left the room and to Harry's surprise locked his Godson in.

Kreacher felt conflicted he wanted to protect the treasures the Mudblood and the Blood Traitors were trying to destroy and throw out of his Mistress's house. Especially as the item representing Master Regulus's last mission to Kreacher had been in the room. He had been proud of himself for making the fake Lord Black think his interest lay in the tapestry and not the locket hidden in the cupboards the filth was cleaning. But all that changed when he looked into the new boy's eyes and felt the connection his family felt to the Black family. Kreacher knew that with Master Regulus and his parents gone there could only be three who sparked such a connection to him. While he hated to leave the locket, he had to protect the boy so he took the fake Black Lord at his order and left the group to their cleaning as he headed out of Grimmauld Place. The fake Lord had ordered him not to go to any other member of the Black family that was left such as charming Narcissa and her family but there was one that Kreacher could go to for help in saving Apollo.

Harry was confused by the change that had come over his Godfather. Ever since he had met Kreacher, Sirius had basically sequestered Harry away from everyone else in Sirius's bedroom. At first, it was to finish his summer but then Sirius had started to give him some one-on-one training in various studies such as tactics, potions, Muggle lockpicking, and even engine repair. Granted it was nice to spend so much time with his Godfather if only the man had not seemed to be possessed with a manic energy that somewhat frighted Harry. He just hoped that once he got off Sirius would back up a little so he could spend more than just breakfast and supper with the others.

Rather than the one-on-one meeting with the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement that Mr. Weasley had said was what was going to happen for his disciplinary hearing, Harry found himself in the Wizengamot in what felt like an actual trial. "Mr. Potter you stand accused of casting underage magic in front of a Muggle," Cornelius Fudge said looking down at Harry without the looks of a kind-hearted uncle that he had previously had on while dealing with Harry. "But since you and Albus are in this together, this court, under the advice of an anonymous source, thought it would be best to prove you are who you say to are. As for all, we know Albus has replaced Harry with one of his supporters so that when we find him guilty and snap his wand it will not be Harry who we are dealing with," Fudge said as if explaining it to the others in attendance. "Mr. Potter, if that is who you really are, are to take this test," Fudge said prompting Percy to rush forward holding a long black quill and a blank roll of parchment.

Harry held his hand out for the quill only to wince as Percy stabbed him with it as if using Harry's body as the inkwell for the quill. After holding the quill there for a couple of moments Percy removed it leaving a small bleeding cut on Harry's arm. Percy put the quill to the parchment which he held flat and carried it back to his seat. Harry held his bleeding arm as Madam Bones took the parchment from Percy and read it aloud to the whole court.

Birthname: Apollo Helios Black (L.M.)

Current name: Harry James Potter

Birth mother:

  • Pandora Cassandra Lovegood nee Emrys

Fathers via Magical Fertility Ritual:

  • Regulus Orion Black
  • Xenophilus Arhicbob Lovegood
  • Lucius Abraxus Malfoy

Parents by semi-legal Blood Adoption:

  • James Felemont Potter
  • Lily Rose Potter nee Evens


  • Luna "Lulu" Selene Lovegood (older sister by two minutes-fraternal triplet)
  • Draconis "Draco" Astraeus Malfoy (younger brother by three minutes- fraternal triplet)*


  • Tom "Voldemort" Marvolo Gaunt (through Blood born rebirth ritual June 3, 1995

Most of the courtroom fell silent after Madam Bones stopped reading surprised by the test. The only exception was a man in the very back row of seats who had come along to find out if Kreacher had been correct. Seeing the half-mad House Elf had not been mistaken Xenophilus used his wand to send a quick Patronus out of the room to signal Lucius.

"Well, it seems that this is um, Harry Potter," Fudge said no longer sounding quite so sure of himself hearing the boy was connected to the Malfoy family and knowing how powerful the family was. "Mr. Potter as I said earlier you stand accused of using Magic in the presence of a Muggle knowing full well that such an act was illegal having received a notice on the subject three years ago. Do you admit to doing so?"

"Um," Harry said still distracted due to what Madam Bones had read to the court.

"It is a simple yes or no question, Mr. Potter," a woman half in shadows beside Fudge said in a very girlish voice.

"I did," Harry said.

"So you admit it," Fudge said slamming his fist into the bench before him as if he had just proved his point, but the rest of the room was still digesting the results so did not react to Fudge's display. "You did so knowing full well of the act being illegal?"

"Yes, but," Harry said but was cut him off again.

"What spell did you cast Mr. Black?" Madam Bones cut in.

"A Patronus," Harry answered after realizing she meant him.

"What type of Patronus?" she asked before clarifying seeing his confusion "was it vaporous or caporrial?"

"It was a stag, it has always been a stag," Harry answered.

"Always?" Madam Bones asked.

"I have been casting it since my Third Year," Harry explained.

"That is very impressive Mr. Black," Madam Bones said.

"it is not a matter of how impressive it is," Fudge cut in, "in fact the more impressive it is the worst the punishment we should give him."

"Maybe you can let him get a word in edge-wise then to find out why he cast the spell in the first place," a voice said from the doors as Lucius Malfoy burst into the room.

"Lucius, what are you doing here?" Fudge asked.

"Where else do you expect me to be when the test you had Harry take revealed he is one of my kids?" Lucius asked as he moves to stand between Harry and the judge's bench. "Now Harry why did you cast the Patronus Charm?" Lucius asked turning to look at Regulus's lost son with a far gentler look than Harry had ever received from the man.

"It was due to the Dementors," Harry said.

"Poppyco*ck Dementors in Little Whinging," Fudge called out.

"Can you offer more proof than just your words, Harry?" Lucius asked actually bending down so he was looking right into Harry's eyes.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked the man.

"Did you prepare a memory of the event to share with Madam Bones for your Hearing?" Lucius asked.

"Prepare a memory?" Harry asked as he thought back to the Pensive from Dumbledore's office he had stumbled into last school year.

"Yes it is very simple," Lucius said as he pulled out his wand and put it to his temple to withdraw a silvery memory. "Just think of the event you want to share for me," Lucius directed as he placed the memory he had just extracted into a flask before putting a cork in it.

Harry thought back to the Dementors appearing in the alleyway Dudley and he was going down during the attack as he closed his eyes so as to not look at Draco's dad bringing his wand close to his temple. "Thank you, Harry, that will do," Lucius said in a gentle voice making Harry open his eyes to see the silvery memory thread hanging off of the man's wand. With a nod to Madam Bones a Pensive was brought out letting Lucius slip the memory into it and with a tap of his wand have it play above the surface of the basin. Fudge looked like he had dung under his nose as he watched the memory play out showing off a pair of Dementors attacking Harry and an overweight boy. "As Harry's memory showed Dementors did show up and go after him and as you all know there is a waiver in place to cast magic in front of Muggles if one's life is in immediate Danger. And from what I was told appeared on Harry's test, ie he somehow became the Dark Lord's parent it also shows he was not lying when he told of the man's return."

"All in favor of letting the charges drop?" Fudge asked through gritted teeth as the members of the Wizengamot rose their hands leaving only Fudge and the woman sitting in the shadows beside him not voting on the motion. "Very well Cleared of all charges."

"Good, good," Lucius said standing up and rubbing his hands together. "I shall take Harry the to discuss the results of his test.

"Witness for the defense, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore," Dumbledore said sweeping into the room to find everyone starting to put their stuff away.

"You are not needed here Albus," Lucius said helping Harry to his feet.

"Lucius, what are you doing here?" Dumbledore asked.

"Representing my long-lost son," Lucius said, with a hand on Harry's shoulder, and led him out of the room. Harry was too shocked by both the results of his test but also getting off he did not even fight the motion though a part of him thought he should due to seeing the man in the graveyard two months ago. Lucius swept Harry out of the courtroom and past Mr. Weasley so fast that the red-headed man barely registered it before he started to follow them. Unfortunately, for him by the time he caught up to them Harry and Lucius had gotten into an elevator and started headed up to Lucius's law firm's office inside the Ministry.

As Harry took a seat in the office his mind finally caught up with his body as he sends Lucius a distrustful look. "What do you plan to do with me?" he asked.

"At the moment just get you something to drink while we wait for your other father to join us," Lucius said turning his back to Harry and being to work at a small tea service that was in the corner of the room. Not trusting this Harry silently got out of his chair and made his way to the door, hoping he could find Mr. Weasley's office again. But just as he opens the door someone starts to enter it.

"Hello, Apollo," the man said in a sort of dreamy voice giving him a large smile. "I am so glad to see you again."

"I got to get out of here," Harry said keeping his voice down so as to not draw Lucius's attention to him.

"Nonsense we have much to talk about," the man said gently turning Harry around and leading him back to the sitting area. "Some lemon tea for me Lucius if you don't mind."

"As if I could forget," Lucius said without even looking over.

"Now I am sure you have some questions," the man said taking a seat beside Harry and smiling at him.

"Not really I just want to leave when I have the chance so I don't get killed," Harry said still speaking softly so that only the strange man could hear him.

"And why do you think we would kill you?" the man asked making Harry wince as the man kept speaking in a normal volume of voice.

"Well, for one he is a Death Eater and has already tried to kill me at least twice now," Harry said giving up the pretense and talking in his normal voice hoping the stranger would protect him. Though the man looked more akin to a hippie than anything with his one-piece yellow robe which looked more like a moomoo than anything, no shoes, wand tucked behind his ear, and a necklace with a strange symbol on it.

"I never was a Death Eater," Lucius said bringing over the drinks. "I am a spy for Amelia in the group."

"So why use the diary then?" Harry asked.

"I had to do it to keep my cover going, though I do admit I thought young Mrs. Weasley would have turned the thing over to her parents before she became enthralled to it. Arthur must have become lax since he left the Aurors to let his kids not know how to spot such a dark object," Lucius said mostly to himself further shocking Harry was some unexpected news.

"But the graveyard?" Harry asked.

"I was marked after getting approval from Amelia and Fudge's predecessor so I felt the call. I had to arrive or I would have been hunted down. Now, are there any questions concerning what was revealed in the trial, or do you have more about me?" Lucius asked handing over a couple of drink choices since he did not know what Harry liked.

"Fine," Harry said not reaching for any of the drinks. "How can you both be listed as my father along with Sirius's brother?"

"Well unfortunately due to Albus using his former position in the Wizengamot to outlaw many old rituals which helped strengthen magic, the birthrate of Magicals in Brittian has plummeted. So sometimes groups of people who wish to have kids join together to perform a Fertility ritual in hopes of having kids. My wife Narcissa, unfortunately, had been hit by a curse shortly after she graduated making it impossible for her to have kids," Lucius began.

"So they turned to my wife Pandora who was an old friend of Narcissa to help them out. The thing is most Fertility rituals require three people's magic besides the birth mother to work so we turned to Regulus Black who had always wanted a child but was a Sexual-Repulsed Asexual. He eagerly agreed to take part," Xenophilius explained.

"Usually maybe one child at most is produced from the ritual, but for some reason, Pandora gave birth to triplets," Lucius said taking over the narrative. "Two of the babies had bright white puffs of hair while the third, you, had brown. It was decided that we would all take one child with Pandora and Xenophiles had wanted a girl so took your sister Luna naming her for the moon. Narcissa and I took your younger brother and called him Draco as was a Black family custom to name kids after the stars. Regulus took you and named you for the sun."

"So Draco is my brother? Who is Luna? Does she go to another Magical school?" Harry asked looking to Xenophilius.

"No she goes to Hogwarts but she is in the year below you," Xenophilius said.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"It has to do with what happened to you and Regulus," Lucius said with a sad look on his face.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"We don't rightly know, actually," Lucius answered. "One day he just disappeared. After about a month Xeno and I did a search at the Ministry's department of Magical Life and Death and found out he had died. The only good thing we could find was that you had not died with him, but as the records only show when someone is born and died we could not find you."

"It could be that since Regulus had died you passed on to his brother Sirius who gave you to the Potters since they had Blood Adopted you. Which would make sense since the test revealed that the procedure was only semi-legal. It would have only been fully legal if Lucius and I had given permission for it to take place," Xenophilius explained.

"Did Sirius know about Regulus taking part in this ritual?" Harry asked them.

"I don't know if he knew how you were born. But I know he must know you were his nephew," Lucius said making Harry think about how his Godfather had reacted when Kreacher had mentioned the name Apollo last week in the drawing room.


*As they are triplets I gave them all names to represent the Sun (Harry) Moon (Luna) and the Stars (Draco) which is why I changed Draco's Middle name.

I will get into Sirius' motivations if I can think of more to this story.

Chapter 33: Apollo Black (L.M.) chapter 2


My first thought was to have both the secondary names of the parents aka Lovegood and Malfoy for Harry being in alphabetical order for each of the triplets, but getting Draco Malfoy (BL) made me think of Boy Love and Luna Lovegood (BM) Bowel Movement I gave up on the idea.

Chapter Text

"I still don't understand how Regulus going dying and me going missing would have Luna be in the grade below me," Harry said.

"It is due to Pandora and I taking over a year at trying to find where you were, that we pushed back the announcement of Luna's birth," Xenophilus said.

"Is that significant?" Harry asked.

"In the Magical World, a child is always announced after only a certain amount of time has passed. To make sure the child will survive and get the proper rituals and vaults set up and what have you," Lucius said. "Usually it is anywhere from a month to three. So when Pandora and Xeno finally announced Luna a year after her birth most thought she had recently been born."

"If Pandora is the mother of the three of us wouldn't people have been aware of the fact she had been pregnant before then?" Harry asked.

"My wife and I ran a newspaper together from our home. The people who wrote articles for us all sent them in the post so no one had seen her as she was pregnant," Xenophilus explained.

"So why did you and Pandora not correct their mistake?" Harry asked.

"Safety," both Xenophilus and Lucius said.

"Safety," Harry repeated back, "what do you mean?"

"We did not know if Regulus and you had been targeted by some who had found out I was a spy," Lucius said.

"Or some Magicals who disliked the idea of the Fertility Ritual and were trying to make it look like children produced during it were destined to die you," Xenophilus added. "So our two families while searching for you and morning Regulus kept away from each other so people would not find out Luna and Draco were siblings."

"We meet only sporadically over the years, at least until Pandora died when Narcissa and I joined Xeno in mourning her loss. By that time people just assumed Xeno and I were cousins letting us spend more time together," Lucius explained.

"Do Draco and Luna know?" Harry asked.

"About being siblings?" Lucius inquired and got a nod. The two men shared a look before Lucius continued, "We don't think so, but with those two it is possible."

"So what happens now?" Harry asked.

"That is the question," Xenophilus said. "As by magic both Luci and I are your father you could come to live with us or go back to where you had been living." Harry wondered if he meant the Dursleys or Grimmauld Place not that either man would know Harry was staying there due to the Fidelus Charm on the townhouse. "You can take your time to decide where you wish to stay, as from what I have heard you and Draco don't get along that well and you hardly know Luna or myself."

"And as I decided? What? I stay in this office?" Harry asked making Lucius give a small chuckle.

"No, you could stay with your friends if you wish. I know you are close to those Weasleys," Lucius said his face scrunching up as he said the name as if it pained him to do so. "Other than that I will begin a junction against the Prophet for how it has run a smear campaign against you since your results also showed that The Dark Bastard is alive."

"And while Luci does that I can take you to meet your sister, and we can go from there. If you decided to stay with the Weasleys it is quite easy from my house since I live just under three miles from the Burrow." Xenophilus suggested. Harry wanted to point out that the Weasleys were not at the Burrow but decide to hold his tongue. For he might like Luna and decide to stay there at least until the end of the summer, if not he could always use Hedwig to send them a message and arrange a meeting so he could be brought back to Grimmauld Place.

Grimmauld Place

There had been a half-hearted attempt to keep cleaning that day, but everyone had been distracted by thoughts on Harry's Hearing. Molly had expected Arthur to send an owl when he at least took Harry to see Madam Bones but the time came and went. The house finally received some news at three thirty as Dumbledore burst into the kitchen where everyone had gathered hoping that nothing had happened. Molly had never seen the Headmaster so angry before, and that included just a month ago when he had almost cursed Mundugus for leaving Harry along getting them into the current mess. "Cup of tea, Albus?" she asked.

Albus ignored her as he slammed something onto the table glaring at Sirius. "What did you do, Sirius?" Albus thundered

"You are going to have to give me some details," Sirius said a little flippantly in Molly's opinion.

"Harry is not your Godson he is your nephew," Albus said making everyones' mouths fall open in surprise while the color drained from Sirius's face.

"How did you find out?" Sirius asked in a low voice almost like the growl of his Animagus form.

"Before Harry was tried he got tested," Albus answered.

"Tried, but I thought it was a simple hearing," Molly asked a little hesitantly not wanting Albus to turn his anger on her.

"It was meant to be, but Fudge decided to try him in front of a good portion of the Wizengamot," Albus answered a little calmer as he turned to look at her. His anger returned when he looked back at Sirius, "For some reason, someone thought that we might have used Polyjuice Potion or some other means to send a fake Harry to the Ministry. So they performed a basic family line test," Albus said lifting his hand from the table revealing the copy of the results he had gotten at the Ministry. As Albus wiped his hand across his mouth everyone leaned forward to read the results. "Why did you never share that Harry was Apollo Black?" Albus asked making Kreacher who had been skulking outside the room perk up and make his way inside.

"For he was no longer Apollo but Harry," Sirius shot back.

"Only because you gave him to Lily and James after your brother was killed," Albus shot back himself. "Did he really die on an assignment?"

"He did," Sirius said.

"How?" Albus thundered making everyone around the table jump and Kreacher creeping in closer to listen.

"He learned about a possible weakness of Voldy, and having gotten cold feet had me trail him and Kreacher to a dark lake hidden inside a cave," Sirius said seeming unable to lie to Albus or at least now since the results of Harry's test was just sitting on the table in front over everyone.

"Yes," Albus prompted.

"I tailed my brother and Kreacher to a small man-made island in the middle of the lake and watched as Regulus drank some sort of potion," Sirius said licking his lips as if they had suddenly become dry. "I don't know what the potion was but when it was half gone Kreacher had to basically force feed it to him." Kreacher shuddered at the memory of it as his poor Master begged for release with each mouth of that nasty brew. "When the potion was gone my brother pulled something from the basin and passed it to Kreacher ordering him to destroy it. Regulus after giving the item to the elf crawled to the edge of the lake and began to drink. I watched Kreacher Apparate away as hands came out of the water to pull Regulus under. He fought off the hands as best he could but due to his weakened state he was no match for them so he began to cry out to me so I would help him."

"What did you do Sirius?" Albus asked his voice dropping several octaves as he guessed what happened.

"I went over to him and pushed him into the lake," Sirius said.

"Your own brother?" Molly could not help but ask.

"Yes, my own brother. He believed everything my parents told him and thought that being a pureblood made him practically royal. Who decided to raise a child on his own. A child he would most likely twist into the same evil as the rest of my miserable family."

"How did your nephew come to be with James and Lily?" Mad-Eye asked glaring at Sirius with both eyes.

"Before we left on the mission, Regulus had me place my nephew in their care," Sirius answered.

"Why not Malfoy or Mr. Lovegood?" Fred asked.

"He told me he wanted to raise Harry by himself without the others' help. I can only guess he thought we would be back soon so had me leave Harry at someone I trusted so I gave him to James," Sirius said not looking away from Albus as he answered Fred's question. "And when I got back from getting rid of him I told James and Lily that Harry's parents had died and asked if they wanted to adopt him. Since they found that like his parents James had been cursed only to be able to produce an offspring later in life they had agreed to take him in and under my suggestion even Blood Adopted him."

"His name is Apollo and you killed Master Regulus you are worse than Kreacher thought," Kreacher said unable to stay silent anymore.


"Kreacher must protect Master Apollo and the real future Head of the family," Kreacher said as he stood up straighter than most had ever seen him do so before.

"I was told I could not free you with clothing Kreacher, but I think enough is enough," Sirius said no longer shouting but pitching his voice low sending a shiver down several people's backs. Then without warning, Sirus shot a Severing Charm at the old Elf cutting Kreacher's head clean off his body. Due to the imprecise casting of the spell, it also caught the tips of Kreacher's ears which were sent flying causing Hermione to scream in terror. But what was worse the spell also caught George's elbow of his wand hand making him cry out in pain as he dropped to his knees clutching his arm. Sirius was hit by five stunners cast by Albus, Fred, Remus, Mad-Eye, and Molly blasting him into the wall behind him. Thankful the spell on George did not sever anything but just left a deep cut on his elbow, and while it was deep Molly was easily able to heal it.

As Molly healed her son, Remus went over to check on Sirius with a look of disgust on his face. While he understood Sirius' hatred of his family more than everyone else present, Remus was surprised at what the man had done. Remus wondered if his old friend regretted his action to give his nephew to James and Lily after hearing the stories of Harry's home life growing up with Lily's sister. Based on what he had heard of Sirius's reaction to Kracher meeting Harry, Remus did not think so. Had Sirius even cared for his nephew at all? Remus could not tell for after Kreacher had said Harry's birthname, Sirius had locked Harry away from everyone. Even refusing Remus to go and see him when he was here. "Where is Harry," Remus asked looking away from Sirius's body.

"Lucius took him out of the courtroom," Albus said.

"And you did not try to rescue him?" Ron asked in shock.

"I was a little bit busy, Ronald," Albus snapped. "I arrived just as Harry was sentenced and Lucius took him out of the room, but before I could follow Amelia stopped me."

"What did she want?" Mad-Eye asked.

Albus pointed to the last line of Harry's test as he answered, "Due to that line it showed Voldemort is back, so she took me and several others to the Department of Magical Life and Death to get further evidence of it. When she had her team going over everything she pulled me aside seeing how anxious I was to go get Harry to inform me that Lucius was her spy in the Death Eaters."

"Bullsh*t," Ginny said.

"Ginny, language," Molly said absentmindedly as she had George flex his fingers and arm to make sure there was no nerve damage from Sirius's spell.

"I take it you are thinking about the diary?" Albus asked. "She explained that he had been forced to use it to remain undercover. He had slipped it to you in hopes you would have mentioned it to your parents. Evidently when he started hearing about the attacks, thus showing you had not turned the diary in he fell into a deep depression," Albus said shocking the girl who blushed at the reminder of how she failed in regards to Riddle's diary.

"So he is not a Death Eater he is still a slimy bastard," Ron said.

"Ron, language," Molly said again as rout still working on George.

"As he is a member of Harry's family, there was nothing I could do," Albus said the fight seeming to leave him as he sunk into one of the chairs around the table.

"I don't get it," Hermione said crouching beside Kreacher's a dead body.

"What don't you get Miss Granger?" Mad-Eye asked.

"This whole Fertility Ritual," she said. "So Harry has three dads and one mom?"

"Not really," Remus said moving away from Sirius after taking the man's wand. "You will see at the top of the page it listed Harry's surname as being Black followed by the L.M. that signals their relationship but not as close family. Maybe if Harry was the only child from the union it would be different for then he would have been raised by the whole group. But as it lists his siblings as a Lovegood and a Malfoy, Harry's only father, before being Blood Adopted, is Regulus. Lucius and Xenophilus would be akin to his uncles and Narcissa his aunt.," Remus explained.

"But he is still the brother of Draco and this Luna?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, their relationship does not change no matter who took them in," Remus said.

Ron got a look on his face as if he could not decide if his best friend being Draco's brother was something to be angry about or not. Before he could make a decision Molly finished fixing George's arm and stood up. "Albus you know I and Arthur support you and what you are doing here, but I don't think I can stay here for the time being," she said sending a dark look at Sirius still knocked out on the floor.

"I understand Molly," Albus said giving her a small smile. "Do you want to go now and have us send your belongings to you or do you want to pack them yourselves?"

"You know I hate to leave it for others to do, but I can't stay here any longer," Molly said helping George to his feet and headed right to the fireplace to Floo back to the Burrow. Maybe if she was lucky Harry would be at the Lovegoods so she could make sure he was alright. Even though she had not said told her kids to follow her they all got up and went after her back to the Burrow before Hermione, with Kreacher's form in her arms, joined them.

Chapter 34: Apollo Black (L.M.) the third chapter.


Molly does what she does best as Harry meets his older sister.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Arriving back at the Burrow Molly flicked her wand to start magically cleaning the dust that had accumulated since they had basically moved into Grimmauld Place. "George to make sure your arm is alright and your ability with magic has not been affected please De-Gnome the garden for me," Molly bade her second oldest child of the group.

"Sure thing Mum," George said still flexing his fingers for a bit.

"Not you Fred," Molly said as the teen started to follow his brother.

"What's up, Mum?" Fred asked turning to look at her.

"I am going to start making some food so we can use it as an excuse to visit the Lovegoods and see if Harry is there, but I plan on making your dad a little something. I want you to take it to him and tell him that we are not at the place now.* Don't tell him the reason," she ordered.

"Why not?" Fred asked sending her a dark look.

"I want to discuss it with him here, plus he can go pick up all our belongings after work, and see if he can grab Harry's gear as well," she explained.

"Will do, Mum," Fred said getting back a little of his old swagger as he gave her a sloppy salute and clicked his heels together making her chuckle at him thankful for his and George's natures more than ever at the moment.

Having not been given tasks by Mrs. Weasley Hermione, Ron, and Ginny went out into the backyard after George. Ron and Ginny threw looks over at their older brother to make sure he was not having any problems while Hermione gently laid Kreacher's body in the dirt. When she started to dig a hole Ginny asked, "What are you doing, Hermione?"

"Giving Kreacher a proper burial," Hermione said wishing she could either use magic or a shover as she dug at the ground with her bare hands.

"You do know that is not a normal practice for House Elves right?" Ron asked only for Hermione to glare at him. "Alright just asking. I just wanted to point it out since Kreacher's family had their heads mounted after their deaths to be displayed at his home."

"Well, I can leave his head out then, but I am still going to bury his body," Hermione said defiantly.

"Alright keep your hair on," Ron said knowing that he had no chance of getting her to change her mind on the subject.

As Hermione worked on the hole to put the House Elf's body in she began to ask Ron and Ginny all that the pair knew about Fertility Rituals since she had never read about them before in any of her books on the magical world. While the Fertility Ritual was somewhat common knowledge in the Magical World, due to some in Brittian hating all forms of Rituals which involved blood magic even if they were not dark, Ron and his sister were unable to tell her everything about it. They shared that the ritual required at least four participants the Bearer, which was normally a woman but could be a man who was under a special potion or due to being a creature-blooded magical was a natural Bearer. The other three participants would use their magic somehow to help the Bearer get pregnant with a child. Ginny reclarified something that was mentioned at Grimmauld Place about how such rituals normally produced a single child who would then be raised by all four participants and their families in a somewhat Family Cluster. They went over the fact that it was quite rare for multiple births to happen during the ritual, but like Remus said Harry's only full parent from the ritual was considered to be Regulus Black. This brought the test into their discussion as Hermione asked why neither Draco nor Luna had the added letters behind their names like Harry did at the top of the test.

"It could be for multiple reasons," Ginny said. "It could be that due to the test focusing only on Harry the other two were not fully written out."

"It could be that for safety Mr. Lovegood and Malfoy blocked them on their kid's results," Ron said gritting his teeth when he mentioned Malfoy.

"Or it could be," George said coming over having finished De-Gnoming the garden, "that since the names are usually in alphabetical order neither of Harry's uncles wanted their kids saddled with such embarrassment."

"Embarrassment?" Hermione said giving him a thankful look as he used his wand to finish making her hole for Kreacher's body.

"Just think of it Hermione," George said with a small chuckle. "We have young Draco who thanks to the ritual has BL after his surname. This might not be noticeable here but his family does a lot of business with people all over the world where they might see BL standing for Boy Love or a gay relationship. But poor old Luna gets the short end of the wand since she gets BM or Bowel Movement."

"I get your point," Hermione said in understanding.

Back in the kitchens, Molly had already sent Fred to the Ministry with a couple of sandwiches for her husband as she worked with the few ingredients left in the kitchen, she would have to either go shopping soon or get the food they bought for use at the Order back to restock her pantry. Thankfully she had enough supplies to make a small treacle tart, which according to Ron was Harry's favorite dessert up at Hogwarts. She knew she would also need some food for the Lovegoods as well, so she cast a spell to summon some eggs from the Weasely family chicken coop. She almost got pelted by the incoming eggs, since they did not have a rooster none of the eggs would produce any chicks and with the family not being at the Burrow since the start of summer there were so many of them. Seeing all the eggs that had come to her as well as her low stock of supplies in her pantry Molly decided to make some omelets not only to bring over to the Lovegoods but also as her family and Hermione's supper.

Rook's Landing

Harry stumbled out of the fireplace into a cluttered room filled with what looked like an old printing press and magazine lying about. "Sorry about that I should have asked if you had any trouble using Floo travel," Xenophilius said catching Harry before he fell onto the floor.

"It's okay," Harry mumbled as he looked around the place.

"Daddy is that you?" a dreamy voice called from upstairs.

"Yes, and I brought someone home," Xenophilius called back.

"One of your writers?" the voice called again.

"No, so you can come down sweetie," Xenophilius said wiggling the fingers on his right hand as if wanting to place the hand on Harry's shoulder.

The first look Harry got of his older sister was her bare feet as she came down the stairs dressed in what looked like a Muggle sundress of a pure white material though there appeared to be splotches of pain on it. Having never met the girl before but hearing that he was related to her and Draco, Harry expected her to have a similar swagger in her step as Draco did. But the girl's movements seemed to flow as if she was walking on air as she came down the spiral staircase. She did have the same shade of hair as Draco though hers was long and flowing so that it reached the middle of her back. The next thing Harry noticed was that her large protruding eyes which seemed to make it look like she was surprised.

As Luna noticed Harry standing beside her father, her eyes widen a little more giving her an even more startling look. "Harry Potter," she said her voice still sounding dreamy rather than confused at why he was there. "Did you come to have an interview with Daddy on what the Prophet has been posting about you?"

"He is not here for an interview, but to meet you," Xenophilius said as he finally gave in to what he wanted and placed a hand on his long-lost child's shoulder.

"Me?" Luna asked looking between her father and Harry for a moment before a large smile came to her face. "I get to interview him?"

"I did not come for an interview," Harry said slightly annoyed having bad experiences with interviews thanks to last year and Rita.

"Ah, so he talks," Luna said taking some hastily steps forward so that she was almost nose to nose with him. Harry involuntarily took a step back while at the same time noticing that the pair of them shared the same small button noses. This made him wonder if he and Draco had any common traits that he might not have noticed before due to his rivalry with the other boy.

"Calm down Sweetie," Xenophilius said placing his other hand on her shoulder and getting her to take a few steps back. "I think we need some tea for this discussion."

"Tea?" Luna asked sending a confused look at her Daddy for she had only ever seen him drink tea when Uncle Lucius and Aunt Narcissa came over. But she knew from what she had seen at school Harry Potter was not on good terms with the Malfoys.

"Yes, Sweetie, some tea," Xenophilus said as he used his hand on her shoulder to direct her to the small kitchen area that was partially filled with his printing press. Xenophilius then guided Harry over to the cramped and cluttered sitting area clearing off one of the seats so Harry could sit.

"What sort of magazine do you make?" Harry asked taking a look at all the random items and drafts of articles laying in stacks sometimes twenty to thirty deep around the room.

"My Magazine, The Quibbler, post articles of the truth that the Prophet refused to print," Xenophilius explained. "Such as the corruption that runs rampant in the Ministry since "Goblin Crusher" Fudge took over," Xenophilius said pulling the latest issue from a stack by the printing press. Harry took in the cover of the publication seeing something that reminded him of the Muggle tabloids found near the register at a shop. His eyebrows did shoot up as he saw one article saying something about Sirius. Before he could open it and check out the article Xenophilius continued. "I would probably have to do a reprint if I posted about what happened today. Not that I am going to," the man said quickly.

"Why what happened, Daddy?" Luna said coming back with three cups of tea in mix-matched mugs.

"Harry was called in for a case of simple use of underage magic, but rather than having the normal hearing with a member of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement he was put on trial," Xenophilius said.

"And you are not going to let everyone know about that level of corruption, Daddy?" Luna asked once more shocked at her father uncharacteristic behavior.

"I have my reasons," Xenophilius said.

"It was sort of lucky that someone suggested I get tested," Harry said.

"Tested?" Luna asked turning to look at him in confusion.

"That was no luck, Kreacher came to see us about you possibly being Apollo so Luci and I both sent anonymous letters to Fudge to bring up the testing," Xenophilius said.

"Apollo?" Luna said having a memory of that name from her youth but was not able to recall much else.

"Yes, Sweetie," Xenophilius said taking a sip of his tea and draining it in one go. Placing his now empty cup on top of a leaning tower of old issues of The Quibbler. "Lucius and I kept this from you and Draco but you are not cousins. You are in fact brother and sister born from your mother during a Fertility Ritual. Your mother was our group's Bearer and by chance, she gave birth to triplets. You were the oldest and Draco was the youngest and Apollo was the middle child. During the test, it revealed that Harry is Apollo so I let Luci know who came in to defend him, and even thanks to the test proved Lord Voldyshorts is still alive like we always suspected."

"I should thank Kreacher when I see him next," Harry said for even if he found he got along with Luna as he did Draco he would no longer have to go back to the Dursleys ever again.

"You can do so, in a bit. He promised he would stop by once he heard the hearing was over to check to see if the plan worked," Xenophilius said.

Suddenly a chime sounded making Harry look around. "It is just our Wards going off announcing a visitor," Xenophilius explained knowing that Harry had been brought up in a Muggle household thanks to the trial. "I will go see who it is," he said getting out of his armchair and maneuvering around the clutter to reach the door. "Ah Molly what a pleasant surprise."

"Greetings Xenophilius," Molly said making Harry perk up at hearing her voice. "Albus came and shared with us the news about what happened and we just wanted to make sure Harry is alright."

"He is just fine, Molly said getting out of the way to let the Weasley family and Hermione into the room."

"Harry," Molly said expertly weaving through the room and pulling him into a tight hug. "Congratulations on being cleared of your charges."

"Thanks, Mrs. Weasley," he said hugging her back.

"Are you doing okay, Harry?" she asked him hugging him higher than normal as she thought about what Sirius had revealed at Grimmauld Place.

"I think I am doing okay," Harry said before asking "is Kreacher with you?" Harry felt Mrs. Weasley's body tense up but he could not figure out why. Maybe the Elf had done something that she disproved of when he had been stuck in Sirius's room.

Before Mrs. Weasley could answer Luna asked, "Did you guys make another mistake on one of your products?" Looking over Mrs. Weasley's shoulder to see who the girl was talking to Harry saw her staring at George. Harry could not tell what Luna was asking about though he felt Mrs. Weasley become if anything tenser.

"Not, exactly," George said using his non-dominant hand to scratch the back of his neck.

"Then how did you get the new scar?" Luna pressed.

"It is complicated," both twins said at once. Mrs. Weasley, fearing that she was giving something away though her body tensing up ended the hug letting Harry move over to see his friends again. He did spot a scar that had not been there last night in George's inner elbow, but what was stranger was that he saw some dirt under Hermione's fingertips. Hermione while not an overly clean person was more prone to have ink stains on her hands, not dirt or mud from working outdoors, and would often scrub her hands spotless the first chance she got after Herbology class.

"Why are your hands so dirty, Mione?" he asked her. The color drained from his friend's face as she looked down at her nails.

"I was digging," she said hastily.

"There is no place to dig there," Harry said shocked he could not say Grimmauld Place.

"We are no longer staying there but are back at the Burrow," Mrs. Weasley explained.

"Why," Harry asked knowing that just cause Voldemort had been proven to back do not mean the Order had to disband."

"When Albus came to share with us the news of your trial we found out some things that made living there impossible," Molly said not wanting to bring up Sirius while in Xenophilius' presence even if Sirus was really Harry's Uncle, not his Godfather due to him still being wanted by the population of Magical Brittian. And after hearing what the man did to his own brother and nephew, as well as to Kreacher, even if Molly had not liked the House Elf, she thought they may have a point.

"Okay," Harry said a little confused.

"Xenophilius I recognize that you just found out that Harry is Luna's brother but could we have a moment alone with him?" Molly asked Xeno.

"I guess that is fine Molly," Xenophilius said understanding that something had happened that the Weasleys could not or would not share with him and Luna in the room. "Come along Sweetie, let's see if we can find a place for Harry to sleep if he decides to stay with us."

"Um, sure thing, Daddy," Luna said sending a quick look at the Weasleys, Hermione, and Harry as she followed her father upstairs.

"What's going on?" Harry asked when the sound of a door was heard overhead.

"There is a reason why we left headquarters," Mrs. Weasley said in a low whisper forcing Harry to lean in close to hear her.

"What?" Harry asked again.

"Albus asked Sirius about his relationship to you and how you ended up with the Potters. Harry," she said reaching forwards and placing a hand on his arm, "he admitted in killing his brother."

"WHAT?!?" Harry asked in shock.

"Sirius never liked his family so fearing that Regulus would have corrupted you or something followed your dad on a mission and when Regulus called for his help escaping a threat." She stopped talking to take a deep breath to gather herself as well as remain calm for his sake. "Sirius came over and kicked him, literally, to his end. Kreacher called him out on it and..." Once more she paused tightening her grip a little on his arm, "Sirius killed him with Severing Charm not to mention nicking George with it which is why he now has a scar on his arm."

Harry wanted to protest saying Sirius would never do anything like that but he thought about his Godfather's reaction when Kreacher had mentioned the name Apollo on his first day at Grimmauld Place. He felt conflicted and did not know what to do, or even who to trust at the moment. He felt himself starting to spiral out of control pulling away from Mrs. Weasley and sinking into a chair wrapping his arms tightly around his head. "Harry," several voices cry out, but it was the one unfamiliar voice that his mind focused on. Suddenly there were sounds of gunts as Luna rushed into the room pushing aside the Weasleys and Hermione to reach Harry. She wrapped her arms around him and began to hum a tune she recalled her mother singing to her when she was younger. The tune or maybe just her touch started to calm Harry down as he began to relax in her hug.


* Since they are not at Grimmauld Place the Fidelaus Charm prevents them from giving its name when talking even with each other knowing about it.

Chapter 35: Hogwarts Vs the Ministry II


After looking up any other issue Umbridge has created at Hogwarts, the Governors head to Hogwarts finding the castle in a state of utter chaos.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

While it was hearting to the Governors that the school would be kept out of the Ministry's hands if they activated the Founders' Failsafe there were still some issues. Such as who were the Heirs of the last two Founders lines that would gain control of the school. Not to mention that if Lord Potter was granted full control of the school in the case the other lines had ended or become Squiblines could they really trust control to a student still attending classes? There was also the issue of Lord Potter's mental state which was a topic of various articles in the Prophet since the day of the Third Task last school year.

As if to give themselves some time to think about it Drake sent Winslow to see if the Elf could find any information about any other Founders' Heirs but also on the suggestion of Lady Zabini to check in on any illegal action Dolores Umbridge had performed at while at Hogwarts so far. Knowing the search for the information they had sent Winslow to find might take a while coupled with the lateness of the hour. Their meeting started after getting the notice from Minister Fudge about Umbridge becoming the new Headmistress which arrived at a quarter past nine at night. Due to the issues they were dealing with the group, apart from Lady Zabini because of her job, had to remain sequestered in the hall until everything had been dealt with. Lady Zabini bid the others goodbye telling them to summon her when Winslow returned with the information, and that she would try to make it back to deal with it. The others who remained behind used their cane/wand holders to lock the door to the hall. This would prevent any of them from leaving but also sent a form letter to their families to let them know they were out of contact on Hogwarts business.

Retiring to various bedrooms in the hall each Governor did their best to fall asleep as fast as they could since they had no idea when Winslow would return with his findings. Some found it harder than others either from mulling over all that had been discussed in the night's meeting or due to a lack of items they would normally use to help them sleep, ie their partner's presence, a book, etc. One by one they all drifted off to sleep unaware of the chaos that would happen at Hogwarts when the students learned about the events in Dumbledore's office.

Winslow arrived at Hogwarts for the third time since Master Vansel had gotten the notice about Educational Decree 28. Each time he had come he found the magic castle in a more befuddled state. Due to Headmaster being forced to flee the way he did the Wards had suffered throwing the House Elves that worked at Hogwarts into a panic. While they were not as gifted at fixing Wards as the Goblins, since they were connected to the castle the Elves could manage some slight repairs. But Dumbledore leaving did not cause the level of repair they could safely fix by themselves, and since they could not turn to a Headteacher to help them they could only do the best they could. This caused several House Elves to suffer panic attacks for fear of the inhabitants of the castle since the Wards were not up to snuff. While it had not converted Winslow or his mission from Master, their panic made it hard for Winslow to get their help thus making it take longer than normal to find all the information on Ms. Umbrige's teaching qualifications and how she had been given the job.

When Winslow had arrived the second time to look into how Heir Potter had been allowed to go to Hogsmead, his fellow Elves were in an even worse state. Some of them even copied the Free Elf Winkey as they began to indulge in great quantities of Butter Beer. Thankfully there were still a few Elves who were not drunk yet that were able to help him as he looked into the Potter Heir and found out the boy despite his young age was a Lord of six Houses including two of the Founders' lines. Winslow having found what his master and the other Governors had wanted, left the school without thanking the Elves that had helped him.

Now coming back for a third visit, Winslow did not think he would have an easy time with his latest task. He was correct for when he arrived inside the Hogwarts Kitchens he found all but two Elves passed out in a drunken stupor. High Elf Bastilian, who was the Head of the House Elves was still on their feet draping small blankets over her crew as well as slipping them some potions to help with their drunken state so they will be well enough to make breakfast in the morning. The only other Elf who is still standing was the Free Elf Dobby wearing all those ridiculous and hated Elf clothing that a student was trying to trick the Hogwarts House from taking thus freeing them. Winslow shot a glare at Dobby as he approached Bastilian to ask for some help going through the Hogwarts records again.

Seeing him approach Bastilian stood up from bending over one of her crew. "Whatever you need you will have to do it yourself. I am a little busy here," Bastilian said.

"I get that High Elf Bastilian but I need help finding the other Founder Heirs as well as records of any crimes Ms. Umbridge has committed while she has been here," Winslow said.

"I get that I really do, but I have my hands full at the moment so if you want help you will need to do it yourself or have him," Bastilian said jerking her hand sharply as she pointed at Dobby, "help you."

"Dobby can help," the mad Elf said coming over to them having noticed Bastilian pointed to him. For a moment neither Bastilian nor Winslow said anything having nothing but hatred for a suicidal Elf who had wanted to be free thus cutting them off from an Elf's source of nutriment. And while Dobby had bonded to Hogwarts the freak had only done so after talking Headmaster Dumbledore into paying him, the sheer gall of it turned all House Elves' stomachs. "What you need help with?" Dobby asked tilting his head so his large stack of Elf hats totter over and almost fell off his head. In Bastilian's opinion that was the only good thing, Dobby had done since he had been forced upon her, taking all those Elf clothing that some student had been leaving around Gryffindor Tower.

Seeing this as a way to get Dobby out of her hair as she treated her crew Bastilian answered, "Winslow is looking into the other Hogwart Founder lines to see who now controls them, as well as evidence of any crime Ms. Umbridge has committed while at the castle."

"Dobby would be pleased to help," Dobby said popping away to the Hogwarts records room, House Elf annex, missing the look of annoyed betrayal Winslow had shot Bastilian before he followed the mad Elf.

While Hogwarts had numerous records rooms such as the one for the Headteacher to look over what might need to be changed at the castle over the summer months, the House Elf annex had the second most complete collection of the castle's records, only being outdone by the Founders' collection. Filled with information on all the students from their grades, any health issues that had been dealt with at Hogwarts, and even a record of all spells the Wards had detected them ever using. And while it did list all family lines that a student was attached to the very nature of the records prevented the use of Summoning spells as a way to search for information. Thus to find out the Heirs of the remaining Founder lines Winslow and Dobby would have to either start with Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff themselves and trace the lines to the present day or look into the records of every person who had attended Hogwarts that would still be alive. As both options were a daunting task with just the two of them, or in Winslow's mind by himself since he did not fully trust Dobby, they decided to look into Umbridge first.

Each record of a person kept by Hogwarts contained all information on them for their entire time at Hogwarts, meaning when Winslow looked at Umbridge's file it included all information on the woman even from way back when she was a Slytherin student. Winslow just to get Dobby out of his way ordered the Free Elf to start tracing the Hufflepuff line to the present day and report his findings, as Winslow began to compile a list of Umbridge's crimes for his Master and the Governors.

Winslow was surprised to find crimes committed by the woman listed all the way back from when she was a student making him want to inform his Master and the others to look at any illegal activities done during the school year at the start of the summer. Way back when Dolores Jane Umbridge was in her Fifth Year when her younger brother was brought in to get sorted the Wards registered her casting a spell that activated a Magical drain on her brother. Thus increasing her magical abilities while making him appear to be a Squib. That was not the only time Umbridge had used such a spell during a Sorting Ceremony for she used it six more times over the next two years on Muggleborns making them be sent back to the Muggle World most likely with some Memory Charms in place. This led Umbridge to go from having a decent level of magic to being quite powerful. Thankfully her stolen magic seemed to rebel against her preventing her from accessing all of it.

While she was still a student the Wards also detected her brewing some non-approved potions which she slipped to the Prefects of Slytherin House which allowed her to dose the other Prefects and Head students so they would turn a blind eye when she gave into her sad*stic nature on the younger students. Winslow found evidence that her use of the tainted Blood Quills was not her first time torturing students. With her potions affecting the Prefects, Headboy, and Headgril Dolores used countless spells to make Muggleborn students' lives living Hells while they were at Hogwarts. Always using spells that would leave no visible traces and a memory charm of what spells she had used so the staff would never find out. It also seemed that while anti-cheating spells were in place during testing before the end-of-year test starting in her OLW year Dolores would cast spells on several students who did better than her on the test making them unable to focus or forgetful as they sat their exams leading to them having worse grades and her looking better by comparison.

Winslow wondered what crimes the woman had done outside of Hogwarts which had landed her the position of Senior Undersecretary of the Minister but could not find any info on it since it all happened outside of the castle's Wards. He was only able to see what fresh crimes she had done once she had returned as the unqualified Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Already having evidence on the woman's use of Blood Quills he skipped over it, though he did copy the records of the names of the students who had served detention with her after hearing Lady Zabini had been looking for it.

Winslow found evidence of a crime right after Education Decree Number 25 had been issued. For while it gave her the "authority" to give or alter any punishment to a student at Hogwarts, one of the first things she did was to give a lifetime ban to Lord Potter, and Joint Heir-Prewetts to play Quidditch at Hogwarts. While that was a rather harsh punishment the fact that she took all three student's brooms to make sure her ban was upheld. Such an action was illegal as she was taking their personal property as well as their rights to fly when they wished to in non-Quidditch related activities. The next two Educational Decrees were also illegal for preventing a member of staff from talking to students about anything other than their subject (Educational Decree # 26) would prevent a Head of House from doing their job properly. Also as some members of staff were related to some students at the castle it could prevent the passing of family information which would be illegal under the various laws dealing with Magical Household running and management for Lords/Ladies. Educational Decree Number 27 which stated a student would be expelled if they read one particular publication was a clear showing of censorship which by the Hogwarts bylaws was considered an illegal act when the school was founded to represent a neutral territory for its inhabitants.

Though, to be honest, Winslow thought Albus Dumbledore had also broken this bylaw as he removed numerous lessons and rituals that he decided were evil just cause they helped members of Gray or Dark Cores rather than Light Cored Magicals like himself. Winslow knew from the previous meetings in which he was used to helping out the Governors that Albus also has numerous citations on his record for discrimination against members of Slytherin House. Albus was not the only member of staff to do so as Minerva McGonagall and Severus Snape showed both discrimination to other Houses than the one they were Head of House for but also preferential treatment to members of their Houses. Winslow had seen a bit of this when he looked into Lord Potter's record seeing that Minerva had pulled some strings to get the boy onto the Gryffindor Quidditch Team during his first year.

Shaking his head to get himself back focused on the task at hand, Winslow returned to looking over the crimes Dolores had done at the castle. He looked down just in time to see a new document appear on the pile. Taking it off he read a message written in Umbridge's hand asking Minister Fudge permission to draft a new Educational Decree that allowed Corporal Punishment. As the Governors had worked with both at the time Headmaster and the Ministry to outlaw Corporal Punishment from happening at Hogwarts over fifty years ago if any decree was made from it would constitute an illegal act.

Adding the request for Corporal Punishment to the pile of her illegal actions, Winslow continued on with his work. He found a note from Severus Snape about the woman requesting Veritaserum so she could use it on the students as she looked for non-approved student organizations. Thankfully being a school Hogwarts only kept one or two bottles of Truth Potion on campus at a time. But the note from Severus Snape was followed by a copy of a notice that required all students to have a personal meeting with Umbridge. Even if she thought she had been given the potion as no one had come forward to remark that she had informed them about its use meant she was trying to dose the students without their knowledge or consent which was illegal unless the person was on trial.

There was still a large stack of information on Dolores's time at Hogwarts to go over under the notes of the Truth Potion, as for once Winslow was happy for Dobby as the mad Elf came over with a distraction. Dobby came over to report that he had been unable to find out who Hufflepuff's Heir was since Hepziban Smith's death nearly forty years ago and the violent family struggle which had led to the two students who had been part of her line attending Hogwarts at the time deaths along with the majority of the family. Dobby apologized for being unable to find more but he was also feeling the summons from Bastilian to come to help prepare breakfast for the castle. With a start, Winslow suddenly realized he had worked through the night without even realizing it. This lead him to have to stop himself so that he could prepare a meal for the Governors since there was very little food in the Governor's Hall and no other House Elf could be brought in since they were still technically dealing with the issues that brought them together last night. So gathering all he had collected so far he headed back to the hall and began their meal while leaving the packet of information for them to go over in the dining room.

Unaware that the packet was not everything on Umbridge's actions at Hogwarts the Governors once they went through it decided it was time to bring the law involved.* Hogwarts had students not only from Great Brittian but some from Italy, Spain, France, Germany, and other European nations who decided to attend Hogwarts rather than Beauxbatons or Durmstrang. This led the Governors to get in touch with law offices in all the nations that any current student hailed from to form a joint task force to bring Dolores in just in case Great Brittian under Fudge tried to get her to remain free and turn the tables on the Governors themselves. No one thought that it would happen but Fudge was not always the smartest person when it came to his pride. The list of the crimes would make sure Dolores would go away for a long time which unless they wanted to use the Founders' failsafe would mean they would have to start looking for worthy candidates for the Headteacher's position. If worse came to worse they could have Lord Nott take the position until they found someone since he was already Headmaster at Sycamore Academy.

Their meetings and the formation of the task force took them until noon to finish so when they arrived at Hogwarts it was lunchtime. The group had expected to find the castle inhabitants sitting down to lunch. What they got was pure chaos. Sounds of explosions were heard as they walked up the path to the front doors as what looked like streams of fireworks shot out of several upper windows. Another window looked like it was dripping some sort of sludge from it and some tree branches breaking the upper window frames. Holding their collective breaths as they wondered what they would find inside Drake opened the doors and led the way inside. He arched an eyebrow at seeing despite the chaos that appeared to be going on a large portion of the students and staff were eating their lunches as if it was just a normal day. Though from what he could see some were laughing anytime an explosion was heard.

"Don't stun them Filch," was heard as Dolores rushed down the Main Staircase the caretaker at her side as what looked like seven pink Catherine Wheels which were five feet in diameter chased them down.

"Yes, Mum," Filch said as the Governors and task force saw him try to use his broom to knock the Catherine Wheels aside only for the bristles to burst into pink flames.

"ENOUGH," Drake called as he tapped his cane/wand holder onto the flagstones reinforcing the castle Wards as much as he could which caused the fireworks that were zooming around the castle to fizzle out, much to the annoyance of the Weasley twins who were watching from the Great Hall.

"Thank you," Dolores said in her overly girlish voice turning to them and whipping some sweat off her forehead leaving a line of ash in its place.

"Dolores Jane Umbridge," Madam Bones said stepping forward since as the head of the British Ministry's Law officers it was her jurisdiction.

"Hello, Amelia what can I do for you? Umbridge asked in a simpering voice.

"Due to the list of crimes you have committed at Hogwarts not only as a member of staff but also a student you are under arrest," Madam Bones said stepping forward and before Dolores could react to the pronouncement took the woman's short stubby wand and placed her in magic dampening cuffs.

"What you can't do this I am the Headmistress and Senior Undersecretary to the Minister," Umbridge said as she began to struggle in her bonds.

"The Governors have found not only numerous instances of illegal actions you have committed here but also that you lacked the necessary requirement to be a member of staff in the first place," Madam Bones said as she handed Dolores over to members of the task force.


* just in case I come across any other crimes she did while a Hogwarts as I reread Order of the Pheonix in the future and want to continue this story. Like I did in this chapter since I forget she had taken Harry, Fred, and George's brooms until I got to that point in the story again.

Chapter 36: OC Cavalcade


After posting for almost two years now I thought I would dedicate a chapter to all my random Original Characters. (Not an actual story but a rundown of all my main Orignal Characters, some head cannon I tend to use, and some Original locations that I write about.


This chapter was inspired by a comment, which I have since lost so I can't give the credit to the commenter, where they remarked reading someone else's work in HP fanfiction and they expected one of my OC to show up.

I will be focusing on my OCs who have either appeared in numerous stories or played a main part in a story. So don't expect my Easter Egg characters like Squall and Zell to show up.

Unless I have talked about what a character looks like I will not give a description for I like to have my readers figure out what someone looks like on their own.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Kevin Joseph Elwick and his family.

A Ravenclaw student who is in the same year as Fred and George. Kevin's family are Draks through his older sister, Jenny, did not go through an inheritance. Depending on the story he is either paired with the Twins or one of their friends. When he is paired with the twins Kevin holds the submissive role in their relationship. Jenny does not trust Fred and George thinking they will corrupt her little brother. Kevin due to his Drak nature can transform into a small purple dragon which has earned him the name Wings from Fred and George. Jenny and Kevin's parents are Thomas and Dorthy Elwick. I have not gone into what Thomas does but Dorthy is a lawyer who specializes in Creature-Blooded Magical's rights.

Vincent Cheswick

A reporter who serves as a counter Rita Skeeter in my stories. He writes the facts and never embellishes his work to sell the story. Mostly used when Harry or my protagonist needs to give an interview for any of the papers. I describe him as always wearing a trench coat which is due to his inspiration being a mix of Columbo and the character Eramuth Bwua'tu from Star Wars. Vincent is also Kevin Elwick's Godfather.

Jo Lesky

Jo is as yet my only character who is Genderneutral. Jo starts at Hogwarts in what is Harry's Fourth Year and no matter which House Harry is in Jo will be sorted into it. Jo is the youngest of four kids but unfortunately only Mx's two eldest brothers and one Uncle support Jo in their Gender identity. Terrence Lesky was the Ravenclaw Headboy the year before Harry arrives at Hogwarts, while Geordi is a Hufflepuff in the same year as the twins. Jo was born a female before realizing they did not feel any gender applied to them. I describe Jo as having long black hair which they keep in a ponytail. Due to people's support of Jo in my various stories, which I have added Mx into those still being written since their introduction, I also have shifted Percy Weasley every once and a while into being Transgndered being born a Girl but seeing himself as a guy. Jo also is responsible for the Mx'er Potion to a small degree in my story Dragon Heart, Harry. From the comments I have gotten I believe Jo might be ranked as one of my top two Oringal Characters.

Shelby Lesky

Jo's older sister is sorted into Gryffindor House and is in Harry's year. Shelby along with her parents do not support Jo and will continue to refer to them as their sister. Shelby represents everything wrong with Gryffindor House. As many of my stories are either Bashing Dumbledore or Ron I put Shelby in to support them. Shelby fully stands behind all the twisted things Dumbledore does in the bashing stories while at the same time having a huge crush on Ron. I had Shelby be the stalkerish girl for Ron that Ginny is portrayed as to Harry or Pansy is for Draco. Funnily enough, Shelby actually appeared before Jo did before I decided to make them siblings. Shelby also follows her parents' ideas which are very bigoted against anyone that is different, the only thing preventing them from being Death Eaters, besides someone having the Death Eaters being the good guys, is that Shelby and her folks don't care about a person's blood unless it is Creature-blood. Shelby and Jo's parents are Don and Mel and due to the nature of the family are representative of my political views since they represent Donald Trump and his wife.


My most used OC. Bonecrusher is Harry's Gringotts Account Manager in almost all my stories since his introduction. He is the Heir Apparent to the English Goblin Kingdom's throne. The reason he works as an Account Manager for Harry is due to the power of Harry's lines since he not only controls at least Gryffindor but also Peverell family lines. I describe him as having a small goatee and a rough voice in the finest Goblin-made suites, usually pinstriped with gold or red embroidery. When Harry is taken to his office in the bank I tend to give Bonecrusher a random door each time from Gold, Platinum, and Obsidian. In my only story that he is not Harry's Account Manager that he appears in he holds the post of Defensive Magic instructor for the Goblin school of Giorvantia (pronounced Glory van tie) which in itself is one of my two Original schools that appear.

Betsy the Basilisk

The "Monster of Slytherin" but unlike it in the normal canon, Betsy is a good creature. She was left by the Founders to help protect the school, though no one can figure out how a Basilisk who can kill with a glance could protect anyone without accidentally killing them. She tends to call Harry and any other Speaker Hatchling due to her age and is referred to as a High Lady by other snakes. If I read the comments correctly Besty is tied with Jo for being the best of my OCs. Betsy becomes upset that the actions either by Tom when he was in school or when Ginny sets her loose caused harm to anyone. She has a magical ability given to her by Salazar that allows her to change size thus allowing her to be small enough to drape herself over Harry or anyone else's shoulders. Due to the darker nature of my story, Harry is a Straight Up Beast, Betsy is replaced by Deathstriker a more canon typical Basilisk. Betsy has also inspired me to name the Dragoness that Harry faces in the first task of the Triwizard as Wilma thus making the two "dangerous Monsters" Harry has to face at school a tribute to Betty and Wilma from the Flintstones.

Adrina Zabinin

While she is mentioned in the books as Blaise's mother the character is not given a name hence why I classify her as an OC. In the few stories, I have Adriana as the one marrying and killing her husband it is either due to protecting someone or by accident. As in the case of their deaths in the story Dragons of Slytherin House where the Omega Draks die during a Heat as being unable to handle her. Other times the Zabini woman who marries and kills her husband is Adriana's sister, Rose. I often describe her as having the look of royalty where Harry upon first meeting her tends to mistake her for a Queen with her long black hair reaching the middle of her back and the same purple eyes as her son. Going off this I decided to have her be the Italian Minister of Magic. While she did not go to Hogwarts, Adriana has meet James, Lily, and Sirius before Voldy's attack. This is due to during a visit to Britain when she was an Underminister James and Sirius had the job to protect her. When she gets attacked as James and Sirius's fellow Aurors look into it they take Adriana off the grid by crashing at Lily's place. The four of them become friends and while she is not selected to become Harry's Godmother, Adrina is selected as an alternate. Their friendship also leads to a playdate between Harry and Blaise leading to a Marriage Contract being made between them. Adriana also has a history as a lawyer and later judge before she took up a post in the Italian Ministry.

Legvistus Nott

Theo Nott's Grandfather. Legvuistus (pronounced Lev is tesh) is an elderly gentleman who tends to wear Muggle suits and always wears white gloves. Another character that was inspired by Eramuth Bwua'tu from Star Wars. The reason he tends to wear Muggle clothing is from the fact that I have the Nott family running the original school Sycamore Academy which teaches the Squib children of Magical families and the siblings of Muggleborns. Though the school will not allow someone like Dudley in as he is in normal canon. Besides being Headmaster of Sycamore Academy Legvustus is a member of the Hogwarts School Board and tends to be an ally of Harry. In one story he even becomes one of the Hogwarts Inquisitors.

Drake Vensel

The Head of the Hogwarts School Board, when it is separated from Hogwarts. In other words, is made up of family members of Hogwarts students and does not include the four Heads of House. A very by-the-book Muggleborn male who like the rest of the School Board or Governors has a cane-shaped wand holder, but unlike Lucius's cane Drake appears to be made of mahogany

Master Jax-Gat

A Wandmaker who works in Kelpie Avenue, an Original Magical Avenue. Unlike Olivander all his Wands have to be assembled in his store after their components are collected by a Magical. As he works on creating their wand Jax-Gatt informs the person getting the wand what wandlore tells them about their personality based on the components. He is one of Severus's old friends as the pair used to work together when going for their Masters after leaving school.

Crone Ophelia

Another Wandmaker, this one based in Knocktern Alley. She also creates wands from their components, but unlike Master Jax-Gatt she pours a little of her dark magic into each wand she makes creating a trace on them outside the Ministry's normal traces. She also tends to use more dark materials than other Wandmakers in her work. I tend to picture her as Mama from Addam Family.


A Goblin Wandmaker or Artifactor. Slashvolt also makes his wands usually for his fellow Goblins but every once and a while for humans like those who have been allowed to attend Glorvantai.

The Flints

Marcus Flint's parents. Marcie Flint is a member of the Holy Head Harpies and since all members have G names she plays under the stage name of "Glorious Stonewall" for her ability to take Bludger Hits without being moved a single inch on her broom. Douglas Flint is from a family who has a Creature Inheritence from Wood Elf blood. While Marcie is rather tall standing around six feet Douglas is just shy of five feet tall. Douglas is a stay-at-home dad who loves to cook for the family alongside the family's House Elves and tends to a large number of plants that are kept in the home due to his Wood Elf nature.

The Parkinsons

Pansy Parkinson's folks. Pansy's dad, Antonio is a fashion designer who meets Pansy's mom Galas when she came to his shop trying to ger permission to put enchantments on his clothing so they could be used as a magical equivalent to a bulletproof vest. Galas works as an Auror and was a training partner with Amelia Bones leading them to be rather good friends so that Galas would seek Amelia out if she had trouble with a case or family issue.

Minister Tony

He is just the guy I use to perform weddings and Bondings in my story nothing more. That is literally all he is there for.


The Head Potter House Elf, or at least the Head of the Elves tied to the Potter Family Manor. He has served the Potter line since Harry's Grandparents' time. While he is a calm Elf his only pet peeve is someone who can not cook, hence his issue with Draco in the story History Repeats Itself. Unlike other House Elves, Tumbus does not look down on Dobby due to seeing how much Harry cares for him.


The Head House Elf working for Hogwarts. Cares deeply for the students of the castle and is upset to find out if any get dosed with potion lacing the food prepared by her crew. Unlike other House Elves who work at Hogwarts, Bastilian does not wear a toga with the Hogwarts crest on it. Rather she wears a small pantsuit and uses a Hogwarts school flag as a cloak. She can also perform a sort of Inheritence test on the students if asked, though the results will mostly focus on any health issues rather than list any spells they are under or their overall family lines apart from who their parents are.

Ken Domon

Ken is Harry's Alpha in the Story Dragons of Slytherin House. The Domon family is based on the team from the Super Sentai series Carranger with the team's mentor becoming Ken's father Dapu. I did change Ken's name from his character in the series as well as his job so that rather than designing cars which made no sense with the rest of his siblings' business he has a career in History. Ken is the youngest of his family and the most serious of them all which he shares with the character he is based on. Due to his Asianic heritage, he appears to be younger than he is with short black hair and matching eyes while in human form. As a Historian, his focus is on the differences between Muggle and Magical histories such as the time of Camelot or the eruption at Pompeii. His work in history leads him to be a fact checker for other Historians' publications. In a possible future, he turns his time as a fact checker into a business of running a book publishing company. While he is Harry's Alpha he is also the shortest of Harry's mates with his experience winning against Harry's Beta during their duel. Ken is a kind and carrying man who wants nothing more than to keep his Nest, especially Harry safe and happy which is somewhat hampered when he sees the amount of physical and mental abuse done to Harry at the first meeting of the Nests' families ad the fact that Harry only allows Lucius to see the full contents of the document. Ken loves Muggle movies and has a very extensive collection of Disney films that the Nest watch when they have the time. Ken and Orion also are willing to be around Remus, despite Werewolves and Draks in the story being mortal enemies all for Harry's sake. As the story features Patron deities Ken pays homage to f*ckurokuju a Japaness God of Wisdom and Longevity

Orion Malfoy

Draco's older brother and Harry's Beta Mate in Dragons of Slytherin House. Orion looks just like an older Draco but at the same time more muscular due to his work with Magical Beast making him a cross between Draco as he appeared in the epilogue scene in the movie though without facial hair and Charlie Weasely. Orion actually works with Charlie and was part of the team that collected Norberta during Harry's first year. As he works with Magical Beast, Orion covers for Hagrid when he is out trying to recruit the giants rather than Professor Grubly-Plank. He is able to surprise the students when he does not show favoritism to Draco during class and even tells him off for not focusing on the creature they were meant to be taking care of. As a Malfoy, he is not that familiar with most of the Muggle world and is surprised the first time the group heads to a Mall. He is joined in the story by another Malfoy child of an older sister named Delilah who did not go through a Drak Inheritence making her the equivalent of a Squib in a normal magical family. Both Delilah and Orion to most of Magical Britain are estranged from their parents, but they are actually still close to them. This was decided by Lucius to keep his elder kids safe from Voldy's influence. Orion's Patron God is Idianale a Goddess from the Philippines for animal husbandry.


A Drak/Naga hybrid who works for Harry's Grandparents in the story Dragon Heart, Harry. Revealing his Drak form to Harry caused Harry to choose him as his First Mate. It is not just seeing Moch'lo's Drak form that drew Harry to him as Harry liked Moch'lo's kind nature and his sense of humor. Moch'lo is 17'4" tall and is shorter than his younger brother by a full head. Before he bonds to Harry he worked as the Head Guard for Harry's grandparents the king and Queen of the planet Cirit. He is so large Harry can easily nestle in his arms like a small child. While I had not meant for it to happen Moch'lo has begun to fall under the cliche of getting Worfed where he should be the best fighter but is always the first one to fall. This is due to those attacking Harry and the others seeing him as the largest threat and dealing with him first. To keep the secret of them being Draks, Moch'lo is hired at Hogwarts as the new head of security as well as beefing up the Wards, with Goblin approval. He has a pet Nargle named Rosco.


Another of Harry's mates from Dragon Heart, Harry. Chet came from the world of Xanth which is one of my old favorite book series and is named for one of the characters in the series. Chet is the son of a Dragon-Human crossbreed (what they are called in Xanth) and a Brassy which is a sort of living statue. He stands at around seven feet tall and has a bald head. Chet is the first person to meet Harry after Harry's Drak side is awakened due to being part of the team to rescue him from the Dursleys sent by the Drakon Center that he works for. Chet admits he fell in love with Harry after seeing Harry's green eyes while holding onto him as the Healers on his team tried to keep Harry alive. To keep the secret of them being Draks, Chet is seen by the majority of non-Drak inhabitants of Hogwarts as one of Moch'lo's two assistants. Chet is considered strange not only due to him being closer to a full Dragon than most Draks but due to his background as both a warrior and a Healer.

Freya of Aaroc

Freya is roughly the size of Madam Maxine and Hagrid and is also part giant on her mother's side. Unlike an Earth Giant/Giantess on Freya's home planet of Aaroc, a Giant/Giantess would stay with their mate. Unfortunately, Freya's mom died when she was younger leaving her to be brought up by her Drak Papa Zidane creating a special bond between the pair. Freya had a hard time finding a Mate before Harry due to most Omegas disliking how close she was to her Papa, but all that changed when she meet Harry who loved how close they were and even invited Zidane to move in with them once the Nest had found a home. Freya tends to dress in leather making Ron describe her as a Biker Chick, but she dresses like that due to her job as a freelance bodyguard. She took the job as a way to earn money so she could get her Papa out of the slums in which they lived. Her preferred weapon is a compound crossbow with specially created tipped bolts ready for any occasion. Both Freya and her father like to play a version of Dungeons and Dragons, which lead to Harry inviting her into his Nest by rolling a twenty-sided dice and gaining the initiative over her. Freya knows how to create two special forms of Portals one that allows letters to be sent easily between locations and another that is similar to a Floo call.

Najimi Hans

A First Year student when Harry is in his final year at Hogwarts. Najimi is a Muggleborn who identifies as Asexual which his parents do not agree with and plan to send him to a Conversion camp before he is rescued by Harry or others. He is manly a character in I'm not your Omega, You are not my Alpha where he gets adopted by Harry, Michael, Theo, and Blaise. Harry saw in him a bad home life possibly similar to what Harry had to live through at the Dursleys which had led to the adoption. Despite being only seven years younger than them he calls each of his new parents some form of Dad which touches their hearts. Due to Ginny and later Seamus messing with him Harry nearly loses control of his magic as he shows off that while he is an Omega who in the story are thought to be weak and only good for taking care of the home and children, Harry was the one to finish off Voldy.

Sherry Wicker

My name for the witch who pushes the food trolley on the Hogwarts Express. She used to work as a teacher at Hogwarts before Dumbledore removed the class she taught forcing her to get a job on the train.

Kallin Leon and Fleur Sol Potter

Harry's twins in History Repeats Itself and the following story in that series. Kallin is the older sibling but Fleur is seen as more active. In all but their first words, Fleur is the first one to develop as they grow up. Kallin's first word is "Ball," while looking at a Snitch, while Fleur's is "Bye-Bye" both of which happen on the twin's first birthday. As the children of Harry, Draco, Fred, Snape, Viktor, and Blaise they both had dark skin from Blaise, Viktor's square chin, Snape's pointed nose, and Harry's messy hair and green eyes. Kallin has red hair like Fred's while Fleur is just like her namesake and Draco has blonde hair. Due to his magical abilities, Harry is able to understand them when they babble leading him to find out that the twins had names for all their parents. Snape is Pointed Nose, Fred is Bigger Red, Draco was Bigger White and Viktor was Square face. It disappointed everyone when the twins recognized and called Blaise Dada and Harry at the start hated being called Mama. This all changed when they found out that the names were just the twins calling them what they were and seeing them as their parents, as they found out when Harry held them within his wings for the first time. Just like the twins have names for each of their parents each of Harry and the others had a special title the twins called them. Snape is Father, Draco was Papa, Blaise is their Dad, Fred is Daddy, much to Harry's chagrin, at least at the start, he is Mama, and Viktor is their татко. The story ends with them getting sorted at Hogwarts with Fleur being sent to Ravenclaw and Kallin going to Slytherin.

Professor Calvin Tig

A man who comes to cover either Transfiguration or History of Magic. He is described as looking to be twenty-something and in Harry's opinion quite good-looking in I'm not your Omega, You're not my Alpha. He abuses his authority and tries to molest Harry who can not fight back against him before getting rescued by Draco, Parvati, Sev (Neville who in the story is Harry's twin), and Michael. He also appears again in A Kitsune and a Flaming Sippy Cup where he has blockers in place so as to not reveal if he is a dominant or submissive person to Harry or others who had gone through Creature Inhetitences at the school.

Head Cannons I have started to use in my stories (not necessarily OC but some out-of-character for existing ones)

  • The Bloody Baron's real name is Bartholomew Augustus Reginald Black and is Sirus, Narcissa, Andromeda, Draco, Nypmadora, and Bellatrix's ancestor.
  • The Fat Frier's real name is Frier Tuck and he was friends with Robin Hood.
  • The Fat Lady has a name and it is Gladys.
  • Before he started working in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office, Arthur Weasley was a high-ranked Auror possibly the former leader of them.
  • Michael Corner's parents own and operate a book/Quidditch store called the Corner Store
  • House Elves bind themselves to Humans as they gain substance from Magic but can't take it straight up so use humans and other magic-using creatures sore of like coffee filters.
  • While Harry may be a bottom, Submissive, Omega, or whatever you want to call it he is never weak and will fight for what he believes in just like in the normal books, but he would rather be taken care of if he had a choice in the matter.
  • Xenophilius and Lucius Malfoy are brothers unless specified in the story
  • The creatures Luna can see really exist and are considered a classification is known as Fae Beast. Nargels look like snakes but can float at least five feet off the ground, become invisible, and are bright yellow with stripes of red and green while being covered with bubbles that are pink near a Nargle's head and purple near the tail. A Crumple-Horn Snorkacks look like a Great Dane-sized Rhino though with the color of a Giraffe's fur rather than a normal horn a Snorkacks has what looks like a battle ax coming out of its face. There is also a creature known as a Shigmac which looks like an oversized pink bat (think of a Crobat from Pokemon) and appears to someone when they sense a person needs help.
  • The Creevey family lives close to the Dursleys so Colin and Harry actually attended the same Muggle public school and Colin's dad is the Dursleys' Milkman.
  • Due to the rampant Anti-Slytherin attitude at the castle as soon as Snape became the Head of House he began to stock health potions in case one of his students got hurt over a certain level while at the castle. He also enchanted a quill and parchment to take notes of these injuries so other students could better heal them.
  • There is a card game called Magical or Muggle which is similar to Apples to Apples and Cards Against Humanity. In the game, the players are given a random job or chore such as changing a light bulb. The players then pick one card from their two hands giving both a Muggle and a Magical way to perform the job. The dealer gives them points for how clever their choice is or how funny they find it.
  • While Hogwarts has OWLS and NEWTS there are different tests in other parts of the World. The test that is used by other Magical Schools that follow ICW's education guidelines is known as the ELVEsm or Extremely Large Vexing Exams

Original Locations

  • Giorvantia is the main Magical school for Goblins and a select number of humans. A human can only enroll in the school if they have either great deeds to their name or are the child of a Gringott human employee. The school is located under an office building and extends several floors underground with the topmost floor being the same as Hogwart's entrance Hall. Rather than keep track of points earned by each group that attends the school Glorvantai keeps track of the number of members for each group: Flame, Cave, and Lake each representing a different aspect of Goblin's possible jobs. Flame are security agents, Cave are the tellers and Account Managers, and Lake as Healers.
  • Sycamore Academy is a school created by the Nott family where the Squib children and siblings of Muggleborns can go to school The school teaches mostly Muggle subjects though it also teaches beginner Potions and Herbology since Squibs can still learn them. There are two mandatory history classes on focused on the Muggle World the other the Magical world so the students can better understand both. As it is seen as a Prestigious school many Muggles who are unaware of its true nature try to get their kids enrolled in it either by trying to make donations to the school or threatening to cancel their funding, but as Sycamore is backed by Magical families who want their Squib offspring to have a good education they never have to worry about money.
  • Voggek is a magical Juvenile detention center and orphanage. If a kid is sent there for a crime rather than losing their parents they will lose access to their wand outside of class. All classes taught for juvenile offenders are the bare minimum of lessons and are only used to make sure a person can learn to control their magic more than anything else. The place can only be reached by Apparating to it or use of the Floo network both of which heads directly to the leader of the facilities office.
  • The various other Magical Alleys of Britain. Kelpie Avenue is a place for both Wands but also various types of bookstores on various magical fields as well as the location of a magical researching firm. Minuet Alley which is mostly food stores and restaurants which Magicals can use if they either don't have House Elves or if they wish to get their food themselves rather than using the Elf Markets. Finally, there is Trap Steet, which is a reference to Doctor Who, where anyone with Creature Blood can be free to be themselves without the prejudice that is too prevalent in Britain. Trap Steet is very similar to Diagon Alley but all stores use puns for their names such as the bookstore which is called Tail's Tale. The Gringotts located at Trap Steet, unlike the other allies is just a one-floor building with no direct access to vaults due to the anti-creature beliefs of Britain, though they can transport someone to a larger branch if need be.


I hope you found this helpful and possibly a little entertaining.

I will return to this chapter and edit it if I find more characters or Headcanons I have used before I published the chapter.

Chapter 37: Angel in Green


While Ron and Hermione fight over her cat going after Scabbers, Harry takes a break and finds out that not all Slytherins are like Draco Malfoy.


Title may change

Tags: Slight Ron and Hermione Bashing just due to Harry being sick of them fighting and putting him in the middle. Trelawney Bashing, Good Slytherins. Possible Theo/Harry or Blaise/Harry ship in the future. Takes place during Prisoner of Azkaban.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry could not stand to be around either of his best friends at the moment. He got that sometimes people fought and had disagreements, he just never thought that a cat could lead to the end of their friendship. Ron always complained about Scabbers but with Hermione's cat Crookshank seeming to hunt the rat above all other creatures at Hogwarts, the redhead had become very protective of his pet. Harry guessed it did not help Crookshank's case that as it went after Scabbers since the rat was kept close to Ron nowadays, the orange fluffball also ended up scratching and biting Ron as well. What was worse was that to keep his friendship with both of them he was trying to find the time to hang out with both of them equally.

This he did not mind, to be honest, what he did mind was that every once and a while they would try to talk him around to see that they were the better party. While Harry's parents were both dead, and his aunt and uncle while being horrible people had a semi-stable relationship what Harry was going through with his friends at the moment made him think of a child during a divorce.

So to give himself a break from their bickering and trying to get him on their side, Harry decided to do his homework at a little used and visited table in the Hogwarts Library. He was only doing it there for if he did not keep up on his homework, Hermione would get on his case about that as well. Surprisingly he found that he had an easier time doing his homework alone than he did with either of them. Though considering Ron hated doing homework and wanted to mess around until the last moment, and Hermione would constantly look over his shoulder and comment he was doing something or another wrong on their assignment this was easy to understand. He still was not sure about the grammar or spelling of some words thanks to the special restrictions his aunt and uncle had on him during his Muggle school days to prevent him from outperforming Dudley.

The only subject he was not really sure about was Divination. For he believed he had calculated everything correctly, but Professor Trelawney seemed more interested in bad luck happening to him than real work and real results. The one time he had turned in an assignment where he put the work in calculating and researching it, she had given him low marks, making him wish he had chosen a different elective last year. He wondered how much trouble it would be to drop the class, getting sick of her predicting his death every lesson.

Harry was snapped out of his musings as an unfamiliar voice said, "That does not seem right to me. What sort of calculations are you doing Potter?" Looking up from his work, Harry started to see he was no longer alone at the table. What was even more shocking was that the two who had joined him wore the colors of Slytherin House, and were part of Draco's crew. Granted not two of the crew who helped the blonde bully other students but considering Harry had been at the table first it was strange that they joined him. "Are you sure you got your maths right, Potter?" the paler of the two boys said. "Granted I am not taking Divinations but I maths is absolute."

"It does not matter," Harry said pulling his work closer to him.

"Of course it matters, Potter," the darker one said. "As Theo said maths is absolute so unless those Mugges schools you went to taught maths differently your work is all kinds of messed up."

"No it does not," Harry protested.

"And why doesn't it?" the one called Theo asked.

"The Professor will mark me down if I calculated it correctly," Harry said making the two Slytherins share a look he could not decipher.

"What kind of instructor would do that?" Theo asked.

"Evidently the Divinations teacher, would," the second teen said.

"Don't be a smartass, Blaise," Theo said shooting the other a look. "But seriously Potter why kind of teacher is the Divinations Professor if they want you to no do the work properly?"

"I don't know how to answer that," Harry said.

"Alright, how would you compare them to other instructors here?" Theo asked.

"I guess on the level of Lockhart," Harry said giving it just a moment of thought before answering.

"Ouch, that bad?" Blaise asked pulling out his homework for what Harry recognized as Arithmancy that he saw Hermione work on in the Common Room.

"Surely they can't be that bad?" Theo asked.

"Lockhart did not use the Pixies in your class did he?" Harry asked in response.

"No, we only heard him doing that for the Gryffindor single study. We still had that ridiculous quiz though," Blaise answered.

"Well, when he brought out the Pixies he "cast" a "spell," Harry said using finger quotes around cast and spell, "that was supposed to stun them but only riled them up leading them to wreck the classroom. Most of our class lost any respect for him from that moment onward, but Professor Trelawney is if anything a little worse than he was."

"How?" both Slytherins asked at the same time a little too loudly making Madam Pince stick her vulture-like face around a stack and shush them while she glared at the noise.

"Does no one in Slytherin take Divinations?" Harry asked.

"No," Theo said as Blaise shook his head in agreement. "Most students who end up in Slytherin come from old Pureblood families and those that don't are told that unless one has the magical talent as a Seerer that class is pointless. Why?"

"Well, according to Professor McGonagall, Professor Trelawney's favorite way to greet a class is to predict a student's death at the start of learning under her."

"So?" Blaise asked. "Wait don't tell us she picked out you as the one destined to die."

"Right in one," Harry said finding it a little strange that he was able to talk so easily with this pair of Slytherin students.

"So because she predicted your death you do not do use proper maths?" Theo asked starting to work on his Study of Ancient Runes homework.

"She seemed to like misfortune in all of her predictions especially when it comes from me," Harry explained.

"If you don't mind me asking how did she predict your death, like did she give any specific details on time, or what kills you?" Blase asked.

"Not really," Harry said with a small shrug. "She began by guessing what part of the year I was born in wrong and then said it was destined to die after seeing a Grimm in my tea leaves."

"She got your birthday wrong?" Theo asked utterly flabbergasted.

"Yeah, is that significant?" Harry asked.

"Potter in case you forgot you are one of the most famous people in the nation everyone knows when you were born," Theo explained.

As if to prove this correct Blaise chimed in with, " July 31, 1980, at 2:34 am."

"They give the exact time I was born?" Harry asked having never known that or when he had been born beside the day.

"Yeah, I think if you look hard enough some books written about you and the defeat of He-Whose-Name-Should-Never-Be-Uttered even have the weight you were at birth and other random facts," Theo said.

"What other random facts?" Harry asked his homework utterly forgotten by now.

"Let's see," Theo said leaning back a little in his chair and tapping his temple as if he was trying to recall something. "Your eyes changed color rather quickly at just under five weeks, according to one source your favorite solid food to eat was mashed up bananas. Your parents had found you were allergic to pumpkin which they must have put you on potions to correct since I have seen you drink pumpkin juice during meals. Your Godparents are Alice Longbottom and Sirius Black who Blood Adopted you."

"Wait Sirius Black is my Godfather?" Harry asked not knowing what Blood Adoption was.

"Oh yes, he was your parents' friend before turning them over to The-Dark-Dipsh*t," Blaise said. "Some sources even wonder if due to the Blood Adoption if you will gain some Magical Abilities that are native to their lines."

"Magical Abilities?" Harry asked.

"Well, like your Pareslemagic," Theo said. "I think the Black family has a talent in Metamophmagic while the Biswick line which Alice Longbottom was part of before she married into the Longbottom line has a talent in Mage Sight. Do you have either of those abilities?"

"I don't even know what they are," Harry said.

"Metamorphmagic is an ability that allows you to change your form at will. For example, last year Professor Snape talked about a highly advanced potion known as the Poljuice Potion which allows one to change into a duplicate of someone else, but if you had a talent in Metamorphmagic you could change at will," Theo explained. "As for Mage Sight it allows a person to see through random types of magic sometimes, but other times it lets one see what type of person they are dealing with is by reading the person's magic. Mage Sight has actually various uses which are all valid yet different so it is hard to tell."

"How would I know if I have either of those abilities?" Harry asked.

"Now that is a kicker for some Magical abilities only appear in a person once they reach their Majority ie Seventeen years old, while others can appear sooner. Though since you can use Parslemagic if you had them, unless for some reason they were blocked you should be able to use the other two," Blaise explained.

"Blocked?" Harry asked making the pair share another unreadable look.

"Blocking parts of a person's magical core or abilities are sometimes done by a parent when a child is very young so they do not get overwhelmed by their magic before they can handle it. If you still have any blocks on you know it could be that they were never removed after your parents died," Blaise said.

"Or some other reason which is much worse," Theo added.

"Worse?" Harry asked.

"Let's say you go get tested and find out that both these Magical Abilities were blocked which might be normal due to living with Muggles, but you also find that more than five percent of your Magical Core is Blocked. This would point out someone is messing with you for parents never Block more than five percent of their offspring's core," Theo said.

"My mother has heard of some Magical Family Stewarts even placing Blocks on an Heir's ability in certain subjects as well. Most likely to make them unable to do well in the subject showing they lack the necessary skills to lead the family when they are of age," Blaise added.

"Why?" Harry asked suddenly realizing that he was distracting the pair when they most likely came to the library to do their homework not answer random questions from him. Though they did start it by asking about his Divinations assignment.

"There is a lot of power in most family lines, and if the Lord or Lady names an Heir and dies if the Heir is underage some who are meant to watch over the line until the Heir comes of age grow accustomed to the power and want to keep it. So they will do what they can to keep the power despite the punishment for trying to commit Line Theft, which is what this crime is called," Blaise explained. "I would fear this happening to you if not for the fact that it is a well-known fact that Headmaster Dumbledore is your Magical Guardian."

"He is?" Harry asked making the pair share another of their unreadable looks.

Rather than answer him Blaise and Theo seemed to have a silent conversation using their eyes before they turned to their homework. Harry wondered if they had just gotten tired of his questions and decided to focus on their work until the bell as he turned back to the Divination assignment where he began to write about the "misfortunes" which were going to happen in the next month or so. For the next few moments, there is just the sound of quills on parchment before both Theo and Blaise asked a question of Harry at the same time.

"Why not just drop the class?"

"Did you ever meet Headmaster Dumbledore before coming to Hogwarts?"

"Can you say that again one at a time?" Harry asked.

Sharing a look Blaise nodded to Theo to go first, "Did you even meet the Headmaster before coming to Hogwarts, Potter?"

"The only time I saw him before reaching the castle was on the back of the first Chocolate Frog Card I had on the ride over," Harry answered. "Now what was your question?"

"Mine is not so important anymore," Blaise said as he and Theo began to pack their stuff up.

"Okay," Harry said thinking they were about to head out early to get to their classes since he had no idea where either Study of Ancient Runes or the Arithmancy classrooms were located. "Well, it was nice chatting with you." Harry did mean it finding the two was not as much of a pain as Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, or Pansy.

"Potter, no, Harry," Theo said hosting his bag onto his left arm. "I know thanks to Draco's actions you might not be willing to trust us but I would suggest you have Madam Pomfrey check you out to see if you have any Block in your system and to get rid of them."

"The sooner the better," Blaise added sending Harry a look that showed he was utterly serious.


Sorry, more of an intro chapter for their meeting than anything else.

Chapter 38: Angels in Green II


Harry decides to follow Theo and Blaise's advice during his next free period and encounters some more help


New Tags: Dumbes and Pomfrey bashing, Protective Remus Lupin.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry thought it was good advice to see if he had any Blocks on him, or if was it in him he was not quite sure how to phrase it. Not knowing how long it would take he also decided to do it during his next break rather than be late for his next class. It would also give him an excuse to avoid the petty squabble between his friends for a little longer.

His next free period did not happen until the day after his strange meeting with the two Slytherins in the library, right after his Defense Against the Dark Arts class. He had to smile seeing the points he got on Professor Lupin's latest homework for it was one of the only classes he ever ranked higher than Hermione in. Reaching the Hospital Wing but before he can say anything Madam Pomfrey breathes out a heavy sigh as she asked, "What is it this time Potter?"

While Harry had little experience with Doctors and Nurses in the Muggle World due to his family never wanting to take him to a hospital, he thought Madam Pomfrey needed to improve her Bedside Manner while dealing with her patients. "I heard about a practice that is sometimes done to Magical Children by their parents where they sometimes Block parts of their magic."

"Yes, Mr. Potter what about it? I am quite busy as you can see," she said in an annoyed voice.

Harry did not see for they were the only people in the room but he chose to ignore it. "Well since my parents died when I was so young I was wondering if I could get checked to see if any Blocks they might have put on me are still in place."

"No," she said simply as she began to use her wand to change the sheets in the already clean and made-up beds in the room.

"May I ask why not?" he asked.

"I am a Medi-Healer if you wanted to be looked over for any Blocks you should have done so when you went to St. Mungos or any other Healing House before coming to school," she said with an annoyed huff.

"I don't even know what that is," Harry said.

"Ah yes, very funny Mr. Potter I know you have been there for I received your medical records from them before you started," Madam Pomfrey said.

"Medical records?" Harry asked having no recollection of seeing any type of Doctor before his first visit to see her.

"Yes, your medical records telling me about any health issues you might have had, what, if any, potions you are on that sort of thing," she said in a voice that clearly showed she thought he was playing dumb.

"I have never seen another doctor or nurse before you," he said.

"As I just said I am a Medi-Healer, not a doctor or nurse. And while you might not have seen one, one has obviously seen you," she said with another annoyed grunt.

Thinking of a little test as he recalled what Theo told him yesterday he asked, "So what am I allergic to?"

"Mr. Potter, I have other things I have to take care of rather than your issue since it is not medically relevant at this time," she said avoiding the question.

"I think, Harry, brings up a valid concern Poppy," a familiar voice said as Professor Lupin entered the hall.

"Ah, Remus give me a moment to get Mr. Potter out of here and we can take care of our business," she said as she turned to usher Harry out of the hall.

"As I said I think he has a good point. If he has no memory of seeing a Healer a simple question on what he is allergic to should be answered," Remus said moving his body to prevent her from getting Harry to leave the room.

"Very well, if it will expedite matters," she said with another annoyed huff. "Mr. Potter you are not allergic to anything according to the paperwork I received from St. Mungs."

"And what potions is he on?" Remus asked knowing something was wrong having joined James, Lily, Peter, and the Bastard in a night of worry at St. Mungos the first time Harry had eaten anything with pumpkin in it.

"He is on nothing," Madam Pomfrey said only to make Remus's worry increase for Harry not being on any potions and the fact that she was sharing this info or lack thereof without any issue considering it should be classified as the personal medical date which he should not have access to, even if his Wolf saw Harry as a member of his pack.

"Harry what did you come here for," Remus asked turning to the boy.

"I heard recently about Blocks that might be applied to someone and was wondering since my parents died when I was young if I might still have it on me, or in me, whatever," Harry explained.

"And you balked at that?" Remus asked shooting a confused look at the Matron. "It is a simple spell that even I know how to do." Professor Lupin then proved it by casting it on Harry who found red and green flashing lights surrounding him as if he was in the middle of a Christmas Tree with the lights that run around it in random patterns. When the lights ended there was a small "pop" as a roll of parchment appeared in Professor Lupin's hand. "Here you go Harry," the man said passing over the scroll without looking at it.

Harry unrolled the scroll to read what the spell had read off of him.

Harry James Potter's Magical Block results

  • 15% Magical Core Blocked- external source
  • 35% Magical Core Blocked- internal source
  • 78% Parselmagic Blocked- Parsletongue Ability left alone
  • 100% Mage Sight Blocked
  • 100% Metamoprmagic Blocked
  • 63% Magical Connection to Hogwarts Blocked
  • 82% Potioneering Blocked
  • 81% Block in learning Magical History
  • 12% Block in learning Charms
  • 10% Block in learning Transfiguration

"How does a Block tied to learning a subject work?" Harry asked looking up from the scroll.

"It should not matter to you," Madam Pomfrey scoffs at him.

"What subjects do you have Blocks tied to, Harry?" Remus asked.

"History of Magic, Charms, and Transfiguration. I also have a large Block tied to Potioneering which I can only assume affects my ability in Potions class," Harry said offering the scroll back to the man who shook his head not wanting to invade Harry's privacy.*

"Well, a Block tied to subjects like Charms and Transfiguration will make it take longer for you to master a spell," Remus said but seeing the confused look on Harry's face, "to fully master a spell one usually has to cast it around five hundred times. Depending on how big the Block is that number will increase. Also, the Block will interfere slightly with your wand movements making it even harder to master the spell. A Block tied to Potion making will also interfere with your ability to brew making your movements less precise when cutting, and mixing a potion. It might also suppress any natural Potion Making ability you might have, I recall your Grandparents were great Potioneers with your Grandfather as a Healer at St. Mungos and your Grandmother brewing a Hair Potion she called Sleekeazy' Hair Potion. She even talked your Grandfather into being the model on the bottle due to the Potter family all having messy hair which was why she brewed it in the first place."

"You knew my Grandparents as well?" Harry asked having already learned the man knew his parents.

"I had met them before they died shortly after your family was attacked," Remus said rubbing the back of his neck.

"How can one get rid of Blocks on them?" Harry asked deciding to let the matter of Professor Lupin meeting his grandparents drop for now. Seeing that like Theo and Blaise said there had to be a large problem going on since he had so many things Blocked but also more than five percent of his Core Blocked.

"Most Blocks will end if you can go through a Cleansing, unfortunately, this can not be done at Hogwarts," Remus said,

"How can my Core be listed as being Blocked by both an external and internal source?" Harry asked the man utterly ignoring the Matron who was still trying to get him to leave the room.

"Well, as one would guess from the nature of them an external Block is done by someone else, while an internal one is from your own Magic being used to protect something or take care of some issue, Mr. Potter," Madam Pomfrey said annoyed that the boy was not leaving like she wanted him to.
"I take it the results listed as you have Blocks on your Core from both sources?" Remus asked.

"Yeah," Harry answered with a nod.

"Well, isn't that funny Poppy, from his medical history you say he has there would be nothing that would require his Magic to Block itself to heal him?" Remus said arching an eyebrow at the Matron. "Maybe his system is working overtime to make sure he does not get sick from any Magical illnesses he might have been vaccinated as a baby to handle but is out of practice due to his long stint in the Muggle World."

"How should I know," she shot back.

"Oh, I don't know. Why not by giving him a follow-up test during one of his previous visits to make sure the records you got was not from some mistake and belonged to another student?" Remus asked his voice dripping in sarcasm.

"Impossible I got his records right from the Headmaster," she countered.

"Did you now, how very interesting," he said.

"No it is not, he is Mr. Potter's Magical Guardian after all," she said.

"Have things changed since I was a student and Halear Noble left? I thought even if she got a student's medical file right from their parent or the Head of any House of Healing she would still perform a scan on the student. You know due to how their body and magic might change as they start to learn spells or in a Magical rich environment for the first time?" Remus asked.

"Of course, things have changed. After Healer Noble retired I was left without help you try taking care of all everyone at this castle by yourself and see if you don't let things slip," she said hotly.

"Oh I have overheard all about what you let slip as I walk the halls," Remus said. "From what I heard with possibly the exception of Harry's visit today you will see to Gryffindor students right away, wait five minutes to look after a Hufflepuff, maybe ten for a Ravenclaw, and either refuse to see or give a Slytherin student the wrong Potion or procedure."

"That is a lie," she said with a small growl of anger at him.

"How about we place a small wager then," Remus said with a small predatory smile on his face.

"I will not place a wager, I am not one of your old school friends," she said glaring at him.

"That is true for even Peter would have more sense than you are showing. It is quite simple really," Remus said as if she had not turned down the wager, "just cast a Diagnostic Charm on Harry. If you are doing your job correctly the results should not be too long. But if the results pass three feet you will give Harry permission to leave the castle and get Cleansed. If you don't I will bring this up to the School Board and the Healer Oversight Committee.

Having no choice Madam Pomfrey performed the Diagnostic Charm on Harry as the three of them ignored the sound of the bell signaling the start of the next lesson. Not that it really mattered since Harry had a free period at the moment which was why he had come to the Hospital Wing at the moment, Remus was willing to be late for his next class just to make sure Harry was alright. As the parchment began to print from Madam Pomfrey's wand, Remus saw that no Harry was not alright at all. For the parchments, soon passed the three-foot benchmark without even slowing down. Remus shot a look down at the parchment as it pooled on the floor at the Matron's feet and saw that they had not even reached Harry's fifth birthday. When it finally came to an end the parchment was over seven feet in length containing all the Magical and Muggle damages and illnesses that Harry had lived through in his short life. Remus did not wait for Poppy to uphold her end of the bargain as he takes hold of Harry's shoulder and leads him to the office using a Summoning Charm to gather the parchment and bring it along. Remus knew that St. Mungos and other Healing Houses could heal Harry from whatever was on the document, but he decided to head to Gringotts to have it taken care of. For one most Healing Houses might not see them due to Remus's condition and with it being a few days before the full moon, but also Remus had not seen Harry wearing any type of Family ring on his finger or even a necklace. Not sure if Harry had ever used a Floo before he kept a hand on the boy's shoulder and started the fire with a flick form his wand before activating the connection to the Goblin Bank.


* While I have seen other writers and have myself written about Blocks placed on a subject I thought I would explain for once how I see them working.

I know neither Theo nor Blaise appears in the chapter but we can see a small bit of trust from Harry as he follows their advice, despite being a Gryffindor and they member of Slytherin House.

Chapter 39: Angels in Green the third part


Harry and Lupin head to Gringotts (my normal Inheritence test chapter)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

As Professor Lupin led him through Madam Pomfrey's fireplace, Harry found himself in a room that reminded him of an elevator lobby in a high-end hotel. Though rather than elevators there were fireplaces lining one wall which would suddenly light up and let someone out of it. Rather than take Harry out of the room, Professor Lupin moved them to a small nitch along one wall and called for a Hogwarts House Elf. Harry had not realized the castle had any House Elves who he thought just worked for Magical families and worked well in houses. Professor Lupin told the Elf to place a sign on his classroom door to let everyone know his classes for the day were canceled and for them to work on self-study and review.

"Come along, Harry," Professor Lupin said as the Elf popped away to follow his orders. As they left the room, Harry saw that they had come to Gringotts seeing the familiar scene of the Goblins working at the raised benches as humans waited around to see them. Joining the line, Harry could not help but wonder why Professor Lupin had chosen to come here rather than that St. Mungos place but did not want to ask him. Harry was not sure about how the Magical World dealt with students leaving the castle outside of Holidays and the summer break and had no desire to find out. Especially since Professor Lupin had not waited to ask for permission to remove him from Hogwarts. Making Harry guess the man was following the old adage of better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

After about a ten-minute wait they finally reached the front of the line and were ushered forward to see one of the Goblin Tellers. The Goblin arched an eyebrow not at Harry but for some reason Professor Lupin as he steepled his fingers. "What can Gringotts do for you today?" the Goblin asked not seeming to even notice Harry, which Harry found a little strange but also comforting.

"I have come with a student who I believe needs to get Cleansed," Professor Lupin said placing a hand on Harry's shoulder making the Goblin peer over his desk at Harry for the first time.

"And you came to us rather than going to St. Mungos due to your condition?" the Goblin asked making Harry wonder what condition the man had sent a look up at his favorite teacher.

"No, I came, due to what a couple of tests revealed about my student but also something that he is missing. Harry, show the teller your hands," Lupin said looking down at Harry. Feeling more confused than before Harry did as Lupin asked lifting his hands and showing them to the Goblin. Not knowing why he needed to show them off he waved and twisted them in the hair to show off the palm and back of both his hands.

"Do you have Mr. Potter's vault key?" the Goblin said taking in both Harry's hands and the lightning bolt scar.

"I don't keep it on me," Harry said.

"Mr. Potter that key is a very..." the Goblin began before taking a breath to calm himself. "As there is no key to make sure that this really is Harry Potter I will have to perform a quick test to prove it is him."

"I would expect nothing less," Lupin said still keeping his hand on Harry's shoulder as the Goblin teller pulled out a sticky note-sized bit of parchment and a small yet very sharp-looking needle. "Harry you need to let the point of the needle puncture your skin and draw some blood for this test," Lupin said making no move to grab what he knew was a silver needle due to his lycanthropy and how it would burn him if he did so. Trusting the man Harry pressed his left pointer finger into the point of the needle as the Goblin held it letting it gather the needed blood. As the Goblin pulled it away, Lupin used Harry's robe sleeve to pull the left hand over and easily healed the small puncture wound. The Goblin took the needle and jab it into the sticky note bit of parchment looking as if he was pinning the note to his desk. As the bit of blood on the needle soaked into the parchment words began to appear confirming Harry's identity.

"Very well," the Goblin said satisfied with the results of the test as he hopped down off his seat and beckoned Harry and Lupin to follow him. Yet when they went through one of the doors lining the walls of the room Harry did not find himself in the tunnel where the carts would take someone to their vaults. Instead, they were in a beautiful corridor with yellow and orange checkerboard tiles lining the floor and what looked like ivory or some other white material in the form of Grecko-Roman columns every few yards on which French Revolunanaty era light stanchions were hung. This corridor also had doors leading out of it on either side that their group walked past to get wherever they were going. Harry notice the further down the corridor they went the material and design on the doors they passed became more ornate and elaborate. The corridor also appeared to be very long for even after walking for fifteen minutes and taking a few turns there appeared to be no end in sight. Finally, after the fifteen-minute walk, their group arrived at a door made of what looked like polished silver. As the Goblin lifted a hand to knock on the door he shot a look back at Lupin saying, "You don't have to fear this is not silver but Mithrill." Harry was not sure why Professor Lupin would fear silver but he did see the man let out a relieved breath of air.

As the Goblin knocked on the door, someone inside called out, "Come in," but rather than turning the nob to open it the Goblin teller pressed one of his long crooked fingers to it and akin to the vault where Hagrid had picked up the stone during Harry's first visit to the bank the doors opened. Rather than slide up into the ceiling as the vault doors had done the Mithrill doors parted like a doorway in Star Trek to reveal a Goblin in a pinstriped gold and red suit with a pure black cape. "Witherclaw, what is the meaning of this?" the Goblin asked shooting a look at Harry and Lupin before addressing the other Goblin.

"Your client was just brought in to get cleansed," the Goblin Witherclaw said hurrying forward and passing over the sticky note still pinned by the needle.

"I see," the Goblin said taking the bit of parchment from Witherclaw and pinning it to a full roll of parchment on his desk which appeared to be made of a solid slab of Mithrill just like his door. Turning to Harry and Lupin the Goblin asked, "And why did you bring the Potter Heir in for a Cleansing?"

"Well, I arrived at a standard appointment with the Hogwarts Medi-Magical and found him asking about getting a test done to see if he had any Blocks on him. I am sorry to say she refused to do the test leading me to do it," Lupin said passing over the test which the Goblin barely looked at. "One thing led to another and we ended up casting a Diagnostic Charm on Harry and well," Lupin said as he pulled out the seven-foot document causing both Goblins' eyes to bulge at the length of it.

"I see," the Goblin behind the desk said holding out his hand for the document which Lupin gave him. Once again, Harry saw the Goblin did not read it rather he laid it on the desk next to the parchment where the sticky note was pinned and pulled out what looked like some golden thread and another needle. Pinning the needle into the results from the Diagnostic Charm the Goblin used the thread to connect both needles. "That will be all Witherclaw," the Goblin said sending the Goblin Teller away. As the door slid back into place the Goblin gave Harry a once-over. "Heir Potter I am Bonecrusher and my family has been your Account Managers for a long time, which usually works out for both of our lines. I have been trying to get in touch with you since you returned to the Magical World but have thus far been blocked from doing so. So I am rather glad, despite all this," he sat patting the seven-foot-long document, "that you have been brought in to see me. With all that was given to me and what Messor Lupin has shared, I am going to collect a full Inheritance Test before I have you undergo the Cleansing ritual. Just so we can find out if you have anything else in your system besides these Blocks."

Bonecrusher then began to speak in some strange language Harry had never heard before as he waved a pattern in the air above the documents on his desk in an elaborate pattern. Harry watched in wonder as the two needles started to glow in a sickly green color and the script on the sticky note looked like it bleed onto the blank parchment it was pinned into. The blank parchment began to fill up with script rapidly so that after only three minutes the glow from both needles went out and Bonecrusher unpinned the formerly empty document before handing it to Harry.

Harry James Potter


  • James Flemont Potter (Birth father)
  • Lily Luna Potter nee Evens (Birth mother)
  • Sirius Black (Blood Adopted father)
  • Alice Cathrine Longbottom nee Biswick (Blood Adopted mother)


  • Sirius Black
  • Alice Cathrine Longbottom nee Biswick

Family Lines:

  • Peverell (from Birth father)
  • Gryffindor (from Birth father)
  • Potter (from Birth father)
  • Ravenclaw (from Birth mother via Squibline inheritance)
  • Black (from Blood Adopted father)
  • Biswick (from Blood Adopted Mother)*
  • Slytherin (from Rite of Conquest)
  • Gaunt (from Rite of Conquest)

Inherent Magical Abilities:

  • Pareslemagic (78% Blocked leaving only Parseltongue available to be used) [Granted from Peverell and Slytherin family lines]
  • Metemophmagic (100% Blocked, also suppressed by Magical Anomaly) [Greanted from the Black family line]
  • Mage Sight (100% Blocked, also suppressed by Magical Anomaly) [Granted from the Biswick family line]
  • Magical Connection to Hogwarts (63% Blocked) [Granted due to the connections to Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin family lines]
  • Duel Animagus form (Basilisk and Phoenix) [Granted due to Magical Anomaly]
  • Fire Magic Control and Invulnrabilty [Granted to Magical Anomaly]
  • Poison Resistance, especially from Snakes [Granted due to Magical Anomaly]

Creature Inheritance:

  • Basilisk/Phoenix hybrid (Due to the Magical Anomaly of having both Basilisk Venom and Phoenix tears in system)

Enchantments/Potions Harry James Potter's system:

  • Horcrux attached to Soul (left by Tom Marvolo "Voldemort" Riddle)
  • Horcrux interfering with any ability in Occlumency/Legilimency
  • 15% Magical Core Blocked (5% cast by birth parents, 10% cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • 35% Magical Core Blocked (Blocked as magic is used to heal the body and prevent Magical illness guided by Horcrux's self-preservation magic)
  • 78% Parselmagic Blocked (cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • 100% Mage Sight Blocked(cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • 100% Metamoprmagic Blocked(cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • 63% Magical Connection to Hogwarts Blocked(cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • 82% Potioneering Blocked(cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • 81% Block in learning Magical History(cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • 12% Block in learning Charms(cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • 10% Block in learning Transfiguration(cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • Loyalty/Compulsion Potions (geared towards Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • Anti-Allergy Potions geared towards pumpkin allergies were added to his food while at Hogwarts

Injury/Illness/Magical Damage:

  • See attached form

Vault discrepancies:

  • 1000 Galleons removed per year since the death of birthparents by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore to be placed in his personal vaults
  • What constitutes 500 Muggle Pounds Sterling transferred yearly into the accounts at the British Nation Bank for Vernon and Petunia Dursley
  • The Wills of James Flemont Potter and Lily Luna Potter nee Evens Blocked and missing from Potter family vault
  • Removal of family treasure, on loan from the Goblins, the Sword of Griffindor by Harry James Potter in 1991 kept illegally by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
  • Removal of most magical tomes, apart from family Grimoires, to the vaults and holdings of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Longstanding discrepancies which include any items taking place before Harry James Potter's birth

  • Peverell family Wand was stolen 435 Magical Common Era (Magical traces on the wand put it in the possession of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • Gaunt family ring cursed to contain Horxrux and enchanted to not appear even if one performed Bloodborne Artifact Retrieval Ritual

"Well, Heir Potter, Messor Lupin was correct you do need a Cleansing," Bonecrusher said after Harry finished reading the document. Surprising Harry, since he had read it to himself without moving his lips. Though Harry being unfamiliar with Goblins, especially Account Managers was not aware that they had their very own version of Mage Sight.

"We will be able to remove everything in your system apart from the source of the Magical Anomaly, which will have to remain less we accidentally kill you." Lupin who had not seen what was on the document started, knowing how rare and possibly dangerous any form of Magical Anomaly could be when attached to a person making him fear for James' son's life or Magic. But he could say nothing as Bonecrusher collected Harry and took him from the office leaving Lupin alone sitting before the Mithril desk. Once he was alone Remus placed his head in his hands kicking himself for never going to find Harry after Lily and James had died. But while he was just a Werewolf rather than a full wolf or Magical Wolf-Blooded human the loss of most of the people he considered his Pack had been a heavy blow to him. By the time Remus had gotten his life back in order after all the deaths and Sirius' betrayal, Harry had been six years old. Remus had paid a visit to Albus to beg to see the boy his wolf saw as something akin to a Nephew Pup, but Albus had said that Harry was living peacefully in the Muggle World and it would be unwise to disrupt it by introducing anything from the Magical Word into it at that moment.

If he had been in a better state of mind during his visit with Albus, the fact that Harry was being raised in the Muggle World and kept separate from the Magical one should have raised some red flags in his mind. By the age of six, Harry's magic should have been awakened for a couple of years meaning the boy should have known about the Magical World by then. Also, there would have been only one place for Harry to live in the Magical World and that was with Lily's family, and since he and his friends had joined Lily when she went to her parents' funerals that left only Lily's sister to take Harry in since she knew about the Magical World. Petunia, who according to Lily had bullied her throughout their childhood either out of jealousy or fear of Lily's Magical abilities. All this was going through Remus's head due to the quick glance he had caught off of Harry's results from the Diagnostic Charm which mentioned Petunia hitting Harry over the head with a frying pan. He was half tempted to look through the results of that earlier spell and the Inheritance Test which had been left in the office but did not want to be charged with trying to illegally attain a Goblin's client's personal information.

So rather than wallow in his bad memories and failures when it came to Harry, Remus pulled out some parchment and quill from his robes and began to write a report about Poppy's failure for not confirming Harry or other students' medical records like she was meant to. He added what he had overheard about the discrimination she showed while treating students from the various Hogwarts Houses. While having no authority in the Healers Oversight Committee or HOC, he suggested that someone come to check and see if she had been enchanted to act as she did. For he found it hard to believe that Poppy would discriminate against members of the Slytherin House the way she did when she had once told him as she helped him get to the Shrieking Shack that she had been sorted into Slytherin. Something strange was going on and if it was not for his worry for Harry or the time he spent on his classes he would look into it, but all he could do was hope the HOC could at least help Poppy or send another Healer to Hogwarts.


* While Alice Longbottom is his Blood Adopted mother since she is only a Longbottom through marriage and not blood Harry is not part of the Longbottom line.

I have written so many stories where I have put in an inheritance Test that I no longer have to copy and paste all of Dumbles's names but have them memories by heart.

Chapter 40: Angels in Green 4


Learning about Creatures and a new wand.


Added tags: Creature Harry

Chapter Text

Remus had time to write and send his letter to the Healer Oversight Committee before he was informed that Harry's Cleansing had ended. He hoped that someone on the committee would look into his concerns and not throw the letter away just because he was a Werewolf. Remus figured as he walked to the Gringotts Hall of Healing, he could always see if a Goblin could send a similar letter about Poppy to the committee knowing that at least then someone would do something about it. Convincing a Goblin to do so would be another thing altogether, but he would figure it out if the time came.

Right now his focus was and should be on Harry making sure the pup was alright. As he had not read anything other than the Blocks that had been placed on Harry anything could have changed concerning James' son. Thankfully when he arrived at the Hall of Healing the only change Remus saw was that Harry was maybe three or four inches taller than he had been, his hair maybe a little longer nothing more. "How long until he comes back around?" he asked the Goblin Healer nearest to Harry's bed.

"I can't actually say," the Healer said. "For most things we cleared out of his system it could be maybe an hour, but for one item we have no previous knowledge since there has been no previous record of it being attached to a living being before." Remus wanted to ask what item or enchantment she was talking about but held his tongue knowing that since he was listed as Harry's Godparent or guardian the information was considered private information he had no reason to have. His asking would be considered by the Goblins as either a breach of protocol or a warning sign that Remus was trying to commit Line Theft.

Having no other option Remus waited for Harry to regain conciseness thinking he was going to hear about this when they got back to Hogwarts, for Harry was sure to miss at least the rest of his classes for the day if not more. But there was no way he was going to let James' son down or force him to go through life with parts of his magic and abilities Blocked. Both Remus and the Goblin Healer were surprised when rather than the hour the Healer predicted, Harry began to regain conciseness after only twenty-eight minutes after Remus arrived. It started with Harry blinking his eyes, which due to how close Remus was watching him, did not go unnoticed. Remus had to gasp as he saw another change had come over Harry. Before getting Cleansed Harry had the same shade of green as Lily in his eyes but now both were completely different. It seemed the Cleansing had made Harry's eyes shift into a heterochromia state with his left iris now a sharp red color that made Remus think of a burning torch, while Harry's right iris had stayed green but had become more vivid and brighter than before.

Thankfully, Harry did not notice his reaction giving Remus time to get used to the Pup's new eye colors. "Well this is different," Harry said as he became fully conscious

"What is?" the Healer asked approaching with a clipboard to take notes.

"I don't feel any discomfort or sore joints," Harry said rolling his arms a little with a small smile on his face.

"That is because we not only got rid of all the enchantments that had been on you but gave you a full dose of Goblin healing magic," the Healer said.

"Awesome," Harry said turning to Remus, "thanks for bringing me Professor Lupin."

"Don't mention it, Harry," Remus said smiling back at the boy. "Now it seems that during your Healing and Cleansing your body changed a little."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked looking between his Professor and the Goblin.

"Messer Lupin is correct your body has gained five inches in height and due to the Cleansing your Creature Inheritence was jump-started rather than activating when you came of age," the Healer said.

Seeing Harry's confused look, Remus understood since Hogwarts had stopped teaching students about Creature Inheritences before he and his friends had arrived at the castle, he explained, "It means you have some creature blood in your lines which gives you special abilities."

"What like having Metamorhmagic?" Harry asked recalling his two tests one said the ability was Blocked while the other said it was suppressed.

"Not really. Metamorphmagic is considered family magic that can happen in both normal Magicals and also ones who have gone through a Creature Inheritance. The special abilities that usually come with a Creature Inheritence are enhanced senses, an affinity to certain types of magic, some special magic such as flying without the use of a broom, and even in rare cases becoming invulnerable or weak to certain things," Remus explained. "I don't know about any abilities you may have gained but there is one clear sign of your creature being well let's say unleashed." Remus then created a small mirror to show Harry his new eyes.

Harry spent a few moments gazing at his reflection winking at himself as well as feeling around his eyes. "There is some enchantment on this mirror?" he asked.

"No it is just a simple mirror," Remus said casting a Finite Incantartem on it to show he was not lying.

"But... but my eyes. I look like I have Christmas light for eyes," Harry said thinking how badly his aunt and uncle would react if he showed up looking like this.

"It is a sign of your Creature. Though I don't know what creature would have such eyes," Remus said gently reaching over and placing a hand on Harry's shoulder to help ground him a little.

"Phoenix and Basilisk," Harry said quietly to himself but thanks to Remus' enhanced hearing from being a Werewolf he heard.

Letting out a whistle Remus said, "I don't recall either James or Lily having any type of Creature Inheritence let alone ones like that."

"I think it is due to what happened at the end of my last school year," Harry said before sharing with Remus and the Healer about his adventure in the Chamber of Secrets.

"I have never heard of an inheritance coming about like that before," Remus said looking at the Healer.

"It could be that due to the Basilisk and Phoenix in question were the familiars of Salazar Slytherin and Godric Gryffindor respectively," the Healer said.

"So?" Remus asked.

"Both of them were listed as one of my family lines," Harry said making Remus understand a little better.

"And as familiars of your families while they could hurt and even kill you they would do their best to protect the family meaning they gave you access to a Creature Inheritance," Remus concluded.

"It seems so," the Healer said making a note, not saying a word since Harry shared the information himself with Remus.

"Can I do something about my eyes though?" Harry asked giving both of them a pleading look.

"Unfortunately no," the Healer said. "Now if it was say wings or a tail that had grown out of your back you could learn to bring them both in to appear human to hide your inheritance but due to it just changing the color of your eyes even the use of a Glamor would be unable to fully block them."

"Great," Harry said sarcastically, "Uncle Vernon is going to love that."

"There is some other news," the Healer said.

"What did I actually grow a wings or tail and have it vanish before I woke up?" Harry asked.

"Not, according to your results, your Account Manager found out your parents' Wills had not been read or dealt with so he is working on fulfilling their wishes. One thing I can tell you is that you were never meant to go to your mother's sister."

"Does this," Harry asked choking a little as he was overcome with emotion, "... does this mean I will not have to go back there?"

"That is correct," the Healer said. "Your Account Manager will find out any possible location for you to live as he goes through the Wills with our legal department and will get back to you about it."

"YES!" Harry said doing a fist pump which was so James that Remus had to chuckle.

"Yes, it is good news," the Healer said who had gone over the list of all of Harry's injuries and saw that the majority of the no-magical injuries had been caused by members of the Dursley family. "Now on another bit of business due to your Cleansing, a member of our Artifactor team is going to stop by to make sure your wand will still work for you."

"Really?" Harry asked.

"Yes, really. Due to not knowing when some of the Blocks had been put in place as well as other enchantments that had been cast on you it could have altered your magic so much that it lead you to claim a wand that was not meant for you," the Healer said before they snapped their fingers as if recalling something. The Goblin walked over to a cart filled with medical potions and supplies and grabbed a small leather cuff. "As part of your Core was Blocked, once again for who knows how long, your magic will take a little time to center itself. In the meantime wear this it will make sure your magic does not go wild or hurt anyone." Taking the cuff, Harry slipped it onto his left forarm under the sleeve of his robes and felt himself become calmer as some bits of tension he had not realized he had seemed to vanish. "I shall go inform out Artifactor team that you are ready to see them now," the Healer said making a final note on their clipboard before leaving the room.

"So how do you know about stuff like Creature Inhetrences?" Harry asked as they waited for the Artifactor to arrive.
Remus could have lied and said he learned of them as he worked on his Masters in Defense and History but he could not just lie to James' son. Mentally crossing his fingers as he hoped Harry was like his parents, Remus said, "I know about Magicals gaining Creatures' abilities due to the fact I am one."

"Really what kind?" Harry asked.

Taking a deep breath Remus explained, "Unlike you or most who gain Creature Inheritences when they reach the age of seventeen I became a creature at age four when my father got on the wrong side of a dangerous man named Fenrir Grayback. Which led him to bite me and turn me into a Werewolf," he said bracing himself.
Yet Harry did not recoil in terror or become afraid rather he asked, "So those are real in the Magical World?"
Remus was unable to stop a small chuckle from escaping. "Yes, they and I are real. Now you might have noticed that I have spent my lessons this year teaching about Magical Creatures. If you look up the ones I have taught in class you will see that the British Ministry classifies as Dark. They also classify Werewolves as Dark, but just like everyone else, there are good ones and bad ones. I can tell you I have never attacked anyone nor turned them no matter how much I wanted to," he winced as he saw Harry's eyes shoot open at the end of his statement.

"You wanted to?" Harry asked.

"While it spreads the curse of being a werewolf, it can also cure most illnesses from both the Muggle and Magical Worlds. During one of my years of travel gaining my Masters I helped out in a clinic where I saw people die from an unknown Magical sickness. While I helped tried to help the Healers find a cure, at least when I was there they never did. Yet I suspected that no matter the cause of the sickness I would have been able to cure them if I changed them. I did not ask them if they wanted it, and I don't think anyone except for the person I was training under at the time knew about my condition. But I could not do it, for there are places such as England that discriminate against my kind," Remus explained.

"So you held back for fear of what might have happened later letting them possibly die?" Harry asked.

"Trust me it was one of my biggest conundrums, but I think I made the right choice. I hope I made the right choice, I should say," Remus said. "For some of the infected had come from parts of the world where they are anti-Werewolf and while it might have cured them, it could also have made their families kick them out and shun them, something I have seen lead to others take their own lives."

"Alright," Harry said not really sure what to say seeing Professor Lupin's demeanor as he talked about the choice.

Thankfully Harry was saved from any further response as the door to the room opened and a Goblin in a bright red robe with a symbol of a magnifying glass looking over some sort of gem on the right breast. "Heir Potter, I am Artifactor Slashvolt and I will be testing out your wand and can make you a new one if it is needed," the Goblin said as he came further into the room with a large pile of boxes floating after him.

"Um, won't I get in trouble for casting a spell outside of school?" Harry asked thinking back to the letter he received before his Second Year.

"Not at all, since we are in a Magical location any trace that might be on your wand will be surprised. Such things only register magic being cast in the Non-Magical World," Slashvolt said. "Now let's see," he began before tilting his head and giving Harry a look as if he was looking right through him, "I would say five random spells. Just to be sure."

"Okay," Harry said trying to think of what spells to use but having his mind go a little blank.

"It is alright, Harry there is no reason to put too much thought into it," Remus said.

Giving a small nod Harry pulled out his wand casting: Lumos, Windgadian Leviosa, Flippendo, a spell to transfigure the candle on his bedside table into a tea kettle, and finally Ridiculus. As Harry cast each spell Slashvolt's eyes seem to become unfocused as his Goblin Mage Sight looked at the Magical Aura surrounding Harry as he cast the spell to see any fluctuations in it. "Thank you, Heir Potter, that is enough," Slashvolt said. "I am sorry to say but it seems that your wand is no longer useful to you."

"But all my spells worked the same as they always did?" Harry asked confused.

"That is correct but as I have been told that you have been given a Magic Equalizing Cuff each spell you cast should have been performed with a random power as your magic tried to settle itself with the help of the cuff. Yet they all had the same power and skills as each other. Let's see," he said giving Harry another once over. "I will guess five."

"You guess five what?" Harry asked.

"As I said I can help you create a new wand. I think that your wand will require five different pieces. I am rarely wrong with my guesses, though it has been known to happen. So let's start with the woods that can be used to create your wand." Slashbolt then made a gesture as if waving one of the boxes that had followed him into the room as it floated forward. "Now all you need to do is place your hand on this box and if a wood inside reacts it will be used to make your wand. With a small shrug, Harry touched the box and heard a small thump as if something inside had smacked into the edge. Slashvolt had Harry keep his hand in place as he reaches into the box to extract two blocks of wood. "Yes, lovely, the cores are next," Slashvolt said waving forwards three boxes and having Harry place a hand on two of them and used the third as a footrest to see if he could get a reaction. Once more Slashvolt removed two items from the boxes. "And finally a focus gem," the Goblin said waving the last box forward, yet when Harry placed his hands on the box there was no reaction. "Dang I was wrong," the Goblin said though not sounding that upset about it. "Now let's see what we got, hm?"

Slashvolt then examed the four items he had pulled out of the boxes closely, pressing a hand to his right breast, to Harry's surprise the magnifying glass that looked to be a design on his red robes magically became real. Using the magnifying glass Slashvolt looked over each piece and nodded his head. "Heir Potter your new wand will contain the surprising combination of Apple and Elder woods to make up your wand while your core will be made up of a fallen talon from a Phoenix and the scale of a Basilisk. Both of these make sense due to your Creature Blood. As for the two kinds of wood that are in use, the Apple showed that you have some powerful magic. The Elder is another wood that shows you have great power but will also lead a quite remarkable life. I will warn you due to your wand containing Elder it will be almost impossible for anyone to use it without causing untold damage. Another reason your wand might contain Elder is due to your connection to the Peverell family who was the first to master wand-making with that wood due to how temperamental and powerful it is," Slashvolt said unaware that Remus technically should not have informed of Harry's connection to the Peverell line. Not that it made a difference for Remus had never heard of the Peverell family before.

Harry and Remus watched in wonder as Slashvolt spent the next hour and a half assembling the four times into Harry's new wand. When he was done the wand was a little longer than Harry's old one and a little bit more flexible. Harry was then told to cast the same five spells again and was shocked at the results. His Lumos created a basketball-sized orb of light. The Wingarduim Leviosa seemed to struggle to lift the transfigured candle. His Flippendo knocked over an unoccupied bed and when he tried to return the candle to its original state it became a candelabra. Out of all the spells, only the Ridiculus had the same results as his earlier casting. "Good good everything seems to be in order," Slashvolt said with a pleased nod.

"But what about when I have to cast a spell in class later?" Harry asked.

"The cuff will make sure it will be finished by then," Slashvolt said.

"So do I send the cuff back with my owl or something?" Harry asked.

"You don't have to worry, after it is finished stabilizing you it will magically return to the bank," Slashvolt said as he began to pack everything away.

"Um, is there anything else Harry has to do?" Remus asked as Slashvolt reached the door.

"No I don't think so," the Goblin said turning back to them.

"What about his Heir rings?" Remus asked.

"He appears to already have them," Slashvolt said nodding at Harry's hands making both look down and see a black ring now on Harry's left middle finger.

"But the test listed I have eight families I am connected to?" Harry asked.

"Yes, and once they accepted you they merged into one ring hence why it is black and has no crest on it," Slashvolt said. "You might want to explain to him about that."

And with that, the Goblin was gone leaving Harry and Remus alone again. Remus followed Slashvolt's suggestion as he explained how each individual ring could be brought forth and how they could be used as keys to enter that family's vaults. Unknown to either of them, Bonecrusher made sure that from then on only the ring could allow access to any of Harry's vaults as a means to block Dumbledore or anyone else from stealing from him, all former keys that belonged to Harry becoming inert.

Having no further reason to be at the bank Remus led Harry back to the Floo room to return to Hogwarts. They startled Madam Pomfrey who had been dealing with some paperwork, glaring at the pair as she had got a letter summoning her to a hearing before the Healer Oversight Committee. "You are in big trouble Remus, Albus and the board want to speak with you," she said with a hint of distinctive pleasure in her tone.

"I don't care, I was just doing something you should have done a few years ago," Remus said leading Harry out of the room.

Chapter 41: Angels in Green chapter 5: Back at Hogwarts


Harry is back at Hogwarts as everyone takes in his new look, and he goes to class no longer with his magic being Blocked


By the way, since I have not mentioned exactly when this takes place. The only thing I can say is it happens before the first Quidditch Match of the year.

Chapter Text

Professor Lupin led Harry out of the Hospital Wing and back into the main castle, pulling out a pocket watched as he did so. "Well. that took a little longer than I suspected you missed the rest of your classes for today and it is time for supper. Sorry," he said after looking at the watch.

"I was gone that long?" Harry asked a little surprised since he had headed to the Hospital Wing right after his first class of the day meaning he had lost nearly ten hours.

"Yes, it was. I can understand your confusion as most people get put under when they undergo a Cleansing. Yours took around eight hours, and your recovery took another hour.

"I see," Harry said still amazed by what could be accomplished in the Magical World.

"We really should get down to the Great Hall since you missed lunch," Remus said having noticed how skinny Harry was to the majority of the students at the school which was rather alarming as he recalled James had a very healthy metabolism when he was a student. Yet from what he noticed of Harry during meal times the boy hardly filled up three-quarters of his plate with food. Maybe it was his time living with Lily's sister that had caused the issue, but Remus could not know for sure without having a look at Harry's test from that morning. Maybe he would get lucky and Bonecrusher would find some information in James or Lily's Wills which listed Remus as a sort of backup Guardian so he could have access to what had been done to Harry to better protect the Pup in the future.

Harry noticed his added height more now that he was walking around rather than just lying and sitting on the small bed in the Bank's Hospital room. For the first time in his life, Harry was wearing clothes that were just a bit too small on him, quite a change for someone who normally wore Dudley's old clothing which felt like putting on small circus tents each day. He could not help but tug at the sleeves of his robes every once and a while with a sort of hope they would get longer, knowing it was pointless but also not putting it past clothing in the Magical World. If all else failed he would just have to head to the school's sewing and clothing design club to see if they had any extra material he could add to his robes to make them fit better.

The pair had arrived a little late for most people were already sitting down and eating by the time they entered the Great Hall. Both blanched a little as everyone turned to look as they came in for neither liked being the center of attention that much. Harry hastily made his way over to the Gryffindor table and saw that Ron and Hermione were sitting together again. "Well it's good to see you two getting along again," he said moving to sit between them as they made room for him.

"You disappear for a full day of class and that is all you have to say?" Hermione asked a little testily as Harry starts to put some food on a plate filling it more than he normally did feeling rather hungry. Unaware his hunger was down to the Goblin's healing having repaired his stomach issues from the malnutrition he had suffered at the Dursleys.

"I did not plan on it, I was just checking out something someone told me," Harry said not mentioning Blaise or Theo by name lest he gets an earful from Ron with his Anti-Slytherin beliefs or even Hermione due to her dislike of Theo. This was based on Theo and her often being the top students in their year, and Theo sometimes beating her in several classes.

"For a whole day?" Ron asked.

"I was told about Blocks and found out that I had some," Harry said.

"Makes sense with your parents dying before most take them off," Ron said nodding his head, "but what about Professor Lupin being the one to take you?"

"He came in when I was asking Madam Pomfrey about it. He saw she refused to do so and did it himself. One thing led to another and he took me out of the castle to get healed," Harry explained finally looking at them and making them both gasp.

"What happened to your eyes?" they both asked.

"Oh, it seems that the healing unlocked a Creature Inheritance," Harry saw seeing Hermione arch an eyebrow in a look she sometimes got when something piqued her interest to learn. Ron on the other hand had a look of disgust quickly flash across his face as he reached away from Harry to get some more food slightly putting some distance between himself and Harry. Recalling Professor Lupin talking about how some disliked those with Creature Blood, Harry guessed that was what caused Ron's reaction.

"Sounds interesting," Hermione said.

"Oh yeah, very," Ron said as Harry detected a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Wanting to move away from what he saw as a minefield Harry asked," So what did I miss?"

"Professor Trelawney was strange," Hermione said.

"Yeah it was like that since you were not in class she could not decide if her prediction of your death had come true or not. I do admit it was nice not for her to say anything about death for once," Ron said as he ate off his plate pointedly not looking at Harry.

"Other than that, Professor McGonagall was a little frustrated you were gone without clearing it with her, she talked to us after class to see if we knew where you were. Which of course we could not answer," Hermione said giving Harry a little stink eye as if annoyed he had not shared his plans with her.

"I heard Malfoy telling Crabbe and Goyle the reason you were gone was due to you dropping out and running away because of the Dementors and Sirius Black," Ron shared picking at his food and still not looking at Harry.

"Well, that obliviously did not happen," Harry said looking over to the Slytherin table and just to annoy Malfoy caught the blonde's eye and gave him a small wave. Harry had to suppress a laugh as Malfoy glared at him and immediately stab his baked potato several times with his uninjured hand. Harry just rolled his eyes and started to eat his meal. "So was my absence the thing that got you two back to speaking with each other?"

"It was more than the teachers calling us together to answer where you had gone," Ron explained.

"Well, whatever the reason I am glad you are talking again," Harry said.

"We would be alright if she got rid of that damned cat," Ron said looking up but past Harry to glare at Hermione.

"Crookshanks is just doing what any other cat would do as it hunts for some food," Hermione shot back.

"Then you should feed it more so it will leave poor Scabbers alone," Ron said angrily making Harry wish he had not brought up they were talking again. At least the pair's argument soon ended leaving the pair sitting in matching angry silences. Harry joined them in their silence as he ate his meal in a relatively tense peace.

It did not get better from there, as they walked in silence all the way back to Gryffindor Tower speaking only when asked for the Password, Fortuna Major, to get inside the Common Room. Once inside Fred and George came over, "Nice eyes Harry," Fred said.

"Yeah now all you need to do is put some hair dye in of blue and yellow and you will have a Hogwarts head," George said making those around them laugh.
Harry shot back, "Why stop there? As you can see my robes are a bit small now why not have me add the secondary colors of the Houses in the fabric that way I can really be Hogwarts Personified."

"Oh that sounds lovely," the twins said pulling Harry in and giving him a playful noogie. As they did so Harry felt a small bit of warmth seem to surround him which he could not tell was from joy that unlike Ron they were still friendly to him, though he had not revealed why his eyes had changed color. On the other hand, the warmth could have come with his bond to Hogwarts now that it had been unblocked.

Harry did not think he would be able to fall asleep easily that night considering he had lost nine hours due to the Cleansing and recovery. Yet as he prepared to spend hours tossing and turning to fall asleep as soon as his head hit his pillow he was out like a light. Waking up with no memory of any dreams he might have had at his normal time to get ready for his classes for the day. He saw this would be a true test of his skill for his first class of the day was a double Potions lesson. He was excited to see how he would perform now that the Block on Potioneering had been removed. Even after Professor Lupin's explained of what a Block in Potion Making did, Harry was excited to see if there were any differences during class. But maybe he would not get a chance to do anything if Snape made him work with Draco again since the blonde was still milking his injury from Buckbeak. The only thing he was not looking forward to was a day in small clothing again having found them rather annoying the longer he had to wear them. But it seems that possibly one of the House Elves Professor Lupin said worked at Hogwarts or someone else had fixed his clothing during the night so the robe he slipped on fit like it always did. He began to suspect it had been Fred and George as he noticed the inside of his cuffs were gold and black on his arms while silver and gray were in the clinging of his pant legs. Harry would have to thank them for this next time he saw them as he headed down to breakfast. For once he did not wake Ron, due to his friend's reaction to his going through an inheritance last night, and did not want some issues from the redhead in a partially awake state.

Since he did not have to spend nearly ten minutes trying to wake Ron up, like normal, Harry got to the Great Hall right as the food appeared on the tables. He had always missed it so he saw just like during the feast given during the school year the food just appeared on the serving plates. Harry decided to go with some variety today so rather than his normal toast he grabbed some French Toast, several more strips of bacon than he normally had, and having learned he was allergic to pumpkin poured himself some grape juice. Harry poured some syrup on the French Toast before adding a small bit of butter and let it melt a little on the warm food before he began to dig in. Ron showed up just as Harry mopped up the last bit of syrup with some sausage links ending his meal. "Why did you not get me up?" Ron complained as he sat down and quickly gathered some food before breakfast ended in ten minutes.

"Well, since you did not want to look at me after I shared going through a Creature Inheritence I did not want to wake you up and have you see my new eyes and end up fighting me," Harry explained.

Ron neither denied nor apologized for his actions as he grumbled, "You could have still gotten me up." Harry just rolled his eyes as he gathered his stuff and headed down to the dungeons for class.

"So the rumors were true, you went through an inheritance," Malfoy said as soon as he saw Harry.

"Seems like it," Harry said.

"My guess is it is fake as a means to make himself look good after fainting to the Dementors," Pansy said with a mean snorting laugh.

"Think what you will," Harry said with a shrug as he leaned against the wall ignoring the Slytherins thinking it would be a bad time to thank Blaise and Theo for their advice.

Class started as normal with Snape opening the door and ordering everyone inside, thankfully not having Malfoy work with them again. "Today we will start on brewing poisons. As this is the first one you will brew at Hogwarts today's assignment will not kill you but give you a bad case of indigestion and other symptoms for our potion today is used by some theatrical troops as well as some dunderheaded students to make it appear that one is sick," Snape explained. You will spend the majority of the lesson brewing before I will select random students to test out their work to see how they did. Don't worry I will have various antidotes ready just in case you all prove to be incapable of brewing and make the poison deadly," Snape said ordering them to get to work.

Harry fell into his normal auto-pilot when it came to preparing his ingredients, though he did notice his cuts seemed to be more precise than normal. When he started to brew his potion, Harry found his hands were also steadier than normal and his circular motion to dump in items was more concise. This all led to the potion looking like the book said it was supposed to look for the stage of the potion. At one moment when he had his back turned on his cauldron one of the Slytherins threw something into it in the hopes of messing him up. As he turned back around and saw the color of the potion had changed he set down the ingredient he was about to put in. Using a ladle to scoop some potion up he gave it a small sniff and somehow knew what to do to fix it. Reaching into his potion-making kit he grabbed some common potion stock and some cuttings from magical crabgrass pouring them both into the center of his cauldron. As the surface rippled with the added items the proper color returned. Harry smiled as he added his next ingredient wondering what had caused the shift in the first place.

Crabbe who had been the one to throw the item into Potter's cauldron found his mouth falling open in shock at seeing how easily the Gryffindor had fixed the issue and not freaking out. He and the other Slytherins who tended to throw stuff in his and Longbottoms cauldrons were so shocked by Potter's fix that they did not try to interfere again with either boy's work for the lesson. This leads to both Gryffindors brewing the correct potion for once in class. Though their potions were brewed correctly and looked like everyone else's Snape of course still chose their poisons to "randomly" test out.

"Let's see if you just got lucky Longbottom and the color is the only thing correct with this," Snape said making Neville drink a spoon of his work. Gulping it down, Neville's face turned green and sweat began to appear giving him the look of someone about to be violently ill. With a small growl, Snape gave the boy an antidote so Neville would not puke. "Very well let's see what Potter has done. Have your new eyes allowed you to brew properly for once or are you copying your dad and changing your look so everyone will pay attention to you?" Snape growled as he picked a different spoon for Harry to use to taste his poison. Harry noticed that the spoon was larger than the one Snape had Neville used but knew it would be pointless to try to get a smaller spoon as he used it to taste some of his Potion. He worried that he had miss-brewed it for it tasted like chocolate milk that it looked like. Harry did not feel like he was about to throw up, any signs of a fever, or even a sudden urge to cough. "Messed it up again ah Potter," Snape said with a nasty sneer on his face. "As you are not reacting you must have really messed this up. Let's see what you did make," Snape said taking a tiny spoon and tasting it himself.

The results were instantaneous as one of Snape's hands shot up to cover his mouth as the man looked like he was about to barf. But rather than take one of his antidotes the man rushed from the room his other hand on his ass as if trying to fight something coming out of there as well. Harry wondered if Snape was allergic to the crabgrass he had put in since it had not been part of the normal recipe and he had not reacted to it. Harry had forgotten that due to his newly awakened Basilisk nature he had a natural resistance to most poisons, and as this one was so weak it did not affect him at all.

Chapter 42: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes


Harry always felt at home among most of the Weasley clan and after coming into contact with an artifact while helping clean up Grimmauld Place he finds out why.


This is seriously a crack-fic that randomly came into my head as I was getting ready to go to bed last night. Tags: Harry has different parents, BAMF Fred and George Weasley, Time-travel, Albus, Molly, and Hermione Bashing, Ron is like a cool uncle, and Ginny is a creepy stalker. Alternate Timeline character coming to this one. Alternate timeline Neville as the Boy-Who-Lived.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry was happy that the Ministry cleared him of all charges, a feeling that kept him going as he rejoined the others in the cleaning of #12 Grimmauld Place. As the group worked in one of the townhouses on various studies Harry reached for what looked like an ordinary book. While he knew books in the Magical World could spell trouble just look at the Diary from his Second Year, he mistakenly believed that whatever enchantments were attached to them would only activate when the book was open. But as he grabbed the copy of Wizarding Geneology: from Aarox to Zycor the book let out a blue flash of light and he felt a small prick to his palm. Harry found he could not let go of the book as the others in the room: Ron, Hermione, the twins, and Sirius seeing the flash of light came over to see what was going on. Harry was finally able to let the book go which fell from his hand and landed open on the table. What looked like a page from the book came out before the book snapped shut.

Sirius used his wand to make sure there were no spells or enchantments on the page before he picked it up to read it. Seeing what was on it the man's face drained of color as he placed the page in his pocket. Turning to them he said, "Ron, Hermione go help your mother and Ginny for a while."

"What's up?" Ron asked confused when Sirius did not direct Harry or the twins to leave.

"Not now, just do it," Sirius snapped before quickly apologizing, "sorry it is just, not now."

"Alright, Sirius," Hermione said as she pulled a still-confused Ron out of the room.

"What's going on, Sirius?" Harry and the twins asked as Sirius locked the door once they were alone.

"We need to go somewhere, now," Sirius said turning to the small fireplace in the room and using his wand to start a fire. Once the flames were cracking, Sirius threw some family-style Floo Powder into them calling out, "Gringotts office of Slashvolt." Sirius then ushered the three young Magicals to step through the flames before he followed them ending the connection.

Just as the fire went out Molly who had been confused why only Ron and Hermione had come to help her and Ginny entered the room but stood in shock to see it was empty before setting off the Portrait of Walburga Black as she screamed, "SIRIUS!?!"

Harry and the twins could not figure out why Sirius had brought them to the bank or this strange Goblin. Fred and George saw that the Goblin did not look like a normal Goblin Account Manager since rather than wearing a tailored suit Slashvolt wore a red robe with a strange symbol of a magnifying glass over some material on his front breast. "What is the meaning of this? Slashvolt asked as confused as Harry, Fred, and George were at finding them in his office.

"Sorry Slash," Sirius said stepping forward to one of his old contacts from his Auror days.

"Siri?" Slashvolt asked arching an eyebrow at the wanted man. "You of all people should know that the Goblins don't care about Human criminals you could have gone to see your Account Manager yourself without using me to pass on a message or something."

"I did not come for that, though that is good to know," Sirius said.

"Then why did you come?" Slashvolt asked him.

"Well, as you know since I have been sending all the dark artifacts we have unearthed at my place to you, I am cleaning the Black Family Townhouse. My Godson touched an enchanted book of Magical Geneology which someone in my family had enchanted to give a barebones Inheritence Test to whoever touched it. Seeing the results I knew we needed to look into it," Sirius explained pulling out the page that had come from the book and passing it over to the Goblin face down so Harry and the twins could not see it.

"Why were we brought here then?" George asked as Slashvolt looked over the page.

"Are you Messor Fredrick or George Weasley?" the Goblin asked after he finished reading the small bit of print on the page.

"We are," Fred said as he and George gave a playful bow to the Goblin making Harry smirk a little at their antics.

"I see," the Goblin said placing the page face down on his desk as he began to rummage around inside it. When Fred, George, and Harry reached for the page Sirius slapped their hands away shaking his head with a look they could not determine on his face. "Ah, here it is," Slashvolt said pulling out what looked like a crystal ball from his desk and placing it on top of the page. "I will need the three of you to prick your finger and place a drop of blood on the page please," the Goblin said holding up a simple needle. Utterly confused but wanting to find out what was going on the three young Magicals did as requested. As they did so Slashvolt spoke some language that the twins did not recognize as the normal Goblin language as the Artifactor performed a ritual on page and orb. As the ritual took effect the orb began to flash before it started to play out scenes in the air above the desk.

Everyone watched as what looked like Voldemort and his Death Eaters attacking people played out in the air before them making the three young Magicals wonder if they were watching something happening at that very moment. But as two humans entered the scene Harry knew they had to be looking at the past for James and Lily entered along with several others to push the Death Eaters back. A couple of scenes later showed Voldemort approaching a large manor house and blasting his way in. Finding a woman who looked oddly familiar to Harry the Dark Lord killed her before moving on to a man holding a baby tightly to his chest. "Take me but leave my son alone," the man said his voice and face also seems familiar.

"No," Voldemort said as he cast the killing Curse on both father and son. But while the man died, crumpling to the floor the baby survived as the curse rebounded and hit Voldemort in a way that sounded like what Professor Dumbledore had said happened to the man when he came after Harry. A Lightning Bolt scar also appears on the baby's face but unlike Harry's scar, it was on the baby's left cheek rather than his forehead.

The marked boy was pulled from the ruined home by an old woman with a vulture-topped hat making Harry arch an eyebrow at it in recognition. His guess proved to be correct as it seemed the baby was his friend Neville who was now hailed as the Boy-Who-Lived. The strange scenes that were playing showed Neville not living with his Grandmother and extended family but given to his Godmother Lily Potter and her husband The scenes made no sense for there was no sign of Harry in them as Lily and James took Neville in to raise him. Harry and the twins shared a confused look and saw Sirius while looking less confused was still flabbergasted by what the scene was showing.

Unlike Harry and Neville's real childhoods the ones that were being shown in the scenes depicted Neville brought up in a loving and caring home the Potters doted on him and kept the rest of the world at bay who wanted to turn Neville into a star due to how he defeated Voldemort as a baby. When Neville got to Hogwarts he was sorted into Gryffindor House becoming friends with Ron, Dean, and Seamus. Though surprisingly not Hermione who was just as much as a know-it-all as she was in Harry's first year. As Ron did not make fun of Hermione during the first Halloween at Hogwarts, within the scene, there was no troll battle to make the group friends. The troll still did arrive at the castle as well as most major events Harry had to deal with during his First Year as he watched Neville, Ron, Dean, and Seamus work together to protect the stone, Harry arching an eyebrow seeing that rather than having to answer the potion puzzle before the stone there was an elaborate mechanism which required Dean and Seamus to work together to open the path for Neville. Neville had to face Quirrellmort just as Harry had done with the same results of the man's death and Voldemort's spirit fleeing.

The scenes showed Neville and his friends had to face the Basilks as Harry had done, showing Neville was a Parselmouth as he used it to reach the Chamber. Unlike in Harry's Second Year when Lockhart accidentally collapsed the tunnel Neville was joined by Seamus as the two tried to fight off the giant serpent. The pair defeated it by collapsing a pipe it was going through since for some reason the Sorting Hat had not shown up letting Neville pull out the Sword of Gryffindor to kill the snake with. As Riddle became angry at the Basilisk's death he began to suck more energy from Ginny until the pair of boys realized what was happening and destroyed the book with one of the Basilisk's fangs that had popped out of the snake's mouth when they crushed it. While this did save Ginny her attitude towards Neville shifted from friend of her brother to her hero. Harry had noticed she had acted the same way when they first meet but her feelings for Neville in the scenes were startling. For rather than just hug Neville and confess as she had done with Harry, Ginny thanked Neville and gave him a large kiss starting the boy who tried and failed to push her away.

Another change from the normal timeline was that Ginny was punished for using the diary and not telling anyone about it as she was sent to a Mind-Healer twice a week during the summer. Fred and George arched an eyebrow seeing that their dad did not win the 1000 Galleon drawing so the family did not go to Egypt to visit Bill, nor did Ron get a new wand but was given another old family one, this one belonging to their Uncle Fabian which worked better for Ron than Chalies old wand had done. Fred and George took a moment to notice that in the scenes their family appear to be having more trouble with money than normal as their mum was forced to take up a job after Ginny headed to Hogwarts, taking more hours and leaving Percy in charge during the summer to help pay for Ginny's Mind-Healer.

As Sirius in the scenes had not been sent to Azkaban for betraying the Potters the scene of Neville's third year was a little different. For one there were no Dementors around the castle. Secondly, while Hermione still got Crookshanks and the cat still went after "Scabbers" Ron and the now Third Year Gryffindor boys all told the bushy-haired girl off for not having better control of her cat. Harry also noticed that Hermione was less irritable in this version of events making him notice that she was not wearing the long chain that she had put the Time-Turner on in his Third-Year. Crookshanks's actions did end up revealing who Scabbers was as the man got sick of the part Kneazle going after him as he turned back into a man at the end of the year to kill the cat, unfortunately in front of witnesses. Harry could not figure out why Pettigrew had still been hiding out as Scabbers when he had not betrayed the Potters. As if sensing the question the scene shifted into the past of this strange timeline again to show the Longbottoms using Peter as their Secret Keeper thinking someone would think they would choose a member of their large family to take the job. When Voldemort had been defeated and most of the Longbottoms knew it had been Peter who had been Frank and Alice's Secret Keeper he had gone into hiding, but not before he changed his look dying his rat fur to pure white and cutting off one of his fingers so James, Sirius, Lily, or Remus would not recognize him as a rat.

Just like Harry had lived through, Neville had been forced to take part in the Triwizard Cup. And while James and Lily as his guardians had tried to get him out of it they found that a new law from the ICW prevented anyone whose name had come out of the cup from being removed from the tournament. Thankfully Ron, Dean, and Seamus did not abandon Neville who had not put his name in the Goblet. Seeing the Potters working to try to get him out of the tournament let them know Neville was not lying to them. Hermione upset over Peter killing her cat spread the rumor that it was all show and Neville had put his name down and was seeking more fame leading Ginny to attack the girl due to her overwhelming crush on Neville. Seeing how much Ginny's "love" of Neville was doing to her psyche as she became Neville's stalker, Harry and the twins breathed out a sigh of relief to see that unlike in their time Neville had gone to the Yule Ball with a blonde girl the Twins told Harry was called Luna Lovegood. After the Ball Neville and Luna began to date, much to Ginny's annoyance. The same thing that happened in the Graveyard happened again as Voldemort was reborn. It seemed that Neville had gotten Harry's wand for the two connected again before Neville ran for the cup, which he thankfully had used by himself so Cedric had not died, to return to Hogwarts.

The scenes that appeared now were all new and not just alterations of their lives as Voldemort returned and tried to get an item from the Ministry, making Sirus shoot shifty looks at Harry and the twins making them guess that the man was trying to do so now. Voldemort seemed to have had a strange connection to Neville in the scenes for he somehow got Neville to go to the Ministry, taking his three friends and Luna with him where they fought over a small glass orb. During the battle, James who had come, with several others, to rescue the five kids had died as a spell sent him into the Veil. Over the summer Lily had dealt with her depression over the loss of her husband while Neville and others tried to comfort her. But Neville got distracted during the summer as Ginny was annoyed that he was not paying any attention to her like she wanted to begin to slip him love Potions making him dump Luna for her.

Ginny kept a tight leash on Neville during his Sixth Year making him drop all but her brother as friends, she used the fact that Professor Dumbeldore was giving Neville special lessons and him now dating her as a reason for the end of Neville hanging out with Dean and Seamus. Dumbledore's lessons for Neville were all about Voldermort's past and his creating things called Horcruxes. At the end of the school year, Dumbledore had Neville join him in going after one of the Horcruxes leading to the Headmaster almost dying due to some strange poison he had drunk in a strange cave. When the pair arrived back at Hogwarts, Dumbledore summoned Lily who as a way to take her mind off James' death had become a secondary Potion Professor working with Snape to teach the kids. As Lily saw to the Headmaster, Draco Malfoy arrived and tried to kill Dumbledore but lowered his wand only for Snape to burst in and sent a curse Dumbledore's way. Lily saw the spell coming pushed the Headmaster to safety and took the brunt of the spell which blasted her off the roof and to her death. Draco and some Death Eaters who had arrived forced the stunned and horrified Snape to follow them. Snape sent a confused look at Albus for that had not been part of the plan he had been meant to kill the Headmaster to work himself deeper into Voldemort's camp as well as put the man out of his misery for the curse Albus had been subjected to during the summer.

While Albus had survived his planned assisted suicide he had been forced to go to a special House of Healing to be cured of the strange potion and curse. As he was sent away to the hidden location he gave Neville and his friends the mission to track down all the remaining Horcruxes. As Neville had lost both his birth parents and now Godparents he went after the Horcruxes with gusto, but due to the love potions in his system he also had Ginny join Ron and him in doing so. The twins, Harry, and Sirius watched in horror as Ginny placed spells on Ron as the three of them traveled to make him not care when she molested Neville even if it happened right in front of him. It took the trio nearly a year and a half to find and destroy the remaining Horcruxes leading to a final battle against Voldemort at Hogwarts around Halloween during what would have been Ginny's Seventh Year. While they were not part of the world that was being shown in these scenes the four humans could not help but cheer when Voldemort died, though it did cost Neville his life as both males had collapsed at the end of their battle both dead.

The watching humans and Slashvolt did not think it could get worse for that version of the Magical world than it had been since by the time Voldemort had died he had full control of the county and had killed countless Muggles and Muggleborns alike. But as Dumbledore and Ginny who acted like Neville's widow and revealed she was pregnant with his child started to pick up the pieces things took a turn. Albus and Ginny started to make new laws punishing anyone born with a Dark Magic Core making them a slave of the state as soon as their core was detected. They outlawed many "dangerous" creatures forcing Remus to flee the country as they turned on Werewolves just because one single pack of them had supported Voldemort. The pair of idiots even tried to go after the Goblins who rather than deal with them closed off all the banks in England, though not leaving the country as they made sort of speakeasy type of banks moving their main branch to Trap Steet since neither Albus, Ginny or any of their supporters could enter the Creature only Magical Alleyway.

While Molly supported her daughter completely, glad that someone was making a name for the Weasley family, the other members did not. As Fred and George had not gotten the prize money from the Tournament from Neville like Harry had given them the pair worked in a bookshop in Kelpie Alley. While the twins were not doing their dream job as they were planning at the moment, just looking for some property to set their shop up in, something good did come out of their work. The pair met up with and became friends with Elizabeth Greengrass, the older sister of Daphne Greengrass from Harry's year and the trio started dating. Harry sent a look at the blushing twins unable to see why they were dating the same person. The twins gave him a look that said they would explain later and nodded back to the scenes playing out above Slashvolt's desk.

After Ginny gave birth to her and Neville's kid, she and Albus started passing more and more restrictions for Great Brittian. One of which was to make it illegal for any relationship that was not one man and one woman to get married or have a kid. If a kid was produced from such a union they would become a slave of the state no matter what type of Core they had. This was bad news for the twins who had married Elizabeth and had gotten her pregnant. The trio had followed Remus and their older brother's footsteps in leaving the island Bill had left due to his Marriage to Fleur being seen as illegal due to Fleur being part Veela. However, Ginny hearing about their child came to see them, Neville Jr. on her hip telling them off for being freaks and natural. Screeching that Mirror Twins was not a real thing and she could not believe they had duped Elizabeth into joining in their sin. Elizabeth tried to get Ginny to leave only for Ginny to blast her with a spell. This caused Neville Jr. to clap in delight and sent Elizabeth into early labor.

Fred and George forced Ginny to leave, while she screamed she would be back, as they went to help their wife. Elizabeth died during the birth of her son leaving Fred and Geroge heartbroken but also fearing for their kid due to the amount of power Ginny and their former Headmaster had in English which they might use to get the twins to be brought back maybe using the excuse of them being criminal that needs to be exchanged for some Spanish Magicals that were being held in England at the time. Fred and George fearing for their son went to ask the Goblins for help using what little power they had as Lords of the Prewett line to see if anything could be done. Thankfully they met with a Goblin who could see the potential of a being by looking at their magic. Seeing great things from the twins' son the Goblin agreed to help and set up a ritual to send the boy to safety. Somehow Albus learned about it and tried to raid the bank under the flag of ICW Supreme Mugwump but he was too late as the Goblin bureaucracy held him back just long enough for the ritual to finish sending the child away.

The scenes followed the child as he appeared at the door to a Magical Orphanage in England. The day after he arrived Harry, Fred, Sirius, Slashvolt, and George were shocked to see the Potters arrive and adopt him. As James was the last of his line he even went to the Goblins to have them perform a Blood Adoption on the child to make the boy his son as seen by Magic. However, the Potters adopting the boy caused Voldemort to go after them bringing out the timeline that Harry and the others knew.

"Was that... is that true?" Harry asked as the scene above the desk flickered out as Voldemort approached the Potter family hiding in Godric Hallow.

"As far as I know it is," Slashvolt said removing the crystal ball from his desk and turning over the paper to let Harry and the twins finally read it.

Eric Arthur Weasley-Greengrass (Changed to Harry James Potter) Born on April 17, 2003

Birth Parents:

  • Elizabeth Ashley Weasley nee Greengrass (mother)
  • Fredric Gideon Weasley (1/2 of Father due to being a Magical Mirror Twin)
  • George Fabian Weasley (1/2 of Father due to being a Magical Mirror Twin)

Blood Adopted Parents:

  • James Ducan Potter
  • Lily Rose Potter nee Evens

Living relatives:

  1. Richard Silvestot Greengrass (Maternal Grandfather)
  2. Samantha Tiffany Greengrass nee Black (Maternal Grandmother)
  3. Daphne Stacy Greengrass (Maternal Aunt)
  4. Astoria Lilian Malfoy nee Greengrass (Maternal Aunt)*
  5. Draco Abraxus Malfoy (Maternal Uncle)
  6. Arthur Nathanael Weasley (Paternal Grandfather)
  7. Molly Antointett Weasley nee Prewett (Paternal Grandmother)
  8. William "Bill" Septimus Weasley (Paternal Uncle)
  9. Fleur Cindrella Weasley nee Delacour (Paternal Aunt)
  10. Charles "Chalie" Zell Weasley (Paternal Uncle)
  11. Percival "Percy" Cecil Weasley (Paternal Uncle)
  12. Penelope Sarah Weasley nee Clearwater (Paternal Aunt)
  13. Ronald Billius Weasley (Paternal Uncle)
  14. Lavender Debra Weasley nee Brown (Paternal Aunt)
  15. Ginny Molly Weasley-Longbottom (Paternal Aunt)
  16. Neville Francis Longbottom (Uncle, but due to love potions leading to marriage not considered part of the Weasley clan so can not be labeled as having either a Paternal or Maternal familial connection to Eric Arthur Weasley)


* As the enchantment read Harry's full genealogy even though she has not gotten together with Draco yet at the time the story takes place they were together when Harry (Eric) was born so it read that connection not what is true now. Also Draco Malfoy and his family fled after his failed attempted to kill Dumbledore which is why he was not rounded up and killed after Voldy's death in the other timeline

Chapter 43: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes 2


Harry/Eric is given a full Inheritance Test and meets his mother


Added Tags: Protective Sirius Black, Fred/George/Original Female Character Also I made a small edit in the last chapter as I realized I had forgotten to add Percy and his wife as Harry/Eric's Paternal Uncle and Aunt

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As the twins read over the document that had come out of the enchanted book from Grimmauld Place things began to make sense. They had always felt rather protective of Harry ever since they had seen him struggling to get his trunk onto the Hogwarts Express all those years ago. They had just put it down to the fact that they often were called on to help their older siblings so had stepped in seeing a younger student needing help. They had passed over the Mauraders' Map which had been their most prized possession at Hogwarts just cause they knew the Muggles Harry lived with would never have signed the permission form for him to go to Hogsmead. Well, if they could get more concrete proof, they would sign the forms for this year. They had overheard Professor McGonagall saying that most students got a pass to go to the village last year due to the Tournament so they would find a way to let her know that Harry was their son from the future and they permitted him to go. Though without any proof they could see her not believing them at all. Which for once was understandable considering how rare Time Travel was without the use of a Time-Turner and those usually brought someone back to their original time, but Harry had been born in that alternate timeline about seven years in the future.

It seemed Harry was a little more accepting of the results than most people would be to find out that their best friend's older brothers were his parents and were only two years older than he was. "Why Eric?" Harry asked them.

"No clue," Fred said.

"Maybe it was a name suggested by your mother?" George ventured.

"Makes sense but what are Magical Mirror Twins?" Harry asked the three of them not paying attention to a conversation that Sirius and Slashvolt were having on the other side of the desk.

"Magical Mirror Twins are two, oh how do I put this?" George said looking to Fred for some help.

"George and I are part of the same being. We share a soul which makes us Magical Twins rather than normal identical twins. This also is why we both had the same mate and are considered to be half of your father each. As for the mirror aspect that just means that while we share the same soul we are opposites in various ways such I am left-handed and George is right-handed," Fred said.

"And when I am deep in thought I tilt my head to the left while Fred goes to the right," George added. "I like tea he likes coffee that sort of thing."

"I don't think the tea and coffee are part of being Mirror Twins though," Fred said rolling his eyes a little.

"They are rather different drink choices, though," George said.

"Not enough to be considered mirrored," Fred shot back making Harry let out a chuckle which both twins suddenly realized sounded a little like their chuckle did.

As Harry and the twins chated Sirius had talked to the Goblin Artifactor knowing that they should get in contact with the Account Managers of the Potter, Weasley, Prewett, and Greengrass line. Sirius knew that the Goblins would be unable to reach Molly at the moment due to the protection around Grimmauld Place. He knew that Arthur was at work but did suggest they try to contact the Head of the Greengrass family as well as Elizabeth to explain what they had found out. Slashvolt had already been planning to do so, making him give his old ally a cold look and reminded him that Sirius was a wanted man so if he would need to make himself scarce when someone from the Greengrass family. Sirius was hesitant, but since technically Fred and George were his Pup's fathers and they were both of age he could leave them to it. However, he did not want to head back to Grimmauld Place and deal with Molly at the moment having a feeling she would blow a gasket after he removed Harry and her sons from his family's home without her permission. "Maybe when they arrive I will speak to my Account Manager as you suggested when we came in," Sirius told the Goblin.

The first Goblin they heard back from was Bonecrusher, the Potter Account Manager who had been trying to get in contact with Harry since he returned to the Magical World. Once they had gotten word that he wanted to see them Slashvolt showed the four humans to his office. "Lord Potter it is good to see you again at last," Bonecrusher said looking over his desk at Harry.

"Lord?" Fred asked.

"Is he a Lord because he will be born in the future?" George asked at the same time.

"What?! No," Bonecrusher said. "I call my client a Lord due to his being forced to take part in the Triwizard Tournament made Magic accept him as an adult and being of age. Wait what do you mean he is from the future?" Slashvolt passed over the document to the Goblin Prince who read it his eyes bulging a little. "Fascinating that this did not show up on your earlier test,"

"Earlier test?" Harry asked.

"Why yes, when Lord and Lady Potter brought you in for me to perform a Blood Adoption we had you tested to see if you were a child of a known line who had been kidnapped and left in the orphanage as a means to take you out of the running for a future Lordship. Yet all we got back was this," Bonecrusher said digging out an old document that showed that the name the Potters had picked out for him had no other name and his parents were blocked.

"Why were we listed as being blocked on that test but not the one he got at... earlier?" Fred asked finding he could not say Grimmauld Place to the enchantments on it.

"I have a guess," Slashvolt said.

"And that is?" Bonecrusher promoted.

"It could be that since Fredrick and George and most likely Harry/Eric's mother had not been brought in to the bank yet to be added to their family's accounts we did not recognize them so Magic protected their identities," the Artifactor suggested.

"Or it could be that since they were not of age yet they were blocked," Sirius added.

"Wel, I guess that is as good an idea as any," Bonecrusher said. "Now the reason I have been trying to get in touch with you for nearly five years is that I wanted to talk you into getting an Inheritance Test."

"Isn't that what that is?" Harry asked pointing to the form now laying on Bonecrusher's Redwood desk.

"While it has information that is generally given during an Inheritance Test this is more akin to a Family Line Test," Bonecrusher explained. "A full Inheritance Test would reveal what lines you are part of, any spells, potions, or enchantments that have been cast on you, and more importantly if anyone is messing with your vaults."

"You put a lot of emphasis on the last area," Fred stated.

Bonecrusher bit his lower lip for a moment before responding. "As all but Lord Potter may know my kind prefers to leave human business alone but we still don't like it when someone messes with one of our clients' accounts."

"And someone has done this to Harry's?" Sirius asked.

"I can not say unless it comes out during a test," Bonecrusher said with a pointed look.

"Then let's do it," Fred said not liking the fact that anyone would mess with Harry's accounts. He wanted to say he would feel that way even if Harry was not his son from the future.

"Does Lord Potter agree?" Bonecrusher asked.

Looking at Sirius, Fred, and George who all gave him nods of approval Harry said, "Sure."

"Very well," Bonecrusher said as he began to pull some items out of his desk and place them on top of it One item was a roll of blank parchment which he used a blue needle to stick to Harry's earlier test, there was also a cuff that he had Harry place on his dominant arm, a black quill, and what looked like an ornate headband which Harry wore. Bonecrusher then had Harry write his name on the top of the blank parchment using the black quill, explaining to the young Lord that it was a Blood Quill which would take a single drop of blood from him as he wrote his name which would activate the other items Harry was wearing so they could gather everything they needed for the test. When nothing happened when Harry wrote Harry James Potter, Bonecrusher had him write the birthname that had been given on the other form. As soon as he finished the last "s" in Greengrass the parchment began to fill out.

Harry James Potter Eric Arthur Weasley-Greengrass*

Family Lines-Lord:

  • Peverall (from Blood Adopted Father)
  • Gryffindor (From Blood Adopted Father)
  • Potter (From Blood Adopted Father)
  • Slytherin (From Rite of Conquest)
  • Gaunt (From Rite of Conquest)

Family Lines-Heir

  • Prewett (From Birth Fathers)
  • Black (From Godfather)

Family Lines- normal member

  • Weasley (from Birth Fathers)
  • Greengrass (from Birth Mother)


  • Blood Adoption Ritual to James and Lily Potter
  • 5% of Magical Core Blocked (by James and Lily Potter not removed at normal time)
  • Horcrux attached to Soul (done accidentally by Tom Marvolo "Voldemort" Riddle
  • 28% of Magical Core Blocked (by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • Bad Eye-Sight Jinx (by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • Loyalty Potions geared towards: Dursley family (Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley) Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Hermione Jean Granger, and Molly Weasley (topped off yearly since 1984)
  • Reckless Behavior Booster Charm (by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • Love Potions geared towards: Ginny Weasley (topped off yearly since 1991) {unable to take effect due to Ginny Weasley being Eric Weasley-Greengrass's aunt.
  • Martyr Jinx (by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)

Vault payments not approved by Eric Weasley-Greengrass

  • 5000 Galleons transferred from both Peverell and Potter vaults to Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore started on November 1st, 1981 (Ordered by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • What converts to 500 British Pound Sterling to the Dursley family started on November 1st, 1981 (taken from Potter Family Vault under orders of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • 100 Galleons transferred from Potter Family Vault to Hermione Jean Granger started on October 20th, 1990 (Ordered by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • 650 Galleons transferred from the Potter Family Vault to the personal vaults of Molly Weasley started December 3rd, 1990 (Ordered by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • 300 Galleons transferred from Potter Family Vaults to personal vaults of Ginny Weasley started August 13th, 1991 (Ordered by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • 1000 Galleons transferred from Peverell, Gryffindor, and Potter vaults to Bird fund (an illegal shell company owned by Albus Percival Wulfric Briand Dumbledore on his own orders)

Treasures stolen/missing from family vaults

  • Peverall family wand removed around 1633 CME now in possessed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
  • Magical Tomes from the Peverell family were removed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore on November 1st, 1981
  • Several Magical Tomes were removed from the Potter Family Vault and given to Hermione Jean Granger as ordered by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore on October 2oth, 1990
  • Sword of Gryffindor removed from Gryffindor Family Vault by Eric Weasley-Greengrass May 23rd, 1992, illegally seized and kept by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
  • Magical Tomes from the Gryffindor family were removed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore on May 22ed, 1992

Money transfers and items removed were approved by cart driver Griphook

"We want all the money, all the items returned at once, and we want to have him go through a Cleansing" Fred and George said at once after the results had been read.

"It shall be done Lords Prewetts," Bonecrusher said not seeking Harry's approval this time since the twins were his client's birth fathers as he instantly began to fill out the paperwork.

"Wait how are you both Lord Prewett?" Harry turned to ask them,

"The Prewett line has always been led by Twins who have been born with Magic," George said.

"There were a couple that was born as Squibs," Fred added seeing a confused look on Harry's face at the qualifying statement from his twin.

"Yeah so they could not inherit the Lord or Ladyship," George continued. "When there are no twins the line passes down from parents to the child which is why you were listed as the Heir to the family line."

"Um, Prince Bonecrusher," a Goblin said sticking their head around the Ironbark door and into the office.

"Ah, good timing Sickle please arrest cart driver Griphook at once," Bonecrusher said looking to the other Goblin.

"Yes, sir but I was told to let you know that several members of the Greengrass line have arrived for the meeting that Artifactor Slashvolt arranged.

"Ah, good where are they at the moment?" Bonecrusher asked getting to his feet.

"We have them waiting in the Pearl Room," Sickle answered.

"Good, good we shall head there straight away," Bonecrusher said gathering up the documents on his desk and placing them in a locked briefcase to take them to the meeting.

"And that is my cue to go talk to my Account Manager," Sirius said wishing Harry, Fred, and George goodbye and good luck at the meeting.

Harry ended up walking between Fred and George down the corridor as they followed Bonecrusher to the meeting all three males feeling slightly anxious. Harry for meeting the family and possibly the woman who in a future alternate timeline gave birth to him. While the twins for they had not really interacted much with Elizabeth Greengrass and did not know how she would react, if she was at the meeting, that Harry was the child of her and them from the future. "I shall try to make this meeting as brief as possible so I can get Lord Potter in for his cleansing," Bonecrusher said as they walked down the corridor.

Reaching the Pearl Room that Harry saw had a solid pearl door, Bonecrusher led the three humans inside. As they entered a man in a pure black robe with a symbol of a green eye on the front of it, a woman with dark brown hair, and a female around the same age as Fred and George stood up. "Why were we called here?" the man asked.

"Lord, Lady, Heir Greengrass thank you for coming on such short notice," Bonecrusher said as he shook another Goblin who had remained sitting beside Lord Greenrass's hand.

"I ask again why were we told to come in?" Lord Greengrass asked who Harry assumed was his Grandfather Richard.

"Just under an hour ago young Lords Prewetts arrived at the bank with Lord Potter to discuss Lord Potter coming into contact with an enchanted item that produced a Family Line Test," Bonecrusher explained.

"What does this have to do with us?' the woman who Harry assumed was his Grandmother Samantha asked.

"The three of them wanted to verify the results were accurate and our Chief Artifactor. The reason we had you come in was the results were proven to be accurate," Bonecrusher said as he pulled out the Family Line Test and passed it over to the three Greengrasses to look over as well as their Account Manager, Bonesaw. Only Bonesaw was aware that a special enchantment had been placed on the document which would prevent anyone who saw it from sharing anything about it with anyone else. Thus preventing Lord and Lady Greengrass from letting their youngest daughter know she would possibly marry the Malfoy Heir.

"So that was the blip we got nearly sixteen years ago," Richard said rubbing his chin in thought.

"What do you mean dad?" the slightly older girl with black hair that reached the middle of her back asked her dad.

"My department was notified that a Time Travel Ritual had taken place somewhere in England around the time of Lord Potter's adoption," Richard said.

"What department is that?" Fred asked.

"I am an Unspeakable," Richard said saying no more making the twins nod in understanding knowing from their dad that the Department of Mysteries studied all sorts of random and strange fields of Magic. "Now what is on the other sheet I saw in your case?"

"This is the full inheritance test I just had Lord Potter take less than ten minutes ago. Before I show you this the Lords Prewetts have already ordered everything to be returned and a Cleansing to be performed on Lord Potter," Bonecrusher said passing over the second document.


* Some quick notes on this test. I put only the first and last names of people listed on Harry/Eric's last test due to Bonecrusher connecting the two tests beforehand. Also as stated in the first chapter of this story (last chapter) Fred and George noticed that the Weasley were poorer in the alternate timeline than they are in this one. This is because he had no access to the Potter or Longbottom vaults to pay them as he does here.

Chapter 44: A Third Side


When he finds out the Light Lord and his supporters are just as bad as the Dark Lord and his followers, Harry decides to take a third path.


Tags: Dumbledore, Order of the Pheonix, Molly, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, Sirius, Lily, Voldemort, and Snape Bashing. Harry finds new allies, Harry has a different mother.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry wanted to leave Privat Drive the moment he arrived after his Fourth Year. He had been told that there were protections around his aunt and uncle's place but witnessing Voldemort being resurrected after Wormtail had killed Cedric Diggory, Harry could not be sure that the protections could do their job. After all, Hogwarts was said to be the safest place in all of England and Great Brittian yet danger still seemed to find him there, so why should it not be able to reach him at #4? It was bad enough having to put up with the Dursleys normally but when he had to do it while waiting to be attacked. Not to mention their snide comments as he tried to listen to the Muggle news for signs of Death Eaters attacks since he had yet to find it mentioned in the Daily Prophet he got delivered each morning before his "family" woke up. If it was not the Dursleys that were causing him headaches it was batty old Ms. Figg who cornered him each time he left #4 and invited him over for her nasty tea and cakes.

When Harry was able to avoid Ms. Figg and just wander around the neighborhood he could sense someone watching him. He would put it down to paranoia but after what he had dealt with at Hogwarts. Where due to the events of his Second and Fourth Years he had been targeted by students who tried to curse, hex, or jynx him he had a finely tuned danger sense and could tell when someone was paying too much attention to him. He tried to use this fact to get himself away from Privat drive by writing about being followed by someone to his friends and Sirius but the short letters he got back just told him he was being paranoid after what happened in the graveyard.

He was starting to get frustrated by their letters as well, for no one not even Sirius was telling him when he was expected to be away from his "loving family." If he read between the lines of Ron and Hermione's letters it seemed that the pair were in the same place yet had not invited him to join them. He felt like a kid who had been punished for doing something that he had been praised for doing when he was younger. After a full fortnight of this Harry was plain sick of it and stopped trying to write to them at all, no matter how bad life was at the Dursleys. For there was only so much he could take of short letters of maybe two or three lines all telling him to stay put and keep safe. The letters were so similar that Harry also wondered if Sirius was with them, for apart from some wording Harry felt as if he was getting a form letter from his two friends and Godfather.

The only time there was a change to the letters happened on his birthday when they had sent him stuff, but unlike previous years rather than books or stuff, he could use they sent him just snacks. Sure it would be good to have something besides the salad and healthy food his aunt had been serving since last summer but it could not offer protection like they kept telling him he needed. Getting sick of the lack of information, the Dursley's attitudes, and the feeling that he was being watched all the time, Harry decided to take some action.

A week after his birthday, Harry used the fact that since the Dursleys were worried that Sirius would come if he called had allowed him to keep his stuff in his room to steal away from #4. As the Dursleys left him alone, unless he tried to watch or listen to the news, Harry spent one day gathering all his belongings up and packing them away for his trip. Waiting until a little after midnight, Harry dragged his trunk as softly as he could downstairs and into the backyard. Hoping his plan would work, once he got into the middle of the backyard he rose his wand hoping that the Knight Bus would show up despite him not being in the street or curb. Harry would never have done this if not for the fact that neither the Muggle nor Magical news he got told of any possible Death Eater activity. He also hoped that as the Knight Bus was, in his mind, public transit it should be a little safe that he would not have to worry about an attack or someone trying to kidnap him or something.

Harry waited for a moment his wand in the air wondering if he would have to try to summon the bus from the front curb only for the silence of the night to be interrupted by a loud "bang" as the triple-decker purple bus appeared before him as a portion of the backyard fence had swung open to allow its passage. "Welcome to the Knight Bus," Stan Shunpike said getting off the bus and starting his speech.

"Hey, Stan," Harry said before the conductor could give the whole thing again, "I need another lift to Gringotts." Harry hoped that by specifying Gringotts rather than the Leaky Cauldron the Knight Bus would take him right to the bank thus making sure he "stayed safe." "Here you go keep the change," Harry said passing over a full Galleon rather than the eleven Sickles he had to pay last time for the same trip.

"Right, is this just for the ride, or do you want a hot chocolate, a water bottle, and a toothbrush?" Stan asked as he tested the hubcap-sized gold coin to make sure it was real.

"Just the ride, please Stan," Harry said as he pulled his trunk up the stairs, only to get some help from Stan a moment later.

"I have seen your name in the paper a lot, Harry," Stan commented as he helped place Harry's stuff once more in the seat behind the driver.

"Ah, well most of it is not true," Harry said thinking of all the stories that Rita had printed about him during the tournament.

"Kay," Stan said making Harry guess the man did not care either way and was just impressed Harry's name had been in the paper. "So what are your plans at the bank?"

"My business is my own," Harry said trying to sound like his uncle did when he thought someone was snooping around. He did not have any issue with Stan but considering how the man had reacted to Sirius being on the loose Harry was not going to get into Voldemort being back. It was Harry's hope that the Goblins would believe him and take action due to Voldemort either having Quirrell or possessing the man at the time he tried to steal the stone from the bank.

"I see, well you are in luck we don't have many passengers tonight so you just have one person in front of you," Stan said as with the normal loud bang the bus moved from Surry to somewhere else. The other passenger on the bus got off at their home in the country in a place that reminded Harry of a shrunken Egyptian Pyramid though painted in alternating stripes of pink and green.

With another loud bang, Harry was shocked to see the bus pull up outside a familiar-looking white building. "Here we go Gringotts, Kelpie Avenue Branch," Stan said confusing Harry who had never heard of Kelpie Avenue but could not ask as Stan started to move Harry's trunk off the bus. Once he was on the street there was another bang as the bus left revealing a street lined with Magical shops Harry had never seen before, most dealing with books, research, and a couple of wand shops. Thinking he would deal with it after his meeting with the Goblins, Harry started to drag his trunk into the bank. As he passed the Goblin doormen one of them reached out and touched his trunk making it float a little so as to not scuff the marble floor in the bank. "Thank you," Harry said earning a nod from the gruff-looking Goblin. Harry was surprised to find that despite it being nearly one in the morning there was a line waiting to be helped. As he waited in line, Harry hoped the Goblins would still listen to him since he was at a different bank than the one Voldemort tried to steal from.

"You are up rather late or early," the Goblin teller said when Harry's turn came.

"Sorry about that but I was hoping I could talk to someone," Harry said.

"All branches of Gringotts are open twenty-four hours a day it is just strange for one so young to come in at this time," the Goblin said. "Now who is your Account Manager and are they expecting you?"

"Account Manager?" Harry said confused. "No I wanted to talk to someone about Voldemort's return," he said leaning in so as to not frighten the other visitors to the bank.

"We do not take part in human affairs," the Goblin said a little gruffly before returning to his "normal" voice. "I am sure if you have any concerns your Account Manager can see to them."

"I don't know if I have one," Harry admitted.

The Goblin Teller gave Harry a once over and wondered if the young human did have an Account Manager as he took in the boy's Muggle Clothing, but for all, he knew it could be the fashion of the humans at the time. "Do you have your key or another form of identification so I can see if you have an Account Manager?"

"Oh sure," Harry said turning around and beginning to dig through his trunk until he found his vault key.

"Thank you," the Goblin said shocked at how the young Human had stored his key. After running a check on it the teller, Withersaw received a notice that the Account Manager wanted to meet the holder of the key right away. "The good news is you do have a manager and they wish to meet with you."

"Good, where do I need to go," Harry said taking back the key and putting it back in his trunk, missing the Goblin's small grimace as he did so.

"Take that door," Withersaw said pointing to one of the doors leading out of the lobby area. "Once you are in the corridor go straight for fifty yards, turn left at the fourth intersection, right in the next one and you should reach a room with a solid gold door. Knock three times above the doorknob and once below to announce your presence. Once you hear someone telling you to enter turn the knob a small bit to the left before some to the right before you hear a click of the door opening and just go in," Withersaw said.

"Um, can you repeat all that?" Harry said pulling out a quill and some scrap paper to write it all down.

As Harry opened the complicated gold door he expected to find an opulent office but instead found a small conference room with a round meeting table with several chairs around it, though at the time there was only one chair being used. "Ah Lord Potter it is good to see you once again," the Goblin said standing up and letting Harry take in a black, gold, and red pinstriped suit and a cape that looked like it was molded off the night sky.

"Lord?" Harry asked confused.

"Yes, Lord," the Goblin said motioning for Harry to take one of the seats at the table. "Since your name came out of the Goblet of Fire which even without the Age Line Albus had put around it should have only accepted Magicals who were of Age you are now considered an adult in the Human World. Now I have been trying to meet with you since your return to the Magical World but have been blocked so can you tell me why you have come to see me now, and not at the bank where your vaults are located?"

"I just had the Knight Bus take me to Gringotts I did not realize there were more on the island than the one that I have been to," Harry said. "And I wanted to see someone since neither the Muggles nor Magicals seem to know that Voldemort is back."

"He is a purely Human concern so we will not interfere with it one way or another," the Goblin said making Harry sag a little in defeat.

"But you do believe me that he is back?" he asked.

"We do, for we knew he was not truly dead," the Goblin answered.

"So if this news is no shock to you what did you want to see me about?" Harry asked.

"As you had been out of the Magical World for over a decade I had wanted to get you tested so you could find out about your family history as well as your vaults, position in the world, and what have you. Since then I have also wanted to get in touch due to some strange activity concerning your vaults," the Goblin, Bonecrusher explained.

"What sort of activity I only used my money to buy school supplies and maybe some snacks with what is left over," Harry said.

"You have large sums of money being transferred out of your vaults to other people, you had some people buy items with money from your account though considering they were given to you it can be reasoned they were doing so with your permission. Some of your money has been invested in companies which in our research has been found to be shams or shell companies," Bonecrusher said without looking at any of the forms he had brought with him. "Also considering none of the funds leaving your account had been used at a Heal House what you may know as a Hospital meaning you have not been seen by a fully registered Healer has raised some concerns for your well-being."

"I have been seen by the Matron at Hogwarts," Harry said.

"Madam Pomfrey is only a Medi-Healer so is not fully qualified to give you a full healing, also some funds would be paid if she scheduled a procedure or gave you a booster for the inoculations you received as a baby," Bonecrusher explained. "So one of the things I would like us to do before you leave is having you undergo an Inheritance Test, and if necessary a Cleansing and Healing Ritual.

"Well, I just came to share with someone about Voldemort being back before trying to find somewhere to stay that is safe and away from my relatives until school starts, so let's do this test thing," Harry said.

"Very good, Lord Potter," Bonecrusher said opening the folder he had in front of him and pulling out some documents. "Now normally an Inheritance Test gives a person's family and lines first but due to the issues with your vaults and our fears for your health we will tackle them first." Bonecrusher then pushed two pages over to Harry that dealt with Vault Issues and Medical/Magical problems. "The test is quite simple," Bonecrusher said pulling out what looked like a black quill with an extremely sharp point. "All you have to do is press your wand tip onto the top of the parchment as I use one of our Blood Quills to prick your other hand. The puncture wound will close as soon as you press it into the parchment." Harry did as requested with both forms and found that as soon as his left palm healed after the second poke the first document had filled itself out.

Vault Discrepancies

  • Starting on November 1, 1981: 1,000 Galleons a year are transferred out of Potter's main family vaults into the account of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (semi-legal due to claims of being Magical Guardian)
  • November 1, 1981: Several magical tomes (apart from family Grimoires) and artifacts removed from Potter, Gryffindor, and Peverell family vaults and placed in Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbeldore's possession
  • November 1, 1981: All royalty payments shifted from going into Lord Potter's accounts and sent to Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
  • Starting on November 10, 1981: What is converted into 700 Pounds Sterling a year is transferred from the Potter's main family vault to the Bank of England's Dursley family account
  • Starting on August 15, 1990: 300 Galleons a year are transferred out of the Potter's main family vault to the personal account of Molly Antoinette Weasley
  • Starting on August 15, 1990: 200 Galleons a year are transferred out of the Potter's main family vault to the personal account of Ronald Billius Weasley.
  • September 7, 1990: 12 Galleons, 13 Sickles, and 4 Knuts were used to pay for Nimbus 2000 from Quality Quidditch Supply taken from Potter Heir vault (semi-legal for broom was sent to Lord Potter)
  • Starting on September 11, 1990: a mix of 100 Galleons and 300 Pounds Sterling is transferred out of the Potter's main family vault into the accounts of Hermione Jean Granger
  • November 1, 1990: remaining magical tomes (apart from family Grimoires) removed from Potter family vaults and given to Hermione Jean Granger
  • May 29, 1991: Sword of Gryffindor removed from Gryffindor Treasure vault by Lord Potter, illegally kept by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
  • Starting on August 23, 1991: 200 Galleons a year are transferred out of Potter's main family vault to the personal account of Ginevra Molly Weasley
  • August 23, 1991: A Potter family Marriage Contract form was removed from Potter family holdings to be filled out to be between Lord Potter and Ginevra Molly Weasley (Illegal)
  • July 5, 1992: 850 Galleons removed from the Potter's family vault to insure the Weasley family won Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw
  • August 17, 1992: Corniuls Fudge removed 75 Galleons from Potter Heir Vault to pay for Lord Potter's school supplies, yet a day later Lord Potter retrieved money from the vault to pay for his supplies.
  • December 20, 1992: 100 Galleons, 3 Sickles, and 1 Knut were used to pay for Firebolt from Quality Quidditch Supply taken from the Black main family vault (semi-legal due to former Heir Black using the funds to buy the broom which he sent to Lord Potter)
  • June 5, 1994: 650 Galleons transferred this so far this year into Bird Fund (shell company owned by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)

Long-Term Discrepancies:

  • Peverell Family Wand was stolen after a duel back in 1322 CME has changed hands several times since then but is now in the possession of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
  • Peverell Family Invisibility Cloak illegally held by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore from January 1981 until December 1990

Property misuses

  • August 15, 1990: Shell Cottage signed over from Potter holdings to Molly Antoinette Weasley
  • June 5, 1993: Former Heir Black illegally takes up residence inside Black Family Town House despite being removed from the family. Former Heir Black appropriated an old family wand as his own
  • July 3, 1994: Illegal organization, Order of the Pheonix, sets up shop and has members move into Black Family Town House without permission. Illegal residents inside Black Family Town House begin to remove and sell off Black Family treasures

Harry just stared open-mouthed unable to believe what he had just read. Headmaster Dumbledore, Ron, Hermione, Mrs. Weasley, and Ginny were taking money from him. He could not figure out why he was getting information concerning Black family accounts and who he assumed was Sirius. With a small cough from the Goblin, Harry turned to the other form. Knowing full well what normal medical issues he had dealt with he looked over any magical ones that the form listed.

Enchantments in Lord Potter's System

  • Magic Core was blocked by 5% ( August 6, 1980, never removed from system)
  • Horcrux belonging to Tom Marvolo "Voldemort" Riddle connected to soul (October 31, 1981)
  • Pseudo-Horcrux which acts as a trace, compulsions, and loyalty jynx attached to the real Horcrux (geared to Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore November 1, 1981)
  • Magic Core alignment changed from Gray Core to Light (November 1, 1981)
  • Magic Core was blocked by an additional 35% (November 1, 1981)
  • Mail Ward (November 1, 1981)
  • Bad Eye-Sight Jynx (July 31, 1984)
  • Compulsion and Loyalty Charms geared towards Molly Antoinette Weasley, Ronald Billius Weasley, and later Ginevra Weasley (August 15, 1990, and August 16, 1991)
  • Tongue-Tie Jyxn on topics of Homelife and abuse (September 3, 1990)
  • Memory Charms sporadically used since September 3, 1990
  • Magic Core self-Block by 15% to fight off Magical Illnesses (September 3, 1990)
  • Compulsion and Loyalty Charms geared towards Hermione Jean Granger (November 1, 1990)
  • Loyalty Charms geared towards Order of the Pheonix (June 4, 1994)

Harry was once more struck dumb by what he had just read. He had been enchanted to be loyal and follow both his "friends" but what was more shocking was that according to the form he had 65% of his Core blocked off making him wonder if that was one of the reasons he had such trouble learning how to do the Summoning Charm and the Patronus. "We still have one more main form to do Lord Potter," Bonecrusher said. "This one deals with your family lines, your parents, Godparents, and any magical relatives you may have." Harry could only nod in silence as he let himself get poked by the black quill again.

Hades Cygnus Potter-Black


  • James Ducan Potter (Sire)
  • Bellatrix Celina Potter-Black (Bearer)
  • Lily Maddison Evens (Illegal Blood Adopted Mother)


  • Remus John Lupin (Godfather chosen by Sire)
  • Narcissa Laura Malfoy nee Black (Godmother chosen by Bearer)
  • Alice Sarah Longbottom (Illegally Chosen by Lily Maddison Evens)
  • Sirius Black (Illegally Chosen by Lily Maddison Evens)

Living Magical Relatives:

  • Andromeda Helda Tonks nee Black (Aunt by blood though not part of the family due to banishment)
  • Theodore "Ted" Patrick Tonks (Uncle though not part of the family due to Andromeda Helda Tonk nee Blacks' banishment)
  • Nymphadora Eliza Tonks (First Cousin by blood though not part of the family due to Andromeda Helda Tonk nee Black's banishment)
  • Narcissa Laura Malfoy nee Black (Aunt)
  • Lucius Scoprio Malfoy (Uncle)
  • Draco Abraxus Malfoy (First Cousin)
  • Sirius Black (Second Cousin by blood though not part of the family due to banishment)

Harry stopped reading after that as he saw the list move on to third, fourth, and even fifth cousins feeling rather drained with everything he had just learned and nothing to do with it being nearly two thirty in the morning as he skipped down to a new heading.

Lordships by order of Power and Prestige

  1. Peverell (from Sire doubled due to Rite of Conquest)
  2. Gryffindor (from Sire)
  3. Slytherin (from Rite of Conquest)
  4. Black (from Bearer)
  5. Potter (from Sire)*
  6. Gaunt (from Rite of Conquest)

"I know that was a lot to take in Lord Potter but since you have finished we should go about getting you Cleansed, the passing of your Lordship rings and would I be correct in having us get all your money, property, and belongings back?" Bonecrusher said seeing Harry collapse into his chair as he finished reading the list. Harry could only nod as Bonecrusher make some notes to have Harry's Lordship rings sent over from the Diagon Alley Gringott Branch to their current location as he called for a Healer to take the stunned Human to get Cleansed.


* While the Black family Lordship is listed first due to its higher ranking Harry/Hades is still Lord Potter due to the Black heir being Regulus before he died thus Harry/Hades was born as a Potter-Black rather than Black-Potter as it would be if Bellatrix had been the Heir of the family

Chapter 45: Silent Voices part 3


Harry has a meeting with his head of House and attends his first class.

Chapter Text

Harry joined his new Housemates as Professor Flitwick gave them a rundown of the rules of Hogwarts as well as what was expected of them as members of Ravenclaw. Such as when they left at the end of each year they were to leave one non-school book behind so that others may have a chance to read it. In exchange, they were to take a new book with them to read over the summer. Professor Flitwick brought up Quidditch Try-outs and brought forth the Prefect who had shown Harry and the other First Years the path to the tower as the Captain on the team in case anyone had any questions. After the Professor informed them that he would visit the Common Roon every Tuesday night in case they had anything they were having trouble with or other issues he sent the First and Second years to bed for their curfew. As Harry followed the other male First Years up one of the staircases Harry noticed Prefect Carter going over to talk to Professor Flitwick before he left. Unless he was mistaken, Harry thought the Fifth Year nodded in his direction making Harry believe the Prefect was informing the short man that Harry could not speak.

Harry just ignored it feeling he would find out if it was about him soon enough as he entered one of the two First Year male dorms that were located halfway down the tower. He could only assume the rooms existed due to magic since based on the proportions of the room Micheal Corner, Terry Boot, and he was in did not match up with the profiles on any of the towers he had seen when they arrived on the fleet of little boats. Seeing his trunk before one of the beds, Harry went to it and pulled out some sleepwear he had purchased at the robe shop along with his uniforms so he would have more than just the set he had when Hagrid found him in the shack on the rock. From old habits, Harry quickly changed his clothing without seeing what his new roommates were doing before grabbing one of his new books and climbing into his bed. After a bed that was a comforter pad from an old crib, to his cousin's old lumpy mattress, climbing into the bed in his new dorms was like laying on an actual cloud. He took a moment to enjoy how soft the bed was compared to the others he used before he opened his book and began to read. The book he had chosen for the night was one of the extra books he had picked up having heard Hagrid mention something when he had been reading the paper as they left the Dursleys. The book had to do with the Ministry of Magic and the chapter Harry was currently reading was all about the departments of law enforcement and a group called Aurors. Harry was utterly fascinated as the chapter talked about the types of potions that some used to break the law as well as potions used by the two departments during their jobs. Just when it was getting good, though technically Harry thought that was true any time he learned something new, the light on his bedside table began to flash, in what Professor Flitwick had told them earlier was a sign that curfew was in effect and they should all try to go to sleep.

Harry was so excited to learn all about the Magical World and spells, though he was not sure how well he would do in casting them without being able to speak, it took him a couple of hours after curfew had happened for him to fall asleep. Despite having slept maybe at most four hours, Harry woke up full of energy as he joined Micheal and Terry as they headed down to the Great Hall for Breakfast. Not knowing what classes they had that day the three of them divided the books for their lessons so that at least one of them would have the necessary book. Though since it was the first day the classes they had might just be introductions to the subject and would not require anything for the lesson. Harry, of course, also packed his dictionary holding it in his hands rather than putting it in his bag in case he needed it.

Arriving at the Great Hall they found the tables filled with bits of breakfast foods to eat before class began. Knowing that due to how little his uncle and aunt feed him, Harry took just some toast points, a glass of milk, and a couple of strips of bacon making his dorm mates raise their eyebrows at him but not make any comment about his meal. As all three of them were excited about the day's lessons, as were the other First Year Ravenclaws who came to join them there was less conversation than there had been the night before. As Harry was finishing his breakfast there was a great fluttering of wings as countless owls flew into the hall and to many of the students. Harry was not shocked by this having read in one of his new books on the train yesterday that owls were used to deliver mail in the Magical World. Though he had no one to send a letter to or anyone who would write to him, Harry was surprised when his new owl came down. He just softly pets her beautiful snowy plumage and offered her some bacon and a drink. She accepted it and nuzzled against him for a moment before she flys out of the hall.

As the owls left the Heads of House started to head down to their respective tables as they passed over schedules to all their students. Professor Flitwick walked past Harry and his group before returning to them after delivering the schedules to the others at the table. The short man handed each of them their schedule and greeted everyone personally reaching Harry last. "Heir Potter," the man said as Harry shot a quick look at to days classes seeing he had History of Magic first before Potions with the Hufflepuffs before lunch. "After talking to Captain Carter last night I would like to see you before you attend any of your classes. Don't worry we can either have you get the notes for your History lesson or if you have a free period when one of the other Houses has the first lesson you can join them." Harry was glad about that having a got excited seeing the class called History of Magic, wanting to learn even if it was Mytho-Historical beliefs on why some people could use magic and not others. Or any Magic creation stories having found the Mythological books at his local library just as fascinating as the science books he would read. So he gave his new Head of House a nod of understanding as the students began to leave out of the hall.

Professor Flitwick had them joined the throng of students for a bit before Harry and he moved away from the crowd to a brightly lit corridor which had a pair of large double doors open at the end revealing a room that reminded Harry of the doctors' office the Dursleys had taken him to when they realized he could not speak. "Now I hear from Captain Carter," Professor Flitwick began before seeing a look of confusion on Harry's face. "While she is Prefect Samantha prefers to be called Captain for she thinks she had more to earn as the Quidditch Captain rather than just a Prefect. Anyway, she has informed me that you are unable to speak and that according to a message in that dictionary you have with you that you had already been tested by Muggle Doctors. Now one of the reasons you are famous in our world is you survived a spell that no other person ever has, so I would like to have you looked over by our staff Medi-Magical to see if she can bring your voice back. If we find there is some issue that she can not deal with we will do our best to find a specialist who can help you. If that is your wish," Professor Flitwick said realizing that maybe the young boy did not want to speak but was perfectly comfortable with his life as it is.

"Good to me," Harry conveyed through his dictionary.

"Wonderful," Flitwick beamed at him, "now, Harry, this is Madam Pomfrey Hogwarts' Medi-Witch.

"Hello Mr. Potter," the woman said pulling out her wand. "I am just going to give you a basic scan to see if there is any reason that we can detect that caused your mutism." Rather than flicking through his book Harry gave her a nod as she cast her spell. "Oh, dear," she said as some parchment began to print out of her wand. Harry tilted his head wondering where the parchment came from. Was there some random parchment that she had set up that feed into the wand when she cast certain spells or was it magically created from the spell as a random side effect?

"Poppy?" Flitwick asked as the woman tore off the parchment from her wand when it stopped printing and began to go over it.

"I can not see anything that would cause young Mr. Potter here to be unable to talk, there are, however, numerous injuries that he has sustained throughout his life." The woman then flicked her wand causing several potion bottles to come zooming over. "Mr. Potter I am going to place you on several potions. One of which should correct some malnutrition issues my scan detected which will require you to have a potion with each meal for the next week. The good news is that the damage I have found in your hands can be corrected with one potion which will heal them perfectly. But before that I want you to have this," she said passing him a bottle that looked to be filled with plain water. "It is a basic cleansing potion that will help the others work better," she explained as he gave her a confused looked. She even showed him the label on the potion to prove she was not lying to him.

Once Harry read the full label just in case drinking it caused any side effects he downed the cleanser, unknowingly getting rid of some Compulsion, magic and intelligence dampening, and loyalty potions Dumbledore had the Dursleys slip into his food. After he drank the potion to heal his hands, Harry noticed the change right away as he felt the small throb that always seemed to emanate from his hands and prevented them from fully closing into fists disappeared. As he downed his first Nutrition Potion, Harry became aware that Professor Flitwick was no longer with them. Harry tried out his newly healed hands to see if people could read his writing as he asked, "Where did Professor Flitwick go?"

To his pleasure, the Matron was able to read his writing as she answered, "He left just a bit ago but I am sure he will be back shortly." Poppy was a little confused herself for most Heads of House if they brought one of their Students to her right at the start of the term would remain until she cleared the student to go to class. It was even worse for it being Harry's first day would not know how to reach any of his classes and might get in trouble with Filch for being out of class. Even if Poppy wrote him a permission slip she saw the caretaker giving the boy trouble for the man would most likely not believe Harry could not talk and would accuse him of something or other. As she waited for Filius to return Poppy ran another scan of Harry to see if the potions were working properly. She trusted the potions but as Filius had told her last night it was hard to say if Harry's body and health system would be affected by surviving the Killing Curse as a baby.

As the second result printed out of the Matron's wand Professor Flitwick returned carrying what looked like a dry-erase board. "Sorry about leaving, but since we found that your mutism did not have any magical cause I thought I should get you one of these," the Charms Master said passing over the board to Harry.

"What is it?" Harry wrote to him.

"Ah, good your hands being healed allows us to better read your writing which means you should have no problem with your homework," Flitwick said patting Harry's shoulder as he gave the young boy a large smile. "This board is a magical artifact known as an MMB or a Magical Message Board. Rather than having you write out a message in class if you have a question or are asked to give an answer which would take time an MMB will work instantaneously. Just think of what you want to convey and tap your wand to the board," Flitwick instructed him.

To use it as a test Harry pressed his wand to the board as he thought about the Muggle Library books up in his school trunk. "I have some books belonging to a Muggle library up in my trunk is there a way to send them back to the library so I don't get a fine?" he asked via the board.

"We can send them to the Ministry with a note so that one of the workers could return them for you," Professor Flitwick said beaming as he saw the board would work for Harry.

Their time at the Hospital Wing being finished Professor Flitwick lead Harry out of the room and to his classroom. Harry saw that there was a sign affixed to the door saying that Charms class was canceled for a while and telling people to read the first chapter of their current charms book. Leading Harry into the room Flitwick had Harry take one of the seats as he took one nearby the boy. "Now that you have the board meaning you can communicate better with everyone there is something we will need to go over. As you can guess most spells taught here require an incantation, at least for your level. But just because you can not talk does not mean you will be unable to perform the magic that will be required for class. There have been numerous students who have come to the castle who for one reason or another could or would not talk. The man who trained me during my Mastery of Charms had come from a very religious order and had taken a vow of silence, so I know you can do it." Professor Flitwick then spent the next hour training Harry how to cast simple spells so the First Year boy could see that he could do it even if he could not utter a word. "Marvelous. Simply Marvelous," Flitwick said applauding Harry for his work. "I have had Sixth Year students, which is when Hogwarts starts to train Magicals how to perform non-verbal spells, who had not mastered this so fast. I am sure that you will have no issues learning the spells for your classes. Speaking of which I should get you to your class so you don't miss out on more of your first day.

By the time Harry and Professor Flitwick arrived down in the dungeons where the Potions class was, they were five minutes late. As Harry walked into the room a tall man in a dark cloak, a pointed nose, and greasy black hair sneered at him. "Ah, Harry Potter our new celebrity so you finally decided to join us, hm? I think five points should be removed from Ravenclaw for showing up just to make an entrance."

"He was with me Severus doing some special studies," Professor Flitwick said entering the room behind Harry and sending a small look of disapproval at the Potions Master.

"Very well no point loss this time, Potter," the man said giving Harry a dark look. The look did not bother Harry for such looks were normally sent his way by his aunt and uncle so he just ignored them as he took an open seat. "Well, since you are late you missed the quiz I gave your classmates to see how much of the material they looked over before coming to class. So let's see how well you do," the man said with a twisted smile on his face. "What common object found in most kitchens is used as an ingredient for a Calming Draft?"

"Now Severus," Flitwick said nearly at the door knowing that Calming Drafts were not covered until a student's Third Year.

Harry not seeing a problem tapped his new MMB to answer, "A cup of warm milk."

"Ah, yes correct Potter," the Potions Master said a little surprised but quickly getting over it. "What are the ingredients one needs to have to brew a potion that is said to cure a Bad Luck Jynx?

Tapping his board Harry produced the answer, "Eye of Newt, Wing of Bat, Whisker of a Household cat, Lion's mane, and Tail hair of a Sphinx."

"Correct again, but how would the potion change if you substituted the whisker of the household cat for a wild cat's whiskers?" the man asked.

"The Potion rather than curing the jynx would increase its potential," Harry answered. By this point, the class shifted their gaze back to the Professor seeing how he would respond and feeling as if they were at a Muggle tennis match as they watched the "Quiz" between the teacher and mute student.

"Mr. Potter, what is the name of a potion which allows one to take on the form of someone else?" Severus asked.

Harry smiled to himself knowing the answer thanks to the book he had been reading last night before going to sleep. "It is known as a Polyjuice Potion, sir."

Severus ground his teeth together a little. "Alright, last question what is the strongest type of Truth Potion that is considered legal in Britain?"

Once more thanks to the book from last night Harry only knew the name of the Truth Potion that the Ministry used but was not sure if it was considered the strongest he still used it in his answer, "Is it Veritasrum?"

"Correct," the Potion Master growled out, "it seems you lot might not be as large a group of dunderheads as I normally teach. But knowing about potions is different than brewing so your first potion is on the board." With a flick of his wrist, a recipe for a potion to cure boils appeared on the front board. Harry tilted his head a little in confusion as the recipe was not the same as the one he had found in one of the books he had gotten as reference material. Harry had never been sure if his being mute had strengthened his memory or if it was a natural skill he developed for he had perfect recall of anything he had ever read. Ignoring the recipe on the board Harry worked from memory from the book as he began to brew. Since the book had explained how to prepare each ingredient needed for the potion in great detail and his time preparing meals for his family Harry took great care in cutting, pruning, and in one place collecting some liquid he squeezed out of some porcupine quills which the board just instructed to add as a whole item into the potion. Harry used a spell he had read in one of the potions books he had got which made the potions bottle harder than normal so that if he brewed his potion incorrectly it would not destroy the bottle nor would it break if one of his classmates accidentally knocked it to the floor. He did see that his potion was a little darker in color compared to the others which according to the recipe he had used meant his work was more potent than the ones they had brewed.

Chapter 46: The Potter boys


Harry realizes he has more family than he thoughts after he accidentally gets splashed with some potion in his First Year.


My normal Snape chapter in honor of his and my birthday, just a day in advance.

Tags: Harry has different parents. Harry has a twin. Lucius, Narcissa, Molly, Dumbles, Weasley, and McGonagall bashing. This story takes place a few weeks into Harry's first year so he is not yet friends with Hermione.

Chapter Text

Harry could not stop coughing or clutching his sides in pain. It had started simply enough once again Neville managed to melt a cauldron in Potions but before Professor Snape could clear it away some of it got onto Harry and seeped into his flesh. Ever since then he had a racking cough and his skin shifted between feeling as if it was on fire or about to freeze off his body. On the know-it-all girl named Hermione's urging Harry had gone to the Medical Wing to get seen by the nurse. He had barely made it through the door when a wave of pain overtook him and caused him to collapse and pass out.

"He should have come to see me as soon as it happened," Harry heard someone say but due to the pain still flooding his body he could not find the energy to open his eyes to see who was speaking nor could he respond.

"And it is my fault that he decides not to inform me that he had been exposed to a potion, how?" Snape's voice asked back.

"I know you had some issues with James, Severus but letting this happen is beneath you. I am too busy at the moment and Harry needs to see a specialist. Since he got ill on your watch you are going to be the one to take him," the unknown voice said.

"And what about my classes?" Snape said making Harry almost picture the normal sneer on the man's face by his tone.

"You will cancel them and see to Harry or so help me I will let not only the school board know about this but the Ministry as well as I file a child abuse claim against you," the person said sounding as if they stomped a foot onto the floor.

"Very well," Snape said sounding as if he was speaking through gritted teeth.

Harry was shocked as he felt himself lifted bodily from where he had been laying. And what was stranger Snape, who he assumed was holding him, was doing so physically and not using any magic to not touch him. As the man began to walk Harry's nose filled up with the scent of an open flame, maybe ash, and something else he could not readily identify. For some reason, the smells made him feel safe and brought a small smile to his face no matter how much pain he was in. Still unable to open his eyes Harry heard the change in the sound of Snape's shoes as if they had entered a smaller room making him wonder why they were going deeper into the Hospital rather than out if the unknown voice wanted Harry to see a specialist, since as far as he knew there was only one nurse who worked at Hogwarts.

Harry felt himself shift in Snape's grip as he heard the sound of fabric rustling and a fire start up. He next heard what sounded like St Mumbos or something as Snape began to move again pulling Harry in tighter to his body. After it felt like Snape had spun them around a couple of times in a warm sun-lit corridor sounds began to fill Harry's ears of other people around. With some effort, Harry managed to get one of his eyes open and saw they appeared to be what looked like a hospital waiting room. As Snape went to go stand in a line, the pain became too much for Harry who quickly shut his eye so he could focus his efforts internally, as he had always done at the Dursleys in the hopes of a quick and silent recovery of what he was going through.

The noise level in the room dropped making Harry wonder if someone had recognized him because of his famous scar or if Snape had used some spell to muffle their surroundings. Harry guessed it was the latter when no one made a cry that Harry was in the room. The magically induced silence of the place and the surprisingly pleasant scent coming off his least favorite teacher soon made Harry fall asleep. As he dreamed his mind was filled with Snape's scent alongside two others which made Harry smile to himself. In the dream, a loud bang went off which would have awakened Harry if it happened in the waking world. The bang was followed by the sources of two of the scents being pulled away with what sounded like a struggle and a baby crying. Harry wanted to help whoever was struggling or crying but found he could not as the last remaining scent source hugged him tightly in a warm grip seeming to be as large if not larger than Hagrid since Harry felt like he was fit snuggling in the scent sources' arms.

"WHAT?!" a voice shouted out waking Harry who no longer felt the pain that had been coursing through his body or even the pain that he had grown accustomed to from living with the Dursleys.

"I said that I have detected something wrong with your student besides his coming in contact with the potion. To know everything for sure I had to send away to Gringotts so someone can come over to perform a test on him."

"Why can't you do the test here?" the first voice which Harry took a moment to realize was Snape asked.

"During my exam of your student, I found what looks like markers indicating that he has gone through a Blood Adoption at some point. As everyone knows my patient's parents are dead if he was blood adopted by someone I will have to let them know about it. As you know only a Goblin test can reveal information like this," the second voice said sounding perfectly calm.

"And how long is that going to take?" Snape growled at the other person.

"It all depends on if Gringotts had a free Goblin or if the lad's family has an Account Manager," the second voice said as Harry heard a powerful blow against something. "That might be them now."

Harry heard the sound of hard-soled shoes walking briskly across stone floors and a door opened before a rough voice said. "Ah so you have found out this will make things easier."

"We found out what?" the second voice asked.

"Hm, well at least you are here," the gruff voice said as what sounded like bare feet walked towards Harry across a stone floor.

"Why is it important that I am here?" Snape asked in a snapping voice to the gruff speaker making Harry assume that the barefoot speaker had looked at Snape when he had spoken earlier.

"It will come out in the test," the gruff speaker said as Harry heard the sound of fabric moving before he felt a small pinch on his left arm making him wince in pain a little. "It should just take a moment."

"As long as it is only that," Snape snapped.

"I think you will find it rather illuminating," the gruff voice said.

"Oh yes, I am just dying to know about all the little bits of accidental magic Potter was exposed to when his tutors came to see him growing up," Snape muttered but due to the otherwise silence in the room Harry still heard him. Harry wondered about tutors or how he might have been affected by using magic before going to school Was that why he had had such a reaction to the Potion? Because he had once used magic to turn a teacher's hair blue, found himself on the roof of the school, regrew his hair almost constantly, or shrunk that ratty old sweater of Dudley's?

"As I said you will see soon enough," the gruff voice said.

"Doubt it," Snape muttered in an even lower voice yet Harry still heard him. "Why are you giving this to me?" Harry heard Snape ask as a rustling of paper filled his ears.

"Because you need to see it," the gruff voice said as Harry heard Snape let out a put-upon sigh and began to read whatever pages he had been handed.

"What the absolute f*ck?" Snape asked sounding more dangerous than he had ever sounded to Harry before.

"I see you have spotted the problem here," the gruff speaker said.

"Why what is wrong?" the second voice from earlier asked as sounds of paper was heard again. "Mw word, Harry Potter is not the son of James and Lily Potter but is yours and James's child."

"Keep reading," the gruff voice instructed.

"What the? Harry Potter has a Twin?" the second voice said followed by the shuffling of the pages again and what sounded like them ripping.

"Groka," the gruff voice said which Harry neither recognized nor saw what it did to repair the pages of his test. "Yes as you can see Harry Potter was born to James Potter-Prince his Bearer and Severus Prince-Potter his Sire on July 31 a few hours after his twin brother, Issac Prince. You were correct Healer Shakspeare, Harry had undergone a Blood Adoption, but it was to Lily Evens-Weasley, just as his twin had been forced to have one as well to Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy." If Harry had the energy he would have choked or sat up in bed finding out he was related to both Snape and a Malfoy and since he only knew of one that was around his age it could only be Draco.

"This has to be mistaken," Snape's voice said making Harry agree with the man.

"You should know better than that," the gruff person said again, "here let me show you."

"Ow," Snape said as unknown to Harry the Goblin stabbed him to collect some blood for another test.

"We will look at that later please continue on Healer Shakspeare," Gruff said.

"Um, let's see Blood Adoption to Lily Evens-Weasley and what happened to his brother. They put compulsions and loyalty spells on an infant are they mad?"

"Possibly but that is not the worst one this is," Gruff said as Harry heard what sounded like someone tapping on something.

"What is a Horcrux?" Healer Shakspeare asked.

"It is an old dark artifact that has never before been attached to a living person. That young Heir Potter has managed to live so long with all these spells and enchantments with his body being the vessel for a Horcrux is a pure miracle," Gruff said sounding rather approving that Harry was still alive.

"Let me see my results," Snape growled out prompting more paper to be passed around. "Dear Merlin's lost jock-strap I really am Potter's father and Draco's too it seems."

"Anything else?" Healer Shakspeare asked wanting to get the information for the medical records.

"Seemed I was hit by numerous memory charms from Albus, Lily, Arthur Weasley, and the Malfoys over the years. It all started nearly eleven years ago. Wait how is Lily been able to place spells on me after she died?" Snape asked.

"Good question," Gruff said, "we will need to look into it, but in the meantime, I think it is best to move Harry and you to Gringotts so we can get him Cleansed of the Horcrux. No offense Healer Shakspeare but I have some doubts about my people doing it quickly let alone yours who may not even know what a Horcrux is in the first place."

"That is perfectly alright, though if you find any more evidence against Narcissa Malfoy let me know for if she has put those types of spells on someone she should lose her Healer's license right away."

"I shall make a note of it to get permission from the king," Gruff said.

"Thanks," Healer Shakspeare said, "and just in case I will grant you permission to use the rooms Floo so you don't run into Narcissa as you head to a public one."

"You have our thanks," Gruff said before telling Snape to pick Harry up and follow him.

Harry once more found himself in Snape's grip and was soon out of it again as the man began to walk. The next thing Harry knows it felt like his whole body was on fire again but if the earlier pain was being burned alive he now felt like he had been tossed into an active volcano. Thankfully the pain caused him to pass out again as the Goblins removed the Horcrux, Potions, and Enchantments that had been placed on him.

Coming to for a third time since he had tried to go to the Hospital room, Harry found that he finally had the energy to open his eyes. Thus he was able to take in his surroundings which looked like a cave filled with beds for recovery. In the bed next to him propped up on some pillows, why that had to be Snape? Though the man looked slightly different, his hair no longer looked greasy as it hung over his face but slicked back and pulled into a ponytail that looked rather fluffy. The normal scowl was also missing from Snape's face as he sat in his bed looking to be going over some paperwork. As if sensing Harry's gaze Snape turned towards him with a small sad smile on his face. "It is good to see you up at last, Harry it has been nearly five hours. Bonecrusher and Silverwing had had enough time to summon your brother in to get cleanses as well. I almost feared you would not awaken until he returned and was up."

"How bad was it?" Harry asked starting a little when he heard a slight change of pitch to his voice.

"Well, according to Silverwing the Horcrux in your system took the longest to remove at three hours, the Blood Adoption to Lily, who I know recall was your friend Ronald's Aunt from his father's side's younger half-sister, took another thirty minutes. The rest of the potions and spells were easily taking twenty minutes in total. You have been unconscious since then for nearly an hour and a half," Snape explained.

"That's strange," Harry said.

"What?" Snape asked putting down his work on the lookout for any complications to the procedure that Harry had gone through due to the Horcrux being involved.

"Well, when you mentioned Ron I did not get the small happy feeling I normally got when he is mentioned due to him being my first real friend," Harry answered.

"There is a possible reason for that," Snape said swinging his legs over the side of his bed so he was closer to Harry. "It seems some of the spells and potions you were under were to force you to become friends with the Weasleys and be somewhat loyal to them seeing them as your family due to the combination of the spells and Lily's Blood Adoption. I expect your twin brother will feel the same way about the people who he thought were his parents," Snape said.

So he would not become too angry at what he just learned about his best friend Harry asked, "Are you grading homework?"

"Unfortunately, no. When I woke up from my own Cleansing Bonecrusher, our Account Manager, gave me our vault books. It seems Albus has been taking money from the Potter vaults for himself and the Weasleys and since I was under some enchantments he removed money from the Prince's Vaults as well including Draco's Heir vault though that was just to place it into the Heir vault he used as a Malfoy Heir," Snape explained making Harry's anger increase rather than decreased. Not only had he been magiced to like the Weasleys but they had taken money from him as well. It did not matter that Harry was not used to having large sums of money or knowing how to use it but it showed they had no reason to be friendly towards him besides the spells, potions, and getting paid. "Well there is some good news, after they brought you in they took some blood from both of us and then more from your brother and with it were able to find out that James is somewhere out there still alive."

Chapter 47: The Potter Boys II


Harry is reintroduced to his twin brother as they find out what happened to their Bearer.


I know two chapters of the same half-brewed idea on the same day. But reading a comment left by HerverusLives on part one inspired me. Added to an idea I have had in another one of my stories and Bobs Your Uncle here you all go.

Chapter Text

As Harry clenched his fist in anger at finding out his first and only "best friend" in the world had been paid to be a friend along with Harry enchanted to make the friendship easier to form, the door to the room opened and a pair of Goblins in pale blue robes carried in an unconscious boy. He would never have guessed it was Draco if the stranger had not been placed on Professor Snape's other side and a small bit of warmth which seemed to come to Harry's chest upon seeing him. Like Snape, the boy who Harry assumed to be Draco's hair had changed beyond recognition. Gone was the well-trimmed and kept head of silver-blonde hair and in its place was a short mane of messy black locks. Almost like Harry's hair just a lot shorter in length. Seeing the other boy's nose, Harry reached for his own to see if it had also taken on traits from Snape as Draco's nose was a little more pointed than it had been, and from his checking so was Harry's. Though thankfully not as pointed and beak-like as Snape's nose was.

Having seen Harry tap his nose, Snape used his wand to conjure a mirror so Harry could see his new look. Harry gave a nod of thanks glad for something like Draco's new look and his own to take his mind off the Weasleys. Looking into the mirror he saw just as he had found his nose was a little pointer, and his eyes were no longer deep green but a deep black that matched his hair. Speaking of his hair it seemed that his locks took more after Snape's than James for his hair now was straight rather than the messy curls he was used to seeing when he looked in the mirror. Maybe it was due to his hair no longer being so wild but Harry could have sworn his ears stuck out a little more from his head, or maybe it seemed that way since his hair was closer to his head. He seemed to have Snape's angular cheeks as well giving him a slightly haughty look even just looked at the mirror to take in his new look.

"I think we named you both the wrong Heir," Snape said drawing Harry's attention from the mirror.

"What?" Harry asked confused.

"Well, you seemed to have taken more after my features while Draco looks more like James," Snape explained.

"I thought I heard someone mention his name is Issac?" Harry said recalling the conversation he had overheard between Snape, Healer Shakspeare, and the gruff-voiced person.

"That is his birthname you are correct, but our lives were interfered with when you both were so young, and I doubt Lucius or Narciss would have used his real name after taking him. So to make him feel a little more comfortable and until the time he tells me differently I shall call him by the name he is used to," Snape said.

"Makes sense," Harry admitted.

"Glad you approve," Snape said though with not the normal venom he normally had when Harry was cheeky to him.

"So which of us is older?" Harry asked thinking that he might have something on his rival by being the older twin.

"Draco was born at eleven PM on July 30th, while you were born a few minutes past midnight on July 31st. Hence why he was named my Heir and you were James'" Snape said.

"I don't get it why does the order we were born affect who is whose Heir?" Harry asked.

"I guess, Albus, lied about you being tutored in the Magical World just like he did everything else," Snape said quietly to himself. "Well, Harry while it is sometimes behind what you might be used to in the Muggle World, as James was your and Draco's Bearer and you were born as twins Draco became my Heir since I was the Sire while you were James's Heir just by being born second."

"That makes no sense," Harry said.

"As the child of a Muggle and a Magical, I would have to agree with you on that, but James insisted on saying something about Pure Blood Protocol. I wonder if he would change his tune seeing how you both look now." Snape said.

"It is quite simple, the Heirship of twins, unless the family is led by twins," Draco's voice said also sounding a little different than normal as he woke up from his cleansing, "give the chance to continue both lines without having to Hypenhate them which some offspring chose to do. The separating of family Heirs for twins allows the name to still be in use and settle any issue that might come up when the twins grow up and start families of their own."

"Draco you are awake," Snape said getting out of his bed, a little stiffly and making his way over to where Draco was.

"Professor Snape?" Draco asked sounding confused.

"Hello, Draco," Snape said gingerly sitting down on the chair beside Draco's bed. "What do you recall?"

"I was called up to see Madam Pomfrey who said I was to go to Gringotts via St. Mungos but I was not to see my mother about it," Draco said still confused.

"As you recall Longbottom had an issue with his potion today," Snape began.

"Yeah, he melted another one. You would almost think he was a Muggleborn and not a Pureblood," Draco said shaking his head only to stop as felt himself get a little dizzy.

"It seemed that Harry got splashed by the failed potion and had to be had a rather bad reaction to it. Madam Pomfrey bullied me to take him to St. Mungos to get healed. As he was being looked over they found markers signaling he had gone through a Blood Adoption. Long story short it seemed that Harry, myself and even you had been enchanted," Snape said placing a hand on Draco's arm.

"Okay I can get, Potter, he is the bloody Boy-Who-Lived by why would people go after us?" Draco asked.

"Harry's test revealed that we are related to him. You are his twin brother, and I was your guys' Sire," Snape said.

"Hippogriff sh*t," Draco said pulling his arm away from Snape and glaring at the Potions Master.

"I can get you don't believe me but I am sure you recognize where we are," Snape said.

"It looks to be somewhere in Gringotts," Draco said looking around and while he did see Harry due to the others' new look did not recognize him as his school rival.

"That is right," Snape said smiling down at Draco but making no further move to make physical contact with the preteen. "We all went through a Cleansing to get rid of all the stuff that we had been subjected to. If you think I am still lying the Goblins performed a test on you after they put you under for your Cleansing," Snape said using his wand to summon the page from his bedside table and handing it over to Draco. Draco, thanks to the lessons he had with Lucius and Narcissa knew that such a test could not be faked if performed by the Goblins looked down in shock to see it revealed his birthname was Issac Prince and he was the older twin brother of Harry, son of James Potter-Prince and Severus Prince-Potter. He had been Blood Adopted by the Malfoys and placed under charms to be both loyal and submissive to them. Draco could not help but lift one side of his mouth a bit as he read that Lucius had placed a Tattle-Tale Jinx on him to make Draco tell him everything that happened at Hogwarts especially if it had to do with Harry or Snape. If this was true, no wonder the letters he sent home each week were mostly him complaining about Harry. The parts he would write about his Head of House coming about when his "dad" wrote to him about how his old friend was doing as a teacher.

Due to his knowledge of such tests, Draco pulled out his wand, and knowing that since they were at Gringotts his casting underage magic outside of school would not be detected he cast a spell he had once heard his dad cast. The spell read the form and would cause his wand tip to glow a certain color if the test was fake, but the results came back that the test was valid he really was Snape's kid and Potter's twin. "Well, that is a crap shoot," Draco said crushing the page into a ball and tossing it into a nearby trash can, which let out a slight burp as it caught the page.

"Yeah," Snape said using his wand to bring Harry's bed in so he could reach out and hold both boys' arms. "For some reason, they decided to mess with our family and split us up. I still don't know how or why the Weasleys and the Malfoys would work together since even with all the memory charms I had been subjected to I know those two families have had a Blood Feud for three or four generations."

"The Weasleys how do they fit into all this?" Draco asked.

"While you were Blood Adopted by the Malfoys, Lily Blood Adopted me and as it turned out she was Ron's Aunt from the Weasley side of the family," Harry said.

"What the absolute f*ck? Why would they do this?" Draco asked.

"You think we know?" Snape answered with a shrug. "Though after they separated us they did get into our family vaults and took vast quantities of money from them. I am currently going over the forms to have all the money returned with interest," Snape said quickly seeing the horrified look on Draco's face. "We also found out that James and the bitch Lily are still alive. Which I guess helped the Headmaster in sending Harry wherever he had been sent to since neither James nor my Will would have been consulted with us both being alive."

"Wait, James Potter is still alive?" Draco asked not ready to think of the man, Snape, or Harry as being members of his family yet.

"It seems like it but we have no idea where he is, currently," Snape said.

Almost on cue, a Goblin entered the Healing Hal holding a couple of documents saying, "Good news. Thanks to the ritual we not only found James Potter but Lily as well."

"Where is he?" Snape said getting to his feet recalling his real memories of his husband and placing a hand on both his missing sons' shoulders.

"It took us a bit for it seems just like the three of you he had been enchanted, but in his case rather than just memory charms placed on him or getting Blood Adopted someone used some sort of ritual to surpass his real identity and gave him a new one," the Goblin Healer said passing over the page. "Through the ritual, we were able to remotely detect any spells he has been subjected to in the last couple of months, as well as who cast them on him. You can see we found something interesting."

"Interesting does not seem to cut it," Snape said.

"Why what does it say?" Harry and Draco asked since neither of them could see what was on the form as Snape held it.

"Your father is hit by a stunner once a month and while he is unconscious some spells are cast on him to make him believe he is Remus Lupin," Snape said.

"Who is the one casting the spells?" Harry asked.

"That bitch Evens-Weasley is, though she has been enchanted as well since the results list her as being now called Nymphadora Tonks," Snape said reading the name off the list.

"Wait I recognize that name," Draco said screwing his face as he tried to recall how he knew the name. "Wait now I recall it Nymphadora is my second cousin... I mean Narcissa's niece from her eldest sister."

"Interesting," Snape said tapping his chin in thought. "Wait a moment, I recall going to school with a Remus Lupin how can James be enchanted to believe he is Lupin if the man already exists?" Snape asked the Goblin Healer.

As if they had expected the question the Healer pulled out another document. "It seems that whoever separated your family found this before enchanting your Mate to believe he is Remus Lupin."

"DAMN, what the f*ck was he thinking?" Snape asked reading the second page the Goblin handed him dealing with the real Remus Lupin.

"What's up?" Draco asked.

"It seems that after he left Hogwarts the real Remus decided to break away from the normal Magical World and join his fellow Werewolves. He also changed his name. Whatever he had done since he left led him to become the Pack Leader of the Island's main pack," Snape said lowering the page so Harry and Draco could read it. The page was a document to officially change a person's name as Remus Lupin had chosen to take on the name Fenrir Grayback. Draco let out a gasp recognizing the name but Harry just looked at it not knowing what that was though finding it strange that one would choose that name and how on the nose it was to be a wolf. But then again the name Remus was associated with wolves as well, Harry recalled from his lessons in Muggle school about the legends surrounding the formation of Rome.

Chapter 48: A Spanner in the Works


When the students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrange come to Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament there is one that upsets the plans of Dumbes and several members of the Weasley clan.


Tags: Marriage Contracts. Dumbles, Hermione, Arthur, Fred, George, and Ginny Bashing. Harry Potter/Viktor Krum

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Like everyone else Harry was interested to see the visiting students and find out how they were different from those at Hogwarts. Well, apart from not being where they were born. While the weather was getting colder no one complained as they waited for the two schools' contingents to arrive. The silence of all the students looking for the visitors from the other schools was broken as someone cried to look at the skies. Almost the entire population of the school looked up to see a massive carriage being flown towards them being pulled along by a team of six giant winged horses. The ground shook a little as the carriage landed and rolled to a stop appearing to be the size of a three-story building. As it came to a rest a door swung open and someone jumped out to bring out a set of steps so those that followed them could just walk out of the door. The size of the carriage made more sense for the first person to use the stairs. The person was the size of Hagrid give or take a few inches or so though appear to be a woman wearing a white traveling cloak.

The massive woman came right over to Professor Dumbledore and greeted him as she made a gesture behind her drawing Harry and several others who had just been focusing on her notice her students at last. Finding out that Durmstrange's party had not arrived yet the woman, who Harry believed he heard Professor Dumbledore call Madam Maxine, lead her students into the castle rather than stay and wait for them.

A few moments after the last of the Beauxbaton's party had entered the castle the twins' friend Lee Jordan calls out instructing everyone to look at the lake. As one the students shift from looking at the front doors of the castle to the lake just in time to see what looked like a mast break the now churning surface of the lake. The mast was soon followed by the rest of a ship looking like a ghost ship Harry had once seen on the TV when vacuuming the stairs before Uncle Vernon got angry at Dudley for watching it and had him change the channel. As the ship came into dock on the lake shore Harry saw that there was light coming out of the ship's portholes and what looked like burly people inside. After about a minute a gangplank came down and people started to disembark from the ship. As they approached the gathered Hogwarts students, Harry saw that the reason for all but the leader's bulky look was that everyone was wearing heavy cloaks over fur robes. Harry did recall that on the train ride to Hogwarts earlier that year Ron did comment that Durmstrange was thought to be located in the far north so maybe that was just the normal attire of the students who were more used to colder weather. The leader of the party, a thin weedy looking man with a short black goatee came up to Professor Dumbledore and kissed him on both cheeks in greeting. While the man had a very noticeable accent he spoke of having been at Hogwarts before which considering this tournament had not been held in over three centuries meant made Harry think that he might have at one point been a student at Hogwarts himself.

As the Durmstrange party started to head into the castle the light from the open door caught them causing Ron to grab Harry's arm and give an almost overexcited squeak, "Harry, it's Viktor Krum."

"Who cares, Ron?" Hermione asked as they joined the rest heading back inside.

"Come on, Mione, you saw him at the Cup," Ron said incredulously. "I can't believe he is still in school. I got to get his autograph," Ron said as he let go of Harry's arm and began to pat down his robes for a quill he might have forgotten to put on his bag.

"He is just another person, Ron. You don't see anyone else getting rather excited he is here," Hermione said though if she looked around she would have seen that was not true as several males were patting themselves down looking for their own quills, and a group of girls was fighting over some lipstick they thought they could use to get Krum to sign something with. Harry really did not care because he knew what it was like to be considered famous, especially at Hogwarts.

Entering the Great Hall, Harry saw that the Beauxbatons students had decided to sit at the Ravenclaw table while the students from Durmstrange were still standing around as they tried to decide where to sit. Once again Harry did not pay any attention to them as he took his normal spot at the Gryffindor table ready for the feast. He always looked forward to the Halloween feast more than any other at Hogwarts despite the crazy stuff that always seemed to happen on Halloween. For the opening feast he could not each as much due to repairing the malnutrition he suffered at the Dursleys or the over-stuffing of food he could not always handle when he spent the end of the summer with Ron's family. As for the end-of-term feast, he had a hard time enjoying it knowing he would soon be back with his family and away from his friends and magic for a couple of months.

"Over here, come on sit over here," Ron was saying not paying attention to anything as he hoped with all his might that the Durmstrange students came to sit at the Gryffindor table. Hermione just rolled her eyes as she began to polish her silverware, somehow thinking by doing so she would reduce the amount of work the Hogwarts House Elves would have to do. Though she only did it before the meal never after which made no sense to either Ron or Harry who thought it was best to not bring it up to her least she try to bully them into polishing their silverware with her. "Dang it," Ron said as he began to slouch in his seat.

"What's up?" Harry asked.

"They're going to the Slytherin table," Ron said with a huff of annoyance. Looking up, Harry saw Ron was correct the members of the Durmstrange party were indeed heading towards the Slytherin table to take their seats before the meal. Well, all but one of them did. Viktor Krum was not moving to join them as he looked around the students in the hall, seeming to be looking for something or possibly someone. Harry wondered if Krum had a pen pal or something that attended Hogwarts and was now looking for them to meet them in person. As it did not concern Harry, he just returned his eyes to his empty plate and waited for the feast to start. Suddenly murmurs began to fill the hall causing Harry to look up and see unlike his classmates, Viktor Krum was heading not to the Slytherin table but was walking down the aisle between the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw tables.

Like many students in the hall, both normal Hogwarts students as well as the visiting ones, Harry watched Krum walk down the aisle wondering why he was not going to sit with his classmates and where he was heading. Reaching the same area of the table Harry and his friends were sitting, Krum sat down right across from them. The level of conversation in the hall increased by Krum's choice of seats. The older teen seemed to ignore them as his eyes never left Harry's face. "Um, can I help you?" Harry asked finding the other's stare quite disconcerting.

"You are Harry Potter correct?" Krum asked.

"Um, yes," Harry answered.

"Son of James Ducan Potter and Lily Garcia Potter nee Evens?" Krum asked.

"I don't know what their middle names were but the first and last names including the maiden name for my mother are correct," Harry said. "Why?"

"I am Viktor Demetri Krum and our parents set up a Marriage Contract between us when we were younger," Krum said causing a gasp of shock from the mostly silent hall since most had stopped talking when they had seen Krum sit down.

Before Harry could respond to this strange statement there was a semi-loud cough from the front of the hall as Professor Dumbledore called for attention so he could start the feast. If Harry had been looking up at the head table he would have seen a small glare sent Krum's way by Dumbledore as the man sat down to start his meal. "What do you mean we have a Marriage Contract?" Harry asked as he filled up his plate with his favorite foods.

"Well, my mother and your father were pen pals when they were in school together and became friends after your father graduated. I think they even were part of each other's wedding parties. Shortly after you were born our folks arranged a play date between us. And while I was three at the time my parents told me I spent most of the time with you making sure you were happy. When it was time for us to leave you started to cry," Krum said as he started to eat his meal his eyes never looking away from Harry for long. "Your parents told my folks that you hardly ever cried so they all thought that due to my behavior and your crying our Magic sang for each other like it sometimes does for kids and wrote up a contract for us at once."

"So what does that mean?" Harry asked.

"In simple terms, we have been engaged to be married since you were one year old," Krum answered.

As Harry took a few bits of his meal in silence to contemplate what he had just been told, Hermione let out a scoff. "How barbaric," she said looking disgusted.

"What was that?" Krum asked shooting a quick look at her.

"I said it was barbaric, the whole concept of Marriage Contracts is. What so Harry cried when you left him as a baby so his parents set up an Arranged Marriage for him. I can't believe his mother allowed that for unlike his dad she was born in the Muggle world," Hermione said.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Krum asked now looking just at the bushy-haired girl.

"Well, in the Muggle world, the more civilized countries had done away with the idea of Arranged Marriage long ago and never between two guys which is just gross. A marriage is only proper and approved of in the eyes of the Lord when it is between a man and a woman," Hermione said making several students around her looked shocked at her pronouncement and give her looks as if they had never seen her properly before.

Krum looked around as if wondering if she was a prankster and was trying to pull a joke on him, but the expressions on those around them showed that the girl was not joking around. "Alright, first off this is the Magical World, not the Muggle one so we, of course, have a different belief system and most have no issue with same-sex couples getting married."

"He is right, Mione," Ron chipped in still a little in shock at Krum sitting so close to them.

"Shut up, Ron, you are only agreeing with him because you like his flying," Hermione shot at Ron.

"He is not lying," Neville said, "any form of love between people is accepted in the Magical World. I have a pair of Great Aunts and Uncles who have married someone of the same sex, and a cousin who married someone who is Gender-fluid."

"First House Elves, now Arranged Marriage and unnatural marriages I thought it was just the lack of electricity and sort of feudalism which was the worst part of the Magical World," Hermione said shaking her head as she received more glares from those sitting around her.

Rather than get dragged into her, well tantrum, Harry turned to Krum and asked, "But we hardly know each other what if we don't get along?"

"Then we can cancel the contract at any time," Viktor said. "It was only written up due to how magic reacted to each other most families agree that if the two people in the contract don't spend that much time together, for whatever reason, they can end it after they can spend more time together. I think my parents also informed me that your folks signed it due to not only how our magic reacted to one another but it was shortly after the contract had been signed that your family had to go into hiding."

"So we are basically both engaged and dating?" Harry asked.

"I guess that would be an accurate description," Viktor said nodding his head a little in agreement.

A little way down the table Ginny threw a dark look at Krum for claiming he had a Contract with Harry. It had to be a lie and the Quidditch Star was really after some more fame that he would get for dating Harry Potter. She knew it was a lie for Headmaster Dumbledore and her father had written up a contract for her to end up with Harry. They had even shown it to her after her First Year when her father had taken her to the bank when lying to her Mum that they were going to meet with a Mind-Healer due to the events with Diary. The Headmaster and her father said that since Harry had saved her life and she owned him a double Life Dept since most in the country owned him one for his defeat of You-Know-Who as a baby it showed that Harry and she should get married. Going to the bank Ginny had seen the Marriage Contract and signed it to make it legal since the Headmaster was Harry's Magical Guardian and her father was the head of her family permitting them to make the contract. She did not care that the contract had Harry under various restrictions such as the type of job he could do, the amount of money he could have access to each month, and who would control his family seats. While her part of the contract had no such details leaving her to do anything she wanted while being happily married to Harry with all the fame and fortune that would come with it.

She sent a look down to the twins to see if they had heard what Krum was telling Harry, but seeing them in deep conversation with Lee Jordan, she thought she would have to tell them about what was going on. She would need their help from them to prank Krum until he left Harry alone, and maybe start to brew her some love potions to start slipping into Harry's food in case he started to show the slightest interest in Krum. She knew the pair were quite capable of making love potions since she found out they slipped some to Angelina and Katie so the pair would start to date them. Granted the only reason she thought they dose Katie was that Lee Jordan had a crush on her, and to make sure he would remain free to help them with their pranks they removed the distraction of Lee's crush from the table.


Okay, please don't get mad at me for bashing the twins. I just thought I would change it up where Ron really did befriend Harry with no ulterior motive and Mr. Weasley, the twins, and Ginny decided to use the friendship to make their family look good. And since Molly is usually considered the main potion maker between herself and Arthur I decided for the twins to be behind the Love Potions they might try to dose Harry with them to get him to fall for Ginny since they do sell them in their shop in the Sixth book

I also thought about having the person who came from the other school be Draco Malfoy but thought that would be too easy and Draco is not old enough so for that to happen I would have to age up the characters as well.

Chapter 49: Spanner in the Works 2


After the feast and the next morning.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Through the rest of the feast, Viktor told Harry about himself. Those around them also listed in as well rather than have their own dinner conversations just to see how the stories held up with what the papers reported about the young Quidditch Star. The only one seated around Harry that did not seem to find Viktor's stories interesting was Hermione who would alternate scoffing at the older male and trying to pull Harry into a conversation. Harry just ignored her attempts for while he might not end up liking Krum when he got to know him better, he thought it was a good idea to give the other a chance. Also, Krum's mother might have the older letters she had exchanged with Harry's father that he might ask to see as a way to know more about his father. Or for that matter, the Krum family might have stories about his parents he had never heard of before. It would be nice to get more information on his parents than that he looked like his dad but had his mother's eyes.

There had not been enough time that Harry had spent with Sirius to ask about his parents' weddings but according to Krum, his mother had been there so it would be nice to hear about what happened during it. Was a Magical Wedding the same as those in the Muggle World or was it different? And since the Dursleys were not overly religious and never went to any type of church service did his mother use any aspect of the religion she was brought up with during the ceremony? There was just so much that Krum might be able to tell him about his folks he was willing to give the other boy a chance even if the Contract did not work out.

One good thing that this Contract had accomplished was showing him that he had been correct in holding back to inform his two best friends that he liked guys. Ron it seemed would not have made a big deal out of it, but from Hermione's response to the Contract, she would have made a stink about it and possibly try to browbeat Harry to get himself "fixed" of his unnatural desires. Also while Hermione sometimes complained about some aspect of the Magical World, House Elves being her latest target even though she refused to go talk to one when the twins offered to set up a meeting with a Hogwarts Elf, she had never brought in her religion as a reason for her dislike of the Magical World. She had told Ron and Harry that her parents did go to Church at least once a week, but she had never really struck Harry as the type. Even with the comments she had just made, Harry did not want to insult her but Hermione always seemed to lack faith and would only accept something if there was evidence to back it up. Yet in most religions that Harry had heard about, faith was a large part of them for there could never be any concrete proof of the true origins of the Universe. This made Harry wonder if the Muggle World had any form of religion or stories to explain how everything came to be there. He made a mental note to ask Ron or maybe send a letter to Professor Lupin since during some of their talks last year the man showed a great deal of knowledge about History and other topics besides Defense.

Harry was thankful that Krum did not ask him any stories about when he was growing up, maybe under the assumption that Harry had already told his House Mates about his childhood and did not want to bore them with it. Not that Harry had shared anything about his time with the Dursleys with anyone besides the Weasleys, Hermione, and Professor Dumbledore. Nor did the other boy ask him about what he did at Hogwarts, making Harry guess he would do so when they had less of an audience.

Krum stopped talking at the end of the meal as Filch carried in what looked like a heavy chest and placed it on a pedestal that had just been created. With a wave of his wand, Professor Dumbledore made the chest vanish leaving a silver goblet sitting on the pedestal. Unlike a normal goblet from one of the tables, however, this one looked to be filled with blue-white flames. "I would like to introduce everyone to the impartial judge that will be picking the three Champions, the Goblet of Fire," Dumbledore said to a small scattering of applause. "To be chosen as Champion all you need to do is write your name and the name of your school on a bit of parchment before throwing it into the Goblet of Fire. It will use a very complicated spell and enchantments, that I will not get into, to pick the best Champion for each School You will be allowed to place your name in as soon as I set it up in the Entrance Hall after the meal. To make sure no underage student can compete I will also be placing an Age Line around it. Be warned that if you are chosen you will have to compete in the Tournament there is no backing out unless you are willing to lose your magic. 10,000 Galleons and honor for both you and your school awaits. Goodnight," Dumbledore said offering them all a bow as he motioned for everyone to leave.

As Harry and the others stood up from the table, Viktor reached across it to take Harry's left hand to make him stay for a moment. "Will you meet me again tomorrow morning so we can talk, maybe going on a tour of this place?" Viktor asked.

"I guess, yeah sure," Harry said not having any other plans for the next day.

"Then I shall eagerly await the morrow," Viktor said lifting Harry's hand to his lips and giving it a quick kiss before turning to leave the hall and join up with the rest of the Durmstrange students who began asking him why he had sat at the Gryffindor table and not the Slytherin one like their Headmaster had ordered them to.

Harry was a little lost in thought as he allowed himself to be swept up in the crowds leaving the Great Hall and back to their rooms, unconsciously rubbing the back of his hand where Krum had kissed it. Ron was a little bit in awe of the spot as well for the only time he had looked away from Krum is when one of the Beauxbatons students had shown up at their table asking if they were finished with one of the new foods so she could take some. From the back of his mind, Harry thought that if he was not rubbing the spot Krum had kissed him Ron would have grabbed it under the excuse to guide Harry back to the tower in his semi-distracted state.

Before Ron and Harry could reach the Fat Lady's Portrait, however, Hermione grabbed them and shoved them into an empty classroom. "You need to break this unnatural contract Harry," she said without an apology for basically shoving them into some old desk.

"And why would I need to do that?" Harry asked seeing if his friend would grow some common sense to go with her book smarts or dig herself deeper into the hole she was creating.

Digging herself in deeper seemed to be the path she was planning to take as Hermione said, "It is wrong not only due to the fact that both of you are guys but to be told you have to marry someone you have barely met is just stupid."

"From the sounds of it neither of those concerns is important in the Magical World just the Muggle one," Harry pointed out.

"Speak to him," Hermione said turning on Ron who blanched a little and took a step back from her banking into a desk again.

"What why?" Ron asked confused.

"Because Harry should find a nice girl to end up with not some big-headed overrated Quidditch player," Hermione said as if it was the most logical thing in the world.

"Viktor Krum is not overrated," Ron countered, "he is one of the best in the whole world at the moment you saw him during the Quidditch Cup he is amazing."

"Actually I didn't, I read most of the time or looked at the crowd with my Ominioculars," Hermione admitted.
This caused Ron to sputter incoherently for a bit where only random words and phrases could be understood like "Read during the match," "Madness," and "Why.. top box... bookworm?"

"So you think I should just tell Krum off and, what, start dating you?" Harry asked her as both of them realized they would not be able to get anything productive out of Ron for a bit.

"Well not necessarily me," she said a slight blush coming to her cheeks. "But there is always Cho you seemed to like her during your match against Ravenclaw last year or maybe Ginny you know she likes you and is better for your Soul going to Heaven after you die if you end up with her rather than Krum." This caused more muttering from Ron though none of it was on the fact Hermione was trying to set Harry up with his baby sister but on the fact that she watched Harry's match last year but not the Cup.

"I never knew you felt that way or believed all this Hermione," Harry said.

"Well, I try to keep it under wraps for I know that some like Malfoy would just bully me for my correct Muggle beliefs rather than the dark ones that Pureblood Magicals most likely have," she explained.

"Alright, I can somewhat get you but I have a question for you," he said speaking in a calm voice not to set her off by making her think he was taking her seriously.

"Shoot," she said with a smile growing on her face believing she was getting through to him.

"I know most Western Religions have the idea of Free Will, so why are you trying to take mine away to follow your beliefs, The Dursleys were never that religious, and over time I have formed my own beliefs and understanding about life. Yet you are telling me that some I might have, you are not even asking me if I do have them, are wrong and yours should be the beliefs I follow. I hate to make this comparison, Mione, I really do but how you are doing this is a little reminiscent of Voldemort trying to take over so that everyone would follow him," Harry said.

"HOW DARE YOU!?!" Hermione said co*cking back an arm and punching him right in the face. Harry who after living with his cousin Dudley had learned how to read a blow coming and dodge it had been caught completely off guard as her fist slammed right into his nose knocking him out.

"That was uncalled for, Hermione," Ron said as he caught Harry before he hit the ground glaring at her.

"WHAT I did was uncalled for? He compared me to the Dark Lord," Hermione spat out breathing heavily in her anger.

"No, what he did was say your method of trying to convince him to break a contract which he never knew he had was like that monster's methods. And Harry was right for you did not even ask his opinion about all this before ordering him around to drop it, that is not what a friend does Hermione. Hell that is not even something Malfoy does and we both know apart from Harry's cousin is the biggest bully he knows," Ron said glaring at her. Hermione opened and closed her mouth a couple of times as if thinking of what to say before she turned on her heel and stomped out of the room slamming the door behind her. Ron just shook his head at her actions as he lifted Harry's form so Harry's arm was over his shoulder to help move him.

Ron both cursed and was thankful for how skinny and light Harry was as rather than head down the hall to the Fat Lady's Portrait he carried Harry down to the Hospital Wing so Madam Pomfrey could see him. Ron's anger at Hermione grew as the Matron said she was going to keep Harry overnight for observations since Hermione's blow had actually broken Harry's nose Ron had not even realized this blushing a little as Madam Pomfrey used a spell to clean the blood from Harry's broken nose off both boy's robes.

Up in the tower, Ginny looked around for Harry, she was going to explain why she thought Krum was lying about having a Marriage Contract with him, but Harry was nowhere in sight. Since he was not there she tried to take to Fred and George about what she had overheard during supper so they could start making plans to prank Krum and brew the love potion but they were too busy talking about brewing an Aging Potions so they could pass the Age Line. After a while the Portrait Hole opened, making Ginny turn to see Harry but it was just Hermione alone as she stomped through the Common Room to the staircase leading up to the dorm rooms. Seeing how angry she was and knowing she had a habit of physically attacking people even when she was calm everyone got out of Hermione's way shaking their heads feeling the girl needed to relax and find a way to deal with her anger issues.

Twenty minutes after Hermione came in Ron arrived, alone and still no sign of Harry. Ginny tried to get close to ask her older brother where Harry was. But Ron headed right to the Seveth-Year Prefect for a quick conversation which she was too far away to hear since Ron for once was whispering. He did appear to be speaking a little with his hands and made a gesture as if punching something but that was all Ginny could get. When Ron got a nod from the Prefect for the message her brother headed right to the staircase as well. Ginny tried to follow him to ask where Harry was but after only a few steps up the stairs turned into a slide preventing her from going up. Unknown to her, after Hermione had shown up in Harry and Ron's dorm room once too often and was noticed doing so by one of the male Prefects the Prefects had talked to Professor McGonagall who placed charms on the male's staircase like the ones on the female one so someone on the opposite gender could not go up.

Besides this instance, with Ginny, there had only been two times the charms had activated once for the First Year student, Jo Lesky when their older sibling was teasing them about thinking they were not a girl so tried to show them they were a male. After that, both stairwells refused to let Jo up since it caused Mx to out themselves as being Gender Neutral thus giving them their own room that only Jo, the Seventh-Year Prefects, and Professor McGonagall could access. The first time the charm had been set off on the male's staircase had been on the first day of the school year when Fifth Year Ty Jacobs had stepped onto the staircase and it immediately turned into the slide. Not getting angry Ty had tested out the girl's staircase and had cried tears of joy. Ty was a Muggleborn Magical who had known about the protections on the staircases to the dorms by reading Hogwarts a History so had feared having to sleep in the male dorms just cause she was born a male, but the staircase showed that Hogwarts accepted their chosen Gender as they finally came out. One of Ty's former roommates offered to move her stuff for her but Hogwarts had already taken care of it moving Ty into the Fifth Years female dorm rooms. Most saw how much happier and open Ty had become after that first night with only Hermione and Shelby Lesky, Jo's older sister, saying anything bad to her as they refused to call Ty anything but a male. Hermione, though, only did so in the girls' portion of Gryffindor Tower and never around Harry or Ron.*

Harry woke up with a splitting headache and a familiar ceiling above his bed. "What happened?" he asked with a small moan reaching up to touch the side of his head.

"Evidently Miss Granger did not like the comparison you made about her and He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Names so she knocked you out and broke your nose," Madam Pomfrey said leaning over him.

"I did not mean it as if she was him but was using his methods," Harry tried to explain.

"Oh, I know, Harry. Your friend, Ronald, allowed me to see his memories of the incident. I am afraid I am still going to have to take five points from Gryffindor for your words to Miss Granger, and give her a detention for attacking you physically. In the meantime, while I have healed your nose I am keeping you overnight for observation just to be on the safe side," she said.

"Okay," Harry said expecting nothing else from the Medi-Witch. As usual, Harry had a little trouble falling asleep until Madam Pomfrey cast a white-noise spell as they had both found he had a hard time sleeping in utter silence needing what sounded like others around him.

Harry was glad that when he woke up the next morning, Madam Pomfrey did not keep him overly long. Sometimes he swore she had read the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings and decided to take Gandalf's words to heart about Wizards arriving just when they planned to for she would never let anyone hurry or slow her down as she moved at her own pace. He was glad to be out before breakfast so he could make his meeting with Krum. Harry was not half surprised to find Ron, waiting for him outside the Hospital Wing with a change of clothing for him to change into. Harry gave his best friend a nod of thanks before heading back into the Hospital wing to use the bathroom inside to change. Leaving the clothing he had slept in the hamper in the bathroom, Harry went to join Ron on the trip down to the Great Hall.

They did not stay in the room long for some tables had been set up in the Entrance Hall so students could look at the cup and people putting their names in. Grabbing two stacks of toast and some bacon in a napkin as well as a goblet of drink each, the pair went to join the others watching the cup. "Anyone put their name in yet?" Ron asked Jo Lesky as they sat down.

"None of the Gryffindors yet. I heard some of the Ravenclaws did it during the night, and some Hufflepuff did as well. As for the Slytherins, I heard Marcus Flint and what's her name Proudfoot or something put their names in when I arrived," Jo said munching the last bit of Their toast but making no move to leave.

"We can't have a Slytherin Champion," Ron complained.

"Why not if the Goblet approves of them?" Harry asked.

"We just can't alright," Ron said.

"Hey it is not like it would be Malfoy or one of his cronies," Harry pointed out.

"True but a Slytherin," Ron said starting on his stack of toast.

"Don't worry little bro, we got this there will be a Gryffindor Champion with us," Fred said as he and George came over leaning onto Ron's form making him drop a piece of toast onto the floor which instantly was collected by a House Elf with a small "pop."

"But you are not of age," Ron pointed out.

"Ah but that is the beauty of Aging Potions little bro," George said as the twins pulled out small vials of Potions and wrapped their arms together in a way that made Harry think of a newly wedded couple sharing a first drink. "Bottoms up." At the same time, the twins drank their potions as they pulled out some parchment with their names and Hogwarts on it and walked over the Age Line to cheers from the watching crowd which they hammed up for before placing the bits of parchment in the cup. That is when the protections came into play as the fire in the Goblet flared and some tongues of flame shot out knocking them out of the Age Line and causing them to grow matching large white beards.

"I did warn you," Dumbledore said chuckling a little as he came down the Main stairs as everyone was laughing at the twins' beards. "Up to the hospital wing with you, Madam Pomfrey will get you sorted out." The twins, along with Lee Jordan in case they needed some help, headed up to the Hosptial wing to lose the beards.

"You know your brothers for being as smart as they are, are sometimes idiots," Seamus said sitting down beside Ron.

"I know they are, but what are they being idiots about now?" Ron asked.

"They did not need to brew a potion to get past the line," Seamus said pulling out a bit of parchment and writing his name and Hogwarts on it. Seamus then used a Hovering Charm on the parchment and sent it over the Age Line. "See they could have just floated their names in." Seamus before he made the mistake of letting the parchment head into the Goblet which produced a tongue of flame to shoot out and knock him off his bench and causing a beard to grow a beard himself. Ron nearly fell off his seat in laughter as Dean helped take an unconscious Seamus up to the Hospital Wing.

As Dean carried Seamus up the stairs the door to the grounds opened and the Beauxbatons party entered and made their way to the cup as one after another they put their names in before going to the Great Hall for breakfast. As the last of the students, a male with a small pompadour hairstyle, Angelina came down, and without much fuss or even notice she put her name in the Goblet. "So you trying to enter, Angelina?" Jo asked. "Are you of age?"

"Course she is no beard on her or whatever might happen to a female who tries to cheat the cup," Harry said in a distracted manner as the Durmstrange students entered with Krum in the lead.

"I hope you get it Angelina better you than a Slytherin," Ron said. Harry did not comment on Ron's Anti-Slytherin comment as Krum had caught Harry's eye and smiled at him as he passed the Age Line and dropped his name into the Goblet.

The Quidditch star then walked over to them with a smile still on his face, "Are you ready for my tour now or do you want to finish your breakfast first?"

"I am fine, but what about you don't you need to get something to eat?" Harry asked.

"Nah, I ate on Fredric The Great, our ship," Viktor said.

"Alright then," Harry said standing up and brushing off the crumbs from his meal into the napkin which he placed in his pocket until they came across a trash bin. Since it was closer Harry decided to start with the Potions classroom and just work his way up the castle.

"So what subject do you study?" Harry asked knowing if the other took Arithmancy, Muggle Studies, or another class he did not take he would need help finding the room to show its location to Krum.

"Apart from the core subjects, I take Warding, Magical Law, and Healing," Krum said.

"I don't think we have any of those," Harry admitted.

"It is alright," Krum said throwing an around over Harry's shoulder. "Headmaster Karkorff warned us that Hogwarts did not teach all the classes that most ICW curriculum. We all found it a bit strange since your Headmaster is also the Supreme Mugwump of the ICW but what can you do? Anyway if I do get chosen as my school's Champion I would not need to attend classes so I could focus on self-study." Hearing this Harry decided to also include the location of the library on the list he had in his head to show Krum during the tour.

Unfortunately, now that they were alone Krum started to ask him about his life growing up. For a moment, Harry contemplated lying but thought back to the meal last night and how Krum had shared his life with Harry including some embarrassing events like the first time he had tried to fly on a broom. So with a heavy sigh started to tell the older boy about being brought up by his aunt and uncle. Telling Krum things he had only ever shared with his two best friends and Headmaster. Unknown to either teen as Harry was telling about some of the punishments that his family had given him while growing up, Snape who had gone to take inventory of the potions stores to see if they needed anything with the new influx of visiting students heard everything. Hearing where Harry had been raised as well as what Tunafish had done to Lily's son made the Potions Master furious at the bitch not to mention Albus who always said Harry had been raised as a Prince like his father. Not wanting Potter to know he had heard what the boy had said, Severus stayed in the ingredient supply closet for ten minutes after he heard the pair leave the room. He was going to have a small chat with Albus about this.

As Harry shared all the stories of growing up at #4 as well as what he had been through during his first three years at Hogwarts, only leaving out Sirius being innocent, Viktor did not say a word nor seemed to judge Harry only tightening his arm he had placed on Harry's shoulder at the start of the tour. Viktor came to both hate the Dursleys the more he heard about them, but also realized his betrothed had not talked to many people at Hogwarts about it. For anytime anyone was close by, Harry would drop the subject of his life and start talking about the castle. Harry even did so when talking about his time in the castle itself making Viktor worry about him and wish that he could take Harry away from everything and bring him back home with him after the end of the Tournament.

While Harry finished his tour of the castle by lunch, Viktor did not leave the younger male alone as he had Harry show him around the grounds where he introduced Viktor to the Groundskeeper and Care of Magical Creatures Teacher, a large man named simply Hagrid. Who seemed nice enough to Viktor if a little naive but in the Quidditch Star's mind the best thing about the large man was he seemed to genuinely care about Harry. Offering the pair some food despite them both coming from having lunch. Harry agreed to get some tea and while the man's back was turned warned Viktor about the man's cooking. Harry and Viktor stayed in the man's cabin for a while soon joined by the red-headed boy who had been sitting next to Harry the night before and that morning. Seeing him, the redhead started to smile as he dug out a quill and some parchment and nearly bagged for Viktor's autograph. With a sigh, Viktor signed the sheet thus learning the boy's name was Ron Weasley.

The group left Hagrid's hut shortly before supper, being abandoned by the large man as he saw Madam Maxine and hurried to catch up with her giving her a deep brown so that he might have headbutted one of her students if they had not stopped when he approached their Headmistress. The three males could not help but chuckle at the man in a good-natured way as they entered the castle and made their way to the Gryffindor Table for the meal before the Champions were announced. Seeing that the bushy-haired girl Harry had sat next to last night seemed to have saved them some seats, but also hearing what she had done to Harry after the feast led Harry, Viktor, and Ron to sit at the end of the table well away from her and the Goblet which was now back to sitting before the Head table.

The feast seemed longer than normal being the second one in just two days as many in the hall kept glancing up at the Head Table to see if Professor Dumbledore was finished with his meal yet. Harry wondered if the Headmaster was taking his time for the man seemed to be going slower than normal with many delicate small bites and pointless wiping of his chin with his napkin. It wasn't until both visiting Heads finished and gave him pointed looks that the man finally finished his meal. "Now that we are all feed and watered it is the moment I am sure many of you have been waiting for the selection of the Champions," DUmbledore said casting a spell on the cup to signify it to share with them its choices as Champions. With a flare of the Goblet, a bit of scorched parchment was sent into the air to be caught deftly by Dumbledore. "The Champion for Durmstrange Institute is... Viktor Krum." Cheers filled the hall due to Krum's status as a famous Quidditch Player as he got up and gave Harry's shoulder a comforting squeeze before heading to a small door that Dumbledore indicated he should go through.

A couple of minutes later another bit of burned parchment shot out of the Goblet and was caught by the Headmaster who announced, "The Champion for Beauxbatons Academy of Magic is... Fleur Delacour." There was less cheering from the students who did not attend Beuaxbatons since Fleur was not as famous as Krum was.

"Hey look, Ron, it's your friend from yesterday," Harry tested since it was the girl who distracted Ron for a bit from Krum sitting across from them last night.

"Shut it," Ron said with a slight blush as the French girl entered the side room that Viktor had gone into.

The atmosphere in the Hall grew tense as everyone knew the Hogwarts Champion would be next. As the last parchment was sent out Albus did not pause for dramatic effect as he did the other two Champions. "The Champion for Hogwarts is Mr. Diggory." The cheers from the Hufflepuff table seemed to shake the rafters above and drown out many of the Hogwarts students who had tried to enter the tournament.

It was so loud Harry barely heard Ron sitting right beside him say, "Well, at least it is not a Slytherin."

"Yes, congratulations to all the Champions, but those who were not chosen you still have a job to do," Dumbledore said as Cedric left the room. "You now have to cheer your Champion on as they compete in the three tasks that are to come. So let's have a nice ... fair...," Dumbledore said trailing off and it was not hard to see why for rather than the flames going on in the Goblet since its job was done they had started to spark again as a fourth bit of parchment shot into the air. Seeming to work on instinct the Headmaster caught the page as it fluttered down. Looking down at it for a moment the man looked up and called, "HARRY POTTER." Every face in the hall turned to look at Harry who stared back at them like a deer in headlights. "HARRY POTTER UP HERE NOW!" Dumbledore's voice thundered. Harry could only look at Ron in confusion as they both wondered how his name got in the cup.

Unable to take it anymore, Harry got up but rather than move to the Head Table made as if to leave the Hall only to find himself lifted off the ground as the Headmaster used a Summoning charm to make Harry appear to come down the hall as if it was his choice. "Just in there Harry," Dumbledore said pointing with one hand while in his pocket making the boy move to the doorway and through it. Albus placed a small ward around the doorframe so Harry could not just come back out as he turned to the watching students and staff. "Don't worry we will get this all settled but as we do I think you should all head to bed," Albus said giving the students his best Grandfatherly smile. Albus then turned to enter the room feeling others fall into step behind him. To make sure none of them reached Harry before he did as soon as he entered the room Albus moved fast to reach Harry and block him from the others. But his plans fell flat as he found the boy being hugged tightly by Viktor Krum as Fleur and Diggory looked on.

With a small cough to gather himself, Albus asked, "Did you put your name in the cup, Harry?"

"No," Harry answered.

"Did you ask another student to do so?" Albus asked him seeing how close he was to Krum and not liking it the boy was meant to end up with someone of Albus' choosing not some foreign and possibly Dark Magical.

"No," Harry said his voice breaking a little which was a little surprising considering the short word.

"But of course, he must be lying," Madam Maxine said.

"I am not," Harry said glaring up at the tall woman.

"I can vouch for Harry he did not place his name in the Goblet today for he and I were together all day as he gave me a tour of the castle," Viktor said glaring at all three School Heads.

"Ah then he must have done so last night when everyone was asleep," Igor said also not liking how close Viktor was to Harry.

"Harry did not," a voice said from behind them making them all turn to see Madam Pomfrey who was a little out of breath entering the room. When Ron saw Harry moving to the front of the Great Hall his feet not even touching the ground the redhead had rushed up to the Hospital Wing to talk to the Matron.

"How can you be so sure Poppy?" Dumbledore asked.

"I am sure for I had Mr. Potter under observation last night after someone broke his nose and knocked him out. I got no indication that he left at any point during the night," Madam Pomfrey said moving forward as she pulled out a Calming Draft and handed it over to Harry who needed Viktor's help to drink it. "I don't know how his name got in the Goblet, and I don't really care as you can see he does not want this and should be allowed to back out without losing his magic," She said glaring at everyone in the room.

"Can he do that?" Albus asked turning to Crouch and Bagman for their take on what was going on.

Bagman turned to Crouch to answer the question. In his mind, Crouch was shouting that Harry could easily remove himself without any issue since there was enough evidence that he had not entered the Tournament himself, the man was also screaming that Voldemort was back and this was most likely this was all some sort of plot from the man involving Crouch's own son. But unfortunately, as he was under the powers of the Imperious Curse all Crouch could answer was, "Whether he placed his name in the cup or not is beside the point as we all know once a Champion is chosen they have to compete so that is what all four will do." The small pronouncement he had been forced to say done Crouch was forced back into a placid state as Bagman told the four Champions about what the tournament would entail as well as what he could of the First Task."

When the Champions were allowed to leave, Viktor easily threw off his Headmaster's arm as he walked Harry up to Gryffindor Tower, which he had shown Viktor during their earlier tour. "Um I don't know the password to open up your door but could you let Harry in?" Viktor asked since the Calming Draft had caused Harry to become so calm he fell asleep leading Viktor to carry him from the second floor.

Gladys, The Fat Lady having heard what had happened from her friend Violet who had been in the side room and noticing Harry asleep in the older visiting student's arms said, "Just this once," as she swung open to let Viktor inside.


* I have had some readers who dislike my introduction of Jo or making Percy a male born in a woman's body thinking I am being too Woke or whatever. That was not the original idea for this paragraph but to give a reason that Ginny could not talk to Ron about where Harry was. And then give some background on the newly placed Charms. Also, I had seen a post on Facebook about some like Ty and Percy using the stairs and the castle not letting them up the side of the gender they were born with but how they saw themselves so I just wanted to add it in one of my stories.

Chapter 50: Erised of Family


After looking into the Mirror of Erised, Harry finds he has more family than he had been told.


Tags: Harry has more family, Crack-Fic, Crossover, Gowther/Meleodius (Seven Deadly Sins), Toothless/Hiccup (How to Train Your Dragon) Emma Swan/Killian Jones (Once Upon a Time), Canon what Canon?

Chapter Text

Harry knew he was not following Headmaster Dumbledor's orders the way the man wanted him to. Sure he had not gone back in search of the Mirror of Erised but he had started to research it. He had been fascinated by it as he looked upon his family for the first time, but as he looked back he had found it strange that some of those the mirror showed looked like ghosts while others appeared to be solid. And if he was not mistaken he thought he had seen a dragon which looked out of place with all the humans the mirror was showing him. For a Magical artifact, there did not seem to be that much information about it in the library at least none that he could find just by randomly pulling down books and looking through them. He might have better luck if he could ask the vulture-like Madam Pince but then she might ask how he knew about the mirror or why he was looking for it.

After a day of looking through the stacks, Harry decided on a different tactic to try. Maybe he could find a reason why some of the people looked solid rather than ghost-like by looking into his own family history. He recalled Hermione had mentioned that she had read several books about him before coming to Hogwarts but he had neither the time nor desire to look at any of them. Feeling as if whatever he found would make him miss the family he had lost before landing with the Dursleys. So on the second day after being warned away from the mirror, Harry approached Madam Pince. "What do you want?" she said looking down her long beak of a nose at him.

"Are there any books on the Potter family I could look at?" he asked her.

"I have been waiting for you to ask that since your first visit here," she said as to his surprise used her wand to summon a stack of books to her before placing them into his hands.

"Thanks," Harry said with a strain as he tried not to fall down under the weight of the books she had given him.

"Just make sure you return them when you are done," she said with a sniff before walking away to dust the shelves.

Harry struggled to the nearest table and hoisted the books onto the top before nearly collapsing into a chair and pulling the top book over to him to look through it. Harry wished there were pictures of the people listed in the book so he could compare them to the ones he had seen in the mirror. That did not mean the book was totally useless as he got to find out more about his family such as his father. It seemed that Harry took after his dad in more ways than how they looked for the book gave an account that James Potter was a skilled Quidditch Player at Hogwarts leading the Gryffindor team to victory as a Beater. James Potter, it said, unlike his parents was horrible at Potions and had needed a tutor to get the grades needed to become an Auror. Whatever that was. They even had the same build for the book described James as having a slim body much like Harry did, though Harry doubted his father had been as skinny as he was due to the malnutrition he had suffered at the Dursleys.

As Harry recalled some of the people in the mirror had worn clothing that looked like they were from ages ago he began to flip through the pages of the book to see if he could spot any mention of a dragon since that was the one thing out of place that he had seen in the mirror. As he flipped through the pages he would do his best to take what was written on them in just in case he missed any accounts of a dragon. He would occasionally stop when he found the word Dragon written on the page, but more often than not it was mentioned that one of his ancestors worked with a Dragon.

One time he found himself turning back when his mind registered seeing, "Mirror of Erised" on a page. Quickly turning back he found the line again and began to read it.

Sheridan Potter created numerous Magical Artifacts over the course of his life. His greatest creation was the Mirror of Erised or the Mirror of Heartfelt Desire. While this was his most famous creation, Sheridan did not like taking credit for it as he once told a friend he had found the plans for an unfinished prototype of the mirror in the journals of Ignotus Peverell. Sheridan also hated how people would badger him about what they saw in the mirror anytime it was brought up. He got so sick of it that he began to write up a pamphlet and pass them out whenever he had a speaking engagement so he would be asked about other pieces of his work and not the mirror.

According to an old copy of the pamphlet, there were several main visions that a person would receive while looking at the mirror from the right angle. If one saw a version of the future it was only a dream that the person held as the Mirror had no powers to pierce the veil of time to show events that might happen in the future. The same was true if a person saw a romance they wished to have with another for the mirror could only read the heart and dreams of the viewer no one else. However, if one looked into the mirror and saw members of their family it showed them to have a great heart, in my [Sheridan] opinion. I [Sheridan] have noticed when someone sees their family something special occurs any members who have passed on appear as a ghost yet living members appear as they are.

Harry stopped reading and quickly turned to the front of the book which held the names of the most recent members of the Potter family. Yet all he found was his dad followed by his grandparents and they were all listed as dead. Shoving the book aside he tried the other books but found no one listed as being alive belonging to the Potter family besides himself. After going through all the books and finding no other person besides himself listed as still alive, Harry looked at what the books told about Sheridan Potter to see if they had any other information about the Mirror.

Most of what was written about the Mirror of Erised was the same as Harry had found in the first book he had looked at. He almost gave up hope to find out who the solid people in the mirror were as he pulled the last book in the stack towards him. "As he neared the end of his life, Sheridan removed the Mirror of Erised from the Potter family vaults and kept it in his home. His daughter, Penelo Potter later Penelo Lupin, often saw him spend hours just looking into the mirror. One day she decided to ask him about it and he told her that he felt his memory was while the mirror still showed him members of his family he sometimes forgot their names so he developed a spell that would give everyone he saw names' above the people he saw in the mirror. Sheridan even taught his daughter the spell saying he did not have the energy to put it in the family Grimoire. He made Penelo promise to keep the spell open to everyone so that in case the mirror was used by someone who had lost their memory and saw their family it could lead to a reunion." Harry smiled as he saw the spell listed on the page and quickly wrote it down.

Knowing he was disobeying the Headmaster's orders, Harry headed back to the room he had found the Mirror in hoping it had not yet been moved, even though he had been told it had been moved yesterday. Finding the room during the day was not as hard as it had been finding it at night as Harry saw that he might have been lied to since the mirror was still right where he had left it. He guessed the Headmaster wanted him to stop coming and live his life so had lied to him about it. Or maybe it was really being moved but it would happen later. Whatever the case Harry stepped in front of the mirror and saw his family appear before him. He took in everyone before him. He first smiled at his parents before turning to five humans, and the strange dragon which unlike the rest of the people in the mirror had solid-looking bodies. Taking out his wand Harry pressed it to the mirror and reading the spell of the paper said, "Genolgimagical Reveleo." Suddenly there were names above everyone's head, apart from his own mirror image, but more than that it stated their connection to Harry. Harry looked at the five solid humans and jotted down their names on some parchment before looking at the lines under them to see their connection to him.

Harry could not stop his mouth from falling open in shock for according to the books a person would only appear solid in the mirror if they were still living. Yet the human standing next to the dragon was identified as Hiccup Haddock III and was Harry's Great GrandBearer to the 42nd Degree and what was stranger was that the dragon next to him, Toothless was Harry's GrandSire to the 42nd Degree as well. Harry also noticed a line connecting the two names reminding him of something from a family tree making him wonder if they were together since they were standing close together. Looking away from Hiccup and Toothless, Harry checked out the next two solid people in the mirror. Once more they were listed as Harry's Ancestors with a young teenager with blonde hair listed as Meleodius as his GrandBearer of the 20th Degree while another man with a slim twinkish body and pink hair named Gowther was Harry's GrandSire of the 20th Degree. At least the last couple was only listed as his Grandparents and their position behind where Lily was made him wonder if they were her and Petunia's parents. The thing was in the books that his name was in it gave his mother the maiden name of Evens but the two people behind her were Emma Swan and Killian Jones.

Harry thought the Headmaster was right too much time before the mirror was making him crazy since the people who looked alive could not be due to their age but also their names. As if to prove to himself that he was losing it or ot, Harry decided to test it. Writing up a letter to Hiccup, Meleodius, and Emma he sent them using Hedwig and a pair of school owls. Thinking he would not get a response if he just sent a simple letter, Harry explained who he was and how he had learned about them. He did not expect to get any response and just have the three owls show up at breakfast one day looking exhausted with his letters tied to their legs.

He was mistaken, however, as the day before spring term was to start up there was a commotion outside leading to the students rushing outside. Even some staff gasped as a man arrived on the back of a black dragon with some contraption attached to his tail at the same time that a giant pig walked over the gates with what looked like a building on its back which was followed by a bright yellow Volkswagen beetle. Headmaster Dumbledore made his way through the crowd as two people got out of the car and a pair jumped off the building the giant pig had on its back. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Dumbledore asked them as he kept his hands in the sleeves of his robe making Harry guess he was hiding his wand in case he needed to use it on the strangers.

"We were told our daughter's son was here," a man with a hook on his hand said placing a flesh and blood hand on the woman who had been driving the car.

"We were told our descendent was here and wanted to meet us," a blonde-haired teen making the students laugh for neither he nor the pink-haired person next to him looked old enough to have kids let alone descendants.

"I got a message in the Dragon Realm Sanctuary saying my Great to the 42nd Degree Grandson wanted to see if I was alive," a man with a lean body messy brown hair and a peg leg said.

"Alright, let's get this straightened out who are each of you looking for exactly?" Dumbledor asked. "You are causing a scene and this is a school after all.

All five human visitors said, "Harry Potter," at the same time as the black dragon after sniffing the air since it had arrived looked right at Harry and even began to move towards him making those around him get out of its way.

"Toothless wait a moment," the peg-legged man said as he followed the dragon. Harry could not move as the black dragon got close and jumped onto Harry making several people let out screams of fear. But rather than attacking him the Dragon started to lick and sniff at Harry. "Sorry about him," the peg-legged man said. "My mate sometimes can't help himself." There were some sounds of shock from the Muggleborns to hear the language the man used to describe the dragon.

"Hiccup?" Harry asked.

"That is me. That must mean you are Harry Potter since you know my name as well as Toothless's reaction which he has only done with our kids," Hiccup said.

"Well this is a unique meeting, that is the proper response right Meleodius?" the pink-haired person said causing some gasps of shock from the students who had mistaken the person for a girl yet the voice was masculine.

"It does indeed, love," Meleodius said snaking his hand around the taller male's waist and leaning into him. "Harry I am Meleodias your Great GrandBearer to the X degree and this lug is your GrandSire Gowther. It has been an age since we were last at Hogwarts."

"It has been a while I wonder how Merlin would think of her old school now?" Gowther asked producing more gasp as people here the pink-haired trap call Merlin a female.

"What happened to our daughter," the woman who had driven the yellow bug asked reaching Harry and taking hold of his shoulders.

"My mother Lily died when I was a baby. But you don't look to be old enough to be her mom?" he said in a questioning tone.

"Storybrook and the Enchanted Forrest has a way to messing with the passage of time," the man with the hook said before offering up his flesh hand to shake Harry's "I am Killain Jones and your mother was taken from us due to a lingering aspect of your Great Great Step-Grandmother Dark Curse."

Chapter 51: WHAT!?!?


After his Fourth Year at Hogwarts, Harry gets summoned to the bank and discovers a hug family secret as well as an aspect of the Magical World no one had ever told him about.


Tags: Crack-fic, MPreg, Omega James Potter, Omega Harry Potter, Harry has different parents, Cheating, Smut, Vernon Dursley/James Potter, One Night Stand, Supportive Lily Evens, Dumbledore bashing.

While I will have Harry take an Inheritance Test I will only write out his family lines from the test and get his reaction to any spell or potion he might be under, for after all the Test results chapters I have written over the years I have gotten a little sick of doing them.

Part of this story is allowing Harry to witness his parents get together and during it he can hear their thoughts I will put the thoughts he can hear between {}

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

On his second day back at #4, Harry receives a letter from Gingotts Bank asking him to come in. He, of course, was a little suspicious worried that this might be a trap set up by Voldemort and his Death Eaters. First of all, the letter had been sent not by an owl as was normal but by a raven which had given him a once over before it would allow him to remove the message it carried. Granted he had neither heard nor read anything about Voldemort being back, the man might be keeping a low profile until he accomplished some sort of goal. Such as finding a way to get at Harry and succeed in killing him since he had failed back in the graveyard.

The only reason Harry decided to travel up to London to the requested meeting was the letter had mentioned something about having him take an inheritance test. Harry had heard Seamus mentioning something about the test to Dean last year when Ron had not been speaking to him. According to what he had overheard the test would reveal all sorts of information about the person who took it. Thinking it might be a good way to learn more about his family than he looked like his dad but had his mother's eyes, Harry left #4 to go to the bank. Due to all the times, he had wandered around the neighborhood lately Harry knew of several spots he could go to where no one tended to be. Reaching one of the play parks which due to the drought and heat had fallen out of favor with the kids who lived in the area, Harry took out his wand and summoned the Knight Bus. He was a little surprised to see that Stan was not working as he paid for the bus to take him to the Leaky Cauldron.

Mundugus Fletcher who had been under Mad-Eye's Invisibility Cloak looked on in horror as Harry got on the bus and left the playpark. He wished he had been closer so he could hear where the boy had hired the bus to take him. He did see one of Figgy's pets which he summoned over to him to take to the old bat hoping she could get it to tell them where Harry went before he got in trouble for failing at guarding the boy.

Harry received some strange looks from the other passengers on the Knight Bus but he ignored them like he always did. Harry was not the only one heading to Diagon Ally it seemed for a little old lady also got off the bus when they stopped outside the pub. She hurried off as Harry followed her acting as if she was afraid of him or something, but once again he ignored it, as well as the looks some of them glared sent his way as he entered the pub. While he could ignore their looks this was getting ridiculous so seeing the back courtyard was clear of anybody, Harry slipped on his Invisibility Cloak before opening the door to the alley.

Unseen by anyone out shopping he threaded his way carefully to the bank. He wondered if he would need to take off the cloak before entering only for one of the Goblin doormen to open up the door at his approach and bow to him surprising him a little. Harry quickly hurried inside and feeling he would be safe in the bank made his way to a dark corner to remove his cloak and wait in line to see one of the tellers. Once more he received some glares and dark looks from the people waiting to see a Goblin, one parent even pulling their kid in close as he shifted his body so that he was between Harry and his kid. Harry really had no idea why everyone was acting like they were but it was not as if he had been treated like this before like after it was revealed he could speak to snakes or right after his name had come out of the Goblet of Fire.

Still, he was glad when it was his turn to speak to one of the tellers. "Why have you come today?" the Goblin said in its' kind normal gruff voice.

"I got a letter asking me to come in for an Inheritance Test and to speak to my Account Manager," Harry said passing over the letter as well as his key though the message had made no mention of him visiting his vaults. But since he was here he might as well get some money out so that when his book list came in he would not need to wait in line again. The teller confirming his identity from both the key and letter called a Goblin over to escort Harry to the Potter Account Manager.

"Ah Lord Potter it is good to see you again," a Goblin wearing a checkered red and gold suit with a black cape greeted him when Harry reached his destination.

"Um, hello," Harry said, "have we met before?"

"Lord Potter your Bearer brought me in to perform a Blood Adoption on you and his wife as well as add you to the Potter family accounts three months after you were born," the Goblin said.

"WHAT?" Harry asked confused making the Goblin arch an eyebrow at him.

"Lord Potter have you been informed of the secondary genders that Magical Humans possess?" the Goblin asked.

"What?" Harry asked again.

"Lovely," Bonecrusher mutter under his breath. "Lord Potter in the Magical World long ago something happened to normal humans which allowed them to learn and use magic. That event brought about what is referred to as secondary genders. Where a person will be classified as an Alpha or Dominant, a Beta which can be sometimes called a Switch, an Omega or bottom, and in a very rare case a NonGen which means that a person did not gain a second gender but is still able to perform magic."

"Even Muggleborns get one of these second-gender things?" Harry asked.

"That is correct unless they are a NonGen," Bonecrusher said.

"So I am a NonGen? Is that what you wished to talk to me about?" Harry asked.

"Actually Lord Potter I summoned you today since having completed the Triwizard Tournament which should have only allowed Age Magicals to compete in Magic has recognized you as being a full adult. And since you have not come to see me since you were brought back into the Magical World nor responded to any letter we sent to you via magical or Muggle means we have much to discuss," Bonecrusher explained.

"But I got your letter today?" Harry said still confused.

"It could be that since Magic has classified you as an adult now any Mail Wards that have been cast on you are weakened," Bonecrusher said with a small shrug of his shoulders. "We can find out as the test I wish you to take will not only list your family but any enchantments that have been placed on you."

"What does this test require?" Harry asked.

"It is quite easy and simple to do all you need to do is write your name using a special inheritance class Blood Quill. The Quill will read your magic as it draws your blood and fill out the information for the test," Bonecrusher said handing over a large black quill with a very sharp point as well as a parchment that looked like a census form with headings of "Family Lines," "Magical Enchantments," and "Account "Details." Placing the quill's tip on the top of the form Harry wrote out his full name wincing a little as he feels a small cut as the Blood Quill takes some of his blood to act as ink. When he handed the quill back to the Goblin, Harry looked down at his test and was shocked by what he read.

Harry James Potter (Harrison James Potter-Dursley: Half-Blood Omega)


  • Barer: James Flemont Potter (Pureblood Omega)
  • Sire: Vernon Charles Dursley (Muggle)
  • (Blood Adopted Mother: Lily Potter nee Evens. Muggleborn Beta Also due to sister marrying Harrison's Sire Aunt)

"WHAT!?!" Harry asked again horrified that Uncle Vernon was somehow his father. "How is that even possible?" he asked the Goblin waving the test at them and seeing some small details such as being the Lord of the Potter, Gryffindor, Peverell, and Hufflepuff family by blood and the Slytherin and Gaunt family by Rite of Conquest.

"I can see you are confused," Bonecrusher began.

"Confused nothing," Harry said with a scoff. "I was confused before about Second Genders but this is impossible how can my uncle be my father or how could the man I was told was my father be the one to give birth to me?"

"Well, a Male Omega can get pregnant and give birth and since James Potter was an Omega your sire obviously got him pregnant with you," Bonecrusher said.

"Bullsh*t," Harry said seeing Bonecrusher bristle a bit.

"Lord Potter I am aware you are not familiar with an Inheritance Test but I can assure you that there is no way a person can get incorrect information on them. They would reveal who someone is even if they were under a Glamor or using Polyjuice Potion. If you don't believe me I can even use a ritual of my kind which will allow you to see how your parents got together as we offer to any other Magical Orphan that comes to the bank."

"I can't see them getting together my Uncle hates all things Magical," Harry said.

"Does this mean you don't want to take part in the ritual?" Bonecrusher asked.

"I might as well for it can prove that this test was somehow faulty," Harry said.

"Very well it will take me a little while to set up the ritual why not check out the rest of your results as I do so," Bonecrusher said in a slightly gruffer voice than before as if he had taken offense at Harry's disbelief in test results. Having nothing better to do Harry started to look into the results. He saw more evidence that the test had to be full of lies while it listed Sirus and possibly Neville's mom or another relative to be his Godparents, it stated that Professor Dumbledore had cast several spells on him. Under the header "Magical Enchantments" the test listed Voldemort attaching something called a Horcrux to his soul with its anchor point being his scar. But then it began to list spells that Professor Dumbledore put on him from Blocking part of his Core, changing it from a Gray to a Light alignment, Blocking his second gender from emerging, and placing memory blocks on him to prevent him from recalling second genders being mentioned after a short amount of time had passed. Similar memory blocks had been applied by the Headmaster regarding all but Divination and Defense from the classes he took at Hogwarts. He even messed with Harry's eyesight, according to the test, so that unless Harry was on a broom no matter what prescription he wore in his glasses he would have trouble reading the board.

Dumbledore was mentioned again under the header "Account Details" where it had the man transferring thousands of Galleons a year out of Harry's vaults into his own. Approving transfers to the account of something called the Bird Fund as well as money being sent to the Dursleys to "raise Harry." Harry thought this last bit showed there was a flaw in this test for if Uncle Vernon was his Sire should he not have access to Harry's accounts without Professor Dumbledore's help?

"Are you ready Lord Potter?" Bonecrusher asked as he returned to the room with a basin that looked like the Pensive that was in the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts.

"We are going to look into a memory?" Harry asked.

"Not exactly," Bonecrusher said as he placed the basin on the table. "This Pensive is just a focusing point, the ritual we are about to perform will read your magic and the DNA from both your parents and let us watch as they get together. I will say that since your Sire is a Muggle you will be unable to get much of what he is thinking during the ritual while from your Bearer James, you should be able to hear a little of what is going through his mind," Bonecrusher explained. The Goblin then began to pull out some herbs, rocks, and metals from a pocket that did not look like it should physically fit everything inside as he began to prepare for the ritual.

It took Bonecrusher ten minutes to prepare everything as he lifted a steaming goblet to Harry ordering him to take a deep sniff of it, which Harry did smelling something that he could not place as the Goblin poured the goblet's contents into the basin. At once Harry felt as if his mind was following what was poured into the Pensive as he seemed to leave his body and zoom into the basin.

When he felt solid ground under his feet again, Harry saw he appeared to be in a bar. Seated right in front of him on a bar stool was a man he recognized from the photos Hagrid had given him at the end of his First Year at Hogwarts. Well, apart from the fact that James Potter was not smiling but grimacing as downed his drink leaning over the bar a little. "Can I have another please?" James asked the bartender.

"Rough day?" the man asked passing over a bottle of beer.

"More like a rough night coming. My girlfriend wants to bring me to meet her family even though she is always complaining about her older sister being a monster," James said as he opened the beer and drained half of it in one gulp.

"Well, that sucks but the things we do for love right?" the bartender asked as he took James' last beer and threw it into the trash behind the bar.*

"Yep," James said simply as he downed the rest of his beer asking for another one.

As the bartender went to get another beer someone slid into the seat beside James. It took Harry a moment to recognize his Uncle Vernon for while large the man was not as fat as he was now. "Hey, Paul can I get a drink as well?" Vernon asked the man.

"Sure thing V," the bartender said grabbing another beer and placing them down between the two men.

"To drink away our problems," Vernon said in a mock toast as he clinked his beer against James' before they both began to drink.

"Wow, I have never seen you drink so fast V. You normally sip it for a while what's up?" the bartender asked.

"My future Mother and Father-in-law invited me over for dinner," Vernon said.

"Ouch, they don't approve of your coming marriage to their baby girl?" the bartender asked.

"No idea, they did not even tell my fiance what the dinner was about. She thinks they are going to give her one of her grandmother's jewelry pieces to wear at the wedding but I don't think so. In-laws even future in-laws suck," Vernon said doing the rest of his beer as Paul placed another one before him. "Take my advice, man," Vernon said looking over at James. "shop around first before you become engaged and meet all of a person's immediate family so there are no issues."

{That is what I am doing now and it does not make it better} Harry heard James say but his mouth did not move until he took a sip of his drink saying, "That is some good advice."

"I know," Vernon said toasting his beer with James again. Harry noticed his uncle's nose was twitching a little as was the barman as James bent over the bar with his drink.

"Ah I see what is happening here," Bonecrusher said startling Harry who had not noticed the Goblin having traveled with him until now.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"Your father is a Male Omega and in the state, he is in he is giving off some pheromones. Can't you smell them?" Bonecrusher asked knowing that Harry as James' son would be able to smell them but unlike the two Muggles in the memory, they were watching he would find them calming rather than having an aphrodisiac effect.

"The test I took said my second gender was blocked as well as making me forget if I ever heard it mentioned before," Harry explained.

"After this, I am sending you to get a Cleansing," Bonecrusher informed him as the pair did not notice Vernon and James drink two more beers a piece with Vernon throwing a beefy arm over James's shoulder.

{If only this big lug was not a Muggle. I still wish I had an Alpha. To Bad Padfoot and Moody were both Betas, and despite our friendship, it would just be wear having Wormy be my Alpha especially since he creeps Lily out. Oh, that is nice} Harry heard James' voice say once more without moving his lips. Harry was not sure what was worse, Pettigrew being an Alpha while the rest of the Mauraders were Beta and Omegas or the fact that what James found nice was Uncle Vernon leaning in and whispering something in his ear letting his short mustache tickle his ear lobe. Harry had been so focused on what he assumed was James' thoughts he had missed what his Uncle had whispered to him.

As he missed hearing Vernon invite James into the bar's bathroom, Harry was rather shocked to see the pair leave their barstools and walk to the men's room as Vernon kept one hand over James' shoulder who leaned into the other's larger form. "Okay I think that is enough," Harry told Bonecrusher seeing where this was going.

"I am sorry Lord Potter but the ritual will not end until your parents leave each other. I assure you I had no idea that this would happen for I know most would get traumatized to see their parents hooking up but there is nothing I can do to stop it," Bonecrusher said looking embarrassed at this turn of events.

It got worse, as rather than letting Harry stay out in the main bar and away from the action going on in the bathroom the scene shifted placing him near a wall as he watched Venon kissing James while reaching behind the shorter male to lock the bathroom door so they would not be disturbed. "Unfortunately this is the effect that Omega Pheromones can have on Muggles so before you leave I will provide you with an artifact that will suppress them when in the Muggle World," Bonecrusher said trying to distract Harry who could not even close his eyes to shut out the scene as just hearing the moans was a little bit worse.

{Damn who knew Muggles were such good kissers. I mean this V has as much passion as Lily does.} James's thought announced as he wrapped his arms around Vernon's large body. Harry was at least thankful that he could not hear his Uncle's thoughts based on the lewd expression on the man's face as he made out with James. Once the door was locked and they would not be disturbed Vernon shifted his hands to James' ass lifting the short man so he did not have to bend down a little. As his feet left the floor, James wrapped them around Vernon's waist which made Harry's Uncle smile in the kiss. Using his grip on James' ass Vernon carried the other to the bathroom sink and set James down as if it was a seat before letting go of the ass so he could rub his hands over James' body. {Yes you Alpha stud take me} James thought as he moaned into the kiss his body quiveringly as Vernon's hands started to unbutton James' shirt.

"Oh Voldemort kill me now," Harry muttered to himself as James broke the kiss to help get his shirt off before pulling Vernon's shirt off. Harry felt like he was going to be sick as James began to use a finger to trace some muscles that Vernon had since lost as he leaned in to continue their kiss. Vernon turned his head away at the last moment laughing a little as James kissed his cheek rather than his mouth.

"Well you are an eager one," Vernon teased him.

"I could say the same thing about you," James shot back as he reached down between his legs to touch Vernon's crotch. {Dear Merlin and Morgan it feels gigantic}

"Don't know why I have never been with a guy before but there is just something f*ckable about you," Vernon said arching an eyebrow when James did not react to his crude language.

"Well, then do it already," James said rubbing Vernon's pants-covered crotch.

"Wow, you are the biggest slu*t I have ever been with. Eager much?" Vernon teased.

"Shut up and pull your co*ck out," James ordered.

"Nah, how about you do it for me?" Vernon asked though from the expression on his face, Harry saw his Uncle was giving James an order. Harry hoped beyond hope that his dad would say no maybe even pulling out his wand to curse Vernon but his heart sank as with a giddy look on his face James Potter pushed Vernon away a little before getting off the sink countertop and sinking to his knees. Now eye level with Venron's zipper, James did not use his hands as he leaned forward taking the zipper between his teeth and pulling it down.

Only after the zipper was down, did James uses his hands as he reached into Vernon's pants to pull out the man's co*ck. Vernon did nothing but smile down at James as he placed a hand on the back of James' head. It felt strange to see his Uncle being so gentle to someone who look so much like Harry it distracted him for a moment which allowed James time to pull Vernon Dursley's co*ck out of his pants. Harry's mouth fell open in shock unable to look at it for more than a moment but the glance he did get made it look like his Uncle was fully erect and possibly over twelve inches long.

Harry only turned back when he heard a strange gurgling sound. He wished he had not as he saw James bobbing up and down on Vernon's co*ck with a look of lust in his eyes. {Merlin how does he taste so good?} James was thinking as he gave Vernon a blow j*b, sometimes sticking his tongue out so it could reach more co*ck than he could fit down his throat.

"Damn slu*t you have taken more of my co*ck down your throat than even my fiance," Vernon said as he places both hands on the back of James' head and begins to face f*ck him. While Harry could see James gagging on Vernon's co*ck, his father did not try to stop or get away but allowed Vernon to use his mouth as he wanted to.

Vernon facef*cked James for nearly ten minutes before he pulled his co*ck out of James's mouth with a wet popping sound. Harry could not say which was worse, the fact James had not fought back but allowed Vernon to use him, however, the larger man wanted, the look of pure lust still in James's eyes or the strings of saliva and possible pre that connected Vernon's co*ck and James' mouth. "I think that is enough lube for the moment," Vernon said as he helps James to his feet. Harry gagged again as he watched Vernon kiss James' wet face and a bulge appear in James' cheek which Harry assumed was their tongue as the pair made out with each other. "I don't taste half bad if I do say so myself," Vernon said, "My gal is a real clean freak so she never let me kiss her after giving me a blow j*b before she has a chance to clean up first, thanks."

"Enough about her are we doing this or what?" James asked running a hand over Vernon's bare chest.

"You really are an eager slu*t, aren't you?" Vernon tested giving James another kiss before spinning him around and bending James over the sink countertop.

Vernon quickly lowered James' pants and underwear to James's knees. "I was right you do look to have a f*ckable ass," Vernon said giving the ass a swat and making James let out a small mew of pleasure/pain. It was Vernon's turn to sink to his knees as he spread James' cheeks and began to rim Harry's father to further prepare him for his co*ck. Harry turned away but caught sight of the mirror which showed James' co*ck fully erect as it rub against the countertop. Rather than focus on Vernon rimming James, Harry saw that his father's co*ck was about the same size he was when they were erect at nearly six inches long. Nothing compared to Vernon's but Harry did not want to think about that at the moment, or for that matter ever again. {Oh yes right there,} James thought as Vernon prepared his asshole with his tongue.

Vernon rimming James only took about five minutes before he stood back up, pulling James up and into a kiss. {Merlin who knew Muggles had such interesting ways of having sex rather than just laying with another in a bed. I should hang out more in their world.} Harry just could not get over how horny or slu*tty James was as he moaned into the kiss before Vernon broke it and pushed him back over the countertop again.

"Ready or not slu*t here I come," Vernon said using his co*ck to spank James for a moment before he lined himself up and pushed it into James' waiting hole.

{Oh Merlin, he feels bigger than he was in my mouth.} James thought before he turned a little pale. {sh*t I forgot to cast my safety spell for today and I can't do it now.}

"Safty Spell what is he talking well thinking about?" Harry asked turning to Bonecrusher to look away as Vernon began to f*ck James.

"As I mentioned earlier Male Omegas can get pregnant. This is done through a partner leaving their seed in their ass which then magically alters the Omega's body to be able to have a kid grown as a female does. All pregnancy for Male Omegas is performed by a C-Section. As their magic is partially responsible for them getting pregnant the only way to prevent conception is through the use of spells," Bonecrusher explained.

"So since he did not cast a spell and obviously can't do so in front of a Muggle he can do it afterward?" Harry checked.

"The process is very fast. A spell must be cast beforehand and while it can last a full day it will do nothing if cast after an Omega has sex," Bonecrusher said.

"So by not casting the spell and this happening," Harry said waving at Vernon who now had lifted James' legs off the floor as he jackhammered into him, "my dad got pregnant with me?"

"I am afraid so," Bonecrusher said as Vernon flipped James around so he could see the other's face while they f*cked.

Harry could not stand it anymore, even if this was how he was born he was not going to watch it as he closed his eyes and jammed his fingers as far as he could into his ears hoping it would end soon. Unfortunately, due to all the "choirs" the Dursleys had him do, some of which had to be done at specific times Harry had a great internal clock so while he blocked out the majority of the sounds of Vernon f*cking James he would later know the pair had gone at it for a full half hour after Harry had tried to block everything out.

Harry only opened his eyes and removed his fingers from his ears when he felt Bonecrusher tug at his sleeve. Thinking it was all over he looked around to see Vernon zipping up his pants and patting James' cum stained and slightly red ass. "That was fun but I got a dinner to get to. I don't think I will see you again but you were not bad for a slu*t even if you are a guy," Vernon said as he leaves the room.

James took a few moments to collect himself before he pulled his pants and underwear back up and cast a cleaning spell on the bathroom to erase the evidence of his and Vernon's f*cking. "Well, that was intense," James said rubbing his stomach. "I am sorry little one but I have no idea who your father is."

As James left the bathroom rather than Harry and Bonecrusher leaving the memory they followed James as he meet up with Lily and to Harry's horror went to her folks for dinner. As Vernon and James saw each other at Lily and Petunai's parent's house James could not help but blush a little while Vernon looked a little worried. As they were introduced to each other Vernon barely shook James' hand causing Petunia to smirk most likely thinking it had to do with her stories of her sister being a freak and the boy she was dating is a freak as well. Harry and Bonecrusher had to sit through a very awkward dinner between the two couples and the girls' parents. Yet even when the meal came to a close Harry and Bonecrusher remained in the memory. Which lasted just long enough for James to admit to Lily that he had had sex before their dinner, but thankfully not mention it had been with Vernon. Harry was a little shocked to see Lily was not annoyed that her boyfriend had slept with someone but actually happy. "So who was it? Please don't tell me it was Peter?" she asked.

"I don't know," James lied. "I was so worried about meeting your parents and sister from the stories you told me of Tuna Fish my pheromones went into overdrive and as I was trying to calm myself down with a drink, my scents attracted a Muggle guy who f*cked me in the bathroom."

"So it was a Muggle will that affect the kid? Will having a Muggle Sire and Magical Omega Male Bearer make him a Squib or something?" Lily asked.

"It should not have any more effective than any other kid born to Magical Parents in becoming a Squib," James said.

"Well, I guess as a Muggle he will not know that he got you pregnant so we don't have to worry about him coming around to be in our kid's life," Lily said happily that they were going to have a baby no matter how strange the circ*mstances were to Harry.

Seeing this scene, Harry and Bonecrusher returned to the Goblin's office.

"Alright, if what you told me is true and that my Uncle is really my Bearer does this change anything about me being recognized as an adult by Magic itself?" Harry asked.

"No," Bonecrusher said.

"Then can I move out of their house and into any property belonging to James or any other property I might own?" Harry asked.

"You could," Bonecrusher said. "Though I will still want you to go through a Cleansing first. After that, I will get you your Family Rings so you can reach your family properties."

"Good the only time I am ever going back there again is to collect my stuff," Harry said as he followed Bonecrusher to a Gringott's Ritual room so some Goblin Healers and Curse Breakers could remove all the enchantments that had been cast on him. Unknown to everyone was that the enchantment Dumbles had placed to block Harry's second gender it had also blocked the family bond that existed between parent and child.


* As an introvert and Asexual I have never seen the appeal of a bar so I have never been in one so if anything that happens here is not normal and thus hurts the story in your opinion I do apologize.

Chapter 52: Under the Governor's Protection


Upon hearing an interesting encounter his son had while getting his School Robes, Lucius Malfoy finds Harry Potter.


Tags: Good Malfoy Family, Good Delorus Umbridge, Dumbles, Hagrid, Weasely Bashing

Chapter Text

Lucius' POV

"Albus has now got the stone," Drake Vansel's head said from Lucius' fireplace.

"Has he informed you why Flamel asked him to take the stone and protect it?" Lucius asked the Head of the Hogwarts Board.

"Not at all," Drake said.

"Since he did not have one of us get it from the bank nor go there himself did you hear who collected it?" Lucius asked.

"The Groundkeeper, Hagrid," Drake said with a hint of exasperation.

"That man can not keep a secret I will be shocked if the Prophet does not run a story about him going to the bank to get it. Does he even have an account with them?" Lucius said starting to pace in his study.

"Albus had him bring one of the new students into the bank, as a cover I assume. What the student was doing when Hagrid got the stone I can't even guess," Drack said, breathing a heavy sigh.

"Did Hagrid also talk to a Goblin about coming in to update the castle's Wards since the stone will be there?" Lucius asked.

"I have not heard any mention of it from the Goblins. My guess is Albus either did not pass on the message or the idiot forgot to give it to them," Drake said.

"Both are equally as likely," Lucius agreed.

"We will just have to keep a lookout in case whatever Albus has planned goes south," Drake said.

"Agreed," Lucius said. "I shall see you at the next Governors get together."

"Right enjoy your night, also wish your son luck in getting sorted into the House he wants," Drake said.

"I will be sure to pass on the message," Lucius said but Drake had already broken the connection.

Lucius drained the last of his drink annoyed as ever with Albus' plans for Hogwarts. Subconsciously he scratched his arm where he had been branded all those years ago by "Lord" Voldemort back when he approved of the man's message of bringing back all the old rituals and ways that Albus seemed so determined to strip from their world in place of Muggle traditions. What was worse the traditions he brought in were from the leaders of the old Witch Hunts. But as time passed and Voldemort and a selection of his supporters started to target Muggles and Muggleborns alike to kill them Lucius saw his mistake. He had arranged for a meeting with a distant cousin, Delorus Umbridge as well as the Head of the Auror office and normal Magical Law Enforcement division at the Ministry. He had agreed to become a Ministry spy within the ranks of the Death Eaters doing his best to keep the casualties low if fighting did break out.

His role as a spy, however, had not been enough to prevent the Potters from dying, though it did keep him out of Azkaban. Scrimjoeur, Bones, and his cousin had informed Minister Bagnold of his work as a spy but before she could make his contributions known to the public she had been attacked and that idiot Fudge had replaced her. As none of them trusted Fudge they kept Lucius' role as a spy a secret.

Realizing his drink was empty, Lucius pulled himself out of his memories as he set the glass down to be collected by one of the houses Elves and went way down to the dining room for supper with his family. He arrived just as Draco recounted his trip to the robe shop, alone for the first time. "I hate that they force us to get robes only from Madam Malkins what would be so wrong with getting them from Radagst like we normally do?" Draco was complaining.

"It is for those who can't afford such high-end robes like the Weasleys or any Muggleborns," Narcissa explained to their son.

"I guess that makes sense. I mean you should have seen it when I was getting fitted some strange boy came in wearing Muggle clothing that looked three sizes at least too big on him," Draco said.

"Well, Muggles does have strange fashions," Lucius said sitting down as his meal appeared on his plate.

"That was another strange thing," Draco said cutting up some of his chicken fried steak. "He was being shown around by that large groundskeeper you and the other Governors have complained about."

"Must be a lot of Mugglesborns this year if they are getting him to show them around," Lucius said hiding the reason that the large idiot was most likely with the Muggle boy.

"That is the other thing. I asked why he was with the man and the kid said his parents had died but he did say there were Magicals," Draco said.

"That is strange," Naricssa said giving Lucius a confused look at why the groundskeeper would be showing around a Muggleraised Halfblood boy.

Lucius did not even notice her glance for a red flag had shot up in his mind. Why would Albus have that oaf Hagrid use such a boy as cover to collect the damn Philopher's Stone? Though this would explain what the boy was doing when Hagrid collected it from the bank. The boy would be busy getting tested and finding out about any family he might have in the Magical World, most likely given his Heir rings since to be raised by Muggles he would have no Magical relatives to stay with. But Lucius was still uneasy about this, making a vow to look up the boy's identity to see if Hagrid had bumbled the job.

Lucius started the following day by placing a Floo call to Drake. "Lucius this is a surprise, I did not think we would talk again until our normal meeting on the twenty-ninth," Drake said as he came to his study after a House Elf told him Lucius had called.

"I did not think so either," Lucius said, "but I heard an interesting story from my son last night. Evidently, he ran into the incoming student that Hagrid was using as cover to get the stone. I would have thought Albus would use one of the Muggleborns but according to Draco, the boy was an orphan whose parents were both Magical. Did Albus let you know which student Hagrid took the Diagon Alley?" Lucius asked.

"He did not send any information on who any of the staff went to go see this year," Drake said sounding a little shocked now that he mentioned it.

"That is highly suspicious," Lucius said.

"Maybe it has something to do with the Potter boy starting this year," Drake guessed.

"Oh, Merlin," Lucius said his face draining of color.

"Lucius?" Drake asked.

"An orphan whose parents were Magical and was being shown around by Hagrid. What if Albus had him get the stone while taking Potter shopping?" Lucius asked.

"Dear Merlin, is correct," Drake said going pale as well. "And if it was the Potter boy I assume if we asked about him Hagrid would deny it. and like we have discussed during meetings he shows too much favoritism to Gryffindor he might not have told Potter that much about the other Houses. This would also explain where Potter has been all this time."

"Being raised by Muggles," Lucius finished getting a nod from Drake.

"I don't trust this Lucius," Drake said being to pace. "I doubt asking Hagrid or Albus will give us anything see if the bank can offer any help or at least see if Potter got his Heir rings while he was there." Before Lucius pulled his head out of the fire, Drake used his wand to send a permission form through to allow Lucius to get information from the bank about a student, within reason.

Lucius popped into Draco's room, apologizing that he could not go flying with him today as he had promised. "I did not think you had any cases I thought you took this last month off so we could hang out before I go to school?" Draco asked not whining but just wanting all the facts.

"It is not a case for my firm, but Governor's business," Lucius said. "I will be back as soon as I can."

Lucius was at the bank less than three minutes later, waiting in line for another six minutes before he reached a teller. "How may I help you today?" the Goblin teller with the nameplate of Thistleblade asked.

"Hogwarts Business," Lucius said passing over the form Drake had given him for inspection. "Yesterday Hagrid came to the bank with a student. That was highly irregular I just wanted to find out the student's identity and possibly some other information."

"What type of information?" Thistleblade asked.

"If the student is who I think it is I want to find out if he was given any family rings or whatnot," Lucius explained.

"That is reasonable," Thistleblade said as he summoned some notes. "According to our logs, Rubius Hagrid brought in young Heir Potter but only took him to his Heir Vault to pick up some money and did not have the lad meet with his Family's Account Manager."

"Do you have records of where the boy lives?" Lucius asked.

"Unfortunately just like it has been for your kind his location had been hidden from us," the Goblin said.

"The trace on his wand," Lucius said. "No, it would not be activated yet since he has not started to use it full-time. Does the bank keep track of Magical Signatures of those who visit it?"

"We might," Thistleblade said.

"Can we use the lad's signature to track him down?" Lucius asked,

"It is still being blocked," Thistleblade said shaking his head.

"But not the whole way to wherever he is living," Lucius suggested.

"Correct, it stops in a town called Little Whinging but the exact location is blocked from even our sensors," Thistleblade said.

"I can still work with this, thank you," Lucius said bowing low to expose his neck before leaving the bank.

Lucius headed to the Hogwarts Governors Manor to look through the student records. For security reasons, all Muggleborn or raised students' home addresses would only be known to the person who was set to collect them before their first year. After that point, it would be passed on to the Ministry and the bank in case they needed to send any messages to the student. Lucius flipped through all the documents, finding three pages about magical spikes in Little Whinging, one where a letter was sent for over a week, and the other two were just signs that two children in a Muggle family had started to show signs of Magic.

Getting the address from the records, Lucius Apparated at a safe place near Potter's home. While his main jobs were as a Barrister for the Ministry and one of the Hogwarts Governers, Lucius did have some skill in reading magic. He never thought this skill would be used outside of his law officer duties, but then he saw the Wards around the address for Potter. He could see instantly how the boy's location had been undiscovered all this time. There were several lays of Wards around the small two-story home, the first layer was Blood Wards that would prevent Magical Harm to the boy, but under them, there was a Ward that acted as the inverse of a Muggle Repelling Charm but rather than affecting Muggles it prevented Magicals from seeing the place. If Lucius did not know the address and held his Hogwarts cane wand-holder he did not think he would even be able to see the place. But it was the last Ward that was the worse, in Lucius' mind. The last Ward affected Muggles and would prevent anyone from reporting anything that happened inside the home. Lucius had seen similar Wards around a place where some law officers had discovered a child abuse victim.

Placing a Glamor on his robes to make them appear to be a pure black suit, Lucius approached the door to the home. He was about to knock on it when he saw a small boy huddled on the small porch. "Are you Harry Potter?" he asked.

"Yes, "the too-small boy said. "If you are looking for my Uncle he is not home."

"He left you outside?" Lucius asked.

"Um, we went on vacation and I got a ride home but forgot my key," Potter said.

"Was he trying to avoid your letters?" Lucius asked thinking about the records in the manor saying that Potter's Hogwarts letter had been sent continuously over a week to the address.

"Are you a Wizard?" the boy asked.

"I am, I am also one of the Governors of Hogwarts," Lucius said sitting down on the porch with the boy.

"I thought classes did not start until the end of the month," Potter said.

"That is true but due to how famous you are in your world I wanted to check in with you," Lucius said. "Now according to our records, you went to Gringotts to get some money and got your school supplies correct?"

"Yes, sir," Potter said.

"While you were at the bank did you meet with your Family's Account Manager?" Lucius asked already knowing it had not happened but also seeing if the stories that Potter had learned what he needed to know about the Magical World were true or not.

"A what?" Potter asked.

"I'll circle around to that later," Lucius said. "How many pre-Hogwarts lessons have you had?"

"Well, I did go to a normal school so I can read, write, and other stuff," Potter said.

"That is good but what about lessons in preparing potion ingredients, your family history, Magical Protocol, or government lessons?" Lucius asked.

"I have not, I am sorry," Potter said.

"Did the person who took you to get your supplies mention coming back to give you these lessons?" Lucius asked.

"Um, not," Potter said.

"I see," Lucius said standing up.

"Was that all?" Potter asked thinking he was about to leave.

"I am just going to write a note to your family to tell them I am taking to back to Gringotts so you can get your Family Rings," Lucius said unlocking the door and stepping inside. He did not like what he saw. Along the walls, there were numerous pictures of a Muggle family but none of them contained Potter. "Why does the door to the basem*nt have such heavy-duty locks?" he asked Potter who had followed him inside. When Potter did not answer, Lucius looked back at him seeing the boy look ashamed doing his best not to look at the door. Lucius used some more magic to unlock the door but was horrified when he found not a stairwell into the basem*nt but a cramped little room with a small comforter covered in what looked like old blood and piss stains. Thinking maybe one of the Muggles had gotten sick for a while and had used the comforter which had been stored until it could be tossed Lucius turned away to look around the small room. His blood ran cold as he saw scratches onto a beam Freak's Boy's Harry's Room.

"Mr. Potter, did you sleep in here?" Lucius asked dreading the answer.

"Until the letters started to come," Potter said.

"Right change of plans, Mr. Potter please get anything you own that you want to keep I am getting you out of here," Lucius told the young boy.

"Really?" Potter asked a look of hope coming to his eyes.

"I don't know where you will go but you are not coming back here again," Lucius said placing a hand on the lad's shoulders.

"Thank you, Sir, but all that I own was the stuff I got yesterday at Diagon Alley," Potter said.

"I see," Lucius said going out onto the porch and finding the school trunk. "Is everything in the trunk or did you take any of it out?"

"I put everything but my new wand in the trunk so I could carry it easier," Potter said.

Lucius pulled the trunk into the front room so no passing Muggle could see him summoning a House Elf. "As we are at the bank I will have your stuff taken to my place for the time being," Lucius said calling the Malfoy Head Elf, Rimaru to take Harry's stuff to Malfoy Manor.

"What was that?" Potter asked as the Elf vanished with his trunk.

"That was a House Elf it is a special creature who lives to take care of humans in exchange for sustenance," Lucius explained. "Now I assume you went to Gringotts the Muggle way last time this time I will take you by something called Side-Along-Apparition which is like teleporting from one place to another. Now there are some powerful Wards around this place so we will need to leave this place before I can take you a long," Lucius explained as he led Potter out of the small house and back to where he had arrived one street over. Unknown to Lucius or Harry, at the very moment they Apparated away from Little Whinging the Dursleys arrived back at #4 all of them in a very foul mood.

Harry's POV

Harry felt as if his body had been forced through a small tube as the blonde-haired governor teleported them. Rather than arrive on the street or in the Leaky Cauldron they appeared to be in a cave-like room. As if sensing Harry's confusion the Governor explained, "This is one of the receiving rooms within Gringotts for people who don't like using a Floo but can Apparate." The man then led Harry out of the room which lead right back to the room with all the Goblins sitting at their desk counting their gold and treasure. The Governor led Harry over to the line to wait for a free Goblin, the man keeping his hand on Harry's shoulder as if to prevent him from wandering around.

Once they were summoned forward to meet one of the Goblins, the Governor passed over a paper to the Goblin saying, "Hogwarts business I would like to take Heir Potter to see his Family's, Account Manager."

"Follow me," the Goblin teller said getting down off his stool and leading them to another door this one did not back to the receiving room nor did it head to the carts that Harry had ridden with Hagrid. The door opened onto a passage with countless doors lining the walls. After a nearly fifteen-minute walk, they arrived at a door that appear to be made out of some strange crystalline material that seemed to sparkle with all the colors of a rainbow. The teller knocked on the door poking its head into the room to announce their presence.

"Ah good you came back," a Goblin inside the room said as Harry and the Governor entered it. "I was afraid I would have to wait to send you a letter while you were at school or when you came to get your supplies for next year."

"Sorry," Harry said.

"You came back that is the important part," the Goblin said. "Now for some introduction since you have been gone so long you most likely will not recall meeting me before. I am Bonecrusher and I have run your families' accounts for four generations after taking them over from my father," Bonecrusher said.

"Hello," Harry said not sure what he should say.

"And Lord Malfoy I thank you for bringing my client back to the bank," the Goblin said looking over at the blonde man.

"My pleasure I just wanted to make sure Heir Potter got a full reintroduction to our world and hearing Hagrid was the one to bring him in I visited to see how it went," Lord Malfoy said.

"Very good," Bonecrusher said shifting his gaze back to Harry. "Now I managed your families' accounts including when your parents got married I had the proper Family Rings gathered yesterday when you first entered the bank." Bonecrusher pulled out a long box from a drawer in his desk turning it to face Harry before he opened it up revealing a set of rings. "These rings are your Family Rings from left to right we have the Peverll, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and finally Potter rings. At the end, there is also the Slytherin Lordship Ring which might be yours due to the possibility of when the human who killed your parents being vanquished by you might have activated in what is referred to as a Rite of Conquest. Heir Potter are you under any potions?"

"Not that I know of," Harry said.

"Sorry just have to ask for old family rings like most of these have protections in place so that if one is under any sort of enchantment or has potions in their system even if it is a health potion they will be removed from your system and a list will appear to know what you have been exposed to," Bonecrusher explained.

"Is that likely since he has been in the Muggle World since his parents' deaths?" Lord Malfoy said.

"It is highly unlikely but I am not sure how the rings will act if he is taking any Muggle Medicine," Bonecrusher said as he lifted the Peverll ring out of the box and handed it to Harry.

Harry took the ring and slipped it onto his left ring finger feeling a small tingle as he did so. As he slipped on each ring the tingle grew more intense until he slipped on the Slytherin Lordship Ring, then it felt as if his head was about to explode. Placing his hands on the side of his head Harry gave a loud scream of pain before passing out. Bonecrusher and Lucius could only look on in horror as black goo started to pour from Harry's ears, nose, and mouth a sign that he had been under some enchantments which he had not been aware of as his Rings worked together to cleanse his body. What was worse, however, was around the famous Lightning Bolt scare black goo which appear to have the consistency of tar began to leak out of the scar drenching Harry's forehead and bangs in the stuff before it appear to solidify.

Lucius' first instinct was to summon his wife to see if Potter was alright but Bonecrusher beat him to it as he summoned some Goblin healers to the room. The team arrived so fast that Lucius wondered if they had Apparated right into the room. Bonecrusher ordered the group of Healers to deal with what was happening to Harry before turning to Lucius. "Thank you for bringing, my client in we shall take it from here."

While it was a dismissal, Lucius did not leave his seat. "When I went to check on Heir Potter I found his living conditions rather troublesome so until I can find a better place for him I have taken his stuff to my manor. Also, I know this is not your thing, but besides bringing Heir Potter in and taking the stone, Hagrid was meant to relay a message from the Governors for the Goblins to come to Hogwarts to strengthen the castle's Wards since the stone will be stored there. I have a feeling Hagrid might have forgotten to pass that message on hence why I am giving it."

"I will let our team know," Bonecrusher said. "And since you have taken Heir Potter in for a while you can wait for the Healers to be done in the waiting room. Seven doors down and on the right."

"Thank you," Lucius said as he finally left his seat and hurried out of the room.

Chapter 53: Under the Governor's Protection part II


The Wards around #4 fall, and Harry's cleansing finishes.


In the last chapter, I wrote that one of the tags is Good Umbridge. I have no idea how to explain her actions in the main canon to make her good, so I will say she is entirely on the side of law and order and her dislike of Albus is due to his disregard for the rules. Such as when he creates a mercenary/vigilante force with the Order of the Phoenix he uses Ministry workers aka some Aruros (James, Frank, Sirius) some members of other departments, (Lily who I always see working in the Department of Mysteries) and others. Also, this is fanfiction so I can make her OOC if I want.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Albus congratulated himself as Hagrid dropped off the stone in his office and shared that he had made sure Harry had been told the right things about Hogwarts. From the reports he got from Arabella, the boy's family had treated Harry like sh*t so the kindness that Hagrid and Albus would give the boy would insure he followed their direction just to make them proud of him. But as neither he nor Hagrid could be around him full-time, Albus had already found some incoming students who could lead Harry in the right direction. First off there was the youngest son of Molly and Arthur Weasley who had always supported him but had not joined the Order during the last war due to how young their kids had been.

Having met the young boy, Albus knew instantly the boy would be good for Harry not only would the boy show jealousy if Harry used to much money something that would prevent Harry from discovering that Albus was taking money from his accounts. Ron was also lazy and had the same temper of his mother so might throw a fit if things did not go his way which could be useful to make sure Harry stayed ignorant about the Magical World.

Molly and Arhtur's daughter might also prove to be useful as well with the right potions added to the spells and potions he already had the boy under. If he could force Harry to fall in love with Ginevera Weasley who was her mother in miniature it would give Albus another way to control the boy later on. And by writing up a Marriage Contract between the pair, Albus could insure that Ginny got everything from Harry even if he did manage to survive his encounter with Voldemort when he returned. And since the Wealseys were all loyal to Albus he could be appointed to run Harry's accounts and control his family seats, as long as he passed over some money to the family from time to time. And since they were all focused on Harry being a Potter they had no idea how much money was in his other family accounts so he could get away with paying them even 10,000 Galleons a year which was not even one percent of the total money Harry's family held in its Vaults.

Apart from the two youngest Weasely children, Albus had found the year before a young Muggleborn girl who could play a large part in his plans for Harry. One of his contacts in the Ministry brought the girl to his attention. According to the psych profile on the girl, the Ministry was on the fence about letting her join the magical world as one of the agents who had tested the girl thought it was best to give her a magic dampening cuff and use memory charms on her to let her live her life as a Muggle. Albus had used his position as Chief Warlock to meet the girl. He had been rather impressed with the young Hermione Granger, she had spunk but also looked like she would be good at following orders. According to her parents, the girl had a photographic memory of any book she had ever read, so Albus tested it by taking one of the books on a shelf in the home and turning it to a random page. Given the page number and what paragraph, Hermione was able to recite word for word what was written in the book.

Hermione was so sure of her intelligence and Albus was able to play on that belief as he continued to tell her she could easily be the Smartest Witch of her age. Both the girl and her parents drank in his lies as he told her that he would need her help in making sure Harry would learn properly about the Magical World. Pretending to have a coughing fit he asked the girl's parents for a drink. As soon as he and Hermione were alone, Albus told her that he actually wanted Harry to remain ignorant of the Magical World and that if she could help him with that task he would pay her back in books about all sorts of lost magic. These books would solidify her as the Smartest Witch of her age since no one else would know about them. Seeing her hungry expression at the thought of all that lost knowledge settled it for Albus as he agreed to send her a few books before she started Hogwarts. Among the books, he had sent her were some that related to Harry so she could get to know him better. He actually had to take some of Arabelles' notes and use magic to turn them into a book so Hermione would read them. He did find that there was a small downside of Hermione's love of rules and that she would not break them so had refused to read the notes on Harry until he had made them into the book. With Hagrid, Ronald, Ginievra, Hermione, and himself, Albus was sure they could manipulate Harry to follow the plan Albus had set out for the boy.

Before he took the stone Hagrid had gotten to him down to the chamber for its protection, Albus cast a spell on it creating a duplicate stone at least in appearance. Even with all his magic and the Elder Wand, he could not recreate the magical properties of the Philosopher's Stone. Albus then had the portrait of Phienus Nigelus Black open up to put the real stone in the Headmaster's Private Study before setting the copy aside to place in the Mirror of Erised after he allowed Harry to see it. Now wanting his staff to know what protection he was going to use for the stone, Albus went down to the protection chamber placing a fake challenge as a placeholder. As he set up the fake challenge which included a bookcase of magical tomes which would open up to different scenes and only one of which would be used to "protect the stone" Albus dropped one of the books right on his foot. While he felt the sharp jab of pain in his foot he was more concerned with what he felt in his magic. The Wards around where he stashed Potter had just broken.

As Albus left the protection chambers, using a back way so he could avoid the other traps that had been in place all he could think about was the Dursleys killing Harry after Hagrid brought him back. He wished he had put in his letter to them that the boy had to stay alive at least until he faced Voldemort rather than getting into Hogwarts. He knew from Arabella's letter the Muggle family had hurt Harry over the years but never got close to killing the boy all thanks to the spell he placed on the letter making sure they let the boy live there and did not kill him. But now that Harry was coming to Hogwarts the enchantments placed on them might have ended letting Petunia have her revenge by killing her nephew.

As if Magic had the plan to spit Albus, the moment he left the castle a contingent of Goblins arrived. Using a writ of duty from the Hogwarts Governors the Goblins were given permission to access the Ward Stone and began to improve the Wards. As it had been almost thirty years since the Goblins had access to the castle's Wards they not only increase their power but also fixed them from all the "improvements" Albus had made over the years. The Wards would not detect the presence of Love, Compulsion, and Lust Potions within the castle. All Dark Artifacts were removed and sent to either the Ministry or Gringotrs in case Albus had stolen them from someone's vault. The dorm rooms within the castle would no longer allow a member of the opposite sex into them no matter the relationship with the person inside. In each Common Room, and Head of House's office a magical sensor was placed so that if a student was harmed or had magic cast on them outside of a classroom it would be logged. This addition was put in place after the Goblins had found a spell of a similar nature in use by Slytherin House. While they were only working on the Wards and could not change the staff at the school the Goblins, at the request of the Governors put spells in place to see how much time each member of staff was doing their job or in the case of Albus, the Heads of House, and Hagrid jobs. If the Governors saw that the staff was not spending enough time on their duties they would get involved with first a warning but if it continued to happen either fire the staff member in question, or if the person held multiple jobs removed some of the jobs so the person could better focus on their work.

When Albus got back from the Dursleys he was annoyed. It turned out they had not killed the boy after all, but the brat was missing. He wanted to curse Hagrid for this oversight after all the man had left the only means back from the island Dursleys had been on the shore. It had taken almost a full day for the person they had rented the shack from to go to the island thus freeing them. By the time the Dursleys had arrived home, the boy was nowhere to be seen, and even Arabella did not know what had become of him.

However, when Albus reached his office and was about to summon Hagird to him to lay into the Half-Gaint for his mistake he froze in place. His bookshelves were nearly empty. All that was left on them were the recent volumes of books that the students used for their classes, and the hundred phone books he had on his shelves with fake covers to make the shelves look fuller than they really were. Not knowing what was going on, and thinking Peeves or someone was pulling a prank on him Albus tried to go to the Headmaster's Private study but Phineus' Portrait would not open up. He could not ask the old Headmaster for he had long since cast a spell on all the portraits to make them unaware which of them guarded the door to his workshop. His first thought was that Hagrid had mentioned to the Goblins the Governor's plan to increase the Wards with the stone being at the castle before he quickly dismissed it for Hagrid would have told him if he had talked to the Goblins about the Wards.


The Goblin Healers had no idea what they were dealing with as they looked over the Potter Heir. Sure the black goo that had come out of the human's eyes nose, and ears was standard when the combined Family Rings performed a Cleansing on a person the tar-like substance that had come out of the boy's forehead confused them all. They had tried to wipe it away, as they did with the Black Goo to find out what the cause of it was, but the tar could not be moved. Not even a tiny bit could be taken to be analyzed to see what was going on.

The Black Goo, on the other hand, could which allowed the Goblins to see that the boy had been enchanted so his eyesight was as bad as it could possibly get, apart for some reason when he was on a broomstick. His Core had been blocked by almost sixty percent making them glad they had discovered it when he was so young and had not used magic all that much so there would be no rebound effect on him. He had been dosed with potions to make him loyal to Albus Dumbledore, subservient to his Muggle family, and not to report any abuse that had been done to him.

The tar seeping out of his forehead gave them nothing, and not even their Loremaster, Cracknector, knew what was going on. All the Goblin Healers could do was watch as the tar poured out of the scar causing the human endless pain even when he was rendered unconscious, at least by the look on his face. They did notice that even though more tar kept pouring out of the human it did not drip or move beyond the boy's forehead but built itself up. After nearly an hour the team noticed that the tar started to change its shape a little so rather than a cylinder shape some sharp edges began to form along some of its sides. Finally, after three hours Harry's scar stopped releasing the tar-like substance letting the Healers breathe out a sigh of relief. Healer Silverwing tried to remove the tar from the boy's head since it had stopped but the item still did not budge.

They all agreed that until the object could be removed they would not wake the boy up. As they placed the boy under observation the tar object continued to shift its form as more edges appeared on it making it look less like tar and more akin to a pitch-black crystal of the Black Cat-Eye Scapolite variety. This comparison became more abundant when they noticed a small light appearing in the center of the crystal. As the light appears the crystal tumbles off the human's head and fell onto the bed. Silverwing immediately cast protective spells on his hands as he lifted up the crystal finding it weighed more than it looked it should and felt a little warm.

Now that it was away from the boy's head and its shape had solidified, Silverwing took the strange crystal to Cracknector to see if the Loremaster could determine what it was now. Almost as soon as Silverwing placed the crystal on the Loremaster's desk the old Goblin muttered a curse, "Dear Veles."

"What is it Loremaster?" Silverwing asked.

"It is a Soul Cyrstal," Cracknector said, "but I have never seen one so dark before."

"A Soul Crystal does that mean that the Potter Heir lost his Soul?" Silverwing asked.

"No, no, no he is young there is nothing he could have done that would have tainted his Soul that it would appear like this. And even if the boy we see is actually a resurrected person who had such a tainted soul his current Family Rings would not have exorcised it," Cracknector explained. "No this is somehow an invading Soul that had been connected to the human so let's see who it belongs to." Cracknector spoke in ancient Gobblygook so old that Silverwing did not recognize it as the old Goblin waved his hands over the black crystal. "Now that is unique."

"What is?" Silverwing asked.

"This is the crystalline form of a Horcrux without a vessel. No wonder we did not know what it was," Cracknactor said.

"I don't get it?" Silverwing asked.

"As far as I know there has never been any record of a Horcrux bond to a living being," Cracknactor said twirling his small beard for a moment. "It might be a good idea to give the boy a full cleanse."

"But his Family Rings just gave him one," Silverwing said confused.

"As I just said there has never been any record of a Horcrux connected to something living. Who knows what it might have done to him that even the oldest Family Rings could not detect," Cracknactor explained.

"Thank makes sense and I am sure the Prince will agree with the precaution for his client," Silverwing said using his Mate's title rather than his name since it he was at work.

"There is also something troubling about this Soul Stone," Cracknactor said as Silverwing started to leave his seat.

"What?" the Goblin Healer said.

"As you might know a Horcrux is a part of someone's Soul, but this soul fragment is very small," the Loremaster pointed out.

"So?" Silverwing asked.

"The actual soul fragment in this crystal is that small point of light the rest of the crystal is nothing but taint. If this was the only Horcrux that the person created the soul fragment would be bigger and the taint would be smaller," Cracknactor explained.

"What does that mean?" Silverwing asked.

"Whoever this soul fragment originated from has created multiple Horcruxes and that is not good at all for themselves, those around them, and Magic in general," Cracknactor said.


I have a third chapter of this planned. It will most likely be posted tomorrow or the day after.

Chapter 54: Under the Governor's Protection the Third


The Goblins track down more Soul Fragments, as Harry is brought to Malfoy Manor to recuperate from his double Cleansing.


A shout-out to Nevah_Maerd for pointing out that since the Goblins worked on the Wards to get rid of all the Dark Artifacts as well as return the stolen property from Hogwarts, Ravenclaws' Diadem which could be seen as both has been returned to one of Harry's Family vaults. This might be enough spark to give me enough inspiration to turn this into a full story soon.

Chapter Text

"So who does this Soul Fragment originate from?" Silverwing asked.

"Unfortunately there is no way to tell the identity of a person from a Soul Fragment, but I have a theory," Cracknactor said twirling his beard around his fingers again.

"And that is?" Silverwing prompted.

"You say this fragment poured out of the lightning bolt scar of Heir Potter?" the Loremaster asked getting a nod of confirmation from the Healer. "Then in my opinion there is only one person this fragment could come from the man the humans call Lord Voldemort or Tom Marvolo Riddle as we know him here."

"You said that there might be more Soul Fragments out there belonging to this human would there be any way to trace them?" Silverwing asked.

"There might be," Cracknactor said getting out of his seat and moving to the bookcases lining his walls as he began to grab books at random and flip through them looking for a ritual or spell he had once read about.

Up in the Gringotts Hall of Healing Silverwing's assistant Healer received a notice from her boss to have Heir Potter undertake a secondary Cleansing by order of the Loremaster. As she had no reason not to follow her boss's strange order she had got in contact with some other Healers and some Curse Breakers in to perform a Cleansing on the small boy. Due to how famous the Human was before any of the Human Curse Breakers laid eyes on him she covered Heir Potter's body up knowing that if she placed any spell on him to hide the boy's identity it would be removed during the Cleansing ritual.

"Ah, here it is," Cracknactor said in triumph as he pulled down an old dusty book that was nearly two feet thick and placed it on his desk, making sure not to knock over the Soul Fragment.

"This book has a ritual that will allow us to track other fragments?" Silverwing asked just for clarification.

"Yes, but there is one small issue with the ritual involved it only works on the building it is cast in so if by chance there are other fragments here at Gringotts we would be able t find them but if they are stored somewhere else all we would get is the number of fragments that had been created," Cracknactor said as he opened the book with a small thud to the ritual they would need to perform. The Loremaster did not have any talent in rituals so he quickly wrote down what items would be needed for the Gringotts Ritualist to gather for the procedure.

Five minutes later the Loremaster, after being convicted by Silverwing, was seated in a viewing gallery of a ritual chamber as a team got ready to perform the locator ritual. Cracknactor feeling better with facts and lore began to explain the aspects of the ritual as they happened to the Chief Heal of the branch. "They will start by casting a modified detection spell on the fragment as a means to find the Magical Signature of the soul trapped inside. Now unlike normal detection spells of this nature, they will be unable to identify the signature in the fragment which is why I gave you my theory of who it belonged to," Cracknactor explained.

"They seem rather excited," Silverwing commented as the group of Ritualists below started gesturing wildly before more Goblins were summoned into the room. Both the Healer and Loremaster arched an eyebrow as the newcomers talked with the original team before the two teams began to perform the ritual. "Does this mean there was more than one soul in that fragment?" Silverwing asked.

"If so that is really bad," Cracknactor said his normally dark-gray skin going pale.

"Why?" Silverwing asked him

"Due to how little light we saw in the crystal which is the representative of the person's soul that might mean that only a small portion of one person's soul got trapped by the tainted soul of another. If this fragment was created as I theorize from Tom Marvolo Riddle and had been in Heir Potter this might be a sign of very old magic in play." Before the Healer could ask Cracknactor continued, "There is an old ritual/spell/enchantment which was widely used by parents during the Witch Hunts. If a parent died to protect their kid the child would be protected by the killer. This protection is so powerful that if the killer tried to touch the child their flesh would burn and if they tried to use magic or Muggle means to cause harm the child would be protected and be able to protect themselves by casting spells that have long since been lost."

"What does this mean for the fragment we collected from Heir Potter?" Silverwing asked.

"My guess is that one ritual will fail for I doubt either of Heir Potter's parents created Soul Fragments," Cracknactor said as one group of Ritualists stood up shaking their heads at being unable to find anything. Though that could also be the group looking into Riddle's Magical Signature since they would only be able to find similar Soul Fragments if they were at the bank. However, the other group got excited as a roll of parchment appear within their Ritual circle. The head Ritualst of the group grabbed the roll and opened it and sent a member of his team to get the fragment located at the bank. Once more Cracknactor and Silverwing arched an eyebrow as the Ritualist sent out not one but two members of his team to collect the fragments inside the bank.

As Lucius waited to hear back from the Goblin Healers about Heir Potter he sent a quick message to Drake to explain what had happened as well as informing the Head of the Hogwarts Governors that he would be bringing Harry to Malfoy Manor since he was both a member of the Board but with his wife, Narcissa, being a Healer she could help him with any medical issue he might have. After he sent the Owl from the Diagon Alley Post Office and returned to the back to be informed Potter was still being healed, Lucius asked to meet with Potter's Account Manager again. "What can I do for you now, Lord Malfoy?" Bonecrusher asked in a slightly more aggravated voice than last time making Lucius guess he was worried about his client.

"I would like to ask for permission to go through Heir Potter's trunk," Lucius asked.

"The same trunk you informed me that you had already sent to your manor? May I ask why you wish to go through my client's personal belongings?" Bonecrusher asked leaning forward and scowling at him.

Trying not to flinch or look scared knowing that if he worded this wrong he could face Goblin Justice, Lucius gulped a little and said, "As the trunk is the only thing your client wanted to bring with him when I took him from where he had been staying was only filled with his Hogwarts School supplies I want to make sure he has everything."

"Why do you think he would not have everything?" Bonecrusher asked.

"Well, since Albus had Hagric bring him to the bank and shopping they might have made sure some things were left off your client's school list, after all, Hagrid did not bring Harry in to meet with you while they were at the bank," Lucius said.

"That is a fair point, Lord Malfoy. I will allow it on one condition," Bonecrusher said.

"And that condition is?" Lucius asked guessing what it would be.

"You look through his belongings here in my office so I can make sure you are not up to anything," Bonecrusher said.

"Agreed," Lucius said as he called for Rimaru to bring Harry's trunk back so he and Bonecrusher could go through it.

Lucius quickly found that Potter was missing several books that Hogwarts put on the list for Muggleborn or Muggleraised students to help them better understand the Magical World. He did not think this would be a problem for if he got permission from Drake, Lucius planned on having Harry stay at the manor so he could help the boy get ready for school. But as it had only been Draco's comment about running into Potter at the robe shop that had led Lucius to look into the matter the lack of books was disconcerting especially as Potter had told him he had no Pre-Hogwarts lessons planned before classes were to start. "Are there any books in his vaults dealing with his family's history?" Lucius asked Bonecrusher.

Looking over a small ledger, Bonecrusher nodded, "There are a few."

"Can I get some to add to his trunk? Heir Potter deserves to know about his family and I don't trust some of the books that have been published about them since they come from the same publisher which printed those ridiculous Harry Potter Adventure Stories," Lucius said.

"Another good point," Bonecrusher said writing up a list of books for a Cartdriver to bring up from the Potter, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Peverll vaults. He made sure to specify not to bring up any family Grimoirs due to the age of his client.

As Cartdriver Griphook reached the Ravenclaw family artifact vault he was surprised to find it already open. After someone tried to break into the vault that the stone had been kept in yesterday, Griphook was taking no chances as he grabbed his ax from under the wheel and approached the open door. He nearly ran into Ritualst Blazeseed.

"What in Stone are you doing here?" Griphook asked tightening his grip on his ax.

"What are you doing?" Blazeseed asked back.

"I asked you first and am here on Prince Bonecrusher's orders," Griphook said glowering at the Ritualist.

"Well, I am here under orders from Head Ritualist Odinsphere backed up by Loremaster Cracknactor and Head Healer Silverwing," Blazeseed shot back.

"They gave you permission to take a family treasure from Ravenclaws' Vaults?" Griphook said still glowering at the other Goblin.

"Magic did when we performed a ritual and it gave us this scroll," Blazeseed said holding out the scroll showing a detection grid to two artifacts. "This led me to collect this Diadem as well as a Goblet with the Hufflepuff family crest which was strangely located in the Lestrange family vaults."

"Well, I am collecting books on family history for the Prince's client," Griphook said pushing past the other Goblin to collect the Ravenclaw family book.

"Alright then," Blazeseed said as he made his way over to his cart. "Since you are reporting to the Prince can you pass on what I told you about Huffelpuff's Goblet being found in the Lestrange Vaults?"

"I guess," Griphook said a little grumpily at being ordered around by the Ritualist, not that he would not report to the Prince about it for if the goblet had been in the wrong vault it might be a sign that something else was going on or at least a time for a branch-wide audit of the vaults.

As Blazeseed returned to the Ritual Room Cracknactor and Silverwing observed the two teams of Goblin Ritualists work to remove Soul Fragments from both objects. Once the fragments were removed from the pair of objects the treasures were returned to their proper vaults. The Diadem was sent back to the Ravenclaw treasure vault while the Hufflepuff Goblet was sent to the Lovegood vault since the rest of the family had died out due to an internal struggle nearly fifty years before after the goblet had gone missing. Most of the family had died except Sol Jones and her daughter Pandora. Pandora had married Xenophilus Lovegood shortly before Sol had passed on. And while Pandora was now also dead the Goblet as well as the Hufflepuff Heirship now was in the hands of Pandora's daughter Luna Lovegood.

Loremaster Cracknactor was called down to collect the now three Soul Fragments. The old Goblin did not want to destroy them just yet for according to the ritual there were three other fragments out there somewhere not to mention what was left of Riddle's soul. Cracknactor hoped to perform some more research to see if there was a way to use the three fragments they had gathered already to boost a locator ritual to find the other four parts of Riddle's Soul.

Upon hearing what Ritualist Blazeseed had informed Cartdriver Griphook about Hufflepuff's Goblet being stored in the Lestrange Vaults, Bonecrusher sent a message to Bankmanager Ragnok. Leaving Lord Malfoy to store the family books for his client in the boy's trunk, Bonecrusher informed Ragnok what he had been told. Ragnok agreed to a full bank audit, he had been thinking of it since someone tried to break into the vault where the Philosopher's Stone had been held but had been on the fence about it. Hearing about a family treasure being kept in a vault of a family that had no connection to it decided it for the old man who sent word to Bonecrusher's father, Bonebreaker, to request an Audit team to come to the vault for a full audit.

By the time the Audit team arrived at the Diagon Alley Branch, Bonecrusher, and Lucius were allowed into the Halls of Healing as Silverwing was back from his meeting with Cracknactor and Harry had returned from his secondary Cleansing. Silverwing finally removed the spell on Harry which had kept him unconscious, such a spell was never removed during a Goblin Cleansing due to how much pain a person might be in to require one. Harry slowly blinked his eyes wincing a little at the dim light above his head as he placed a hand on his face. "WHAT?" Harry cried out.

"Is everything alright Heir Potter?" Silverwing asked in a worried voice fearing that something had gone wrong.

"My glasses are gone but I saw that bright light in the stone ceiling as clear as day," Harry said his voice somewhat muffled by his arm.

"Ah, I see your issue," Silverwing said gently to him using a wave of his hand to dim the light even more. "One of the enchantments you had been under messed up your vision which had been cleared by your Family Rings. During a Goblin Cleansing, you have just returned from we were able to fix your eyes a little unless you are like your father whose eyes seemed to change yearly I don't see you needing to wear glasses again."

"Cool," Harry said thinking that his cousin liked to punch him in the nose to break the glass, Harry guessed Dudley hoped he would break the glass and damage Harry's eyes, so not having them anymore Harry did not have to worry about that from happening.

"Yes, cool indeed," Silverwing said with a small chuckle. "Now there is some bad news, Heir Potter."

"What is it?" Harry said not sounding worried but his voice took on a tone that made it clear he was used to receiving bad news.

"Due to your body going through two cleansing right after another you are extremely weak so I am confining you to a bed for a week," Silverwing said.

"But," Harry began only to stop himself and give a small sigh, "I understand."

"I am still taking you back to my manor, Heir Potter," Lucius said making Harry open his fingers a little to look over at him. "Don't worry my wife is a Healer what the Muggles would call a Doctor so she can make sure you are alright. And as you are there I can help you learn about the Magical World and even your own family."

"Thank you, Sir... um, Lord Malfoy... Governor," Harry said.

"Lucius will be fine Harry," Lucius told him.

With a small cough, the Goblin Healer regained Harry's attention. "Now as a means to make your trip to Lord Malfoy's home quick and easy rather than having him carry you to a fireplace to Floo you from the bank we have arranged a Portkey to take you right to the bedroom he has set up for you in his manor," Silverwing said pulling out what looked like a Muggle coin and handing it over to Harry. Harry looked down at it but before he could see the face on the coin Lucius placed a finger over it and Harry felt a small lurched around his navel as if he was an old performer which was yanked off the stage by a cane for doing a bad job.

Harry felt disoriented for a bit as the jerking feeling faded as he found himself in bed. This was a different one than he had been in the bed before the jerk had felt too small for even him while this bed was ginormous as was the room it was in. "Harry, allow me to introduce my wife Narcissa Malfoy," Lucius said as his wife came forward to greet him. Whatever she was about to say died on her lips as she saw Harry start to hyperventilate. Narcissa acted on her training as she pulled out her wand to cast a detection spell on Harry to see what was wrong with him. As her wand started to print out any medical conditions he had, since his two cleanses only worked to fix the Magical Damage done to him, Lucius smacked his forehead as he realized what was wrong. For the majority of his life, the young boy's bedroom had been a small area under a staircase that was smaller than even one of the broom closets the House Elves stored their stuff in. Now he was in a room that was almost as large as the whole downstairs of the place Lucius had found him at. Without thinking Lucius pulled out his wand and used a levitation charm on the bed and headed toward the door.

"Lucius what are you doing?" his wife asked.

Lucius ignored her as he called for Rimaru. "Rimaru what is the smallest available room we have in the manor at this time?" Lucius asked.

"I believe it is your father's old office," the Head Malfoy Elf answered.

"Thanks," Lucius said as he began to float Harry's bed out of the family wing of his manor moving through the Peaco*ck Wing and over to where his father had his office set up in the Tulip Wing. The trip took maybe thirty minutes and by that time Harry was no longer hyperventilating he looked a little green as if he was seasick riding the floating bed.

"Sorry about that, Harry," Lucius said having Rimaru get the boy a healing potion. Is this room better for you?"

"Yes, Sir," Harry said slipping back into his normal response as he drank the potion the strange little man had given him feeling embarrassed that he had caused the blonde-haired man to have to deal with Harry's personal issues.

"I apologize for my mistake Harry," Lucius said shocking the young boy who had never had an adult admit to making a mistake to him let alone apologize for it.

"It is quite alright, Sir," Harry said hastily nearly dropping the drink half-finished onto the clean bed he was using.

"I told you Harry you are free to call me Lucius, or if that is too much for you I do have an old friend that refers to me as Luci," Lucius said which the boy seemed to find funny as he let out a small giggle before slapping a hand over his mouth.

"Sorry, sir," Harry said blushing in embarrassment.

"It is alright Harry, you found it funny there is no reason not to laugh. My old friend did when he came up with the nickname," Lucius said kindly as he patted Harry's knee. "I am going to go talk to my wife for a moment. I think I am going to have to explain my actions to her and get an earful about it," he said smiling down at Harry. "Now as you heard the Goblin Healer wants you to stay in bed so if you need anything just call for one of the House Elves. Rimaru is our Head Elf so call for him first. After he meets you he will assign you an Elf which he will introduce you to so you can call them later when you need to," Lucius explained as he left Harry and went out into the hallway.

Lucius was not shocked to find Narcissa outside waiting for him. "Lucius we need to talk," she said without preamble but not in the annoyed tone he was expecting.

"Sorry about that Love, but I think Harry has Ballroom Syndrome his old bedroom was.." Lucius said as his wife thrust the results of her spell into his face.

"Look at this," she told him. Lucius could only gulp in shock and anger seeing some of the stuff that Harry's family had done to the young boy over the years. It had to be them for the first item on the results were normal bumps and bruises a child just starting to crawl and walk would give and were followed by the damages being taken care of. But then starting after an item where Harry was left outside for nearly six hours in the cold on November 1st with a notation of his magic keeping him alive, the damages done to the boy were never seen to. "No wonder the Goblin Healer wanted him to stay in bed. I am going to have to call Sev to see if he has time to brew me some potions. I assume we don't want to let anyone know he is staying with us?" she asked her husband.

"I doubt he will have time with Hogwarts starting in less than a month. Let me check with some contacts within the Ministry. I also think we should get Delours involved so she can go about pressing charges against those responsible for doing this," Lucius said doing his best to keep calm and not crush the results of his wife's spell in his fist.


Bonecrusher was lived. As the bank-wide audit had come from him they had started by looking at all the vaults belonging to his Client. Bonecrusher wanted to take up his crossbow and shot someone, somehow someone was removing funds from his Client's vault without him being aware of them along with several treasures. But what was worse was that the Wills of James and Lily were missing as well. Though that did explain why he did not recall the Ministry asking about them after his Client's parents had died. Once the Wills were found, Bonecrusher vowed to go over them both with a fine-toothed comb to make sure that they had been followed just in case the Potter had submitted another set to the Ministry before they died.

Chapter 55: Full Moon Panic


Remus does not trust himself to ride the train since September 1st, 1993 is the day of the Full Moon. Without Remus on the train to protect Harry the Dementor who visits the compartment does not leave immediately.


I don't really have tags this time more cliches such as Harry experiencing a Sleeping Curse with a similar cure to that of Disney's Sleeping Beauty/Snow White. Though with multiple possible "Prince Charmings" to be the ones to awaken him. I don't have any Bashing plans for any character at this moment. As stated earlier multiple people could awaken Harry though not sure if I am going for a Harem thing or a sort of Sleeping Beauty/Snow White Dating Game situation. That being said if I don't have it be a harem story not everyone who is marked will end up with Harry. OC-Characters. Sort of Crack-Fic

Also, I was going to have this take place on a different date to correspond with the full moon only to find that on the actual date that they ride the Hogwarts Express, there is a full moon which means that Remus should have turned during the trip as the train always arrives at Hogsmeade Station at night.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As the train started to slow down Harry and his two best friends peer out the window. "We can't be there yet," Hermione said as she looked out on the scene of a forest lit by the shining full moon.

"Maybe it is a security measure against Black," Ron said shooting Harry a look since Harry had shared what Mr. Weasley had told him before getting on to the train at Kings Cross.

"And they did not make an announcement?" Hermione asked.

"Come on Mione," Ron said shaking his head a little at her innocence. "If they made an announcement if Black somehow has gotten onto the train it would have given him a warning."

"He has got a point," Harry said sitting back and hoping this would not take too long for he was feeling hungry for some real food rather than the candy that was the only thing that the witch had in her food cart. Suddenly there were some screams as with a sudden jerk the train which had started to slow down came to a stop with all the lights in their compartment and in the hallway suddenly going out. Harry let out a groan of his own since with the sudden stop both his friends fell into him driving him into his seat. Both quickly apologized and moved away. "It is alright," Harry said rubbing his stomach where he felt one of them had accidentally elbowed him during their fall.

"I am going to see what is happening," Hermione said when the lights did not immediately come back on. She had barely made it to the door and opened it when there was another thud as someone tried to come inside and ran into her. "Whose that?" she asked.

"Whose that?" a familiar voice asked back.

"Ginny?" Hermione asked.

"Hermione?" Ginny responded.

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked.

"Looking for a place to be," the youngest Weasley said. "Do any of you know what's going on?" Ginny asked.

"No idea, I was just leaving to see if I could find the conductor or the lady with the snack cart to ask. But why were you in the corridors?" Hermione asked.

"I had just gone the bathroom and did not think it would be a good idea to be out in the corridors so I tried the first room whose door was unlocked," Ginny explained as she went to sit down.

"Not here, I am sitting here," Harry said as he felt her almost sit on his lap.

"Oops sorry Harry," Ginny said with a squeak making Harry think the younger girl was blushing in the dark.

As Ginny took the seat beside him, Hermione tries again only for Neville to fall into the compartment and some a lot of noise and confusion. "Please stop," Harry said after a bit rubbing his head as a headache starts because of the noise his friends were making. Everyone settles down a little as Hermione heads back to her seat not wanting to run into someone else as she tries to head out again. Suddenly they all begin to shiver the compartment suddenly feels like it had dropped ten to fifteen full degrees for no apparent reason. Harry looked at the windows in surprise as they begin to frost over and suddenly grabs his head in pain as he hears a woman let out a scream of fear.

Ron, Ginny, Neville, and Hermione do not notice Harry their attention is drawn to the door to their compartment which had opened up, and even in the pitch-black environment they could see something outside. The full moon outside seemed to light up the room a little with the frosted windows seeming to increase the light letting them see a dark-cloaked figure that did not seem to be touching the ground. The figure took a deep bone rattling breath making everyone shudder as they felt like the breath was drawing all the warmth out of the room.

While the Dementors had been ordered to look only for Sirius Black the one that had come to the compartment used by Harry and his friends, saw something wrong inside. Dementors as Magical Beings could sense the amount of evil in a person's soul and were drawn to such souls as a food source. They were beings of pure instinct though had learned from their long association with Magical Humans how to follow simple orders. So seeing a second soul attached to someone on the train, a soul which was as far as the Dementor could determine was pure evil lead it to disobey its orders as it moved into the compartment to reach the treat.

As the dark-cloaked thing entered their compartment, Hermione, Ron, Neville, and Ginny pulled out their legs wanting to get out of its way. All but Hermione recognized it as a Dementor from Azkaban. None of them wanted to touch the thing or block its path, that is until they noticed it was heading toward Harry who appeared to have fainted. Seeing the Dementor in and fearing it was about to kiss Harry and suck out his soul Ron and Neville gathered their courage to drive it off. But the spells they sent at the thing only seemed to make its cloak flutter. Even when Hermione and Ginny started to help out they could only look on in horror as the Dementor placed the "face" of its cloak on Harry's and took what sounded like a deep breath. Harry let out a soul-shattering scream as the Dementor sucked out the bit of Voldemort's soul which the Dark Lord had inadvertently been bonded to Harry since the death of Lily and James Potter.

The Dementor having collected the fragment of the pure evil soul left the compartment. When the doors shut behind it Hermione and the others cast Lumos and looked down at Harry who had become ghostly white. "Is he alright?" Hermione asked in barely a whisper.

"That was a Bloody Dementor," Ron said sounding angry though his voice was also just a whisper. "I don't think Harry will ever be alright again."

"Why not?" Hermione asked having never heard of a Bloody Dementor before.

"Dementors are the main guards over at Azkaban," Neville explained. "and if a prisoner acts up or is ordered to the Dementor will perform what is known as The Dementors Kiss where it sucks the soul out of its victim."

"So it did this to Harry, but he was not acting up or anything," Hermione pointed out.

"We don't know why it did it but it did it, Hermione," Ginny said a little harshly tears running down her face.

"He still appears to be breathing though," Hermione said.

"A person can live without a soul just not a normal life. He is nothing but a shell now," Ron said looking out the window to hide the tears that had come to his eyes.

As soon as the lights came back on and the train started to move again, Hermione and Ron left the compartment to go talk to the conductor about what happened. Travis Shunpick was horrified that a Dementor had kissed one of the students, let alone Harry Potter who was as gentle and kind as the conductor had ever known. Travis and Sherry Wicker, the food trolly witch, came to the compartment and looked over Harry's body. Since neither of them had any more than beginner Medi-Magical skills in case someone got hurt on the train all they could do was gently pick Harry up and carry him out of the room and into their compartment so his presence would not psychologically damage his former friends. Travis sent an owl to Hogwarts asking for Madam Pomfry to come to the station to collect Harry and give him a full exam.

As the Hogwarts Express finished its journey to the station most students were discussing the Dementors being on the train, while in Harry's former compartment Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Ron were having a hard time putting on their school robes and getting ready as they kept breaking down in tears at what had happened. Meanwhile, something strange began to happen to random people not only on the Hogwarts Express but elsewhere as a wave of magical buildup was set free from Harry's body thanks to the Horcrux having been removed by the Dementor's Kiss. Harry's magic no longer being suppressed and tainted by the Horxcrux left his body looking for magics of others who might help him to recover. Since only Voldemort's soul fragment had been removed while Harry's had been left alone rather than becoming a soulless puppet, Harry had slipped into a deep and magical Coma-like sleep. As Harry's magic found some compatible magic to help heal Harry it would mark each person by creating a magical cufflink on their right wrist. This led to confusion for the people who suddenly found the cufflink in place and were a little scared when nothing they could do would get it off of them. On the Hogwarts Express, there were three such students who had gotten marked.

Harry's magic did not confine itself to the Hogwarts Express or even the island as it sought out others who could help Harry recover from his ordeal. Sitting in the Beauxbatons Grand Hall as the new students shoot a magical arrow to find out which House they would go to, Fleur Delacour suddenly found a magic cuff on her wrist. As quietly as she could so as to not disturb the Sorting Ceremony, Fleur left her seat and headed to the Beauxbaton's Hall of Healing in hopes of finding some help to explain how the cuff appear and why it would not come off. Within the Durmtrang Campus Fifth-Year A-Ranked Magical Zelimir Kamen found a cuff on his right wrist as the new students were sorted like they normally were with the Academy's main healer and Potions Master pouring a potion on them which changed color based on where they were meant to be without getting the student wet.* As the main healer was busy Zelimir would have to wait until the sorting and most likely the feast was over to find out what was up with the cuff.

Harry's magic even found a sixteen-year-old student in Mahoutokoro that could help Harry as it placed a cuff on the sleeping student. When it was discovered the next morning and after the student had ruled out the cuff being placed on them as a prank from their roommate the school's Healer/Loremaster was able to recognize the cuff despite it not being used in several generations. "This is a soul link cuff," the Healer told the student.

"And that is?" they asked.

"It only appears if someone whose magic or soul has high compatibility with yours is in need of help," the Healer explained.

"So who does it belong to and how do I help them?"

"Both of those questions are harder to answer than you can realize, for a cuff to appear the person who has the bond to your magic could be seen as being in mortal peril or in a coma so powerful that there is no traditional hope for recovery. The good thing is that the magic which helps create the cuff also tends to stick to the same age as the person who needs the help. This is where it gets tricky for there are no students here who are in such a state meaning you might have to travel to the location where you are needed," the Healer further explained.

"What do you mean might have to?"

"A cuff does not appear on just one person but any Magical that the one in need's magic feels can help its body. So if you wish to you can just ignore the cuff and go about your life," the Healer said.

"And what it will just remain there forever?" the student asked.

"More than likely two things will happen, the cuff will open and drop off your wrist on its own before vanishing or it will turn to dust and fade away leaving you a black mark on your wrist."

"Why?" the student asked.

"If the cuff opens on its own it signifies that someone else who had received the cuff was able to help the person in need, but if it fades and leaves the mark it means no one who had been called to help came and the person died," the Healer explained.

"So I have to trust others to help this unknown person which they might not do or go myself," the student summarizes not sure if he could live with himself if he did nothing and the unknown person ended up dying.

"That is quite right, though due to the nature of your cuff, you will be given permission to leave the castle to heal the person. All nations and institutions should recognize this cuff as a sign from the Elder deities of Magic, Life, and Nature, and as such if you choose to follow where it leads you no one will stop you from doing so."

Hogwarts after the students arrived at the castle.

Madam Pomfrey did her best in shielding the students from learning what happened to Harry as he was moved to the castle. She also supplied overpowered Calming Draughts to Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Ron giving them the option to skip the opening feast and have a meal in the Gryffindor Common Room to avoid everyone else for the time being. The four had agreed to the choice as they huddled together for strength and support after seeing what happened to Harry. Seeing some things have less meaning than they had been before, such as Hermione's wish to take all the classes offered that year asking Professor McGonagall to get rid of all the classes that Ron was not taking. Ron's dislike of Hermione's cat from it landing on his head in the pet shop also vanished after seeing Hermione hug the orange fluffball as she cried while they ate their meal in the armchairs before the fire.

After the opening feast rather than head to a staff meeting or greet their students, Albus and the four Heads of House went to the Hogwarts Hall of Healing to check in on Harry. As soon as they arrived Madam Pomfrey gave them some startling news. "Unlike other cases where someone has suffered from the Dementor's Kiss Harry is not acting as he should."

"What do you mean?" Severus asked holding back a comment of it being just like Harry to do something out of the ordinary.

"Normally when someone gets Kissed and their Soul is removed their body stays awake until they eventually die, yet as you can all see Harry appears to be sleeping," Madam Pomfrey said.

"Yet his friends all say he was Kissed," Minerva said trusting nobody would lie about something like that.

"I don't know what to tell you," Poppy said with a shrug.

"Could whatever kept Harry alive as a baby come into play so while it looked like he was Kissed the Dementor was driven off before collecting his soul?" Filius asked.

"Once again I don't know for no one had ever survived the killing cures before Harry did. It could be the protection remains or something else came into play," Poppy said.

"Do you mind if I try something, Poppy?" Albus said pulling out the Elder Wand.

"If you think it will help," Poppy said moving aside so he could have better access to Harry's body.

"Thanks," Albus said as he internally crossed his fingers as he performed a Soul Reading Spell on Harry. He was both heartened and a little fearful when he got the results back. Harry's soul was intact but the piece of Riddle's soul which he had detected in Harry as a baby was gone. "Alright good news is that Harry still has his soul. However, I also have no idea why he is unconscious."

"Could it be that whatever happened to Potter is not magical or some sort of illness that had been held back before he got Kissed?" Severus asked making the others look over at him with various degrees of unbelief. "What?" He asked them.

"Just shocked is all," Minerva said before turning to the Matron. "Could Severus' theory be correct?"

"Unless the illness is something I can not detect with magic I highly doubt it," Poppy said.

"But there have been some cases of even Magicals being affected by Muggle illnesses passed on by bug bits and what not and the only sign would be said bite," Severus said.

"There is that I suppose, and we have no other theories so I might as well check," Poppy said moving them away from Harry's bed so she could check his body in private.

It took her a few moments but Poppy was able to discover something on Harry's back. Six blue lines ran down his back from his shoulders to the middle of the back. All six marks were glowing slightly as if they were alive somehow. Yet casting magic on them did not reveal anything to her it was like they were not even there. Feeling stumped she quickly checked Harry's body for other marks but finding none she laid Harry on his stomach with his back exposed to show the others. As soon as Albus and Filius saw the marks they understood what was going on. The pair quickly explained that the Dementor's Kiss while not removing Harry's Soul placed him in such a deep Magical Coma that his life was in danger. Harry's magic had sought out help and had evidently found six people who could hence the six marks on his back. "This also means that we can not do anything it is up to one or more of the people which Harry's magic found for him to cure him," Albus said breathing a small sigh of relief though still touched with worry over the fact that what if none of the people came thinking someone else would do so leaving Harry to die.


* Wanted to use an original Durmstrang character so I chose one who according to what a name means stands for Wishing for Peace (Zelimir) and rock (Kamen) in the Slavic language according to my research. Which might be incorrect so sorry if it is not true. Also since I have never heard of how the Durmstrange Students go through a sorting or if they even have one I just made the potion being poured on the students up.

Chapter 56: Full Moon Panic 2: The Dreamscape


Due to the unusual aspects of his life, Harry is once again different from everyone else who had ever created a Soul Link Cuff with others.


I made a few edits in the last chapter so that the three at Hogwarts who got the cuff do not have their identities revealed yet. I may stick with one or more of them but since I only wanted to do a Dementor sucks out Voldy's Soul story I did not have much planned with it. I got an idea from another story yesterday that I wanted to try which having pre-determined characters makes it hard to do.

Due to the idea, I came up with to continue this story Harry will be in the dream realm for a bit while he is in a coma. This will include his experiencing his mother's death which I did not want to look up the lines for so I am putting down any difference between the dialog down to the memory of a one-year-old is not always fixed.

Added Tags: some Ginny bashing

Chapter Text

The Dreamscape

Harry was in pain, nothing new in his life, but still something he tried to avoid. As the door to the train compartment had opened he had found his mind filled with the screams of some unseen and unknown woman. He tried to call out to her to see if she was alright but the screamer ignored him. At one moment he felt as if his body had been dunked into freezing water as the screams became more distinguishable allowing him to hear some words in it, as well as other voices.

"Lily, he is here. Take Harry and run," a male speaker yelled which was followed by the sound of footsteps as well as what sounded like something being blasted. Harry saw a familiar flash of green light through the haze he found himself in as well as felt as if something was squeezing him hard yet gently as his body began to move on its own.

After what sounded like a door being closed and locked there was another blasting coming out of the haze and the woman's voice again this time with words Harry could understand. "Not, Harry please not Harry."

"Stand aside you silly girl," a cold voice that sent shivers down Harry's spine responded.

'No, not Harry, I beg you not Harry," the woman cried again.

"Enough of this foolishness," the voice said as with another flash of green light whatever was holding onto Harry vanished and the sound of something falling to the floor was barely heard as someone let out an ear-piercing scream which seemed to make the whole world shuddered at its intensity.

Before Harry could try to cast a spell to vanish the haze around him or ask his friends what they thought about what had just happened the dialogue he had just heard started all over again.

"Lily, he is here. Take Harry and run," the small speaker ordered again followed by the same sound effects and the feeling that Harry was being held and moved by some unseen force.

"Not, Harry please not Harry," the female speaker begged.

"Stand aside you sil...." the cold-voiced speaker said surprising Harry as the voice just seemed to cut out midword. Unknown to Harry this was due to the Dementor having finished removing Voldy's Soul from him.

"What is going on?" Harry asked trying to wave away the dark haze that had surrounded him since the compartment door had opened and the screaming had started in earnest. "Um, guys? Ron? Ginny? Neville? Mione? Anyone?" Harry asked when no one answered him. "Are you guys alright?" he asked pushing himself off his seat and groping around for one of their bodies which might be sprawled around the room. But he found nothing not even them on the floor as he slides his feet across it so as to not accidentally kick or step on one of them. His concern for what happened to his friends distracted him for a bit so it took him a while to realize he had moved through a greater area than the size of the train compartment. Almost as soon as he thought this he bumped into a wall. Running his hand over it, Harry found it was not a wall but a door with a... doorknob? The compartment doors on the train had latches and would slide into the walls they did not have doorknobs, at least any that he had seen on the train. He did recall that there had been no knob when he and his friends had entered this empty compartment at the start of the journey.

Having nothing else to do and worried about his friends, Harry turned the knob to the strange door. Rather than the door opening it vanished after he turned the nob taking most of the dark haze that had settled around Harry away. Harry found himself in a small yet comfortable room filled with comfy-looking armchairs, a bed, a wardrobe, and a small bookcase. Looking around he saw the room he was in had other doors leading out of it and somehow Harry was standing in the exact center of the room. Moving to one of the doors at random he tried the knob but it would not shift. As he struggled to turn the knob he noticed tinted windows appearing beside the door he was trying to enter. Peering through the tinted glass he saw what looked like a large library filled with numerous bookcases, and a single wingbacked chair.

After trying to turn the knob for what felt like ten minutes, Harry moved to one of the other doors. Once again the knob would not turn but this time outside the tinted windows that appeared beside the door the room looked like a room stacked full of miniature models and puzzles. After trying each door and finding them similarly locked to him, Harry found a room that looked like a music room/dance studio with a large grand piano off to the side. A small "home" gym with weights, exercise equipment, and what looked like an area for flying on a broomstick. The next room reminded Harry of a room the twins showed him last year where they brewed their potion and make their prank items while at Hogwarts. The only differences between the twins' room and the locked room were the walls that Harry could see did not look like those up at the castle, and there were a few items that he had never seen before on the shelves and hanging from the ceiling. The last room Harry had tried to enter looked like an office with a large desk inside of it, yet for some reason had a small table to the side with a skirt attached to the top that hung to the floor of the room and some pillows laid out one on each side of the table.

Being unable to open any of the doors to get out of the room and finding whatever door he had used to enter it not there anymore, Harry moved to one of the comfy-looking chairs in the center of the room and plopped down in it. As Harry nearly sunk into the super comfy chair he looked around the room to see if he could spot another way out but he could detect no trap doors in the floor or anything coming down from the ceiling that might open something up either. At least the room looked nice since it looked like he would be here for a while with calming gray walls, some floating bulbs of light in different but gentle colors, and some yellow carpet that looked rather soft that Harry was almost tempted to remove his shoes and socks just to walk around on it.

It took Harry another couple of moments to realize that he no longer felt hungry like he had done before he had been transported to this strange place. "Ah I must have died," Harry said not sounding happy, angry, or even sad to his own ears but just stating what he thought was a fact. "Though if this is Heaven why tempt me with the other rooms? Maybe I went to Hell instead I have killed people after all even if it was in self-defense," he said to himself as though he expected someone to show up, an Angel or a Demon to come to explain what he was doing there. Yet he remained alone. Getting bored after a bit of waiting for someone to show up and tell him what was going on and since none of the doors had worked, Harry pushed himself out of the chair and just to pass the time made his way to the bookcase just to have something to do. He found that all the books on the shelves were books he had read before throughout his life, or maybe read to him since he saw a book entitled Tales of Beadle the Bard which he had never read before. Since it was something new and hopefully pass the time, Harry removed the book from the shelf took it back to his chair, and started to read it.


After a long discussion with the rest of the staff about what had happened to Harry, Albus even shared what he believed happened that caused the Third-Year student to be in a coma, it was decided to let the students know only that Harry was in a coma but give them no further details. Poppy even arguing not to let the students know that Harry's magic had sought out others for help just in case none of the students at Hogwarts had been selected to help Harry out. While they would not mention that Harry's magic might have left Soul Link Cuffs on someone, the staff would be on the lookout for any such cuffs that now might be worn on a student's wrist. The only problem with this according to Albus was that such things were rare and he was not sure if they would be visible to everyone after a certain amount of time had passed after they had been placed. The lore he knew about gave two different accounts where the Cuffs remain visible for all to see but another had them fade out unless the person called for them to appear thus allowing them to prove they could get approval to be out of work or school as they sought the person that needed their help. "Just like the marks Poppy found on young Harry's back the cuffs can not be detected with magic nor can the magic be used to scan them," Albus told his staff.

"Um isn't that the same thing?" Charity Burbage asked.

"Not in this case," Filius said. "We could do a full scan on everyone in the castle with the most powerful spells we could produce and we would be unable to detect the Soul Link Cuffs being on any of the students. Obviously, the students who have a cuff on their wrists can see them, but even they can not use magic on them. Which will make them helping Harry harder since they can not use a charm to find out who had created the cuff."

"But you said that Harry's magic might not be localized to Hogwarts," Burbage said, "if the people wearing the cuffs don't know whose magic placed them on their wrist how can they know where Harry is or even who needs their help?"

"Soul Link Cuffs have powerful magic that even the greatest minds since the Founders and Merlin have never fully understood," Albus said. "Granted it is nearly impossible to study them since no magic can work on them, and those who end up getting cuffs don't tend to talk about it even after the cuff has been removed."

"What would that do to Harry, if the cuff is removed I mean," Aurora Sinistra asked.

"There are only two ways, that I have heard of, that the cuffs come off. The first is Harry is healed by someone his magic places a cuff on leading to the cuff opening up and just falling off. Surprisingly the cuffs that have fallen off remain and are sometimes turned into family treasures, yet still can not be affected by any form of magic. On the other hand, if those Harry's magic reached out to for help do not act in time and he dies the cuffs will turn to dust and vanish leaving a black ring around the wrist of the people who failed to help him," Albus explained.

"So what should I do with Harry in the meantime?" Poppy asked after there was a moment of silence after learning about how the cuffs might come off.

"Even if he was moved to St. Mungos there is nothing they could do for him," Filius pointed out. "I suggest we move Harry to one of the private rooms but inform everyone that he has been sent to St. Mungos."

"Why?" several members of the staff asked.

"Well for one thing, Harry's privacy if we leave him in the main Wards people might come to check on him which could distract them from their classes, and secondly if the Soul Link Cuffs give their wearers the ability to know where Harry is at they would still be able to find him," Filius explained.

"That is a good plan, even if we don't know if that is how the cuffs actually work," Albus said. "Though I think for a day or two before we announce Harry has been moved to St. Mungos we let his friends see him since they all think he has lost his soul from the Kiss."

"I will allow it, after all, due to his closeness with them, Harry's magic might have latched on to one of them as it sought for help," Poppy agreed.

At breakfast the next morning Albus shared with the students that during the train ride, Harry had an unforeseen reaction to being around the Dementors searching the train and had ended up in a coma. Since Madam Pomfrey could not help his condition in a few days he would be transferred to St. Mungos to be cared for. Albus had notified the House of Healing of what was going on and the reason for the cover story. Since they had been informed of Harry's magic creating the Soul Link Cuffs, St. Mungos' administrators had agreed to the ruse and they would share they were watching over Harry's body. In case the story of Harry crating Soul Link Cuffs got out it would lead anyone who might try to fake a cuff from getting too close to Harry.

The Dreamscape

Harry had read through the majority of the books on the small bookshelf in the part of the room he had access to and was starting to feel a little bored. He had discovered that while he was in Heaven, Hell, or Wherever he still could sleep since at one point he had climbed into the provided bed to read for a bit and ended up taking a nap. Harry was not sure how long he could take this without going mad from boredom or loneliness as he started to look through his school books that had been placed on the shelf. He could not help but smile a little as he reached the bit from his history book where he had found the inspiration for his beloved owl's name from the story of Charment Hedwig the man who started the first Magical Orphanage in Europe. As he read the story again, Harry wondered what had/would happen to Hedwig now when he became distracted and looked up from the book.

For the first time since he had entered this stage place, Harry heard something that had not been caused by him as one of the doorknobs began to turn. Quickly getting to his feet and letting the book drop to the floor he saw the door to the office-like room open up. "Huh?" Harry muttered to himself as someone came out of the room but appeared to be covered in some sort of haze like had surrounded him back in the room before this one. The only difference was this haze seemed to be obscuring someone and was light rather than a dark color. Harry was so distracted by the haze-covered being entering the room he only noticed the door had shut behind it when he heard the sound of a latch locking the door. "Damn it," Harry cursed.

"Hm?" the haze-being asked looking as if it had tilted its head to the side and moved its arms to the front of its body.

"Alright who are you and why have I been brought here?" Harry asked the being shaking a fist at them since he had been unable to find his wand in his pocket since he had arrived here.

"You have no idea what is going on do you?" the haze asked.

"Obviously," Harry said.

"I guess that makes sense, I did not know what was going on either until I talked to Healer *$&^(," the haze said.

"What was that?" Harry asked.

One of the haze's arms moved from the front of its body to its back making Harry think of someone rubbing the back of their neck. "Sorry about that should have seen that coming," the haze said.

"Seen what coming?" he asked.

"From what I was told what happened is an extremely rare event. Something happened to you that put your life in mortal danger so your mind/spirit/@$& was brought here as your body does its best to keep you alive. Your magic/@$& sought out those that can help you recover. The thing is while the helpers were given something special to find you it does not give your identity to us. According to the Healer, the items allow us to connect our minds with you to help heal you a little as we try to find you," the haze explained taking a seat on the floor. "But just like our items do not let us know your identity while we are here you will be unable to know who we are unless you find it out yourself."

"How if you can not reveal anything that would lead me to know who you are how can I figure it out?" Harry asked.

The Haze seemed to shrug, "Hard to say really. Something like this is so rare there is hardly any Lore or studies about it."

"So would it help to find me if I just said my name is Harry Potter?" Harry asked.

"I understood everything but when you said your name then it came out all garbled," Haze said shaking its head.

"What about random facts? I am a male I like to fly my favorite dessert is treacle tart," Harry said.

"I actually understood that, though what is treacle tart?" Haze asked. As Harry talked about the dessert the haze being tilted its head to the side again. "Yeah, that is all garbled. Though this does seem that we can give random information but not explain it which might lead to finding out who we are.

"I guess that is good to know," Harry said. "So how did you get here anyway?" Harry asked hoping that might give him a hint on how to leave this place or at least open one of the doors.

"I fell asleep after the item came to me," the haze said.

"So this is like a connected dream?" Harry asked.

"Don't know," the haze said with a shrug. "I will say that I am also a male, am good at Charms, and I like @#^& !@((s"

"That last bit was garbled," Harry said.

"Fascinating so that could be considered too much of a hint of who or where I am from. I wonder why your snack was not garbled," Haze said tilting his head to the side.

"Strange this," a new voice said as a new haze-covered being entered the room from the prank/potion door.

"Fred? George?" Harry asked.

"Sorry, what was that?" the new haze asked lifting an arm to its head and moving it around as if it was using a finger to clean out an ear to hear better. "So why do the two of you look like heat mirages?"

"Hm," First Haze said tilting their head to the side. "Did you notice something new with you recently?"

"Oh yeah, I saw a $*%% on my *$%&@! during supper last night. The Healer could not remove it or explain what it was," the newcomer said.

"We, that is to say, you and I along with four others have been called to help this person get better," first haze explained.

"I must have eaten something strange at breakfast this is the strangest daydream I have ever had," second haze said looking around the room.

"This is no ordinary dream this is a Soul Link from this one's magic/@%& to help us learn more about him so we can find him and help him before he dies," first haze said.

"DIES!?!" Harry cried out in alarm.

"I did mention that you being here meant you had been put in mortal peril, right?" first haze asked "looking" at Harry. "According to my Healer, if at least one of us does not come along to help you, you will die. Though they did say that more might be needed if depending on the size or strength of your magical core,"

"Magical Core?" Harry asked making the two look over at him.

"You don't know what a Magic Core is?" they both asked sounding surprised.

"I was raised by Muggles," Harry said.

"Why did that go all garbed at the end?" the second haze asked "looking" at the first haze.

"It means he gave some information that would make it too easy for us to find him," first haze explained. "Which I take as he is using some sort of lingo from a part of the world that would be easily recognizable.

"Wait if we are meant to go help him why prevent us from knowing where exactly he is?" second haze asked.

"I don't know, my Healer only gave what little knowledge they had on this sort of thing. For all, I know finding him is some sort of samurai-like quest."

"Samurai? Out of all the types of heroes, why choose that?" Second Haze asked.

"Interesting," First Haze said in what sounded like a smile on their face.

"What is in," the second Haze started to ask only to vanish midword.

"What just happened?" Harry asked since the second haze being just vanished from where he had been standing.

"My guess was that since he came here during a daydream something woke him up," first haze said.

Durmstrange Castle

"Sorry Instructor Michev," Zelimir as he was brought out of that strange daydream subconsciously looking down at the cuff on his right wrist and saw it was glowing a little.

The Dreamscape

"So what was interesting?" Harry asked.

"I think I just revealed something that would possibly reveal a little more about my identity," First Haze said.

"What?" Harry asked.

"I don't want to say just in case, at least for now," Haze said.

"So if we can't use names here without revealing who we are what do we call each other?" Harry asked.

"Why would you need special names for us?" Haze asked.

"Well, I have been thinking of you as just Haze but if more than one person comes in like what had just happened it is just annoying to think of you as Haze one through six," Harry explained.

"Good point," Haze said though I would say that at least to me you had a different look to you than the person who was just in here. It could be that since you are the one we are meant to heal or protect whatever you have a look that makes it easy to show you are our charge," Haze said before looking around the room. "What do see on the other side of the doors in here?" Haze asked getting up off the floor and walking back to the door he came out of and peered through the windows beside it.

"Well, the windows beside your door made it look like an office space with some strange table in it right?" Harry asked them.

"I can not say these windows don't reveal anything to me," Haze said before asking, "and the windows of the recent guest?"

"They had what looked like a Potions lab or prank studio," Harry said.

"And that made you think of someone, I take it since you asked them if they were some garbled names?" Haze asked.

"Yeah, the room set up made me think of one of my friends' older brothers who have set up a similar room at school," Harry said.

"I see," Haze said looking as if he was tapping his chin in thought. "What about referring to us as what you can see in the rooms we come out of?"

"What think of you as an office guy?" Harry asked.

"If that is how you want to do it?" Office said with a shrug.

"And I thought my life could not get any stranger," Harry muttered to himself.


Ginny, along with her older brother, Hermione, and Neville were static when Headmaster Dumbledore had come to inform them that Harry had not lost his Soul from the Dementor's Kiss but had just ended up in a coma. She should have known Harry would survive. The four of them had even been given permission to see Harry before he was moved to St. Mungos. So during her first break, she went to go see Harry. He looked so peaceful as if asleep just lying in the bed of the private room. Ginny spent a few moments watching Harry's chest rise and fall with his breathing wanting nothing more than to run her hands over it and feel the muscle he had to have from Quidditch and his adventures under his shirt, but she held herself back and only took his hand as she sat beside his bed. As she gazed down at him, Ginny could not help but think of the old Muggle story her father read to her when her Mother had taken a week out of the house to care for Great Uncle Billius Prewett. In the story, a Muggle Prince had awoken his sleeping love with "True Love's Kiss" Ginny licked her lips as she stared down at Harry's lips slightly parted as he breathed in and out. This had to work, Harry was put into this coma from the Dementor's Kiss and it would be her kiss as his true love to wake him back up. She knew he loved her since he had risked his life last year to rescue her from the Chamber of Secrets.

Ginny moved her hair out of the way as she leaned down and captured Harry's lips with her own. They were so soft it was like all the times she had practiced for this by kissing a pillow. Ginny was unable to help herself as she forgot Harry was in a coma as she let her tongue slip between his parted lips and began to make out with him running a hand over his face and through his messy hair.

The Dreamscape

Harry and Office had been doing their best to share information about themselves that they could when Harry suddenly stopped. He fell to his knees grabbing his throat as he felt something invade his mouth cutting off his air supply. Office jumped to his feet and rushed over but he could find nothing wrong with Harry only seeing him look like he was choking. Not knowing what to do, Office hoped some of the lore they had been told was true about all this as he grabbed his right wrist. "Our charges are in danger if anyone is near him go help," Office thought with all his heart over and over again willing the message to reach one of them. He saw three doors light up a little thought flicker as if the person whose door it was did not know what was happening.


Three students at the British school felt the storage cuffs on their list start to pulse and a feeling of need to find and protect someone filled their being. Unfortunately, two of the students were in class and could not do anything. Theodore Nott the Second most often referred to as Theo, however, had a free period at the moment but had no idea who the strange cuff wanted him to protect or where he needed to go. Feeling a little overwhelmed Theo closed his eyes for a moment to center himself as he let his full focus shift toward the cuff. He suddenly felt a pull from it opening his eyes and following where it leads him. The cry for help was so strong that Theo ran through the halls to wherever the cuff was leading him raising a few eyebrows at his strange behavior. The pull seemed to be coming from the Hospital wing causing him to open the doors with a crash. For some reason, as the doors crashed open the pull from the cuff vanished making Theo look down at it.

Meanwhile in the private room, Ginny had pulled away from her kiss to Harry blushing a little as she quickly pulled her backpack on to head to her, next class. Doing her best to keep her blush under control Ginny left the room skirting pasted one of the Slytherin bastards getting told off by Madam Pomfrey for how forcefully he had entered the room for apparently no good reason.

Chapter 57: Full Moon Panic 3: Another visitor


Harry meets another of the people who his magic sought out to help him


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The Dreamscape

Harry and Office talked for a long while after he had felt like he was choking. It turned out that while he could not make out the identity of Office they could still touch each other, as the male who Harry had a feeling was a few years older than he was had lifted him from the floor and carried Harry over to one of the seats. Pulling another seat over Office rubbed and patted Harry's back a little giving it a massage. "Not to sound stereotypical but are you from Asia?" Harry asked Office.

"Hm? What makes you say that?" Office asked.

"Well, I have heard about some massages done by people of Asian descent which use um what was it acopunture?" Harry said.

"I think you are looking for the world acupuncture," Office said.

"Yeah, that. So sorry if I am making generalizations. Also there was your use of the word Samurai ealier," Harry said blushing a little.

"I could be you are, but in this case you are correct I was born in Japan and am currently attending Mahoutokoro," Office said.

"Hey, I understood that," Harry said amazed.

"It could be that since you came up with the idea on your own and just tested it, you were able to figure something out about me that allows more information to be given," Office said.

"That seems rather convenient," Harry said.

"Not really if you think about it you gathered data, in this case, how I massaged your body after what just happened and came to a conclusion with it before voicing your guess. Think of it as gathering some data in a game which allows you to further the storyline or level up," Office said.

"How old are you?" Harry said for the office room that the person had come out of seemed to be put together as if it belonged to a somewhat uptight office worker but the guy was speaking of video games.

"I will be eighteen in three months," Office said.

"You are so much younger than I thought you would be," Harry said.

"Oh, yeah I guess I did not mention that part of the lore our school's Healer shared with me. Your magic sought out people around your own age to come to aid you," Office shared.

"So it forged a bond with people around me so I could see my friends show up here for them to know what happened," Harry said looking at the other four doors in the room that have not been opened yet. Wondering if Hermione was connected to the Library room or Ron with the room with all the puzzles since he liked to play chess.

"It could be, though for all I know even if one of your friends was singled out by your magic they could still be surrounded by the level of haze as everyone else until you can identify them," Office said.

"But how can I do that without sharing too much useful information about each other?" Harry asked.

"Could not say," Office said. As Harry was able to feel Office using acupuncture on him he placed a hand on the other's body and began to trace out the letters of his name hoping that would let Office know who he was. "Okay that felt strange," Office said when Harry moved his finger away.

"I tried to write my name on your hand with my finger," Harry said.

"Yeah, it did not feel like that," Office said.

"What did it feel like?" Harry asked.

"Well, for one thing, we had different written languages but even that did not feel like a language but more akin to you sensually running your finger over my flesh. I got to ask how old are you?" Office asked.

"I just turned thirteen," Harry said.

"I see," Office said before he decided to shift subjects a little as he began to explain to Harry about Magical Cores though still confused how Harry did not know about them.


Theo left the Hall of Healing in a somewhat bad mood, sure he had no idea what had called him there in the first place but that still did not give Madam Pomfrey the right to lay into him until it was almost time for his next class. He wishes once again that Hogwarts had a competent or full Healing staff rather than just the Medi-Witch who never let her patients have any privacy in the Hall if they were there. He had actually been surprised to see Potter was not in the room after all the Headmaster said it would be a few days before he was to be moved to St. Mungos. So evidently to get a private Healing Room at this school one had to be in a coma.

Also if Hogwarts had a Healer who knew their stuff and treated the students without any discrimination like Madam Pomfrey tended to do, Theo might have been able to ask them about the strange cuff that had appeared on his right wrist last night as the train started to move again after the Dementors had performed their inspection. Theo knew that if Hogwarts had not removed so many classes from its curriculum as well as the books that went with them from the library he might be able to figure out what the cuff was but he had no such luck. Granted he had not been able to do that much research on it since he had been distracted by the cuff making him rush to the Hogwarts Healing Ward for some reason.

Theo also wished that there was a Loremaster on staff at the school like there was at Sycamore Academy. He always found it strange that the school his family created for the Squib children or Muggle siblings of students who could go to Hogwarts had a Loremaster and better library than Hogwarts did as an ICW-affiliated school. Theo planned to visit the owlery the next chance he got and send Biblioteca, his gray screech owl, to his Grandfather to ask about the strange cuff that was on his arm. Since he had been unable to get it off or even find out its purpose for being on his wrist with no spell he could use seeming to affect it at all. What was strange was that his dormmates had congratulated him for getting it off when he woke up that morning making him wonder if for some reason he was the only one who could see it now. At least the thing was not too tight, chafed his wrist, or anything," Theo thought to himself as he absentmindedly rubbed the cuff.

Unnoticed to Theo as he had rubbed the cuff someone's gaze had been drawn by the action. "So I am not the only one who has one of these things. I wonder if anyone of his friends can see it or if like mine they can no longer detect it."

The Dreamscape

What it had been nice to talk to Office for a while the older male eventually left the room, vanishing from where he had been just as Potions had earlier. "So if they just vanish can they open the doors to their rooms at all or just arrive from them," Harry wondered to himself. When no one showed up after Office had left, Harry to fight off his boredom picked the History book off the floor and began to read it again. After about five minutes he stopped and smacked his head. "I will need to thank Office when I see him again," Harry said as he recalled Office seeming to do something when he had been choking earlier and hopes nothing like that happened again. It had felt strange, like something slimy entering his mouth while something pressed into his lips. He had also felt a phantom touch along the side of his head and some harsh tugs from his scalp as if someone was pulling out his hair for some reason. While he had found his mouth full of something he had been unable to breathe out his nose as it felt like something was pressing into that as well and producing a somewhat familiar scent though he just could not place it.

At the start, the scent had been nice and might have made him smile but after he was choking the scent made him experience nothing but fear. For some reason he thought of the Wizard of Oz and wondered if the story had been true would Dorthey have been traumatized by the scent of poppies after nearly dying to them just as he felt when he thought of the flowery scent that had filled his nose as he was choking.

As he was distracted by these random thoughts, Harry found himself falling asleep again with nothing but a history book to keep him focused. He woke with a start as he heard a familiar voice again. "Back here again," Potions said.

"Hello Potions," Harry said smiling a little to have someone to talk to again.

"What was that?" Potions asked.

"Was that garbled?" Harry asked.

"No, but you called me Potions, why?" Potions asked.

"Well since I can't see who you really are and Office and I could not give each other our real names I started to call him by what was inside the room of the door he entered," Harry explained.

"So there is potion stuff back there," Potions asked turning to peer through the windows beside the door he had just entered.

"Yes, and possibly pranking supplies," Harry said.

"Now that makes more sense," Potions said. "But I can't see through these at all," Potions said reaching for the doorknob and trying to open it.

Harry watched what was going on biting his bottom lip. He really hoped that Potions could open the door if only to give Harry more area to explore. Also if he was stuck here he might as well use his old potions books to see if he could learn how to brew property and get Snape off his case. Yet as Potions turned the knob he vanished from the room as he had done so earlier. "Should have figured that would happen, I am stuck here for better of for worse it seemed," Harry muttered to himself as he waited for Potions to come back.

It took ten minutes for Potions to return to the room. "Kay that was strange," they said.

"What now?" Harry asked wondering what had happened.

"When I tried to enter the room it sent me to what I normally dream about before kicking me back here again," Potions said.

"And what do you normally dream about?" Harry asked thinking that maybe like the acupuncture and Office slip with Samurai, he might be able to find out where in the world Potions was from.

"You know the usual beating my rival at Quidditch and taking his place on the team," Potions said.

"Oh, what position is that?" Harry asked.

"Both #&$) and I always face off to make Seeker," Potions said.

"Hey that is the position I play," Harry said excitedly.

"Well, you might have the body type of a Seeker but I am not talking about simple school league #&$) and I are rivals for the national team," Potions said.

"How old are you?" Harry asked thinking it was strange that Potions was old enough to try for the national team since Office said those who had been called to help him were supposed to be around his age.

"I am Sixteen," Potions said.

"You and the other person are still in school how are you being scouted for a national team?" Harry asked.

"We are just that good, though I believed I am a lot better than #)," Potions said.

"Well, you don't lack in confidence," Harry said.

"Of course not, there is a reason my parents gave me a name that meant wishes for peace," Potions said.

"Yet that was not garbled," Harry said.

"Oh yeah that little hiccup," Potions said. "Have you understood any of what I was telling you?"

"I got all but the name of your rival," Harry said.

"Nice so that means that you might have known where or who I am if you knew their name. I hate this cloak-and-dagger sh*t it is so much simpler to have everything out in the open," Potions said.

"I agree, if only as a way that someone could find me and get me out of here," Harry said.

"That is right," Potions said as they stopped pacing. "So none of these doors work for you?"

"All that happened was the windows appeared allowing me to look into them," Harry said.

"What if we both used my door at the same time?" Potions asked.

"I don't know. I did not try that with Office when he was here," Harry said.

"Well, let's check it out," Potions said as he pulled Harry to his feet and walked back to his door. Potions had Harry place his hand on the doorknob before overlapping his hand over Harry's as they started to turn the door. Yet all that happened was Potions vanished leaving Harry holding the knob. He was about to turn away when he noticed through the window there was a little more light in the room. Peering into the room, Harry saw that one of the items on the shelves was now lit up and was revealed to be a broomstick with a small Snitch flying around it.

As he waited for Potions to return again, Harry made his way over to Office's room and looked inside. He saw that on the wall within the room, there was a banner that reminded Harry of the Hogwarts school banner making him guess it was the one for Mahoutokoro, as well as a Japaness flag. On the room's desk there, also appear to be several books on Charm and other subjects Office and Harry had discussed. This made Harry wonder if he could gain access to the rooms or possibly leave this place if he could figure out more about a person.

"Um, hello," a new voice said making Harry quickly turn around to see a new haze-covered person coming out of the door to the Music room.

"Hey," Harry said.

"I take it this is connected to the $*%% that appeared," Music said.

"Yes," Harry said though unable to hear what had appeared wondering why that was being blocked for there should be no way that bit of information would help him find out someone's identity.

"So do you also have one?" Music asked looking as if they were brushing some hair out of their face and looking down at Harry's arms.

"No, but from what I was told by someone else who has visited me here I was the one who created the item on you," Harry said.

"And why would you do that?" Music said looking as if they were putting their hands on their hips.

"The first person I talked to, I call him Office, told me that because I was put in mortal danger my magic, soul, whatever retreated and sent out help to people who would be able to," Harry explained.

"Office?" Music asked.

"As you can see our identities are blocked a little so to call him something I referend to him by what was on the other side of the door he entered through," Harry said.

"I see," Music said, "so as soon as I can help you the $*%% will come off?"

"I assume so, but as we can not see, each other share our names or give anything but non-vital information that would be hard to do," Harry said.

"It should not be too hard," Music said.

"You think?" Harry asked Music wondering why it seemed only Office knew what was going on with this situation. "My name is Harry Potter, I am a Third-Year student at Hogwarts and was Muggleraised."

"Okay I begin to see the problem," Music said.

"How much of it did you understand?" Harry asked her.

"Just the first two words," Music admitted.

"Hence my problem," Harry said.

"Let me try something," Music said walking over to Harry with a slight swish of their hips. Sitting close to Harry, Music placed a hand on his chest.

"What's up?" Harry asked.

"I am seeing if I can do something with my natural abilities," Music said.

"Natural abilities?" Harry asked.

"I am a ^@))*," Music said.

"Garbled," Harry pointed out.

"That does make this hard," Music said sounding as if they were biting their bottom lip a little as they spoke. "Let's just say my family has some creature blood in it."

"Creature blood?" Harry asked.

"Yeah he has some gaps in his knowledge of the Magical World," Potions said appearing back in the room.

"Alright Office explain to me what is going on," Music said turning to look at him.

"That is actually Potions since beyond his door I see a Potions lab or a place to plan pranks," Harry said.

"Yo," Potions said with a small wave.

"Hm, so you give us names based on what you can see in our rooms what do we call you?" Music asked.

"It has not really come up yet," Harry admitted.

"Well, we should think of what," Music said. "So how do you feel?"

"Um normal, I guess," Harry said not sure what she was getting at.

"So no attraction?" Music asked.

"Why would I feel attraction?" Harry asked.

"It is an aspect of my Creature Blood," Music said.

"Are you are $!&@$ or a ^@))*?" Potions asked.

"I'm a ^@))*," Music answered.

"So you can understand each other a little but I can't," Harry said.

"Maybe it has to do with us having to come to find you to help out, so you can't give too many details away but since those of us who enter via the doors can know some more facts about each other," Music prompted.

"This is really annoying," Harry said.

"Agreed," both Music and Potion said.

"Hey did you feel something weird on the item a few hours ago?" Potions asked Music.

"A little like a desire to be somewhere though being too far away to do anything," Music said.

"When was this?" Harry asked.

"Maybe half an hour after I first meet you and the other person," Potion said.

"Office," Harry supplied.

"Yeah, sure," Potions said.

"I guess that makes sense," Harry said.

"Why?" Potions and Music asked.

"Shortly after you vanished I felt like I was choking but I noticed Office seem to grab their wrist and began to mutter to themselves," Harry said.

"So he called for someone to help you," Potions guessed.

"Which means one of the others might have been around to answer the call or a Healer watching over your comatose body fixed it," Music added.

"Did you feel anything strange as you were choking?" Potion asked.

"Why does that matter?" Music asked him.

"I am just trying to determine if say he shifted his body and cut off his air supply or some other reason," Potion explained.

"Well, I felt something press against my lips, something slid into my mouth, a flowery scent, and something press into my nose," Harry said.

"That does not sound like it was caused by his body," Music said.

"No, and that is troubling," Potions said.

"Anything else?" Music asked turning to Harry.

"Yeah it felt like something was rubbing my face before some hairs got yanked out," Harry shared.

"Alright," Potions said sounding a little serious. "I am going to act on the assumption that one of the others was able to help out your body. When you meet the three I was you to tell them what you felt when you were choking."

"Kay, but why?" Harry asked.

"It sounds like whatever caused you to start choking was nothing natural, and if I had to harbor a guess it almost sounds like someone was doing something to your body. Something unprofessional pointing to the fact it was not a Healer who should be watching over your body," Potions said.

"You mentioned this happened due to something dangerous happening to you, can you tell us what happened?" Music said.

"As far as I know, nothing I was just riding the train to school when suddenly I started to hear a woman screaming as I was surrounded by some black fog-like haze," Harry said.

"Anything else?" Music asked.

"Well, the train did stop and it got really cold," Harry said as he saw Music and Potions seem to share a look. "Does that mean anything?"

"I can only think of one thing," Music said as both Potion and they said "Dementor."


Music is obviously Fleur as the last foreign Magical who is not close to Harry's body.

The reason they are appearing at different times is due to they can only reach Harry in the Dreamscape while they are asleep. Office since he is located in Asia is around eight or seven hours ahead of everyone else. And just using Viktor as a Bulgarian Potions is one Hour ahead of Flure in France who is an hour ahead of Theo and the others at Hogwarts.

Chapter 58: A Second Letter


As Hagrid sends Harry his Hogwarts letters, another group slips theirs in leading to Harry going to another school.


Tags: Harry goes to another School, Crossover with Soul Eater, Deathweapon Harry, Albus, Hermione, Weasley bashing. Mentor Death, Protector Maka, Soul, Death the Kid, Blackstar, basically all the main characters from Soul Eater Protect Harry.

While this story for Harry takes place before and during his first year at Hogwarts, this takes place after the end of the Soul Eater Anime.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"What's the matter boy checking for letter bombs?" Uncle Vernon called from the kitchen snapping Harry out of his attention to the letter sent to him. As there was still another letter that had been delivered Harry checked it in case it was also for the Dursleys so that he could hand them over and look at the one addressed to him and the room under the stairs. Pulling out the last letter Harry read:

Heir H James Potter
Front Hall
#4 Privet Drive
Little Whinging

As Harry mouthed the words on this second letter he felt a jerk behind his navel as he reached the end of the address. "What is taking so long boy?" Vernon thundered as he left the kitchen to see what was going on only to find Harry nowhere in sight and a small stack of letters lying where Harry had been. "BOY!?" Vernon screamed as he bent down to pick up the stack of letters only for his face to lose the purple color of his anger and turn white as he saw the letter on the top of the stack addressed to his freak of a nephew. Turning it over Vernon saw the same crest on the letter that had been with the boy when he had been left on their doorstep. "PETUNIA," He hollered.

"What is it Vernon?" his beloved wife asked coming out of the kitchen and rubbing her dirty hands on her apron. He could not answer her as he thrust the letter into her hands. "Where is he?" she asked in a quavering voice seeing the Hogwarts Crest on the letter.

"I don't know," he answered. They both hoped the brat did not do a runner for the first letter they got and said if they played hard to get with this series of letters they would get a massive bonus and an increase in funds being sent to them for "looking after" the brat.

Harry felt strange as the jerk behind his navel pulled him away from Privat Drive making him feel like a fish on a line before it stopped leaving him in a large stone-looking conference room that had three older teens in chairs beside a strange looking man-like-thing with several other teens standing behind them. "Ah, good your letter worked," the strange man-thing said to one of the teens.

"Of course it did," the teen said standing up and walking around the table towards Harry as one of the two girls who had been standing behind him facepalmed.

"We don't have time for this Kid," the only girl at the table said.

"There is always time for symmetry," the guy said as he began to fix, tug and even mess with Harry's hair for a bit.

"Um, what is going on?" Harry asked as it felt like the older teen male was grooming him.

"Heir Potter, while you would have come here with your guide to reach your vault, some of my people thought it was not likely that your guide would bring you to see me," the strange man-thing said.

"And you are?" Harry asked as the guy pulled off Harry's glasses and began to clean them with a cloth and somehow even fixed them so they held together without tape.

"I am Bonecrusher, your famiiy's Goblin Account Manager here at Gringotts Bank. While you have been in hiding since your parents' deaths those who had been responsible towards you still should have let me have at least contact with you. Something they did not and since the person whose job it was to do so is the Headmaster of Hogwarts who had sent you the other Magical Letter with the urging of these folks I sent you a letter which would bring you right to me," Bonecrusher explained.

"And what is your stake in this?' Harry asked the group of older teens at the table.

"We represent another Supernatural institution which we feel you might be better suited for," the girl at the table said.

"Though you will not be as big a presence at it as I, the Mighty Blackstar, am," the remaining male at the table said.

"Right," Harry said not sure what was going on. "And why would either place want me to go to them? I am nothing special."

"That is where you are wrong Heir Potter," Bonecrusher said pulling out a stack of documents and placing them on the table. "You come from a long line of magical dating back to near the start of Magical use in Europe. You have some famous Ancestors such as the Peverall Brothers who created three powerful Magical Artifacts which can even rival some of Death's most Powerful Weapons. You also are connected to two of the Hogwarts Founders one by blood the other due to the Battle of Conquest which you took part in which left you that scar transferred the line to you. Some of your Ancestors created objects that are widely used today such as Pensivs, Portkeys, Time-Turners, and they even started the Knight Bus business."

"I have no idea what any of those are," Harry said.

"That is understandable," Bonecrusher said with an understanding nod. "From where our letter had been sent as we piggybacked the Hogwarts letter we saw you had been raised in the Muggle World. Now that is some good news, at least for this lot," Bonecrusher said nodding at the other humans in the room.

"It is a good thing I don't know about all this. Why do they teach it at the school you go to?" Harry asked them as the guy gave a satisfied laugh at finally finding Harry's clothing, hair, and glasses so he was perfectly symmetrical.

"Actually no," a white-haired male standing behind the seated girl said. "In fact, while we have worked together with Magicals there is a sort of rivalry with some of your kind who turn to dark or chaos magic. The reason it is good that you grew up in the Muggle World as Bonecrusher calls it, is that despite our supernatural leanings at the DWMA and the lessons on being a Meister or Weapon the subject matter we are taught is a more mundane nature."

"What is DWMA?" Harry asked.

"It stands for the Death Weapon Meister Academy and it is where those who can become weapons or their wielders learn how to use their gifts to collect souls for Lord Death," the girl said.

"You kill people?" Harry asked backing up so he was against the wall making the guy who had been fussing over him let out a strained cry of pain seeing his hair no longer symmetrical.

"We vanquish evil," Blackstar said.

"Actually if you want to be specific our job is to hunt corrupted souls which have become things known as Kishin Eggs so they can not cause any harm to others," the girl behind Blackstar said giving Harry a slight bow.

"But I can't do that, even if I have magic, I am just a nobody," Harry protested.

"This idiot was meant to explain it, the taller of the two girls who had been standing behind the guy who had fussed over Harry said as the other girl poked at the guy who seemed to have collapsed. "It seems that the Peverell Brothers that Bonecrusher mentioned earlier whose artifacts were more powerful than Lord Death's weapons lead to a duel between the three and Lord Death. They parted on sort of friendly terms with Lord Death giving them the title of Master of Death. Many of your family have been offered a position at the DWMA but most turned it down."

"You are also a special case that Lord Death has been keeping a close eye on," the seated girl said.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"The man who killed your parents and gave you that scar had a Kishin Egg type of Soul. It seems that when he failed to kill you a part of the Kishin Egg bonded to your soul. Yet despite the madness and chaos that a Kishin Egg produces, your soul has remained pure. This speaks of a special talent that you may have as either a Meister such as myself, Blackstar, or Kid. Or this could mark you as a Weapon like Soul, Tsubaki, Patty, or Liz," the girl said nodding to them as she gave out their names.

"And what is your name?" Harry asked.

"Oh sorry, I am Maka," she answered.

"So how do I find out if I am one of these Meisters or Wepons?" Harry asked.

"Now that is a good question for most do not find out that they are one until at least thirteen years old," Maka said.

"My father gave me something," Kid said struggling to his feet before rushing back to Harry and starting to fix his symmetry again.

'Well, come on and give it then," Liz said in an annoyed voice.

"He must be perfect before I will use it," Kid said using a comb to tame Harry's hair which did give them credence, at least in Harry's mind, of their supernatural abilities.

"Ah there it is, that is better," Kid said stepping away before reaching into his jacket with both hands. The older symmetry-obsessed teen, who did not look very symmetrical himself with the three streaks of white in his hair pulled out two orbs. "This is the gift from my father, and this is so I would be symmetrical," Kid said tossing both balls into the air one at Harry's feet and the other at the same angle but behind his own back.

As the orb came in contact with Harry's foot it produced a cloud of multi-colored smoke. At first, Harry used a hand to cover his mouth and nose lest he breathes it in before he heard the teens shout out together, "It is alright this will just reveal what you are." While he had only known them for maybe fifteen to twenty minutes, he felt like he could trust them so he uncovered his mouth and nose. As the smoke entered his body it felt like he was being poked and prodded from both the inside and outside. After a bit, Harry felt like his body was changing form as if he was made of putty.*

"Well, that is new," Maka said getting up from the table and walking to where Harry's new form lay on the ground. "Don't worry you will soon learn how to control your change at will, though due to your young age, it might take you a little longer to master."

"He is Perfect," Kid said taking Harry from Maka. "Pure Symmetry of form and there has never been a weapon like it."

"What am I?" Harry asked though not knowing if anyone could hear him since he did not feel as if he had a mouth.

"You are a shield," Kid answered.

"You can hear me?" Harry asked.

"A Master can hear their weapon or if they have a good Soul Resonance with a weapon they handle they can hear them as well," Kid explained.
"Soul Resonance?" Harry asked.

"Maka can explain it," Kid said handing Harry to the girl. The main reason Kid did this was that he found Harry's form Symmetrical pleasing but since there was only one of him holding it did not make Kid symmetrical.

"So what do you want to know, Harry?" Maka asked as Harry was returned to her.

"What is Soul Resonance?" Harry asked again.

"Soul Resonance is the wavelength of the Souls between a Meister and Weapon. If they are perfectly in sync the pair can perform at their best. However if one of their Souls was out of resonance with the other it could cause the Meister to hurt the Weapon or the Weapon to become unusable for their Meister," Maka explained. Maka then used her special gift to see Souls and shared it with Harry letting him see the others. Harry took in Blackstar's Soul bouncing all over the place yet gently reigned in by Tsubaki. Meanwhile, Kid, Liz, and Patty's Souls appeared to be held together as the points of a perfect triangle. As if sensing where Harry was looking Maka muttered so only he could hear here, "Don't mention that to Kid otherwise he may never do his job again."

"So to function I have to find someone whose Soul resonances with mine?" Harry asked.

"That is if you choose to enroll at the DWMA. We can't make you attend. Though if you do not come we will have to block your Weapon form. As we said earlier there is some bad blood between Magicals and us," she said.

'If I may interrupt?" Bonecrusher asked.

"Yes?" Maka asked turning her body so that Harry could "see" the Goblin.

"There are things Heir Potter should know before making a choice," Bonecrusher said.

"What is that?" Harry asked which was relayed by Maka.

"Since you have been hidden away from the Magical World since your parents' deaths and have not been brought into the bank someone has been using funds from your family vaults," Bonecrusher said.

"So?" Harry asked via Maka.

"Headmaster Albus Dumbledore who lied to the Magical World to say he was your Magical Guardian had started to use your family fortune to pay himself, a shell company/organization he owns and controls, as well as several others. Doing some research before this meeting we have found evidence that two people he had been paying money to would be attending classes with you making us believe he wants to use them to control you while at Hogwarts," Bonecrusher explained.

"So arrest the villains or if you need a big strong Hero to do the job beg me to do it for you," Blackstar said jumping onto the table. While he was still in the form of a shield Harry saw that Blackstar appeared to be just a little taller than he was despite being older and most likely have better living conditions than Harry had which had long ago stunted Harry's growth.

"I will only take my client's orders on this matter," Bonecrusher said as Tsubaki pulled Blackstar off the table.

"Do you know of any other things they have done to me?" Harry asked.

After hearing the question from Maka, Bonecrusher answered, " Besides embezzling funds from your vaults the only other examples I have found were two illegal Marriage Contracts set up between you and the two youngest members of one of the families."

"How do you know the contracts are illegal?" Kid asked not taking his eyes off of Harry's form.

"In the Magical World, any contract which is seen as legal must be written out by a person's parents either birth or Blood Adopted parents. Yet the two contracts in question only had the approval of the parents of the person Heir Potter was to marry and Headmaster Dumbledore. None of them have the proper authority to write up a contract for my client. Though as I stated earlier about Headmaster Dumbledore convincing everyone he is Heir Potter's Magical Guardian the contracts have been approved within the Ministry of Magic, though not by us or Magic itself," Bonecrusher explained.

"Why are there two contracts?" Patty asked. "Do they want something like Kid has?"

"I think it is more of Headmaster Dumbledore, Molly, and Arthur Weasley hedging their bets since the contracts are for their youngest son and daughter and they would not have known if Heir Potter prefers men or women," Bonecrusher guessed.

"With people like that at this Hogwarts, it sounds like it would be better for me at DWMA," Harry said.

"Are you sure?" Maka asked after telling everyone Harry's response.

"Why would I not be?" Harry asked her.

"At the DWMA you will be taught how to fight either to protect normal people as part of the NOT class or to collect Kishin Egg as part of the EAT class. Both of which can involve a lot of fighting, sometimes to the death" she explained.

"What else is new?" Harry asked a little morbidly.

"Would you at least like to see what your shield form looks like first?" Soul asked.

"Sure why not?" Harry said shrugging his shoulders in his mind though nothing of his action was seen in his current form. The brought out a large mirror so he could see himself in it. Harry's shield form was that of a Heater Shield black in color for the most part while right down the center was a yellow lightning bolt mark separated the shield into two sides. From the center of the shield green lines left the two sides of the lightning bolt at random but uniform intervals to the outer edges of the shield. Harry could admit that Kid was right his new form was symmetrical.

"So how can a shield be a weapon?" Harry asked not seeing how his form could get a Kishin Egg from anyone besides him being used as a bludgeon.

"Well, besides the obvious of whoever you Mesiter is using you to smack people around with your form, the bottom of your shield is rather sharp it could possibly be used as a bladed weapon. If not you could just be destined for the NOT class which will teach you how to protect others or just how to live a normal life as a Weapon," Maka explained.
"Would I be able to drop out if I choose to?" Harry asked.

"If you do your Weapon will be blocked as well as your memory," Kid said after Maka passed on the question.

"Where would I live?" Harry asked.

"In New Death City," Maka said, "there are dorms for students, you can buy/rent your own place by yourself, or once you find a Meister who you can match your resonance with you could move in with them."

"I will enroll, anything to get me away from my family and those who want to control me," Harry said, he also passed on the request to Bonecrusher to get any money or anything else taken from him and end the illegal contacts.

Rather than pass on what Harry had told her to the others, apart from the message to Bonecrusher, Maka used her free hand to write something on the mirror after she fogged it up with her breath. Harry was only to catch the numbers 42-42-564 before she began to speak. "Just write in the Death Room's Number, forty-two, forty-two, five sixty-four, whenever you want to knock on Death's Door." Harry was shocked to hear what sounded like a phone ringing as the mirror turned bright white for a moment.

"Hello Lord Death are you there?" Maka asked.

"Hello Maka, how goes the mission?" a being in a large black cloak and silly white skull mask asked.

"Heir Potter has agreed to enroll at the DWMA," Maka said raising Harry's form so Death could see him.

"Marvelous. Welcome to the DWMA Heir Potter. I look forward to meeting you in person. You will be the first Shield we have ever had what fun. Toodle-loo," Death said with an overly friendly wave showing off massive white hands.

"That was Death?" Harry asked.

"My father tries to have a friendly and kind manner since most students at the DWMA are still young so he does not scare anyone," Kid explained.


Albus was annoyed after getting off a Floo Call with Petuina Dursleys. Not only having to deal with the bitch, but also what she had told him happened. Somehow when Harry got his first letter from Hogwarts he vanished without a trace. The boy was meant to be caught with the letter by his uncle and aunt who would take it from him and lead Hagrid to try over and over again, thus showing Harry subtle signs of magic in use as it tracked where he was sleeping but also the ways the letters would arrive. This was meant to go on for a week, so that Hagrid would meet Harry on his birthday and give him a cake, showing the boy kindness that the Dursleys did not which would make him trust Hagrid and everything the man told him. Under Albus's orders, Hagrid would only give Harry a skewed view of the Hogwarts Houses to make sure Harry ended up in Gryffindor with the Weasleys and his Grandneice Hermione. Yet the boy had vanished leaving the Hogwarts letter behind. Since all deliveries that Hagrid was meant to make were tied to that letter Albus could not track the boy until a new letter was created by the castle.


* In many Dumbles Bashing stories I have read and written over the years, Dumbles likes to refer to Harry as his weapon, and I thought it would be funny if Harry really did become a Weapon for the DWMA.

Chapter 59: Second Letter: DWMA and reactions


As Harry gets ready to travel to his new school Albus finds out what happened to the boy he wanted to make into his weapon against Riddle.


Since Harry will be going to a different school if he has a partner either as a Meister or a romantic one it will be an OC character.

Chapter Text

With Soul, Tsubaki, Patty, and Liz's help Harry was able to return to his human form once again. After this he signed some documents from Bonecrusher to cut off access to his vaults, retrieved the funds stolen from him, and declare any contracts placed under his name invalid. Bonecrusher explained that while the two Marriage Contracts between someone named Ron and Ginny Weasely had been illegal and they did not technically need to do this, having Harry make all contracts invalid hide them among countless others that had been filed. Seems that there were hundreds of Marriage Contracts set up for him, none of them legal, but Headmaster Dumbledore and others had written up contracts dealing with other aspects of his life. Harry was shocked to learn that the Dursleyes had taken pictures of him, but rather than displaying them at his uncle's home, the pictures had been used in marketing added for various products, or for artists as a base as they tried to portray him as a character from a book series entitled Harry Potter Adventures. Even the British Ministry had filed some contracts to him so that if anyone donated gifts or money at the place his parents died rather than be sent to his vaults it would go to the Ministry.

Hearing everything that had been done in his name for others' profit, Harry asked if he could sue the publisher of the book series and the companies that used him to sell their products. Bonecrusher had shown a truly horrible smile as he cracked his knuckles and got to work following Harry's request. As Harry and Bonecrusher were dealing with that Maka had started to arrange a flight to New Death City for everyone. She had to once more get confirmation that Harry was alright to attend the DWMA since the main campus was in America, but he had agreed after seeing how people had used him in Britain. "So do I need a passport or anything?" Harry asked.

"As a Weapon, especially a newly awaken one you are granted free travel to New Death City. Until you learn to fully master your power to change without help, which usually means finding a Meister Partner you can not really leave the campus. I guess I should say normally you can't leave the campus but there have been exceptions to this rule," Maka said as she took on a look of concentration. "Since you also can use magic we should get in contact with the local Magical School to make sure you get a tutor so you can't harm yourself or others."

"When you have mastered your ability and found a partner due to our work, a passport is not needed since Meisters travel all over the world to deal with Keshin Eggs," Kid said.

"So why did you not deal with the man who killed my parents?" Harry asked.

"For a Meister to be assigned a Kenshin Egg retrieval a lot of information has to be collected on them. Unfortunately, the hardest subjects to get info on are Magic Users who can use a spell to block out the DWMA's sensors on people's souls. My father was only able to detect the part of the Kishin Egg that attached itself to you after the deed had been done," Kid explained.

"But isn't Death, you know supposed to collect everyone's soul?" Harry asked.

"Death comes to everyone that is correct, but Lord Death and his trained Meisters only go after Kishin Eggs," Maka said.

"But why and what exactly is a Kinshin Egg?" Harry asked.

"We go after them to save people, duh," Blackstar boasted.

"Kinshin Eggs represent chaos magic which in the past nearly brought an end to the world. So to prevent another event of Apocktolipti proportions Meisters collect them. Once a Weapon collects ninety-nine Kishin Eggs and follows it up with the soul of an Evil Magic user they are classified as a true Death Weapon and both Meister and Weapon are rewarded," Soul explained.

"So if I was to collect those one hundred souls I would be Death's Weapon what does the Meister who helped me get out of it?" Harry asked.

"There is a sort of prestige for other Meisters," Kid said. "I would not get any for it is my duty as Death's Kid to collect Kinshin Eggs and protect the balance of our world."

"Everyone would just know how big a Hero I am," Blackstar said pulling a document over and signing his autograph for Harry only for Tsubaki to smack him on the back of his head and apologize to Bonecrusher.

"I am just following in my mother's footsteps she transformed her weapon, my worthless old man, into a Death Scythe, and I want to make her proud," Maka said.

"Not like she would not get any prouder of you after you took down Asura," Soul said patting her shoulder.

"Asura?" Harry asked.

"He was once one of Lord Death's followers but became corrupted by Kinshin and became a host to it. A couple of months ago we were able to defeat him," Maka explained.

"We?" Blackstar said. "While I hate to say it you outshined me at that moment as you took him down."

"Anyway," Maka said blushing a little, "Each Meister and Weapon has their own reasons for collecting the Kishin Eggs let it be to play the hero or just see it as their natural duty."

Before they started their journey to New Death City, Bonecrusher gave Harry a special Gringotts card since he would be unable to visit his vaults when he moved to America. Soul, Liz, and Tsubaki then took Harry on a small shopping run to get some new clothes and other supplies he might need. Leaving behind Maka to finish the travel arrangements, Blacktart for he would cause a scene, and Kid for if he was there during shopping for clothing he would have made the visit take longer to make sure Harry's outfits were utterly Symmetrical. Patty had stayed behind to distract Kid by having him trim her eyebrows giving Harry a silly look as he left.

Knowing that some photos taken by his family had been used to help sell products, Soul lent Harry his headband since it seems that the lightning bolt scar on Harry's head was rather famous in Britain. They received some strange looks on the street, Tsubaki most of all due to the clothing she wore, since the three older Weapons were dressed in normal outfits unlike the robes Harry saw the others on the street wearing. Liz had to sometimes hold Soul back with him being surrounded by all the Magic users set him on edge since all he was missing to become a Death Scythe was an evil Magical soul. The group had also gotten some looks because none of the Weapons had a wand making some wonder if a group of Muggles had found the street and somehow passed the charms preventing them from entering it.

Knowing that Harry would need a wand the group did stop at a wand shop to buy him one, but after nearly half an hour of none of them responding to him Soul got bored and dragged them all out saying they would look for one when they got to America. The white-haired Weapon did not stop getting them out of the shop even with the owner who thought he had the perfect wand for Harry, pulling it off a purple pillow that had been in the window of the shop. As Weapons, they could not sense souls like their Meister's, Soul did not like the smell of the wand the owner had pulled out. He could detect the wand had a soul that shared wavelength comparative to the part of the Kishin Egg that Maka had removed from Harry earlier. Harry might not have been corrupted by the Kishin Egg that had been attached to him, but Soul was not going to allow this one of a similar wavelength to accomplish what the other had failed to do.


Albus let out a growl of frustration as he ordered the magic of the castle to write a new acceptance letter for Harry only to find it would not obey him. After using an old ritual to force the castle to obey he saw that the letter was thinner than normal, even the letter he had made for Harry which reduced half the brat's book list to prevent him from learning too much about the magical world, as well as a health form that would require Harry to visit Pomfrey when he started classes or go to St. Mungos before term started. As an owl flew in to take the letter, Albus used a freezing charm on it as he snatch the letter and read it.

Mr. H. Potter,

It has come to our attention that you have decided to go to a different school at this time. As you are the Heir to several of Hogwarts' Founders be aware you can decide to transfer or visit us at any time.


No this could not be, the Durlsleys were meant to keep all knowledge of the Magical World from the brat. There is no way he should know about other schools to join one. The only way Albus saw that happening is if another school learned he was not sure about coming to Hogwarts but that was also impossible for just like having the Dursleys keep Harry ignorant, Albus had used his power and influence to block anyone from learning where Harry lived. Sure he had reports from the Dursleys, and Arabella that Magicals would sometimes greet Harry on the street, but Petunia made sure to pull the brat away before they could reveal anything to him.

Albus' anger was so great he lost control of his magic and created flames in his hands to burn the letter the castle wanted to send to Harry. Not that he needed it now that he got the address where the brat was located for the moment. Albus quickly pulled the normal letter over and stuffed the magical envelope resealing it. Before he unfroze the own to deliver it, Albus cast numerous compulsion charms on it so Harry would unenroll from whatever school had head-hunted him from Albus and make him come to Hogwarts. As he also did not like the brat going against his plans already, he made sure the boy would be forced to follow any order Albus gave him. Maybe he would allow his pawns to gain that ability if they made themselves useful.

The Burrow.

The peaceful day was shattered as a Raven appeared in the Weasley family kitchen to drop off a letter before flying out again. Though not before the Raven showed how much the Goblins disliked what the Weasleys had tried to do to one of the bank's clients shat in the pan of food Molly Weasley had been working over for the family's lunch. Molly's angry screams at the bird sh*tting into the food was nothing compared to the low growl of anger the normally calm Arthur Weasley. "What's up, dad?" Percy asked.

"Albus has double-crossed us," Arthur grounded out.

"How can you say that, Albus is a great man?" Molly asked after trying to hit the retreating Raven with a curse.

"Well it had to be either Albus or Harry, but he promised us the boy knew nothing of the Magical World," Arthur shot back.

"What happened, Daddy?" Ginny asked who had instantly gotten into the conversation after Harry had been mentioned.

"The bank has removed all the money, Albus gave to us from Harry's accounts and cut off any further access to them under threat of Goblin Justice. And I am sorry Ginny, Ron but the Marriage Contracts to Harry have been terminated," Arthur said reading the letter.

"No big loss on the contract," Ron muttered to himself though still angry that Harry or someone had stolen their money. If not for Harry's fame or fortune what point would there be to befriend the boy in the first place? Ron thought Harry would have the same personality that someone like Malfoy would have and the only way for him to get friends was to pay them, making Ron ahead of the game.

"How Could Anyone Cancel My Contract, Harry and I are Perfect for Each Other!?!" Ginny screamed.

"Of course you are honey," Molly said placatingly to her only daughter. "Albus must have done this as a sort of test to see if we would still get close to Harry even without reward. Ron you will just have to try harder to prove him wrong so we earn the money back and maybe a small reward for passing this test."

"But the contract?" Ginny begged.

"Albus must have found out others tried to establish contracts with Harry so he got rid of them all. He must have other plans for you and Harry getting together," Molly said.

"Yeah, like having you douse him with Love Potion for a couple of years so it looks like he has fallen for you and more natural rather than be bound to the marriage due to the contract," Fred supplied.

"Yes, that has to be it. It is more romantic by far," Ginny said happily again as she kicked her feet under the table her mind filled with the normal daydream of her wedding to Harry and becoming Lady Potter.

"Be that as it may we will have to cut back on stuff for a bit, which means Percy we can not afford to get you a new owl," Arthur said.

"You are not getting Scabbers back," Ron said.

"I did not want him," Percy said a little disappointed having hoped for an owl and had already passed on the rat he had found in the garden when he was younger to Ron. But as the rat had not shown any magical abilities since he had him, Percy thought that Scabbers would be close to dying soon.

"And you two," Arthur said turning to the twins.

"Yeah we know, no new brooms or extra potions ingredients," the twins said with a voice that said they had been expecting it even without the loss of funds.

Granger Household.

Hermione looked up from her book after hearing her father let out a scream of fear. Having never heard that level of fear from her father, Hermione marked her place in her book and rushed to see what was going on. The scream became clear when she saw a Raven flying around the room until it spotted her and dropped a letter at her feet. Hermione knew her dad suffered from Ornithophobia or fear of birds. As he mother helped to calm her father down when the Raven flew out of the house, Hermione picked up the letter it had dropped.

Ms. Hermione Granger,

You have received funds and treasure illegally from one of our clients. The funds and items have been returned to their proper owner. You are lucky that as of this date, you have not spent any of the money or damaged an item or you would have faced further consequences. As it was Gringotts will be keeping an eye on your access to funds in the Magical World very closely from now on. If you have even a single Knut more than money that has been exchanged from Muggle currency you will be tried. Since we have some connections in the Muggle banking system we will also be monitoring funds that your family might receive in a strange nature that you might use to exchange funds.

Ragnok: Gringotts British Branch Overseer.

P.S. Since this was the second Raven we sent to your home to deliver this message only for the first to be returned due to a mail ward erected around your place we contacted the Human Ministry. They have removed all Warding that had been erected around your place.

As Hermione finished the letter her father let out another piercing scream as an owl flew in dropping off a letter before flying out again. With her parents still distracted Hermione read this letter as well, this time out loud since it was addressed to all of them.

Granger family,

It has been brought to our attention that there are Magical Wards around your domicile. As you are classified as Squibborns with a Muggleborn child it is illegal for such Wards to be in place. Especially as there is no record of them being cast here at the Ministry. With no records in place and the Wards being undetectable until we looked these were very powerful Wards indeed. This just adds to the crime of them being there. You are to pay a total of 550 Galleons or 2739 Pounds Sterling. If you can not make a full payment we can work out a payment plan by garnishing your pay until it is handled.

Agent Odo: Magical Law Enforment Officer Jr. Grade.

P.S. I will point out that Ms. Hermione Granger's psych profile has placed her on the edge of being allowed into the Magical World even with her magical talents. It would be unwise to give the Ministry further reasons not to allow her to remain in the Magical World. Which I remind you, would force us to give you all Memory Charms to forget about its existence, which is troublesome since Delih you are listed as being a first Generation Squib meaning you would be unable to recall any member of your family outside of your husband and daughter. Ms. Granger, you would also be forced to wear a Magical Surpessing Cuff which if it is faulty can lead you to become an Obscura.

Hermione gave a growl of anger, how dare they take away the funds her Great-Uncle had given to her, she was going to use that money to buy so many books not just the dumb ones for a class that she had already read and memorized. But now the Ministry was threatening to kick her out of the Magical World. She had known the world was in trouble after some of the stories her mother told her of her childhood. Where there was no electricity only candles and other archaic technologies. The whole feudal system thing with Lords and Ladies when the government should be run by Geniocracy or a government run by the smartest people in the nation. With her mind, Hermione already knew she was going to be the brightest witch of her age so, of course, she would take a part in leading the government may be as the Minister for Magic or whatever the role became when the island changed into a Geniocracy style system.


Arriving back at the Headmaster's office, Albus found a black envelope lying on his desk. Since he made sure no letter could reach him personally thanks to Molly's habit of sending Howlers when she did not like his plans he was not surprised to see it had been left on his desk. What did surprise him was the contents of the letter. Being in a black envelope he knew it had been sent by those nasty Gringotts Goblins, but the letter pissed him off and made him want to storm the bank. The Goblins confirmed they knew he had lied about being Harry's Magical Guaridan and cut off his access to all of the family vaults connected to the brat. All contracts Albus had signed in Harry's name had been canceled including the book and product placement deals which he was now getting sued for. His access to Harry's seats in the Wizengamot had been stopped, But worse of all the Goblins had found out he blocked the Wills and would be using them to free Sirius Black from Azkaban, and because it had been Albus' fault he had been illegally sent there funds from Albus's personal vaults would be used to pay for any medical conditions Sirius had received for his wrongful imprisonment as well as any Mind Healer Sessions he would need to attend.

If that was not bad enough, as Albus was reading the letter from Gringotts Errol had flown into the office and dropped of a Howler from Molly which had activated before he had noticed it and thus could not stop it from screeching at him.



Chapter 60: Second Letter: New School


Harry finally travels to the DWMA and meets his first challenge at the school.


As I hinted at in a previous chapter this story takes place a few months after the events of the Soul Eater anime ended. Also for those who are unfamiliar with the Soul Eater universe, this chapter gives some information on other characters and a little bit about some events that took place in the story.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry had been excited to travel by airplane to his new school even if the trip would take over eleven hours just traveling not to mention the added time they would have to arrive and wait to board the plane. Kid, Liz, and Patty did not join them since Kid had a faster way to travel plus he had been banned from flying on any plane even a private one due to his habit of messing with items and people to make things utterly symmetrical. Blackstar almost got banned from the plane even with his Mesiter's ID due to his rambunctious nature with the airline only allowing him to come along if Tsubaki basically tied and gaged him so he would not cause any issues.

Harry was seated next to Maka and Soul who had given him the window seat since it was his first time flying. When he got bored looking out the window, Harry spent the trip looking over some of the books he had bought in the Magical Alley. Besides the spell books, he was not sure how useful some of the books would be for the history book he got, entitled History of Magic, which tended to focus on events from and about British and England rather than the rest of the world. He did read a copy of one of the Harry Potter Adventure books the store had in stock and could not help but shake his head at the tale. Which had "Harry" who was only six or seven in the book finding a secret library that had once belonged to Merlin that was being used by a group of people the book called Death Eaters trying to find a book in the library to bring back someone called You-Know-Who. According to what he could glean from the book You-Know-Who was the man who had killed Harry's parents, and the Death Eaters were the man's real supporters. Since it was a preteen book, Harry finished reading it in just a couple of hours.

His biggest concern was the possible jet lag he would get when they landed since Maka had told him New Death City lay under special protections in Death Valley located in the state of California, USA. This means it would be eight hours behind what he was used to. Since they had taken off from a London airport at around eleven am with the time zone difference along with the length of the flight they would be arriving at the nearest airport to their destination at two in the afternoon local time. There was a meal provided and while it was airline food and Harry had heard many people make jokes about how bad it was since he was used to the scraps of food his aunt and uncle let him have it was a feast for him.

Besides the books they had bought in Diagon Alley, Maka had also given Harry an information packet about the DWMA that covered the academy's origins and main goal. Discussed the two levels of classes the NOT (Normally Overcome Target) where Weapons and Meisters who were not combat approved would learn how to live their lives and comprised 90% of the student population. Then there was the EATS (Especially Advantage Talents) class of the remaining 10% who were taught fighting tactics and were for Weapons wishing to become one of Lord Death's Weapons and the Meistes they were partnered with. While any person who became a Weapon was welcome and encouraged to attend the DWMA most Meisters joined on their own, some were called to become Meisters as indicated by a mark on their body that looked like a backward seven with two small slashes under it which was sometimes called a Mark of Cain. Since there was no "normal" age that a person could shift into a Weapon, though it normally happened after the age of thirteen to fourteen while sometimes as late as fifty the student body at the DWMA was not as uniform as other institutions were. Thankfully, Harry saw, that the protection that surrounded New Death City also made it possible for the people who lived there and attended classes to understand each other since they came from all over the world.

Also since there were new students arriving all the time there was an orientation class that took place once a week for new students all year round. During the class, Harry would wear a badge identifying him as a Weapon where Meisters who were looking for a partner would approach him to see if they could work together. Harry saw that Maka had added some notes to the page warning Harry that some Meisters were only interested in a Weapon that could join the EATs class so they could get the prestige of making a Death Weapon, and saw their partner less as a living person and more of a tool for a job. There were also Meisters that saw their partners as living beings but only wanted to work with a certain type of weapon that they were familiar with. Since there had never been a Shield before, Maka reasoned, Harry might have trouble finding a Meister who wanted to work with him for a bit.

There was a full page in the packet that looked like it had been written by Maka and the others giving him information about the Asura incident from a few months ago. One was how the DWMA had been upgraded so it could move around like an armored fortress city. The mechanism to let the city move around had been broken during the final battle with Asura before it was moved to a new location in Death Valley. Living in New Death City beside the students and workers at the school were some random characters such as a sentient weapon from ages past who was the real, and according to Kid and Blackstar, rather annoying Excaliber. A former teacher who had died and thanks to the work of a mad scientist, named Stein, was brought back as a Zombie named Sid. There were talks about one of the evil Magicals who had brought about Asura living in town who was an immortal Werewolf named Free. And that did not even cover Lord Death, several of his Weapsons who were helping the recovery efforts in the town as well as the other students attending classes. Out of the other students at the school, Maka had only written about one other, a person called Crona who thanks to experiments done on them by their "mother" an evil Magical named Medusa was a Meister whose Weapon originated from black blood their normal blood had been replaced with.

Soul had also written about one of the inhabitants of the city who lived with him and Maka, a Magical Cat Monster named Blair. Soul had shared the story of how the Cat-Girl had moved in with them where they had mistook her for an Evil Magical and took her soul so he could become a Death Scythe only to discover afterward what she was, meaning all the Kishin Eggs they had collected were confiscated and Blair who as a cat had multiple souls moved in with them. Though Soul did point out that the misfortune with Blaisr's class had worked out for the best since it allowed him and Maka to remain together thus helping in the battle against Asure. He even bragged about how Maka had taken down the Kinsin power Meister with a single punch after the man had laid the rest of them out. The punch filled with Maka's beliefs and how her conviction leading up to the punch making Asura scared of her had broken the man into millions of pieces allowing them to collect his Kishin Egg and put a stop to him once and for all.

Harry also received a warning about some of the protections around New Death City so he would not freak out. The protections, which prevented most from entering the city also had a random side effect on both the sun and moon making them look closer and appear to be smiling/laughing faces. The thing was once a person got used to the look of them even if they left the protections of the city behind that would be the only way the sun and moon would appear to them no matter where they went. Harry thought they sounded interesting and actually looked forward to seeing them himself.

Time Skip

Harry had to take a few moments to stretch after they disembarked from the plane as they collected the trunk he had bought in Diagon Alley. It felt strange to him to head out of the airport to see the sun shining at what his internal clock was telling him was ten at night. He did not feel tired at all, which he put down to that his Uncle and Aunt did not let him have a normal sleeping schedule sometimes waking him up early so he could cook for them, sometimes keeping him up late to do jobs that might let the neighbors see they were abusing him like cleaning the gutters. Sometimes all on the same day. All Harry felt was a little hungry which was understandable, not to mention easily fixed with Kid waiting for them to take them to a small cafe that Liz and Patty used to work at for a late lunch/supper depending on one's point of view.

As the group headed to the cafe an owl flew out of the wheel well of the plane they had arrived in carrying the enchanted letter Albus had sent to make Harry attend Hogwarts. The owl took a moment to reorient itself on Harry's location and took off to deliver its letter. Since Delivery Birds had a higher level of intelligence than normal Owls it would stay around for Harry's reply before it caught a plane back rather than tire themselves out.

The owl did not deliver the letter until Harry and the others were leaving the cafe after their meal. The enchantments on it did not take hold of Harry due to not only Bonecrusher having given Harry all his family rings but also Harry's first meeting with Blair. The Cat-Girl either sensed or had seen them in the streets for she arrived pulling both Soul and Maka into a tight hug pressing their faces into her massive bosom. Judging by Maka's expression this was Blair's normal form of greeting while Soul's nose started to bleed. "Hello cutie," she said noticing Harry as she let go of Maka and Soul before pulling Harry into a tight hug himself causing the letter dropped by the owl to miss him. "Hm something smells fishy," Blair said as she pulled Harry into her bosom as well. "It is you," she said looking down at the letter the owl had just dropped off. "Pum, Pum, Pumpkin," Blair said calling forth her magic to blast the enchantments off the letter before picking it up, still holding Harry to her chest making him bend down with her a little. "All Clean. Are you Harry Potter?"

"Um, yeah," Harry said blushing from his position.

"Here you go," Blair said passing over the newly cleansed letter.

"Get off of him," Maka said pulling the purple-haired cat-girl away so Harry could read the letter.

Harry saw that Hogwarts had not been informed of his choosing to go to DWMA since the letter was welcoming him to the school along with a list of books and supplies he would need for the classes. Harry just used a pen to write on the back of the letter to inform them he was going to attend another school while keeping the list of supplies thinking he might need them later for when they found a tutor to teach him how to control his magic. Harry handed his response to the owl who gave a hoot around the letter before flying off.

Despite the fact that it was nearly three in the afternoon, Maka and the others lead Harry to the DMWA so he could take a look around before he started to attend classes. Due to all the buildings in town, Harry had not noticed it until they were right next to it, but the way to the academy was up a massive staircase. "How many stairs is this?" Harry asked Maka.

"Somewhere between 1,157 and 1,233 stairs, no one has really counted them all before," she said.* "They are used for endurance training for the students. For those who use them," she said shooting a look at Kid who jumped on a skateboard that lifted off the ground letting him fly to the top. "Just take your time," she said as the others began up the seemingly endless stairs. While his internal clock was telling him it was rather late, Harry took the stairs as best he could feeling like he needed to still stretch out after the long plane ride. Even with the need for exercise, Harry was worn out a little over halfway up the stairs. Maka must be used to seeing people get tired at this point for she left a small note on the stairs telling him he only had a little further to go, placing it under a can of soda so it would not blow away. Harry popped open the drink and downed it to refill his energy to finish the trip.

After taking nearly an hour, Harry finally reached the top of the staircase and found Maka, Soul, Liz, Patty, Kid, and Tusnaki waiting for him. He noticed they were all smiling at him but not blocking the school building which looked like several large goofy masks, like the one that Death had been wearing when Maka had called him, attached to a massive castle. There were also massive candles and spikes poking out at random places all appearing to be symmetrical making Harry wonder if the building was behind Kid's obsession with symmetry or if he helped design it in the first place. It took Harry a moment to locate Black Star who evidently decided to climb up and perch on one of the massive red spikes while waiting for Harry to reach the top. "Turn around," Maka said with a smile just as Black Star started to scream something. As Harry turned to look, his breath caught in his throat seeing the sight of the town laid out below them and the horizon in such a grand view. After giving Harry a few moments to take in the sight of the New Death City and the surrounding area, Harry was led to Death's Room to meet with Lord Death.


* I could not find out any information on how many stairs there were in the massive staircase leading to the DMWA so I looked up a list of the World's Longest Stairs and picked one that looked to be around the same size.

Chapter 61: Ariana's Protection


As Lily Potter would do nearly a century later, Ariana Dumbledore sacrifices herself for one of the people she loves the most. But even being dead will not stop her from looking after her family


Tags: Albus Bashing, Harry is a Dumbledore as well as a member of other noble family lines. Mentions of Mpreg. BAMF Ariana Dumbledore

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

When she was alive, Ariana had not had a good life. Like all Magical children, she had begun to have limited control of her magic at age six. One day when she had been practicing in the Dumbledore family's private garden a group of teenage Muggle boys had spied her turning the petals of flowers into different colors and making bulbs bloom instantly. Breaking into the family's garden the teenagers confronted the six-year-old trying to make her reveal how she was performing the "trick." The teenager's methods were so harsh that when her parents found her later, Ariana's mind had been broken so that no Magical or Muggle means could fix her properly. Seeing the state his daughter was in Percival Dumbledore went after the group of teens and made them pay, which landed him in Azkaban for life. Kendra Dumbledore moved her three kids to Godric's Hallow to escape the scandal.

Ariana had few moments of clarity over the next couple of years mostly when her older brother Aberforth played with her and read her stories. She had fewer lucid moments when she was with her mother Kendra but there were still a few. With her eldest brother, Albus, Ariana had barely any lucid moments. However, this could be that her eldest brother barely did anything with her but stayed shut up in his room working on his school work, and writing letters to learned Magicals of the day. To Ariana, her oldest brother was just like a character in a book that was talked about by Mother and Aberforth. Mother was always so proud of Albus for his accomplishments. Yet, Aberforth could never understand why the learned Magicals would waste their time with a kid who had not left Hogwarts.

Her life changed once again shortly before Albus graduated from Hogwarts. On a day when Ariana's lucidity was a mere dream. Wanting Aberforth again since he had been gone so long at Hogwarts, Ariana had an episode where she mistook Kendra Dumbledore as an imposter and her uncontrollable magic blaster her mother through the china cabinet and the wall behind it. When Kendra had been found her body had been broken, bruised and a large shard of broken dishware was lodged in her neck only the two brothers had known what had happened. Madam Bagshot who had found the body had mistaken Ariana's condition as a side effect of watching her mother die, not the accidental source of the death.

With her mother gone, Ariana spent more time around Albus but he was cold and distant to her. While he "loved" his family he was also a little upset that his plans to travel the world to meet all the Magicals he corresponded with and learn about different ways of magic had ended so he could take over as his sister's caretaker. During one of her moments of clarity, Ariana had heard an argument between Aberforth and Older Brother, her name for Albus, where Aberforth said he would drop out of Hogwarts to take care of Ariana himself, but Albus refused, saying that as dumb as he was he still needed to finish school. Ariana grew angry at this Aberforth was not dumb Older Brother was.

A week later another change came to Ariana's life when He came. She did not know where He was from since He had never visited before but He became a regular fixture at their place spending time with Older Brother. Ariana did not pay much attention to He, though thankful to them since it distracted Older Brother thus letting Aberforth be her caretaker leading her to have days on end with no issues. But then He even came to distract Aberforth, yet did not take her beloved older brother away from her. He would sometimes help Aberforth look after her saying stuff like, "Albus was busy writing to blah blah blah."

While her mind was not the most stable, Ariana noticed that He and Aberforth would sometimes share secret glances and as they played with and spent time with her they would touch each other's hands in a way she recalled Mother and Father used to do when she was younger. Even with her mind being so clear now that she spent most of her time with Aberforth, Ariana still could not speak which she had been unable to do properly since the attack by the teenagers all those years ago. This led to Mother, and Aberforth sometimes saying stuff around her that might not be appropriate for a girl her age. Thus Ariana learned that Aberforth and He had started to see each other behind Albus's back. Not that He considered himself cheating on Albus for He only liked Albus's mind, but had fallen for Aberforth's body and heart. Statements like that would usually lead to Aberforth and He kissing each other. Ariana despite how her life had gone was still fairly innocent and would blush and cover her eyes a little seeing Aberforth and He kissing while at the same time making her giggle.

Unknown to her at the time, was that sometimes during the night Aberforth and He, Gellert Grindelwald, would have dates outside of the Dumbledore family home. A couple of dates involved the pair having sex, which was unfortunately unprotected leading to Aberforth getting pregnant. The pair decided to talk to Albus about their relationship at last as well as their plans. One of which was for Aberforth to leave and take Ariana with him. Albus was furious for he had seen Gellert as his boyfriend though the pair had only held hands and had one kiss, which Gellert had neither wanted nor liked. When Gellert informed Albus he only liked him as a friend and intellectual-sparing partner while he loved Aberfroth and the pair were going to have a kid together, Albus lost it. In a fit of jealous rage, Albus pulled out his wand to attack Aberforth. Gellert followed suit placing a Protogo Maximum around the younger boy to protect not only his boyfriend but their unborn child.

Albus showed off why many considered him to be a great Wizard even though he was only eighteen years old as he easily destroyed the full-powered Shield Charm and took aim at Aberforth's stomach to kill his brother and the child. Normally all the loud bangs and flashes of magic in use would set Ariana off she was able to remain lucid and knew that Older Brother meant harm to Aberforth. Not wanting anything to happen to the person she loved the most she lept in the way of the Older Brother's spell killing herself and protecting Aberforth. As her body fell to the floor unmarked but clearly dead the three older teens look on in horror. A part of Albus's mind broke as he turned his wand on his younger brother again to finish the job. Yet due to Ariana's sacrifice the killing curse would not land as it disappeared before hitting either Aberforth or Gellert. Being unable to kill the pair Albus used magic to alter their minds his half-crazed state seemed to give him a boost in magic as he easily broke down any mental protections the other two had.

Ariana who had not wanted to pass on and leave Aberforth behind could only watch as she saw Older Brother implant memory charms in Aberforth and Gellert making them forget that they had been starting to date each other. Albus smiled as he altered Gellert's memory so it was him that was on the date with the foreign Magical. While in his younger brother's mind removed the dates altogether replacing them with an unhealthy attraction to goats. Ariana could do nothing but look on in horror, not even having a physical ghost form yet since before that could happen it seemed her mind had to be healed of the trauma it had been dealing with. She did see that thanks to the memory changes Older Brother had cast on the pair neither of them knew who had really cast the spell leading to her death, leading Gellert to flee the country making Albus growl in frustration.

Once Gellert had fled, Older Brother once more tried to abort the pregnancy but found that even Muggle methods would not work, unaware that while she could not be seen as a yet as a Ghost, Ariana was protection Aberforth and her unknown Neice or Nephew. Since Albus had been unable to terminate the pregnancy as soon as his nephew was born he altered Aberforth's memory of the child making his younger brother think that he was the child's sire from some unknown prostitute. Albus then forced Aberfroth to give the child up and get it out of the way and sent it to America. While she loved Aberforth, Ariana's spirit felt that her nephew would need more protection and help so followed the boy. She helped protect the boy when the ship her nephew was on sank making sure he was rescued even if that put him in the hands of Magic Hating Muggle or NoMaji in America. While her mind was healed now, Ariana could still not achieve a Ghost form as her magic was used to make sure that her nephew Aurelius or as he had been renamed Credence did not become an Obscura for the abuse he received.

Years later when her nephew was a teen she saw Gellert appear, even if he was hiding under a Glamor and taking interest in his son. Thinking he would be able to get the boy to safety she backed off on her protections only to see that the enchantments Albus had cast on Gellert were blocking the family bond between him and his son. Ariana found out her mistake too late as she watched in horror as Aurelius became an Obscura, breathing a sigh of relief when Newt Scamander helped her nephew regain his human form again. It worried her as she saw that back in his human form a small stream of something or other was leaking out of her nephew's body but she did not know what it was due to her age when she died and her lack of knowledge of the Magical World.

She could only watch the steady stream of whatever it was leak out of Aurelius' body while she remained by him and saw him travel for a bit before finding himself in a Magical circus and meeting up with a woman who had a bloodborne curse on her that would leave her trapped as a snake. Ariana watched as her nephew and the cursed woman bu the name of Nagini got closer and closer to each other, blushing a little when the pair kissed and absolutely fled when the pair lay with each other. Her still innocent mind just could not take it.

A short while later Aurelius and Nagini were separated as Gellert came back into her nephew's life and seemed to recognize the bond of parent and child to her nephew. Ariana would have followed her nephew but something kept her back. It seems just like Aberforth, her nephew had been able to easily produce offspring after only a couple of attempts, so sensing Nagini pregnant with her nephew's child. Ariana watched Nagini fight back her curse so she would not lose the child. Ariana wanting her beloved brother Aberforth's line to continue once more delayed getting her ghost form as she supplied magic to Nagini to fight back the curse. After the baby was born, Ariana was heartbroken as she watched an equally heartbroken Nagini give her son up for adoption knowing that she would be unable to raise him. Ariana saw a wonderful older couple adopt her Grandnephew before she went searching for Aurelius again.

When she found out that in the time it took her to help Nagini have her baby without falling to her curse that her nephew had died, Ariana and been devastated. What was worse Albus had further enchanted Aberforth making him a shell of his former self. The only good thing, she had learned that Aberforth had been with Aurelius at the end. Seeing all this happen and knowing everything was due to Albus almost turned her into a deranged spirit or as the living knew them a Dementor, but she held onto her conciseness and soul by doubling down on her mission to protect Aberforth's family. Though this proved a little difficult since she had seen the couple adopt her Grandnephew but had not learned their names or the name they had given the newly born child. Having no other plan she decided to follow Albus to make sure he could not interfere with anyone else life as he had with Aberfroth, Gellert, and Aurelius. Since she found that she had little power to affect Magicals who were not related to her and she held off gaining her Ghost form again she had been unable to stop Albus from messing with a young Tom Riddle's life and setting him down a dark path when she first started following Albus around.

Thanks to her spirit staying around Albus, Ariana was finally able to find out her Grandnephew was James Potter when he came to Hogwarts. Thankfully it seemed that due to the spell he had cast on Aberforth all those years ago to block the family bond when Aurelius was born, Albus did not recognize James Potter as his Grandnephew. Though this did nothing to stop Albus' interest in the boy who had been Blood Adopted into the Potter family thus putting him in line with the Peverell and Gryffindor Lines. Ariana had to smirk to herself seeing that even though he was the Blood Adopted member of the family his claim on the Elder Wand her brother had taken from Gellet was strong than Albus's ownership of the wand. With young James having a connection to the wand, and Ariana able to provide him some help Albus was unable to place enchantments on the lad to make him more trusting of Albus or to turn over the Potter family treasure an Invisibility Cloak.

She saw James only use the cloak sparingly when he was at the castle, rather her Grandnephew used a book given to his great-grandparent on his Blood Adopted mother's side, Jo Lesky, had gotten when they joined Hogwarts as a Fifth Year when Albus had first came to Hogwarts.* The book held a lot of information and lore about not only the castle but the surrounding areas. Though James was only interested in the map function that the book had using it as a base for him and his friends when they created the Maruaders' Map.

Ariana was so proud of her Grandnephew not only for the achievement of him and his friends for creating the map and gaining their Animagus forms but also sticking it to Albus over the years with their pranks. Seeing he could handle himself, Adriana did not think he needed that much help from her. So after he left Hogwarts she left him alone, apart from heading to his bonding when she learned about it from an invitation James had sent to Albus and his fiance had sent to the teachers at the school. She finally got her Ghost form during the ceremony when Minister Tony announced them as fully bonded Man and Wife through Magic and Love. Ariana had been so moved she clapped her ghostly hands seeing the magic work around the pair making their hearts, souls, and magic one thing.

Now as a ghost, she returned to Hogwarts and took up the name, Adi to hide her real identity in case Albus became aware of her. She watched as the madness she had seen started when Aberforth and Gellet informed him about their relationship had gotten worse making Albus become so conceded and self-involved that he started to not see other people as living things but just toys and pawns there for his amusem*nt. She did her best to make sure he did not do anything to harm those around him, though since she was not related to anyone at the school besides him anymore, all she could do was talk to the inhabitants to make them go seek help or inform the Healer if she had seen Albus Enchant, anyone. This, unfortunately, leads to Healer Donna being removed from the castle when she confronted Albus, and her assistant who was one of Albus's bootlickers known as Poppy Pomfrey takes over as the castle's only healer for the students. The woman had her nose so far up Albus' ass that even though she had been a member of Slytherin House as a student followed Albus's anti-Slytherin beliefs. She suddenly turned cold to members of her old house and would treat them only if they remained in her wing for at least fifteen minutes and to Ariana's horror usually with the wrong potion or spell to fix them up.

Since her only ally on the staff had been ousted, Ariana did not know who to turn to though was thankful when Slughorn was replaced as Potions Master and Head of Slytherin House. Professor Snape placed a charm inside the Slytherin House that would register any time any of the students got hurt outside of class or training for Quidditch as well as keeping a stock of health potions they could use if they needed them, no questions asked. Snape saw the growing mistrust of Slytherins due to Albus' rhetoric and the growing power of Voldemort outside the castle and ordered his students never to travel by themselves out in the main castle. She would applaud the man if only he liked his new charges as well as protecting them. On the first Samhain that Professor Snape was at the castle a flood of owls had arrived making numerous people cheered and celebrate. Going invisible she glided in to read what one of the letters said and felt sick. It seems that the Voldemort character had been stopped but it had cost the lives of James and Lily Potter. While she had been at Hogwarts trying to protect the inhabitants of the castle from her eldest brother, her Grandnephew and his wife had died to a madman.

For the first time since her grandnephew's bonding ceremony almost three years ago, Ariana left the castle as she joined Albus as he went to take care of James and Lily's son their Great-Gandnephew. But rather than go get the baby, Ariana followed Albus to Gringots where he talked to one of his Goblin Allies and got himself listed as the Potter's choice of Magical Guardain for their son before sealing the Wills of James and Lily Potter. Before he left the bank, her brother also collected the Invisibility Cloak that he had wanted James to give him when he had been a student at Hogwarts. When Ariana finally laid eyes on her Great-Grandnephew she was horrified to see another spirit now attached to him.

But the spirit that inhabited her Great-Grandnephew would become an ally of hers when Albus left the boy outside overnight on a cold November night. She could feel the invading spirit trying to gain control of the boy but since he was related to her she was able to act. While she could not remove the invader she cleansed it and made it into a benign helper. She was a little shocked to see that when she cleansed the spirit, unknown to her as being a Horcrux, she awoke Tom Riddle's real personality as a sort of mini-ghost came into being. Ariana and the ghost-like Riddle decided to team up to make sure that the boy survived and having both seen what type of man Albus was help the boy get rid of Ariana's oldest brother once and for all.


* My Gryffindor Playthrough character for Hogwarts Legacy. And since I could not have them be Gender Neutral in the game I gave them a male body but had them identify as a female with pink hair and lower pitched voice. All in honor of my normal Jo Lesky character, even though Jo in my stories has black hair held in a ponytail.

I know this chapter did not have well any dialog and was mostly exposition but that is how my idea for it worked out. If I continue it, Harry will be older so he will be able to talk to both Adriana and Tom as they teach him how to protect himself from the Dursleys and all about magic before Hogwarts starts.

Chapter 62: Red String of Fa... You Got to be Kidding Me Part 3


Severus has to move quickly lest Dumles sweep everything under the rug.


This is a continuation of a story started in Chapter 5 with part two in Chapter 10. And while this story has Harry's parents as James and Remus there is no Bashing of Lily or Tonks.

This a reminder there is a Bashing of Weasley (Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, Molly, and Arthur) as well as Dumbles. A String of Fate connected to a person's dominant hand classifies them as a Dominant/Alpha, their non-dominant hand a Submissive/Omega, or their waist which means the partners held power equal to each other.

The main relationships, so far, are Harry/Gregory Goyle and Draco/Vincent Crabbe with Harry and Draco being the bottom. Sideline Relationships Hermione/Neville and Deam/Seamus.

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As Severus looked over the test that the House Elves had performed on Potter, Draco, Vincent, and Gregory coupled with Albus' reaction to him teaching the Red String of Fate Charm in class he knew he had to act fast. Placing the four teens test with the scrolls he had gotten from Granger, Longbottom, Thomas, and Finnagin the Potions Master reached for his wand. He noticed Potter move closer to Gregory as if afraid Seveurs was going to cast a spell on him. Severus just muttered to himself as he cast a Patronus Charm letting four Does explode from his wand and rush out of the room. Knowing Potter would have questions Severus turned to him. "Yes, my Patronus is a doe and is based on Lily, for I loved her. I know the test you got from the House Elves says she is not your mother but when she was able to achieve an Animagus form it was similar to Potters."

"Did you talk about her in class?" Harry asked.

"What makes you say that Potter?" Severus asked with a slight growl at the young teen.

"Well, you just said you loved her but you also mentioned when you taught us the spell that sometimes the Red String of Fated would lead us to someone who already had a partner or was not destined for us," Harry reasoned.

"Yes, alright you are correct I cast the spell and the ribbon wrapped around my waist led to Lily Evens, but she ended up with someone else," he said.

"Who?" Harry asked.

Severus bit his bottom lip for a moment before asking, "Why does it matter, Potter?"

"If everyone believed she ended up with my dad when he was married to Remus, it could mean her partner is out there somewhere possibly enchanted to make them forget they were together," Harry said.

"He does have a point, Professor," Draco said.

"Yeah right under his messy hair," Severus muttered to himself but could not fault the brat's logic also he could not help but think what if there was some sort of enchantment that was more widespread than just a single person? The person who had been Fated for Lily for his memory of her showed Lily had a hard time keeping secrets and if only her partner had spells cast on them everyone she had told or possibly gone on group dates would have been aware she had not been with Potter at all. Even if they did have a falling out in their Fifth Year he could not see Lily not letting him know who her ribbon lead her to, especially when his had led to her.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door pulling Severus out of his thoughts. "Who is it?" he called.

"Um Hermione Granger, Sir. I came down along with Neville, Seamus, and Dean when your Messanger Patronus called us to come here. Professor McGonagall is not happy about that by the way," Hermione's voice said from the other side of the door.

"I can live with that," Severus said to himself more than anyone else. "Come in."

"What is going on?" Seamus asked as the four Gryffindors entered the room letting Harry, Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle see the four Doe Patronus vanish with their job collecting the others finished.

"Everyone in this room had a scroll of parchment appear when they touched the person who their String of Fate connected them to. All except one couple had their relationship messed with by a member or several members of the Weasley family. While just having the scrolls we can get both Ronald and Ginevera expelled due to an old school regulation. However, the scrolls normally only mention if love potions or spells were used. Thanks to some initiative shown by Potter he found evidence of several spells that were in his system as well. Since he had been accompanied by Heir Malfoy, Messer Crabbe, and Heir Goyle they also found something other than love potions and spells in their system."

"What does that have to do with us?" Hermione asked.

"I am getting to it Miss Granger please hold your tongue for once," Severus snapped at her. "While Heir Malfoy and his friends were not targeted by the Weasleys as you all were there could be more spells and enchantments on the four of you including the potions that were detected when you touched your partner after casting the spell in class. Though this means that if there are further spells, potions, or enchantments on your Ronald and Ginevera along with more of their family could be charged for criminal actions, I have a feeling that if we do not act our dear Headmaster will try to either make it out that I made a mistake in class when I taught you the spell or make this all disappear."

"So what do we do?" Dean asked.

"In Potter's test, it told him to head to a Healing House or Gringotts to get a full Cleanse so that is what we will be doing. Not only to get everything out of your systems but also to get records to be used against the Weasley family to make sure they get arrested and charged for their actions," Severus explained not saying that similar things might happen to Pansy Parkinson for her actions against Draco, Vincent, and Gregory since Potter might be aware of it but the other Lions did not need to know. The only reason he was talking about punishing the Weasleys in his Slytherin student's presence was they had arrived with Potter and most likely knew what had happened to him.

"So we are leaving school after today's classes are over?" Hermione asked.

"No, Miss Granger we are going right now. And yes I know that I am breaking countless rules by removing you all from the castle without a parent, guardian, or your Head of House's approval, but as I just said we need to act fast. We will be going to Gringotts due to something listed on Potter's test. Most likely this will mean that each of you will be subjected to a full or partial Inheritance Test by the Goblins, so Mr. Thomas you might find out if you have any Magical Relatives," Severus said making the tallest Gryffindor student eyes widen in shock.

"How will we get there?" Harry asked, "I thought one could not Apparate inside the castle, a Portkey seems a little excessive, and the Floo can't connect outside the Headmaster's Office?"

"The Floo block was only in effect last year under Umbridge. Now all fireplaces can connect but you are right only a few can be used for travel. The good thing is that due to how dangerous Potions making errors are one of the fireplaces is my own. Now enough doodling we need to go now," Severus said using his wand to light the fire in his grate and throwing some Purple Floo Powder into the flame forming a long-term connection, unlike the single-person connection that Green Floo Powder created. He quickly ushered the eight students into the Floo pathway before stepping in himself making it end after he went through since he was the one who set it up.

As the Potion Master arrived in one of the Goblin Bank's Floo receiving rooms he found Potter nearly bent over looking rather sick as Greggory rubbed his back, and Longbottom looking a little unsteady being helped by Granger. "I don't mean to rush you but we need to meet with a Goblin as fast as possible," Severus cautioned them. "Cause even though my fireplace can be used to create a Floo passage the Headmaster would have been notified as soon as we left the castle." He shot a look at Potter knowing that Albus kept a close watch on the boy even when he visited Hogsmeade, something that annoyed Severus for he was sure the bastard knew that Potter had visited the village illegally in his Third Year but had not punished the brat.

Entering the main Hall, Severus' heart sank seeing a long line of people waiting to speak to a Goblin teller. Not wanting to make too much of a scene he quickly turned to the students, "Potter and I shall wait in line to meet with someone, Heir Malfoy if you can lead the others to one of the waiting areas," he ordered as he took Potter's shoulder and began to lead the boy away from the others. "You can wait with the other Gregory," Severus said when he saw the large boy following him.

"I know you have all the documents but I think it would be better if Harry and I provided ours to the Goblins together," Gregory said making Severus assume that Potter's String had connected to his non-dominant hand rather than his wand hand or waist and Gregory was the boy's dominant partner.

"Very well, but keep close," Severus said as the three of them got into line.

It took nearly fifteen slow and agonizing minutes, minutes that Severus was sure would be interrupted by Albus busting into the lobby looking for them. Surprisingly, to Severus, the old bastard had not shown up by the time they reached the front of the line and were directed to meet with one of the tellers. "What do you want?" the teller asked gruffly.

"May your coffers never run dry," Severus said in a traditional Goblin Greeting, hearing Gregory whisper what it was to Harry.

"May the Blood of your enemies never fully wash off," the Goblin responded as he became a little friendlier when he asked, "how may we help you today?"

"I am Severus Snape from the House of Prince. During a lesson I had today at Hogwarts where I taught a class on the Red Strings of Fate Spell, I had several students receive a scroll. A few of them went through further testing and well, got these," Severus said passing over Potter, Draco, Vincent, and Greggory's test that the boys had done with the House Elves.

"I see," the teller said his eyebrows shooting up as he skimmed through the test.

"I was hoping that I could get the four along with four others who also received scrolls but had not been given a test by the Hogwarts Elves to undergo a Gringotts test and possibly a Cleansing. While you are at it I would like to request a test for myself due to some of the results on one of the House Elf test."

"And who may I ask will be paying for the test and cleansing?" the teller asked.

"Since it happened at Hogwarts I think both fall under the control of um.. was it Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff's vaults that provide funds for any student who has a medical procedure while at the school?" Severus mused to himself not having used the funds that much himself.

"It is the Ravenclaw vault," the teller said "and very good sir. I shall have someone lead you to one of the conference rooms. I will need all the scrolls and the four tests, please so I can notify the proper Account Managers."

"Can we be shown to the room before they are called?" Severus asked.

The teller arched an eyebrow at him, "Why the rush?"

"I would like to be out of the lobby in case Albus shows up since he is rather close to the Weasley family. And since Messers Fredrick and George have a shop on the alley I would hate for them to come to the bank for whatever reason and see several of my party," Severus said.

"I can not fault your logic," the teller said motioning over one of the cart drivers. "Please guide Lord Prince and his party to the Sagittarius Room to wait for their Account Managers."

"Yes, Sirah," the Goblin said clicking his heels together before motioning Severus, Harry, and Gregory to follow him. As they moved away from the counter Severus caught Draco's eye and motioned for him to gather everyone to join them. Their guide arched an eyebrow as the six other students joined them but just shrugged as he led the group through a doorway to the side. Unlike the other trips to Gringotts Harry had made they were not in a tunnel where a cart was but a long hallway with an ivory and sapphire checkerboard floor, stone walls that contained non-Magic portraits of Goblins above the weapon the Goblin preferred, and high ceiling that appeared to be made of some sort of crystal material that let multicolored sunbeams into the space for lighting. Harry also noticed that above the portraits there were candle sconces which he assumed were used when there was no sunlight. After about fifty meters there were fewer portraits as doors of various rare metals started to line the walls. After another ten minutes of walking and the group came to a door made of onyx with the constellation of Sagittarius on it. "Alright, if you all wait here your various Account Managers will be here shortly," the Goblin said pushing the doors open and motioning them inside before leaving them alone.

"What's an Account Manager?" Harry asked seeing Dean also looked confused.

"An Account Manager is a position for a Goblin in the bank to manage the vaults, properties, or any other financial details of most Pureblood and several Half-Blood families," Hermione answered having read about them in a book.

"Miss Granger is mostly correct but Goblin Account Managers also make sure a family's treasures are safe, maintain Wills and see to them being passed on to the Ministry, they are also responsible for passing on Family Rings, and for those who do not have a Red String of Fate set up Marriage Contracts," Severus explained.

"Family Rings?" Harry asked.

"That is troubling but not unexpected since I have seen the results from the Elves' test," Severus said. "Family Rings are given to the Head of the family be it the Lord or Lady, while another set would be given to the Heir. They act as a key to the family vaults, records, etc that Gringotts maintain, but also offer protection against various forms of magic and potions depending on the age of the family involved and the power they hold."

"So how were Gregory, Malfoy, and Crabbe affected by the Love Potions?" Harry asked.

"Most families have different ages to pass on the rings," Draco said. "The Malfoy line usually waits until a person is of age unless their parents have died."

"Most families have that condition, meaning that you should have had the Potter family rings even if Professor Lupin is still alive," Gregory explained.

"Speaking of which," Severus said snapping his fingers as he left his seat and made his way to the room's door. Rather than open it he tapped on several of the stars from the constellation making a part of the door flip open looking like a tray. The Potions Master then pulled out a scrap of parchment to write a quick note telling Remus to come to the bank and join them. Once the parchment was in the tray it flipped back into the door which sent it right to the Bank's mail room for immediate delivery.

Six minutes after Severus resumed his seat the doors to the room opened again and seeing it was a Goblin Severus, Draco, Gregory, Vincent, and Seamus got to their feet. A moment later Harry, Hermione, and Dean joined them. The Goblin looked around at the group before walking around the table so he was directly across from Harry. "Lord Potter, Heir Lupin it is good to see you again. I am your Family's Account Manager, Bonecrusher. I have been supplied with the two documents that brought you to the bank today, and while it is troubling I am glad it has happened for I have been trying to reach you, and your Sire since your Bearer's death," Bonecrusher said reaching across the table and holding out his hand to Harry. Harry went to grab it but the Goblin shifted the hand in the last second so rather than taking hold of Harry's hand he grabbed Harry's wrist as they shook.

"Um nice to meet you I guess," Harry said as he pulled his hand away.

"The good thing from your documents is that we have a starting point with the test done by the Elves," Bonecrusher said as he reached into one of his pockets which appeared to magically hold more than it should as the Goblin pulled out a quill that Harry recognized from his detentions with Umbridge from the year before, a roll of parchment, an ornate box that was about seven or eight inches in length and four inches deep, and finally what looked like a bronze cuff. From another pocket, Bonecrusher pulled out a spun thread of pure gold and several pins of Mithril. Laying out the test taken by the Elves, the scroll he got when he ran into Gregory inside the library, and the blank parchment Bonecrusher stuck a pin in all three items and used the thread to tie the pins together. "Now just prick your finger with the Blood Quill so I can see the full extend of what has been done to you," Bonecrusher ordered him.

"I don't have to write anything with it?" Harry asked.

"No, the Blood Quill just needs to take a drop of your blood to prove you are who you say you are as well as mix with some magic ink to fill out our test. Writing with one would be tantamount to torture," Bonecrusher said horrified.

"Tell me about it," Harry said quietly.

Bonecrusher quickly pulled the quill away from him and ordered Harry, "Explain." Harry quickly informed Bonecrusher of his detentions with the Umbitch last year and how she had him write with a Blood Quill for no less than three hours a night for over three weeks. The color drained from Bonecrusher, Severus, Draco, and Gregory's faces at the news as the Goblin wrote up an order to bring the woman in for questioning as well as ordering an audit to find out how she had gotten her hands on one of their Quills.

Once the order had been written, Bonecrusher pricked Harry's finger to get his full results. But before they were finished another Goblin entered the room. Harry made to rise with everyone else but Bonecrusher held his arm and shook his head signally him to remain seating as his test finished. The newcomer turned out to be Fangtooth, the Prince Family Account Manager. " Heard that you have requested a test, Lord Prince?" Fangtooth said taking the seat across from Severus.

"That is correct, just to be on the safe side after seeing something on Pott... Lord Potter's documents," the man said giving Harry's title as Bonecrusher glared at him and knowing well enough not to insult a Goblin especially another family's Account Manager.

"Can I ask what precisely are you referring to? Bonecrusher asked.

"Lord Potter's parents," Severus said nodding at the top of the House Elves' test. "Since most Magicals believe Lord Potter is the child of Lily and Potter the fact that the test states Lily is not related to him. Plus how close a friend I was to her in school and recalling my String of Fate connected me to her. I wanted to see if my memory has been modified."

"It has," Fangtooth said as he began to pull out some parchment from one of his pockets while reaching over to take the Blood Quill from Bonecrusher.

"How can you be so sure?" Severus asked.

"You will see with the test. I hesitate to mention it just in case the spell on you has a side effect if someone says anything about it," Fangtooth explained. Seeing the logic in that Severus pricked his finger with the quill before placing it on the provided parchment. Fangtooth was proven to be correct for on the third line of the document it listed Severus had been married to Lily Snape nee Evens.

Chapter 63: An aborted Timeline or an Unexpected Alpha


This story was alluded to in the latest chapter of Harry's Journal where Magic Incarnate Harry tells of a timeline where Luna not Blaise became Harry's Alpha during the events of my story History Repeats Itself.


Tags: Albus, Ron, Ginny, Molly, Tonks, and Granger Bashing. Sirius/Remus, Harry/Draco/Vikctor/Fred/Severus, Harry/Luna but not in a sexual way. BAMF Luna Lovegood Creature Harry, Draco, Fred, Severus, Viktor, Luna, and Blaise.

The events of History Repeats Itself up to Harry and the others going to Hogwarts, IE until Chapter 10 are all the same but rather than Harry's Alpha being Blaise it will be Luna. This is an AU where things will play out slightly differently from the main storyline. I will say that if I continue it the one scene I will not add again will be a love scene between Dumbles and Umbritch one of those was way too much even for me writing it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As Harry looked away from the Skelator Horse thing, his eyes fell on a girl with blonde hair in Ravenclaw Robes. Suddenly he felt a spark of Magic quite unlike what he felt when he first looked into the eyes of his Mates. As they looked into each other's eyes, Harry saw an Eagle feather burst out of her neck and surround it as if it was a choker. Harry found he still had complete focus and control of his body unlike when he bonded with the others as he started to walk towards the strange girl. However, with a shake of her head, he stopped in place. The strange girl, his Alpha, pressed a finger to her mouth as the Eagle father was reabsorbed into her skin.

Harry almost gave a shout of alarm as he heard a voice inside his head, "Not now, Harry. You will know when to come to me. Do your fake bonding with Draco to make sure everyone knows you are with him and Viktor. I will give you a sign but also send you some help via my brother, even if he does not look it. I will explain everything later, my Angel." With that, the voice fell silent as Harry watched the girl enter her carriage before he joined Fred in theirs.

"You ready for the show?" Fred asked thinking Harry was getting cold feet in "Bonding" with Draco in such a public manner.

"I am fine, everything will go smoothly," Harry said taking Fred's hand and bringing it to his mouth to give his First Mate a kiss on his knuckles.

"Yes 'cause we are all such thespians and actors," Fred said elongating both words to make Harry laugh a little.

As the carriage pulled up to the front entrance, Harry and Fred got out seeing a familiar blonde hair. Harry once more stopped in place as Draco's hair color was so similar to the color of his new Alpha. He shook himself as he realized he had almost missed his cue, "Shove off," Harry said after a longer pause than they had planned. As they had planned Harry looked into Draco's eyes and let a shocked expression come to his face as he called out in a slightly higher voice, "Mate." Draco ripped off his cloak to let his silver Veela wings out while Harry made his single wing flutter as if it was leading Harry to him jumping into Draco's arms. There were gasps of shock as Draco wrapped his arms possessively around Harry's form.

"Well, lucky me Bonded to a Malfoy," Fred said as he followed Draco to the Slytherin table as if afraid to leave Harry alone with Draco at the Slytherin Table. Fred looked annoyed as he sat next to Draco who had repositioned Harry into sitting on his lap, the red-head doing his best not to send a wink to George at the Gryffindor table or wiggle his eyes at Theo since the other Slytherin boy was one of the few in the know about Harry's mates outside their group at the moment.

It was a good thing that no one knew how long one of Harry's bonding to his Mates normally lasted for he was able "come back to himself" as soon as the food arrived. Though he made no move to leave Draco's lap. Harry looked around as Draco began to put food on a plate for him thinking that the blonde was giving their story away as he knew what were Harry's favorite foods without asking.

"Wow Draco wait until your parents hear about this I mean Krum is one thing but Potty and a Weasel," a voice said making Harry, Fred, and Draco glared at Pansy who cowered at the combined look. With a nod of satisfaction, Harry shifted his gaze from the bully of a girl only to catch the eyes of a tall dark skin male sitting on her other side. The teen looked like he was about to say point out that it was strange that Draco knew Harry's choice of food before he tilted his head to the side. Looking deep into Harry's eyes he winked before letting out a feather from the back of his neck and letting it settle in like a collar just as the blonde-haired girl had done back at Hogsemead Station.

"Just go with it my Angel," the voice in his head said.

Acting as if he the dark-skinned male was his last Mate, Harry shouted out " ALPHA." The Hall fell silent as Harry used his wings to fly off of Draco's lap and flew over the table to settle in on the stranger's lap.

"His name is Blaise, Harry, Blaise Zabini and while he does not look it he and I are Creature Siblings. Not only that but we both come from the line of Merlin. I will explain later as well as why I had you do this. Everything is fine my Angel," the voice in his head explained as what felt like a kiss was planted on his forehead.

"Blaise. Alpha," Harry muttered as he buried his face in his real Alpha's Creature Sibling's chest.

"Hello Little One," Blaise said in a deep voice so unlike the one Harry was hearing in his head which was higher and almost sing-songy if that was a word. While he had not connected to his real Alpha yet, Harry was shocked to feel his wings retract into him. As Draco passed over Harry's plate of food the conversation in the hall was silenced gain as over at the Ravenclaw table Harry's real Alpha stood up screaming as if she was about to die.

"It is alright, Harry this is part of my plan," the voice in his head told him as the Eagle feather sprouted from her neck again before she collapsed in a heap on the floor of the hall. Even if it was not his Alpha, Harry would have liked to think he would do the same thing as he brought out his wings again and flew over to the Ravenclaw girl's collapsed form. He felt a powerful spark as he gathered the girl into his arms before heading back to Draco and Fred. The voice in his said told him this was all an act but he wanted it to look good so he gently laid his Alpha at the pair of Healer's feet. "Please heal her," he said making his voice sound like he was begging them for help while staying on his knees to remain close to his Alpha.

As Fred and Draco pulled out their wands to look over the girl, Harry worried what would happen when they scanned her for if this was all an act there would be nothing they could do for her. Before they could do anything, however, an unfamiliar voice said, "Put those away you two, and let a train profession deal with this... girl."Something about the woman's tone and manner even if she looked like a toad dressed in pink raised Harry's hackles.

"Get away from her," Harry barked and might have launched himself at the toad-like woman if not for the fact his Alpha shifted her body slightly and gently placed a hand on his arm to calm him down and Severus appeared as if one of the others had summoned him.

"You might want to be careful, Dolores, Potter seems to be acting purely on instincts. And from his tone, he sees you as a threat. I think for the safety of you and everyone else it might be a good idea to send him to the rooms Professor Krum had worked on before term started. Heir Zabini please help Potter along, Heir Malfoy see to Miss Lovegood if you don't mind," Severus said before leading them out of the hall.

Viktor soon joined them as they headed up the main staircase taking over the lead as showing everyone to their rooms, a side corridor in the sixth-floor lakeside hallway. "The password to get inside is Avalon," Viktor said at the door making it open and ushering everyone inside.

"Alright let's see to Luna," Draco said as he laid his distant cousin on her father's side onto a couch in what appeared to be a sitting room.

"That will not be necessary," Luna said shocking everyone apart from Harry and Blaise as she sat right up.

"Dear Merlin Luna what gives," Draco said clutching at his heart.

"It is for Harry and all your protection," she said simply.

"Our protection?" Severus asked.

"Yes, I am afraid I had to do something that made it seem like Blaise is Harry's Alpha not me," she said.

"Say, What?!?" Fred asked.

"I don't know the full story but when I caught Harry's eye on the platform and my creative side was awakened I got a let's say crash course in what is going on. Harry has gained an inheritance that is not only rare but powerful which was last seen, though not documented, in the Hogwarts Founders and their combined mate. I don't know what happened back then but at one point something happened that even with all the power Harry's predecessor had one or more of the Nest got hurt and nearly died. It seems that the ones who got hurt were the Healers so they turned to Merlin for help. Whatever Merlin did cause his family to be added to the Nest and passed over the family line to the person who goes through the inheritance so we can know when we are needed to help. As all but Harry know it is customary for a large Nest to hide a member of their number for the protection of the others. Well from the sending I got when I caught Harry's eye the Magic of Merlin bade me to keep my own identity secret as well.

"But if you are the Alpha," Severus said.

"And that is the rub, One of the two members of a Nest that can not be hidden would be an Alpha. Thankfully Blaise was around as my Creature's Sibling so could step into the role. Now everyone will believe Blaise is Harry's Alpha and will not know what is really going on. Now besides my role being added to the Nest by Merlin and while I will care for and protect Harry, there will never be any sexual attraction between us. Well obviously since the magic of his inheritance sought you all out showing he prefers males," Luna explained while Harry curled up next to her on the couch. It should have made him annoyed that she was speaking as if he was not there but it did not bother him at all.

"So how would this work exactly?" Draco asked. "Don't get me wrong I am glad that Blaise decided to help, he did decide and is not being forced to do this is he?"

"I am not being controlled Draco stop worrying. As Luna said we are Creature Siblings which means I am also of the line of Merlin and thus was groomed to protect any who went through Harry's inheritance if it happened during my life. And while I don't feel the same need to protect Harry as any real Alpha would through my sibling bond with Luna I feel a part of it. But I also will not be doing anything of a sexual nature with any of you. No offense," Blaise explained.

"None, taken," Fred said.

"So while Blaise distracts everyone being Harry's Alpha I shall work behind the scenes to protect not only him but all of you. Starting with this," Luna said as she reached into Harry's robes and pulled out the test he had gotten done at Gringotts which showed everything that Albus, Molly, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione had done to him. I will also compile a list of crimes that anyone has committed against any of us. Such as Granger who must have done something to Viktor to get him to take her to the Yule Ball last year."

"That's right why would you go with her?" Harry asked perking up.

"Draco if you would be so kind," Luna said leading to the Slytherin Ice Prince to cast a diagnostic charm on Viktor. As the physical healer of their Nest got the results Luna called out, "Can any House Elf who works with Hogwarts please bring the plates of food anyone here had made down in the Great Hall?" With a chorus of popping sounds plates of food appeared in front of everyone.

"To stay hidden I will not be staying in these rooms obviously, but how will I explain your presence here Luna?" Severus asked as they began to eat.

"Due to how rare it is for someone to go through a Creature Inheritance before they are of age, and if people were paying attention they might have noticed that Blaise and I have the same features. It would be best to let everyone know that to make sure I remain healthy I need to bond a little with Blaise during the day, and since I am only a Fourth Year and not in Slytherin House like he is the best way to do it is to give me one of the spare rooms here," Luna explained.

"How will we work that out anyway?" Harry asked. "I assume there are spare rooms?" he asked turning to Viktor.

"At the moment there are three bedrooms, one that is for you to share like at Potter Manor. Since I knew Severus would not be staying I set aside paired rooms for Draco, Fred, and I to share when we are now with you. I guess for the moment one room can be used by Blaise for his personal use. And you can just share your room with one of us or all of us each night," Viktor said.

"Why not just make more rooms?" Harry asked.

"Since I knew who was all in our Nest at the moment I set the rooms up as I did. I also saved them just to prevent say Dumbledore not liking you being here with Draco or someone who is not one of his pawns, and he tried to interfere it would not update. The only way the rooms can be changed now is if say you get pregnant so we need to add space for any kids we might have. We can do a full tour after our meal but besides the three main rooms, there is a Master Bathroom connected to your room Harry and two secondary bathrooms which are just a toilet and sink that can be reached through the hallway. One room is just a shower that can change into a bathtub if you like. There is this sitting room," Viktor said pointing over his shoulder at a pair of wingback seats before the fire. "We can sit anywhere but those two seats are reserved for Harry and I guess Luna. There is also a kitchen which Professor McGonagall said we are free to use to make our own meals during Friday nights, and the weekends. And just like at the Manor, Draco I forbid you to enter it." Viktor then turned to Luna to explain, "While Draco is our physical healer he can not cook and one time even set water on fire so by the order of the Manor's House Elves he has been barred from the kitchens even to pick up food to pass on to everyone else."

"That's sound rather impressive Draco," Luna said making Draco blush as he continued to look over the scan he took of Viktor.

"It was not my intention," Draco muttered before saying in a louder voice. "I found what she did to you.

"Hm?" Viktor asked.

"When Granger got you to invite her to the Ball. She evidently used a love potion, or at least I hope she did, for it made your body react as if it was exposed to scents Harry might give off when he wants to have sex," Draco said.

"Did you have to put it that way?" Harry asked his face turning completely red as he buried it in his hands.

"Sorry kitten," Draco said. "That was just the best way to say it."

"Do better next time then. Not that I want there to be a next time but still," Harry said his response muffled by his hands.

Helping Harry by changing the topic, Luna asked, "So is there anyone I can contact to help me make the list of stuff done to Harry and the rest of you?"

"I would suggest Bonecrusher, Harry's Account Manager," Viktor said. "Last we heard he was doing an audit of Harry's vaults so if anyone messed with them it would be on the list.

"I see," Luna said thoughtfully. "Draco will not be the only one who has to do better it seems."

"What do you mean?" they all asked.

"Well first off Draco you made some mistakes after you "Bonding" with Harry earlier you began to fill his plate with food without asking him what he wanted. Granted you have been keeping a close eye on him for a while but it might make you look like some sort of stalker if anyone saw you picking out his favorite foods without getting any input from him. Secondly," Luna said shifting her gaze to look at everyone, apart from Blaise and Harry, in the eye, "you need to watch out for your placement in the Nest."

"What?" Harry asked.

"I am Alpha and while I will be an untraditional Alpha I would still be seen as the leader of the Nest with Blaise serving as a basic puppet leader to anyone outside the nest or possibly our families. Harry is the Nest's Submissive so his rank is obvious as well, but from what I have been able to see and sense Viktor you would be my right hand or the Nest's Beta followed by Severus, Fred, and then Draco. While this might not be an issue but if Severus comes to ask you, a new teacher even if you are part of the nest when to anyone else he is an outsider, about the others in the nest it might seem strange to outsiders."

"Hm, now that she mentioned it," Draco began.

"I guess we never noticed," Fred said.

"Now there is another issue," Luna said.

"What now?" Severus asked simply not sounding annoyed as he might have with anyone else that was not part of their Nest.

"Classes. Most particularly Harry's classes," Luna said turning to Harry who was still curled up at her side. "Are you taking any class that no one else in this room is taking?"

"Well Charms, History of Magic, and Herbology," Harry answered.

"That is easily solved since everyone saw you "Bond" not only with Draco but Blaise as well your schedule can be changed so you have lessons with the Slytherin Fifth Years," Severus explained.

"Good that means that at least in all your classes you will be accompanied by Draco and Blaise for your protection. Though if it comes to this trust Draco more than my brother," Luna said causing Blaise to just shrug his shoulders as he eat his meal not taking any slight from her comment.

"Speaking of classes," Severus said as he finished off his supper. "I want you all to be weary about Professor Umbridge. She has a very anti-Creature Stance and since you have all been revealed to be Creatures she might target you. Harry would have pointed out what harm could she do for the woman who looked like a toad dressed in pink, but he recalled the sense of danger or evil about her when they were in the Great Hall so headed the Nest' Attacker's advice. "And now since I have finished with my supper I should get going. I will not be able to come every night so I might have to give you both detentions," Severus said giving Fred and Harry a peck on the cheek to indicate who he was talking about, "so that we might cuddle sometimes. Harry and Fred blushed a little at the thought of cuddle detentions with Severus as everyone bade him goodnight.

After he left and the rest finished eating Viktor gave them all a tour of their rooms. Showing off the simple bathrooms, and shower room the paired bedrooms, which Blaise claimed one of them right off the bat rather than finish the tour with the others. Viktor showed that the beds in each room could be magically joined together or separated if they wanted it to. When he finished the tour it was decided that unless Harry wanted to do something with one of the others he and Luna would share the Master Suite with the bed separated into at least two versions. Draco since he had shared a room with Blaise in Slytherin joined his old friend unless he was with Harry, while Viktor and Fred took the other double room. As Harry fell asleep that night, luxuriating in lying on his back which he had been unable to do since his wings had immerged with his Inheritance he felt complete even if he and his new Alpha would never sleep together, unless one counted him sleeping with his head in her lap or leaned up against her.


I have no idea where I might go with this, though I do have an idea for a second chapter that will cover some of the events from the chapter Starting the Year with a BANG.

Chapter 64: An aborted Timeline or an Unexpected Alpha 2


After his first night talking with his new Alpha, Harry heads to class where Ron Weasley lights the fuse to his own explosive end.


As apart from Luna becoming Harry's Alpha rather than Blaise the timelines have not shifted too much from the original story so at least in this chapter you might recognize some familiar dialog or parts. If I continue this story after this chapter there will be less instances of this.

Chapter Text

Everyone settled in for the night after the short tour of their rooms from Viktor. Since it was the first night there rather than sleep in a cuddle pile with Draco, Fred, and Viktor like he wanted to Harry let his mates set up the shared rooms as they wished. With a small adjustment to the giant bed in the Master's Suite Harry and Luna had separate king-size beds to sleep in. Before falling asleep, however, the pair sat up and talked for a bit. Harry shared with her everything he had found out since he had come into his inheritance. How the test said he had specific skills but he had been unable to access them yet, making him believe he had to find all his mates to do so. Harry shared with her all about Sirius and Remus, and knowing that she would not turn his Godfather in.

Harry explained about how he had found the others, including Severus, and how when he looked into the man's eyes he had seen the Potions Master had been under enchantments. Enchantments he could easily break before he found out Severus was one of his mates. Harry told her that Severus had been confused about how they could be mates since he had no recollection of even going through an inheritance of his own leading him to take Harry to meet with Remus and Sirius. "He did it for we bonded right after I woke up but before I had got dressed. Severus did not think he could ask anyone else for help with me clinging to him in nothing but my underwear," Harry said making Luna giggle. "There was a problem when Severus and Fred took me to see Sirius and Remus but I could pull myself out of my Bonding with Severus seeing both of my Godfather and Remus had been enchanted as well. So I cleansed them."

"That is a powerful skill," Luna said.

"Well, the Goblins did say that my power increased so much when I went through the inheritance to whatever creature I became that I would be akin to the sun compared to the candle of normal Magicals. Since I also increase the powers of my Nest I guess that makes you and the others akin to the planets that orbit me," Harry said.

"You mentioned a book you found in Camelot," Luna said propping herself onto an elbow to look at him better. "Can I see it?"

"Sure, though I am the only one who has been able to see any writing in it," Harry said digging the book out of his trunk.

"Ah, but while they are part of your/our Nest I may have better luck since I am your Alpha," Luna said as she accepted the book from him.

"Good luck," Harry said as she opened the book at random.

"Fascinating," she said.

"What?" he asked.
"I can not only see the script and read it but I can see the original writing. This book was written in a little used Old English that was only ever used in Camelot known as Merlanic Runes. Which makes perfect sense of course," she said flipping through the pages.

"Anything good?" Harry asked since he had barely read past the fifth page due to how busy he had been.

"Yes, but I think you will need to read it for yourself. Think of it as homework," she said passing the book back to him. "From what I skimmed of the book there are instructions on how to access the special skills of your inheritance if they do not develop on their own."

"Why would they not develop on their own if they were listed?" Harry asked.

"There are a couple of possibilities. One despite them being unblocked someone could have attached leaches on them as well so they are around but are under someone else control. Or two your body might need to develop more before it can access the gifts. Think of it as all that power in your body like air in a ballon too much power and skill could make you pop and die but if you developed more it would be like adding other ballons to the fold. Those are just guesses mind you," Luna said with a shrug. She waited until Harry climbed back into his bed after putting the book away again before getting out of her bed to tuck him in a little. While she was younger than him her role as the Nest Alpha was one of guidance and protection rather than that plus being one of his Mates. "Now to sleep with you, my Angel," she said laying a hand on his chest and giving his forehead a small kiss. Harry who almost no memories of the love of a parent could not help but feel as if Luna was like his mom as his eyes closed and he drifted off into a deep and dreamless sleep.

The next morning, Harry awoke to find Luna was no longer in the room letting him change his clothing in peace. He found her chatting with Fred in the main room. "I like the graph you placed in yours and Viktor's room displaying everyone and their connections to the Hogwarts Founders. And while it is out of the way I would like you or Viktor to place a spell on it so only members of the Nest can see it. Just in case, Albus comes to our rooms when we are all attending class. For it reveals Severus's placement in our Nest but also a connection to the Founders he might not want or even fear us having."

"Good point," Fred said as he rushes back to his room to make the poster look like a team poster for Viktor's Quidditch Team.

"That was why I brought it up," she called after him, making Harry chuckle.

Once Fred came back from fixing the poster the group left their rooms and headed down to the Great Hall. Since their room was not near any of the Common Rooms for a while Luna walked with her arm around Harry's shoulders but as they got to the more populated areas she drew back letting Blaise come forward and take Harry's hand before he began to swing their arms. Reaching the Great Hall Harry, Draco, Fred, and Blaise went to sit at the Slytherin table while Viktor headed to the Head Table and Luna sat at the Ravenclaw table. She did sit near them with her back to the group since Ravenclaw and Slytherin tables were right next to each other. Harry had a feeling that if she wanted to keep an eye on him or pass on a message she would have sat on the other side so she could face them, making him decide to check out where she was seated before he would sit down from now on. An upside to sitting so that Luna and he was back to back was he did not have to watch his former friends and their reaction to his being bonded to Draco or "Blaise."

Fred who was seated across from Harry and the others was able to watch his younger siblings and Granger seeing the trio had their heads together in a private discussion. Fred knew he would have to ask George, Katie, and Lee about what the trio had done the night before as well as asking them to keep an eye on them. Based on the cursed gifts Ron and Ginny had sent Harry on the submissive's birthday he could see the trio trying to pull something thinking no one would be watching them. And while Fred was the one responsible for the Mental Health of their Nest did not mean he would not use the friends he had in Gryffindor to help protect Harry and the others. Almost as if his twin was waiting for Fred to catch his eye, George used some magic to send a parchemt folded up like a paper football over to the Slytherin table. Catching it Fred read over the message before passing it on to Harry, Draco, and Blaise. George had warned them that while Ron, Ginny, and Hermione had been telling everyone in Gryffindor that Harry had just been enchanted; the group would also have to watch out for Seamus Finnigan since the Fifth Year was following the Ministry line when it came to Harry and his mental state.

Hearing this Harry cursed Ron and Hermione for a moment thinking that if the pair had not separated him from others in his year Seamus might have known him better to see that the Prophet and Ministry were lying about him. But Harry decided he would not try to force his former dormmate or anyone else to believe him. Hedwig did come to deliver a letter, sent by Bill, Sirus, and the others back at Potter Manor asking in code if the plan had been successful. Harry wrote back in the same code that not only had their plan worked but he had found his Alpha. After what Luna had said the night before he did not tell them who his Alpha was not knowing how closely Luna wanted to keep her part in his Nest a secret.

"Ah Mr. Potter I was asked to give you this from your head of house since you find it necessary to darken the table with your presence," Severus said in his normal tone though with a sparkle in his eyes at his young mates. Draco and Fred shot him some dark looks though they also did not reach their eyes as the Potion Master hands out their new class schedules. Harry looked over the parchment and saw that he had double potions right off the bat followed by lunch and then a single period of Charms and finally History of Magic. For once Harry was actually looking forward to Potions after the tutoring during the last month he felt like he could actually stand on his own in potions and then added to the fact that he would be near his eldest mate was great. The only downside was Potions was with Gryfindor so he would be in the same room and possibly interact with Ron and Hermione for the first time since he had bonded with Fred.

"I am so ready to prove I am no dunderhead this year," Harry said for the benefit of all around him apart from Theo and his mates.

"I really don't see that happening Potter," Pansy said with a chuckle as she found his enthusiasm quite a stark difference from the normal atmosphere of the table.

"Stranger things have happened Pansy after all what are the chances Blaise and me would be the golden boy of Gryffindor's mates?" Draco asked ruffling Harry's hair playfully.

Harry arrived at Potions earlier than the rest of the students, apart from Draco and Blaise who he dragged along with him, just so he could have some alone time with his eldest Mate. "Did you sleep well, Sweetie?" Severus asked hugging Harry tight to his chest.

"I was out like a light after some talked with the Alpha," Harry said not saying Luna's name just in case. "We found out something interesting. We can both read the book I found while we were house hunting."

"That is remarkable," Severus said his eyebrows raising in surprise.

"Alpha told me to take time to read the book like it was homework, so I know what I will be doing in the free period which I used to have in Divinations," Harry said.

"You will have to tell us what you learn," Severus said as he gives Harry another hug before pushing him over to Draco and Blaise as his enhanced hearing from his Drak inheritance heard the rest of the class approaching.

Severus started his class with a ten-minute lecture on what would be expected of everyone that year since they had their OWLs rather than end-of-term test this time around. When he had finished he had them start on the lesson's potion before walking around the classroom to check on everyone's progress. Severus did his best not to linger too long around Harry and Draco's table nor take out the anger on Granger and Ronald for what the pair had done to his Submissive. Severus decided he was going to stick it to Albus for what the bastard had done by going against the man's wishes and ingratiating himself to Longbottom. Reaching the table where Longbottom was brewing his potion, rather than spurn the teen's efforts, Severus stepped in shocking the boy as he gave Neville a one-on-one lesson on how best to prepare his ingredients. "Mr. Longbottom," Severus said in a low voice so as to not distract the other students, "I think to better prepare you for your Potion OWLs I need to teach you the best way to prepare your stock. Not to be rude but we can not have to disrupt classes this year with melting cauldrons every week. So I want you to come to my office after supper on a night that works for you so we can get you better prepared for your test."

"Um, thank you, Professor," Neville said a little shocked.

"I can not understand how you can have such trouble with the plant-based items here. Professor Sprout always said you are the best student in your year in her class. I want to find out if your issue is with the non-plant ingredients or if perhaps you have a Block on Potion Making that I need to report," Severus said as he began to talk Neville through how to cut up his dittany.

Ron's POV

He just could not figure out what had gone wrong with the plan the Headmaster had told him, and Hermione about. The man had said that he had placed blocks on Harry making it impossible for him to go through an inheritance and thus easier to control. If perchance Harry had somehow gotten his inheritance measures were in place to make sure his mate would be Ginny so that they could take over all his vaults. But seeing Harry become mated to one of the twins of all people and their plan seems to fall apart was hard enough. Now seeing Harry and one of the twins mated with two snakes one of which was Draco Malfoy was enough to lead Ron to plan a way to get Harry back under their control, so as Hermione worked on their potion Ron thought of a way to get Harry sent to the Hospital Wing so they could put Harry back under his compulsions and potions. Remembering his second year when he and Harry had to cause a distraction in potion that had caused a cauldron to explode and douse people with the potions. It was all too easy since Harry was well known for his poor potion-making skills it would not shock anyone to see him cause an explosion so he would not even get any blame. Making sure Snape was still busy with Neville, he pulled out his wand and cast a hovering charm to cause some porcupine quills to go into the cauldron while it was still on the fire, making it begin to bubble. He watched excitedly as the cauldron began to rock back and forth and just as it was about to explode Malfoy pushed Harry out of the way and took the brunt of the explosion. Ron just shrugged he did not get Harry but at least Malfoy got hurt.

Normal POV

Severus looked up from Neville's cauldron, seeing that Longbottom was doing better and the Potion looked like it was supposed to, when he heard an explosion. His heart sank seeing Harry's Potions had exploded and to protect their Submissive Draco had pushed Harry out of the way taking the explosion right to his face. While he wanted to comfort Harry and make sure Draco was alright, Severus had a part to play in his Nest's protection. "Can you not follow simple instructions, Potter?" He almost winced seeing Harry's reaction to his harsh words but he could not comfort Harry with everyone else in the room. "Blaise take that Submissive of yours and follow me as I see to Heir Malfoy," Severus said gathering his Godson and the lowest ranked Dominant of their Nest into his arms.

Blaise while he was pretending to be Harry's Alpha and did want to protect him was not fully focused on Harry's mental state or even Draco's injury as he turned to Theo. "Theo, make sure that Harry's potion is not cleared away or anyone gets close to the cauldron," Blaise ordered his friend, having been informed by Draco last night that Theo knew all about Harry's Nest.

"Um, sure but why?" Theo asked.

"Well, Harry has never messed up a potion so badly before. So I want to make sure his Creature side did not cause him to get worse at it or if there is another reason it exploded," Blaise said making Theo nod his head. Theo had not only heard but sat in on several of Severus and Draco's tutoring sessions with Harry in Potions during the summer yet nothing had happened then. Blaise took the nod from his friend as agreement as he helped Harry out of the room following Severus. Since the Potions Master had to act like he normally did towards Potter, he had not slowed down forcing Blaise to hurry Harry along to catch up with them.

Reaching the Hospital Wing Severus had to stop himself from biting Poppy's head off when rather than start healing Draco, she only focused on Harry. Granted the Submissive was in a small state of shock making Severus guess he was afraid he was responsible for the accident. His anger toward the Medi-Healer would not even be anything new since her actions towards students in Slytherin had always been disgusting as she either did not treat them or gave them the wrong potions or procedure making their healing take longer. It was thanks to her that at the beginning of each year, he would connect each of his students to a special sensor that would track any damage they might experience outside the classroom or Quidditch that might require him to seek medical attention. As Severus made Poppy treat Draco he wondered if he should create a sensor package for the members of his Nest just in case. For while Harry's magic might be overpowered now he was still only mortal as far as Severus knew and thus could still get hurt. "And not just physically," Severus thought as he watched Harry seat beside Blaise his Avada-green eyes never leaving Draco's form.

Severus wanted to stay by Harry's side but there was no reason to do so, and while Blaise was good he felt Harry needed a real member of his Nest so made his way out of the room to get Fred to stay with Harry by Draco's bedside. Kicking himself for not working out a non-verbal code to pass messages to Harry and the others, Severus made his way out of the room to collect Fred. This turned out harder than he thought it would be since the Seventh Year male was in Dolorus's class and she utterly refused to let him leave the room. Severus could not get Viktor to go either since their Nest's Beta was in the middle of teaching at the moment. And unfortunately, just like if he had stayed there would be no logical reason to send Luna to the Hospital Wing. He just hoped he could catch the young Alpha and explain what had happened and why he had to leave Harry basically alone for a while.

Having nothing else to do Severus headed back down to the Potions Classroom to check Harry's cauldron to see if he could find out what had gone wrong with the Potion. "Heir Nott, why are you still here?" Severus asked as he entered the room to find Theo the only one still there. While he had not dismissed the rest of the class he had not expected anyone to stay after he left with Draco, Harry, and Blaise.

"Blaise asked me to stay behind and make sure Harry's cauldron was not cleaned," Theo said.

"I see," Severus said approving of Blaise's actions while he had been distracted by what had happened to Draco. "I thank you for your work, I shall take it from here."

"Yes, Sir," Theo said as he gathered his bag and left the room closing the door behind him.

As soon as he was alone Severus began to study the contents of Harry's destroyed cauldron and what little potion was still inside of it. Not sure if it might still be dangerous Severus got down on his knees to take a sniff of the potion to see if the senses he had cultivated during his time to gain his Masters could detect anything. After a couple of sniffs, Severus was able to detect a faint whiff of porcupine quills. This confused him since there were no quills to be added to this potion. Even before the tutoring Draco and he had given Harry during the summer this was not a type of mistake he could see Harry making. Nor had there been anything in class that might have distracted Harry, at least until Draco got hurt, which could have led to him pulling out a completely unneeded ingredient.

During the tutoring session at Potter Manor, Draco had mentioned that in the past he had sometimes thrown stuff into Harry's brew to mess it up. Severus' anger at hearing this had almost led him to attack the lowered-ranked Dominant for his carelessness. But knowing it had happened in the past could mean that someone could have tossed something into Harry's cauldron today. Unfortunately, if this was the case he would be unable to know who did it. That is unless the perpetrator was dumb enough to do so by magical means. Just to rule it out, Severus cast a spell on the lump of melted metal and ruined potions thinking he would get no magical trace besides Harry and Dracos. Possibly Blaise but that was it. He was therefore shocked when he found traces or Ron Weasley's Magic attached to the Cauldron.

Severus saw read as every instinct he had as Harry and Draco's Nestmate called for him to flay the young redhead alive with his Drak talons. Only a couple of things prevented him from acting on his instincts. One was he was not sure what his actions would do to Fred, for even after everything Ron was still Fred's brother. Secondly, if he acted now it would reveal his placement in the Nest to everyone and his Drak would not allow that. Finally, a more powerful instinct also was calling for him to inform Luna so she could pass her judgment on what to do as the Nest's Alpha.

Seeing that it was almost the end of the period, Severus went to look for Luna to explain what had happened. He would use the idea of him having just figured out about her needing to stay in Harry and "Blaise's" rooms every night so she would remain healthy as an excuse for why he had sought her out. After he figured out what she wanted to do about Ron he would stop by the Hospital Wing to see how Harry and Draco were doing.

In the hospital wing, Blaise had gone to have a private chat with Madam Pomfrey over her treatment, or lack thereof, towards Draco, thus giving Harry some alone time with an actual Mate. Once he was alone Harry could not fight back the tears that came to his eyes just knowing, no matter what Severus had said on the trip up here, that it was his fault the potion had exploded and hurt Draco. Harry was so lost in his misery he did not hear the loud voices approaching the Wing until the doors crashed open.

"I Don't Care Let Me Into See My Son!" Lucius screams as the doors to the wing bang open. "Dra.... why is Potter here?" Lucius said seeing the boy next to his son before whirling on Severus. "Severus, why is Potter here Parkinson informed me it was the potion he and Draco were working on that exploded and I know the mistake was not caused by my son?" Harry's heart fell at the words hearing that someone else knew this was all his fault.

"It was not Potter's fault that your son was injured Lucius," Severus said angrily at his old friend seeing the hurt flash across Harry's face from Draco's dad's words.

"Then why is he here at all?" Lucius spat.

"Because he is my mate," Draco said weakly seating up in bed having regained consciousness while everyone had been looking at his dad.

"He's your what?" Lucius asked getting weak in his knees that his son was mated to his Master's target and what the boy's death might do to his son.

"Yes last night when they came into the hall the pair locked eyes and Harry found your son to be one of his Dominants," Severus said speaking the lie they had all come up with

"Oh Draco," Draco's mom said moving past her stunned husband and hugging both her son and his new mate.

"Mum," Draco said letting out a slight cough which caused her to let him go.

"Messer Potter it is nice to meet you I am Narcissa Malfoy," Narciss said holding out her hand to Harry who looked at it wearily before he saw Severus give him a small nod.

"Hello Lady Malfoy," Harry said taking her hand but rather than shaking it he found himself pulled into a hug by the woman.

"Enough with the Lady Malfoy Harry, do you mind if I call you Harry you are one of my son's Mates call me Cissa or Mum," she said as he ends the hug and holds him at arm's length to give him a once over.

"Narcissa we can not," Lucius starts only to stop at a look from his wife.

"Now Luci you know a person has no control who Lady Magic chooses as their mate," she said making Severus chuckle as well as Draco which turned into a racking cough. At the coughs, Narcissa turns to her son and cast some diagnostic spells on him to see what was wrong wondering where bloody Medi-witch was.

"Ah not too bad Dray the potion just caused some build-up in your throat a simple cleansing potion should clear you right up," Narcissa said once she read the results of her scan.

"Cleansing?" Harry asked turning to Draco and letting his mage sight come forth to see if he could spot the problem.

"Yes it is a Potion made only by the highest level healers or Potion Masters, Sev dear do you think you could," Narcissa said but Harry did not hear any more as he spotted the problem a black aura clinging to the side of his mate's throat.

"That should not be necessary,' Harry said as he reaches forward and with a tap of a finger and a small portion of his magic performs the cleansing. Both Lucius and Narcissa look on in shock as Harry's magic becomes visible and performs the cleansing. Once his blonde Mate was cleansed Harry smiles and without thinking climbs into the hospital bed beside him and curls up against Draco's chest. "Thank you for protecting me Dray," Harry whispers as he grabs two handfuls of Draco's robes and begins to let his tears out onto the other boy's chest.

"It is alright Kitten," Draco said laying a kiss on Harry's forehead not caring that his parents were watching them. Suddenly the doors to the Hospital Wings burst open again as Fred and Viktor walk in and stop at seeing the sight of Harry curled into Draco's chest as Sev, and both Malfoy's parents look on in shock.

"Ah Viktor it is nice to see you again," Narcissa said spotting her son's other mate breaking the awkward silence that had developed since Harry had cleansed Draco with a single finger.

"Cissa," Viktor said with a bow before going to his two mates cuddling on the bed.

"You are a Weasley correct you do not appear to be hurt could you leave this is a private affair," Narcissa said a little haughtily making Fred glare at her.

"I know it is private but I will not let you block me from making sure one of my Mates is okay," Fred said as he walked past her to join the others around the bed.

"Mates, my son is mated to both Potter and a Weasley," Lucius said as he finally faints dead away while Narcissa is left speechless as Fred reaches Draco's bedside and kisses her son's forehead and ran his fingers through Draco's perfect blonde hair; something Draco does not even allow her to do as he was very specific when it came to his hair.

While Narcissa went to go check on her husband to make sure he had not been hurt when he fainted, Severus moved in and had a quick whispered conversation with the members of his Nest. "Harry it was not your fault. After trying to get Fred out of class I went to go check on your cauldron. It seems Ron decided to add some extra ingredients to your potion leading to its explosion. Draco, Fred, and Viktor's faces turned thunderous at the news.

"This was an attack plain and simple," Draco said through clenched teeth. "And if I had not taken the brunt of it Harry would have. Ron targeted Harry, this can not go unpunished. Sorry, Fred."

"Sorry nothing, the little bastard deserves to be thrown into a spider's nest for going after Harry," Fred said.

"It is the Alpha's job to pass judgment though," Viktor reminded them.

As the members of the Nest tried to imagine what sort of punishment Luna would choose for Ron, they all looked into space. Harry's gaze fell on Draco's dad's prone form, which Cissa had propped onto one of the spare beds. Without being conscious of doing so, Harry left his Mates and headed over to Lucius's form. "Harry?" Draco asked.

"Bad Magic," Harry said seeing what looked like a line of tainted magic connecting Draco's dad's head and right arm.

"Bad Magic?" Narcissa asked confused.

"It seems Potter can detect foreign and dangerous enchantments on people," Severus explained. "And he sees some attached to Lucius."

"Can he... can he fix it like he did to Draco?" Narcissa asked.

"It is possible," Severus said not wanting to give too much away regarding Harry's power increase.

"Than Harry please help my husband," Narcissa bade him. Giving her a nod Harry approached Draco's dad and laid a hand on the man's head and arm. As he touched the two points where the bad magic was coming from his mind was filled with a vision. In the vision he saw Lucius proudly get marked knowing he was joining the movement to stop Albus Dumbledore from weakening Magic and outlawing Creature-Blooded Magicals. Yet something happened about a year later as corruption started to bleed from the mark making Lucius and everyone else who had been Marked go slightly mad. Gone were the ideals to bring Dumbledore down using legal means and non-violent protest. Now anyone who had been Marked started to see Muggleborns as a threat to them leading to countless attacks. The corruption also made the person who had been Marked fall in line with what Dumbles classified Slytherins and Death Eaters as. Harry could not help but wonder if the corruption had somehow come from Dumbles in the first place thus making the Death Eaters into an enemy he could face so the bastard could play the hero to the public.

Harry wished had had not just Cleansed Severus completely but had taken the time to look into all the enchantments he had been under. Severus had been keyed to be loyal to Voldemort, but what if the enchantment had not been placed by Voldemort himself but by Dumbles? Harry could not tell if the corruption attached to the mark had been done by Voldemort or another since while there was a connection between the corruption and Lucius there was no way to determine the origin of the corruption from this end. He hoped that Lucius might be able to share what type of man Voldemort was back when he got Marked since the man had been proud to have it done to him. So hoping Draco's dad was not a bad guy despite getting Marked Harry began to get rid of the corruption which tired him out a little for it kept coming back until he placed a magical block around the Mark on Lucius's right wrist.

Chapter 65: A Loud Answer


This a continuation to my One Quiet Question Story taking place at Sirius/Severus' bonding.


Reminder Vernon and Dudley are good in this storyline where Vernon is a somewhat Muggle Ambassador to the Magical World, Dudley attends Sycamore Academy, is Bisexual, and is maintaining a long-distance relationship with Theo Nott. Vernon has also divorced Petunia and has moved into one of Sirius' properties, The Dog House, along with Harrison. Albus has been sent to Azkaban for the rest of his life, while Aberforth is at a less secure prison for a sentence of ten years (well nine since the story ended a year after the brothers were sent to prison.

Harry, or as he is called in the story Harrison, is more introverted than his normal Canon self and due to the Horcrux which had been in him has a Soulmate bond with Tom Riddle who after a ritual to get his body back now appears to be the same age as the Weasley Twins. To further hid his identity when at Hogwarts to protect Harrison from Dumbles, Tom undergoes a watered-down Blood Adoption ritual to make it appear he and Severus are cousins. Harrison's parents were Regulus Black (Sire) and James Potter (Bearer) meaning he is not only Sirius' Godson but Nephew not to mention being Draco's Cousin. While he is not related to Vernon or Dudley he still calls them Uncle and Cousin respectively.

Only Percy, and to an extent Mr. Weaslery are good in this story with Ron being a fame-hungry and money-grubbing person who got expelled from Hogwarts when he helped Ginny cover Harrison's bed in roses a picture of Ginny in nothing but her underwear as well as said underwear. The twins' pranking nature is more extreme than in the books and their demeanor, at least to Harrison's Introversion, is more offputting.

There is a spell known as the Dorian Gray spell which shows the person it is cast on as what their soul really is like. It was created by the Mauraders during their time at Hogwarts during a Spell Crafting class taught by the lady who is seen pushing the trolly on the Hogwarts Express.

And I think that is all that you will need to know for this chapter so let's jump right into it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Magistrate Tony, who was officiating the ceremony asked if anyone had any objections to the pair being Bound but it was not surprising when no one spoke up. Magistrate Tony raise his hands above the pair and asked one last question, "Do you accept each other for who you are as well as who you will be?"

"You bet we do!" Sirius almost screamed as he grabbed the collar of Severus' robes and pulled the other man to him. Sirius planted his lips onto the Potion Master's for the kiss to seal their bonding. As the Bonding Ritual registered the kiss a wave of magic washed over the crowd, who had begun to cheer, as an orb floating above everyone opened up and confetti rained down on everyone. Some in attendance who were not as close to Sirius and Severus were confused by the confetti's color of yellow and green thinking the pair was also announcing that one of them had taken a Bearer Potion and they were expecting a child. Harrison knew better as he had helped set up the confetti bomb with the two favorite colors of his Uncle Sirius and Godfather Severus. Many would also be surprised to find out that Severus who always dressed in black clothing had chosen the yellow confetti since it was his favorite color but he found he did not have the correct skin tone to pull off dressing in said color.

Remus from his position of Sirius' Best Man also knew about the colors of the confetti bomb but was more interested to see the pair still kissing each other. With an upturn of his lips, Remus casually pulled out his wand and cast the Dorin Gray Spell on the pair of new husbands wanting to bring out a laugh from the crowd to show Severus' look of a Muggle action movie hero kissing the "teenage" Sirius. He was therefore shocked when the spell took effect and showed both men shining with a bright light making them look positively angelic. Not knowing that Remus had cast a spell on them to show off their inner souls' true nature at that very moment the crowd began to cheer louder than before thinking this was part of the ceremony. The increased cheering finally got the pair to break their kiss and take a bow before they began the receiving line for their guest.

Starting the line was Harrison and the rest of the wedding party who congratulated them before standing beside them to thank the guest for coming themselves. Since Harrison had only been the Ribbon Holder, something he found was rather like a Ring Bearer from a Muggle Wedding, he was standing at the end of the receiving line next to Dudley and Draco who had been Groomsmen for the pair. Since Harrison tended to focus on his reading and learning about magic rather than connect with people apart from his friends, and Dudley who attended Sycamore Acadamey, Draco was able to let both know the names of the guest as well as their connection to Sirius and Severus if either boy did not know it already.

Harrison was surprised to not only greet Percy and Mr. Weasley but also met Percy's two older brothers. He could not help but give the pair of older men a calculating look since apart from Percy and Mr. Weasley he had not had many good interactions with the rest of the family. Percy explained that his eldest brother, William or Bill as he liked to be called worked for Gringotts while Charlie worked on a Dragon Reserve doing research on the mating and territorial habits of Dragons in "captivity" compared to Dragons who lived in the wild. Having never considered such a subject before Harrison was slightly intrigued by it but before he could ask any questions the line moved on as the Weasleys went back to their seats.

Dudley did end up introducing some of the guests to both Harrison and Draco when some of his classmates from Sycamore came with their families. Thus the two boys, who despite Dudley not being related to them by blood still referred to each other as cousins, meet Sylvestor Diggory and Lei Moon, his best friends from school. Harrison and Draco were shocked to meet Lei Moon who was the twin Sister of their Gyrffondork classmate Lily Moon. Draco had never heard of a Squib born as a twin to a Magical sibling before and wanted to ask the sister and brother about it, but held his tongue knowing it would be considered rude.

Since it was Severus' Bonding there were a lot of members of Slytherin House there allowing, Draco and Harrison to introduce Dudley to their Housemates who Dudley had not had a chance to meet at the two Yule Balls he had attended since Harrison had started at Hogwarts. When Theo's family came through Dudley blushed a little as he and Theo shared a quick chasten kiss with each other as Harrison and Draco thanked their classmate's father and Grandfather for coming.

After the receiving line was done Harrison collapsed into his chair at the head table feeling drained of energy and wishing he could leave the room for a bit to gather his energy away from everyone for a bit. He was thankful that he was seated not by his cousins but by Tom who always seemed to help him recover his energy faster, well at least when it came to a person who did so than anyone else. He could not help but lean into Tom's larger form as Remus and Draco's dad gave their Best Men speeches to the crowd before the meal began. When the mean started Harrison winced a little at how loud it was before he felt a wave of magic wash over him and gave Tom a thankful look as the older boy used a Sound-Dampening spell on him so he could still hear conversations taking place but not be overwhelmed by how loud it was. This was a change from his First Year at Hogwarts which Harrison had learned Severus had placed a spell on the Slytherin Table so that he would only hear people seated around him but nowhere else. Something that had led to some confusion such as the time he saw Ronald arguing with Percy but neither of which had been making any noise, at least to him, yet had drawn a teacher over to them as the Gryffindorks lost points.

With the Sound-Dampening spell, Harrison could basically tune in to people letting him hear what they were saying though their voices would still be affected by distance and how loud or softly they were talking so it was not like he was spying on them or anything. Harrison tuned in to a conversation between Professor Flitwick, Moore, and Wicker about how Severus and Sirius' bonding might affect the next school year. None of them thought it would affect the lessons unless the newly bonded mates teamed up with Remus to start a sort of Prank War that Flitwick and Wicker recalled them doing as students. Legvistus Nott and Madam Prewett who Harrison had been introduced to by Percy in the receiving line were discussing class curriculums for both Hogwarts and Sycamore Academy since both Theo's Grandfather and Percy's Great-Aunt were members of the Hogwarts Governors. To help his energy recharge faster, Harrison let his eyes close and let the conversations in the room wash over him as he ate leaning into Tom's form. Harrison guessed that he with his eyes closed was sometimes taking food from Tom's plate as he heard and felt Tom laugh every once and a while but the older boy make no move to stop Harrison or get him to open his eyes.

After the meal, but before the dancing started, Harrison, Dudly, and Vernon learned that in the Magical World there was a short time to mingle with others. Feeling he had regained some of his energy Harrison decided to go over to Percy and chat with his friend and see if he could learn more about Charlie's research. However, Harrison found out Draco got there first and was talking with Charlie about Magical Creatures since Draco wanted to become a Wandmaker and Magical Zoology was a mandatory skill he would need to have. As he waited to talk to Charlie, Harrison chatted with Percy for a bit. Before they began their conversation Percy placed a Muffling Charm around them, not just for Harrison but to prevent others from listing in, a practice that many people actually performed during this part of the event as they conversed with allies and made deals. "It was a lovely ceremony," Percy said.

"It was," Harrison said seeing his friend trying to make small talk maybe sensing the younger boy wanted to talk to one of his older brothers rather than him.

"You don't have to worry about Bill and Charlie they are not like my younger siblings," Percy said. "I even tested them out myself."

"You tested them?" Harrison asked.

"I talked to Professor Lupin about that Dorian Gray Spell and used it on them before we came to the ceremony to make sure they would not cause any issues like Molly and the others," Percy explained.

"If you don't mind me asking what did they look like?" Harrison asked.

"Have you ever read the Muggle story of Doctor Dolittle or Noah and his ark?" Percy asked back.

"Um, yeah?" he said a little confused with the line of questioning.

"When I cast the spell on Charlie it made him appear to be surrounded by various animals both Magical and Mundane as if he was Dolittle or Noah," Percy said making Harrison laugh a little not to mention see it. "As for Bill," Percy said giving the younger boy a smile at the rare laugh, "he took on the appearance of a combination spelunker and adventurer."

"Oh sort of like Indiana Jones?" Harrison asked.

"Who?" Percy asked.

"A Muggle character in a trilogy of movies named after him where he explores tombs to recover treasure and somehow ends up in massive adventures along the way. I think there are some novels on the movies I could look for to send you," Harrison explained. "Did your brother have a whip when the spell was cast on him?"

"No," the older boy said.

"So not exactly like Indiana Jones then," Harrison said as he began to tell his friend all about the character as he waited to talk to Charlie.

Harrison did not take into account how long Draco could talk about a subject that interested him, so after talking to Percy for ten minutes and waiting for his cousin to finish he finally got bored and left to chat with his favorite Professor for a bit. "Ah, Harrison you did a wonderful job during the ritual," Professor Flitwick said as he sat down.

"Thank you, Professor," Harrison said nodding in greeting to the former food trolly witch and the Magical Law Professor.

"So does the bonding change your living arrangements?" Professor Moore asked. "I believed I heard both Sirius and Vernon saying the pair lived in one of the Black Family Properties."

"I have not heard of anything?" Harrison said wondering if the bonding would change things since his Godfather would bring Tom with him bringing it to six people living in the Magically expanded three-story home.

"I am sure it will be fine, Harrison," Professor Flitwick said with a smile before changing the subject. "So what electives did you choose to take next year?"

"I signed up for the Study of Ancient Runes, Magical Theory, and Spell Crafting," Harrison said giving Professor Wicker another nod since it was her class.

"From what I have heard and seen of your work I am sure you will be as good as James was in it," Professor Wicker said.

"I thought of taking Muggle Studies as well so I could see Uncle Vernon more but thought it might be a little selfish since I was Muggleraised," Harrison added.

"Nothing wrong with being a little selfish now and then," Professor Moore said with a laugh, "but taking four electives might have been a bit much. After all, if you find that one does not suit you, you can drop it and take another one next year or do some Self-Study."

"There is that," Harrison said.

"Not that you don't already do Self-Study in other subjects," Professor Flitwick said with a large smile. "What was the last one you told me you were doing?"

"I went back to Animagus Mates and a possible connection that they might have with their dreams," Harrison said.

"That is an interesting subject for someone so young to look into," Professor Moore said.

"I just like to look into random aspects of Magic," Harrison said as an explanation since only Professor Binns, Sirius, and Severus knew of his bond with Tom.

"That you do," Flitwick said patting his arm before regaling his two co-workers about Harrison's first Halloween/Samhain at the castle where he stuck all the Slytherin and Hufflepuff student's shoes to the floor so they would not head down to their Common Rooms where the troll was said to be located.

Not wanting to be around at the end of the tale where the two Professors might congratulate him for his actions, Harrison left the table. His power of magic was still a little sore subject with him after he lost it at Dumbledore "The Mad King's" trial since the Ministry was still keeping tabs on the magic he used outside of class to make sure he did not actually hurt anyone. This meant even at Hogwarts outside of class his magic usage was being watched. Thinking of this, Harrison went looking for either Tom or Sirius to regain some of his energy but saw neither of them was at the head table anymore, or for that matter, no one else was there either. As he looked for them he saw Uncle Vernon sitting with some Magicals as he talked about his work both in the Muggle and Magical world. He did find Sirius but saw him in conversation with Remus as the two raised some drinks in a toast making him wonder if they were toasting Harrison's Parents and Godmother who could not be there. While he might have gotten involved if he knew they were doing it earlier he left them alone so as to not disrupt their toast. Dudley was seated next to Theo and his friends talking about something or other making Harrison not want to interrupt them. Yet he could not find Tom or even Severus in the hall making him wonder if they both had to go use the bathroom or something. He saw Draco still talking to Charlie and Lord Malfoy sitting with his wife.

Unable to find Tom or wishing to break into his Uncles' possible memorial, Harrison decided to leave the room for a bit so he could be alone and recharge before the dancing finally started. Thinking he might be disturbed if he went to the bathrooms, Harrison used the other exit out of the hall and was shocked to find Severus and Tom talking with each other. Thinking they were discussing the living conditions where it was quiet, he moved towards them to see if there was a plan in place that he had not been informed of yet. But as he got close enough to hear their voices thanks to the Sound-Dampaning spell Tom had cast on him earlier he stopped in his tracks. "The bond has gotten stronger we have started to share dreams," Tom was telling Severus.

"That is troubling," Severus said confusing Harrison.

"So far they have just been random dreams, but I fear that at some point we might see each other's past," Tom said.

"How are your Occlumency Shields?" Severus asked quickly.

"Good but they will not work due to the bond," Tom said which started Severus pacing back and forth before his young ward.

"Memory Charm?" Severus muttered to himself before he answered. "No, you might need your memories in case someone tried to appeal the ruling. Plus who knows what that might do to the bond."

"And telling him my past would not be good either," Tom said nodding in agreement. Harrison had to wonder why it would be bad to learn about Tom's past unless it was having to live out a nightmare where Tom's family had died which had brought him to Severus. While he was curious as to what they were discussing it did seem rather personal so Harrison made his way back into the main room to find another location to reenergize himself.

He found a table that had been abandoned off to one corner to use as he sat as low as he could to prevent others from noticing him as he waited for the dancing to start. Thankfully no one seemed to notice him as he spent the time people-watching. He did see Tom and Severus renter the hall a few moments later before the Potion Master approached his new Husband and took him to the area set aside for dancing. The announcer got everyone's attention as he called out, "And now for the newly Bonded first dance as Mates, everyone please turn to the dance floor." After a few years in the Magical World with the music that he heard around the castle and what was played during the Yule Balls, Harrison expected some classical music maybe along the lines of a Waltz to start playing, yet he was shocked as Disco Inferno started to play. Many Magcials in the crowd looked confused as rather than a slow dance together, Sirius and Severus started to disco to the music. Harrison heard many wondering what the pair were doing as they did the finger point move from their lower right side to the upper left of their body while seeing Uncle Vernon bobbing his head to the music. After a while, when it was permissible for others to join in the dancing, Vernon stepped forward and began to cut a rug making both Harrison and Dudley facepalm in embarrassment.

Some Magicals getting a look at more examples of disco dancing started to step forward trying to imitate the three men such as Percy's dad who was so enthusiastic he almost hit others while doing the finger point. Others stepped forward and began to dance themselves though without dancing to the music as they waltzed as they did at the Yule Balls. Seeing others not dancing to the music, Dudley pulled his friends and Theo up and taught them how to do the Chicken Dance since he saw it as a staple of wedding dances. Harrison even saw Professor Flitwick step up and do what looked like a Russian dance with Professor Wicker who appeared to be doing an Irish River dance. Harrison would never have thought that just watching others dance could make him feel sluggish but the random dances were like the loud random conversations in the Great Hall when he started Hogwarts. They were all just so distracting.

He really wanted to leave the room again but it was still the first dance so he thought he should stay for his Uncles. "It might be less draining if you were one of the dancers," Tom said seeming to appear out of nowhere.

"I can't dance like that," Harrison said nodding towards Uncle Vernon who had laced his fingers together and was wiggling his arms as if they were a wave of flesh.

"No one is asking you to," Tom said reaching down and offering a hand to Harrison, "we can just dance like at the Yule Ball."

"I guess at least for this one dance," Harrison said taking the offered hand as Tom quickly pulled him to his feet and over to the dance floor. There the pair joined the other dancers who were doing a slow dance to the Disco music acting as if it was the Yule Ball.

Harrison lost all sense of time as he danced with Tom through the first song without stopping as more traditional Bonding party music began to play getting more people onto the dance floor. His whole focus turned to Tom as they did a small two-step dance with each other with Tom's one hand in his while the other resting on Harrison's back. As more people started to dance, Harrison began to notice others on the dance floor, mostly when they accidentally bumped into either him or Tom. He saw Dudley was no longer doing the Chicken Dance with his friends but was having a dance with Theo again, while Uncle Vernon was waltzing with Blaise's mom. He even saw Draco dance with Pansy with what looked like others wanting to cut in. Percy was dancing with the older brother of Dudley's friend once more showing an inconsistency with the books since Percy was not with Penelope Clearwater who was Marcus' date.

Due to the Bonding Ceremony, Harrison thought it was finally time to do something with Tom, well as much as he was comfortable with. So keeping an ear on the music as he heard the song they were currently dancing to the end, Harrison got up on his tiptoes and placed a quick chasten kiss on Tom's mouth. He was amazed at how soft Tom's lips were but it felt even more embarrassing than watching Sirus, Seveurs, and Vernon disco by themselves. Not to mention he felt like everyone was watching him making him blush and pull away. He was glad Tom neither took offense at his movement nor tried to hold him back, as Harrison blushing beet red left the room to calm down a little.


I am not sure if I will continue to add to the story, but since most thought, I had left it on a cliffhanger. I just decided to cover the party after Sirius and Severus' Bonding.

Chapter 66: A Quarter-brewed idea


a random idea I had for a chapter after reading a title and a short summary of another author's work. Not fully flushed out but tags of Weasley family bashing, youthened Tom Riddle, Harry rasing Voldemort/Tom Riddle, Harry and Hermione Friendship. Crack-fic


as this idea is not fully formed, and not sure if it will be, the chapter will be shorter than I normally write.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

When Harry and Voldemort cast their spells at each other in the Great Hall, The Elder Wand does not allow Harry to be harmed. Thus Harry's Disarming Charm reflects the Killing Curse back at the Dark Lord. As the pair of spells hit Voldemort's body he is illuminated for a time by their glow before his body turns to ash and crumples. A cheer sounds in the hall at the end of the monster, but before any undefeated Death Eaters can make their last stand the hall falls silent as a cry comes from Voldemort's robes.

Neither Death Eater nor Hogwarts defender alike wants to approach the robes. As the cries continue Harry moves over to the robes and pulls them apart revealing a crying baby. This in not the same form he had seen during the ritual in the graveyard where he had mistaken the bundle of robes Wormtail hand-handed as a baby only to reveal a shrunken and shriveled man-thing. No Harry finds an actual baby where the Dark Lord had been.

Free of the robes the baby stops crying and reaches up towards Harry wanting to be held. Harry finds himself picking up the baby, and as soon as he touches its flesh he realizes that this child is, well, was Voldemort. Somehow after all his Horcruxes and his body were destroyed he was reborn as a baby. Standing up with the now baby Tom Riddle in his arms the hall went wild causing the baby to start crying again. As Harry comforted the child the defenders of Hogwarts easily finished off or captured the remaining Death Eaters.

When Harry finally was able to get the baby to stop crying, he looked up to find himself surrounded by the defenders. He was immediately bombarded with questions about the child. Everything from who it was, where its parents were, to how it got there. As Harry explained the sending he got from Magic about the identity of the child there were some gasps from the crowd. Harry was also deeply concerned as some people, the entire Weasley family in particular pulled out their wands and demanded Harry to let go of the child so they could finish off Voldemort once and for all.

The Weasleys did not listen to Harry when he told them that the evil that Voldemort had in him was gone now and the baby was purely innocent. They did not seem to care about anything other than killing the child as revenge for what the baby's former self had done to the nation and their family. Harry continued to try to reason with them until Ron had enough and tried to pull the baby out of his hands. Harry acted on instinct as he elbowed Ron in the face breaking his nose. As Ron fell to his knees cursing and the other Weasleys looked on with looks of anger, pity, and disgust, Harry decided he was not going to allow them or anyone else a chance to take the baby from him. Recalling that the Wards around the castle had been torn down Harry turned on the spot and Apparated away taking the baby with him.

Having nowhere else to go, Harry's mind somehow led him to Apparate back to one of the old campsites he and his friends had used while on the run. As it was dangerous to use Side-Along Apparation with someone younger than five the baby Riddle became violently ill. As he tried to care for the infant, Harry realized he had no real clue how to do so, but was unwilling to head back to Hogwarts or anywhere else where someone might take and kill the boy. Cleaning up the barf and other bodily mess that Tom had created from his Apparating with him, Harry decided no matter what anyone else may think he was going to raise Tom to be a better person. He sort of recalled reading something in an old library book about Nature vs Nurture and hoped that by giving Tom the childhood neither of them before Tom's life would turn out better.

For the next week, Harry was on his own with the baby Tom, who he decided to rename Timmy as a means to hide him in case anyone was looking. Harry had to sneak into Gringotts again to get money from his vaults meeting his family's Account Manager who talked him through not only Blood Addopting Timmy but also helped him repay the damage he and his friends had done while getting Hufflepfuff's Goblet.

Now having access to funds, Harry was able to purchase supplies for Timmy but as a way to better protect him book them passage to America. He hoped that since he and Riddle had been more famous in Britain than anywhere else going to America would make it easier to hide from those who wanted to find Tom and kill him.

A month after coming to America, Harry was surprised to get a visitor to his small apartment. He had been shocked to find Hermione on the other side of the door. Harry reached for his wand in case she tried to take Timmy from him. Hermione made no move to grab the young boy only asking him the reasoning behind his choices. Admitting that since Tom/Timmy had been cleansed of the darkness he once possessed as Voldemort, Harry wanted to raise the boy with love and a good home. Hermione not only commended his choice but offered to help him out.

The first bit of help she provided was explaining how she had tracked him down. Using this Harry was able to prevent anyone else from doing the same. This required Harry to use some potions to fix his eyes so he would no longer require glasses. Hermione also helped him tame his hair using some Sleek-Easy hair tonic before Harry decided to use a charm to fix his hair in place making it feel like a helmet for a bit but would make sure his normal rats nest returned.

Hermione also underwent a Blood Adoption Ritual with Timmy which helped tame the hair he had gotten from Harry's ritual but unfortunately gave the boy extra large front teeth. Harry moved out of his small apartment and into a suburban home with Hermione and Timmy looking like any normal family.

Since Timmy had been youtheded into a baby thanks to his Horcruxes being destroyed and being killed, Harry was not sure if the young boy would still be able to do magic again. Wanting to make sure that Timmy would not feel that any underage magic was wrong, Harry placed a monitoring charm on him so he could explain about the magical world when Timmy started to use magic.

Yet even nearing ten-years-old Timmy had not shown any signs of magic. So acting like a normal Muggle family, and not really having to work due to the amount of money in the Potter family vaults, Harry and Hermione kept Timmy enrolled in Muggle Schools. Since the last nine years of their lives had been focused on Timmy and being his parents, Harry and Hermione decided to start going out sometimes leaving Timmy with a babysitter.

Unknown to them was that after all this time, the Weasleys had been able to track the "family" down. The Weasleys still thought the child Voldemort was evil so decided to send one of their numbers in to spy on the boy. So when Harry and Hermione started looking for a babysitter, Bill, and Fleur's daughter, Victoire applied for the job. To hide who she was she also used the allies of Viky and was soon hired by Harry and Hermione to watch their son.

Also, unknown to his "parents" Timmy's magic had already started to work. But rather than coming to him normally it was brought about through the manifestation of green and red creatures only the boy could see. The manifestations were brought about by Timmy's connection to the Slytherin and Gryffindor family lines thanks to both his Blood Adoption to Harry but also his own previous family lines. Timmy was able to use his growing magic by making wishes with the two manifestations and having them come true. Yet since this was not the normal way that magic developed in a child Harry's detection spell was unable to detect the wish magic.

Timmy's wish magic became even more powerful when Vicky became his babysitter and began to make his life miserable. She did so thinking she could get him to prove he was still evil. Yet thanks to the love Harry and Hermione had shown him as his parents Timmy never used his Wish magic against her, though sometimes he used it to pull pranks on her, as well as his parents. He thought that they were all giving him a hard time with only his two magical friends Cosmo and Wanda really there for him to make his life more enjoyable.


I had the whole post Duel Voldemort tuning into a baby in my head but could not figure out how to move past it when my mind suddenly made it a sort of crossover with the Fairly Oddparents.

Chapter 67: Another Prophecy


When Lily drags James to a Naming Seerer they learn that their future son will have a hard life so take some steps to make sure things work out even if they are not around.


A work that was randomly inspired by reading about Naming Seerers in The Ultimate WIzarding World Guide to Magical Studies, a book from the series of Unofficial guides to the universe. Also, I know the Prophecy usually happened later in the story but it was the only reason I could think of why Lily would drag James to see the Naming Seerer.

So far all I have for tags are: Good Malfoy family, Dumbledore bashing

Chapter Text

"I can't believe you dragged me here," James said as Lily stuck her tongue at him.

"If you did not want to come you should not have let Remus and Peter tell me about different fields of Divination after Albus told us about the Prophecy either Alice or our kid might fulfill," Lilly shot back

"How was I supposed to know you would go all gung ho with it? That is the right phrase, right? Gung Ho?" James asked.

"Yes you used it correctly," Lily said. "And, what did you expect me to do? I never took Divinations at school. If there is a prophecy about our unborn kid I want to know everything I can."

"And I love that about you... most of the time but why decide to take us to see a Naming Seerer?" James asked.

"Well if what Peter and Remus said is true about this practice, this guy can tell us about our kid by the names we have picked out," Lily said stopping in front of the Naming Seerer's business so as to not have the conversation inside of the place, which might possibly annoy the Seerer and led to a bad reading.

"But almost no one does this stuff anymore not even the members of the Sacred twenty-eight or the more stuck-up Purebloods," James protested.

"I don't care," Lily countered. "I don't want to do this just to see if our kid is a child of prophecy, but I have never even heard of this before. I want to see it in action."

"Why did you have to join the Department of Mysteries and have unbridled curiosity? Why couldn't you settle for becoming an Auror like Sirius and me?" James asked though he would not change his wife for the world.

"You should know by now Potter, I don't just settle on anything," Lily said showing her seriousness on the topic as she used his last name.

"Fine, but I still think this will be a waste of time," James said.

"Noted and ignored," Lily said dragging him into the small business.

"Welcome my dearies. It is quite a shock to see anyone come to pay me a visit. Or do you need directions to somewhere?" the only person in the small room asked.

"If you are a Naming Seerer, we came to see you," Lily said taking in the place that looked like a Muggle shop where Psychis "worked" doing palm readings or telling skeptical Muggle's futures. The only thing missing was a large neon sign denoting the services done in the shop.

"I am indeed a Naming Seerer. I take it you want me to look over the suggestions for your unborn babe?" the man said putting away what looked like a deck of Muggle playing cards he had been using to play Solitare.

"That is correct," Lily said as she sat down across from the man at the small circular table as James with some reluctance took the seat beside her.

"What names do you have in mind for your child?" the Seerer asked creating a ritual circle using some runes that Lily did not recognize.

"Well, if we had a son we were thinking of naming him after my father, Harrison either using the same name or shortening it to Harry His middle name we decided would be James. If our kid is a girl we were going to name it after my husband's mother, Dorean or possibly Dora. Her middle name would be Lily and our family name is Potter," Lily said watching as the man wrote both names on a scrap of paper.

"Have the Healers given you a due date?" the Seerer asked.

"They believe I will give birth either at the end of July or the start of August," Lily said. Lily watched the man pull out some parchment and start some Arithmancy calculations to find out her child's Lifepath numbers using dates ranging from July twenty-fifth to August fifth to give it enough room.

"Good, good," the Seerer said as they finished their sheet of calculations. "Do either of you know your own Lifepath numbers perchance?"

"My Lifepath number is one," James answered reluctantly.

"I have a Lifepath number of two," Lily said making up for James' lack of enthusiasm with the amount she was feeling.

"That is good, now what is your guy's blood status?" the Seerer asked.

"Pureblood," James said.

"Muggleborn," Lily answered.

"Alright that is all I will need for the moment," the Seerer said cracking their knuckles and getting down to work. Lily watched as the man ripped up the parchment he had used to find their child's Lifepath number and placed it in the middle of a ritual circle. The Seerer then used the two scraps of parchment on which he had written the two possible names they had come up with placing them on special runes above and below the page of calculations. Lilly could not help but think of the symbological nature of where the names were placed with Harrison/Harry James Potter being at the top of the ritual circle and Dorean/Dora Lily Potter being at the bottom just like Military insignia pointed upward while the symbol of the sacred feminine was a point aimed downward. The Seerer then began to add their data to other runes around the circle placing James Lifepath and blood status on either side of Dorean/Dora Lily Potter while placing Lily's data around Harrison/Harry James Potter. Lily marveled at the inverse gender locations compared to the name but became distracted as the Seerer had her and James cut their palms to put some blood on the last two runic points in the circle. With all the runic points covered by something, the Seerer began to perform the ritual waving their hands above the table and muttering in a voice too low for Lily to make out what he was saying.

As Lily had never taken Divinations and her work within the Department of Mysteries was more focused on the study of Wild Magic, she had never seen someone enter a future-seeing trance. The Naming Seerer did so as their arms stopped moving with his hands hovering over the two patches of blood his palms aimed downward. The man closed his eyes and seemed to take a few deep breaths before he splayed his fingers as far apart as he could like he was a puppeteer who had the strings of his puppet tied to his fingers rather than guide bars. Lily was able to see small eddies of magic flow between the man's hands and the runic circle thanks to the small ability she had in Mage Sight. Suddenly she did not need to rely on her Mage Sight as what looked like bolts of lightning shot up from the points of the circle and blasted into the man's unprotective hands. The Seerer looked like he wanted to pull his hands away but couldn't as the miniature lightning storm took place. Suddenly all the points of the circle shot a bolt to the center before it shot upward into the man's hands blasting him backwards and into the wall behind as his chair toppled over.

Lily and James rushed over to make sure the man was alright. Lily used some of her Healing training to check out his hands which now both had a large burn in the center turning his palms black and dead-looking. Lily had to cast three healing charms on the man's plans to get them to start to heal themselves. All the while the man was saying, "In all my years of doing this ritual I have never had such a violent response to a Seeing."

"Is that good or bad?" James asked.

"Does what happened to my palms look good to you?" the man shot back at her husband.

"What does it mean?" Lily asked.

"Your child is going to have a hard life. And for a long time a lonely one. I see people trying to get close to them not out of friendship or love but due to the fame and power your child will have in our world," the man said wiggling his fingers as if trying to make sure they were all working properly.

"We would never treat our baby like that," Lily protested and James nodded along with her statement.

"While I can only focus on the child, I got the sense that neither of you were around as they grew up," the man said.

"What about other names if we choose something else can we change their fate?" James said his worry about his unborn child made him take this more seriously than he had been especially when he placed their kid as the one to defeat Voldyshorts.

"We can try," the Seerer said as he went back to the table to try again.

Nearly two hours later, the ritual had still not revealed any positive results. In fact, they found that if they used any other name besides the first ones, they had given their child's life would be worse off. "Your child appears to be a true Child of Destiny. No matter what you do or the names you give it the child will have a hard life but will go on to do great things," the Seerer explained after they had finally had enough getting blasted by the ritual circle.

"What can we do?" Lily asked.

"That I can not tell you. All I can say is do everything in your power to protect your child. Also, make plans in preparation in case both of you die when the child is young." The Seerer suggested.

Lily and James did just that, approaching both the people they had selected to be their kid's Godparents and asking them to not only undertake the Godparent Bond with their kid but also Blood Adopt them after they were born. After Alice and Sirius agreed to the procedure, Lily and James asked two more people each to become a backup Godparent to their unborn child. Lily chooses to ask her supervisor Unspeakable Codename: Djinn real name: Randle Skeeter as a Godfather while asking an old school friend Narcissa Black who got married into the Malfoy line to be another Godmother. James had chosen his Auror Training partner Malcolm Zabini nee Winthrop for a Godfather while using another old ally of his family in Elizabeth Bones nee Black. Elizabeth was the sister-in-law to Amelia Bones whom James worked with every once and a while during a case. The only two people they had not considered were Peter and Remus. The pair knowing how much anti-Creature bigotry existed in the nation knew it would be a bad choice to make Remus a Godparet so they did the next best thing and named him as their child's Magical Huardian. That way he would still be in their kid's life if they died but since a guardian only had to legally meet with the child once a month Remus could work it around his change. They had not chosen Peter for there had been some talk on a way to go into hiding involving Peter being their Secret Keeper. So not wanting to make him an even bigger target than what he would become or give him more work than he might be able to deal with they passed him over.

Besides the four additional Godparents for their child, James had got to the Gringotts to put some special orders into place on the chance both he and Lily died. On James' orders the first time their kid entered the bank without them no matter why they had come to Gringotts their kid was to be given a full checkup, cleansing, and inheritance test before anything else. If their kid arrived in the company of anyone other than their Godparents or Remus while the chosen were still alive the bank was to separate their kid from whoever brought them in and run additional tests. James feared he might be a little paranoid as he wrote up further conditions such as the non-Godparent or Remus arriving with his kid, that if the stranger somehow had one of their vault keys the stranger was to be immediately arrested under the charge of Line Theft. The Goblins were then to contact any of the six Godparents or Remus, assuming any of them were still living to take in either Harry or Dora.

While James was dealing with the Goblins and throwing the weight of his family around, Lily was retooling their combined Wills. Families which included Peverell, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Merlin, Pendragon, and Potter thus having a lot of power and connections to the Goblin Nation for a human. While James made certain that Harrison/Dorean would be helped by the Goblins when they entered the bank, Lily dealt with worse-case scenarios. Such as who would look after Harrison/Dorean if not only she and James died but all their choices of Godparents and Remus passed away as well. Lily started with people who would never get custody of her baby including her nasty bitch of an older sister and her family. Her former best friend Severus Snape, due to him joining the Death Eaters according to some reports. Any member of Sirius' family apart from his younger brother, Narcissa, and her estranged sister Andromeda. Anybody that was found to be a confirmed member of Voldemort's Death Eaters and of course the monster herself. While it pained her, Lily also could not give custody of her baby to her favorite uncle because James said there were some old family treasures that would need to be passed down before Harrison/Dorean went to Hogwarts. Since most of the items were magical in nature to prevent even a hint of breaking the Statute of Secrecy, even if her uncle knew about her being a Witch, they could not let him take custody of Harrison/Dorean. However, Lily did write in the Will to allow Uncle Gregory full visitation to see Dorean/Harrison no matter where they ended up.

As an added precaution, Lily used her ability in charms to not only make three complete copies of the Will but also make two new copies of the document self-updating allowing them to match the original document. She would send one to Gringotts, and one to the Ministry while she and James kept the original. That way when they went into hiding and after their kid was born they could make changes to the Wills if they had to.

On July 31st at two thirty in the morning, Lily gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. Knowing from their trip to the Name Seerer that he would have a bad childhood and possibly worse adult life if things did not go to plan, Lily and James named him the original name to give Harrison his best chance. Rather than wait for the normal amount of time to pass before introducing him to everyone, the new parents called all six of the chosen Godparents and Remus to their home just a few days after Harrison's birth. Having waited until then there would be no negative effects as Alice Longbottom and Sirius Black went through a Blood Adoption and became secondary parents to the young boy. Alice had not understood the full reasoning behind Lily and James' choices to introduce Harrison so soon not to mention the Blood Adoption, but she believed it had to do with just like her recently born son, Neville they were taking precautions due to the war going on. A few days after Harrison's Blood Adoption James was called in to Blood Adopt Neville just in case he was the boy the dark Lord had targetted.

Shortly after Neville's Blood Adoption, both families went into hiding. For further protection both the Longbottoms and Potters moved into a property not owned by their families thus not making a link between them in case any of the Death Eaters were keeping an eye on either family's holdings to vanish meaning it was under a Fideials Charm. The Longbottoms moved into a property owned by the late Prewett brothers in Kent, while James and Lily moved into Albus Dumbledore's childhood home in Godric's Hallow. For a while, all four of the new parents kept going to their jobs leaving a trusted friend to watch their kids in their respective Safe Houses. After three months time, when most Magicals introduced their kids to the world, Harrison and Neville's births were shared in the Daily Prophet right before their parents moved into their Safe Houses full-time. Neither Longbottom nor the Potters worried about getting by since their families were wealthy enough that if needed the families could stay hidden for years relying on their House Elves and friends to bring them what they needed.

If they did not have their kids to look after James and Alice might have gotten a little board being kept inside all the time. Unfortunately, a few months after Harrison's first birthday on Samhain the Dark Lord finally made his move. Peter Pettigrew no longer being watched at all times by Harrison's Godparents and Magical Guardian was finally able to pass on a message to Voldemort about the Potter's location. Voldemort no long Warded away from the Safe House the Potters were using was able to get inside killing both Lily and James. Yet when he tried to attack the boy his spell rebounded on him destroying his body but not killing him due to the five Horcruxes he had created. As his body was blasted apart, Voldemort inadvertently created a new Horcrux which came to reside in the magical scar of his failed killing curse.

While Alice and Frank had not been targeted they hardly got off any better than their friends. Shortly after the news of the Potter's deaths and Voldemort's supposed defeat and death, the Longbottoms left their Safe House and moved back into their old home. A few days after they had moved in the home was invaded by some Death Eaters looking for their defeated Master. By the time someone had found the Longbottoms they had been tortured into insanity and due to a small magical gift of empathy Neville's young mind had placed Blocks on his magic and skills. While these Blocks had been placed for his own safety since they had been put in place by instinct those who examined the one-year-old had not found them. The Blocks led to numerous troubles for the young boy when he was sent to live with his Grandmother at Longbottom Manor. While the old woman did care for her grandson, the rest of the family maybe as a means to show he was not worthy to take the position of future Lord of the family did everything they could to prove he did not have sufficient magic at his command. The family used methods of abuse and almost torture to get Neville to "reveal his magic" yet unlike Augusta Longbottom they did not take the evidence that Neville survived throughout all their abuses as evidence enough of his power.

James and Lily had made numerous plans to protect their son thanks to what they had learned from the Naming Seerer. But what they had not counted on was Albus Dumbledore meddling. The man used his position as Chief Warlock to block the Will held by the Ministry. Albus had already moved the Potter's Wills from their accounts at Gringotts when he had performed the Fidealius Charm inside the Potter's family vaults to hide who their Secret Keeper had been. Thanks to Sirius' arrest after he tracked Pettigrew down and the attack on the Longbottoms, Albus believed there was no one to take the boy in from where he decided to send Harry. Albus had not know about the other four Godparents nor Remus having been chosen as the boy's Magical Guardian. Not that it mattered, since Eilizbath and her husband Edgar had died shortly before the Potters, Remus having lost his four best friends had a small mental breakdown making him forget he was Harrison's Magical Guardian. As for Narcissa Malfoy and Randle Skeeter, since they were part of the Wizengamot, they had been affected by a spell Albus had cast on the entire body as he revealed he was Harry's Magical Guardian and had moved to protect the boy by hiding him somewhere safe. The plan would not have worked if Unspeakables were able to wear their work uniform if they were members of the Wizengamot since their robes had special enchantments on them to resist most forms of Mental Manipulations, most hexes, jinxes, and curses.

With everyone in the Governing body of the nation enchanted to believe his lie, Albus was able to send Harry to live with Lily's sister Petunia, and her family. Petunia's feelings towards Magic had not changed for the better from her youth, in fact, they had gotten worse. She along with her husband Vernon and their son made the Naming Seerer's vision come true as Harry was abused by his Muggle relatives. Circe, who was known as Lady Magic by the mortals was extremely put out since she was the one who had sent the warning about Harrison's life through the Naming Seerer's Ritual. Knowing that the boy had a great destiny that was tied to not only herself but her siblings Chronos, Fate, and even War, Circe helped Harrison out by boosting his Magical Power a little so it could help keep his body alive. The boost of magic also helped the young boy not turn into an Obscura.

Lily and James' precautions finally bore fruit when on their son's eleventh birthday the boy finally showed up at the bank. The Goblins had been trying to find Harrison since they had heard about Albus lying about his position of being Harrison's Magical Guardian. They had tried to counter the claims by revealing the Potter's Will but found it missing from the Potter Family Vaults. Bonecrusher current Heir to the European Goblin Throne and Account Manager to the Potter family knew with the level of bigotry the nation had towards non-humans most would not believe his claim without the Potter's Will. So he ordered all the Tellers from then on to watch out for Harrison to visit the bank so he could fulfill the contract he had made with James Potter before the boy's birth. Unfortunately, Bonecrusher was so focused on finding the boy he failed to realize that Albus had a Goblin ally within the bank which allowed him access to the Potter family vaults as well as all the other lines they held. Albus used this access to start embezzling money for himself and some of his pawns, and removed treasures he felt he deserved or could be useful to his plans such as Godric Gryffindor's Sword. Albus became giddy as one of the treasures from the Gryffindor Vaults allowed him to bypass some of the Enchantments on the Hogwarts Sorting Hat so he could make the thing send students to the Houses he chose rather than where they were meant to be.

Albus thought he was so clever to send Hagrid with "Harry" to Gringotts and supply the Hogwarts Groundskeeper with one of his spare keys to the Potter Vaults. Yet when Hagrid presented the key to the Goblin Teller, James' protections came into play. The Goblins led Harrison and Hagrid out of the hall, but rather than taking them to the carts heading to the vaults they were brought to the corridor where the Goblin Account Managers worked. Hagrid was immediately surrounded by two full legions of the Bank's elite troops where even his immense size and partial resistance to Magic would not help him. Ten Goblins moved in and placed Magic Shackles on the half-giants feet as some of the magic users in their crew attached them to the man's wrist since none of the Goblins could reach that high without standing on top of one another. The Magic Shackles glowed a little to make the prisoner easier to handle had reduced his size to that of a normal man before they hauled Hagird away to face Goblin Justice.

Harrison was unaware of all of this, for as the legions had moved in to arrest Hagrid, the teller had hurried the human away to meet with his Account Manager. Bonecrusher quickly explained what was going on as he had the Potter Heir take an Inheritance Test. Bonecrusher was lived as he read the results of the test showing the abuse that had been done to his new client. And while Heir Potter had shared that he had not known about the Magical World before a few hours ago, he had evidently been visited by Albus a few times. According to the results the old bastard had placed spells on the young boy to make him loyal to the man and his forces. Bonecrusher had to grind his teeth when he saw that the names of anyone other than Albus had been listed in the spell. Albus had also placed several Blocks on Heir Potter's Magical Abilities such as Parselemouth which he had inherited from his father and Mage Sight from his mother. There were Automatic Memory Charms in place in case Heir Potter heard certain words such as Inheritance Test, Peverell family, Deathly Hallows, and Horcruxes. Bonecrusher saw the reason for the last word since in one of the few enchantments placed on his new client not put in place by Albus, the human had a Horcrux bonded to his soul. This Horcrux placed some blocks on the boy's ability in Occlumency and Legilimancy. The only good thing that was revealed in the test was the identities of the extra Godparents James and Lily had asked to step in to protect their son. As a means of protection, James and Lily had never shared the four additional Godparents with anyone, not even Bonecrusher, though the names had been listed in the Will that had been stolen from the bank. Bonecrusher was also grateful that James had arranged for his son to be healed and Cleansed during his first visit to the bank when not accompanied by his parents. Sending the boy away to get healed, Bonecrusher sent ravens to Remus Lupin, Narcissa Malfoy, and Randel Skeeter to come to the bank and assume their roles in Heir Potter's life.

Chapter 68: Another Prophecy part 2


James and Lily's contingency plans for their son's protection start to pay off.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry was rather confused as he was separated from the large friendly man who had taken him from his abusive family and met with one of the Goblins. His confusion had grown when the Goblin who introduced themselves as Bonecrusher the one who managed his family's bank accounts had him perform a test. Hearing that he would have to make a small cut in his palm caused Harry to hesitate for a moment. Bonecrusher explained that the cut was a natural part of the test but also that his father had wanted him to do it. While Harry had no memory of his father he could not think the man would make him cut himself for no reason so he went along with the test. Harry was shocked when Bonecrusher performed the test, showing off some more actual magic to the young Muggleraised boy, a golden aura had surrounded his hand and instantly healed it so that there was not even a scar from the cut he had made.

He had been so amazed at his lack of scarring that he had not noticed Bonecrusher read the results. The Goblin seemed to get more and more angry, at least Harry thought so by how his face looked but he could also not judge since he had never met actual Goblins before. As Bonecrusher finished reading Harry's results he called for a pair of Healers who Harry guessed were like Doctors or Nurses to come take him to get some work done. The Goblin promised that as soon as Harry or as he called him, Harrison, was finished with the Healers he would let him read the results himself. This time Harry did not hesitate for while his family never took him to see a Doctor if they could help it he knew that after living at #4 he was not in the best of health compared to most kids his age. Harry was not taken to an operating or examination room like he often saw in the medical shows Uncle Vernon watched, rather he was brought to a large cave that looked like a sunken stage in the middle of it with several raised platforms around the "stage." The Goblin Healer, who introduced themself as Silverwing handed Harry an outfit to change into before leading him down to the stage. Harry was directed to lie on a stone bench that was the only thing on the stage. He took a few moments to see some strange designs on the bench but as Harry lay down before he could ask about them they put him to sleep so he would not suffer too much pain as his Healing and Cleansing were done by the team of Goblins and Human Curse Breakers.

As Harry was being treated by the Goblin Healers, Bonecrusher got to work calling for several fast Ravens he wrote several summoning for the Secondary Godparents of his client to come to the bank as well as one for Heir Potter's real Magical Guardian. After sending the small Unkindness of Ravens to deliver their messages, one of Bonecrusher's underlings came to deliver the primary thoughts that the Goblin court had on the man who had brought his client to the bank. According to the man he had been under orders by Albus Dumbledore to bring not only "Harry" to the bank but also to retrieve the Philosopher's Stone.

Not being connected to the Flamel Family Accounts, Bonecrusher wrote a note to Lancetbellows, the Flamel Account Manager to ask if her client was doing anything with his famous stone involving Albus. If there was no plan with full documentation that Lancetbellows could find, Bonecrusher advised his fellow Account Manager to possibly move the stone for a bit for its protection. With his note sent, Bonecrusher got up to go see how the start of his new client's Cleansing would take only for someone to knock on his office door. "Come in," he said sitting back down.

"I am sorry to disturb you sir, but someone has responded to your summons," one of his underlings said poking their head into his office.

"Already?" Bonecrusher asked worried that someone had somehow intercepted a Raven who might be watching Heir Potter.

"She informed the teller that she and her family were in Diagon Alley already shopping for her son's school supplies," the Goblin said.

"Send her in," Bonecrusher ordered as his underling nodded before opening the door fully to usher in the members of the Malfoy family. "I only sent for Madam Malfoy," Bonecrusher said a little grumpily as the small family of four took seats before his desk, well the two parents did while their sons stood behind them.

"And I wanted to find out why any Goblin besides Fangtooth or Downax was summoning my wife to the bank," Lucius said trusting what was going on just as much as Bonecrusher trusted the man and his son's coming to the meeting.

"A little over eleven years and two months ago, one of my clients placed stipulations on what to do in the event of his child showing up at the bank without either their parents, Godparent, or Magical Guardian. Less than an hour ago my old client's son showed up without any approved guardian, this unapproved person also had a key to my client's vaults," Bonecrusher said making the two blonde males, the dark-haired male and Lady Malfoy let out gasps of shock. "Lady Malfoy was summoned to the bank for she was listed as one of my new clients' Godparents."

"That can not be true, how can I have an eleven-year-old Godchild and not know about it?" Narcissa asked.

"That is something I would like to find out, myself. Would you allow either me to perform a quick test on you or if it would make you feel better have the Malfoy or Black Account Managers administer it? All so we can get to the bottom of this?" Bonecrusher asked. Narcissa Malfoy, after a moment of thought about how long it might take either Account Manager to arrive set against how much she still had left to do that day decided to allow Bonecrusher to be the one to perform the test.

The test Bonecrusher gave Narcissa was not as detailed as the one James Potter had contracted him to give to Heir Potter, but it was still rather shocking. Not only did it reveal that she had been under the spell Albus had cast on the Wizengamot to make them believe he was Harrison's Magical Guardian, but it was also found that someone had placed a curse on her at some point to make it difficult to carry a child to term. Seeing the enchantments on herself, Narcissa asked if Bonecrusher could schedule a Cleansing for her, as Lucius made plans to get tested along with his two sons Orion and Draco. Lucious guessed that he also had the same memory modifiers in place since if they could help it both Narcissa and he would attend Wizengamot sessions together. Though having completely different focuses. Lucius mainly focused on several key issues on old Magical rituals Albus would have his pawns try to ban from use, as well as any anti-creature legislation the body tried to pass. Narcissa, on the other hand, focused on issues involving anything health-related especially when underage Magicals were involved. As sometimes Albus started on a topic that had not been on the schedule and called on the Wizengamot to vote over it, the Malfoys found it easier and less time-consuming if they both attended the meetings so they could vote on the issues that they put their most focus on. While Orion had only started to attend the Wizengamot in the last year, after he came of age, Lucisu was going to have both his sons tested by Fangtooth as his wife was getting Cleansed.

As the Malfoy family left his office, Bonecrusher waited a moment before getting out of his chair again. He did not expect his other summoning to arrive any time soon. Knowing that Randle Skeeter worked as an Unspeakable, Bonecrusher knew that even a Gringotts Raven would be able to deliver a letter to him if he was in the Department of Mysteries. As for his client's legal Magical Guardian, not even the Goblin Prince could guess at the man's state of mind. To hopefully make the process easier, Bonecrusher had ordered the Goblin to take Remus Lupin's letter to a Raven to first dose the letter in some Focuing and Healing Potions so that as soon as the human-werewolf touched the letter it would help him a little and get him to the bank.

Giving the Malfoy family enough time to go about their business, Bonecrusher left his office to check in on his client. Having a feeling that the young human would still be getting Cleansed, Bonecrusher headed to a special observation room to see how things were going. The Potter Account Manager was shocked to find there were several people in the observation room using the magical intercom to talk to the Healers and Curse Breaker team performing the Cleansing. Bonecrusher saw the issue that the Healers both in the room and without were dealing with as he approached the observation window and laid eyes on his young client. While the human still appears to be unconscious his face was screwed up in pain as a dark miasma was coming out his forehead. Using his kind's version of Mage Sight, Bonecrusher saw that all the Healers and Curse Breakers down in the Ritual Room had placed special Wards around themselves for protection yet still seemed unwilling to approach Heir Potter and the cloud of miasma.

"You need to all combine your efforts to do it," a familiar voice said to his side making Bonecrusher look over and see his father's personal Healer directing the team within the room on what they needed to do. Three of the human Curse Breakers stepped forward aiming their wands at Bonecrusher's client. If the trio had not been workers for the bank seeing them aim their wands at his client would have led the Goblin Prince to take out his weapon of choice, a poison-drenched magically-enhanced Bō staff, and take them all down, but since they worked for the bank he held himself back. The three Curse Breakers move apart to create a perfect box with Heir Potter as the final corner, the team of Goblin Healers moves forward to take up position along the lines of the box. Several of the Healers began to recite incantations of Healing Magic that they used during a Cleaninsing. A few of the Goblins settled into a cross-leg sitting position to start inscribing personal runic circles onto the floor before them. One Golbin stationed on each edge of the "box" took out a knife and sliced open their palm to use a Blood Magic-empowered ritual to help strengthen the magic of the others involved in Cleansing Bonecrusher's client. Seeing the four Golbin Healers slice their palms at the same exact time was the signal for the trio of Curse Breakers who shot a beam of magic that based on their color were concentrated shots of Earth, Fire, and Water Magic.

The combined spells of the team of Curse Breakers and efforts of the Healer's runic rituals blasted the miasma away from Heir Potter's head. As the last wisp of the miasma vanished the boy's head began to bulge a little around the famous lightning bolt scar. Bonecrusher and several of the group in the Observation room winced as the skin around the scar ripped apart and what looked like dark crystalized fecal matter erupted from the human's head before it was blasted into a wall. The four Goblins who had used blood magic to help strengthen their fellow Healers quickly rushed forward and began to heal Heir Potter's forehead. The process actually got rid of the lightning bolt scar since it had been the focal point from the Horcrux that had just been blasted out of the human's body. After the four Healers had finished there was no sign of a lightning bolt scar as in its place was a new scar that looked like either a jagged tooth or serrated blade on Heir Potter's forehead.

While the four Goblins worked on repairing Heir Potter's forehead and casting spells to make sure there was no damage to the boy's mind the Curse Breakers were ordered to place and maintain wards around the Horcrux that had been removed as the other Healers resumed cleansing all the enchantments out of Hier Potter's body. Since even the Goblins considered Horcruxes Class-SSS dangerous artifacts, Bonecrusher was not surprised as the trio of top-ranked Curse Breakers struggled to keep the Horcrux contained within their combined Wards. After the four Healers finished repairing the damage of the Horcrux being expelled from Harrison's body they rejoined the other Goblins in removing the spells, enchantments, and a few potions that had been in the young human's system. With the team of Goblins working together, the Cleansing lasted only another hour.

Bonecrusher spent the hour switching between the team of Healers working on his client and the trio of Curse Breakers holding back the Horcrux which had become more dangerous than normal since it was now out of its vessel. No one knew what it would try to do, lest it be try to escape somehow or possibly try to possess someone in the room. Bonecrusher did notice his Husband slip a Power Equalizer Cuff on Heir Potter's wrist so the boy's Magic which had been partially Blocked for so long would not run wild now that Harrison had full access to his entire Magic Core. The cuff would also make sure the boy did not get overwhelmed in case either of his Magical gifts in Pareselmouth and Mage Sight became active after the cleansing. There was one moment when those in the Observation Room were called to offer advice to the Curse Breaker team as the Horcrux stripped trying to escape at their level but moved to break out the top of the Wards. The Personal Healer of Bonecrusher's father seeing what was happening ordered the three humans to get closer to the Horcrux and restrict their Wards to as small as they could make them.

No one could figure out why the Horcrux's actions had suddenly changed since they were unaware that upstairs in the lobby of the bank Quirrell had arrived with traces of the Horcruxe's original soul attached to him as The man planned out the best way to steal the Philosopher's Stone for his Master.

Not understand why the Horcrux was trying to break out of the Wards more desperately than before some of the Goblins Healers in the Ritual Room were ordered to leave Heir Potter and help the Curse Breakers contain it. Bonecrusher seeing the trouble consulted with his father's Personal Healer as they used their combined authority to send for a Pandora's Box-level container to hold the Horcrux. By the time the Container arrived Harrison's cleansing had finished but rather than anyone able to leave the room the entire team of Healers and Curse Breakers were struggling to keep the Horcrux in place. The team breathed a sigh of relief as the box was brought in and placed under the Horcrux. The Goblin Ritualist who brought the box in opened it and began a ritual that drew the Horcrux inside before locking it. As the Horcrux was locked away for study before it was destroyed, the Goblin Healers and Human Curse Breakers nearly all collapsed to the floor in exhaustion. The Healers who had been in the Observation Lounge quickly ran to the Ritual Room to make sure that everyone was alright before a pair transferred Heir Potter to the Bank's nearest Healing Wards.

Bonecrusher felt conflicted he wanted to make sure his husband was alright and follow the Ritualst to learn about why the Horcrux had reacted so randomly after a certain amount of time. But in the end, he knew that Silverwing would be alright and the Ritualist would contact him later leading Bonecrusher to follow his client to the Healring Wards. Heir Potter, it seemed, had been sent to the same Healing Wards that the members of the Malfoy family had been sent after their own Cleansing as Bonecrusher was greeted with the sight of five unconscious humans all propped up in small Goblin-Sized Beds with chairs being used to keep their feet level with their bodies.

Seeing both the Malfoy and Black Account Managers in the room looking after the family, Bonecrusher after seeing Hair Potter was resting comfortably moved over to Downax.

"May the Blood of your enemies never wash away Downax," Bonecrusher said in greeting to the lower-ranked Account Manager.

"May your Coffeers never run dry, My Prince," Downax responded as he bowed to expose his neck to the Goblin Prince.

"I am sorry that due to my client, your clients were found to be enchanted but I might have some good news for you," Bonecrusher said giving Fangtooth a small nod of greeting before pulling the Black Family Account Manager out of the others's way.

"Better now than later, I suppose," Downax said with a small shrug of his shoulders. "What did you find, My Prince?"

"On the orders of my former client before Heir Potter was even born I was left with orders to run a test on the boy if he arrived at the bank without being with one of his Godparents. The test not only revealed that Lady Malfoy was a backup Godmother to Heir Potter, but take a look at the note it left for his Blood Addopted Father," Bonecrusher said passing over the test so Downax could read the two-word note behind Sirius Black's name and position.

"Illegally Imprisoned?" Downax growled as he read the document looking as if he was about to rip the parchemt into confetti making Bonecrusher take it back from him.

"That is the good news, I am afraid," Bonecrusher said. "The bad news is that the copy of the Potters' Will left in their vault has been missing since possibly before their deaths and while I know there were two other copies they will be hard to get."

"What do you mean?" Downax asked pulling out his preferred weapon a bow and began to polish the enchanted wood as if hoping to use it on the person who messed with his clients.

"Well, one copy was kept with my clients but since the house was destroyed I can only assume it was lost or destroyed as well. They did leave one with the Ministry, but as we found in Lady Malfoy's test she had been enchanted to believe Albus Dumbledore was my Client's Magical Guardian. I can only assume the man used his position to steal that copy as well or Block it from ever being carried out," Bonecrusher explained.

"Can't I just shoot him in the neck with one of my arrows?" Downax asked imagining seeing the old bastard with a shaft of one of the special arrows he used sticking out of the human's neck.

"No," Bonecrusher said harshly as he pointed out some more details on his client's test. "The man is not working alone since my client was enchanted to be loyal not only to Albus but to the man's followers as well."

"From what I have heard about the human Pawns might be a better word for them," Downax said twanging his bowstring a little.

"Whatever the case is since it does not list who his followers are, which I would remind you means that when he cast the spell on my client he either did not know who he would want to have the boy trust or the human having access to extremely powerful magic to prevent his follower/pawn's names from appearing on the test," Bonecrusher pointed out.

"By the Stonepillar of Hades," Downax swore seeing Bonecrusher's point before raising one of his own. "There is also the possibility that the bastard's pawns are powerful themselves thus preventing their names from appearing as well." His statement caused the blood to drain from Bonecrusher's face having never even considered that possibility.


I still don't know if I want to make the Weasleys, or which of them, be Albus's followers/pawns in this story or possibly switch it up and make them good guys hence why I had the test nor reveal who Harry/Harrison was enchanted to be loyal to.

Chapter 69: Spanner in the Works Part 3


Harry is returned to Gryffindor Tower after his name comes out of the Goblet of Fire.

A continuation of the story from Chapters 48 and 49


Reminder the tags for this story idea are: Ron Weasley is a good friend, Dumbledore, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, George, and Arthur Bashing. Viktor Krum/Harry Potter, Marriage Contract. Canon divergence Goblet of Fire.

There is some hom*ophobic language in this chapter from our Bashed characters.

Chapter Text

The mood in the Gryffindor Common Roon was mostly one of excitement as everyone waited for Harry to return from the Champions meeting. There, however, were a few outliers to those. Ron was feeling frustrated since no one seemed to believe him that Harry had not entered himself into the Tournament. It also appeared that he had been the only one to notice that when Harry made his way to the side room after his name had been called out his friend's feet had not been touching the ground as he "walked" to the head table and out of the room. Ron had only needed to see what was going on for a single moment before he used the fact that everyone was focused on Harry to sneak out of the Great Hall. Ron had run faster than he had ever done so before as he headed to the Hospital Wing to tell Madam Pomfrey what had happened. He hoped that since Harry had been under her care last night and with Viktor and him all day today, the Maton could get Harry out of the tournament.

Hermione was in an extremely bad mood despite all the good cheer that was going on around her. She could not determine if she was more disgusted that Harry seemed to be right with the idea of two males being together and that the Magical World still used the barbaric practice of Marriage Contracts. Since he seemed alright with the contract that the foreigner Krum had told them excited between the man and Harry, Hermione could only guess that Harry possibly was a nasty fa*ggot. Either that or someone, possibly Krum, had placed enchantments on Harry to make him act like a fa*g. Maybe it was also these enchantments that were in place that led to Harry calling her a Death Eater.

Even if the comment did come from him being enchanted, Hermione was not going to forgive him for it anytime soon. How dare he say she was a Death Eater or like He-Whose-Name-Should-Never-Be-Spoken-Let-Alone-Compared-To-A-Person's-Best-Friend. Once she found a way to remove the enchantments from him and got him to apologize and agree that it is unnatural for two guys or girls to be in a relationship together she was going to make him pay her back. Hermione recalled last year when she had been avoiding Harry and Ron because of the whole Scabbers & Crockshanks thing, she had spent a lot of time with Ron's younger sister. When she had gone to meet the younger girl in the library she had overheard Ginny and the twins talking about Harry's family. From what they had said the Potter family was very rich and powerful.

Hermione was not that concerned with money, yet in the Magical World, she had found power equaled one or two things. How strong one was with magic or the amount of knowledge the family had. When the book list for this year stated that Dressrobes were required, Hermione figured there would be a party so she also had her parents buy her some Sleakeasy Hair Potion. Before buying the potion she had checked out the list of ingredients, well the ones that were listed, to make sure she was not allergic to any of them. While the listed ingredients did not pose a threat to her health, Hermione had noticed at the bottom of the bottle it mentioned that the potion had been created by the Potter Line. She knew the sale of the potion made money for Harry's family but since it came from the Potters there must also be records of the special ingredients which made the hair potion work. Hermione did not see that as being the only bit of knowledge she could gain from Harry's family and she would make him give it all to her as an apology for calling her a Death Eater.

It would be like saying all her family was Nazis just because her Grandfather's older and younger brothers had been members of the Third Reich. Her Grandfather had never been a member of the party, at least as far as Hermione had ever known. But that did not stop some idiots from treating him like he was leading him to change his name and move to England with her mother. Hermione had heard that her mother even had to dye her hair as a kid because she was blonde-haired and her natural blue eyes led to some problems.

So knowing what sort of hate speech Harry had used on her she was going to make sure every iota of knowledge his family had would be hers. Especially those found in any Grimoirs he had. She knew from her research that there were supposed to be special protections on Family Grimoirs but she was sure that she could bypass them. She was the smartest witch of the age after all. If somehow she was unable to bypass the protections she could force Harry to marry her or bond with her in some way that would allow her access to any Grimoirs his family had. It would also save his soul from ending up in hell like it would if he married the likes of Krum or any other man.

Ginny was excited about Harry becoming a Triwizard Champion, but on the other hand, she was angrier than ever that he would be spending so much time with Krum. So while she cheered with the rest of Gryffindor House, her mind kept coming up with ways to hurt and kill Krum. So far her favorite was to stick the Quidditch Star's broom down his throat or right up his ass so far it killed him. However, there was something to be said for kicking him off the tallest tower and watching him plummet to the ground below. Or maybe getting Moaning Myrtle, who Ginny knew had a crush on Harry, to drown Kum in one of her bathroom toilets. That was if there was anything left of the bastard once Fred, George, and possibly her Dad got through with him to make sure her Marriage Contract with Harry was completed.

Fred and George acted like they were as excited as everyone else, while they were using their twin bond to plan their attack. They do not recall their Dad informing them that Harry had any legal Marriage Contracts in place that would trump the one Headmaster Dumbledore had put in place between Ginny and the Boy-Who-Lived. As soon as Ginny had told them about Krum's claims that he had a contract with Harry written up by both his and Harry's parents they had sent an Owl to their Dad to start looking into it. If Krum's claims were true it did give that contract more legality since it had been made by Harry's parents rather than his Magical Guardian.

Since neither Fred nor George had seen the younger boy show interest in anyone there was some hope that Harry might choose to end the contract. If not they had a few potions in mind to make sure that Harry ended up with their Sister thus allowing their family access to his money and power. Ron, their Mom, Percy, and the other members of the family might protest the use of potions on Harry, but then again they did not need to know about it. There was also a little concern about why the Headmaster had set up the contract between Harry and Ginny. As far as they have been able to find the man was not getting anything out of it while their family would be able to get rid of the taint of being called Blood Traitors not to mention a mountain of cash.

George did not fully trust, the Headmanster's motives, and Fred had to agree with him. However, Fred did point out that they were not the resident pranksters and Chaos Bringers at Hogwarts for nothing. While the pair did get caught every once and a while for a prank they pulled the majority of their work was never noticed by the staff. Thanks to the Mauraders Map and the "friends" they had in all four Houses, the Weasley twins were sort of like Prankster Mob Bosses getting information about most of the inhabitants of Hogwarts. Let them be students, a professor, member of staff, ghosts, and even some of the House Elves. The twins used the information that they collected to pull pranks on students and place pranking hits on others to make sure no one knew their true power and even used some of the data they had to blackmail a few students and Professor Trewlawney.

They had planned on using their resources against Bagman due to him stiffing them on their bet at the World Cup, but having heard about Krum from Ginny they were going to make that flat-foot Bulgarian pay for trying to mess with their family's plans. It would not even be that hard, since most knew that Durmstrang taught all forms of dark magic making it a school made up of nothing but Slytherin House, all they had to do was plant a Dark Artifact in Krum's belonging. After that, they would just send an anonymous tip about the item to get Krum arrested, destroy his Quidditch career, and make sure he could never get close to Harry again. Maybe if they did it right they could orchestrate Bagman's downfall as well.

They would just need to pick the right dark artifact that they or their sources had found within the castle to slip into Krum's room or belongings. Fred reasons the artifact should possess powers to alter one's mind letting them report the object as something Krum was using on Harry to make him believe they had a contract. George, on the other hand, suggested one of the artifacts they had found that could with the help of Dark Magic heighten one's abilities. That way Krum's career as a Quidditch star would be put into question. George had no doubt in his mind that Krum would choose to protect his career rather than spend time with Harry thus showing the younger boy he would be better if he stuck with Ginny.

Suddenly the delighted conversation inside the Common Room tapered off as the Portait hole opened. Since only Harry had been out of the room, everyone turned to the door ready to congratulate Harry for becoming one of the school Champions. Yet the cheers turned into sounds of surprise to see Viktor Krum holding a sleeping Harry in a newlywed hold enter the room. There were countless looks between everyone in the room wondering why Krum was there and how he had been able to open the Fat Lady's portrait. Krum just stood there silently and slightly glaring at everyone as Harry slept in his arms.

"Our room is up this way," Ron said moving forward and showing Viktor the way to the Fourth Year dorms. Viktor gave him a nod as he followed Harry's friend up one of the spiral staircases to the topmost room. Ron held the door open for him and pointed out which bed belonged to Harry. Viktor laid Harry in his bed while Ron pulled out one of Harry's pajamas thus allowing Viktor to use the Switching Charm on them to put them on Harry. Ron watched the famous Quidditch star tuck his best friend into bed before pulling out his wand and casting a spell. "What was that?" Ron asked.

"A simple Warding Spell, in case someone is just acting like they are happy Harry was forced to compete in the tournament," Viktor said putting away his wand and wishing he knew how Harry felt about their bond. He wanted to kiss Harry's forehead before he left but was not sure how the younger boy would react when he heard the kiss later. So he contented himself by gently moving Harry's bangs out of his sleeping face, Viktor followed Ron back to the main room.

Reaching the Common Room, Viktor did not leave the room but used the fact that all the members of the House were still staring at him to let them know what had happened. "Harry did not enter his name into the Goblet," Viktor said seeing that some did not believe or wished not to believe him. Ron saw the looks that he got earlier when he had told everyone the same thing, but Viktor did not stop there. "From the moment the Goblet came out until the feast where the Champions were called, Harry was either with someone or under observation. Since it was clear he did not enter himself the two members of your Ministry were asked to make a ruling. Unfortunately, it was decided that since his name came out of the Goblet, even if he had not been the one to put it in there, Harry would have to compete in the Tournament. I for one will be sending a protest to your government for this decision, and I ask any of you who consider Harry, your friend to do the same. Myself and the others chosen to be Champions wanted to take part, but Harry did not, nor can he back out without losing his Magic.

A member of your staff, the man with the Goblin eye, has a theory that someone placed Harry's name in the Goblet as a means to attack or even kill him. I don't know if that is true or not, but what has happened is that Harry has suffered from entrapment since he can not back out. I urge all of you to think how you would react if this happened to you. No matter how you may feel about Harry, would you be alright in having no option but to take part in something possibly dangerous that you had no intention of doing in the first place?" Viktor said shocking many who had not had a chance to talk to him yet but only knew him from the articles printed about him. Even during interviews, Krum barely gave a couple of words, a paragraph at most but here he was making an impassioned speech for Harry. Those who mere minutes ago had felt joyous to have one of the Champions in their House suddenly felt like heels as they thought what Harry must be feeling at the moment.

Chapter 70: Target Acquired


Harry is captured when the Death Eaters attack the Burrow when he is staying there during the Yule/Christmas of his Sixth Year. But to his surprise, he is neither killed nor tortured by them, rather they reveal a huge secret about his past and life.


Tags: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Movie) Canon divergence, Good Dark Side/Evil Light Side, Harry has different parents, Brainwashing, Reprogramming/Recovery.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

December 19, 1996- Fenrir Grayback

Fenrir Grayback had joined Bellatrix Lestrange and a few others in their planned attack on the Weasley family's hovel. Most of the populace who believed the propaganda released by Albus Dumbledore and his side would be surprised to find out that Fenrir was the least bloodthirsty of the group assembled to attack the family of Blood Traitors. Fenrir had only joined the cause out of personal revenge for what the so-called Light or Good side had done to him nearly thirty years ago. He had joined the assault team not to capture the Potter Boy for Tom but as a means to strike back at a family that Albus seemed to hold in high regard. Fenrir, as usual, would use the attack to strike a blow against the bastard who had caused him such pain in the past.

Bellatrix had everything planned out, she was going to set fire just outside the Ward lines before appearing to hopefully draw the Potter Boy out. Fenrir and the others were to act as her support team and had been given permission to attack, maim, or kill anyone else who tried to help the boy. While Bellatrix was slightly mad after her time in Azkaban, she was still a brilliant tactician. So rather than just appear and attack the multi-storied ramshackle house, she and the team had the Burrow under surveillance since the Potter and the other school-age children had returned from Hogwarts on December 17th.

When Fenrir was part of the surveillance team he was able to detect the scent of one of his pack. This did not make sense to him for he knew that one of the boys he had turned when they were a kid had turned traitor and joined Albus' forces but Fenrir had not spotted him until the nineteenth. When Fenrir did spot the grown-up boy he had bitten after the parents had begged him to when their son had somehow become infected by Asian Core Rot, Fenrir's senses told him that there were now two of his boys in the house.

Had Albus gotten to another one of his precious boys or girls and brainwashed them away from the pack's protection? If so how was it that no one had informed him of it yet? Fenrir vowed to do his best to rescue both of his children from the group of Blood Traitors and help them recover from what Albus and his side had done to them. If not he hoped he would find out who the other child was and have a long talk with his Betas about why they had not informed him that Albus and his Tamed Pigeons had kidnapped and brainwashed another member of their pack.

Everything started out just as Bellatrix had planned, she got the Potter Boy's attention and drew him out of the Wards for them and the others to capture him for Tom. There was a slight hiccup when one of the Blood Traitor family pups followed Potter. Fenrir would have preferred one of the adults to be the one to follow Potter, he hated to hurt kids and only turned them if their parents begged him to so he could cure them from some deadly illness. Fenrir was just going to have to scare the girl and hope she ran away, either than or draw one of her Blood Traitor parents to her so he could attack them instead.

So as Bellatrix ran through the small thicket screaming that she had killed Sirius Black at the top of her lungs, egging the Potter Boy on, Fenrir cornered the girl to try to force her back home. He could tell right away she was petrified of him as she stared at him unable to raise her wand to attack him as he advanced. Fenrir did not attack her but slowly approached her, as if he was stalking some prey, in the hopes it would cause her to run away. But when he was still several paces away the Potter Boy ran out of the hedge and moved to protect her. The boy sent a Stunner his way but Fenrir easily was able to block it when his nose started to twitch.

No, that could not be. The Potter Boy was the one releasing the scent of Fenrir's pack. What was more the scent the Alpha Werewolf was detecting was not of a child turned by one of his children which would signal the boy being akin to his Grandson. No the scent pouring off the boy was that of one of his kids, what was more the scent showed the boy was his biological son. Fenrir had not turned Potter and forgotten about it. No, the scent showed that somehow this sixteen-year-old boy was the child that had been taken from him nearly thirty years ago.

Blocking another spell sent by his long-missing son, Fenrir decided to change the plan. He knew that Tom had ordered Bellatrix to bring the boy in but if Fenrir left it to her she might scar or maim the boy. Well, to be honest with her maddened state she might do lasting damage just short of killing the boy, which Fenrir would now no longer allow to be done to his son. He would protect his baby, so as his son and the Blood Traitor girl shot a pair of spells at him, Fenrir dodged them both and rushed forward. The pair of kids jumped aside but he followed Potter. Fenrir had to give the boy credit and was slightly proud seeing the boy run ahead just out of his reach. But Fenrir's desire to get his son back gave him more speed than usual as he easily caught up with Potter.

Fenrir's heightened emotions even allowed him to take a stunner to the face and not be blasted back. This surprised Potter, who slowed down a little allowing Fenrir to get close enough to the boy. Reaching out, Fenrir wrapped a hand around the boy's arm to prevent him from running again before using his wand to summon the Porktey that Bellatrix held to get them back to Tom. As he waited for the Portkey to fly into his other hand, and to stop the boy from trying to struggle out of his grip. This might have been possible since detecting the scent of his son emanating off the boy, Fenrir did not want to hold on too hard and possibly hurt him. To make sure the boy did not get away, Fenrir easily changed his grip so that he was holding the boy in his arms. Despite Potter's struggles to get free, Fenrir's senses made him smile for it felt right to hold his missing baby after all this time.

The Portkey finally arrived just as Fenri's other child broke through the underbrush and saw Fenrir holding his struggling Pack Brother. "Let him go, Grayback," Remus shouted lifting his wand and aiming it at Fenrir but not casting anything most likely since he did not want to attack the boy in the Alpha Werewolves arms.

"No, I am taking back what is mine, Son," Fenrir said as the Portkey took him and Potter away. The rest of the team would join them since they had all been magically connected to the Portkey to help signal when the attack was over.

"He was mine," Bellatrix growled at Fenrir as they arrived at Slytherin Castle. "I was to bring Potter to the Dark Lord, not you wolf."
"NO, HE IS MINE!" Fenrir growled at her while clutching his baby tightly to his chest.

"Let me go," Potter cried as he tried to bring up his wand to attack them.

"You idiot, you did not separate him from his wand," Bellatrix cried as she sent a Crutiartus Curse at Potter. Fenrir shifted his body letting him take the pain-causing spell rather than his son. Fenrir gritted his teeth but otherwise showed no reaction to getting hit by the spell, after all, what could cause more pain than his monthly transformations into his Wolf especially after his baby had been taken from him?

"TOM, GET IN HERE!" Fenrirs bellowed calling his Mate.

"Good, you can explain to him why you changed the plan," Bellatrix sneered but made no further move to try to attack Potter again, having seen Fenrir move to take the spell she had tried to hit the boy with.

"What is going on in here?" Tom asked as he walked, well glided into the room giving them a hard stare before noticing Potter in Fenrir's arms. "Ah good you actually managed to get Potter. Put him down Fenrir time to finish this once and for all."

"No," Fenrir said holding the boy if anything tighter in his arms.

"What did you just say to me?" Tom asked pulling out his wand and glaring at the wolf.

"I will not let you hurt or kill him," Fenrir said shocking everyone, including Potter.

"Not let me hurt him," Tom asked his voice dropping a couple of octaves before with a flash of his wand blasted Fenrir into the wall while at the same time casting a Hover Charm on the young boy. "If Fenrir tries to interfere blast him," Tom ordered the others as he turned to Potter."

"Yes, Master," the others said turning their wands on Fenrir as he got to his feet again.

"Now Potter before I kill you I think we should resume the lesson we began back in the graveyard," Tom said as he disarmed the boy so the protections on the wands would not come into play again. With a wicked smile, Tom cast the Crutiatus Curse on Potter making him cry out in pain.

Hearing the cry of pain coming from his long-lost baby, Fenrir move forward only to be blasted by the others. Thanks to his desire to protect his kid and prevent Tom from doing something he would retreat, allowing Fenrir to take all the spells without being blasted away again. It was still a struggle to move through the barrage of spells sent his want but his instincts helped him through until he was able to interpose himself between Tom and the boy. "Fenrir, what is the meaning of this?" Tom growled at him.

Bleeding from numerous cuts and struggling to remain on his feet as he stood as a shield between his long-missing baby and his mate, Fenrir answered, "Scan him and you will see."

"Why do you care for this brat?" Bellatrix sneered from the side shooting a spell at Potter which Fenir was only able to block at the very last moment causing him to collapse to his knees.

Besides looking at where the woman had aimed her spell, Fenrir had not looked away from Tom. "Trust me," Fenrir was able to choke out before he collapsed to the floor as his body shut down. Before he lost consciousness, Fenrir watched Tom with a skeptical look on his face cast a Diagnostic Charm on Potter.

December 20th, 1996 -Tom "Voldemort" Riddle

Tom could not figure out why his Beloved Fenrir was so adamant in protecting Potter, nor why he had Tom cast a Diagnostic Charm on the boy. But Tom knew his Husband would not have him do it as some sort of prank, or at least a prank that he took this far. Keeping his destined foe suspended in the air, Tom cast the spell and watched the results print out from his wand. Tom signaled the others to wait as the results printed from his wand. There were some gasps of shock as the results passed the three-foot mark, which was long for someone Tom's age let alone the sixteen-year-old Potter. While Tom studied many forms of magic he was not as well versed in the Healing Arts, but even he knew that the spell he had just cast should only print the results that had happened to the person since the last time the spell had been cast on them. Did Albus or any of his side ever check to see if Potter was healthy?

When his wand stopped printing, at nearly six and a half feet, Tom tore the paper away and looked at the page trying to find out why his husband was so interested in Potter. He did not have to look that hard for right at the top of the document it listed the boy's name and family.

Salazrd Gilgamesh Riddle-Grayback (Changed to Harrison "Harry" James Potter


  • Tom Marvolo "Voldemort" Riddle-Grayback (Sire)
  • Fenrir Grayback-Riddle (Bearer)
  • James Flemont Potter (Illegal Blood Adopted Father)
  • Lily Gillian Potter nee Evens (Illegal Blood Adopted Mother)
  • Sirius Orion Black (Illegal Blood Adopted Father Second Generation)*
  • Alice Nelly Longbottom nee Biswick (Illegal Blood Adopted Mother Second Generation)

Tom glanced at the next portion of the form, unable to see how Fenrir and his missing son was only sixteen years old when he had been taken from them thirty-five years ago. An act that led Tom to change his movement from a political one to openly attacking Albus and his forces. Having suspected the old bastard was responsible for kidnapping and believed killing of his son. Tom saw that some of the first items on the list of what had been done to his baby was someone, he guessed Albus, placing Suprsents and Blocks on the boy's Wolf blood before placing the boy under a stasis spell for nearly twenty years. Tom was distracted by the perusal of the document as McNair called out, "My Lord." Looking away from the document, Tom saw Salazar/Harry breaking free of the spell keeping him in place. Tom sent a quick Stunner at the boy wincing a little as his long-lost son fell into a heap on the floor right next to Fenrir.

"Call for Narcissa and the other Healers," Tom ordered his followers. "They are to bring Fenrir and the boy back to full health. And no one attacks Potter from this moment on. If you do, you will feel my displeasure," Tom said looking each of his followers in the eye to let them know this was not some sort of test. Leaving the group of followers to fulfill his orders, Tom levitated Fenrir and Harry/Salazar out of the room. Tom made his way to the Masters' Suite laying Fenrir in their bed to recover before having the Slytherin House Elves bring a King-Size bed that was not in use to the room to lay his missing son in.

As he waited for Narcissa Malfoy or another of their group's healers to show up, Tom resumed looking at the results of the charm he had cast on his son. He saw that the boy had received numerous injuries from some people named Vernon, Dudley, and Petunia Dursley. Albus had cast more spells and placed the boy on numerous potions, but there were two things that chilled Tom to his marrow. When he went to attack the boy when he was younger the reason his spell had rebounded on him was due to the fact that Potter had been his baby and Magic had recognized him as such. To protect his son, both Tom and Salazar's Magic had reflected the spell back at Tom. If Tom had cast something other than the Killing Curse things might have worked out but the curse had broken his body and left him as a spirit while leaving a piece of his soul connected to his son.

Tom recognized it at once as the Horcruxes he had learned about back in Hogwarts. Something he felt Albus had wanted him to make but Tom had only wanted to learn about all aspects of Magic. Even after Salazar had been taken from him and Fenrir made Tom go halfway mad, he had never considered making a Horcrux at all. And not just because he had learned from the Portrait of Salazar Slytherin that making a Horcrux broke one's mind. Tom thought he would have to go to Gringotts to get the Goblins' help to remove the Horcrux from his son and return the part of his soul to him since he did not think that even working together the Healers in the group could accomplish the task.

He might just have the Goblins put his long-lost son through a full Cleansing to remove the Horcrux but all the spells and potions that were in the boy's system. He knew that would fix most of what had happened to Salazar apart from being under a stasis spell for so long, which had halted his son from aging until it had been removed. The Cleansing should removed all the blocks and Supressents on his baby's Creature Side, though there was still a chance that he would not be a full Werewolf even if Fenrir had been the one to give birth to him. The Cleansing would also remove the countless Love/Lust Potions that were geared toward the only girl and youngest boy of the Blood Traitor Weasley family. Since both of the youngest Weasleys had been keyed into the potions, Tom assumed that his son had not revealed to anyone his sexual preferences yet.

Feeling like he needed to do something for his baby before anyone else did, Tom had some of the Slytherin House Elves bring him a Sterling Silver Cauldron and the necessary ingredients so he could brew a potion to remove the Love/Lust Potions from his baby.

December 24th, 1996- Harry Potter/Salazar Riddle-Grayback

Harry still could not figure out why he was still alive after being taken prisoner a few days ago. He recalled Voldemort torturing him only to be stopped by Grayback. Voldemort had then cast some sort of spell on him which caused paper to print out of the Monster's wand. Seeing the asshole who had killed his parents was distracted by whatever was on the page, Harry had tried to free himself. He had just about accomplished it when Buckbeak's would-be-killer drew Voldemort's attention back to him. Rather than kill Harry, the Dark Lord hit him with a stunner causing Harry to lose consciousness. He had not expected to wake up again.

He was therefore shocked to wake up in a too-small bed being looked after by some Goblins. His first thought was that members of the Order had staged a rescue of him and had taken him to a safe house to get healed. Why the Goblins were there, Harry could only guess or assume that it was a place tied to Bill Weasley since he worked with Goblins for the bank.

Harry's assumption turned out to be false for seeing him away the Goblins moved over to his bed. The pair spoke in their native language to each other for a moment possibly casting some sort of spell on him based on his body beginning to glow a little. The Goblins did not answer his questions, either, as after they were done talking to each other one of them pressed something to Harry's palm. Harry guessed it was a Portkey for he felt the jerk behind his navel as if he was being reeling in like a fish on a line as he left the Goblins.

When his feet were on solid ground again, Harry found himself face to face with Voldemort and Grayback, both of whom were giving him looks he could not identify. Harry guessed his wand had been taken from him leaving him not that many options to deal with the dangerous pair before him. Seeing that neither of them had pulled out their wands yet, either, Harry tried to make a break for it. He did think he would be able to escape since he had no real idea where he was, but he figured if he got away he could find a weapon or possibly Floo Powder to return to his friends. He was slightly surprised that neither man had cast a curse at him as he ran from the room.

Finding himself in a long hallway, Harry picked a direction at random and ran to the left he was nearing a connecting corridor when he saw Bellatrix Lestrange walk through it. Fearing she might attack him despite Fenrir and Voldemort for some reason not doing so, Harry tried one of the doors lining the hall. He found the door unlocked and rushed inside before she or someone else spotted him. Harry spent a moment listening at the door in case someone had seen him slip into the room. When he did not hear anything, Harry turned and saw he was in a bedroom with a large Double King-Size Bed on one wall, a wardrobe, a couple of other doors to the room, and a large window. Thinking the doors might lead others into the room, Harry snuck over to the window only to look out and see he appeared to be on an upper story of a large building.

Since no one had entered the room yet, Harry went to the other doors to see if he could bypass the hallway by going through them. Unfortunately, he found that one of the doors lead to a large personal bathroom, and the other to a small office space with no other doors leading out of them. Feeling trapped, Harry had done the only thing he could think of and locked the door leading out to the hall, for as little good as it would do against the magic of the Death Eaters.

Yet to Harry's surprise, no one tried to reach him or break down the door. He thought maybe they were planning to starve him out, but over the couple of days that Harry had been locked in the room meals would arrive by House Elf, he assumed, magic for him to eat. Harry did not eat the meals that arrived the first day he was locked in the room thinking they were poisoned or doses with something. But by the second day, his hunger got the better of him seeing a serving of steaming mashed potatoes, a boneless steak, a side order of freshly baked bun, and cottage cheese. Since the food had arrived while no one had tried to reach him, Harry decided that the House Elves were working to protect him which led him to start eating the food they prepared for him.

After he had eaten a few meals sent to his prison, notes began to appear with the food. Harry did not even touch these as he took the dishes of food to another spot lest the notes get revealed to be more Portkeys sent to get him out of the room. After a while, the notes that appeared were no longer folded but laid out flat on the tray so Harry could see what was on them. He had to laugh at the ploy Voldemort and his Death Eaters were taking as he read the notes saying he was not in any danger and to please come out of the room. Harry still did not know why they did not just break down the door or even unlock it to reach him but he was not leaving his make-shift prison holding out hope the Order would find him soon.

Harry had lost track of the days since he had been brought here, but on December 24th rather than a note appearing with his lunch, Tom had sent the test he had done on Harry when he first arrived. Accompanying the test was a similar one performed by the Goblins at Gringotts before they agreed to perform a Cleansing on Harry. Despite himself, Harry could not help but look at the top of both tests and read what they said. He dropped his silverware as he read the names on both tests saying he was somehow the son of Fenrir Grayback and Voldemort.


* The Second Generation means that James and Lily, who I have decided were given Harry/Sal by Dumbles when they could not produce a child, had Sirius and Alice Blood Adopt him after they had Blood Adopted Harry/Sal themselves.

Chapter 71: Target Acquired part 2


The "Good guys" react to Harry getting taken.


While I had Good Dark Side and Evil Light Side as tags in the last chapter, I have decided that Remus is still a good guy as were Sirius, Lily, and James. They cared for Harry as a person but had been taken in by Albus' plans.

Chapter Text

December 20th, 1996 Remus Lupin

Remus let out a howl-like scream of both anger and pain as he watched Grayback kidnap Harry. Sometimes Harry was just too much like James and Sirius for his own good. Everyone had been safe by the Wards around the Burrow no matter what the Death Eaters had done, there was no way they could have broken through. Unless Voldemort himself had come with them which would have been extremely unlikely. Now Harry, his Pup, had been captured by the likes of Grayback and from a voice he had heard earlier Bellatrix. He just hoped the Death Eaters had also not gotten Ginny Weasley, who had rushed after Harry into the mire.

"Remus, what is wrong?" Tonks asked rushing through the thicket to reach him.

"Harry?" Ginny asked rushing from the direction that Remus had last seen Harry.

"Remus?" Arthur Weasley said showing that some of the others had also entered the place and were now converging on his location due to his earlier scream.

"We've lost," Remus said sinking to his knees in the swamping ground.

"Lost what?" Tonks asked rushing over and throwing her arms around his shoulders worried about him. He had always seemed so put together which was one of the things that drew her to him despite their age difference.

"Everything," Remus said not finding comfort in her hug.

"He appears to be in shock," Arthur said. "Let's get him to the Burrow and leave the others to keep looking for any remaining Death Eaters."

"And Harry," Ginny added. "He was getting chased by one of them to protect me."

"Not anymore," Remus said in a broken voice.

"What do you mean?" Ginny, Arthur, and Tonks asked at the same time.

"I arrived just in time to see Grayback whisk Harry away with a Portkey," Remus said.

"No, that can not be," Ginny said knowing there was no way her future husband could be captured by a Death Eater. He was so powerful he would be the one to finally defeat You-Know-Who.

"I saw it with my own eyes," Remus snarled his normally suppressed wolf-like instincts closer to the surface than normal after the loss of the Pup.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU DO ANYTHING!?" Ginny screeched at him doing a good imitation of her Banshiee-Like mother.

"Ginny," Arthur said in a calming tone which did not placate the girl.

"NO, HE LET MY HARRY GET CAPTURED!" Ginny said, making Remus focus on something other than Jamaes and Lily's missing child but the red-headed girl referring to his pup as "My Harry." As he tried to think of what that meant it did not sound like something that a normal way a Girlfriend would refer to their Boyfriend. Remus also realized that while he had detected Harry and the girl were attracted to each other they had not yet started dating. He would have hoped that Harry would have let him know if they had, but since he had spent so much time away from his pup, due to Albus' orders so as to keep Harry safe maybe he was not as close to Harry as he would like to be. Pulling himself out of his thoughts, Remus noticed that Ginny was still getting on his case. Screaming at him as she called him worthless and other names, some of which were rather racist against his Werewolf nature. The strange thing was neither Arthur nor Tonks were getting on the girl's case for her attitude or language.

Something about what was going on did not sit right for Remus, besides Harry getting captured. Standing up and throwing Tonk's arms off of him Remus stepped away from the others. "There might be a chance that Voldemort," Remus started making the three flinch at the man's name, "is out of the country at the moment so they might just be holding Harry until he returns. I will check to see if any of my sources have heard anything on Grayback's location."

"Good, you do that and fix this mess, you furball," Ginny snarled at him. "Don't return until My Harry is back."

Remus looked to Arthur and Tonk to see if they had anything else to say or to tell Ginny off but the pair looked like they agreed with the young girl. Remus even noticed that the light of lust he had seen in Tonk's eyes when she looked at him was gone and so were the scents of attraction she gave off when he was around. "What are you waiting for you heard her," Arthur said in a more brisk tone than Remus had ever heard him use before. As Remus Apparated away he felt he should not only try to find his Pup but also find out why the two Weasleys were acting like they were as well as Tonk's change of character. Not that he minded she was no longer attracted to him, she had somewhat creeped him out coming on almost as soon as Sirius had died.

Rather than head to one of the Wolf packs he had ingratiated himself into, Remus chose to start by heading to Gringotts. The Goblin Healers of the Bank might be able to strengthen his bond to Harry whom his wolf saw as his Pup to make it easier to find him. Most Healers would be able to perform the spell but due to the nation's anti-Creature stance going to see the Goblins would be faster than leaving the island for the procedure to be done. Remus was not surprised to find Trap Street still bustling with crowds despite it being just after midnight. As the nation's only Creature-Blood Magical Shopping district, the Magicals who would face discrimination in the other shopping districts meant no matter the time of day this place was bustling with all the stores being opened twenty-four hours a day. Remus nodded at a few of his friends on the street but did not stop to chat as he headed to the Gringott Branch in the district.

After getting to the front of the line, Remus explained why he was at the bank, crossing his fingers within his robes that the Goblins decided to help him. Remus let out a sigh of relief as the Golbin teller told him they would help him before directing Remus to a ritual room. Inside the room, Remus meets with a team of Goblin Healers and Cursebreakers. Unlike other Gringott Branches on the island there were no straight Humans on the Cursebreaker team for even the Goblins could not get around the protections of Trap Street, not that they wanted to. Windblossom, the Cheif Healer on the team pulled out a roll of Parchment and had Remus take a low-grade Creature-Blood-Based Inheritance Test to make sure there was a connection between Harry and himself that the team of Healers could empower with their ritual. Remus understood this idea as he submitted to the test. Due to the nation's anti-Creature stance, the CB Inheritance Test had a special feature, no matter how little information it was made to give out, if a Creature had been subjected to certain potions or enchantments the parchment would turn red and the writing would also change color to make it easier to read.

Remus was surprised to see the test parchment turn red, thinking he would need to scrounge up some money to do a more detailed test later to find out what he was on. Looking down at the document, Remus' mouth fell open in shock seeing that the document listed him as being Sirius' Widowed Mate and current Lord of the Black Family. He also thankfully saw that there was a bond in place between Harry and himself. "Um since this says I am Lord of the Black family by a marriage I don't remember having. Can I use some funds from the Black Vaults to get a more detailed test before the ritual?" Remus asked the Goblin team.

"That is actually preferable for whatever spells, potions, or enchantments that might be in you could negatively affect the ritual," Windblossom said as she summoned a full CB Inheritance Test. When Remus got the results back from the second test he was horrified. He saw that Albus had placed some blocks on his Wolf-side which might explain how painful it was to change. Though Remus also saw that it could be due to the Wolfsbane Potion he took since the test revealed that it placed a Wasting Sickness on him with a note to have him switch to using the Wolf's Bann Potion if he could. Besides the spells targeting his Wolf-Side, Remus saw that he had been dosed by several love and compliance Potions keyed to Tonks. He could only guess that the girl possibly found him attractive or knew he was the Lord of the Black family and was trying to get herself and her parents back into it. From one of his memories, Sirius had told him that Andromeda had been removed from the family when she married Tonk's father.

"I think I will need a full Cleansing before we do the ritual," Remus said passing over his results to the team of Healers and Cursebreakers.

December 20th, 1996- Arthur Weasley

As soon as the wolf that Albus forced them to ally with Apparated away, Arthur gathered his precious daughter up leading her and Tonks back to the house. "Arthur, what's wrong, where are Harry and Remus?" Molly asked when they arrived back under the Wards.

"Harry has been captured," Arthur said making his wife and youngest son let out horrified gasps. "The Wolf left to search for him." Hearing that Remus was not about to exit the brush behind them, Molly and Ron's faces took on grateful expressions that the beast was not coming back at least for a while. Molly instantly turned to her home and used her wand to clean and disinfect any part of the place where the monster might have had access during his visit. Molly like her husband, could not figure out why Albus forced them to interact with such a beast. Both Molly and Arthur had heard a little from Tonks that the monster had something about him having some connection to the Black Family, though what that connection was neither of them knew what it was.

"How could Harry get captured? That was not part of the plan," Ron whined though of course, Hermione's actions of late had not be part of the plan either she was meant to take a small break for him and Harry as a means to prevent Harry from taking time to learn more about the Magical World. Headmaster Dumbledore had given him and Hermione similar jobs over the years such as in their Third Year and the fight over their pets, or when he had left Harry after his name came out of the Goblet. Yet this time Hermione was actually angry at him, though that could also be that for their "fight," Ron had doused Lavender Brown with love Potions to get her to date him.

"I don't know," Arthur admitted, "Remus was the only one who saw what happened."

"He probably gave Harry to them. The Nasty Bastard," Ron snarled spitting on the ground. Molly gave him a disproving look for spitting but did not tell him off since she agreed with his idea.

"Ron's right Remus probably gave Harry up, and you let him go?" Molly screeched at her husband though considering she tended to screech most of the time it could be seen as her normal voice.

"If he did give Harry up he just proves he is a beast like the rest of his kind, but if he was telling the truth he could still be useful. Not that I think Albus will need any help once we let him know what happened," Arthur said moving over to the Fireplace to get in contact with the Headmaster and Leader of the Order.

December 21st, 1996- Albus Dumbledore

Albus angrily paced the Headmaster's Private study. Ever since Arthur had gotten in contact with him to tell him about Harry being captured by a group of Death Eaters he had tried to find his missing weapon. He had first tried to use the Trace on the boy's wand to track him down. He had Arthur and Tonk return to where Remus had said Harry had been taken to see if the wand was still there. By the time they had reported the wand Albus had forced Ollivander to make for the boy was also missing the Death Eaters seemed to have destroyed the wand or at least gotten rid of the Trace. He was guessing the former since Tom would not want to have the protection in place to prevent the boy from acting against him again.

After the Trace on the brat's wand had failed, Albus had used one of the machines he used to track certain Magical Inviduals on whom he had placed spells on. The machines tracked the combination of the spells had in place as well as the Magical Core of the individuals. Yet when he checked Harry's machine it was no longer functioning. All it showed was that the boy was still alive, but his enchantments had been removed. Somehow Tom did not kill Harry right away but found out that the brat was his stolen child. Albus could not figure that one out at all, he had made sure that the most powerful hatred spells had been in place between father and son. The only thing that should have been able to overnight it was the love towards someone. It had to be Potter's real mother, whom Albus had never been able to find the identity of. How she had been able to know Potter was her real son was also a mystery.

Not knowing who or possibly even what the mother of his weapon was, Albus had placed all the Creature Blood Blocks he could think of on the brat when he kidnapped the boy all those years ago. His original plan for the boy was to distract Tom who had become a giant thorn in his side in the Wizengamot. Even he, the Great Albus Dumbledore and the Second Coming of Merlin himself could not have foreseen the kidnapping of the brat leading to Tom starting an actual war against him. After the war had started, Albus had learned that Tom held one of the Hallows. This changed Albus' plans a little. Thinking he could use the kidnapped brat to get his hands on the remaining two Hallows he had thought about handing the boy over to Flemont and Euphemia Potter and have them Blood Adopt him. Only to learn that Euphemia had just given birth to a son of her own.

Still wanting to use the boy to get access to the Hallowed Cloak of Invisibility. Albus placed the brat under a stasis spell in case he could not get the newest Potter to follow his lead. He began to work on gaining James' allegiance when the boy came to Hogwarts but knew he would either have to wait until Flemont and his wife had died or James came of age to get access to the cloak. Albus had been so close to getting the cloak from James only for Lily to step in and marry him. She had not trusted Albus as much as James did and while she was a Muggleborn, had thought it wrong for her new husband to turn over one of his family's treasures to someone else. Albus tried to silently cast some compulsions on them to get his way, only for them to be both blocked and detected thanks to the Potter Family Rings. While Lily had looked mystified by her ring heating up, James had been furious banishing Albus from their home.

For the next month. Albus tried to get the boy or any of his friends to respond back to him. The only one who did had been Pettigrew. Albus had been disgusted knowing the man had the weakest core of the so-called Marauders. But for once he was glad of Pettigrew's weakness as he easily overpowered the man's defenses and placed compulsions and several enchantments on the idiot. Albus made the man his spy within Potter's group making Pettigrew tell him everything about Potter and the others. Thus Albus learned that James, Sirisu, and him had become Animagus when they had been at Hogwarts. Or Sirius had married Remus Lupin in a way that if Sirius was to die or be arrested the Lordship of the family would pass on to the wolf. One of Peter's best bits of information was that James it seemed had been also affected by the same curse of his parents and would not be able to have children until late in his life. And even Lily having them try Muggle methods had been unable to get pregnant.

As a "peace offering" for trying to Enchant them, Albus gave them Tom's kid telling them the lie that it was the son of one of his old allies who had also been cursed to give birth at an old age. Saying that the boy's parents had died of old age leaving him orphaned, he got the pair to Blood Adopt him. Just in case they tried to scan the boy to find out his real parentage, Albus had cast a spell to give them the results he wanted them to see. A few weeks after the brat's Blood Adoption by the Potters, Albus revealed the "Prophecy" to both Tom and the Potters using another pawn he had completely under his control in Severus Snape.

Having learned from his previous mistakes with Tom to learn how the man would act, Albus knew that if Severus asked the Dark Lord to spare anyone he would kill them. Unless of course, it was the mysterious Mate of the man, whom Albus had been unable to discover. Once more his plans were on track as Tom killed the Potters and tried to kill his own son. However, afterward, Albus realized his mistake. Even if Tom had truly died when he had cursed his son, the brat would be unable to claim his inheritance until he was older. Albus had taken the brat to one of his allies among the Goblins to see if the boy could get the Resurrection Stone and Cloak of Invisibility but found they had been sealed until the brat came of age.

While Albus had managed to get James to lend him the cloak he found that it did not work to its full power and after some testing found it would not be powered until "Harry" claimed it as his inheritance. He even tried to make the brat claim the cloak earlier by giving it to him during his first Christmas at Hogwarts. Yet when he was able to access the cloak again he found it still had not regained its legendary power. Albus had no choice but to keep the boy alive until he was of age. To make his job easier he approached the Weasley family having seen Potter become friends with three of their youngest sons at the castle and offered to pay them to "love and care for the boy" He did not even have to use his own money as he had his golbin ally take the funds from the Potter family accounts to pay them with. When the other Goblins at the bank had not done anything to him he even approached the Muggle girl Granger to stay friends with Harry.

At the end of Potter's second year, the Weasley family approached him wanting more. He had feared they meant more money but was told that they wanted him to make a Marriage Contract between Harry and Ginny. Knowing they were not well versed in legalese, Albus wrote the contract himself making it look like they would get everything Potter had once he married the girl, but in truth, Albus would remain in complete control of the vaults, properties, and treasures of the Potter family. The family of idiots did not even realize that the Potter family was connected to even more powerful family lines all they wanted was the power and fame of that one family. Not that ALbus had any plans on telling them that the Potter family was the poorest of the lines the brat was connected to.

Over the years, Albus made the Weasleys follow his plans to the letter to make sure Harry married Ginny. The only times they questioned him was when he had forced them to pretend to be friends with the likes of Remus and Sirius. They probably guessed that he had plans to get the pair away from Harry since the pair actually cared for him rather than what he could do for them as the Weasleys did. Since Peter had placed enchantments on Sirius and Remus to make them forget about their bonding, Albus had also tried to gain control of the Black Family's holdings. Knowing they had one of the most extensive libraries in Europe and Asia combined. Albus had also not shared with the Weaslesy that he had taken their idea of what to do with Harry to use against Remus after Sirius had died though using Nymphadora Tonks as the one to control the wolf.

Thinking of the wolf again, got Albus out of his mind as he went to look for the machine keyed to Remus. He let out a growl of anger to see just like the brat's machine the enchantments he had Peter place on the wolf had been Cleansed. His anger quickly decided as he checked on Peter's machine and found it was working normally. Using his magic Albus had Peter find the brat within Tom's location and get him to safety.

December 22 ed, 1996- Peter Pettigrew

Peter's normal breakfast was disrupted as he felt the old enchantments placed by his real Master, Albus Dumbledore awaken. Peter was forced to push aside his meal and start towards Potter's location within Slytherin Castle. It was no secret where the boy was being kept since You-Know-Who had shared what Fenir and him and found out the boy was their missing son. Both the Dark Lord and Alpha Werewolf had wanted to give their former adversary time to get used to the news and heal from his cleansing, so forbid anyone apart from the house Elf from contacting him yet. Peter knew this but thanks to the spells on him he was forced to try to enter the door to the brat's room. As soon as he grabbed the door nob he was blasted back by the Wards. Peter learned how serious Fenir and Tom had been about wanting to give the boy time as his silver hand that he had used to grab the nob disintegrated and his body was wracked by pain before he passed out.

December 22 ed, 1996- Albus Dumbledore

Albus cried with pain and alarm as Peter's machine broke down while he was in the middle of using it to control his pawn. Shaking his hands a little to deal with the powerful shock he had just received he noticed smoke now pouring off Peter's Machine in a clear show that the man was dead. Rather than mourn the loss of the man, Albus decided to call for Snaoe to get the brat.

December 23rd, 1996- Peter Pettigrew

Peter woke up in the Slytherin Castle's Prison cells. While he feared what was about to happen, he experienced a moment of pure joy when he did not feel any of the enchantments that Albus had placed on him all those years ago. He hoped he would be able to explain his actions before someone came to kill him.

Chapter 72: I've Changed my Mind


Voldemort has learned that being Immortal is not as good as he thought it would be.


Tags: Immortal Voldermort/Tom Riddle, Bad End, Time Travel Fix-it, Lady Magic-Harry Potter, Crack Fick, Somewhat Good Tom Riddle. Talk of attempted suicide

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Voldemort had won.

But that was old news. During the hectic escape from Gringotts of Potter and his minions, they accidentally grabbed a fake Hufflepuff Cup and thus are unable to destroy Voldemort's Horcrux in the original goblet. With that single Horcrux still in play, Voldemort had been able to stand the reflected Killing Curse before ordering one of his followers to kill Potter. While Potter's protection had still been in place meaning he could not kill any of those who stood against him, Voldemort had used his now full control of the Elder Wand to increase the power and place protections around his remaining followers. In less than ten minutes Voldemort and his followers were the only beings alive in Hogwarts.

Voldemort soon reclaimed his last Horcrux along with the so-called Deathly Hallows, before he raided Albus's hidden library. Letting his followers regain control of the country, Voldemort delved into the books many of which contained dark rituals that he was surprised Albus had not used himself. After about a month, Voldemort discovered a ritual that used the Hallows would allow him to achieve his dream of Immortality. He quickly performed the ritual not caring that it drained all the power from the three Hallows. But then why should it bother him when it was all toward him being granted Immortality?

He had his followers test out the ritual by casting Killing Curses on him, and could only smile when he did not experience the same pain he had before when they had been used on him. No longer fearing death coming for him, Voldemort turned his attention to taking control of the entire Magical World and not just England. Unfortunately, he could not extend his Immortality to his followers though he was still able to greatly increase their power and place protections on them that no one else could get around. He also had to recruit, or train some replacements since he had lost several of his top followers before Potter had finally been killed letting him gain control of the Elder Wand.

With a few setbacks, it took Voldemort a little over five years to begin his campaign for complete control of the Magical Worlds. He had thought that with Albus and Potter gone, he would have no problems with his plans. He was mistaken as a few Magicals he encountered around the world gave him just as much of a challenge as his two vanquished foes. In fact, if he had not been immortal he might not have succeeded at all. It took Voldemort and his growing number of supporters nearly twenty-five years to finally take control of the Magical World. Unlike when he tried to gain control of England and Britain, Voldemort had not become impatient that it was taking too long, for what was time for an Immortal lie he was.

After taking control of the Magical World and stepping into the position of the Immortal Magical King of Earth, Voldemort turned his attention to the Muggles. It was here that he finally made his greatest mistake since attacking the Potters in Godric's Hallow all those years ago. Having focused only on the Magical World for so long, Voldemort had failed to keep track of the sort of weapons the Muggles had. His protections on his followers while good against any spell that could be cast on them, did little good against some snipper shots or silent pistols that some of the Muggles began to use. Granted he and his followers gave back just as much as the Muggles did, but he had not been prepared for the lengths that the Muggles would take. A year into his campaign to subjugate the Muggles, the non-magic beast had somehow learned where he and his top lieutenants were. The Muggles used a nuke reducing Hogwarts Castle into a pile of rubble leaving him the only survive.

Voldemort had lost.

But once again this was old news. The Muggles sent troops in anti-radiation gear to see to if anyone survived their attack. Upon finding Voldemort digging himself out of the rubble the Muggles apprehended him. Using the knowledge they had gained over the years of war with the Magicals the Muggles made sure Voldemort did not have a wand and used a special nano-plastic solution to cover his mouth. The solution would allow him to breathe, just barely, but somehow Voldemort did not understand prevented him from casting even wandless and silent magic.

The Muggles took him to a facility where their healers were surprised that he was not suffering any side effects from the nuclear blast. After his capture, Voldemort was subjected to years of torture at the hands of the Muggle beast as they tried over and over again to kill him. They failed each time due to his Immortality but as attempted to take his life the Muggles would let slip some news about the Magical-Muggle War. It seemed without him to guide his forces there had been infighting among the Magiclas leading the Muggles to come in and bring them down. Using their science the Muggles had found ways to block access to a person's Magic using special cuffs. The Magicals of the world had all been apprehended and cuffed marking them as second-class citizens worldwide for the Muggles.

Knowing what to look for now the Muggles were able to track when a Muggleborn would emerge and prevent them from ever gaining access to magic. Voldemort learned all this from bits and pieces from his jailers until he was shown a video of what had become of his people. Finding out that no matter what they did could kill him, the Muggles ended up locking Voldemort away in the deepest darkest hole they could find and leaving him there. Once every three months someone would come in to reapply the nano-plastic and play the video of what was going on in the outside world.

Due to the ritual that he had performed before he had become Immortal, Voldemort only needed to eat once a week, after gaining Immortality he had found he did not need to eat or drink at all. So his only contact with the world outside his cell was the person who came to reapply his gag. He suffered through this for nearly thirty years before the Muggles decided to give him an Anti-Magic Cuff. Yet even with the cuff they still could not kill him so they left him alone in his cell.

Voldemort was now only visited once a decade as someone came to check that the cuff was still functioning and that he was still alive. During this time Voldemort tried to end his own life, with just as much success as his jailers. He had also found that while he could not die, he still experienced pain and would heal at just a slightly higher rate. One of the new guards at the start of his second century in his cell had taken great delight in this as he stopped by more often than others just so he could break one of Voldemorts' arms or legs just to track how long it would take them to heal. And while Voldemort cursed him and recited every spell he knew his magic was still blocked by the cuff.

It was hard to keep track of the days sometimes, but Voldemort believed it had been shortly after the start of his third century after becoming an Immortal that the guards had stopped showing up to check out his cuff. Maybe fifty or so years after that the damn thing finally broke down and for the first time in nearly three hundred years, Voldemort was able to use Magic once more. It took him another twenty or so years to regain his strength and master over the Magic allowing him to break free of his cell.

Voldemort was ready to make the Muggle Beast pay for keeping him locked up for so long, but when he finally left the underground facility where he had been kept he found nothing but ruins. It was ten times worse than Hogwarts had been when he had first been captured. There was no one around or even sounds of life anywhere. He tried to Apparate but either due to his imprisonment or whatever had caused the devastation around him, Voldemort could not access the Magical Skill. Neither could he fly as he had been able to do thanks to a ritual after his rebirth with Potter's blood.

Voldemort had no other choice, he had to travel on foot to find anyone. His simple walk led him to walk around the world for over a century, yet in all that time he came across no other living person or animal. There were not even insects to note as he traveled unceasingly, unsleepingly, step after step. All he saw was ruins of buildings, cars, and other detritus from the world. During his endless travels, Voldemort could not find a single clue to what had happened to everyone. He was just alone on what seemed to be an empty planet. Every once and a while he tried to kill himself again, but even walking the ocean floor to travel between the continents could not end his life.

Reaching his five hundredth year, the last of which had been his travel around the planet, Voldemort had finally had enough. He finally stopped walking and just sat down on some unknown wreckage, placed his face in his hands, and wept. Voldemort had not known he had any tears left, yet he lost track of how long he sat there crying. It could have been an hour, a day, hell for all he knew it could have been years. He finally stopped when for the first time in nearly two hundred years he heard a voice that was not his.

"This is worse than Mordor after Smeagal destroyed the ring," a voice said making Voldemort stop crying and look up from his hands.

"Potter?" Voldemort asked his voice cracking due to lack of use.

"Ah, so you are still alive in this reality? Not much to do is there?" Potter asked, crossing his legs and taking a seat in midair.

"Must be going crazy," Voldemort said to himself pushing himself off the mound of wreckage and starting to walk again. "Surprised it took me so long, to be honest."

"Oh, you are not going crazy, well at least not in a way that you are imagining me being here," Potter said floating beside Voldemort still sitting on nothing.

Voldemort decided to just ignore Potter trying to put some distance between them but his old enemy's floating form kept perfect pace with him. "You know there was a reason Dumbass never used the ritual even when he had found all the Hallows? No one is meant to live forever. Even the Elder Ones, have a choice to step away from their post after they find someone to take over for them. But because of your actions, you have robbed them of this choice. Yet even doing so they can not get involved in the Mortal Realm.

They actually called for me rather than letting me discover this place myself," Potter said.

"Go away," Voldemort grumbled breaking his attempt to ignore Potter.

"Yeah, I really can't," Potter said moving to float right in front of Voldemort making him stop in his tracks. "After living like this on an empty world I know you want to end your life, I have watched a little of what has happened thanks to the Time of this reality. And the Elder Ones want you to pass on as well so they can move on themselves. But because of your ritual nothing can end your life," Potter explained.

"So why come to see me? Just leave me alone," Voldemort ordered.

"I guess I should say no normal thing can end your life. There is one option you and the Elders Ones of this reality have left. You have to go back and stop yourself from winning. Or at least going through the ritual to grant you Immortality."

"And how can I do that? I have never seen any magical artifacts in my travels like a Time Turner, and as you said the Elder Ones do not get involved in the Mortal Realm?" Voldemort asked.

"They don't and I, unfortunately, lack the power or skill to send you back in time myself but I have an old ally who is often in the worlds I visit that might be able to help out," Potter explained as he "stood up" and began to dig around in his pockets. Voldemort saw some strange things come out of the pockets from a metal shirt, a rod that a beam of light shot out of in the shape of a sword, and a dark book which if he was not mistaken based on the Egyptian Hieroglyphics was the Book of the Dead, and sever other things Voldemort just could not identify. At last Potter seemed to find what he was looking for as he pulled out a normal-looking key. Potter held the key up and thanks to Voldemort's ability to see magic in use appeared to pour some magic into the key.

The normal silence of the empty world was broken by a deep grinding sound, as to Voldemort's amazement an old British Police Box appeared out of thin air. "Did someone call?" a blonde-haired man dressed in a ludicrous rainbow color outfit asked as he stepped out of the Police Box. "What happened here?"

"Hello Merlin," Potter said holding out his hand to the strange man making Voldemort start.*

"That is a new one. I am actually called the Doctor," the man said. "And this should not be. This is SOl-3, right? You know Earth?"

"Unfortunately, it is," Potter said. "Which is why we need your help. I need you to take this man back to what 1996?"

"If I am to stop myself, I might as well go all the way back to my birth," Voldemort said.

"Yeah, I can't do that," the Doctor said. "Since you appear to be the only being on the planet which my TARDIS registers as being uninhabited for over two centuries your birth would be a locked point in time. I don't see I could help you do anything if this is true."

"Oh, you can. I have it from Time themselve, um you would know them as the White Guardian, that Riddle gaining his Immortality is not a fixed point in time. So if he can stop himself from doing so everything will return to what it is meant to be and Earth will be returned to normal," Potter explained.

"I do hate dealing with the Guardians, but I do tend to visit Earth a lot and would hate to see it end up like this so soon," the Doctor said rubbing the back of his neck under his curly blonde locks. "Alright, then I will take you back to fix this," the Doctor said stepping back into the Police box and motioning them to follow him.


* This is the Sixth Doctor, but Harry from the Magic Incarnate series had only ever known the Doctor's incarnations as Merlin.

Chapter 73: An aborted timeline or an Unexpected Alpha 3


Alpha Luna starts to change events quite drastically from the History Repeats Itself timeline.


This chapter will lead to a real change from the normal timeline thankfully without the sex scene between the old goat and the toad.

Chapter Text

Unlike when he Cleansed Severus, Sirius, and Remus, Lucius did not wake up right away after Harry blocked the negative magic from seeping out of the Dark Mark. It may have had to do with the fact that Harry had to repair the damage done to Draco's father from the cursed mark and block off any more of the curse from invading the man's body, but Lucius fell into a small coma. Thankfully Madam Pomfrey was still in her office being berated by Blaise for her mistreatment of Draco so she had not seen Harry Cleanse his lowest rank mate or Lucius. Narcissa being a fully trained Healer ensured her husband was alright but did not want to tax Harry anymore in trying to get him out of the coma. She had decided that when she saw Harry move away from her husband after getting Cleansed and nearly collapse into Severus's arms.

Thus Narcissa Malfoy learned that Severus Snape, the man she and her husband had chosen to be Draco's Godfather was now part of their son's Mateship along with the Weasley boy and Potter. She was almost glad Lucius was not awake to learn this having a feeling he would have fainted right away again after he found out. She made a vow to protect the secret of Severus' involvement in their Nest even from Lucius until they felt right to do so themselves. "Thank you Narcissa," Severus said after passing a weak Harry over to Viktor. "I would suggest you get Lucius out of here before anyone discovers he is in a coma but I believe Blaise is dealing with Madam Pomfrey in her office at the moment."

"I should at least say Hello to your group's Alpha so they know your Nest's secret member is safe with me," Narcissa said heading to the door.

"Alpha is busy," Harry said quickly before he told her why Blaise had left him alone with Draco to talk to the Matron. Keeping their Nest's other Secret of who the Real Alpha was.

"The Bitch," Narcissa swore shocking Draco who had never seen his mother do so. "I will file a full report on her actions not only to the current Hogwarts Governers but the Healer Oversight Committee. Though that does leave us a problem of how to get Lucius out of here without anyone seeing."

"I can help," Fred said giving a wide smile.

"How can you possibly help Mr. Weasley," Narcissa asked.

"First off you can just call me Fred," Fred said with a somewhat flirty wink.

"Dude, knock it off and explain," Draco groaned at him.

"Right well, apart from Peevees, my brother George and I know this castle the best so tell me what you need and I will help you get it," Fred said performing an overenthastic bow to her.

"She will need a fireplace that is not being watched by the Ministry or a way to exit the castle easily while handling Lucius," Severus said cutting to the chase.

"I know just the place," Fred said bouncing to his feet, giving Harry, then Draco a kiss, before moving over to help Narcissa move Lucius' body out of the Ward before anyone saw him.

Ron's POV

Ron was happy that his additions to Harry's potion, while not hurting Harry, had ended up sending Malfoy to the Hosptial Wing. The only downside was that he had been unable to clear up the remains of Harry's Potion thanks to Nott standing guard over it while everyone else left the class after Snape dealt with Malfoy's pain. Though Ron could not see what that would do for even if he could not clear the failed Potions away, Ron did not see Snape checking it before doing so. After all the old dungeon bat hated Harry and always complained about his skills in class. That "Harry's mistake" hurt one of Snape's precious snakes would make it even less likely that the man would try to find the reason Harry had failed. Ron thought he should talk to the Headmaster about it for surly Snape would assign Harry a detention, which the Headmaster could take control of letting them reapply the potions, enchantments, and other spells they had placed on the famous boy to make him follow their plans.

All Ron had to do was figure out when to go see the Headmaster to give him the news. Thankfully now that he and Hermione were Prefects they had an excuse to head to his office, unlike the previous years when they had to sneak out after he borrowed Harry's Invisibility Cloak. Ron also wanted to visit the Headmaster without Hermione who had begun to get stressed out at all the homework they had to do that year, she had not found it as funny as he did that Draco was the one that got hurt during Potuions. Ron had wisely decided not to tell her after seeing how unfunny she had found it that he had been the one to cause the potion to explode. Ron had shared it with Ginny making them both laugh and try to figure out a way to get Harry away from the likes of Malfoy, Zabini, and their older brother.

Normal POV

Fred was able to help Narcissa get Lucius safely out of the castle without anyone spotting them, apart from the Magic Portraits who he knew would never tell anyone else. After all they never snitched on him and George when they set up pranks around the castle. As he started back to the Hospital Wing, Fred ran into Luna looking as if she was just wandering the castle by herself.

"I sensed something, what happened?" Luna asked after the pair of them were alone.

"There was an incident in Potions," Fred said before explaining what had happened, and what Severus had found. Fred was so used to seeing Luna happy and go-lucky no matter what happened to her, that he had to stop himself from giving a small chuckle as he saw her bristle in anger.

"It is your brother, Fredrick," Luna said shocking him by the use of his formal name. "What do you suggest be his punishment?"

"I would want him to be sent to Azkaban for his natural-born life, but that might upset Dad," Fred admitted.

"As would his death I take it," Luna said in such a casual tone it sent a small chill down his back.

"Um, yeah. But he did attack Harry and after the display during the feast last night it clearly showed Harry is a Submissive so a targeted attack towards him or one of our Nest must be answered. I guess the best we could do to show him leniency is to expel his f*cking ass and have them snap his wand. Place a Black Mark on his record so no other school would take him in as a student and he would have trouble getting a job."

"Seems the least we could do," Luna said with a smile. "Anything else?" Fred then reported Madam Pomfrey's actions once Severus had brought Draco to the Hospital Wing, the Malfoys' arrival, and Harry performed a Cleansing on Draco's dad.

"Draco's Mom also learned about Severus being our "hidden" Mate and vowed to keep our secret even from her husband until we agreed to share it with him ourselves. She also said she was going to report Madam Pomfry to both the Goveners and the HOC," Fred explained.

"Good, we can send her the list of what she had done or failed to do to you, Harry, Draco, and Blaise since you started," Luna said feeling she could leave the Matron to Narcissa.

"You might want to get in contact with Harry's Godfather and Remus to see if they have anything to add to that list," Fred advised.

"Good point," Luna admitted, "and if they have stuff, I guess Sev would as well."

Arriving at the Hospital Wing they found Madam Pomfrey in a bad mood. "Miss Lovegood what do you want?" she nearly growled at the girl when Luna walked in beside Fred.

"I asked Mr. Weasley to bring her here so I could inform you both what I found last night," Severus said sounding annoyed as well.

"What's going on Professor?" Luna asked her voice nearly dripping in innocence.

"After your collapse in the Great Hall last night and Potters, reaction to it I had them take you to their rooms. Which I assume you were not so much of a dunderhead to realize you woke up this morning," Severus said.

"I did find it strange but nice," Luna said moving to an open bed and hopping on to swing her feet.

"While you were in the rooms I ran some tests on you to find out why your creature came out so soon," Severus growled as if he was annoyed with her laissez-faire attitude. "I found out that you and Heir Zabini are considered Magical Creature Twins. So when Potter found Heir Zabini to be his Alpha it awakened your Creature. While you are not boart of your twin creature's nest due to your early inheritance to make sure you remain healthy you will have to stay in their rooms every night. When the holidays come around and summer we will have to discuss options with everyone's families to find further solutions to this hiccup."

"Surely when I am of age next year this will not be a problem," Luna said not sounding anywhere disturbed that she was being told that she would be moving in with Harry and the others.

"It is actually hard to say due to how rare twin creature siblings are especially ones whose human parts are different ages," Severus explained. "I will be sharing this with Professor Flitwick but since you stayed in the Nested rooms last night you at least do not have to waste everyone's time in moving your stuff into the rooms," Severus said as he turned on his heels and left the wing to go share the news with her Head of House.

When Flitwick learned of what needed to be done for his student he was a little worried but also thankful since he had noticed some members of his house tended to pick on the young girl but she never came to complain about it to him so he could not get involved. He still planned to check in on her every once and a while since she would be staying with a Mated Nest, maybe give her distractions so she would not be in the way if Harry's creature had a Heat Cycle.

After Severus left the Hospital Wing, Harry and the others were quick to follow lest they stay with angry Pomfry who continued to glare at Blaise The group only talked again at the end of the day where Luna passed her judgment on what was to be done with Ron and Madam Pomfry's actions during the day. Luna then directed Blaise, acting as her puppet Alpha to hand their judgment to the Headmaster. Blaise had Theo join him in heading to the Headmaster's rooms accompanied by Viktor who was showing them the way as well as Severus since the incident with Ron happened in his class.

The group arrived as Albus was meeting with Umbridge just missing the old bastard passing over a set of cursed Blood Quills for her to use on the students. But thankfully they arrived just in time before she thanked him by riding him. "Ah, Severus, Viktor what can I do for you both? And why are Mr. Nott and Zabini with you?" Albus said with a grandfatherly smile that did not reach the man's eyes for stopping his fun with Dolores.

"Heir Zabini wants to deliver some judgment on someone who tried to attack a member of his Nest," Severus explained moving to his normal spot in the office and leaning against one of the bookshelves.

"I see, I was unaware that Mr. Nott was a part of that nest," Albus said.

"Theo is not a member of my nest, but after Draco moved to protect Harry from his exploding cauldron I had him watch over the cauldron until it could be tested. I know Harry is not good with potions but he never made one of them explode before. I just wanted to be sure that his newly awakened creature side did not have something to do with it," Blaise explained.

"And since this would finally get Potter out of my class, I jumped at the chance to make certain," Severus said with such glee that Albus flinched a little seeing the dark looks Blaise, and Krum sent the man.

"And, Severus, what did you find?" Albus said to distract the two creature-blooded freaks from attacking his spy.

"It was neither Potter's dismal potion skill or his creature that caused his potion to explode, but someone throwing an extra ingredient into the mix," Severus said.

"Oh dear," Albus said sounding horrified. "Hence why Mr. Zabini talked about it being an attack but if they just threw it in."

"Potter's attacker was dumb enough to use his own magic to send the ingredient into the cauldron letting me find out his identity," Severus explained. "I had to share it with Potter's Nest before coming up here which is why they are not all present for this meeting. For the attacker was none other than Messor Weasley's young brother Ronald."

Albus silently swore to himself knowing that because he was found to have attacked a Submissive member of a Nest his main male pawn to deal with Potter was about to be killed. "Because he is Fred's brother we decided to show him some sympathy," Blaise said taking over the dialogue. "We are not calling for his life but he will be expelled from the castle, his wand snapped, and a Black Mark placed on his records for attempting to attack a Submissive."

"Now while that is generous of you my boy. You must understand, that Ronald's actions are due to how strange it was to find his best friend being bonded to you and spending so much time with you rather than him and their other friend Miss Granger. I am sure we can drop the whole expulsion thing," Albus said quickly not wanting to lose one of his pawns.

"If he is not expelled, I shall get in contact with your Ministry to have him arrested which could lead to his death or life imprisonment. Something we agreed that none of us want Fred having to deal with," Viktor said with a growl playing the part of the Nest's Attacker rather than its Defender.

Seeing he had no choice, and knowing out of the two options Molly would prefer this to her youngest son getting killed or sent to jail for life, Albus agreed to expel Ron from Hogwarts.

To make sure he kept his word they stayed in his office as Ron was summoned from Gryffindor Tower to have his Wand snapped and sent home. Viktor and Severus made sure the parts of Ron's wand were not given to the young redhead knowing that Albus might try to find a way to repair them or put them in something like what happened to Hagrid's wand. After the wand halves are tossed into the fire to dispose of them, and a Floo connection is opened to the Burror to send Ron home, Severus and the others leave the Headmaster's office. At this total destruction of his plans, Albus was no longer in the mood so he sent Dolores away to try to figure out how to fix things.

When Viktor and Blaise returned to the Nest rooms, the Puppet Alpha moved to his bedroom to do his homework while Viktor shared what happened in the Dumble's office. Everyone gave a small cheer while Luna ran a line through Ron's name on the list of anyone who had betrayed a member of their Nest. Knowing Draco's mother would handle Pomfry, Luna had already crossed out her name as well leaving the Dursleys, Dumbles, Granger, Molly, Ginny, McGonagall, and Fudge for the moment. Viktor then asked how everyone had gotten along while he and Severus were dealing with Ron.

Fred and Draco had mostly been doing their homework, while Harry had been looking up in the Camelot book about how to recover some of his abilities. "I think that I will try one of the rituals that allows me to reclaim any abilities that might have been leeched from me to be given to another. That way if they are attached to someone we don't have on Luna's list we can add them," Harry explained. The trouble was for him to perform the ritual he could only get Luna's help in setting it up since they were the only two that could read from the book so at the earliest it would be the weekend before they could perform the ritual.

Chapter 74: The Fates must be having a laugh


Severus teaches his sixth-year students to cast the Red String of Fate spell


While I do have a similar story of this nature in this work, aka Red String of Fa... You got to be kidding me, this one will focus on Severus finding out that he is Harry's destined mate. This is for my annual Snape-focused chapter on his and my birthday.

So besides Harry finding out he is destined for Snape there will be a few changes from the original plot bunny. The Tags will still include Weasley family bashing, as well as Dumbeldore bashing. I will also try something different this time with Harry being the dominant partner and Snape being the submissive one. Not that there will be any sex scenes in it even if I decide to continue it until Harry is of age. so I guess a tag Harry Potter/Severus Snape is also in play.

Chapter Text

Severus was not looking forward to the day's lesson. While he had finally gotten his wish to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, he had completely glossed over the fact that it was the Defense Instructor's duty to teach the Sixth Year class how to perform the Red String of Fate spell. The only reason he was doing it rather than say Minerva in Transfigurations, or Filius for it being a charm, was sometimes the spell revealed that students might be under illegal love potions which he would also have to deal with. Though he knew he could not do worse than that fool Lockhart who had somehow messed up the spell so rather than the Red Strings of Fate he taught his class how to cast the Silver Streams of Hatred. Hogwarts had almost been sued by the entire sixth-year population's families after that with only Albus's quick thinking preventing the school from being shut down by losing all their money.

But now it was his turn to teach the spell, and what was worse was Potter was in his class. This made Severus think back to his own sixth year and when he learned the spell. His Red String of Fate had looked like it would lead him to Lily which would have hopefully repaired their friendship after he had stupidly called her a Mudblood at the end of the year before. But he was shocked to see that his string did not connect with his old friend but made a few loops around her before fading away. After talking to Professor Daiyon and his Head of House about what the thread meant, Severus had been told that based on his thread's actions his destined mate was not at Hogwarts but he would meet them in the future thanks to Lily.

Yet Lily had died less than five years later and Severus had never met the person he was destined for that she had been meant to lead him to. And now he had to watch Potter's son learn the spell which if any of the rumors were true the brat might end up with the young Weasley girl. The pair of Gryffindors were already insufferable enough without learning they would be destined mates which most likely would lead to an increase in their PDA. Though it might not just be seeing Potter end up with someone, Severus could tell he was a little cyclical and distrustful in the area of love thanks to what he had experienced. He hated seeing any students showing too much PDA even members of Slytherin House, but he had no desire to see the son of his school bully and best friend walking down the halls hand in hand with someone let alone coming across the pair snogging. The very thought filled Severus with anger, which if he took the time to think about it was higher than the anger he normally had towards the boy.

Reaching the Defense classroom right after lunch, Severus was a little unnerved by his students who sat in utter silence and watched him make his way to the front of the room. He had the distinct feeling that he was in the old Muggle Movie Children of the Corn as he told them all about the spell they were working on that day as if anyone could forget they were going over the Red Strings of Fate Spell. Severus was still feeling unnerved as he led the students in first the wand movement and then the incantation for the spell before having them come up one at a time to cast it. This was the only way to see if they learned the spell correctly since besides the caster no one else could see the red string.

Severus noticed a couple of things as he watched the students cast the spell. First off, and to his slight annoyance everyone had cast the spell correctly which at least meant he did not have to assign homework for them meaning he would have a free hour or two the night of their next class together. That is unless Albus assigned him to brew some potions or make an ingredient run that night. Severus also noticed that while the Weasley boy looked at Granger when he cast the spell, the girl looked over to Longbottom. The same was true with Pansy looking towards Severus' Godson Draco, while the blonde sent a look out of the room. Same as Potter, though since the Weasley girl was not in class it made sense. After the spell had been cast by everyone, he went on to explain the meaning behind where the string was connected to the caster's body. Severus almost groaned as he saw a small smirk come to Potter's face making him guess the brat's string showed he was the dominant partner between him and the Weasley girl.

This made Severus grind his teeth a little knowing the Weasley girl was already bad enough as it was with her boyfriends. Various members of the staff had found her all over the castle making out with several boys over the years. For once, Severus hoped Potter would do something about it once he and the girl got together. Thinking about that, Severus recalled finding the girl and Thomas several times this year to see if the other Gryffindor boy was also looking towards the door. Yet he appeared to be looking at Finnagin who was looking back at him. The only reason he suspected the pair of boys had not taken each other's hands was due to Severus having all the desks in the room be single-seaters.

Noticing the bell was about to ring to end class, Severus told them of another effect of the Red Strings of Fate if someone touched the person they were destined with and their magic found spells, enchantments, or potions in their system to force them to like someone else the String of Fate would perform a cleansing of such spells before producing a bit of parchment that would list what had just been cleansed from the person. Severus arched an eyebrow at the expression on Weasley's face at this news but could only guess he was thinking of spells possibly being on Granger since the girl had looked to Longbottom instead of the red-headed boy. As the bell rang to end the class, Severus noticed Potter and his Godson were the only two who rushed out of the room, everyone else stayed behind to try to connect with the person their string had led them to. Though Pansy soon left as well, most likely heading out after Draco, making Severus shake his head at the girl. He just got done saying that just because a person's thread led them to someone did not mean that the other would have a thread leading back to them.

The next to leave the classroom was Weasley, who looked like he was in a hurry for once. Severus did not notice who left after that for he was soon accosted by Granger, Longbottom, Finnagin, and Thomas who passed over some parchment that showed that Granger, Longbottom, and Thomas had enchantments placed on them to interfere with their relationships. Severus arched an eyebrow as he saw that the perpetrators on all the documents were Ronald and Ginevra Weasley. He had a feeling this was going to be a complete headache since he knew Albus for some reason or other put a lot of trust in the Weasley family. Due to Albus's support of them, Severus could see the Headmaster sweeping this all under the rug so the two brats did not get charged or punished. Severus told the four students that he would do the best he could before ushering them out of the room so he could file copies of their documents in the necessary places within his office.

Reaching his office, Severus was not at all surprised to find Albus waiting for him. As the old fool invited himself inside, Severus could not shake the feeling that after Ronald had left the classroom he had gone to report what had happened to the Headmaster. Or maybe he was being paranoid thanks to his dislike of having anyone invade his privet rooms. To hide his annoyance with Albus, Severus moved over to his small kitchenette, noticing that the door to his personal office was ajar confusing him for he thought it had been shut when he left his rooms earlier. "Something to drink, Albus?" he asked making himself some tea.

"No thank you, Severus. I just thought I would stop by and see how classes are going," the man said with that annoying twinkle in his bloody eyes which made Severus want to punch the man's crocked nose each time he saw it.

"My classes are fine, but you wondering about them is a little surprising since you never came to check on them before," Severus said taking a sip of his tea.

"Ah, well today's lesson for our Sixth-Years is one of the big ones," Albus said rubbing his hands together.

"You know perfectly well, Albus, that even if I knew who certain students ended up with thanks to the spell I can not share it with you," Severus said.

"I know that," Albus said waving away his words like a swarm of flies. "I was more concerned about how you took the class, with Lily's son and everything."

"If you are worried about your precious scapegoat, he cast the spell as good as anyone else. He got full marks for the day and left the room as soon as the bell sounded, I assume to find whomever his thread led him to," Severus said rolling his eyes at the interfering old bastard.

For some reason, Severus found his anger increasing when Albus did not deny using Potter as a scapegoat. "I still thought it would have been better if you had not taught that spell today," Albus said making Severus nearly snort/choke into his tea.

Once he cleared his throat Severus responded, "The ICW has all students at this age learn that spell, as you should well know, there could be no way I could have gotten away within without being at the very least charged heavy fines."

"I could have dealt with that," Albus interjected.

"Albus you are the Supreme Mugwump of the ICW you can not honestly say you would help me bypass such a law without someone bringing up charges of abuse of power to you," Severus pointed out though he would have loved one of the dunderheads either at the ICW, in the Wizengamot, or even the Hogwarts Governers to finally call the bastard out on his abuse of power.

"It would have been fine," Albus said not even sounding concerned.

"I don't recall you telling anyone else they could skip teaching that spell. Hell, we had that who fiasco with Lockhart and you knew the man was a fool before you hired him," Severus shot back.

"Everything worked out," Albus said.

"Yeah our only saving grace was people were more concerned with the attacks from the Monster of Slytherin and the Chamber being opened to deal with a lawsuit which most likely would have closed the school," Severus said with his normal sarcastic tones when it was just him and Albus, though he heard a small chuckle coming from somewhere making him realize he had forgotten to put up the Wards to block Peeve making him guess the poltergeist was hanging around and laughing at the whole scene playing out. A part of Severus hoped that Peeve would pass on the fact that Albus had not denied that he saw Potter as a scapegoat so it reached the brat's ears.

"I still think you should not have taught them that spell," Albus said ignoring Severus's last argument.

"So you want me not to teach the Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff class the spell tomorrow?" Severus asked guessing the man's reluctance had to do with Potter or the Weasley boy being in his last class.

"Well, no," Albus said, "since you already taught it to the Gryffinors you might as well let everyone else learn it." Severus grits his teeth at the bastard for leaving, as usual, Slytherin House out of it. As if the man was either afraid or disgusted by the House to want to let it pass through his lips unless he absolutely had to. Severus had always found it strange for the man who clearly loved Merlin, since he often referred to himself as Merlin's second coming, Albus hated everything to do with Merlin's old Hogwarts House.

It took another fifteen minutes, making Severus glad that he did not have another class for at least an hour, before Albus finally left his room. Severus quickly locked and warded the doors so he would not be disturbed before closing his eyes and leaning back into the door frame.

"I thought he would never leave," a familiar voice said making Severus's eyes shoot open to see Potter coming out of his personal office.

"Potter, what do you think you are doing here?" Severus growled at him.

"I don't know," Potter said. "When I cast the spell in class it led out the door, so after the bell rang I followed it down to evidently your door. It helped lead me in before taking me into that room before it ended in a chair before your desk inside. Not knowing if this was normal, I just waited in the chair until I heard you and the Headmaster enter," Potter explained.

"So if I was to cast a detection charm I would not find some prank you and Miss Weasley might have set up?" Severus asked.

"I did not even know this place was here until my thread led me here, and I have not seen Ginny since lunch," Potter answered.

Trusting the boy just as much as he did the brat's father, Severus cast a spell to detect any known prank items that might have been brought into his room, though knowing the Weasley twins and their new joke shop Potter or Ginevra could have items that he had never come across before. Severus saw that as far as his wand could detect there were no pranks that had been set up for him, nor was there anyone else in his rooms besides Potter. "Satisfied?" Potter asked seeing Seveurs did not get any positive results from his scan.

"Not really, Potter. I may not have been able to detect any item you brought in but that does not explain how or why you are here," Severus groused at the brat.

"I told you my thread led me to that office," Potter said.

"Then you must have cast it wrong for a thread leads to a person, not a place. If not a person it gives a signal in a way to help one find their destined partner," Severus said thinking of how his thread had encircled Lily but nothing had ever come of it.

"I don't know what to tell you," Potter said making Severu grind his teeth a little for the brat's lack of respect. He was about to tell the brat off when someone knocked at his door. Having just put up his Wards to prevent anyone else from entering, Severus thought his visitor could only be one of his snakes and they needed some help.

Taking down the Wards, Severus called out, "Just a moment." He did not want any of his students to find Potter in his rooms especially when they came to the rooms which they would only do to an emergency or someone was so hurt that the health potions he stocked in the Common Room would not be enough to help them.

Turning to Potter, Severus whispered to him, "Go back to my office and stay there." Severus would place Wards around the room so the brat would not be able to hear what was going on in the main room or get out until Severus removed them. Yet when Severus grabbed the boy's shoulder to make him move faster he felt a strange wave of magic and two small pops. Looking down both Potter and Severus saw twin rolls of parchemt had appeared before them. As if drawn by the magic that brought the rolls to them both reach down and even though neither was marked grab the one meant for them. Almost in perfect unison both males ripped the small wax seal holding the parchment in a roll and unraveled them to read what was on them. Severus' blood ran cold as he read what was on his scroll.

Severus Tobias Snape

  • Destined Mate: Harrison "Harry" James Potter
  • Role in Mateship: Submissive Partner

Enchantments/Potions/Spells/Curses in place that interfere with Mateship

  • Dark Mark, cast by Tom Marvolo "Lord Voldemort" Riddle, which surpasses all Red Stings of Fate that had not yet been activated
  • Hated Potions geared towards Harrison "Harry" James Potter administered by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
  • Potter Family Luck and Time's Chosen cast on Harrison "Harry" James Potter which surpassed any Red Strings of Fate from activating until Harrison "Harry" Potter cast the spell himself.

Severus groaned in understanding as to why his threat had circled Lily and he had been told it meant she would lead to his destined mate. No wonder it could not lead to a person for Potter, no Harry had not been born yet.

If Severus' blindside to the news was bad, Harry's was worse. For he saw mention of a Horcrux attached to his soul which also interfered with him finding his mate, and hated potions geared towards anyone with a Dark Core, which Severus had. Not to mention countless love potions geared toward Ginny Weasley and given to him by Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, the twins, Ron, and of course Ginny herself.

The pair just stood there reading and rereading their results before whoever was outside knocked on the door again. Without thinking and just trying to focus on something else besides his results, Seveurs told the person to enter. "We need to talk about Pansy, Sir," Draco said entering the room for the moment not seeing Harry's smaller form behind his Godfather.

"What has she done now, Draco?" Severus half turned before stopping himself when he realized his body was the only thing preventing Draco as well as Vincent and Gregory from seeing Harry behind him.

"She interfered with my Destined Mateship," Draco said, and thinking that Severus was going over another student's results of tampering shoved his into the Potions Master's hand. "Potter? What are you doing here?" Draco asked now being close enough to see his rival on the other side of his Godfather.

"Same thing you are someone messed with my results," Harry said moving his parchment so Draco whose attention had been drawn to the page in his hand could not read anything off of it. Once more rather than having to think of himself being Harry's destined submissive partner, Severus looked down at Draco's results. At least he could see why Draco had brought his friends along since it listed both boys as his dominant partner. This impressed Severus slightly for it was rather rare to find two partners let alone such partnerships having one submissive or one dominant rather than being equal partners. The thing preventing them from getting together before now was that the Mark Draco had been forced to get by the Dark lord, and Pansy slipped some love and lust potions to Draco geared toward her. Draco it seemed had also taught his two new partners how to cast the spell for under Draco's document were ones from them showing Pansy dosed them with potions to prevent them from getting too close to Draco.

Chapter 75: The Fates must be having a laugh part 2


Before Albus can sweep everything under the rug concerning what the Wealsys did, Severus takes his new Dominant partner, his Godson, and the others to Gringotts.


By the way, Draco ended up with Crabbe and Goyle in this version of the story since in the original one someone suggested I change Harry's partner to Blaise or Theo and have Draco connected to both his friends and body guards.

Chapter Text

Seeing that just like with him, his Godson's relationship had been interfered with not only by someone but because they were both marked. Also knowing that the Dark Lord had tasked Draco with killing Albus, something at the moment he would be happy to see, Severus wanted to move to protect his Godson from both the headmaster and the Dark Lord. With the cleansing of everything in his system thanks to coming into contact with Po... Harry, Severus also knew he had to get that Horcrux out of his partner. Thanks to his Mastery in Potions and Defense, Severus had come across the term Horcruxes before during his time to gain his Masters. And while there was little knowledge of what a Horcrux was that he had been able to find, Severus knew that even creature governments considered them to be SSS-Rank dangerous artifacts. That one was somehow attached to Harry was troubling.

Since information on Horcruxes was rather rare, the only place Severus thought he could go to help remove it from Harry was Gringotts, or so he hoped. But then again there was not only Harry and his results to deal with but, Draco's, Vicnent's, Greogry's, and even the four Gryffindors. While he still held a slight grudge against the house of the Lions due to his four main bullies while he was a student being from the House, not to mention that Albus gave the students from the house the most breaks, Severus could not in good conscious leave Granger, Longbottom, Thomas, and Finaggin out if he took the others to get fully cleansed. The reason he wanted to go to Gringotts, besides hopefully removing the Horcrux from Harry, was the parchments that appeared after destined partners came in contact with each other only listed things that were on a person that would interfere with their mateship. Knowing Albus as he did, Severus would not put it past the man to place more spells on Harry than those listed on his form.

Not knowing if the four Gryffindors had a free period or in another class, Severus sent out his Doe Patronus. Knowing what Potter's Patronus' was, Severus could not help but blush since his Patronus was akin to Lily's while Harry's was based on his father's Animagus form. As he waited for the four Gryffindor Sixth Years to arrive, Severus did his best to avoid looking at Harry still feeling a blush around his cheeks. Severus had never been so happy to see Granger, as it allowed him to focus on something other than his room's ceiling which he felt was making his three Slytherin students know something was up between him and Potter. The feeling of joy did not last long as the girl opened her mouth to complain about her and the others being called out of Transfigurations, meaning Severus would have to deal with Minerva as well as Albus when they came back. Though considering Harry's housemates had been in a core class, and his young partner was not, Severus felt he would have to deal with Minerva either way.

"Now while you all cast your Red Strings of Fate perfectly since you all had parchemt come out, I will inform you one of the reasons the spell is taught in Defense is that the instructor who must have a Mastery in the subject would be required to hand over any of the parchments to the proper authorities. Now since you are in the same boat I will let everyone know that I would have a problem doing it this year unless we act fast. For as you Gryffindors finding out members of the Weasley families were reasonable for trying to mess up your relationships and knowing how Albus protects them so much. And then we have our Slytherin numbers who were interfered with by Miss Parkinson whose Mother is a pretty high-ranked Auror all your cases might be swept under the rug with no punishments being given. So for that reason as well as seeing if anyone has any other spells, enchantments, or potions in their system since your results only anything that interferes with possible mateships, I will be taking you to Gringotts to get tested and possibly Cleansed," Severus explained as he ushered the group of sixteen years old to his fireplace to Floo them to the bank.

Since he knew the Weasley twins had a shop in Diagon Alley, and that if Albus noticed him taking the students out of the castle, Severus directed his Floo to take them to the Gringotts located on Kelpie Avenue. He also knew that despite his protections waiting in line with eight students would make them more noticeable, Seveurs had the others sit in the waiting area off to the side as he took Harry to see one of the tellers.

It took Harry and him nearly ten minutes to reach a teller. Severus did not worry about anything as he leaned in and told the Goblin that he wished to get Harry, himself, and the other students to receive further testing but also cleansing. "And why do you believe these students need to get more testing or a Cleanse?" the teller asked.

"Well, I am not sure if all of them do, but there is some troubling information on Harry's documents," Severus said having Harry pass them over to be examined. The Goblin's eyes bulged as he read about the Horcux in Harry's system, nearly falling out of his seat as he gestured for Severus to collect the other students to join them.

The Goblin teller led their group deeper into the bank to one of the conference rooms that would normally deal with businesses trying to work out deals between themselves. The reason for the size of the room was made clear when the Teller administered everyone's test and left them to go over their results. Thanks to their results, the teller was able to track down all their account Managers. Well, apart from Granger who did not have one being a true Muggleborn, unlike Thomas who it turned out father had been in line for a Squibborn inheritance before he had died shortly after leaving the boy's mother.

Severus, to be honest, did not pay that much attention to what the others found out in their expanded test, for his anger at Albus had skyrocketed again as he saw the old bastard not only dosed him with Hatred Potions geared toward Harry but had placed memory charms on Severus to make him forget that Severus was the Lord of the House of Prince. Dumbldick had used his spell on Severus to embezzle money from the Prince Family's Vaults but also stood as "a proxy" for Severus in the Wizengamot. If the old bastard had done that to him, Severus could not help but wonder what he had done to Harry. Knowing that since he had handed over documents that listed he was Harry's submissive partner, he would not be charged for trying to gain information on the younger male, Severus looked at what was on Harry's test.

Once more Sevuers' anger grew as he read his new partner's results over his shoulder. Dumbledick had made sure, Harry had never taken his family rings since the document said the power of the family was being used by Albus. And since Harry's results showed that he had become a Lord after his name came out of the Goblet of Fire two years ago, this was highly illegal. Dumbledick had not only claimed the power of Harry's lines for his own use but was also embezzling money from Harry's vaults. What was worse he was not taking all the money for himself since it stated he was sending some to the Weasleys, the Bird Fund aka the Order, but what was worse some money was even being sent to Tuna Fish and her family. Severus had a sinking feeling as to why Tuna Fish was having money sent her way and it was not good at all.

Severus actually felt a small twinge of thanks towards Black as he cast some cleansing charms on Harry which had removed some of the stuff Dumbledick and the Weasleys had on him. Those protections had vanished after the man's death and the spells and potions had been reapplied to Harry by the bastards. To help himself settle down a little, Severus looked around at the others in the room. Not knowing what was on anyone else's test and just reading their faces, Severus thought that Draco might also need to get a Cleansing if only to rid himself of the Dark Mark. Severus could not tell if any of the Gryffindors needed a cleansing, apart from Harry since he was not used to their expressions as he was towards his Godson.

After everyone, except Granger, had a short meeting with their family's Account Manager, Severus along with Harry, Draco, and even Longbottom were sent to undergo a Cleansing. When Severus came around after his cleansing, he found Longbottom already awake and Draco just like him coming around. Since the Mark was removed from him, his bond to Harry was now in place at full force making Severus look around for his younger Dominant partner. Severus experienced a spark of worry not seeing Harry in the room. As if either sensing his fear or reading it off of the Potion Master's face, a Goblin Healer moved to his side. "While you and Heir Malfoy were able to get cleansed in just an hour and a half, Heir Longbottom in only an hour, thanks to the Horcrux attached to your Mate his Cleansing is hard to determine how long it will last. In the meantime, your Account Manager would like to see you."

"Thanks," Severus said. "These two will be alright if I leave them correct?"

"They will be fine, we have summoned their partners now that Heir Malfoy and you have regained consciousness," the Healer informed him.

"Alright, Draco, Longbottom, I will be leaving for a bit, but your partners will be in shortly. I can assume they will say where Finnagin and Thomas are and if they are okay. I hopefully will see you both soon," Severus said getting a nod from his Godson and a shocked look from Longbottom at his tone and manner.

Severus was a little shocked to be led into an office occupied not only by his Account Manager but a second one, which based on his clothing was of a higher standing than Graknic. "Um did I do something wrong?" he asked bowing low to expose his neck to the pair of Goblin Account Managers.

"Not at all, Lord Prince," the strange Goblin said getting to his feet and offering a human-style greeting by holding out his hand to the Potions Master. Not used to being greeted by a Goblin with a handshake, Severus hesitantly took the Goblin's hand. Severus winced as he felt something sharp dig into his palm before the Goblin moved his hand away.

"What the Hell?" Severus asked as the strange goblin moved a needle from between his fingers before attaching it to a Gringott's Blood Quill.

"I do apologize, Lord Prince. But I wanted to prove that you did not use some advance magic to alter my client's Red Thread of Fate making it come to you," the Goblin said as he placed the quill on a parchment which hastily wrote a quick message that seemed to satisfy the Goblin. "Good there have been no signs of tampering but you are his mate as chosen by Her Ladyship and the Lord of the Stone."

"Who are you?" Severus asked using his wand to heal his palm which had not been healed as it would normally happen after a Goblin Artiface had been used.

"I am Bonecrusher, the Account Manager of Lord Potter's numerous vaults," Bonecrusher introduced himself.

"And why am I meeting you? I get that I am Harry's destined partner but wouldn't I only meet you after he comes of age and we start working stuff out together?" Severus asked a little confused.

"Under normal circ*mstances, that would be the case, but just like many of Lord Potter's family their special Magic sometimes called the Potter Family Luck has come into play," Bonecrusher said.

"I noticed that on my form that explained what might have prevented us from getting together. What is it?" Severus asked.

"The Potter Family Luck is an old curse due to them being one of the last descendants of the line of Peverall whose members created the Deathly Hallows as well as taking part in the creation of Time Turners. So thanks to their family medaling in both the domains of Death and Time they were cursed to live out interesting lives," Bonecrusher explained.

"So because he lives an interesting life, I am meeting you before a normal time when partners see the other Account Manager and alone at that?" Severus asked still confused.

"You are meeting with me, due to the Horcrux attached to my client as well as the Protection Bond you were forced to take had been altered," Bonecrusher explained.

"It was?" Severus asked.

"A normal protection bond would prevent you from harming the person it was geared towards physically or mentally yet Albus Dumbledore was able to suppress the part of the ritual which would prevent you from mentally abusing your charge. Albus not only did this but in the memory charm he placed on you he increased your hatred of my client due to what his father did to you while at Hogwarts. That was just one of the ways Albus enchanted you in a way that would not appear on even the detailed test that you took before your Cleansing," Bonecrusher said. "Another aspect of the Potter Family Luck coming into play is my Client gaining his Lordship status thanks to the whole issue with the Goblet of Fire. For while we found no proof that my client ever entered himself once his name was called he was recognized as an adult in our world."

"If you want to get technical he was a Lord before that," Graknic interjected. "Since the bank has records of him gaining the Slytherin, Gaunt, and half of the Peverell family Lordship after Tom Riddle failed to kill him as a baby which Magic recognized as a Line Dule leading him to gain the lines through Rite of Conquest."

"Yes, there is that," Bonecrusher said rolling his eyes a little at the Prince Family Account Manager. "Anyway, since only the Goblins have noticed my client, your new partner is of age, for the time being, to keep this secret we ask you to step into the role as Stewart to his lines even though you are listed as the Submissive partner."

"What would that entail exactly?" Severus asked the pair of Goblins.

"Until your partner's next birthday, you would take over his seats in the Wizengamot, and while you are already a member of the Hogwarts Goveners since you are a Head of House you will now have the power of three of the Founders behind you," Graknic explained.

"What?" Severus asked in shock.

"I saw you read over my client's shoulder while we were in the conference room, didn't you see what lines he was part of?" Bonecrusher asked in response to his question.

"I guess I was more focused on the fact that Dumbledick was embezzling funds from Harry and that he was living with Lily's sister," Severus admitted.

"Very well," Bonecrusher said giving a slight nod. "Then to let you know your partner is connected to the Peverell family which he had only half a claim to until Riddle attacked him as a baby. That line led to both the Gryffindor and Slytherin lines which as I pointed out the Slytherin one was gained through the attack as well. There is obviously the Potter line, but it seems that his mother was in line from Squibborn inheritance of the lines for both Merlin and Ravenclaw. There is also the Gaunt line but that has had very little power for over two hundred years so does not really have a seat in the Wizengamot," the goblin explained. "Oh, he was also the heir of the Black family before gaining that lordship as well last May when Lord Sirius Black died.

Severus nearly staggered at this news, if Dumbledick was using both all of Harry's powerful family lines as well as the Prince line once Harry and he took them back they might be able to remove the bastard from his post of Chief Warlock. Not to mention that using Harry's Founders line, Severus would have more power than Dumbledick on the Hogwarts Governer's board. Even if everyone voted with Dumbledick and not just Molly, Severus would still have the deciding vote in things regarding the school. Severus was about to let out an uncharacteristic cheer at being able to put a stop to Dumbledick's corrupt use of power before he took in what Bonecrusher had just said at the end. For Harry to have been able to claim the Black Lordship only after Black had died, that meant Black had to have been sent to Azkaban without losing his Lordship in the first place.

Severus had only spent about a month in the place after the first war ended before Dumbledick got him out. For once in his life, Severus felt sorry for Black and had to admit his former bully was made of tougher stuff than one would normally give him credit for. Since after he got out the man had tried to protect and cleanse Harry but had also not completely lost his mind after spending so long around Dementors in the worst Magical Prison in the world. Almost as if Magic was waiting for Severus to see some good in Black, Severus felt his bond with Harry strengthens a little. Though for all the Potion Master knew. the bond could have increased in power thanks to Harry's cleansing being finished. In hopes that it was the second option, Severus agreed to act as Harry's proxy in the Wizengamot and the Hogwarts Goveners before he reclaimed the Prince family Lordship Rings. Before he left to go see if Harry had returned to the Gringott's Healing Wards, Severus asked both Goblins to not only get the money back that Dumbledick had removed from his and Harry's vaults but to replace it with enchanted leprechaun gold that would only disappear when someone tried to use it.

Reaching the Healing Wards, Severus breathed a sigh of relief seeing Harry lying unconscious in one of the beds being looked at by some Goblins Healers and watched from a far by Granger and Longbottom. This made Severus hope the strengthening he felt in their partnership bond was Harry getting out of his Cleansing and not a newfound, and most likely short respect for Black. As he closed the door into the ward behind him the Healers looked over before quickly moving aside. Severus could have walked slowly over to Harry's bedside, sat down in the chair beside it, and taken his young partner's hand. He could have, but that is not what happened for as soon as the Goblin Healers were out of the way, Severus rushed across the room, not caring that Granger, Longbottom, Draco, Vincent, and Gregory were in the room he flung himself onto Harry burning his face in the younger man's chest. Severus could not help but let out a small sigh as he felt a pair of almost too-skinny arms wrap around him as Harry hugged him to his chest all the while not regaining consciousness.

Chapter 76: Uh-Oh Dumbledore


Albus really should have stayed calm when he went to ask Harry if he put his name in the Goblet of Fire.

I think almost every fan of the series agrees that one of the worst changes between the books and the movies is how Dumbles accosts Harry after his name comes out of the Goblet. So I think it is time he gets punished for it, the Bastard.


Tags: Dumbles Bashing, Hurt Harry, Adults acting like adults for once, Dumbledore gets fired. Triwizard Tournament.

Chapter Text

Albus did his best to hide a smile as Harry's name came out of the Goblet. He had figured something like this would happen with Tom having sent a spy to the castle to make sure Harry took part in the tournament. If he had to guess, Tom would use the tournament to force Harry to come to him at some point Then using a ritual which, Albus had made sure Tom had been taught, the Dark Lord would get his body back. It was almost too simple sometimes how easily, Albus could make everything work out just like he planned, Almost like a conductor before an orchestra or chorus with Tom, the Death Eaters, the Ministry, and of course Albus' "allies" all performing to his tempo and tune.

Acting as if he was annoyed Harry had gotten involved he curtly told his chief pawn to join the other Champions in the side room. Albus had already seen how most of the school had shot angry looks at the boy when he had called out his name to become a Champion, so he took a moment to make sure the right people followed him into the chamber. Maxine, Igor, Crouch, and Bagman had to come along, but Albus also pulled Severus and Minerva into the group. Adding the pair taking a few extra moments so, Albus could see how the other Champions took Harry being part of the tournament. If he could predict and usually could, the other three students would be confused and possibly angry that Harry was there. Which Albus hoped along with how most reacted to Harry's name being called would isolate the boy even more making him easier to control. Albus had used similar isolation from the other students during Harry's previous years at the castle.

Telling his staff to not punish anyone who bullied Harry, Longbottom, or Granger after Minerva had taken all the points from the three students in their first year. Actively spreading the tales that Harry was the Heir of Slytherin to the upper years as he made sure Lockhart told them tales of Line Duels and the Rite of Conquest, which Harry had once when Tom had tried to kill him as a baby making the Lord of Slytherin. He had once more told his staff to not punish anyone for bullying Harry for how the boy reacted to being around Dementors. Though that time Remus had gone against him to not only give some students detention but had the gull to teach Harry how to cast a Patronus Charm. This was why, Albus had not stepped in to prevent the wolf from walking away at the end of the year since it would have been technically illegal to fire him for being a Werewolf as per the Hogwarts Charter.

Albus once more had to hide a smile as he led the others into the side chamber seeing Harry standing apart from the other Champions. Wanting to control the narrative and path of the discussion rather than have anyone speculate why his Age Line had failed, Albus rushed to Harry asking, "DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE, HARRY?" Also to make sure no one else could get to the boy first, Albus made a grab for the boy. But then for the first time in decades if not longer, Albus was thrown for a loop as Harry acted on instinct.

After living with the Dursleys, Harry had long ago developed a sense when a blow was coming. Seeing Professor Dumbledore rushing over at him with an arm outstretched, Harry shifted his body. Rather than Albus grabbing hold of Harry's robes to push the boy backward and away from everyone else, his hand smacked Harry with enough force to send the too-small boy tumbling backward. Since Albus had not grabbed Harry's robes there was nothing to stop the boy's momentum as he crashed into the display case behind him. The glass front shattered as Harry fell into the case making everyone wince. Harry landed in a heap at the bottom of the case with enough force that it knocked several of the large metal trophies from their perch causing them to fall on the young boy.

Everyone rushed over and winced as they peered down at Harry's body at the bottom of the smashed display case. Even Snape looked sickened by what he saw as he took in all the cuts from the shards of glass ripping both Harry's flesh and robes all over the young teen's body. One of the largest trophies had fallen onto Harry's right hand breaking every bone in it and leaving the hand a mangled mess. McGonagall sent a Patronus to Madam Pomrey to have the Matron get in contact with a team of Healers for St. Mungos knowing the damage that Harry had suffered through might be beyond the Medi-Witch's ability to heal. Harry's right leg looked to be broken in several places and was sticking out at two unnatural angles. There were numerous large bruises and more broken bones from the falling trophies hitting Harry's form. While Harry's left hand had no breaks a large shard of glass had gone all the way through Harry's palm.

As everyone waited for Madam Pomfrey and the summoned Healers to arrive, no one wanted to touch Harry lest they made anything worse. This did not stop Snape and McGonagall from using what little skill they had in healing in trying to stop the bleeding from the countless cuts all over Harry's body. The pair wished they had the skill to heal or at least stop bruises from getting larger, especially for a troubling bruise around Harry's left temple.

After doing all they could for him the Heads of Slytherin and Gryffindor turned with thunderous looks on their faces toward Albus. "WHAT THE HELL, ALBUS?!?" Severus ground out. "THAT WAS COMPLETELY OUT OF LINE."

"I just wanted to find out if he had put his name in the Goblet," Albus said feeling utterly shattered himself. The brat could not die if the boy did, all of his plans would be flushed down the toilet. He still had Longbottom but he had not trained the boy as much as had Harry. He had even talked to Longbottom's Grandmother to make her have his secondary weapon use Frank's old wand which would have stunted the boy's Magical Growth.

"What by body checking him?" Minerva asked not screaming like Severus but having a soft voice that still spoke of immediate danger.

"No, I tried to grab his robes but he got away from me," Albus admitted.

"There was no reason for you to grab him or shove him at all. Dear Merlin, Albus, all you had to do was ask a simple question. And when Harry said he had not placed his name in the Goblet. Something I am sure we can all agree on," Minerva said looking to the others and getting nods from everyone except Crouch. "That is unless you believe you made a mistake in the Age Line. In any case, since you are his Magical Guardian, you would have been easily able to withdraw him from the tournament."

Albus tried not to grind his teeth, he had been hoping no one had bothered to look up ways for a Champion to be removed from the tournament. Now if Harry pulled through he would be forced to let the boy not compete.

'He is zee boy's Guardian?" Madam Maxine asked in shock.

"Yes I am," Albus said glad to keep up the lie he had been telling since he had both blocked James and Lily's Wills as well as making sure Sirius ended up in Azkaban without a trial.

"I zink not anymore. Unless zee British Ministry is different from zee French," Madam Maxine said.

"What do you mean," Bagman asked only every paying attention to what went on in his department and the latest games he would bet on.

"In France if a Guardian harms zere charge in such a vay. Zey would lose zeir position. After all Monsieur Potter in zee last half hour has had his name come out of zee Goblet and now zis," Madam Maxine explained.

"It was an accident," Albus protested.

"Accident or planned attack," Barty Crouch Jr. disgusted as Moody said stomping into the room. The man had come to make sure his Master's plan would move forward and convince everyone Potter had to compete. Due to where everyone was standing Barty could not see the brat but guessed the boy was looking scared and hoping for some help.

"It was an accident," Albus protested again.

Still unable to see Potter through the others, since "Moody's" Magical Goblin eye while able to see through enchantments and other forms to hide a person could not look through actual bodies, Barty said, "It takes more than an accident with your Age Line to hoodwink that Magical Artifact. This is some seriously stronger Dark Magic at play," Barty said unable to stop himself from tooting his own horn.

"WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT THE f*ckING CUP, ALASTOR," Snape bit out, making Barty arch an eyebrow at him. Barty could not figure out how the group could not be talking about the cup after everything that had happened in the hall.

Wondering what Potter had said or done to make them not talk about the enchantments he had placed to make sure the brat was forced to compete, Barty looked for the boy but was confused when he did not see him right away. "He is down there, Alastor," Minerva said pointing at the display case everyone was gathered around. Looking down with both eyes, Barty was horrified. His Master's plan looked like it was going to end before it really began as the Potter brat lay in a broken mess at the bottom of the case.

"What? What happened?" Barty asked knowing he was reacting to the scene as himself and not like Moddy would have done.

"It was an accident," Albus said for a third time.

"Albus decided to ask Harry if he put his name in the Goblet by body-checking him and sent him into the case," Minerva said glaring at the Headmaster.

"Is this true Albus?" Barty asked.

"I just tried to grab his robes, but he twisted away from me. I did not mean to send him into the cabinet like that," Albus said.

"But it looks like you did," Barty said his anger at his Master's plans being ruined making him act a little rashly. "And while I was let go from active duty, even if you did not mean to do what you did, I have no choice but to arrest you."

"You can't do that," Albus protested.

Barty knew Albus was right but he did not care. "You sent a student into a display case and caused all those injuries. It does not matter if you are his Magical Guardian or just his Headmaster, you must answer for this."

"I quite agree," a new voice said as Madam Pomfrey and several Healers entered the room followed by Drake Vansel the current Head of the Hogwarts Governing Council. "Even if you are not found guilty of anything, the fact is from the Patronus Madam Pomfrey received and sent on, it showed you caused a student to get extremely hurt. I don't care if you have tenure, I believe I can speak for the others on the council when I say your services as Headmaster are no longer required here."

"No, I refuse," Albus said shaking his head in denial.

"Refuse all you like, apart from the Healers, myself, there are enough witnesses to show what happened here. So as I said even if you are not arrested, or imprisoned you are no longer welcome at Hogwarts. I will send you your things. Alastor get this trash out of here," Drake said.

Barty had to fight a smile, knowing that while his Master would be upset that Potter might not take part in the tournament or even live for that matter, he would be happy that Albus was out of the way. Conjuring some cuffs, Barty quickly and roughly put them on Albus' wrist before the man could even think to get away or put up a fight. Barty had also made sure the cuffs blocked the wearer from using any magic knowing that since his Master feared Albus for his skill this would make it easier to control the man. Now all Barty had to do was get Albus into custody without his real identity being discovered so he did not join the Headmaster in going to Azkaban.

Everyone watched as the Healers and Madam Pomfrey stabilized Harry enough to use a Portkey to send the boy to St. Mungos. Since the Portkey was for medical emergencies the Magic Semi-Sentience of the castle allowed its activation through the Wards. As soon as the rush of displaced air caused a pop to be heard, Moody escorted Albus out of the chamber. The few students who had returned to the hall after witnessing McGonagall's Patronus and the arrival of the Healers could only gasp in shock to see the Headmaster led out of the castle in handcuffs by the Defense teacher.

They got to work as soon as Healer Shakespeare and Rosevelt arrived at St. Mungos with Heir Potter. They had only stabilized the young boy enough to allow transport to the Hospital/Healing House, but they still had a lot of work left to do. Based on all the damage that Heir Potter has sustained even with magic and a full team of Healers and Medi-Magicals it took over four hours to stabilize the fourth year. One of the reasons it took so long was the groups of Healers sometimes got in each other's way to deal with the injuries. Healer Shakespeare for instance was working on closing all the various cuts that Heir Potter had received from his smashing through the display case and all the shards of glass. Healer Rosevelt on the other hand was trying to deal with all the bruises that had come from the trophies falling onto Heir Potter's body. Healer Malfoy had been hard at work preparing all the broken bones that the teen had gained, yet she was mystified when she found some issues when she fixed Heir Potter's dominant hand.

Running some further tests on their famous patient, Narcissa found that the bones in Heir Potter's right hand had already been broken before but had not been healed properly. This led her to find other bones that had been improperly healed before Heir Potter received his latest set of injuries. Narcissa had her chief Medi-Magical, Dani Quee, cast a full-powered Diagnostic spell on Heir Potter to hopefully explain why the young boy's injuries had not been healed properly. Heir Potter's right hand having improperly healed broken bones was especially troubling for Narcissa. She recalled her husband telling her about their son's first Quidditch Match at Hogwarts which had led to Heir Potter losing all the bones in his right arm. That meant at some point after Heir Potter had drank some Skele-Grow and now the boy's hand had been broken. Since there was no mention of it in Heir Potter's file from Madam Pomfrey this injury had to have happened when he was not at Hogwarts.

It was a good thing that the Healers had stabilized Harry before transport for as the results from Dani Quee's Diagnostic Charm went past three feet in length every Healer and Medi-Magical working on Heir Potter stopped to watch the parchment continue to print out of Dani's wand. When the parchment finally stopped it was over seven feet long making the team of Healers task a Medi-Magical to go through the document in case there was some medical issue with their patient they needed to be aware of.

Medi-Magical Christine Chapel wished that drinking was allowed on the job as she read the document and everything that had happened to Heir Potter up until that point. The white-haired woman wished that the worst thing that would have been listed at the start of the document had just been surviving the killing curse by You-Knew-Who but she found it to be just the start of the boy's hardships. Just a few hours after surviving the curse, the young boy had been exposed to near-freezing temperatures for over six hours, making Christine guess that for some reason Heir Potter was left outside in November right after his parents had died. If not for the mention of blocks being cast on the boy before he was left in the cold rather than the killing curse, Christine would have guessed the exposure had been due to being alone in Godric's Hallow after the house had been destroyed.

After the exposure listed on Heir Potter's document the injuries the boy had sustained started to come from more physical abuse with the occasional spell being cast on him. Since Dani's charm had been a medically based diagnostic spell the document gave the source of any injury Heir Potter suffered through, most coming from three people, Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley Dursley. Yet the spell only listed any spells or potions Heir Potter had been exposed to or dosed with but not who had cast the spell or brewed the potion in question. Christine filled out a request to summon a Goblin to give Heir Potter an inheritance test since, unlike the charm Dani had used, would list who had cast the spells on the young teen.

She hoped whoever the Goblins' test revealed would be locked up for a long time for the spells and potions that Heir Potter had been exposed to. The early blocks on Heir Potter had been from his parents, who had died before they could remove them, but after living through the killing curse, Heir Potter had more than half of his magic blocked off which was not counting a further fifteen percent which acted on its own to protect Heir Potter from the abuse he suffered at the Dursley's hands. There were spells in place to prevent Heir Potter from talking about the abuse he suffered through as well as making him subservient to the members of the Dursley family.

Christine wondered if even with so much of Heir Potter's magic being blocked the young teen was especially powerful or if these Dursleys were just psychopaths or some form of twisted. Even with Heir Potter being enchanted to be subservient to them, it seemed that at least once every couple of days one or more of the Dursleys would abuse Heir Potter. This abuse ranges from simple hits from Dudley Dursley which the form listed as being just a year older than Heir Potter, and bare bottom spankings using a belt. Heir Potter also was smacked with metal pans, some of which were listed as being extremely hot, such as a few times Petunia Dursley nearly cracked Heir Potter's head open when she used a burning frying pan which still had some grease in it to hurt Heir Potter for some reason.

Even at a young age, Heir Potter had been doused with Potions as well. Some were beneficial such as one that allowed the boy to handle pumpkin and mint. Yet others were just disgusting such as a Healer Controled Potion which was often used in child abuse cases where a child suppressed their magic and was in danger of becoming an Obscurial. Yet such potions were meant to be taken in the short term, while Heir Potter had been on them since the age of two. Christine was surprised Heir Potter had not been poisoned by the Anti-Obsurial Potions yet.

Chapter 77: Uh-Oh Dumbledore part 2


Bonecrusher is summoned to give Harry an Inheritance Test, revealing what had been done to him


While this story will no longer have Harry dealing with being raped as well as betrayed there were some aspects from Road to Healing that I will continue with such as George and Fred not being Magical Twins but normal twins so I can haver some Bashing of George without bashing Fred.

Other additional tags include Molly, Ginny, Hermione Bashing

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As Medi-Magical Chapel sent her request for a Gringotts Goblin to come and administer a test to Heir Potter, the rest of the team continued to heal the boy's injuries. Per standard protocol with the number of injuries, Heir Potter had received especially some blows around his head, the boy was being kept in a Magically induced Coma. He would remain in the coma until they could ascertain if the blows to his head had caused any lasting damage.

Bonecrusher arrived at St. Mungos in a high temper around the time the three Healer team was finishing up their work for the moment. While the Potter Family Account Manager had finally been summoned to see his long-absent client, he wished it was under better circ*mstances. It was a good thing that the majority of Healers Shakespeare, Rosevent, and Malfoy were finished for as soon as Bonecrusher entered the private Healing Ward, he had pushed them out of his way. Laying eyes on his client, Bonecrusher could not help but wince as he read the boy's magic to see how injured he had been before the Healers had done their jobs. As a Goblin Prince and Heir to the throne of the European Kingdom, not to mention being mated to a Healer, Bonecrusher had seen worst injuries than the human had. But those injuries from mine collapses or exposure to ancient dangerous artifacts to adult Goblins or Human Curse Breakers, not to a fourteen-year-old Human child.

"I was told to administer an Inheritance Test to my client," Bonecrusher said looking around the group of Healers and Medi-Magicals and glad that no one had reacted to the slight tremor in his voice after seeing his client.

"That was me," a human with pure white hair said. "We ran a scan on Heir Potter after finding some inconsistencies with his injuries that we had records of him receiving at school. The test revealed that your client has been under some spells and potions and we would like to find out who was responsible for them to add to our reports."

"Very well," Bonecrusher said getting verbal confirmation since as a means to summon him a copy of Harry's health scan the team had taken had been sent to him. Not trusting whomever was dosing his client with potions from using a House Elf to slip them into the boy's food, Bonecrusher had brought the most detailed inheritance the Goblins had.

"What's all this?" Healer Malfoy asked seeing Bonecrusher pulling out an object she had never seen used in an Inheritance test.

"I take it you have seen a normal test being done, but after my client has never come to see me, alongside the health scan I received I wanted to make sure to get every drop of information I could. These will not only allow me to get the standard bit of information but read the magic off of any spell or potion that he has been dosed with from who handled it, or brewed it," Bonecrusher explained as he set up the test.

Not wanting to interfere with the results everyone stepped back from the bed Harry was on to let the Goblin work. When Bonecrusher said his test would get every bit of information concerning Harry, he was not lying for unlike a normal Inheritance Test which might be at most three or four pages the one that appeared after the Goblin was finished was over ten pages long. Bonecrusher quickly grabbed the test and skimmed through it for a bit before he removed all the pages dealing with the state of his client's accounts. This still left over six pages to deal with, so to make everyone's job easier, Bonecrusher used some Goblin Magic, speaking Gobbleygook, and pressing a finger to the front page of the results. This caused a new page to appear which summarized the most vital information so the Healers could deal with any issues right away rather than taking the time to go through the full document together. Bonecrusher then passed over both the summary page and the rest of the document to the nearest Healer and bade them to read it out for everyone.

Harley "Harry" James Potter (Born July 31, 1980, at O5:34:07. Current Age: fourteen years, two months, thirty-one days, and eighteen hours old)


  • James Flemont Potter (deceased)
  • Lily Clara Potter nee Evans (deceased)
  • Sirius Black [through Blood Adoption] (Formerly wrongfully imprisoned and currently on the run)
  • Alice June Longbottom nee Biswick [through Blood Adoption] (mentally compromised due to overexposure to the Crutiatus Curse)

Godparents/Magical Guardians:

  • Sirius Black (chosen as Godfather by James Flemont Potter) (Formerly wrongfully imprisoned and currently on the run)
  • Alice June Longbottom nee Biswick (chosen as Godmother by Lily Clara Potter nee Evans) (mentally compromised due to overexposure to the Crutiatus Curse)
  • Remus John Lupin (chosen as Magical Guardian by James Flemont Potter)
  • Galas Tegan Parkinsons (chosen as Magical Guardian by Lily Clara Potter nee Evans)
  • Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (illegally holds post as Magical Guardian after casting memory charm on real guardians and blocking Potter's Wills)

Family Lines:

  • Peverell (Heir inherited from Sire, made full Lord after Line Duel with Tom "Voldemort" Marvolo Riddle former Co-Heir/Lord)
  • Gryffindor (Heir inherited from Sire)
  • Hufflepuff (Heir inherited from Bearer through unclaimed Squibborn Inheritance Laws)
  • Potter (Heir inherited from Sire)
  • Evans (Fourth in line under current Lord Soul Evans)
  • Black (Heir due to Blood Adoption from Sirius Black)
  • Biswick (Secondary Heir under current Heir Neville Francis Longbottom due to Blood Adotiion to Alice June Longbottom nee Biswick)
  • Slytherin (Lord won through Rite of Conquest after Line Duel with Tom "Voldemort" Marvolo Riddle)
  • Gaunt (Lord won through Rite of Conquest after Line Duel with Tom "Voldemort" Marvolo Riddle)

[Thanks to Name being illegally entered and selected by the Goblet of Fire to participate in the Triwiard Tournament Harley has been recognized as a full adult by Magic thus becoming the Lord of all his family lines. Excluding The Black Heirship since Lordship still under the control of Sirius Black]

Overview of Spells/Enchantments/Potions in Harley's system in order of importance

  • Horcrux attached to Harley's Soul (in place after Tom "Voldemort" Marvolo Riddle tried to kill after Lily Clara Potter nee Evans performed Loving Sacrifice Ritual)
  • Enchantments applied to Horcrux to interfere with any skill Harley has in Occulmency/Legilimency or other forms of Mind Magic (Cast by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
  • Various enchantments in place to block and implead magical abilities:

Core Block (5% placed by James Flemont Potter and Lily Clara Potter nee Evans. 52% by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. 15% By Harley himself as he subconsciousness fights off and heals himself)

Blocks placed on Self-Healing Magic (by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)

Magical Branch Blocks (Brewing and Potion creation-71% by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Charms spellcasting/creating-58% by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Transfiguration spellcasting/creation-60% by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Healing spellcasting/creation-88% by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Runes reading and creating-100% by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.)

Magical Ability Blocks (All-Seech by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore [due to gaining Lordship in Peverel and Slytherin Parsletongue unblocked.

Magic detected on Harley's glasses to worsen Harely's eyesight unless he is on a broom (placed by Albus Percival Wulfri Brian Dumbledore)

  • Potions geared to make Harley subservient to Muggle relatives (Brewed by Molly Antoinette Weasley. Handled and dosed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore) [total potions used sixteen]
  • Potions geared to form bonds with the Weasley Family (Brewed by Molly Antoinette Weasley and George Fabian Weasley.* Handled and dosed by Molly Antoinette Weasley) [total potions used 34]
  • Potions to make Harley fall in love with Ginevra Molly Weasley (Brewd by Molly Antoinette Weasley and George Fabian Weasley. Various portions handled by Molly Antoinette Wealey, Albus Percival, Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, George Fabian Weasley, and Ginevera Molly Weasley) [total potions 392]

Bonecrusher had to groan a little seeing that despite him taking the pages dealing with Harry's vaults before he created the summary page the information was still brought in/ Healer Shakespeare who had been ordered by the Goblin to read the results felt a little uncomfortable but did as he was ordered as he read the summary of what had happened to the newly revealed Lord Potter's vaults.

Vault discrepancies:

  • A total of 96,753,045 Galleons were embezzled from Harley's various vaults and sent to vaults owned/controlled by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
  • A total of 500,000 Galleons were embezzled from the Potter vaults were sent to random vaults belonging to Molly Antoitte Weasley (387,433 Galleons), Ginevra Molly Weasley (112067 Galleons), George Fabian Weasley (500 Galleons)
  • A total of 3000 Galleons as well as family magic tomes, apart from Grimours sent by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore to new accounts created for Hermione Jean Granger
  • A total of 6000 Galleons were sent to shell company Bird Fund (found to be held by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore as a non-existing business front for the activities of vigilante group Order of the Phoenix)

[All money transfers approved of by Cartdriver Griphook, and Teller Sandblaster]

  • Peverell Family Wand stolen in 735 CMA, has exchanged hands since then and is now in the possession of the Ministry after the arrest of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
  • Sword of Gryffindor (Human co-creator name) Silverlight Blitzer (Goblin co-creator name) held illegally at Hogwarts Castle by former Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
  • James Flemont Potter and Lily Clara Potter nee Evan's Wills removed from Potter vaults and hidden under protections cast by Peverall Family Wand and hid by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
  • Gaunt Family Ring/Peverall Death Stone held under Dark Curses in Gaunt Family shack by Tom "Voldemort" Marvolo Riddel (also contains Horcurx)

Since he had only glanced at the information on the main test, Bonecrusher's blood boiled at the fact that Dumbledore held the sword that his and his client's ancestors had created together at the start of their partnership. Bonecrusher wanted nothing more than to retrieve his personal sword, Sliverfang Breaker, from his office and kill the old bastard even if according to the test summary the man was now arrested and being held by the Human's Ministry. Bonecrusher was not the only one who did not like what Harley's test revealed. Narcissa despite her feelings toward her cousin could not believe that the Lord of her family had been sent to Azkaban illegally. No wonder she had been unable to have her son take up the Heirship to the Black Family after the Dark Lord had been defeated all those years ago. Medi-Magical Chapel took the summary from Healer Shakespeare to send the page to the Ministry's Department of Magical Children's Welfare so those who had dosed and cast magic on Harley would be properly punished.

Narcissa sent a letter to her husband about her cousin's predicament, she knew her husband would only see the information as a means to hurt Albus and push Fudge under his control, but she did not care as long as the Black family got justice. After her owl, Athena, flew to deliver her letter, Narcissa used her Floo to call Severus after being told by Shakespeare and Rosevelt that before they had retrieved Potter from Hogwarts both he and Minerva had stabilized the boy. Yet Severus had not done all he could have done with his near Masters in Healing magic that one needs to possess to become a Potions Master.

Despite it being well after Midnight, Severus did not take long to answer his Floo. "What is it Narcissa? It has been a long day already."

"And it might get longer depending on what your answer to a question I have for you," Narcissa said knowing Severus' history with James and Lily due to how close he and Lucius were. But if she did not like his answer she would not hesitate to report him to the Hogwarts Governing Council.

"What is it now, did Draco complain about his curfew again? I keep telling you just because you and Lucius made me his Godfather does not mean I will bend the rules for him," Severus said wearily.

"It is nothing of the sort. I was called on to be part of the team to heal Heir Potter," she said not revealing the boy was now a Lord since it was not in her sphere of influence to do so at this time. "My colleagues informed me that you and Minerva saw to him before they arrived. So I have to ask why did you do so little to stabilize him?"

"Anger," Severus said sinking wearily into his seat.

"You failed at your responsibilities to a student because of your anger at his father. Let it go, Severus," she said shaking her head at the fool.

"You misunderstand me. It was not anger at Potter or his son but at Albus," Severus explained.

"I think I am missing something," she said.

"After Lily and Potter were killed, Albus made me take a vow to keep the boy safe. Yet before my eyes he sends Potter through the front of the display case and all the damage the boy had gained from it. It was all I could do to not curse Albus myself while feeling just a portion of Potter's pain. To focus myself I let my magic latch onto Minervas and follow it along as best I could," Severus said.

"Wait this ritual allows you to feel Heir Potter's pain?" she asked wondering why he never reported feeling any injuries that her team had discovered caused by the Dursleys.

"Only if he is nearby, Otherwise the magic and distance of any injury he might get while lounging around his manor during the summer is like someone trying to speak to me from London without using a Floo," Severus explained. Narcissa once more held her tongue to not divulge her patient's personal information to the Potions Master.

"Very well, I shall take your word for it. And since I got you, please inform the other members of the staff that we will be keeping Heir Potter for a few days for observation," she lied since after the Goblin had the summary of his test readout he had taken Lord Potter to Gringotts to undergo a full Cleansing.


* While I am having George help Molly brew the potions, I may decide that he is only doing so after being forced to help rather that Molly punish him and Fred more for the pranks they pull. This is also why I have him only get 500 Galleons total in his accounts from when Dumbles gives them money.

While Molly and Ginny have all that money in their possession that is just the amount that has been passed over to them. Molly had used most of the funds for gift to her kids, Ron's new wand at the start of his second year, their trips to see Charlie, and winning the Golden Galleon drawing. Meanwhile Ginny used the money given to her to buy anything Harry related from books, posters, bedspread, stuffed dolls, etc which she either hid or Molly placed a Glamor on when Harry stayed with them.

Chapter 78: Apollo Black (L.M.) IV


A Batty Baby Brother's Bonkers or Brilliant Plan


This is a continuation and possibly the chapter that makes this into a full story started and posted in Chapters 32-34.

As some of this chapter is from Draco's viewpoint there is some Weasley bashing.

While Lucius will call Harry by his name when speaking or talking about him, he will use both Harry and Apollo in his thoughts about his recently found child.

Chapter Text

Draco's Perspective

After coming home from his summer job as he helped Master Jax-Dax in his Wand shop for his future career, Draco planned to spend the late afternoon with one of his friends. Yet as soon as he returned to Malfoy Manor his mom told him to change into something casual for they were heading out to celebrate something. She refused to answer his questions about what they were celebrating or where they were going but just smiled at him. Having heard his father discussing Potter being on trial as he approached the dining room that morning, Draco could only assume that Potter had been found guilty and expelled. Now that was worth celebrating in Draco's opinion.

But having no idea where his parents were taking him to celebrate Potter being removed from Hogwarts made it hard to decide what to wear. He did know that when his dad told him to dress casually, they were going out into the Muggle World, so he decided to pick one of his normal outfits. Changing out of his work clothing, Draco pulled out a pair of black pants with edges so sharp they could cut parchment. His black Hippogriff leather belt, which he had started to wear after that whole incident with Buckbeak a few years ago. He pulled on a white button-down shirt before throwing on a black vest. Not knowing how casual he was meant to go, Draco threw on a black necktie but left the knot a little loose. He finished his outfit with a black overcoat which he buttoned only the bottom two buttons of. Checking himself out in his mirror, Draco made sure not a single hair was out of place before he went to join his parents in the Floo Receiving Room.

Seeing his father roll his eyes a little at him, Draco wondered if he was too casual or not casual enough for wherever they were going. "Draco, I want you to be on your best behavior," his father said coming over and placing both his hands on Draco's shoulders and looking his son right in the eyes.

"When am I ever not on my best behavior?" Draco asked.

"I want you to promise me you will be on your best behavior," Lucius Malfoy said in a tone that broke no argument.

"Got it, I promise," Draco said wondering if the celebration had less to do with Potter's arrest but something to do with a deal his Dad's firm had made and there would be some other people there with them.

His father gave him a sharp nod as he let go of Draco's shoulders. Moving to their supply of Family Passage Floo Powder, Lucius grabbed some and tossed it into the fire. Unlike single-passenger Floo Powder, the Family Passage variety turned the flames bright pink. Draco arched an eyebrow in confusion as he heard his father call out Rook's Landing. Their destination ruled out them going to celebrate, whatever it was they were celebrating, with his father's business partners. It also meant Draco had not dressed casually enough, for his cousin Luna and Uncle Xeno dressed casually even when they "dressed up" for anything.

His father sent him a smile over his shoulder before going through the Floo passage. His Mum motioned for Draco to precede her as the blonde followed his father through the Floo, right into the man's back. While he was fifteen years old now, his father still was a bit taller than him leading Draco to peer around his father's back. Draco struggled to keep a sneer off his face. It seems they had come to pick up his cousin and Uncle when the Weasels were visiting them. Wondering if this was why his father had known the Weasels were going to be there, hence why he stressed Draco be on his best behavior, Draco looked to gauge his father's expression. Yet based on the look on his father's face, Lucius Malfoy had not expected the Weasesl to be there at all. This begged the question of why had his father stressed him being on his best behavior if not for the Weasels?

As Draco tried to figure out what was going on as his father and the banshee exchanged tense greetings, Draco's ears honed in on something. Cutting through the conversation in the cramped room, Draco heard his cousin Luna softly singing the old lullaby that both Aunt Pandora and his mom used to sing when Luna and him were younger. Draco could not help but smile at the old song, something he had never done around any Weasel before, unless they were getting hurt. As Luna reached the lullaby's chorus, Draco could not help but sing along. Draco quickly stopped singing, as he realized that despite his singing the chorus so low that only he should be able to hear it, someone else was singing along with Luna. This wiped the smile off Draco's face. That song was precious to him and his cousin she should never have shared it with the likes of the Weasels.

But no, something was wrong, and not just because someone else was singing the lullaby but the words were not all correct. Looking around the room again, Draco sought his cousin out. His mouth fell open in shock to see she was curled up with Potter and rocking him a little as the pair sang the lullaby together. Draco had not even been aware the pair had known each other, so how did Potter know most of the words to the lullaby? Draco was also a little upset, to see Potter had once again gotten off, he had expected with the way the Minister and the Prophet had been treating the famous idiot all summer, they would have thrown the book at them. Draco sent his father an annoyed look only to see his father had seen Luna and Potter curled up in the chair together. What was stranger his father had a look of concern on his face.

Normal perspective.

Lucius had been shocked, though not really surprised to find members of the Weasley family at Rook's Landing. Though he had seen them showing up, he had hoped that he and Xeno would have had a chance to explain to Luna and Draco about their real relationship as they had done with Harry/Apollo back in Lucius's Ministry office. The Weasleys being here did mess up his plans a little but he was sure he could convince them to leave just so Draco could focus. Greeting Molly a little tersley, Lucius had scanned the room to find Harry/Apollo. It took him a moment to locate his missing son due to how cramped and crowded not only with Xeno's stuff but the Weasley clan. When he spotted Harry/Apollo, Lucius's breath hitched a little seeing the young teen curled up seeming to be having a panic or emotional attack. Thankfully Luna was right beside him cradling her long-lost brother in her arms and singing to him.

Lucius no longer paid attention to playing nice to Molly or the rest of the Weasleys seeing Harry/Apollo rocking back and forth in obvious discomfort. Moving forward Lucisus pushed the Weasleys out of the way to reach the kids. He heard some muttering as he got down on his knees before the chair that Luna and Harry/Apollo were in. "What happened?" Lucius asked gently placing a hand on Harry/Apollo's knee.

"Father?" Lucius heard from Draco who had not moved from where he had come out of the Floo.

"Just a moment, Draco," Lucius said waving the boy silent. "Harry, is everything alright?"

All Lucius got back were some muttered words "Killed," "brother" and "Kreacher."

"What about Kreacher, Harry?" Lucius asked wishing nothing more than to take the teenager into his arms and give him a tight hug to help him both calm down and focus.

"Um, I can answer that," Molly said.

"How could you answer that?" Lucius asked turning to look at her.

"Albus told us about Harry's hearing and what happened as well as your job," Molly said as her youngest son muttered something about not believing it. Molly and Lucius both ignored the boy, as Molly took a deep breath. "Since Albus said you were working against him, you should know my family had joined Albus in doing the same."

"What does this have to do with Kreacher?" Lucius asked still kneeling before Luna and Harry/Apollo.

"One of the members of the group is or possibly was Sirius. We had been staying at his house so we met Kreacher," Molly said before taking another deep breath. "When Albus returned from the hearing, he confronted Sirius with Harry's results. Sirius admitted"

"He killed him," Harry said in a small voice almost a sob."

"The Headmaster?" Lucius asked.

"No Kreacher," Molly said.

"But before that he killed Regulus," Harry said looking up and letting Lucius see two lines of tears running down the teen's face.

"Why do you care about Sirius' brother?" Draco asked.

"Draco come over here," Lucius said motioning his son forward as he stood up. "There is something both Luna and you need to hear."

"I think we will leave you for a moment," Molly said shocking Lucius who gave her a thankful look as she ushered her kids out of the room. Draco walked over to Lucius still sending Harry/Apollo mistrustful, almost hateful looks. Xeno came down from the floor above closing the door behind the Weasleys before he came to stand beside Lucius.

"We should have told you both this a while back, but it never felt right," Xeno said using his wand to expand the seat Harry and Luna were in before gently pushing Draco to join them.

"What never felt right, Daddy?" Luna asked who did not seem disturbed by Draco's presence in the chair with her and Harry.

"You and Draco are not cousins, but siblings. Triplets to be exact," Xeno told the two teens.

"You don't mean?" Draco asked sending a disgusted look around Luna to look at Harry.

"Your mother and me wanted to have kids but do her getting attacked in the last war which lead me to become a Ministry Spy within the Death Eaters, she could not bare children," Lucius said.

"Pandora and I had tried for a few months but were told by Healers and some Muggle Doctors that while she could get pregnant there was some issue with my seed," Xeno added making the three teens wince a little.

"Since we all had a similar desire to have kids yet trouble doing so we took part in a Fatility Ritual. Regulus Black was our third. It seems the Healers and Doctors had been correct for not only did Pandora get pregnant but unlike most Fatility Rituals she had the three of you. Since you and Luna both had blonde hair Xeno and I took you while Harry was born with dark hair so became Regulus's son," Lucius explained.

"Why hide this from us?" Draco asked testily.

"We did not mean to, but after Regulus went missing and we had no idea what had happened to Harry before getting a message from Kreacehr a week ago, we feared that someone who opposed Fatility Rituals had targeted Regulus and Harry. Someone who might come after you as well, so we kept your relationship a secret even from you. I don't know about Xeno, but I planned on telling you everything when you came of age, son," Lucius said.

"Griffin sh*t. There is no way I am related to Harry Blood Potter," Draco said with a sneer making Harry glare at him which at least helped him stop crying for a moment.

"You are related to both Harry and Luna, son," Lucius said placing a hand on the blonde male's arm. "Thanks to Kreacher's information we made sure Harry got tested during his hearing... if one can call it that, when Fudge turned it into a trial," Lucius said pulling out a copy of the test results. "As you can see, Harry is your brother, and Luna is your sister." As Lucius held out the documents Luna and Draco looked down at them for a moment before Draco's scowl became more pronounced as he found out he was the youngest of the three teens.

"Does this mean I can start fifth-year classes?" Luna asked seeing she was actually older than the two boys.

"Not unless you can pass the fourth-year test given at the Ministry before school starts up again," Xeno answered with a chuckle.

"So I am not only related to Potter but I am the uncle of You-Know-Who?" Draco asked glaring at the results of the test. He had no issue being Luna's brother. Luna and he actually got on quite well, but to be Potter's younger brother was just... he did not even want to think about it.

"In a way you are," Xeno said patting the boy's knee.

"And you are not one of his followers but are secretly working against him for the Ministry?" Draco asked his father.

"That is correct," Lucius confirmed.

"Then you don't want him in power?" Draco asked.

"That is the idea," Lucius said not sure where his son was going with this.

"Correct me if I am wrong, but since the test reveals Potter is his father or whatever could Potter not just perform the ritual to remove him from his family lines?" Draco asked.

"I don't know," Lucius admitted.

"Is that even possible?" Harry asked thinking that if he could do something to stop Voldemort he should.

"It might be possible. If you have the family rings from his lines to use as a focal point in the ritual," Xeno said making everyone look down at Harry's bare fingers.

"How does one get a family ring?" Harry asked.

"It can only be done at Gringotts," Lucius said tapping his chin in thought. Draco's plan could actually work, plus just in case Sirius had cast any spells on Harry/Apollo after taking him from Regulus they could get the boy cleansed.

Chapter 79: The Ascendance of Lord Potter


After Marge makes the mistake during her visit, it leads Harry to leave the Dursleys to find out the truth about his power in the Magical World


Tags: Weasley Family Bashing, Betrayed Harry Potter, Hermione and Albus bashing. powerful Harry Potter, Harry gets trained by the Goblins of Gringotts. Harry is done with this sh*t.

Chapter Text

Harry tried to think about the Hogsmeade form his Uncle promised to sign as his "Aunt" Marge entered #4 Private Drive. The woman made Uncle Vernon seem nice and kind as she barged into the house giving Dudley a large sloppy kiss on his cheek, which Harry's cousin only accepted thanks to the twenty-pound note he got from her. Then the woman turned to him. "Still here are you?" she sneered.

"Hello Aunt Marge," Harry said doing his best not to grimace.

"Don't take that tone with me, boy. It seems you still need to learn some manners," Marge said before giving a small whistle to make the bulldog she had brought with her focus on her. "Sick him boy," she ordered nodding at Harry.

Harry guess the bitch wanted a repeat performance from her last visit where one of her dogs chased Harry up a tree leaving him trapped overnight much to her and Dudley's amusem*nt. Too bad the snarling dog did not raise the same amount of fear in him anymore. Hell in the last few months, he had tangled with the hoard of giant spiders in the Forbidden Forrest and killed a Basilsik. Harry did not move from his spot as Ripper ran towards him snapping his jaws as he got ready to bite Harry's leg. Harry just dodged the dog and recalling a TV show Dudley had watched while he had been cleaning, Harry reached down and grabbed the back of Ripper's neck making the dog stop.

"You nasty little brat," Aunt Marge said as she stomped over and slapped him.

"You get only one," Harry said deciding right then and there that no form to visit the village was enough to play nice with this bitch.

"Only one," she teased raising her umbrella to hit him with it.

"Yes, one," Harry said as he used his Quidditch training to easily catch and hold the umbrella, shocking her. "I will not be bullied or harassed by the likes of you anymore," Harry said easily holding the umbrella as the large woman tried to use her greater weight to force it to move again.

"Oh is that so, you little brat," she said through straining teeth as the three Dursleys looked on in shock not knowing what to do.

"Boy that is enough, you let go of Marge's umbrella, or you are never going back to school again," Vernon growled finding his voice at last.

"You recalled what happened last time you tried that?" Harry asked, "Also that seems like an empty threat why would you not want me gone for months at a time, hm?"

"Fine you want it that way, then go?" Vernon thundered as he pulled out his key to Harry's old room and unlocked it. "There you go, have at it. But be warned boy if you leave I am never letting you step a foot back into this house again."

"That sounds like a lovely idea," Harry said as he let go of Marge's umbrella making her stumble a little. But rather than head to get his school trunk, Harry headed upstairs to his room.

"Where do you think you are going, boy?" Vernon called.

"You think I am leaving Hedwig?" Harry asked as if the man was an idiot. Though he grabbed more than his beloved owl, as he grabbed everything under the loose floorboard

"You change those locks the moment he leaves," Marge growled at Vernon as Harry returned to collect his school trunk. Harry just rolled his eyes as he pulled his trunk out of the small two-story home and onto the street.

But as he got out to the curb, Harry realized he had no plans for what to do next. All he could figure was going to Diagon Alley, the only issue was how to get there. Even if he could get a cab to take him to London, all he had in his trunk were Galleons, Sickles, and some Knuts. Sure the cabby might take the Galleon since it was solid gold and the size of a hubcap, but Harry figured he would get in trouble with the Ministry by doing so. Harry was aware he was getting some attention from the neighbors and the others on the street thanks to Hedwig. He thought about trying to force open the lock on her cage to send her to one of his friends, but from the letters he had gotten just two days ago both were out of the country at the moment. Harry ran his fingers through his messy hair wishing he was closer to other people at the school, but besides his two best friends all he could think about to send Hedwig to would be Hagrid and Neville. Neither of which could he guess what they would if he asked them for help, or how long it would take them to respond.

"Everything alright, Harry, dear?" Mrs. Figg asked coming over to him and giving his owl a strange look.

"Nothing. Just trying to think how to get to London," Harry said.

"Ah going on a trip are you?" she asked clutching a shopping bag full of cat food.

"Um, yeah," Harry said not wanting to get into it with his batty old neighbor.

"Well, I hope you have fun she said walking away. As she got to the end of the street she raised her hand and waved at him. Breathing a sigh of annoyance, Harry lifted his wand hand and waved back.

"Now that that is settled how do I get to London?" Harry asked himself again seeing that Mrs. Figg had been the last person on the street leaving him alone. Maybe if he hurried he could get his Invisibility Cloak from his trunk and put it on before using his broom to fly to London. He was just bending down to open the trunk when he heard a loud bang like a car backing up. Looking around just in case, Harry saw a bright purple triple-decker bus pull up before him just before an older teen hopped down. "You summoned the Knight Bus?" the teen asked.

"The Knight Bus?" Harry asked.

"You know the public transportation for the stranded Witch or Wizard who does not have their Apparitions Liscens or access to a Floo passage. I am your conductor today, Helena Lattimer," the conductor said.

"Can this take me to London?" Harry asked.

"Sure, so long as you can pay," Helena said.

"How much?" Harry asked. She looked back into the bus for a moment before telling him it would cost six Sickles. Harry quickly dug the needed funds out of his trunk and passed them over to her. After she printed out a ticket for him, Helena helped him load his trunk onto the bus before telling the driver, Garlin to head out.

The bus ride was hectic, but thankfully short since it appeared Harry was the only passenger on the bus. What was even better was when they dropped him off at the London entrance of Diagon Alley, Helena cast a charm on his trunk to shrink it for him making it easier to carry. While Harry did have some money that he could use to get a room at the Leaky Cauldron, he did not think he had enough to get him through the rest of the summer. So rather than talk to Tom behind the bar to book a room, Harry made his way through the bar and headed to the bank for some more money.

Harry was a little surprised when he got to the bank and reached one of the tellers, the Goblin did not summon another Goblin to take him down to his vault to get his money. Instead, the teller hopped off his stool and had Harry follow him. The teller took him through a door, Harry had never noticed before leading to a hallway with marble floors and countless doors along it every few meters. "This way, Heir Potter," the Goblin said leading him down the hallway. Harry tried to keep track of all the doors they passed but they were all made of different materials not to mention having passed so many of them during the nearly half-hour walk, that he lost count of them.

When they reached their destination, the teller pushed open a door that appeared to be made of some sort of rainbow diamond. "Prince Bonerusher, your client," the teller said as he led Harry into the room.

"Ah Heir Potter, at last," a well-dressed Goblin sitting behind a large mahogany desk said with a smile as he got out of his seat to go over and shake Harry's hand.

"Is there some sort of problem with my vault since I was brought here rather to get some money?" Harry asked.

"There are actually several issues with your vaults, but that is not why you were brought here. I placed an order to have you brought to me when you showed up at the bank so long as you were not with certain people," the goblin said as the teller left the room.

"Why did you want to meet me?" Harry asked.

"Heir Potter, I am Prince Bonecrusher the VIII and I am your family's Gringots Account Manager. Since you had been removed from the Magical World after the deaths of your parents, you should have been brought to me during your first visit. But you left before I could see you and last year you showed up with people that had raised some concerns."

"The Weasleys? Why what is wrong with them?" Harry asked.

"To show you in a way that I think you would trust, you will need to undergo an Inheritance Test," Bonecrusher the VIII said as he moved to his desk, pulled out some strange items, and began to arrange them in a strange way.

"Do I have to? I just came to get some funds so I can pay for a room at the Leaky Cauldron until school starts," Harry explained.

"I am afraid, I must insist you take the test, Heir Potter," Bonecrusher said as he grabbed Harry's hand and pulled it over before he used a dagger to cut Harry's palm and force it onto a blank roll of magically treated parchment. Harry cried out in pain a little as he felt the page seem to suck his blood for a moment but it soon passed as the Goblin let go of his hand. Harry pulled his hand to his chest and shot a look down at it. His eyes widened in shock as he saw the cut the Goblin had made was now gone without even a hint of a scar.

"What the hell?" Harry asked glaring at the Goblin.

"It is the only way for the test to be taken," Bonecrusher said not sounding the least bit sorry for his actions. "See it has your results already."

Bonecrusher then passed the document over to Harry letting him read it. Harry had to re-read some parts more than once just to accept it as he read that Professor Dumbledore using his position as Harry's "Magical Guardian" was taking large sums of money out of his vaults. The Headmaster had taken over 100,000,000 Galleons out of Harry's vaults and placed them into his own accounts, but that was not all the man had done. According to the document Professor Dumbledore had transferred 50,000 Galleons to the Weasley family both as a group and to their separate accounts. A further 8,000 Galleon had been sent to Hermione as well as numerous books that belonged to Harry's family. Harry was not even surprised to see that his Aunt and Uncle were also getting money from him at this point though was shocked that they had settled for only 100 Galleons a year which if he recalled correctly was less than five hundred pounds making them get less than Uncle Vernon's monthly pay from his drill company.

After the section dealing with money that had been embezzled from his accounts, there was an area dealing with spells, enchantment, and potions that had been placed on him or he had unknowingly drunk. According to the test, Harry was made to be submissive to the Dursleys, loyal to the Headmaster along with his two "friends" and their families. He had blocks placed on his Magical Core, as well as his ability to learn different aspects of Magic from Potions at nearly ninety percent, Charms at fifty, Transfiguration at forty-five, Runes which he had never even signed up for had been blocked by fifteen as was Arithmancy.

He had spells to make him unable to see the board in class no matter where he sat yet allowed him to see the Snitch during a Quidditch Match. He had memory charms that prevented him from recalling hearing anything concerning Heir/Lordships, Family Rings, Inheritance Tests, the Rite of Conquest, making someone an enemy of a House, and countless other terms. Harry had been dosed with Potions to make him fall in love with Ginny Weasley which was registered as low grade. Something Harry saw as the Weasleys working up the power of the potion to make it look like Harry had fallen for the girl. Lastly, Harry saw he had something called a Horcrux attached to him from Voldemort which was hampering his skill in Legilamancy and Occulmency, whatever they were.

Following the area of what he had been subjected to via Magic and potions, there was a record of items that belonged to his family that had been stolen from him. Fred and George were listed as having a map that had once belonged to his father. Mrs and Mr. Weasley were holding onto one of his family properties called Shell Cottage for some reason. Hermione of course had countless books belonging to his lines, and then there was Professor Dumbledore. According to the test the wand he was using belonged to Harry's family but so did the Sword of Gryffindor that Harry had passed over to him at the end of the last school year.

This section of the test also showed items given to him or signed in his name such as the Headmaster signing off on books to be written about his youth. A book series Harry had heard about but never seen making him believe they were all fiction. He had over 15,000 Marriage Contracts written up for him which the test listed as being illegal since they had not been signed by his parents, though one was listed as partially legal since Professor Dumbledore had signed it for him to end up with Ginny.

Finally after listing all the items that had been taken from his family was the list of families themselves. Since the Sword of Gryffindor had been listed as his, Harry was not shocked to see he belonged to that line. What was shocking was his placement in a line called Peverell which he was considered the Lord of just like he was of the Slytherin and Gaunt families due to a Rite of Conquest.

"With what this test states, I will not allow you to get a single Knut from your vaults until you undergo a Cleansing," Bonecrusher said as Harry finally looked up from the document.

"And what will that do?" Harry asked.

"For starters, it will remove all the spells, potions, and enchantments that you have been subjected to. Apart from any that are beneficial to you, not that any of these are. But it will also let you recall the terms and concepts which had been prevented from learning," Bonecrusher explained.

"Fine, and if this is all true can I get my money and everything back? Also if you can do so please cancel all the contracts the illegal ones and the one with me to end up with Ginny.?" Harry asked as Bonecrusher summoned a Goblin Healer.

"It would be my pleasure," Bonecrusher said giving Harry a toothy grin.

As Harry underwent his Cleansing, and Bonecrusher rushed the paperwork to get his client's money back, the Weasleys finally found a reputable Wand shop in Egypt to buy Ron a new wand. He had just found one that worked perfectly with him but as the Weasley tried to pay for it the Gringotts Travel Check was declined. As they could not pay the Wand maker told them to come back when they had the funds before making them leave the shop so they could help a paying customer. Arthur and Molly were confused as to why the travel checks had been denied for they both knew there was a lot of money in the vaults tied to the checks that Albus had paid them over the last couple of years.

Around the same time as her family visited the Louve, Hermione who had found a sectioned-off area for Magical visitors to the museum found her money had vanished from her bag when she went to buy a souvenir of a Magical Portrait of the Mona Lisa. Hermione's first thought was that someone had pickpocketed her making her look around for a likely thief but no one looked to be guilty or trying not to get noticed that she would expect from someone who had just stolen from her. Unable to determine who had taken her money, Hermione let out a huff as she left the small Magical gift shop to rejoin her parents.

As Harry woke up after his Cleansing with the spells in place to make him loyal to the Headmaster, and his "friends" removed from his system he was furious. He fumed the whole way back to Bonecrusher's office. "Welcome back, Lord Potter," Bonecrusher said changing the title he used since the test had shown that Harry was the Lord of three families rather than just the Heir. "I unfortunately have some bad news."

"What is it?" Harry asked.

"I tried to do as you asked and get the money that was embezzled from you back. And while I was able to collect the full amount from Albus Dumbledore, those funds that had been sent to the Weasley family, the Granger girl, and your Muggle family were not all there," Bonecrusher explained.

"How much do they have left to pay me back, with interest?" Harry asked.

"Taking the funds from the Weasley accounts I have found they are nearly 30,000 Galleons short, Miss Granger has over 2,000 Galleons, as for your Muggle family they are just short 500 Galleons," Bonecrusher said looking over his notes.

"Would I be correct that if I charged them and they were sent to prison they would have no way to pay me back?" Harry asked.

"Your Muggle relatives could since the Muggle system sometimes has work programs for incarcerated people, however, the Magical World does not have anything like that. So yeah you would be out that 32,000 Galleons if you pressed charges against the Weasleys and Miss Granger and they were sent to prison," Bonecrusher said.

"Is there any way to um what's the word where they take money from a person's pay?" Harry asked.

"You mean to Garnish their wages?" Bonecrusher prompted.

"Yeah that, can I do that?" Harry asked.

"You could, but I would also declare them Enemies of your Houses," the Goblin suggested.

"No," Harry said.

"Can I ask why not?" Bonecrusher asked wondering if his client had not heard about some of the terms and rituals he had been enchanted to forget about or blocked from learning.

"From what I know recall about making someone an Enemy of my House, it would hurt them. But I can see Ron not caring about it. I want to make them pay for what they did. I think I heard a couple of students discussing Goblin punishments back in my first year around the time of the article about Gringotts being broken into. Is there anything like that in the Human world I can do to them?" Harry asked.

"There is," Bonecrusher said with a booming laugh finding he liked the way Harry thought. "There is an old practice which has never been outlawed or prevented from happening, it has just fallen out of use."

"What is it?" Harry asked.

"Since you are the Lord of a House and they have outstanding debts to you, you can make them into your Vassals until they pay you back," Bonecrusher explained.

"You mean make them my servants?" Harry asked.

"No, not really. If you decided to go through with this you would gain control of their Houses until they have paid off their debt. Though, while you would control their House you would be unable to remove them from the family line or anything like that but it would let you take control of any votes they have in the Wizengamot or any other governmental body. They would also be unable to act against you in a way that could harm you."

"Do they have votes, I thought the Weasleys were Blood Traitors?" Harry asked.

"They are Blood Traitors but they still have seats in the Wizengamot, also since Fredrick and George are also involved in their family's debt since they are in line for the Prewett family as the next Co-Lords, you would gain control over that House as well," Bonecrusher revealed.

"I see," Harry said.

"As you consider this or any other option, I need you to perform a ritual to get back all the items stolen from your vaults. The money was easy to get back as well as some of the books Albus had passed over to Miss Granger but we still have a lot of missing items in their hands," Bonecrusher explained.

"Good point, also can we add a rent of the items, after the fact for them having them?" Harry asked.

"Oh, that is a good idea," Bonecrusher said as he began to run the calculations on the stolen items to add them to the debt owed to his client. The Goblin let out a wicked smile as he put a rent on the items Albus held that belonged to his client seeing that the man did not have enough money in his vaults to pay the charge on the wand let alone the sword meaning that if Harry made the Weasleys and Granger into Vassel to his family the Headmaster would become one as well. "The charge for having items belonging to your family would now make Albus into a Vassal of your line if you chose to go that route," Bonecrusher explained.

"Let's get the items back first and then you can teach me how to make them my family's Vassals," Harry decided now further on board seeing that he could punish Professor Dumbledore for what he had done to him, as well as the man leaving him with the Dursleys.

"Very good," Bonecrusher said as he had Harry follow him to one of the bank's ritual rooms. Under the watchful eye of the branch's Head Ritualist, Odinsphere, Harry performed the ritual to collect all the items that had been stolen from his family. While Odinshpere let out a gasp at seeing the Sword of Gryffindor appear after the ritual had been performed, Bonecrusher had other concerns. He was not worried about the sword since unlike other Goblin-made weapons the sword had been a joint creation with Godric Gryffindor as a way to bond the members of Bonecrusher's family and the Gryffindor line in a union. No Bonecrusher was more concerned by a pair of scrolls that were wrapped with black ribbon thus showing they were Wills. He had a sinking feeling they belonged to his client's parents and would have to be looked into where they had been and if they had been followed.

But right now he had to take care of his client. "Now to make those who hold debts to your family is quite easy," Bonecrusher said. "As the bank sees your magic thanks to the ritual take up any of the items that have been returned and announce your desire to make those who own your family so much into your Vassals." As the sword was closest to him Harry grabbed it by its hilt and held it aloft stating his desire to punish those who had wronged him and owed his family to become his Vassals. There was a flash of light as the bank's magic read his full intent and used its bond to Magic itself which was only second to the various Department of Mysteries in the world to fulfill his wish. "Good, now the next time any of them uses a way to transport using Magic or comes into the bank they will be marked as your Vassals."

"How?" Harry asked.

"A cuff will appear on their non-dominant hand that will have your Family Crest on it, so others may know what they have done and how they are being punished," Bonecrusher explained.

"Alright, now I guess it is time to get my Family Rings?" Harry asked.

"It is indeed that time, something that should have happened back during your first visit two years ago," Bonecrusher said starting towards the door.

"I know this is a strange question but can I keep the sword, it feels right in my hands?" Harry asked.

"Do you know how to wield it?" Bonecrusher asked back.

"I did use it to kill a Basilisk at the end of the last school year," Harry pointed out.

"How by jabbing it?" Bonecrusher said.

"Fair, but I can learn to use it," Harry said.

"You could but considering the sword itself your training would have to be done at the bank," Bonecrusher said.

"I am fine with that, I do not have any plans until school starts," Harry pointed out.

"We shall see," Bonecrusher said as they left the ritual room to head back to his office for Harry to take up his family rings.

As if the choice was made for him, when Harry slipped on the Gryffindor Ring, while he was still holding the sword made by his and Bonecrusher's ancestors the ring and sword flashed and a scabbard appeared on Bonecrusher's desk. Bonecrusher could not tell if it was the magic of the sword/scabbard or some natural skill of his client but the human expertly slid the sword into the scabbard without any problem before placing it all on his left hip. Bonecrusher was willing to give Harry a chance after seeing him put the sword away so after Harry had combined his family rings, as well as the Lord Vassal rings for the Weasley, Prewett, and Dumbledore lines, the Goblin took Harry to one of the bank's training rooms. One of the Goblin Sword Masters, Bladetomb, started a test to see Harry's skill with the blade. He looked a little impressed but Bonecrusher saw he thought Harry could use some more work to master the weapon.

"Do you have any plans with the Sword of Gryffindor?" Bladetomb asked.

"I would like to master it or at least be competent with it before I return to Hogwarts," Harry said as he expertly put the blade back in its scabbard.

"I don't think I could do that in such a short amount of time... unless," Bladetomb said shooting a look at Bonecrusher.

"My client has informed me that he has nothing to really do until he goes back to school," Bonecrusher said.

"Well, I have to pick up my new school supplies but other than that I am free," Harry said.

"Still not enough time normally," Bladetomb said shaking his head before sending Bonecrusher a pointed look.

"Am I missing something?" Harry asked noticing the look

"Sword Master Bladetomb thinks the only way you can gain the amount of skill with it that you desire is to use a special training room that has a time manipulation spell on it so you can work inside for maybe a month or two yet come out no more than a day then you went inside," Bonecrusher said.

"Well, we could make the room train you for a full year and have the time you leave it be less than a week out here," Bladetomb added.

"If I do that could I also learn more about some of the concepts and ideas that Dumbledore prevented me from learning?" Harry asked.

"I can not help you with those, I am sorry," Bladetomb said.

"I could," Bonecrusher admitted.

"Would you be willing to do so?" Harry asked.

"On one condition," Bonecrusher said shocking Bladetomb.

"What?" Harry asked.

"While you are training with the sword, I would be allowed to work on some of my stuff such as looking at the Wills that showed up during the Blood Born Artifact Retrieval Ritual," Bonecrusher said.

"Sounds good to me," Harry said looking to the Sword Master who gave a shocked nod that the Goblin Prince of the European Kingdom agreed to this.

Time Skip

A week after Harry, Bonecrusher, and Bladetomb had entered the training room the trio left it to return to the main Magical World. For Harry and the two Goblins, a full year had passed letting Harry become quite skilled with the Sword of Gryffindor, as well as letting him heal from some of the issues like malnourishment he had suffered through at the Dursleys. Harry also walked with a new confidence he had not had before his time in the room, ready to head back to Hogwarts and fix the issues he had unwittingly made for himself due to how ignorant Dumbles, the Weasleys, and Granger had made him be of the Magical World. His time training with the sword had also led to him losing his slight form as he became more muscular and fit than he had ever been. While he had no desire to see his cousin again, Harry figured even without the sword or magic he could overpower Dudley and possibly even his Uncle Vernon.

Besides his new muscular and toned physique, Harry to tame his hair as well as keep it out of the way as he practiced with the sword was now in a ponytail that hung down past his shoulders. The Goblins had also worked together to teach Harry some magic that let him fix his eyes so he no longer had to wear glasses. While Harry was used to his new look, if he passed anyone who knew him from Hogwarts they might need a second look to recognize him. Something did happen on the way back to Bonecrusher's office as the Flint Family went to meet with their Account Manager, making Marcus Flint perform a double take at the stranger wielding a sword until he saw Harry's famous scar. Flint just figured Potter had gone through puberty and it had hit the younger boy like the Hogwarts Express. Flint decided he would have to up the Slytherin's training program for the Quidditch team if he wanted them to compete against the new muscular Potter.

"So are you sure about this?" Bonecrusher asked as they arrived back to his office after the year in the training room.

"I am," Harry said as he held out his Family Rings and brought the Peverell Ring out.

"Very well. Then by Gringotts Banks, and approved of by Magic itself you will not be referred to as Heir or Lord Potter when you become seventeen, but from this day forward your title in the Magical World is Lord Peverell, Leader of the Lines of Gryffindor, Potter, Slytherin, and Gaunt. And until they repay the debts the Head of the lines of Dumbledore, Weasley, and Prewett," Bonecrusher announced. When he was finished Harry's conjoined ring flashed as it registered his new title. Aberforth Dumbledore and Muriel Prewett also found the cuffs on their wrist had changed crest from one depicting a cauldron with a lion sticking its head out of it, to a robed figure with a strange shape in his hands.

In the Wizengamot Chambers within the Ministry, the chairs belonging to the Dumbledore, Weasley, and Prewett lines vanished as the Peverell family seat was added with the family crest of the other lines Harry controlled positioned below it on the chair. The Peverell seat was placed in the undecided location of the room as notices were sent out to Albus Dumbledore, Molly Weasley, and Muriel Prewett to let them know they no longer controlled their family seats. Their control would be returned once they had fully paid back their debts. The notice did not say who the debt was towards since it had records of the old Vassal ritual in play meaning the three would be aware of who they had become Vassals of and would not need to be informed of whose Family now controlled their seats.

Chapter 80: If you can't beat it, join it.


After having the vision of Voldemort torturing Sirius inside the Ministry during his OWLs, Harry has an encounter which gives him better control of his own Fate.


I guess one can call this story part three of a collection where Harry is given the power of one of the Elder Ones/Incarnations of Immortality. This time he will take on the role of Fate itself rather than being its whipping boy. This tale takes place near the end of his Fifth Year. Tags include Powerful Harry, Albus, Voldemort, and Snape Bashing. I'm not sure if I would bash anyone else as of this moment for unlike the last Harry as an Elder One aka Taking Up the Mantle, I do not have an entire story planned out for this tale.

This is an Incarnations of Immortality/Harry Potter cross-over,

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry ran as fast as he could to the Hospital Wing to talk to Professor McGonagall, but he did not feel like he was going fast enough. He had just experienced another vision tied to Voldemort while he had been trying to do his History of Magicl OWLs where the man was trying to get Sirius to take something from the Ministry. Harry could not figure out how Voldemort had not only captured Sirius but also how he had snuck them both into the Department of Mysteries without getting caught. Though if Harry had to guess it had been accomplished by someone like Mr. Malfoy getting them inside the Ministry. As Harry only had dreamed about the Department of Mysteries, he was not sure how many people actually worked in the department, but from his dreams, the places seemed massive so Voldemort might be able to hide from the workers as he tortured Sirius to grab the whatever it was.

It took Harry a moment to realize something else was wrong. He should have reached the Hospital Wing by now. He had not gotten turned around or anything that he was aware of, since he knew how to reach Madam Pomfry's domain from anywhere in the castle thanks to all the time he had spent in there. Maybe it was his brain affected by his lack of sleep along with the vision he had just had but he also noticed something else. He had not stopped running, yet he appeared not to be moving.

"Caught on have you. Took you long enough," a voice that he did not recognize said.

"What is going on," Harry asked as he stopped trying to run seeing he was not getting anywhere.

"I felt like we needed to have a chat," the speaker said and to Harry's surprise, a spider came down from the ceiling before it changed into a woman as a man wearing a dark cloak appeared right beside her.

"Who are you?" Harry asked not recognizing the woman but guessing she was an Animagus.

"Now that is hard to explain, at least for the moment." the woman said placing her arms inside the sleeves of her robe which Harry saw looked like it was made of spun spider webs.

"If you can't explain it, let me go so I can talk to Professor McGonagall," Harry said trying to walk but found he was still locked in place.

"There is nothing to warn her about, what you experienced was a lie," the woman said.

"How do you know what I experienced?" Harry asked.

"Now there is the rub," the woman said as she began to pace. "I know it is a lie, I know Sirius Black is still at Grimmauld Place. As for Tom Riddle, he is... well once again that is for later."

"Who are you?" Harry asked again surprised that she knew about Grimmauld Place as well knowing Voldemort's birth name.

"As I said that is hard to explain. I will say I am a person who dislikes when someone messes with my work, and right now someone has plans on messing with it by using you," the woman said still pacing.

"Now that sounds like some sort of threat. Are you here to attack me with tall dark and hooded here?" Harry asked pulling out his wand.

"That was not a threat, more like a warning. Maybe a reason why you should listen to what I have to say," the woman said.

"Something that would be easier to do if you said anything of importance," Harry pointed out while trying to figure out which of the two people before him was the most likely to attack him.

"Alright, I guess if you don't like it, Time, can fix everything later," the woman said. "I have heard that you think I am out to get you, or at least that I see you as my whipping boy. Neither of these is true, I think about you as much as I would anyone else in the tapestry. That is until Time told about a massive snag coming up that is centered on you."

"Is any of that meant to make any sort of sense?" Harry asked fearing that the pair before him were both powerful due to being able to stop him from moving from a single spot but also slightly insane.

"Alright, might as well just jump on it. I am Fate, and this here is my colleague Death. Someone is messing with my Tapestry and it has something to do with the Prophecy about you and the fake dream Tom Riddle sent you," the woman said.

"Right he is Death," Harry said nodding his head while trying to take a step back from the pair but found he could not even do that.

"I am," the man said leaning forward so that Harry saw under the cowl of his robes which showed a skull face.

"Alright Death and Fate but what is this about a Prophecy?" Harry asked.

"Right, you would not know that at the moment. Working with Time's... anyway a few years ago we let a Seer know that something was coming that could finish off Tom Riddle and his rise to power. The thing is that only applied to you as a baby when he came after you, and you beat him back. However, since he has returned and is going after this Prophecy in the way he has planned it is going to cause a lot of issues."

"Time said it led to someone going through the Veil," Death said sounding like they grounded their teeth during the last word.

"The Veil?" Harry asked.

"Don't get him started," Fate said. "Anyway the person who ends up going through the Veil was not meant to, which leads to a domino effect which causes a lot of trouble."

"Alright you dislike it when someone messes with your Tapasty thing, and he dislikes it when this Veil is used. So you are just telling me not to go save Sirius?" Harry asked just to make sure.

"I am not just involved due to the Veil. I came because of you," Death said.

"Me, so I am the one going through the Veil?" Harry asked.

"No, it would not work on you anyway," Death said.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Because of the reason I am here. You young man are one of my Chosen," Death said.

"And that is meant to mean something?" Harry asked.

"Not as much as your Mortals tend to think it does. Being one of my chosen means that you have a set time in which you are meant to die. No sooner no later. Hence why Fate brought me here," Death said.

"And why is that? Seriously you don't want me to go save Sirius cause you say he is not there, but there has to be more than that than it causing you some issue with your Tapestry."

"Yes it causes an issue with my Tapestry," Fate said as with a growl of frustration, waved her hand through the air. The movement caused a tapestry to appear in the air between Harry and the two people. Unlike the tapestries he had seen at Hogwarts, this one had no real design to it besides being made of countless threads woven together. "This is the Tapestry of Fate, or at least the part that would concern you for the moment. See this is Sirius, he is safe and sound," Fate said walking through the tapestry and pointing to a single thread. "But if you see here," she said waving her hand making the Tapestry move a little as if it was a parchment that was getting unrolled to show off more work. "A tangle has appeared." Harry saw she was not wrong as the semi-chaos of the treads that made up the tapestry in one area became cluttered into a large knot.

"So just untangle it," Harry said.

"Just Untangle It!?" She growled at him. "As if it was that easy. I may have woven the thread and placed them in the tapestry, but once they are there I can not interfere with them. The only way to undo a tangle is to prevent it from occurring. And the weak point for this one is you, Harry Potter," Fate said making Harry start as her body changed as she was speaking between a young woman and her current form.

"So you are telling me not to go. Alright message received, I will not go to the Ministry," Harry said.

"If only it was that simple," Fate said. "While I easily found out you were the weak link, I talked to Time to see how you not going would change things. He did not give me good news. It seems that even if you do not go this time, while the person will not be sent through the Veil, Tom Riddle's plans will lead you into further tangles some even worse than this one. And if not from him, Albus Dumbledore will lead you into creating the mother of all tangles. No, the only way we can prevent a tangle from appearing is to give you two options."

"Why do I have the feeling neither of which is good?" Harry asked.

"It is a matter of perception on how good or bad they are. However, both options would remove you from the Tapestry," Fate said.

"The first one upsets me greatly as it requires me to take your soul. Now this would lead to your death, but thanks to what you have accomplished in your life you would be going up to Heaven and be reunited with your parents," Death said.

"The only other option is for you to take over as Fate," Fate said.

"So I either die or become you?" Harry asked.

"No, you would just take on my responsibilities. Weaving the threads of life, cutting them to their proper length before placing them into the tapestry. You would not be along, sort of," Fate said.

"What do you mean sort of?" Harry asked.

"Fate is three in one," Death explained.

"More like one as three," Fate said.

"Neither of those makes any sense," Harry said.

"Your consciousness would be multiple into three aspects of yourself. A young one that weaves the threads, a middle aspect that places them into the Tapestry, and an elderly version who is in charge of cutting the threads when it is time for a person to die," Fate explained as she shifted form again to show off her different aspects, which Harry did think looked like a person at different ages in their life.

"So, I would be able to change my age?" Harry asked.

"Not really, it is more like you would have three aspects of yourself inhabiting the same body. I hate to say it like this, but it would be like you have multiple personality disorder. But it has to be like this for there are aspects of being Fate that can only be known to the different parts of your consciousness," Fate said.

"I can see one big problem with that," Harry said.

"And that is?" Fate asked arching an eyebrow in a way that made him think she knew what he was about to say.

"While I did perform multiple types of chores for my relatives, sewing and weaving was not one of them," Harry said.

"That is not a problem. As I said each aspect of your self if you become Fate would know how to do their part of the job. So your young self would know how to weave the threads of Fate together into a person's Life-Thread, your elder aspect would know at what point to cut it for the person's life, and your middle aspect would know how to add it to the Tapestry. All of your Aspects would know how to sh*t and travel in your spider form," Fate explained.

"Wait all you do is add it to the Tapesry and what let it go?" Harry asked.

"Well, there are specific spots that a Life-Thread is anchored to the Tapestry, such as when someone finds a partner, the birth of an offspring, and sometimes even meeting certain people," Fate said. "I will warn you the job is tougher than it might seem."

"So to die or suffer from Multiple Personality Disorder to become Fate? Are you sure there is nothing I couldn't do instead? Maybe move away?" Harry asked.

"No, Time and I looked at you doing that as well. If you do it, Albus Dumbledore would get involved casting more spells on you than you have at the moment to make you stay. It would almost destroy your whole personality and create one of the biggest tangles that we found," Fate said.

"Wait what? Professor Dumbledore has spells on me?" Harry asked.

"Oh yeah, he blocked some of your Magical Core, messed with your eyesight so you have trouble with seeing stuff while in a classroom environment, and made sure you could not access all your Magical Abilities that Lady Magic granted members of your family to have. Abilities such as All-Speak, which allows you to understand and speak to every living thing, yet Albus placed a dampener on it so you could only talk and understand Snakes. Besides the spells he cursed you with, he left you with your Mother's family rather than where you were meant to belong. I tell you that created a small tangle right there. He created another tangle when he did not pull you out of the tournament last year. Though to be honest according to Time, I had to let that one remain otherwise there would have been according to them, World Ending consequences." Harry could not help but scoff at that idea. "Yeah, that is something, you will need to understand if you decide to take up the post of Fate, the jobs we have if done incorrectly do not just make a mess but could end everything."

"Not saying I would take the post of Fate, but how long would I hold it?" Harry asked.

"You can hold it until you get bored and find a suitable replacement or something like this happens where the only way to protect the future of this world and the Tapestry is to vacate the position and hand it over to the person that can untangle everything," Fate said.

"Isn't Fate always depicted as a woman? Does that mean I have to put on a spell or dress in drag?" Harry asked.

"Not at all, all that is required when one takes the post of Fate is that you have three aspects. If I were to guess, sometime in the ancient past Fate made themselves known to a Mortal and that Fate was female. The person I took this post from was a male," Fate explained.

"So what happens to you or me for that matter after I give up the post?" Harry asked.

"As you hold the post of Fate you are basically immortal, yet once you relinquish the post you become mortal once more," Fate said.

"Okay but as I step down for whatever reason, do I just return to the age I am now or become the age of one of the other two parts based on how long I held the post?" Harry asked.

"You would be able to choose which of your three aspects to become after you leave the post. When my predecessor talked me into becoming Fate, he explained he had been around the age of his youngest aspect. Yet he had lived long enough and had wanted to finally end it, so when he became Mortal again he chose to stick with his elder aspect and died a few years later," Fate explained.

"I guess between dying or staying alive, I would become Fate," Harry said.

"I will warn you that while you will live as Fate, your normal life will be over. It would be just like you had died, your only interactions with this realm would be coming down to work out tangles when they appear, or possibly as a way to relax. I, myself like to go to a show every once and a while. Also, romance is not an option. Besides Death, there are a number like us in different posts some male and female, but one of the results of our immortality is that we can not produce offspring of our own. Well, you would not be able to, so if you have plans on having a family someday, it would only be possible after you leave the post."

"And what happens to my Life-Thread as Fate?" Harry asked.

"It becomes blurry until you step down. It would be like it does not exist for you at all. You would be able to see the whole tapestry for the current time, give or take a month or two, but your thread would not be there," Fate explained.

"I think, I would still deal with all that rather than dying," Harry said.

"Alright then, all you have to do is shake my hand," Fate said.

"Okay, and then what?" Harry asked as he took her offered hand. As soon as he touched it a wave of magic seemed to flow out of her hand and into him. He let out a small gasp of pain and dizziness as he felt his mind begin to expand a little before he actually felt his mind separate into three different parts. Due to his age, the controlling aspect of Fate for the moment was the part referred to as Clotho as his mind was suddenly filled with how to weave the threads of Fate from the untapped matter of the Universe found in an area known as the Void. He was vaguely aware of his other two aspects minds learning what they would need to do their job sort of like a Mental Phantom Pain.

As everything settled into place, Harry found himself looking at the same woman as before, but he knew instantly what her name was. "Since you came to me, do you need me to take you somewhere else Claudia, as you were never gifted with Magic before becoming Fate?" Harry asked her.

"Thanks, you can just take me to America a town called Univille in South Dakota," Claudia said.

Once again knowing exactly what he needed to do, Harry shifted into his new middle age form and took Claudia's hand. He then shifted into a large spider and used a magic web/thread to leave Hogwarts behind and travel to America as he and Claudia came out of a different spider web. "I hope my eldest side does not have to cut your thread anytime soon," Harry told her.

"I don't plan on dying yet. Give my regards to the others," she said as she gave him a wave before turning to walk away.


As I said I wanted to do a story where Harry becomes Fate, but after that, I have no idea where to take it. So this just might be it until I decided what to do with it.

Chapter 81: Temporalquake


Another Harry/Incarnations of Immortality, this one where Harry takes over the post of Time.


Tags: Ginny and Molly Bashing, semi-Time-Travel fix it.

Also unlike the last part where Harry became Fate, the Fate in this story will have the same rules of the Incarnations of Immortality which is three people sharing the same body one young, the other middle-aged, and the last one elderly. The only reason I changed it for when Harry was Fate was the character is normally a female, and the one time in the book series there was a male aspect of Fate they had to change their body to be a woman. I really did not want to do that so I changed it in the last chapter. Also as it has been a while since I have read Bearing an Hourglass, the story about Time in the Incarnations series, I forgot which color of sand does what, apart from the clean sand so I apologize if I get them wrong.

Also once again Harry assumes the office during a different period of his life than he has in the other two stories. He became Death during his fourth year while taking over as Fate in his fifth year. In this story, Harry has already defeated Voldemort and the Death Eaters. He has been out of school and an Auror for a couple of years with Ginny pregnant with her first child.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry had to take a walk to clear his head. He could not believe what he had just been told by the Healer. Sometimes Magic still surprised him despite all the years since he had first met Hagrid and became aware of the Magical World. Harry and Ginny had gone to see the Obstetrician Healer for his wife's first pregnancy. Ginny had been just as excited as he had been to find out what gender their baby was going to have when it was born. Harry would have been happy no matter what their kid's birth gender was for he had always wanted a family of his own, yet he knew his wife wanted to see if just like Mrs. Weasley, she was more than likely to have sons rather than daughters.

Healer Bondadesh gave them an indulgent smile as she cast the spell to check on the unborn baby's health as well as gather information about the child, something that had only become possible after sixteen weeks of pregnancy. Harry was aware that in the Muggle World, an expecting couple could find out sooner, but Ginny had not wanted to visit a Muggle hospital to go through with an ultrasound or use any other early detection methods. After the results of her scan had printed from her wand, Healer Bondadesh informed Harry and Ginny that their child was perfectly healthy and was a male. Harry was glad to see that Ginny did not get too upset that they were having a boy rather than a girl but was slightly distracted when Healer Bondadesh asked to talk to him alone out in the hall.

Since leaving Hogwarts and defeating Tom Riddle, Harry had found some time to research his family history. He had discovered there was a Magical effect, some might say a curse on his line that some of his ancestors had called the Potter Family Luck which made strange things tend to happen to their family. Fearing that the Potter Family Luck was involved and might impact Ginny's pregnancy, Harry kissed his wife's forehead and followed Healer Bondadesh into the hall to find out what was the matter. "Is everything alright?" he asked.

"I have some bad news for you Lord Potter," the Healer said looking slightly awkward.

"I thought you said the baby was perfectly healthy, or did your spell reveal that Ginny might have trouble giving birth?" Harry asked as the thought of his beloved wife dying during childbirth haunted his thoughts.

"It is nothing like that," Healer Bondadesh said calmly placing a hand on Harry's arm. "In recent years the spell Healers in my profession have gotten more detailed, so not only was I able to determine the sex of the child your wife carries, but unfortunately his parents."

"How is that unfortunate? We are his parents," Harry said.

Healer Bondadesh sadly shook her head at him as she passed over the results of her scans. "I am afraid that is not what my test revealed."

Harry took the test and read it through seeing everything Healer Bondadesh had shared about the baby's health inside the room but at the very bottom of the document, two lines shattered Harry's heart and world. Ginny of course was listed as the boy's mother, for even with Magic it would be impossible for her not to be since she was carrying the child, but Harry was not the father. According to the test Ginny had possibly cheated on him with someone. He could not even say it was due to Ginny getting drunk and making a mistake or anything due to Ginny having found any form of alcohol made her incredibly sick. The father had also not tricked Ginny by using a Glamor or taking Polyjuice Potion to look like Harry, as the results stated the father's name was withheld due to the man being a non-Magical Muggle.

"This... this can't be true," Harry protested as he felt his knees go weak and feel like he was about to collapse. He might have done just that if Healer Bondadesh had not helped steady him.

"I am afraid, that I did not make a mistake when I cast my spell. Those are the accurate results regarding your wife's child," she said in the same calming voice.

"Maybe... maybe she, I don't know did something when she found out that for some reason we could not produce kids and just did not tell me," Harry said his mind going into overdrive to grasp at straws for why his wife had cheated on him.

"It is possible but also something which I can easily check," Healer Bondadesh said as she pulled out her wand and ran a scan on Harry. "There is nothing that would prevent you from fathering a child such as low sperm count or a fertility curse, that I can detect."

"There must be a reason," Harry said starting to get angry and deciding to go confront Ginny about it.

"I am sure there is but, finding it out now and in your current state of mind might cause some harm to the child," Healer Bondadesh said whose primary concern was the child even though she had found out it was not Harry's kid. "Go take a walk, clear your mind a little, and once you calm down talk to your wife. If you require it I can also use the time you are out to call for a Mind Healer to help you and your wife through this," Healer Bondadesh said giving Harry's arm a gentle squeeze in support.

"I think I will do just that," Harry said as he walked swiftly down the hall and out of the building, without another word.

Not feeling that he could clear his head, while walking the streets of London, the first chance he got Harry found a safe place to Apparate from and left for the countryside. Walking down what appeared to be a deserted nature trail in a forest, Harry was able to calm down a little. He was still angry that Ginny had cheated on him for some reason but he no longer wanted to curse his wife for her indiscretion. To put his mind at ease, Harry stopped his walk and performed a detection spell on himself just to make sure he was not under any potions that would have made him love Ginny. He trusted Healer Bondadesh's detection charm but also knew from his job as an Auror that some potions and spells might cause certain fertility issues. Harry could list a couple of dozen versions of Love Potions that were on the market which would make a person love someone else, but to prevent Line Theft by making the doused person produce a child would make the person sterlie while they were taking the potion. Harry had been glad to discover the ones sold by George in his joke shop had this effect. Otherwise, Harry, Ron, or another law officer might have had to charge him for the potions.

As the result of his spell, Harry saw that he had been doused with a love potion from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. The spell also showed he had a Mail Ward to prevent letters coming to him from Gringotts Bank. Since he had no memory of putting a Mail Ward spell on himself as if he had been afraid of the Goblin's response to him and his friends robbing the place to get Hufflepuff's cup, Harry was instantly suspicious. He quickly cast a spell to remove the Mail Ward from him as well as a simple Cleansing charm to remove any traces of Love Potion from his system. While he did not feel that much different towards Ginny, meaning he actually did care for her and his feelings for her were not caused by the Love Potion, his removal of the Mail Ward had almost instant results.

At once a raven swooped down and delivered a letter to him. As Harry bent to pick up the letter at his feet, he noticed what looked like a full flock of ravens flying toward him each with a letter for him. Knowing from his time as an Auror that once a Mail Ward had been removed the letters would start getting delivered with the oldest one arriving first, Harry opened the letter to find out how long the ward had been in place. He saw the ward must have been set up shortly after getting Hufflepuff's cup for the letter sent by someone named Bonecrusher stating that due to the damages Harry and his friends had caused, Bonecrusher was taking funds from Harry's accounts to pay for them. This surprised Harry for he did not think he had enough money in his vault to pay for the damage done to the main hall of the bank, as well as possibly fixing the state of the multiple treasures within the Lestrange Vault. Truth be told, Harry had avoided going to the bank since getting the cup fearing what the Goblins would do to him, so had left his banking to be done by Mrs. Weasley and after they were married by Ginny.

As he had read the letter from the bank, it had taken his mind off of Ginny cheating on him, so Harry decided to read some of the other letters that had just been delivered. While the last letter he read had been the first one that had been blocked by the Mail Ward,* the second letter Harry went through looked to have been sent later, and after several letters had been sent to him without response. Bonecrusher, who identified himself further in the letter as Harry's Family Account Manager wrote that once again he needed to see Harry about the state of his vaults along with chiding Harry for allowing someone who was not a member of his family from using his vault key to access funds. This made Harry wonder if the Love Potion he had been on, had not been designed to increase the love he felt towards Ginny but had been altered to make him not question some things since the second letter from Gringotts made it sound like Bonecrusher was worried about Ginny/Mrs. Weasley was performing a type of Line Theft or at least stealing from him.

Reading the letters was not taking his mind off his problems as he had hoped they would, but gave him further reasons to be angry at his wife, and possibly his mother-in-law. Looking down to see he now had an almost foot-tall pile of letters at his feet that he had been prevented from being delivered before now, Harry ran a hand down his face and took a few deep breaths. He wondered if it would be worth it to read through all the letters or if it would just be quicker to go to Gringotts and talk to this Bonecrusher in person. As he tried to decide, Harry noticed something strange hanging in midair a short distance away. As he had been looking off into the distance trying to decide what to do, he had noticed the item just randomly appear as if someone had conjured it. Harry quickly pulled out his wand and cast a detection spell to see who else was around but found he was alone in the forest for at least a mile or two. What was stranger, his spell had not detected the randomly floating hourglass before him at all. Knowing something strange was going on, Harry approached the floating hourglass, casting some protection charms on his hands, before he grabbed it.

As soon as Harry's hand wrapped around one of the bars linking the top and bottom of the hourglass together the world began to waver around him for a bit as he felt a powerful wave of magic envelope him making him feel a little light-headed. Shaking his head to clear it a little, Harry was shocked to see that a pure white cloak had appeared on him. As he had been wearing his normal black Auror uniform the appearance of the white cloak now resting on his shoulders made no sense. Looking around again in case this had been a trap by someone who had found a way to block his earlier detection spell, Harry saw a woman walking backward toward him. Rather than going past him with her strange walk, the woman turned to him and held up a notepad. Harry read two lines on the pad, "Turn the Hourglass over and make the sand inside turn blue for a few seconds."

Harry just tilted his head at her in confusion as he asked, "What are you on about, what is with this hourglass and cloak."

Rather than answer him the strange woman's performed some magic to make a new top page of her notepad appear with a single word. "QUICKLY!"

Thinking she would not answer him until he did as she asked, Harry turned over the hourglass and was in the process of using his wand to change the color of the sand when it changed by itself to a shade of blue. He was so shocked that the sand had changed without him casting any sort of spell, that Harry lost focus which made the sand revert to its normal color. Looking up at the woman for answers, he saw she was now gone. Shaking his head a little at whatever was happening, he turned back to his pile of letters only to find they were no longer there. "What is going on?" Harry asked even though he was the only one around.

A sudden movement drew his eye as he noticed a spider moving strangely down a thread before to his shock the strange woman appeared. She pulled out the notepad again and showed him another note. "Hello, Chronos please shift your sand to green so we can talk."

"Why can't we talk now?" Harry asked her but she did not say anything and he noticed she was looking a little to the side of where he was actually standing. Harry wondered if she was slightly blind and would only be able to see him if for some reason the sand in the glass was green. Harry decided to try to change the color without his wand as he held up the hourglass and focused on making the sand inside green.

"Hello, Chronos. Ah don't lose focus on me now," the woman said now looking right at Harry.

"What is going on?" Harry asked.

"Yes, I know this is quite a shock but I can explain everything. But I think you might be more comfortable at your new home," the strange woman said.

"I don't mean to be rude but who are you? And what do you mean my new home?" Harry asked her.

"My dear, you took the Hourglass which means you have become Time aka Chronos," the woman said.

"Ah, so I am cursed and this thing is making me hallucinate," Harry said instantly letting go of the Hourglass but was shocked when it stayed where he left it floating in midair.

"Not at all, my dear, you have stepped into the Post of the Incarnation of Time. It is now your job to safeguard the passage of time just as your predecessor did as will your replacements. I know you will do a wonderful job," the woman said smiling at him.

"Okay, say for the moment," he said making her smile widen just a bit," that I believe you. How can you be sure I will do a good job?"

"Well, one of the strange aspects of being the Incarnation of Time means you now live backward from the moment you grabbed your Hourglass which by the way is your artifact of office. You will hold the post until you are either conceived or born, we have never been sure which one it is," the woman explained.

"We?" Harry asked.

"Both the other incarnations as well as my different aspects," she said before to Harry's shock transforming from a middle-aged woman who made him think of Professor Sprout during his first year at Hogwarts, into a stunning young woman before she became an old crone.

"While you Sonny-Jim hold the post of Time we are Fate," the crone said in a completely different voice than the woman had been using before. "I am Atropos the elder who is responsible for cutting the Lifethreads of everyone who lives thus signaling the end of their mortal lives. The youngster you saw was Clotho who weaves the Lifethreads, while you had been talking to Lachesis who places the Lifethreads into the Great Tapestry of Existence, at least for Earth. And as Lachesis suggested we should move this discussion to your home lest you tire yourself out since you are not used to using your artifact. Not to mention you did not go back a full hour from when you took the Hourglass but just a half hour. Which means your previous mortal self will be showing up soon and it would be better if we were gone before he arrives," Atropos said as she grabbed Harry's arm before transforming into a giant spider and hauling him into the air.

Harry thought about fighting the woman off fearing what had nearly happened during his second year after meeting Aragog. "Stop fighting me Sonny-Jim," Atropos's voice said from the spider. "Since we want to avoid meeting your former self, we don't have time to teach you how to reach Purgatory and your home with your Hourglass, so I am just giving you a lift."

"How can you speak to me in that form?" Harry asked knowing that while some of his family had the Gift of All-Speech he only had Paresletongue.

"Use your head Sonny-Jim. Of course, we can speak to one another and understand each other. As an Incarnation, you can understand all languages of any sentient life form on Earth just in case you need it for your job, but also as this is a magical form of mine I have complete control over it. Hence the size, the only thing I can't do is become a mixture of human and spider since trust me it is not a pretty sight no matter which aspect of me does it, even Clotho," Atropos explained as they arrived at a destination and she changed back into her human form again.

Harry looked around at where they were and saw it appeared to be a small cluster of homes around a center building all appearing to be situated on a bank of gray clouds. "Now that place is my home, my web if you would," Atropose said pointing out a building that did look like it was made out of spiderwebs though had the appearance of a townhouse like Grimmauld Place. "Over there is War's fortress," she said pointing to a large stone castle which unlike Hogwarts looked like it was always ready for a siege. "There is Thanatos or Death, if you prefer, domicile," she said indicating a large gothic manor with some tombstones in the front yard. "There is Gais's home as you can see it looks like a massive tree. Those two belong to Goodness and Satan but they tend to stick to their own realms and finally, this is your place," she said turning Harry around so he could look upon an ultra-modern house before she led him inside.

Harry was a little shocked that despite how the house looked there was no type of security in place as Atropos led him right into the place. "You can let the sand revert to its base state now Sonny-Jim," she told him as she led him down a small hallway to a well-appointed sitting room.

"But won't that make it hard for us to communicate with each other?" Harry asked since she or at least the form known as Lachesis had been unable to see him until he changed the sand green.

"We will be fine. Since this is your house it exists on the same temporal frame as you do. So rather than forcing you to use some of your strength to join the rest of Earth's temporal access anyone who visits here will be shifted into your temporal frame," she said rubbing her nose a little before shifting to become Lachesis again.

"Sorry, Atropos never did like all the Technicalities when it comes to some aspects of your job," Lachesis explained shifting in her seat to a more comfortable position for her.

"So how do I get out of being Time, I have enough to deal with as it is?" Harry asked.

"I am afraid that is impossible, you must hold the office until you pass it on to the next person. Once you take the Hourglass you are locked into the role until your birth or conception," Lachesis said.

"Why did it have to be me?" Harry asked.

"While I am Fate, it was not my choice for you to become Chronos. You were just the first one to grab it after your predecessor left the Hourglass behind as he moved on," she said.

"I was the only person in that forest for miles around," Harry pointed out.

"True you were the only one around at the time, but while you took the Hourglass to start your term as Chronos the Hourglass if left alone can handle the flow of time for at most a day. So if you had not grabbed it someone else might have come alone to do so."

"So you could work whatever you do for this Tapestry of Existence to give the job to someone else?" Harry asked.

"Unfortunately, it does not work like that," she said shaking her head sadly at him. As Atropsos told you, as Time you live backward meaning I have worked with you for years, and since you never informed me that you randomly showed up at the place to find the Hourglass floating, you were the first one there when your predecessor left their post. And besides the point, while I do put the Lifethreads into the Tapestry I don't have that much control over them. Yes, we have how long the threads are for the person's life but I... well we work together to connect the threads at certain points such as finding their true love and whatnot."

"Well you did a bang-up job with my thread," Harry said with a scoff as he thought about Ginny cheating on him and possibly working with her mother to steal from him.

"As I said we both work on the threads. Though there is a chance we did not work on yours so to not mess up your life in a way that would prevent you from being in the right spot to take your post. Here let me show you," Lachesis said as she spread her hands apart and made a bit of tapestry appear between them looking as if she was a kid playing cat's craddle with some string. "This is your thread, as you can see it will shortly faze out of the Tapestry as you take over as Time. Your mortal life ended at that moment, but you are not dead," she said seeing his horrified look. "Well, for the mortals you will be declared dead since after you took up the Hourglass all traces of you from your magic to body simply vanished from the world. As an Incarnation, or at least the one for Time you can not die. After your term of office is over you will just move on."

"Move on where?" Harry asked.

"Why to Heaven or Hell, of course, depending on the state of your soul. If you have more good than evil you will go up to Heaven while if the reverse is true you would be going down to Hell. There is also the chance that your soul is in perfect balance which means you could remain in Purgatory as a simple worker, most likely a staff member who works in your home so you don't contaminate the timeline," Lachesis explained.

"Okay so I can't leave this job, what do I actually do as Time?" Harry asked.

"As I said you will help me set out some Lifethreads, at least the more tricky ones, and every once and a while we will undo some snags or tangles that appear in the Tapestry. You can use your knowledge of what is for the rest of us future events while being your past to help out. I will warn you that while you are Time, even you can't change things too much," she added seeing a hopeful look on his face. "Otherwise you are free to visit Earth at your pleasure. As you have seen changing the color of the time in your Hourglass can change time for you. You can travel in time but if you leave the time of your mortal existence all you will be is an observer. As we said we can not be sure when it is said your tenure of Chronos will end, this is due to the time is measured by your body. Say for instance you go back in time to see a loved one that has died, the time you spent there is part of your tenure but when you reach that point naturally your body will not skip the time just cause you visited it before then. And it is talk like this which Atropos dislikes," she said with a laugh.

"So in other words I can go see my parents and possibly spend some time with them after I was born but when I reach the end of my term in office, I will not skip over it since well two versions of me are there?" Harry asked.

"You could do that, but I caution you not to spend too much time with them. Not only since it might mess up your life and my Tapestry which would add traces of evil to your soul, but it does take power for you to spend time in the temporal zone of the rest of the universe. I will tell you that besides changing it to Blue so you can travel back in time, and Green allowing you to interact with the normal universe, other colors affect time differently. You and the other Chronos I have worked with have never shared with me what they all do since even though we work together each Incarnation keeps certain aspects of their job a secret from the others," Lachesis said getting to her feet. "Now I will let you get settled in and be back here tomorrow so we can start our working relationship," she said with a smile as she headed towards the door.

"Oh yes before I forget, watch out for Satan, the incarnation of Evil. I know that sometimes he befriends the holder of your office but sometimes he just acts like it. You never shared with me which one he is with you, so just be on your guard," Lachesis warns as she leaves Harry's new home. After she leaves, Harry just sits there thinking the Potter Family Luck has hit a new level with this turn of events. Harry was pulled from his thoughts as a butler appeared and introduced himself before asking if Harry wanted anything to eat or possibly a tour of his new home.


* This Mail Ward was put in place by Molly after the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry had an earlier one cast on him by Albus to prevent people from sending him letters as a kid unless he knew them or they were from the Ministry. The spells that Hermione had cast on their campsites during their time on the run also prevented letters from reaching them so the Death Eaters could not trace an owl to Harry's location.

Unlike Fate, I do have an idea for Harry as Chronos which I did not get to in this chapter, but I am also unsure how to do it. I also want to do at least one chapter each for Harry gaining each of the five main roles, aka Death, Fate, Time, War, and Nature. That being said I have been thinking about making it a series but since apart from Death which I have already done I don't have full stories in mind it would be a sort of one-shot collection or a story that shifts between Harry as the various jobs which might be confusing so the story, if it happens will only be done after I have more than a couple of chapters for each Harry/Incanration to work with.

Chapter 82: Third Times the Charm


After Harry defeats Voldemort rather than getting to live the peaceful life, he always dreamed of he finds himself thrust into a new and quite strange life.


The last of my Harry becoming an Incarnation of Immortality story ideas. This one focuses on him becoming War.

Tags: Light Side Bashing, Death Eater Bashing, Albus, Hermione, Molly, Ginny, Ron Bashing, Overpowered Harry, Incarnations of Immortality Crossover.

Until Harry takes on the Post of War/Ares the chapter will focus on his Predecessors perspective.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ares had held his post for a while now and did not think anything could surprise him regarding the nature of War or his charge of watching the various fields of battle. That is until he felt a summoning to a castle in the Magical World. He was not summoned to the main castle but to a hidden underground chamber. Ares had never been summoned to a single fight before, or as it appeared to be the makings of a slaughter. Ares watched as a young boy stood before a wraith-like teenager who was controlling a Basilisk. While Ares had not been gifted to touch Magic before he assumed his post, his job allowed him to see that the young boy had a connection to the Basilisk which was stronger than his wraith-like foe. Yet there were several enchantments on the Welp, one of which blocked the connection to the King of Serpents.

While this was all very interesting, Ares had no idea why he had felt a need to witness this event. At least until with a burst of flame, a Phoenix flew into the room to drop a magical hat before the boy's feet. Ares had to admire the Welp's nerve or maybe it was stupidity, as the boy let the Phoenix handle the Baslisk for the moment and jammed the oversized hat onto his head. Wondering what the Welp was thinking since the hat was so large it covered his eyes, Ares used one of the special abilities of his office and walked into the mortal's body to see the battle from the Welp's mind.

Ares heard within the welp's mind the boy begging the hat, which he identified as the Sorting Hat, to help him. Ares got the impression the mortal expected the Sorting Hat to respond to him with words, but instead, the Welp got a blow to his head. Thanks to Ares having enveloped the boy, the mortal did not get knocked out which would more than likely led to the boy's death. Instead, the boy, Harry, removed the Sorting Hat and pulled out a sword. Ares had to let out a gasp of shock as he saw the sword. He knew that all swords were based on his artifact of office, the Red Sword of War, but whoever created the weapon now in Harry's hards had not only modeled the blade after the Red Sword but based on some enchantments on it made it almost an exact copy. The only thing missing from the blade in Harry's hands that set it apart from Ares' Red Sword was allowing its user to hold the post of War and to summon Ares' war mount.

Thanks to the pale imitation of his Red Sword, Ares watched Harry win what had moments ago appeared to be a one-sided battle against him. This at least showed why Ares had been summoned as he watched Harry wield the enchanted blade to kill the Baslisk by stabbing it through its jaw. However, such a blow also led Harry to be pierced by one of the serpent's poisonous fangs. Ares was a little surprised not to see Thanatos, since his entering Harry had shown the boy's soul was magically kept at neutral being neither destined to be sent up to Heaven nor down to Hell. His ally's absence from Harry's "death" was explained a few moments later as the Phoenix came over and cried on the mortal healing him. Ares gave a small cheer as Harry seemed to understand what he had to do and used one of the serpent's fangs to pierce a cursed book which defeated his wraith-like foe.

As the battle that Harry had fought in the chamber was over, Ares no longer felt a need to remain as he left the boy just as a girl who had appeared dead began to awaken. However, Ares did not like it for he had found not only through observing Harry but also sharing the Welp's body that there were some enchantments on the mortal geared towards the girl. Unfortunately, as those enchantments had no impact on the Earth's various Wars, there was nothing Ares could do about them as he left the pair alone to check in on a nasty battle taking place in Africa between two feuding gangs.

Due to his post, Ares soon forgot about Harry and his fight in the hidden chamber. Until a few years later when he saw the mortal again as he and some other teenagers took part in a skirmish within one of the world's Magical Ministries. Ares just observed the battle this time rather than enter a participant on either side. Though, he was rather annoyed to find that of the five allies Harry had brought with him, only two of the group did not have enchantments that connected Harry to them. The skirmish between the six teenagers against nearly thirty adults seemed to be fought over one of Fate's Chosen Mortal's Prophecies. After nearly an hour some adult reinforcement arrived to help Harry and the teens as they fought Harry's adversaries.

Among those who had come to help Harry were two newcomers who also had a connection to the young mortal. Yet unlike the three teens who had a connection with Harry, the pair of adults' connection came from a Godparent/Blood Adopted family bond as well as a marriage to the Godparent/Blood Adopted man which was strengthened due to the second man's Werewolf nature. However, the two men were also enchanted to dampen the bond of a full Soul Binding Marriage as well as making the pair of men forget they were even married in the first place.

Ares wished his job would allow him to discover the nature of the enchantments on Harry and the two men, but his role was to observe and sometimes take an active part in

battles not get rid of spells on a person which did not affect the nature of the battle the mortal was fighting. As the skirmish shifted into a full fight, Ares watched as Thantaos arrived but rather than take any soul of the few who had been removed from the fight, Death just stood silently beside him. Never seen his friend/ally so upset before Ares had to ask him, "What has got your robes in a bunch?"

"It is that nasty Veil again," Thantaos responded sending a glare at an archway in the middle of the room which a ragged and torn cloth hung inside.

"Is that something you deal with often?" Ares asked having never heard of the Veil before.

"Not during my time, but Fate explained that the item has been used in the past during several of my Predacesors' tenures in office. She informed me that no matter the alignment of the soul the person has if anyone goes through the Veil, it is my duty to collect them," Death steamed. Ares notices that Death must have used the stop function on his Death Watch since as they had talked the mortals around them had been frozen in time.

"Any idea who will be going through the Veil?" Ares asked taking note that Harry and one of the two men were rather close to the archway.

"No, as usual, all I got is that whoever goes through it will do it soon. If it is that boy, I will be having words with both Lady Magic (Nature) and Fate," Death said, and to Ares' surprise, he pointed to Harry.

"Why, what is so important about that Welp?" Ares asked.

"He is the decedent of a family that one of my Predecessors gave some powerful artifact to. An action which led to a special enchantment to my office for any Mortal who claims them would become Master of Death," Thantaos explained.

"This Welp on any who gain the treasures would become your Master?" Ares asked.

"Not in the way you are thinking. It means that it gives the person with the title a fixed point of Death. If the person was to die before that Moment, I would have to come to see them. Rather than taking their soul, I would have to give them the choice to die or return to life," Thantaos said.

"How many have gained that title, since I recall you doing similar things to others?" Ares asked.

"That was back when I was not really sure what I was doing, and you know it," Death said glaring at Ares slightly.

"Well, you might as well get on with it. Let's hope it is the boy who gets sent through the Veil, that way you don't have to do anything," Ares said.

"Not Do Anything!?!? If Harry survives going through the Veil, it will raise more problems than you could imagine," Death said shaking his head in exasperation at Ares.

"Whatever, let's get on with it," Ares said not cowered in the least by Death's anger as the man pressed a button on his Death Watch so that the passage of time started again. The pair of Incarnations watched as Harry and one of the men fought their foes. It seemed neither was going to be sent through the Veil as they blasted their adversaries away and were about to move away from the Veil. However, the woman the man had been fighting as soon as she got back to her feet after being blasted away sent a stunning spell at the man blasting him backward and right into the Veil. Quick as a flash, Death moved forward to collect the man's soul before he left the room.

For once Ares did not watch the battle still being fought around the room as he focused on Harry who started to call to the man, Sirius to return. Harry moved forward making Ares look around to see if Death was back to deal with Harry's crossing the Veil, but before the Mortal could touch it the enchanted husband of Harry's Godfather/Blood Adopted parent pulled him back and kept him away. Ares saw that despite the enchantments on the man to make him forget he had been married to Sirius, the man was crying as he held Harry back from the Veil. Harry did stop trying to reach the Veil, but as the woman who had cast the spell that sent Sirius through it left the room, Harry broke out of the man's grip and chased after her.

Sensing a large battle coming from Harry following the woman, Ares left the fight that seemed to be ending in the Veil Room and followed the Mortal. Ares had been correct as the human form of the wraith-like teen Harry had fought against the first time Ares saw the mortal appear. Yet Death did not come back as the man and teen faced each other. Ares was sure his ally would be called to deal with Harry even if the Welp did not have the title of Master of Death since Ares still sensed the boy's soul was forced to be Neutrally aligned. Yet while the man tortured and cursed Harry, he did not kill the boy. At one moment another broke into the fray to fight the other man. Yet rather than applaud Harry's rescuer, Ares wanted to take up his Red Sword. He sensed many of the enchantments that were on Harry had been caused by the Welp's "rescuer" Apart from one that originated from the man's foe and Harry's earlier attacker. While his job was to maintain neutrality during battles, Ares wanted to dispatch both men for what they had done to Harry, though he could not explain his reaction. He had seen other young men and women enchanted to become fighters in someone else's war, so how was Harry any different from them?

Ares was so lost in thought over why Harry was making him feel the way he was, the Incarnation of War did not watch the full battle between the two men. He was shocked to find the fight was over and he received a call to a battle between two feuding families both of which had private armies at their disposal that he had been forced to leave the Ministry to take care of his job.

When Ares saw Harry again a year later during a battle within the Magical castle, he had first laid eyes on the boy, nothing had really happened that he had to deal with. However, he did witness a Golem that was made to look like the old man who had placed enchantments on Harry being blasted off one of the castle's tallest towers. Which had made it look like the old bastard had died.

The next time Ares saw Harry, less than a year after the Golem's "death" the Incarnation of War was shocked to find Harry alone in the woods and not fighting any sort of battle. Ares watched in confusion as Harry used his wand to break open some ice of a frozen lake before he took off everything but a cursed locket and his underwear, and dove into the lake. Wondering why he had been called to this place when no battle was being fought, not to mention what Harry was doing, Ares followed the boy into the water its chill not affecting him at all. Ares was shocked as he watched Harry dive to the bottom of the lake to pull out the Red Sword's lesser copy. However, as Harry tried to reach the surface of the lake with the blade, the cursed locket tightened around his neck. Not seeing Death around to collect the mortal's soul, Ares wondered how the boy would get out of this one. Just a few seconds later someone else arrived and pulled Harry out of the water. Ares grimaced as he saw that it was the red-headed male from the battle at the Ministry which some of Harry's numerous enchantments were geared to.

Ares did see a small battle after the pair used some spells to dry and heat up a little they faced off against another wraith-like apparition that Harry had faced before that had been held in the cursed locket. Ares let out an angry growl as he saw the redhead use the blade to destroy the locket before he kept it. After seeing Harry a couple of times, Ares had a member of his staff look into the blade Harry had pulled out of the Sorting Hat. His staff had found the blade had been made by one of Harry's Ancestors who had used one of the treasures Death had mentioned during the battle in the Ministry to gain the title of Master of Death, as well as some Goblin Aid. This explained why the blade was a pale imitation of Ares' Red Sword, but it made Ares angry to see the redhead take it since the blade belonged to Harry and members of his family.

While Harry now had the blade nearby where he could use it at any moment, Ares no longer felt the need to watch the mortal, as he was called away to witness another battle between the forces of the two old bastards who had placed some enchantment on Harry and their forces.

Ares did see Harry a few months later during a second battle at the Magical Castle. However, Ares only saw Harry working around the castle and not being an active fighter in the battle for the most part. The fight took place during a single night with numerous deaths and injuries. Ares had seen Death rushing around the place looking a little ragged which showed this was not the typical war since usually the man was not needed during a battle in the way Ares was.

When things settled down a little, Ares decided to follow Harry as the mortal pulled on a cloak that resembled the cloaks the Incarnations used to make themselves invisible to the mortals as the boy left the castle. Yet this was not the Welp running away as he headed into a nearby forest and used another artifact to summon four apparitions. Doing so caused Death to appear and look a little cross as the pair of Immortals followed Harry and the four spirits deeper into the forest. It saddened Ares a little to see both men he had seen during the Battle at the Ministry were now dead. But it also angered him to hear Harry talk about the one who had not gone through the Veil, Remus, who had just had a son.

Since the two men had a full Soul Bonding Marriage according to what Ares had detected off of them, this means whoever bore the son of Remus must have placed the werewolf under some Love Potions to make it work. Since a full Soul Bonding meant Remus and Sirius would only be able to have children with each other. Ares wondered how angry Fate was about such a thing happening as he cursed Satan and his influence in this world. Death and Ares followed Harry to the camp of those attacking the castle. Ares was rather impressed with the mortal who stood his ground and did not even defend himself as the leader of the invaders, Tom "Voldemort" Riddle cast a killing curse on him. The curse caused the ring that had summoned the spirits to slip from Harry's fingers which Death rushed forward to collect before he approached Harry.

Ares's eyebrows shot up in shock for he was the only Incarnation who could enter a mortal's body, yet he watched Death submerge into Harry's form for just a moment. Meanwhile, as Harry collapses, Riddle also seems to be affected by his spell as he gets knocked off his feet. Barely a minute passed before Death returned holding a tattered piece of a soul. Death said he would explain later as he left the forest after summoning his steed. Yet while Harry was not dead, he acted like it as Riddle got to his feet and blasted the mortal with a couple of spells. None of which seemed to affect the young boy at all. Riddle then ordered one of his forces to check out the boy, acting as if he was too afraid to do it himself. Ares got closer wanting to see if Harry would somehow enchant the person checking him out so they would think he was dead, but he was shocked as the mortal did no such thing and the woman who had been forced to check him found Harry to be alive. Rather than turn him over to her side, the woman asked about her son and was told he was still alive back at the castle.

The woman turned to Riddle and gave the lie that Harry was dead. Knowing a little about Riddle, Ares entered the woman's body to prevent the man from reading her thoughts and finding out the lie. Ares stayed inside the woman's body who was then pushed to the back of the group. He felt Narcissa's worry for her family overriding any loyalty she had to Riddle's forces, which was not that much to begin with, along with the fear she had for Riddle which was rather a lot.

Arriving back at the castle, Riddle made a large speech about Harry running away and how things were going to go. Yet the castle's defenders were not cowered and the sight of Harry's body seemed to egg them on to fight even harder. Ares had to laugh as a distraction from the front gates of the castle caused Riddle and everyone to turn to look which allowed Harry to once more slip on his invisibility cloak. With the group of reinforcement for the castle defenders, Riddle's forces were pushed back leading to a fight within a large room with an enchanted ceiling to show the sky outside. Ares saw another boy use Harry's ancestor's blade to kill a large serpent which made Death Appear once more and take the snake's soul along with another tattered fragment of a soul the serpent seemed to have holding inside itself.

Just as dawn was breaking Harry pulled off his cloak and faced Riddle by himself before the gathered crowd of fighters from both sides. The pair circled each other as Harry tried to get the man to feel some remorse for what he had done in his life, but Riddle just cast another spell at him. Harry cast a spell back at the man which caused Riddle to not only lose the wand he was using but his spell to be turned back on him. Ares did not see much more than that for as soon as Riddle was hit by his reflected Killing Curse, he felt his job coming to an end. As he began to fade away to his final destination, Ares had to guess that Riddle's death ended the war. But more than that Ares felt a curse being released by the man who it seemed made the man's presence on the Earth to make it more war-like. So as the spell vanished and Peace spread over the planet there was no need for War so Ares who had once been known as Sealan Franus moved on.

Harry's Perspective.

Harry felt like celebrating Voldemort's death, but there was still a lot to do. The first thing he did was use the Elder Wand to repair his trusted wand before he returned it to Dumbledore's tomb. After a good night's sleep, Harry finally found the time to pay his respects to the fallen. He sat with the Weasleys as they watched over Fred's dead body. He also spent some time with Remus and Tonk's forms crying and thinking of his Godson Teddy Lupin losing his parents so soon. Harry even spent some time with Colin Creevy and the others who had died in defense of Hogwarts as he talked with the survivors.

Harry was glad Neville, Luna, and several of his friends had survived. Harry congratulated Neville for using Gryffindor's Sword to kill Nagini before he explained to his friend why he had asked Neville to do so. Harry was explaining all about Voldemort's Horcruxes and what they had done and had to be destroyed to Neville, Luna, and several others when he heard shouting from the grounds. Worrying something else had happened, Harry was not the only one to rush out of the castle. He was shocked to see Dumbledore walking up the path both his arms in perfect condition with a large smile on his face.

Dumbledore did not answer any questions as he led everyone back inside and to the Great Hall. Standing among the bodies of the fallen, Dumbledore began to explain what had happened. About how he had been told of the first attack on Hogwarts from the year before. So he had staged his leaving the castle with Harry to set a trap. However, during the battle his arm had knocked him out of the fight so he could not help. For some reason, Harry did not believe this, as the others in the crowd seemed to. Dumbledore explained that due to his curse arm taking him out of the fight, he had left the country to get it healed rather than admit he was still alive. Some of the crowd, like Molly and the Weasleys, cursed him thinking that if he was around Fred would not have died.

The man did his best to placate everyone and said he was back and had no desire to leave again until Death himself took his soul. This made several people laugh, but Harry was not laughing as Dumbledore said to make sure such a battle would not happen again, he would lead a campaign to outlaw people born with Dark Cores leading them to be either sent to prison or turned into a slave cast. Harry was among the minority who felt sicked by the plan. Yet most seemed to like it as they formed an angry mob and went to the makeshift cells where the captured Death Eaters were being held. Harry called out trying to make everyone calm down and think about what they were doing, but they were all so worked up they did not pay any attention to him as they followed the Headmaster.

Harry's concerns grew as even without being asked where the captured Death Eaters were, Dumbledore stayed in the front of the mob and went right to them. Something seemed so wrong about this that Harry's danger sense was going off like made. He was glad to see that Neville, Luna, Mr. Weasley, Professors Flitwick, Sprout, and several other D.A. members were not joining the mob. Yet it saddened him to see Ron, Ginny, Hermione, and Molly all at the front of the mob behind Dumbledore.

Reaching the prisoners, rather than talking to them Harry saw Ron pick up a bit of rubble that had fallen during the fight and toss it at Draco Malfoy. No one tried to stop him or use a spell to prevent the stone from smashing into Draco's temple dropping the blonde and causing his forehead to start bleeding. Harry was too far back in the crowd to do anything, especially when no one got out of his way as he tried to move to the front of the mob where Hermione and the others were picking up rubble or casting spells at the imprisoned men and woman. Harry felt sick when he noticed Gryffindor's Sword close by. Thinking he could get everyone's attention by using the sword, Harry grabbed it before he felt a sudden surge of power, and to his shock, the blade turned a deep blood red.

"Well, I was not expecting that," someone said making Harry look around to see a man in a dark cloak who he could have sworn had not been there.

"Who are you?" Harry asked.

"You may not believe me but I am the office holder of Death. I have been summoned since I felt your mortal life coming to an end. I just did not see that coming," the man said.

"What do you mean coming to an end, I am alright. Well, annoyed that this is happening," Harry said as he gestured to the mob throwing stuff at the prisoners. "What is going on?" He asked seeing everyone appeared to be frozen in place even the thrown rocks and spells were not moving.

"I froze time for a moment. For you are correct, you are alright health-wise, but since you took up the Red Sword, you have become the newest Incarnation for the office of War," Death explained.

"WHAT!?!?" Harry shouted


I know it is an awkward place to end the story, but I had more of an idea of the previous War/Ares observations of Harry rather than when Harry became War/Ares due to Dumbledore's fear-mongering.

Also, as he has become War/Ares, Harry has been cleansed of all the spells and potions on him making him loyal to the bashed characters in the story, blocking some abilities, the love potions he had in place for both Ron and Ginny just to make sure he would marry one of them to give the Weasleys access to his money and fame. As well as the enchantments that I normally have them put on Harry.

Chapter 83: Temporalquake 2


After a full night's sleep in his new home, Harry decides to go introduce himself to the other Incarnations.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry saw during the tour of his place by his new head Butler, Gira, that the place had a mix of both Magical and Muggle items. He was shown a TV set which he had not really used or seen since he left the Dursleys all those years ago. Yet Gira told him the set was also magical and would have news stories that related to him and how he was doing, and would only show movies and TV shows dealing with Time. The good thing, at least for Harry, was the selection of movies and shows were based on the ones that aired during Harry's life or before his birth. He could not watch future shows, not that it would have made any difference, but on the other hand, he could watch a show that depending on when he ended up watching it might not have aired in the rest of the timeline.

The same was somewhat true of the magical radio that his new home had, but at least it was not restricted to songs just about time. Gira informed him that the radio and TV would not work if he had a visitor drop by just so the other incarnation would not be exposed to possibly future shows and music. Harry was also permitted to cook his own meals if he wanted to, since even if he had been forced to do so at the Dursleys, Harry still liked to cook for himself every once and a while. As he chatted with Gira during the tour, Harry learned the Head Butler was from a time nearly four hundred years into the future and had been a previous incarnation of Time whose soul had been in perfect balance when he had taken office and had not changed during his tenure.

As Gira could not work anywhere else in Purgatory without polluting the Timeline, he was assigned to work in Time's manor. Gira had started as one of the normal butlers before working his way up to Head Butler. Gira explained that Purgatory was a place not only for souls who were in neutral alignment but it was also used to help Souls who had earned their way out of Hell some more time before moving up to Heaven. So as the previous Head Buttlers worked off the debt to their souls and were allowed to move to Heaven, Gira had been promoted. The only downside of this was while Gira had been Time at one point he could offer advice to Harry, but could not tell him how to do things. Gira was even forbidden from telling Harry what the different colors would do if Harry used them in the Hourglass.

Harry was given a simple meal of bacon hamburgers with a side of curly fries and a pop. As Harry ate he was introduced to the rest of his new staff and found that Gira was the only previous holder of Time with the others working for him were there to pay off the debts on their souls. His staff did state that since they were all dead, they did not really need to sleep or eat as Harry did but would still require some downtime to relax. Harry had no problem with that and told them to do whatever they felt they could do and not to overwork themselves on his account.

Harry found out that there was only one member of his staff who would leave the manor and that was the cook's assistant who had a special artifact that would allow her to interact with the world outside the Temporal changed home. The assistant would only leave the manor to buy food for Harry to eat, yet due to the special nature of Time's Home and Purgatory, she would only have to do so once a year. Otherwise, she would remain inside the manor which would also re-energize her artifact for her next visit. She was chosen for the job because she was rather introverted and would not share any information about the future with others as she bought the supplies for Harry's food.

After the excellent burgers and fries, Harry decided to turn in for the night, though he had no idea what time it really was outside and he did not want to admit it to his staff. Harry discovered his bed to show what Fate had said was true. While it was one of the most comfortable beds Harry had ever slept in, it was not large enough for two people. Though he guessed if he wanted to it could be expanded. Not that Harry had a desire to sleep with anyone at the moment still upset about what he had discovered about his... well he guessed his ex-wife. Harry's anger at what Ginny and Mrs. Weasley had done to him made it hard for him to fall asleep. As Fate told him that from the Mortal perspective, Harry was considered dead, he did not like the fact that Ginny and Mrs. Weasley would be able to claim all his family's money, treasure, and power. At least the stuff they had not already gotten their hands on. He would not have minded if the other Weasleys, if they were not also involved in what had been done to him, were given some access to his stuff since he would hardly need it, but he had no idea how to do such a thing.

After tossing and turning for nearly two hours, Harry's mind was finally able to settle down and let him fall asleep. After he had a marvelous breakfast of pancakes, sausages, bacon, buttered toast, and some coconut milk, Harry decided he did not want to spend his first full day as Time just hanging around his place. He felt that he should make himself useful and go introduce himself to the other Incarnations. Even though Fate had said that from her perspective, Harry had been doing his job for years. But by introducing himself to them now, he would let them know that he was just starting out and that soon they would be getting someone who would know what they were doing. He did not even think that since he would be meeting them now they would have no memories of these meetings and know why he might mess up for a bit during his work.

So straightening his white robe of office, Harry left his manor and headed out to the other homes in the small culdesac that was Purgatory. As the closest home on either side of him belonged to Goodness and Satan which Fate said hardly used them. Harry decided to just take the homes in order going in a counter-clockwise path and skipping the home of Goodness to head to War's Fortress. Harry walked up a small drawbridge to the front door and made sure the sand in his hourglass was green so he could interact with War and their staff, Harry pressed a small doorbell which looked out of place on the stone walls of the fortress. A few moments later, the door opened causing Harry to step back for the person on the other side looked sickly with pieces of flesh literally falling off of him. "Yes?" the man asked showing that despite his look his voice was strong.

"Um, hello. I just took over the post of Time and was wondering if I could meet up with War?" Harry asked.

"I shall see if he is free, please follow me," the man said making a gesture for Harry to come inside. Harry blanched a little as the gesture caused a large chunk of flesh to fall off and land on the floor. He arched his eyebrows when the bit of flesh only remained in place for a moment before it vanished.

"Um, are you alright?" Harry asked as the man led him to a small inner courtyard.

This caused the man to let out a chuckle. "I am perfectly fine. Lord War or Ares has very few household staff since most of his work is done on the battlefields of Earth. Most of his staff are there to help him in such locations dealing with certain aspects of battle. My job is Pestilence where I check in to see what sickness might be caused due to the fighting. I work with Famine who watches over any scarcities that the battles might cause, and Conquest who observes the change of power after the fighting is over. We also work with one of Death's reapers who takes on the title of slaughter for those innocents who might have lost their lives during the fighting and battles we are called to."

"Um if you ride with a reaper and have such jobs as you describe, doesn't that make you the Four Horsem*n of the Apocalypse?" Harry asked.

This caused another chuckle from Pestilence. "Not at all, while we have a reaper they just handle the innocent who died. Lord Death or Thantaos rarely rides with my Lord. And if they do, tend not to join them. I think in the past Lord War did summon not only Lord Death but the other Incarnations as well to ride with him to the Doomsday Clock to start the End of Days, but that had been to stop one of Satan's plans. In the end one of your, oh I always get this wrong, let's just say another holder of Time put things back to normal after Satan backed down."

"What do you want, Time? Is there some issue I have to deal with?" a voice called out making Harry turn to see a man approaching him with a large Red Sword strapped to his back. Harry assumed this was War but was rather surprised. When he pictured War or at least a human doing the job of War, Harry imagined a large burly man like a Viking or Barbarian in the post. Yet the man approaching him was barely taller than Harry and was not that muscular with black hair in a topknot, similar colored eyes, and features to show off that he was of Asian descent. What was more the man was wearing a kimono with a second blade on his hip making him look like a samurai who was carrying a secondary sword on his back.

"Um, War, I take it?" Harry said holding out his hand to the man. War just gave the hand a look before Harry dropped it. "I just wanted to pop in and say hello. I just started as the Incarnation of Time. I hope we work well together. And that I don't have to do what your man Pestilence told me was done with the Doomsday Clock."

"We don't," War said giving Harry a searching look. "Though we do have a good working relationship. After a fashion," the man said arching one side of his mouth is a small grin. "But if you do not need anything, I have just learned of a battle taking place in Giza which I need to look in on," War said as he began to usher Harry out of the fortress.

Harry saw this was not just the man trying to get rid of him for War also left his home and with a sharp whistle summoned a massive red horse before he jumped on his steed's back without even putting a saddle down and took off. War was soon followed by Pestilence and the others on their mounts as the group's horse galloped into the sky before diving below the clouds that made up Purgatory's ground.

Harry marveled at the display before he moved on to the next house. He ended up skipping it seeing it was the web-like manor of Fate. The next place was the giant tree-like structure of Nature that Fate had told him about, though one of Harry's staff also said that the woman went by the title of Lady Magic in the Magical World. Harry felt some trepidation to meet Lady Magic as he walked up the grassy courtyard to her home. But after ringing the doorbell and waiting ten minutes there was no sign of the woman, so Harry assumed she had to be busy.

Before he tackled Death's gothic home, Harry decided to take a small break in his manor. Not only due to him using the green sand for an hour which Fate was right tired him out since it was new to him, but also to give himself a chance to gather his strength before facing Death. Harry did find that while he had been using the green sand to deal with the rest of the world, he had not come back to his home in what had been his past. Even if he changed his Temporal alignment with the rest of the universe, his home was kept in the same time frame as he did. He thought that was good to know so he would not possibly meet himself. Harry did recall Hermione saying back in their Third Year at Hogwarts that it was rather a bad thing to meet one's self when time travel was involved. He was not sure what would happen since he had taken over as Time but he did not want to chance it.

After a quick break where he watched the TV for the first time to get a news story about him going around Purgatory to meet the others, while snubbing the Incarnations of Goodness and Fate, Harry had a small snack. Feeling properly fortified now, Harry left his home and marched past Satan's home and up to the front door of Death's home. Harry rang the doorbell only for it to make no sound before he realized he had forgotten to change the sand in his Hourglass. Blushing to himself, Harry made the sand green once more as he rang the doorbell again. Rather than the door open and someone looking to see who had come to call, Harry jumped as a voice came from behind him. "Yes, Time what can I do for you?"

Harry quickly spun on his heel and faced Death. If he had thought Pestilence was bad the man had nothing on Death. Just like the classic images of Death, the being before him was covered in a large black cloak that seemed to absorb light into itself. The being's hands and face which were the only parts of the body Harry could see had no flesh on them and were skeletal without even any nerves attached to them. "Well, um," Harry said quickly losing his nerve now that he was face to face with Death.

"You know that explains so much. We need to chat," Death said as he took the hand Hary was not using to hold his Hourglass in. Rather than open the door to Death's Manor, Harry was dragged back to his own home.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked finding his voice coming out with a small squeak of fear.

"I have a feeling this conversation is going to take a while, And based on your look you are new to the office. I thought it would be better to do so here so you can save your strength and that I would not get too behind in my schedule," Death said as they entered Harry's sitting room. To Harry's surprise, Death pulled down the hood of his cloak as well as taking the cloak and some gloves off revealing a normal-looking man underneath. "That is better, can't have you freaked out by the sight of me in my work uniform now can we?" Death asked with a small chuckle.

"Um thanks you do look a lot better," Harry said as he sunk into a wing-backed chair across from where Death had sat down.

"So, I take it that after you took your post you learned of the special connection with me and wanted to chat?" Death asked.

"What? No, I just thought I would introduce myself to everyone since I am new to the job," Harry said slightly confused.

"I see," Death said tapping his chin for a moment.

"Well, while you did not know about our connection when you were a Mortal, I shall just have to tell you about it," Death said leaning in a little as one of Harry's staff came in and placed a tea service between them before leaving the room. Taking up a cup, Death asked for some coffee instead before turning back to Harry. "Your family line has always held a special connection with members of my office due to one of my predecessors before taking on the post of Death being the youngest of three brothers who created some powerful Magical Artifacts," Death began.

"The Deathly Hallows," Harry interjected.

"Correct. I have heard that in the Magical portion of the Mortal Realm, the stories go that the brothers got their artifacts from Death, but that is a lie. The brothers created the Hallows on their own. However, it seemed the Death at the time of the Hallows's creation went to test out the artifacts for himself. While they were not as strong as some artifacts of my office, Death was so impressed by them that he made a small Prophecy. He was a Seerer before he took on his post," Death explained seeing Harry's confused look.

"The Death at the time told the three brothers that in the future the person who was able to claim all three Hallows Legally would earn the title of Master of Death. However, this caused the three brothers who had long traveled together to separate as two of the brothers tried to figure out how to take control of the Hallows. Your ancestor and future holder of Death's office did not take part as he hid from his older brothers using his cloak. Not that either brother managed to do anything since they both died before their plans to seize the other Hallows could come about. Without realizing it the older brothers brought the Prophecy to come true since both their deaths led your ancestor to own his brother's artifacts legally. This allowed him a choice when he was approaching his own death to move on naturally or take on the post of Death to fulfill the prophecy of his predecessor. Your ancestor decided to become Death as he passed his Invisibility Cloak onto his son and passed on the Remembrance Stone to the illegitimate child of his immediate older brother. He had done nothing to his Eldest brother's artifact since the Wand was already in someone's hand. Yet unlike normal Wand lore where a person can claim the wand they win in a battle, the Elder Wand only fully held allegiance to a member of your family.

Now while your ancestor was the only one of your line to take the post of Death, the title of Master of Death remained in your line. Though to hide it from any Mortals who might look for it, before your ancestor left this post he worked it all out with the office of Time," Death explained.

"Why? Did Time have some sort of records that I was going to take this post?" Harry asked.

"No, well I don't think so. The reason your ancestor turned to Time for help in altering the Master of Death title your family held was during his tenure another of your ancestors created the artifact known as Time-Turners. Maybe you are too new to your office but Time did not like it that the Mortals began to mess with his domain. So she agreed to work with Death and change the Master of Death title to the Potter Family Luck making it a small curse on your line," Death said.

"You got to be kidding me," Harry said rubbing his temples as he downed the tea.

"I am not. I will also point out that before becoming Time, you were the first of your family since your ancestor who legally owned all three Hallows allowing you to gain the Master of Death title along with the Potter Family Luck," Death said with a smirk as he accepted his coffee before adding a liberal amount of cream and sugar into it.

"It is thanks to you regaining the original title your ancestors once held which allowed me to visit you, under the guise of Albus Dumbledore when Riddle hit you with the killing curse during the Second Battle of Hogwarts. Though technically it was the seventh battle which was held at the castle," Death explained

"That was you?" Harry asked.

"Oh, yes. I did not even really do anything to change my appearance as most Mortals tend to see me as a loved one or someone they trust when I go to meet them. And if I am not there to collect their souls they see me as a cop or medical personnel tending to the person who dies. But that is beside the point yes, we met and I offered to let you die or give you the chance to go back to your Mortal life. Most of the Incarnations were glad you headed back for Riddle survival and your death would have created a lot of problems and not just because you are Time.

"Yet you acted surprised to see me?" Harry pointed out.

"You must learn how to do it before our next meeting, but you alter your look so I was unaware you were Time. I assume you do the same while meeting the others since we were all worried you would not take the choice to come back to life after meeting Riddle in the forest," Death explained as Harry made a note to himself to ask Gira about how to change his form.

"So I take it that you don't collect all the souls that die since before I stopped over at your place, I went to see War and he had a reaper on his staff for those who died in battle," Harry said after a moment of silence.

"Yes, I am only called on to claim the souls who are in near-perfect alignment between good and evil so we can figure out if they are to end up in Heaven, Hell, or in Purgatory. There are some special cases such as some Magicals who have a special curse on them which forces their souls to remain neutral no matter what they do in life, or when someone is sent through the Veil I have to show up to take their souls," Death explained making Harry choke on his tea.

"So you took my Godfather's soul when Bellatrix blasted him through the Veil?" Harry asked.

"I did not, the thing that was sent through the Veil was a Magical Golem," Death said giving Harry a knowing look before he dropped a bomb into Harry's lap. "Your Godfather is still alive."

"WHAT?!?!?" Harry cried out in shock.

"Oh, yes he is still alive and hiding in one of your family homes. Why he is there now makes perfect sense," Death said.

"It does?" Harry asked no longer shouting.

"Oh yes, for right before he was to fall through the Veil much to everyone except for Fate you collected him and put a Golem in his place," Death said. "Okay the face is different from what I am used to but I know that smile. What do you have planned, Time?" Death asked.

"You just gave me a solution to a problem I had last night as I tried to go to bed," Harry said. "Thank you for your time, I am sure we will have a good time working together," Harry said as he began to usher a bemused Death out of his home.

As soon as Death was out of the manor, Harry went to find Gira and asked about how to change his appearance as Time. Gira helped Harry through it for over an hour before Harry could keep the look going as well as maintain control of his Hourglass. Gira then taught Harry how to travel back to Earth as well as making sure Harry took into account the Earth's movement so he would not just end up in space. Not that landing in an airless vacuum would have hurt Harry thanks to his new role but it was highly disconcerting according to Gira.

Once he got how to travel down, Harry took a couple of attempts to go back to the right time. After nearly three hours of work, Harry finally showed up close enough to Sirius's trip to the Veil. Harry took a few moments to hide unseen in a corner of the Veil Room taking in his Godfather's appearance as he made the Golem stand in for Sirius. As Bellatrix's stunner hit Sirius and sent him towards the Veil, Harry lifted his Hourglass and froze time. Harry moved forward and exchanged Sirius with the Golem before taking hold of his Godfather's shoulder and getting them out of there. Harry did not let time resume its natural progression until he reached his next destination, Gringotts.

While Harry never spent much time in the Goblin-controlled bank, he knew from his childhood with the Dursleys that the manager of a bank had their office to the side of the main floor. Hoping the Goblins were the same way, Harry arrived in a single office branching off the main room in the Diagon Alley Branch of Gringotts. His sudden appearance made the Goblin jump as he took in Harry's form as well as Sirius who was knocked out on the floor thanks to Bellatrix's stunner. "Who are you and how did you get in here?" the Goblin whose nameplate identified as Ragrok asked.

"My name is Harry James Potter, but I come under the office of Time to fix an issue that will take place after I take the post," Harry said getting rid of his disguise to show the Goblin Bank Manager his normal face.

"Do you have any proof?" the Goblin asked.

"How about this?" Harry said as he let go of this Hourglass, making it hang in the air beside him. before he picked up a quill from the Goblin's desk. Harry dropped the quill and let it hit the ground and roll away before he reversed time on just the quill making it roll back and jump into the air. Harry stopped time for the quill when it reached the place he had dropped it from and let it hang there.

"I meant do you have proof you are Lord Potter? After all only one of the Elders could get past our Wards without being detected," Ragrok said rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Oh, um let's see," Harry said patting down his body before he found one of the letters he had opened from the bank before he took the Hourglass and passed it over to the Goblin.

"Alright this seems to be in order," the bank manager said. "Now what do you want? I did not think even you could alter your timeline to make your future wife and mother-in-law not get access to your money or for that matter marry you."

"I am most sure I can, and to be honest I don't want to try. But I had an idea," Harry said.

"Yes," Ragrok prompted.

"Right now my mortal self believes that my Godfather Sirius," Harry said nodding to the man who he had propped in one of the chairs before Ragrok's desk, "is dead. Talking to my college Death, he told me Sirus is not slated to die for a while. I was hoping I could talk him into going into hiding in one of my family properties, which I would remove from the records until it is time. I would have Sirius have full control of my accounts and family assets so he could prevent my future wife/ex-wife and Mother-in-law from taking control of my lines with my apparent death as I assume my office," Harry explained.

"Well, I can see Downax, the Black Family Account Manager being happy about it, but if someone looks into his death notice within the Ministry or goes about reading his Will we might have an issue," Ragrock countered.

"I think I can talk him into helping me out, and in the time he waits for my "death" he can be seen by a Mind Healer and others to get him back to full health. That way he can stay out of the coming war," Harry said running a hand over his beloved Godfather's face and hoping Sirius would agree to it, especially as Harry would be unable to prevent anyone else's death such as Remus. This meant Sirius would be alone again but at least he would be alive and in a place to prevent Ginny and Molly from taking control of Harry's lines. Maybe if Harry did something after his mortal self married Ginny, he could step in and make sure it never got approval thus giving them less access to his family stuff but that would need to wait until he convinced Sirius to agree to his plan.


I wanted to write all about Sirius, Harry, Bonecrusher, and Ragnok working together to make sure Ginny and Molly did not get anything but once again the chapter got away from me so I am ending it here. Hopefully, I can come up with a part three soon or possibly expand it even further.

Also as of right now I only have plans to bash Ginny and Molly in this story line, and while I did have in my notes from the first part that Albus had a Mail Ward on Harry, he only did so, as of right now, so Harry would not be overwhelmed by letters. Especially before he came to Hogwarts.

Chapter 84: Changing Face of War


This is part two of the story which began in chapter 82, where Harry steps into the post of Ares the Incarnation of War.

Chapter Text

"WHAT?" Harry shouted.

"By taking up the Red Sword and with new fighting breaking out, you have become the Incarnation of War," Death reintegrated as they gestured at the frozen scene around them where Albus led a mob that was attacking the imprisoned Death Eaters from the battle the night before.

"Yeah still not making any sense," Harry said.

"I know but you will need to learn fast and the only way to do that is to throw you into the deep of it," Death said as they grabbed Harry's upper arm and gave a sharp whistle. Suddenly a pale white horse trotted up entering the area through a wall before it changed into the form of a pale limo. Death opened the passenger side door for Harry before walking around and taking the driver's seat.

"How does taking a ride in a magical horse throw me into the deep of things?" Harry asked as Death started the car and drove them away from the frozen mob.

"It doesn't but as the new Incarnation of War, the best place to chat is in your fortress. That way you can meet your subordinates as well as learn some key parts of your job before you try to do something foolish," Death said.

"Something foolish?" Harry asked.

"Like using your new powers and accidentally killing everyone in Hogwarts or trying to stop everything but unleashing World War Three aka the Final War," Death said as the car left the ground and drove into the sky. Harry could not think of how he could do either of those things, but he was also slightly mystified as the horse-turned-car drove into the air and ended up in what looked like a small neighborhood resting on a bank of clouds. "Harry welcome to Purgatory, your new home as well as the home of the other Incarnations between the two true Immortals Goodness and Satan," Death said as he drove up to a massive castle.

"This is War's Fortress in other words your new home for as long as you hold your post. And before you ask you can not take it back and the only way you will leave your post is if at any moment there is true peace on Earth. Like how your predecessor did until you beat Tom Riddle who has some powerful enchantments on him which caused a war-producing miasma effect on the entire planet. As soon as you beat him and he died the miasma vanished leaving to a time of peace," Death explained as he parked before the castle but made no move to exit the limo.

"For all the good it did," Harry groused.

"Yeah unfortunately war and conflict are more of the norm than peace," Death said shaking their head before leaning onto the steering wheel. "Now before we go inside there are some things we need to discuss. First of all, you will be known as your Post from now on meaning others will call you either Ares or War. For all intents and purposes, Harry James Potter is dead. Now for everyone who takes up the job as one of the Incarnations, there is a small trial period. Unfortunately, this does not mean if you don't want the job by the end of the period you can leave it. What it means is that all the actions you take during the period will not affect the balance of your Soul."

"Balance of my soul?" Harry asked feeling confused.

"Each soul can contain goodness and evil within it, If a soul is mostly good or evil when the person dies they will automatically be sent to Heaven or Hell respectively. However, if a person's soul is in balance, I am called forward to collect it to better study it and send it to its proper place. There are also some special cases that I am called in to deal with, and one of them was actually you since you were fated to gather the Deathly Hallows legally and gain the Master of Death. Since this would have always happened, your soul was Magically kept in perfect balance thus summoning me or any who held the post of Death to see you if you ended up dying before your appointed time. Thus how I talked to you in your mind when Riddle hit you with the Avadakadavra Curse in the forest a few hours ago," Death explained.

"I thought I was talking to Professor Dumbledore, but he was alive," Harry said.

"Sometimes when I take a person's soul, I appear to them as someone they are the most comfortable with. Or, unfortunately, in your case, I appeared as Albus due to some of the enchantments he had placed on you," Death said as they lifted their head from the steering wheel and tapped the dashboard of the car. The glove box before Harry opened up and a roll of parchment slid out onto Harry's lap. "These were all the spells and enchantments I discovered on you when we talked in the forest," Death said as Harry unrolled the parchment.

Harry wanted to protest and tell Death that he was wrong, but after seeing the power the other had as well as reading the parchment, the words died in Harry's throat. he read about how part of his core was blocked, both Albus as well as his own magic to make sure he stayed healthy. He had some abilities blocked, such as the full power of Pareseltongue. He was under potions to be loyal to the Headmaster, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, and Mrs. Weasley, and those were just the tip of the iceberg.

"Now the good thing is that since you have stepped into the post of Ares, all the spells, potions, and enchantments have been cleansed from your body. As it would be rather dangerous for a person with the amount of power that we possess to be controlled by a normal mortal," Death said. "On the other hand, the magically induced Neutrality on your Soul has also been removed so that as you do your duties as Ares you will start to effect it leading you to be sent to Heaven or Hell after your time is up." That was all Death wanted to talk to Harry about as they got out of the car and motioned for Harry to get out as well. Once the car was empty it transformed back into a horse which after a nod from its Master nodded and walked away to start to graze for a bit.

"Now each Incarnation has their own base, or home in Purgatory including Goodness and Satan, not that those two ever use them. I have never been past the front courtyard before so I can not tell you what the rest of the place is like," Death said leading Harry over a drawbridge and into the fortress and an open courtyard. "Now from what I do know, your staff is mostly members of the team that you take to observe battles and fighting. Though as I said I have never been further than this so you might have other staff that takes care of your home," Death said pulling out a large black scythe and using it to strike the ground which produced a massive gonging sound. "Minions of War come and stand ready for your new boss," Death called out.

A hidden side door opened as four beings entered the courtyard and came to stand at attention before Harry and Death. Harry tried not to flinch at two of the beings lined up before him. One of which looked like the Muggle idea of a zombie complete with bits of flesh dropping off them and landing on the ground where it would rest for a moment before it vanished. The second of the four looked so pale it was almost like they were a ghost made solid, and while Harry after his time at Hogwarts was used to ghosts it was the eyes of the being that sent a chill up Harry's spine as the iris of both eyes were pure white in such an unnatural way. It also did not help the man that the path he had taken to get to Harry had caused the vegetation of the courtyard to wither and die only for it to become healthy again once the man was a certain distance away from it. The last two of the beings assembled before Harry in comparison, looked rather normal. If one counts a muscular man wearing nothing but a bandolier and kilt normal or a man dressed like a poor imitation of Death.

"Ares, I would like to introduce you to your troops. They will ride with you as you observe the fights of the world and each has their own responsibilities on the battlefield. First, there is Pestilence," Death said making the Zombie man give Harry a nod, "who sees to any illness that is either caused by the fitting or in some cases the reason for the battle. Next, there is Famine," Death said as the pale ma bowed to Harry, " who keeps track of any scarcities in food or supplies causing or caused by the fighting. Then there is Conquest who watches out for changes in power among those who fought or possibly allies of the fighters," Death said as the man in the kilt thumped his chest with his right hand. "And finally there is one of my Reapers who works for you that collects souls of the innocence that are killed during the fighting or once again the cause of the battle to be fought,"

"And they are called?" Harry asked.

"I am just a Reaper, though these bozos like to call me Slaughter," the dark-cloaked figure said as they nodded to Harry before performing a curtsy to Death.

"Now unlike the staff of me and the other Incarnations, these four also have special ways to be selected for their post, though I have no clue what they do," Death said leaning in and whispering this to Harry. Death began to talk normally as he had Harry whistle. Harry's was not as sharp as the one Death had used to summon his pale horse but it still caused a massive stallion to approach him. "Ares this is your War Mount, Sleipnir," Death said having Harry pet the massive horse. Harry had handled Buckbeak with only slight hesitation and showed extreme caution with Selipnir due to how ferocious it looked not to mention how it had six legs with two pairs up near its head and the last set at the other in the back.

"Um, I have only ridden a Hippogriff before, oh, and a dragon. Do I have to ride him?" Harry asked.

"It is part of your job," Death said just as Mortis is part of mine. "Don't worry, since you are Ares he will listen to you and never try to throw you off. Now as Ares, you will have special abilities to help you do your job. Which, unfortunately, I do not know just as you will not know all the skills and abilities I use to do mine. I will tell you that your artifact of office is your red sword," Death said nodding over Harry's left shoulder. Turning to see what Death was nodding at, Harry started to see the hilt of a sword. Feeling slightly awkward, Harry grabbed the hilt. As soon as he touched it he found he knew just what to do as he extracted the sword from its scabbard as if he had been doing it for years.

"But how?" Harry said knowing that he had dropped the sword back at Hogwarts when Death had shown up.

"As the artifact of your office, your Red Sword will return to its scabbard if you let it go. As you hold the post of Ares or War, you now have the knowledge and skill to use any type of weapon, from swords, shields, wands with attack magic, and even computer skills to launch missiles," Death explained before he leaned in again. "I will say that the Sword of Gryffindor. which one of your ancestors created alongside the Goblins, was a pale imitation of the Red Sword," Death whispered to him. "The Red Sword, itself, easily overpowers every other weapon or attack spell on Earth. It could cut the Killing Curse to shreds if you wanted to," Death said speaking in their normal voice again. "And now that I have introduced you to your team, I shall take my leave. If you ever wish to chat, Sleipnir will know where to find me," Death said as they left the courtyard and got on Mortis to zoom away to resume their job of collecting souls.

"Do you wish to head out Lord Ares?" Famine asked his voice sounding like a dusty cough of gravel.

"What do I actually do as War?" Harry asked.

"Your job is to observe all battles big and small while maintaining neutrality," Pestilence said as a bit of his mouth fell off as he talked without affecting his speech.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"It is part of the final battle between Goodness and Evil. You must maintain neutrality so neither side has an advantage during the fighting," Conquest said in a surprisingly soft-spoken voice for a man so large and muscular.

"Though sometimes it is hard to see which side is backing the sides during the fights," Slaughter added.

Before he went to the first battle he was meant to observe, and considering how he had taken the sword, he reasoned it would be at Hogwarts, Harry wanted to check out the rest of the fortress. So leaving the four behind, Harry took a peek into the place. Harry expected a castle just like Hogwarts though with fewer people in it, yet as he looked around the door he found something out of a Five-Star Hotel, or at least what a TV show depiction of a Five-Star Hotel. The place looked rather elegant for being the inside of a Fortress for the office holder of War, but Harry was not complaining. He guessed after having to watch battles all the time, War would want a place to just relax in comfort.

Satisfied that his new home was a place of rest rather than making him rough it some more like his months on the run in the tent, Harry turned back to his new subordinates and saw them on on horse while one held the reigns for Sleipnir for him. Harry nodded to Famine as he clambered up onto the massive war horse's back. As soon as he was seated, the thing reared up before taking off leading the others back down to Earth. Harry saw his guess had been correct as he and the others arrived back at Hogwarts. As soon as Harry dismounted Sleipnir's backtime started up again as the spells and projectiles resumed their course to the captured and defenseless captured Death Eaters, as well as Draco Malfoy.

Seeing Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and Mrs. Weasley at the front of the attacking mob right behind Dumbledore and thinking about what they had done to him, Harry forgot about his post needing to be neutral as he moved forward to make them stop attacking. Especially since Draco and his mother had turned against the Death Eaters in the end. As Harry tried to knock Hermione's arm aside while she cast a stinging hex right at Draco's face, rather than moving her arm, Harry found his body merging with hers.

"Take this you f*cking bigot call me a Mudblood. I have wanted to do this for years," Harry heard Hermione's voice say before he stumbled out of her body.

"What the hell was that?" Harry asked turning to Reaper who was standing closest as she kept an eye to see if anyone would die from the angry mob's actions.

"As War to better understand all points of a battle, you can enter a mortal's body and see parts of their past or get some of their thoughts," Slaughter explained.
"Interesting," Harry said as he turned to Ron and entered his former best friend's body.

As he merged with Ron, Harry heard the redhead's thoughts. "This feels so great. Soon Malfoy and those snake bastards will be gone, Harry will marry Ginny and the Potter's power, money, and fame will be all ours. Hopefully, the Headmaster keeps his promise and I will become the Head of the Aurors and owner of the Chudley Cannons for all the work I did in making sure Harry followed his plan." Harry felt disgusted as he left Ron's body. Not wanting to hear what Ginny or Mrs. Weasley were thinking as they shot spells at the captured Death Eaters, Harry walked towards Dumbledore to see if he could figure out why the man had done what had, as well as possibly uncover where the man had been.

Chapter 85: The Ascendance of Lord Potter part 2


Harry returns to the main Magical,


While this story takes place right after the events of the first part shown in chapter 79, there will be some Flashbacks during the week of his training when his new Vessels receive their cuffs.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After Bonecrusher had finished performing the ritual to change his title in the Magical World, Harry stood up and bowed low enough to expose his neck to his Account Manager. "May your ventures be profitable," Harry said in the traditional Goblin farewell that Bonecrusher and Bladetomb had taught him during his year of training.
"May your foes show wisdom as they flee from your advance," Bonecrusher said in response as Harry stood back up and left the office. Bonecrusher had to admit to himself that after a year with the young human, he was going to miss his client, and hoped all of Harry's plans worked the way the human wanted. With a smirk at the chaos the human would cause for those who had interfered in Harry's life, Bonecrusher got back to work.

Since he was now out of the special training room, Bonecrusher was able to submit the proper paperwork that permitted Harry to carry around his ancestor's sword without issues. The best thing about the sword was due to the enchantments on it when both Harry and Bonecrusher's ancestors created it together, any Muggle who noticed it would forget about it. If Harry ventured out into the Muggle World for some reason, the Muggles might notice the sword but would not fear it being used but their focus on it would slide off of it as if was a childish toy sword. As for the inhabitants of the Magical Word, unless Harry pulled the sword out, they would not care about him wearing it. Though the Magicals might think differently if they realized that due to his family connections and training Harry could just as easily use Gryffindor's Sword to cast magic as he would his wand.

Entering the lobby of the bank again, Harry joined the line to wait to see a teller. While he had been cleansed and claimed his Family rings, he still needed to get some money out not only to buy his school supplies but also to purchase a room for the rest of the summer. As he waited in line, Harry smiled as the only people who were talking about him were Muggleborn students with their families as they commented on the sword strapped to his left hip. Harry guessed that his new muscular body as well as hairstyle made him harder to recognize compared to what he had looked like a year ago when he first entered the bank after leaving the Dursleys.

Reaching a teller, Harry bowed to expose his neck before following Bonecrusher's advice. "I have come to get some money from my vaults. I will also be changing keys," Harry told the teller. Harry had been surprised when Bonecrusher had informed him that while he was Harry's Account Manager he could not change the keys to Harry's vaults and that it had to be done with one of the tellers. According to Bonecrusher, it had something to do with making sure the records and transfer were done quickly for if Bonecrusher had to do it the process would take a full month, yet a teller could do it in just a few moments.

"Right this way sir," the teller said hopping off his stool and leading Harry to another side door that Harry had never gone through before. This door opened up to what looked like an office space with empty cubicles inside. The teller took Harry to one of the cubicles and started them on the paperwork. Harry began by pulling out the key to his Trust vault and passing it over to the Goblin. The teller placed the key on a runic design on the desk before starting a ritual to summon any other keys that were connected to Harry's various vaults. Harry was not surprised when nine other keys appeared since they were the main vault keys to his family's holding as well as trust vaults to the other lines he had never used before. "Do you want one of these to become the main key that will allow you to access any of your vaults?" the teller, Grimthorn asked.

"No, you may dispose of them," Harry answered.

"Very good Lord Peverell," Grimthorn said as he placed them in the cubicle's trashbin to be collected later before they were sent to the forges to be repurposed into something else.

"I spoke to my Account Manager about this, and he said it was possible," Harry said before telling Grimthorn his plan. "I wish my new key to the vaults my lines control to be tied to my Ancestor's Sword. But I want it done in such a way that it will look like to any observer that the key is my conjoined Family Ring," Harry explained.

"And how would that work precisely?" Grimthorn asked.

"I plan to keep this sword with me from now on," Harry said. "As I come to the bank to get funds from my vaults I would pull out my sword and do a ritualistic gesture while holding it with my left hand as that is where my rings are. That way people will just think I am acting out or play acting with the sword rather than using it as my vault key," Harry explained.

"That is actually a rather ingenious idea, Lord Peverell," Grimthorn said impressed for it would prevent anyone from trying to steal the key into the young Lord's vaults by using a two-stage distraction.

"Thanks, my Account Manager and Master Bladetomb helped me come up with it," Harry admitted as he drew Gryffindor's Sword out of its scabbard and placed it on the desk so Grimthorn could perform the ritual to make it Harry's vault key.

Once the ritual was finished, Grimthorn himself took Harry down to one of his vaults so they could complete the ritual and make sure the sword worked as the key. The ride down took longer than normal, since Harry claimed the new title of Lord Peverell, Grimthorn guided the cart down to the Peverell Trust Vault rather than the Potter one. And since the Peverells were an older and more powerful line than the relatively newer Potter branch, their vault was at a deeper level within the bank. Reaching the Peverell Trust Vault, Grimthorn told Harry to press his sword into the door. Harry pulled out Gryffindor's Sword and pressed the tip to the middle of the door causing it to open. Grimthorn gave a nod of approval that the procedure worked, as Harry began to gather some funds into his money bag. He took more than he normally did but was not worried as Bonecrusher had placed some enchantments on the bag during his training to add an Undetachable Expansion Eharm on it as well as making it feather-light.

Bonecrusher told Harry that if he wanted to Harry could easily take all the 10,000 Galleons inside a trust vault without hurting himself or running out of room. Harry worried about running out of money if he did that was soon informed that a Trust Vault would refill itself each year so long as there were funds in the main family vaults. And considering how much money Albus had embezzled from Harry's accounts had not even been ten percent of his holdings, Harry would not have to worry about running out of money. Nor would he have to worry about the money bag being stolen since the ones provided by Gringotts to its clients were immune to Summoning charms, so as long as Harry closed his bag and did not carelessly leave it somewhere no one besides him should be able to take its contents.

Harry did not take the full 10,000 Galleons within the vault though he did get close before he joined Grimthorn on the cart to return to the lobby. During the ride back up, Harry spun his combined Family ring on his finger and felt a wave of magic from it that let him know that some of his betrayers had already received the Vassel cuffs for their actions against him.


A day after Harry, Bonecrusher, and Bladetomb entered the special training room most of the Weasley family received their Vassel Cuffs. Even though Molly and Arthur wanted to head to the nearest branch of Gringotts after their traveler checks had been denied not only at the Wand shop but a few other Magical businesses, the nearest branch could only be reached by a Portkey. Rather than interrupt their vacation by booking a Portkey trip, Molly bullied Bill to pay for everything. They had come to visit him after all.

As their vacation for the moment involved them going around to some of the open tombs Bill and his team were working on, there was very little magical travel being done as most trips were either on foot or camelback. And while some of the family complained about the heat and smell of the camels the rest were alright with it seeing it as a big adventure. Bill getting tired of being asked to pay for souvenirs, food, and drink from the rest of his family decided to take the family somewhere else the next day. Booking a short-distance Portkey to a desert oasis where his family could spend the day swimming and having fun.

Everything had gone as he planned, with even Molly delighted about the idea of going to the oasis, yet as the Portkey dropped them off everyone noticed something strange. On each of their non-dominant hands' wrists, a strange cuff had appeared. Some, like Charlie, and the twins, tried to pull them off, Arthur not trusting the cuff's appearance cast a detection charm on it. Out of everyone, Ginny actually liked the cuff as she lifted it to smile at the design of a lion's head poking out of a cauldron which for some reason made her think of her Harry. After ten minutes of trying to force the cuffs to get off their wrist, Charlie, Fred, and George stopped panting a little due to the heat and the exertion.

Molly was worried about the cuff on her wrist but had been terrified to see it on her babies' arms as well. She had gently taken Ron's arm and was doing her best to get the cuff off with some magic while not harming her youngest son. Percy seeing the cuff on his wrist felt a spark of memory about it as he took his bag and began to rummage through it for a book where he might have read about similar cuffs appearing on a person's wrist. Both Percy and his dad discovered what the cuffs were at the same time, catching each other's eye as they wondered if they should share it with the rest of the family. But seeing the somewhat frantic state that most of the family was in to get the cuffs off, with only Ginny and Bill not doing anything, the pair knew they had to let everyone know what was going on.

"The cuffs will not come off," Arthur said in a calming voice as he got everyone's attention. Well, almost everyone since Bill was just looking down at the cuff and his hands. Arthur guessed that Bill might have known what the cuff was right away due to his work for Gringotts and was just in shock.

"They might, if you helped me a little more," Molly complained looking as if she was ready to try to use her teeth to gnaw the cuff off of Ron's wrist.

"There is only one thing we can do to get them to come off," Arthur said shaking his head sadly at his wife.

"Well, go ahead and tell us so we can remove these things. Unless you want everyone to burn their wrist with unmovable metal on them in this heat," Molly said.

"These cuffs are considered Vassel Cuffs which means someone discovered we were taking money or treasure from them but rather than having us arrested or declaring us enemies of their House, they made us into their Vassel," Arthur explained not saying that it was most likely Harry who had done so just in case their family was not alone at the oasis who might overhear them.

"The cuffs will remain in place until we pay the person back," Percy finished.

"We have never taken money from anyone," Molly protested which Arthur and her older children guess she was saying in case there were others around. Or possibly for Ron and Ginny's benefit who had yet to be told that their personal vaults were filled with money passed on from Albus from Harry's accounts.

"These cuffs would also explain why the traveler checks were declined yesterday," Arthur said ignoring his wife's comment. "The vaults the checks were tied to have been cleared out to start to pay our debt. But there was not enough in it so our family has been made into Vassels for someone."

"What does that mean, Daddy?" Ginny asked.

"Until we pay back the money we owe, the person who has made us into Vassels now has almost complete control over our family line, or possibly lines," Percy said looking towards Fred and George to see if there was a way to determine if Harry had claimed control over the Prewett line as well. If he had, Percy could not see it.

"This is a load of Centaur sh*t," Molly said. "How dare he after everything we did for him. Taking him in and Ron befriending him. That brat if he thinks he can do this to us. Ron I want you and Ginny to make it clear to him how disappointed we are with his actions. Fred, George you two are to prank him to kingdom come for thinking he can get away with this, and Percy since you got the notice that you are the new Headboy, give him nightly detentions. If he was in a different house I would say take points away but as he is in Gryffindor we don't want them to lose the House Cup," Molly said laying down the law with her kids still attending Hogwarts.

She then turned to Bill to add, "When we get back, I want you to straighten all this out with your bosses."

"I can't do it," Bill said in a quiet voice which was trembling.

"Of course, you can just explain to them that we were using the funds to provide and look after him since he had told Ron about his horrible relatives," Molly said.

"No, I really can't. You all just received the cuff, but when I arrived I had received a pink slip. I no longer work at Gringotts," Bill confessed opening his right hand to show off his notice of termination to everyone.

"That settles it we are going back to England today," Arthur said.

"We can't, Dad," Bill protested.

"Of course, we can," Molly shot back.

"No, we can't. I used almost the last of my funds to pay for this Portkey trip so we don't have any money to reschedule the Portkey back to England," Bill shared making everyone turn to Charlie.

"I can buy food and stuff until then, but I don't have enough to change our departure time," Charlie said thinking that by the end of the week, he would be nearly out of money himself based on how much money Bill had used yesterday on everyone.*

Flashback 2

Three days after Harry had started his training at the bank both Muriel Prewett and Aberforth Dumbledore received their Vassel cuffs when they went to the bank for routine matters. Thankfully the pair since they had taken no part in the embezzlement of Harry's funds or received any of the money taken from him, just had the cuffs placed on their wrist. Their accounts were left alone, and the Goblins told them it was not even their responsibility to pay back a single knut to Harry. Both grumbled a little for having the cuff as they cursed out Albus and Weasley's actions for forcing Harry to take control of both their Houses.

End Flashbacks

As Harry left the bank for the first time in both a year and a week, his first trip was to a restaurant to get some non-Goblin prepared food. Harry luxuriated with the meal of a pork tenderloin sandwich as he barely paid attention to the other diners talking worriedly about Black being on the loose. If he had been paying attention, Harry would not have been worried since Bonecrusher had found evidence in James and Lily's Wills that Sirius Black had not been the Potter's Secret Keeper meaning that he should have been only charged for killing the street full of Muggles. And while it was a horrible thing to say, the Magical World did not see the death of a Muggle in the same light as a killed Magical. So rather than a life sentence in Azkaban for the deaths of the Muggles, Sirius should have only gotten a twenty-year sentence. And sure the sentence was not up yet before he escaped, Hary would not fear the man for a couple of reasons. Firstly, he now knew that thanks to Sirius being innocent of sending Riddle after his parents, it was highly unlikely that the man was targeting Harry. Secondly, after his training at the back, if perchance Sirius's mind had been messed up by his stint in the prison Harry would be able to defend himself from the man.

Finishing his meal, Harry reminded in his seat as he pulled out some parchment and wrote a note to Professor McGonagall, as well as to a man named Lord Vansel whom Bonecrusher stated was the current head of the Hogwarts Board of Governors. The two letters were the same as Harry informed both his Head of House and the Head of the Hogwarts Governors that he no longer wished to start classes in Divinations and Care of Magical Creatures. He informed the pair that he was changing electives to Study of Ancient Runes and Introduction to Magical Sciences which was a prerequisite class for anyone who wanted to get into Warding, Alchamey, and Enchantments classes which started in a student's Fifth Year.

Harry sent Hedwig with the letter to McGonagall, thus letting her no longer have to ride on his shoulder after she had rejoined him once he left the bank. He visited the post office to purchase a Messenger Bird to send the second letter to Lord Vansel. Once both letters had been sent, Harry's next stop was a shop to buy a new trunk, he had no issues with the one he currently had, but Bonecrusher told him about a variety that had powerful wards and multiple compartments which sounded good to Harry. When Harry left the shop he had a top-of-the-line trunk that had cost him a little over 3000 Galleons which could be shrunk just by placing his wand on the keyhole, had Wards that would prevent anyone else from opening it up, and even had one compartment which could be used as a small one bedroom apartment. Harry placed his old trunk inside one of the compartments thinking he would have time to sort things later as he headed to get some new robes.

Since according to the letters from Hogwarts he had only had to buy his robes from Madam Malkins for his first year at the castle, Harry decided to check out a place called Radagst's Robes. Harry was greeted by a man who looked like a Muggle biker with bare feet and a beard that rivaled Hagrids though in a strange design and rainbow colored. The man turned out to be Radagst himself and got rather excited when Harry told him he wanted a full set of robes not only for school but also for public use. It did not take as long as Harry expected it to, as Radagast just took the proper measurements before asking about the designs and colors he wanted from the non-school robes before giving Harry an order slip and telling him to come back in a little more than an hour to received and purchase the robes.

Having an hour to kill, Harry went to restock his potion ingredients as well as buy Hedwig some treats and new supplies. Not that he was ever going back to the Dursleys ever again, Harry purchased a new cage for Hedwig which could not be locked to keep his beloved bird inside. The cage would actually read Hedwig's magic, once Harry connected it to her, and would open and close whenever Hedwig needed it to.

After restocking his school supplies, Harry still had some time so he went to get his new books. The worker nearly broke down in tears of joy when Harry told him he did not need a Monster Book of Monsters for his class. Harry received a discount from the store when he passed on something he learned from Bonecrusher during his training as they had been going over some lessons. When the Monster Book of Monsters had escaped from Harry's bag during the lesson, Bonecrusher told Harry how to calm it down. After Harry shared with the shopkeeper to rub the book spine to quiet the books down, the man was so pleased that he helped Harry get every book he needed for class as well as the one both Bonecrusher and Bladetomb suggested he take a look at. With his discount for helping to calm the Monster Book of Monsters down, an order that had been a little over eight hundred Galleons had been reduced to just over seven hundred and twenty-two Galleons.

With still a little over ten minutes for his robes to be finished, Harry finally went to the Leaky Cauldron to get a room, but on his way there he noticed the path was blocked as something was being delivered to Quality Quidditch Supply which had drawn such a large crowd Harry could not get past it. Hoping to find a path back to the bar and hotel, Harry enters a side street he had never used before. When he found a turn that could lead him around the crowd and back to the main street, Harry stopped as he found another hotel situated at the corner. As the place looked cleaner than the Leaky Cauldron, Harry entered it to see if they had any rooms available. He was in luck as the person manning the front desk said there was a single room open though he told him that to use it until Hogwarts started up again it would cost him a grand total of five hundred and fifty-one Galleons, and a single Knut. As Harry had just bought his books for a lot more than that, he passed over the necessary funds before he was shown to his room.

All Harry did once he got to the room was store his trunk before he headed out to Radagast's Robes to pick up his new clothing. Harry wished he had kept his trunk with him as he had to stuff the robes into a shopping bag, except for the one he changed into since the clothing he had been wearing was a little tight on his new muscular form not to mention short in the arm and legs area due to how much he had grown during his training. Thanking Radagast, Harry returned to his hotel room and spent the rest of the afternoon sorting out his new trunk.


* As Bill and Charlie have other jobs that had money going to vaults that had not been set up to receive the embezzled funds from Harry's accounts they still have access to that money for a bit. Rather than it being confiscated like the vaults the embezzled funds had been sent to.

Chapter 86: Shouldn't I get...


After returning to his Aunt and Uncle's place after the Triwizard Tournament, Harry realizes he needs some things.


Tags: Albus, Hogwarts, Hermione, and selective Weasley Bashing. The Ministry of Magic is corrupt. Asexual Harry Potter

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

An Apology?

After Harry had returned to Private Drive, he started to spend more and more time listening to the Muggle news, scrounging up newspapers, and just exploring the place. He was looking for any sign of Voldemort's return but had been unable to find anything. As he explored, Harry's always felt like he was being watched but had also been unable to find out who if anyone was watching him besides his batty old neighbor Ms. Figg. The best idea, Harry came up with over who was watching him was a random stranger, since he had spent most of his time observing strangers himself. Harry began to notice something that he considered strange, as he sometimes witnessed the people he watched end up apologizing for something.

Like a kid who had been hauled over to one of their neighbor's house by their parent and forced to apologize for hitting a baseball through the neighbor's window. Or a pair of friends who faced off against each other at a local arcade apologizing for beating the other in a match. A man demanding an apology from another motorist who had rear-ended him at a stop light. The examples went on and on of people apologizing to others. Maybe apologies were just on Harry's mind at the moment making him notice them more, since in almost all the letters he got from his two friends they apologized to him. In each of their letters, which by the sound of it were being sent from the same place, Hermione and Ron kept apologizing that they could not tell him anything more. Not that they really told him anything in the first place when he asked them about any news about what Voldemort and his supporters were doing.

As Harry began to think about it, the apologies in the letters made him think about the kid being forced to apologize for breaking the window as if someone was making them write their letters to him. This made Harry think back to other apologies he had gotten from the pair, like when Hermione apologized for telling Professor McGonagall about the Firebolt Sirius had sent him. Saying it had been for his own good and protection. She had given a weak apology when he got the broom back, but then again by that point in the year she had been losing it due to her use of the Time-Turner.

As for Ron, well, Harry realized his friend had never really apologized to him at all. He had gotten close after the First Task, but Harry had told him he had not needed to hear it. Having a lot of free time nowadays, Harry had been able to think back to the Medical Tent after facing the dragon, and having Ron look like he was about to apologize, but in his mind, Harry pictured his friend's face looking relieved when Harry had told him he had not needed to hear it. Thinking about the two friends who had faced off in the video game and how they apologized to each other for winning, despite telling each other they did not have to, made Harry realize that if Ron was a good friend. The redhead should have still apologized for how he had acted after Harry's name had come out of the Goblet of Fire.

Harry began to wonder how Ron and Hermione apologized to others, and since he was not getting anything new from his two friends, he decided to send Hedwig to Neville. Since Neville was the only other person Hermione might apologize to for her use of the Full Body Bind on him in their First Year, Harry hoped to learn how sincere Hermione's apology had felt to his other friend. As he waited for Hedwig to return with Neville's letter, Harry thought about the other students at Hogwarts. Just like Ron not many had come up to apologize how they had reacted to his name coming out of the Goblet of Fire.

Not that it should have surprised him since he could not recall anyone apologizing for how they had treated Hermione, Neville, and him after the whole Norbert thing in his first year. Everyone, except for the Slytherins had treated them like sh*t up until Harry had left the Hospital Wing, yet no one not even the members of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team had even apologized for their behavior. In his second year, only a few people had apologized for thinking he had been Slytherin's Heir but it had only happened after Hermione had been attacked. Yet while Ernie McMillian had apologized for thinking Harry had been he had not apologized for how he had treated Harry during the time he held the belief.

While not many students outside of Slytherin House had teased Harry for his reaction to the Dementors during his Third Year, no one had apologized for making fun of him for the teasing. Not even after Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and Flint had dressed up as Dementors to mess him up during the match against Ravenclaw. Sure the four got detentions but that was only due to the four Slytherins trying to interfere in the match, not for harassing or teasing Harry.

Neville's letter shocked Harry, for not only was the other boy happy to have heard from him but had admitted that Hermione had never apologized for the Full Body Bind she had cast on him. What was worse, Neville appeared to be in a somewhat sharing mood as he told Harry that for months after she had cast the spell, Neville had nightmares of failing the wrong way and braining himself on something in the common room. Harry realized that while Neville had hung out with Hermione, Ron, and him a lot at the end of their first year due to how the rest of the school was reacting to them, Neville had avoided them a little at the start of the second year.

Neville's letter helped Harry decide on something, he was no longer going to accept half-assed or insincere apologies. Nor would he act friendly to people who failed to apologize to him at all, including his two friends. So until Ron and Hermione could give him a true and heartfelt apology for what they had done regarding Sirius sending the Firebolt and him being forced to take part in the Tournament, he would not trust them completely again.

However, things changed a little the day he got Neveille's response as he and Dudley were attacked by a pair of Dementors. After Harry sent them packing with his Patronus Charm, he learned Ms. Figg was a Squib, he was being followed by some man named Mundungust. Reaching his Aunt and Uncle's place Harry was expelled from Hogwarts, and then just ten minutes later said his school future would depend on a hearing at the Ministry. A letter from Mr. Weasley also told him to stay put as if he were a kid who had been found taking cookies from a jar and getting a time-out. It all pissed him off, and he would have raged if he did not feel drained and wanted to be alone.

As soon as he got back to his room after dealing with his family and according to his uncle a "peck" of owls, Harry sent Hedwig to Ron, Hermione, and Sirius about what had just happened and told his beloved bird to wait until the three gave long letters in response and gave her permission to peck them if she had to. He had thought that he would wake up to letters from the trio the next morning but it took another week for anything to happen as a group of people came to collect him from the Durlsyes.

A Lawyer?

Harry was not sure if he should have trusted the visitors who had broken into #4, and he might not have done so if not for Remus being there. After leaving Private Drive, Harry was led along a long broom ride into the heart of London as he was brought to the Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. Which turned out to be Sirius's home. Harry was overjoyed to see his Godfather again even if he was only for a short hug before Mrs. Weasley ordered him to go upstairs and wait with Ron and Hermione until supper. Reaching the room Ron was staying in, Harry was reunited with Hedwig. Ron and Hermione complained about how Hedwig had pecked them before offering up more half-assed apologies, but Hary ignored them as he smiled as he petted Hedwig's head. If they could not give him a real apology, Harry had no trouble not apologizing for ordering Hedwig to peck them until they wrote him long letters after the Dementor attack.

When they were all called down to supper, Harry was at least glad to see that Sirius did not have any injuries from Hedwig's pecking, but he had also not received a letter from him. For a moment, Harry wondered if Sirius had been trying to get him information and if someone was changing the letters or preventing them from being sent to him. During the meal, Harry wanted to find out what he had to do during the upcoming hearing. "You don't have to do anything Harry, you did nothing wrong," Mrs. Weasley told him.

"But shouldn't I get a lawyer or someone to defend me?" Harry asked thinking about the news stories he had heard about a high-profile trial that was happening in the Muggle World and the lawyers as they worked the case.

"Of course not," Mrs. Weasley answered. It was only due to where he was seated that Harry saw Sirius and Remus exchange a worried glance with each other. He had a feeling they wanted to talk about something Mrs. Weasley's response without her around, so Harry dropped it as he asked about the Order.

Later that night, after everyone headed to bed or back to their own homes, Sirius invited Remus up to his room for a nightcap. "I don't like it," Sirius said once the door to his room had been shut, locked, and warded for privacy from Molly, Kreacher, or anyone else who might try to spy on him.

"Neither do I, Sirius," Remus said hoping to keep his old friend calm.

"What is worse, no one else seemed to think Harry needs a lawyer for this thing either. Not even Tonks, and I know her parents are Barristers," Sirius steamed a little as he paced before his bed.

"Well, maybe Albus is planning to represent Harry,' Remus pointed out.

"If so then Molly should have said, but she makes it sound like Harry does not need to worry about it as if he was still a little kid who had not even gone to Hogwarts yet," Sirius said.

"Well, she seems to treat her kids that way, I don't think she can help it," Remus reminded him making them both think of how she would scold and try to give the Weasley twins time-outs for Apparating around the home, even though they had specifically asked Sirius who's home it was permission to do so.

"But Harry is not her kid, he is Lily and James, and with them both gone he is my Godson meaning if anyone should decide if he gets the lawyer he wants, it should be me," Sirius said as if that settled everything.

"You know she will make a fuss about it and most likely complain to Albus about it, just like she did when she learned you gave Fred and George to practice out their Apparating around d the place," Remus said.

"Then we go behind her back, as I said I am as close as Harry has to a parent here, and it is time I do something about it," Sirius said as he had Remus leave for the night before writing a letter to the Black Family Account Manager.

The next morning after breakfast, Mrs. Weasley began to usher Harry and the others out of the room to start cleaning something, but as Harry got up, Sirius grabbed his arm. "Have you finished your summer homework yet Harry?" Sirius asked him.

Harry wanted to say he had but the look on his Godfather's face made it seem like the man wanted him to say he hadn't. Thinking it would get him out of cleaning, after all that is what he mostly did at Privat Drive, Harry announced, "Just about, but I have a few things left to do."

"Ah, well Molly had everyone finish their work before they started to clean, so as they work you can come to my room to finish it," Sirius said.

"I can help," Hermione said.

"No, you can join the others in cleaning, after all. Molly had you all work on your homework by yourselves. It would not be fair to Ron if you helped Harry," Sirius said getting to his feet and not wanting the girl to help Harry since she only offered to do so once Molly sent the girl an almost unobtrusive nod to get her to. Sirius quickly led Harry out of the room to collect his supplies from the bedroom he had shared with Ron before taking his Godson up to his room.

Once the room had been locked and Warderd, Harry asked, "So why did you want me to tell everyone I had not finished with my homework?"

"Remus and I agree that you need a lawyer for your hearing, and seeing how dismissive Molly had been about the idea, this was the only way to get you to see one," Sirius explained.

"So you or Remus is a lawyer?" Harry asked.

"Merlin, no. Just like your dad I was an Auror, and Remus is a lifelong student and sometimes a teacher," Sirius said with a laugh.

"Then how can I see a lawyer while locked in your room?" Harry asked.

"You can meet one since as the owner of this house, and a member of the Black Family I have access to a special artifact that allows me to go to Gringotts to discuss my accounts," Sirius said.

"I still don't get it," Harry admitted.

"As I long ago claimed you as my Heir, I can bring you along to the meeting where we can discuss getting you a lawyer, or seeing if your family has any on retainer," Sirius explained. Before Harry could bring up another point, Sirius took hold of his upper arm and used his other hand to flick a black bell on his bedside table. As the bell rang, Sirius' room seemed to quiver as if the soundwaves had become visible and came to surround Harry and his Godfather. When the ringing stopped and the soundwaves vanished Harry found he and Sirius were in a different room with a pair of Goblins sitting on the other side of a large ruby desk.

"Lord Black, I would like to offer you my thanks for calling for this meeting and explaining what you wanted to your Account Manager," one of the Goblins said bowing low enough to expose his bare neck to the pair of humans.

"Um, sure. Who are you?" Sirius asked.

"My name is Bonecrusher, and I am your Godson's Account Manager. I have been trying to reach him since he returned to our world, but he either left the bank before I could talk to him or had others with him that I did not want him to be with during our talk. I had tried to send him countless letters but they have all been returned unopened making me assume that he has a Mail Ward in place," the Goblin said before turning to Harry. "Heir Potter, a member of my family has managed your clan's accounts since your Ancestor Ingotius Peverell was of age to open up his own account. While I don't doubt your identity since you have been out of touch with your main accounts for so long, I am going to have to insist you take an inheritance test," Bonecrusher said as he pulled out a bag and began to remove stuff from it.

"I get this is important but I just brought my Godson here to find out if his family had any lawyers on retainer," Sirius protested.

"They do, but I have a feeling that the test will reveal more issues you will want a lawyer to look into than what you originally had in mind," Bonecrusher said.

Sirius could only sit back and watch knowing it would be best to trust his Godson's manager if the Goblin said the test would be needed for more evidence in Harry's upcoming hearing, not that Sirius could think of what the test could show unless it revealed Harry had been exposed to the Dementors recently. Unfortunately, the test revealed nothing about Harry being exposed to a Dementor but was damning none the less. According to the test, Harry was under potions to make him loyal to Molly, Ron, Hermione, and Albus. There were some love potions that had thankfully not taken effect that would make Harry love Ginny who Sirius found just as bad as her mother. Several of Harry's magical skills had been blocked or cut off completely, but thankfully one remained which had helped him throw off the love potions. Sirius could see Harry was confused about that skill as he blushed and looked up at Sirius as if afraid. but Sirius just smiled and gave him a one-armed hug.

Besides the potions and spells that had been cast on Harry, the test revealed that large amounts of money had been removed from Harry's accounts and sent to accounts controlled by Albus, Molly, Hermione, Ron, and the Order of the Phoenix though it was listed on the test as The Bird Fund. Sirius growled seeing that Albus and Hermione had also taken countless books from Harry's family holdings leaving mostly just Harry's family Grimoirs alone. Albus as Harry's Magical Guardian had also signed off on one of the Potter Family properties, Shell Cottage to be given to Molly. The bastard had also teamed up with Molly to set up a Marriage Contract between Harry and Ginny. As This was the second time Ginny was mentioned in Harry's test, Sirius wondered if the girl was involved as much as her mother and older brother were since she was not getting any money taken from Harry and placed into a personal account.

"You were right, Harry, needs a lawyer to deal with all of this," Sirius said reaching the end of the test.

"Um, yeah," Bonecrusher said a little shocked as he read on the test how Harry having to take part in the Triwizard Tournament was no longer considered the Heir but the Lord of all of his families apart from the Black family since Sirius was still alive. "I will get in touch with the law firm his family has on retainer as well as gathering his rings," Bonecrusher said getting to his feet.

"Can you make them into something else for the moment?" Sirius asked.

"Why?" the Potter Account Manager asked.

"At the moment, Molly and her kids are staying at my place, so are going to be around. I don't want them to realize we found out any of this until we have a chance to press charges against them," Sirius said.

"I do believe that Lord Potter's Great-Great-Grandmother made her Family Rings when she led the house into a necklace will that work?" Bonecrusher asked.

"I think that will do fine," Sirius said taking in Harry's oversized clothing that once belonged to his cousin Dudley.

"Very good," Bonecrusher said as he went to gather Lady Lena Potter's Necklace and apply the enchantments on it so it would play host to Harry's other family rings from the lines of Peverell, Gryffindor, Merlin, Slytherin, and Gaunt.

As Bonecrusher left the room, he had Downax schedule a Cleansing for Harry to get all the potions and enchantments off of him before Harry and Sirius left the bank. Sirius told his Account Manager that Harry and he had to be back at Grimmauld Place by lunch making Downax request the use of a Time-Turner due to some of the stuff on Harry like a Horcrux which Sirius had no idea what it was but had been told it was a Triple S-ranked dangerous artifact. As Downax worked to get Harry a priority Cleansing, Harry asked about the protections that had prevented the love potions from working. "Well, as your form said it was due to you being Asexual," Sirius explained.

"But how can it know that?" Harry asked blushing a little and looking scared as if Sirius would not like him because of his condition.

"A person's magic is a part of them, not a separate entity. So if you feel no sexual attraction to others, your magic knows and will protect you if anyone tries to change that," Sirius said shaking his head sadly. "There are some who have tried to make potions or spells to "fix" a person's sexuality let it be their preference for a certain gender or not make them Ace. They mostly fail, but some have succeded."

"So I can be cured of this?" Harry asked.

"NO," Sirius said almost in a harsh bark. "You can not be cured for there is nothing wrong with you. So you don't feel sexual attraction to others so what? I have known Aces who are okay with having sex and some who don't. What is important is what you want. After all sexual acts require consent so if you don't want to do it it should be enough to say no. Hopefully, you find a person who accepts that, otherwise, it is their loss," Sirius said showing he did not care that Harry was Asexual as he pulled his Godson into a tight hug.

As they waited for the Ritual room to become available or Bonecrusher to come back, Sirius had Harry tell him what he wanted in a relationship, if he wanted one in the first place. Harry admitted that given the choice if he ended up with a partner he wanted a sort of Disney relationship. Not familiar with what that meant, Sirius had Harry explain, who told his Godfather about Muggle Disney movies where a romance on the screen was at most kisses, and maybe some cuddling. Feeling rather awkward, Sirius asked Harry how he felt about sex and learned that his Godson found the whole idea rather gross. Wanting to move past the thought of two people doing something so disgusting, Harry joked that the only part of the Disney romance he did not want was the saving the kingdom or wicked step-parent thing. It sort of broke Sirius when he realized that while Harry did not want to have that part of the romance he had the evil step-parents covered with his Muggle relatives, and most already wanted Harry to save everyone from Voldy.

Thanks to the Time-Turner attached to the Cleansing, Harry and Sirius got home before lunch. Harry showed Remus his new Lordship Necklace before slipping it under his shirt before the three of them headed down to eat. During the meal, Ron complained that Harry had not had to help clean out the Drawing Room, while Hermione tossed out comments that he needed her help to do his homework correctly. It was all Harry could do not to roll his eyes at the pair, no longer feeling the Magical connection that he had been forced on him towards them.

After lunch, Harry, Sirius, and Remus headed back up to Sirius's room. As Remus covered for them again, Harry and Sirius headed back to Gringotts to meet with a lawyer. The first thing the lawyer who introduced himself as Barrister Reyes had Harry do was provide a memory of his encounter with the Dementors. Harry was a little shocked the man had not mentioned Sirius being there but decided not to get into it either as he was shown how to make a Pensive Memory. Barrister Reyes began to ask Harry questions about the Dementor attack like how he had been able to produce a Patronus so young, and his thoughts on it. When Harry shared his belief that the Dementors had been sent by Voldemort, after Barrister Reyes flinched he asked why Harry thought so. This led to Harry making a Pensive Memory of the events in the graveyard a couple of months ago and the Dark Lord's rebirth.

When Barrister Reyes recognized Worrmtail and asked Harry about it, Harry smirked as he created a Pensive Memory of the end of his Third Year when he met Sirius for the first time and learned the truth about how his parents had died. Barrister Reyes looked relieved at this who had not reacted to Sirius's presence due to the meeting taking place at Gringotts but had feared for his new client. With the three Pensive Memories, Barrister Reyes assured Harry and Sirius that there was no way Harry would be charged for his use of a Patornus Charm. As the man was about to leave, Sirius had Harry pass over the test he had taken that morning so they could hire the man to start charges against Albusa and the others. Barrister Reyes promised he would start the case after the Hearing was over, but having heard that Albus was talking about defending Harry himself, Reyes placed a charm on Harry so that any documents related to the Hearing would be sent to him instead. Just in case someone tried to confuse Harry by using legal language that the young Lord would not understand.

Barrister Reyes tried to leave again only for Sirius to bring up pressing charges against the Prophet for running Harry's name through the mun since the start of the summer. Rather than commenting on if he would do so, Reyes instructed Harry to arrive for the Hearing at the Ministry no less than four hours early just in case. Harry and Sirius were a little confused about the suggestion but promised to do so. Saying that they would take Mr. Weasley to take Harry in with him to work on the day of the Hearing if Reyes wanted to find him.

Unfortunately, they could not act like Harry had more homework to do after the first day meaning Harry was dragged along to help in cleaning the rooms Molly decided needed to get done. Sirius not wanting to leave Harry alone with them, would join in the cleaning, and if he could not get out of something he would have Remus stay close to Harry.

On the day of his hearing, Harry left for the Ministry with Mr. Weasley arriving three hours early rather than the four that Barrister Reyes suggested. It seems the Barrister knew what he was talking about for Harry and Mr. Weasley barely arrived at Mr. Weasley's office when Reyes showed up in a towering tempter as he took Harry downstairs. Harry followed in the man's wake as Barrister Reyes threw open the doors to a courtroom making everyone inside jump. "I am filing charges against the Ministry for this," Barrister Reyes said as he and Harry entered the room.

"Now, see here," Fudge began.

"No, I was hired by Messor Potter to defend him during his Hearing. Since he has no knowledge of the legal system I placed a charm so that any letter sent to him about the Hearing would be redirected to me. I just got the notice that the time had been changed ten minutes ago. For legal reasons, a notice of both time and venue needs to be filed at least twenty-four hours before a hearing or trial is called so I am pressing charges," Barrister Reyes said cutting the Minister off. "And it is also quite illegal for a simple case of underage magic for the caster to be seen before a full court, so I will be looking into that as well."


I wanted to finally have Harry have the same sexual identity that I have outside the story where he also has a Little Space.

I have a part two for this story in mind which at the moment is entitled Shouldn't I get... a Fair Trial?

Chapter 87: Shouldn't I get.... part 2


Harry's "Hearing"


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

A Fair Trial?

When no one responded to Barrister Reyes's comment about the illegal actions already in evidence for Harry's hearing, the barrister led Harry to the seat before the judge's bench. "While I consider everything so far with this Hearing as illegal, what are the actual charges against my client?" Barrister Reyes asked glaring up at Fudge and Madam Bones.

"Yes, um," Madam Bones said sounding a little off-footed. "Your client has been charged with casting underage magic outside of school as well as doing so in the presence of a Muggle."

"During what time frame?" Reyes asked.

Madam Bones looked over her documents before she answered. "Just the casting of the Patronus Charm a few weeks ago."

"Very well," Reyes said as he looked at the trio of judges as well as the rest of the people within the court. "Since you have changed my client's Hearing into a full session of Court I would like to submit evidence for the defense one," he said producing the first of Harry's premade Memory vials.

"I will not allow the delusional memories of Mr. Potter to be taken as evidence," Fudge called out.

"As I was present when Messor Potter removed this memory from his mind and it showed no alterations as it was removed, can I ask how you feel that my client is delusional?" Reyes asked.

"How he is delusional? How about the fact he believes You-Know-Who is back?" Fudge asked with a scoff.

"Yet you think that it is possible for the man to return," Reyes pointed out.

"I do not," Fudge said getting slightly annoyed.

"If your honor does not think the man will return and is in fact dead, why not call him something like You-Knew-Who thus speaking of him in the past tense?" Reyes asked making Harry have to bite his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing. Harry thought the man had a fair point but the look on Fudge's face was just priceless. "Also if you think my client is delusional besides having him mentally tested which will take longer, I will allow him to be given Truth Potioin so long as any questions asked of him pertain to the case and evidence at hand," Reyes said.

"I have heard that Mr. Potter can throw off the Imperious Charm, what is to say he will be unable to throw off any Truth Potion we use?" a toad-like woman sitting beside Fudge asked shocking Harry since her voice sounded rather girlish rather than the harsh croak that would match her body.

"I have never come across anyone who can throw off or defeat the effects of Veritaserum, so if you have concerns I will allow my client to use it to prove their innocence in this matter. Once again so long as the court keeps to asking questions which are relevant to the trial and the evidence that has been given," Reyes said.

Having no way around it now, Fudge sent Percy Weasley who was acting as court scribe out of the room to fetch some Veritaserum to use on Harry. "Um, Headmaster Dumbledore is waiting to enter outside," Percy reported as he returned with the potion.

"What is he doing here?" Fudge asked.

"He told me he was here to defend Harry," Percy answered.

"Well, Potter already has a lawyer so he can stay out there," Fudge said before ordering the court bailiffs to place Wards on the door to prevent anyone from entering the courtroom unless they were called in as a witness.

Before Reyes allowed Harry to drink the Truth Potion, he had the court produce its Pensive and loaded up Harry's first prepared memory. "Messor Potter is the memory that I just placed in the Court Pensive the one you submitted to me a few days ago?" Reyes asked.

"It is," Harry said in a monotone voice showing the potion had taken effect.

Has it been altered in any way?" Reyes asked.

"As far as I know it has not," Harry responded.

"What do you mean as far as you know?" the toad-like woman asked.

"As I only saw a snippet before Barrister Reyes stopped it I can not say if it has been altered," Harry answered.

"Very well show us the memory," Fudge said.

The memory of Harry and Dudley getting accosted by the Dementors played, first from Harry's point of view before Reyes used the magic of the Pensive to show it from a third-person observer's perspective. "Now that you have seen the full memory Messor Potter, has it been altered?" Reyes asked.

"It has not," Harry said still in the same monotone voice.

"As you can see, with the appearance of the Dementors my client was well within his rights to cast magic in front of the Muggle. Who I will point out is his cousin and thus knows about the Magical World. Since the spell most likely saved both their lives and souls," Reyes said.

"But the possibilities that two Dementors just happened to find a Magical human in a Muggle area are astronomical," Madam Bones said.

"My client had a theory about that," Reyes said.

"Oh and what might that be?" Fudge said in a teasing tone but since it was put in the form of a question, Harry was forced thanks to the Truth Potion to answer.

"Voldemort sent them after me," Harry said making everyone in the courtroom flinch at the man's name.

"Poppy co*ck," Fudge said wiping his brow from hearing the Dark Lord's name. "Alright, I can believe that Potter's memory is true but there is no way that man is back."

"I would like to present defense evidence number two," Reyes said pulling out Harry's second prepared Memory.

"Wait, I am confused your first piece of evidence showed Messor Potter had reason to cast the Patronus what else is there?" Madam Bones asked.

"Just like most of you are thinking after hearing Messor Potter's belief of why the Dementors attacked him and his cousin, I asked him about his statement that You-Know-Who is back. Which lead him to share with me this second memory. Once again Messor Potter is this the same memory that was provided for me in our earlier meeting?" Reyes asked as he poured the contents into the Court Pensive before freezing it on a scene of a graveyard.

"It appears to be," Harry said.

"Oh just play the thing to get this over with," Fudge said clearly annoyed that things were not going his way.

Reyes smiled as he allowed the second memory to play out in full showing everything that happened to his client after he arrived in the graveyard from the death of Cedric Diggory to Harry escaping via the Triwizard Cup. "Messor Potter, was this the memory you submitted to me at our meeting?" Reyes asked even topping off the Truth Potion so no one could say Harry was now lying.

"It was," Harry said in his monotone voice.

"As some moments were blocked due to you closing your eyes which blanked out the scene when it was in a third-person perspective can you explain what happened?" Reyes asked.

"During those moments I was in too much pain to look as it was when Voldemort touched me causing me excruciating pain. It used to work both ways but part of the ritual allowed him to bypass it on his end," Harry answered.

As they had not covered this during their prep, Reyes was forced to ask for clarification. "How can you be sure it worked both ways?"

"When I met some form of Voldemort back in my First Year we both felt pain when we touched. That was how I was able to prevent him from getting the Philosopher's Stone, though it cost Professor Quirrell his life," Harry said.

"How could it have cost Professor Quirrell his life?" Reyes asked.

"At the time of our confrontation, Voldemort was sharing the body of Professor Quirrell so my touch damaged him until he was useless to Voldemort," Harry answered.

"I see," Reyes said wishing he had known this earlier so he could have had Harry make a memory of that encounter as well. Instead, the barrister moved on to showing certain details from Harry's second memory. "Now as my client is still under the Truth Potion and has verified this memory has not been altered it proves he has been correct in saying You-Know-Who is back. While it does not pertain to this Hearing, I will be filing an injunction against the Daily Prophet and the Ministry again for running stories and slander against my client due to the belief he was lying about You-Know-Who."

"As it does not pertain to this case let's not hear any more about it then," Fudge said beginning to sweat a little since he had used his influence over the Prophet to have them print the comments about Potter.

"I would like to point out a couple of other things about Messor Potter's second memory. First of all, my office has worked to transcribe the memory so we have a list of the names that You-Know-Who had talked about letting us know any the Ministry had not tried yet, even if their mask were not removed in the memory. Secondly, I would like to draw everyone's attention to this man," Reyes said moving the memory back to the beginning before any of the other Death Eaters showed up. "While in the memory this man is only referred to as Wormtail, it is clear that this man is Peter Pettigrew."

There were gasps of shock as more people realized he was correct about the man's identity in the memory. "How is that possible, the man died nearly fourteen years ago?" a man three seats behind Madam Bones asked.

In response to the question, Reyes pulled out Harry's third and final prepared memory. "I would like to give you Defense Evidence Three which took place at the end of my client's third year at Hogwarts." Once again Harry was asked to make sure that it was the same memory he had given his lawyer before it was shown to the court. At the end of the memory, the members of the court began to talk among themselves with many wondering why Albus had lied to everyone about who had been the Potter's Secret Keeper. Harry in some small part of his mind which was not under the control of the Truth Potion noticed the color drained from Percy's face. Harry could only guess that it was due to the reveal that Pettigrew had been hiding out as Scabbers, the rat that Percy had found in the Burrow's garden and made into his pet.

Fudge banged his gavel to make everyone stop talking as he barked out, "This is a Hearing about Mr. Potter's use of underage magic not about the possible return of You-Knew-Who or the innocence of Sirius Black."

"Which as everyone already agrees the first evidence I supplied the court proved his innocence," Reyes reminded the man.

"Ah, but what about the Hover Charm he used three years ago, or the time he blew up his aunt? Hm?" Fudge asked.

"Minister Fudge, I would remind you that I already asked about that when I clarified that this hearing was just about this instance of Underage magic," Reyes pointed out. "If you try to charm my client for either of these new actions I will once more charge the Ministry. Since A) he was given a warning for the Hover Charm on his record, and B) you yourself forgave him for blowing up his aunt saying something along the lines that accidents happen," Reyes said having gotten information about both events from Harry just in case Fudge tried to pull something like this.

"Very well," Fudge said through gritted teeth. "If you find Mr. Potter innocent of the charges against him raise your hand." The majority of the people in the court lifted their arms with only Fudge, the toad-like woman, and two others keeping their hands down. "All you find Mr. Potter guilty?" Fudge asked. Not everyone who had kept their hand down during the last vote, voted this time as they evidently chose not to vote or could not make up their minds. "Very well cleared of all charges," Fudge said in a tone that made it sound like he had extremely painful stomach cramps.

"Great," Reyes said as he passed over the antidote to the Truth Potion for Harry to drink. "And now that since it has been shown my client was not lying about You-Know-Who being back as well as Lord Black being innocent and since we are all here. I think we need to discuss those."

"Lord Black?" Madam Bones asked.

"Oh, yes it seems that Lord Black was never really tired for whatever reason after his arrest. Most likely since all it would have taken was the use of a Truth Potion to show he had never been Lord and Lady Potter's Secret Keeper," Reyes said making it sound like that was the reason he knew Sirius was innocent rather than having meet the man at Gringotts and learning the man was still the Head of his Family.

"Dear Merlin's jockey shorts," Trentan Shaklebolt said realizing what this meant. "Are you telling me Sirius Black had been sent to Azkaban without being removed from his potion of Head of his Family?"

"That is precisely what I am saying, one could almost accuse the Ministry of trying to bypass the line of succession within the Black Family," Reyes said making many in the court pale at the thought of it.

"Very well, the hunt for Sirius Black will be called off," Fudge said through gritted teeth.

"And he will be given a public apology for what you did to him, and me," Harry said making Reyes send him a look.

"Mr. Potter, you have not been permitted to speak," the toad-like woman said. "If you do so again you will be held in contempt of court and be punished."

"My client, while speaking out of turn, does have a point. As I mentioned the slander that has been used against him since the end of the Tournament, he should be given a full apology and compensation for the actions against him. And while I do not represent Lord Black, I can assume any Barrister worth their salt will call for the same thing Messor Potter mentioned or end up taking legal actions against the Ministry for wrongful imprisonment, the manhunt which most likely caused some sort of mental anguish not to mention interfering with family politics of one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight," Reyes said making many in the court start to look uncomfortable.

"Now as I was saying I will be pressing charges against the Prophet for the slander against my client but also taking into account that he is underage with no guardian to defend him it makes it worse," Reyes said.

"Of course, he has a guardian. As Albus likes to tell everyone he is ... Mr Potter's Magical Guardian," Fudge ground out.

"He was not a very good one, since my client revealed to me that the first time he saw Professor Dumbledore was on his first day at Hogwarts. And while I can not reveal much at this time, due to having just started to look into the matter, I will be pressing charges against Professor Dumbledore and several other people as well for enchanting and stealing from my client," Reyes said. Fudge and Umbridge shared a look to silently communicate with each other that they had to find out what the man had on Albus so they could make it public and use it against Albus.


as of right now, this is all I have come up with for this story.

Chapter 88: The Invitation part 3


After hearing about Harry's friends, Aunt Petunia tells him about some of her and Vernon's old friends who turned out to have reasons other than friendship to hang out with them.


This is the continuation of the story that began back in the second chapter with part two back in chapter sixteen. Reminder the tags for this story are Dumbledore bashing, selective Weasley bashing, and Petunia redemption.

Chapter Text

The Headmaster's Office

Bill was a little surprised that his mother did not lead the way out of the castle after they had met up with Harry's Muggle Aunt. Rather than going out the front doors, Bill followed his mother deeper into the castle to a golden gargoyle he recalled being somewhere else as a student. "Sugar Quills," his mother said giving what appeared to be a password as the gargoyle moved aside to reveal a moving staircase. Molly Weasley got on, and wondering what was going on, Bill followed her as they rode the staircase up to an ornate door. Bill was not surprised that his mother barged right into the room rather than knocking on the door. Taking in the room, Bill reasoned they had come to Headmaster Dumbledore's office, someplace he had never been to before, and he had once been the Gryffindor Prefect before becoming the Headboy.

Bill continued to follow his mother into the office looking around at everything from the small tables stacked with random machines to the bookcases filled with books. Bill was distracted by the Headmaster asking them what the pair were doing in his office and where Harry was, thanks to his gift of Magic Aura Sight he saw small lines of magic running through the random machines. He found that odd since all the machines looked to be nothing more than perpetual motion machines some Muggles used to study certain Muggle scientific principles or for relaxation. There should be no reason for bits of magic to flow into the machines in one place and come out somewhere else. He also noticed a faint glow in the middle of the machine as if the bits of magic that were going through it were being collected somehow.

So still ignoring his mother telling the Headmaster about their meeting with Harry's aunt, Bill moved closer to one of the tables to get a closer look at one of the machines. Since he only had the gift of Magic Aura Sight but not the ability to read a person's identity from said aura, Bill could not gleam much from the machine until he casually moved his arm, as if fidgeting a little as his mother and Dumbeldore talked, so that his arm moved into the path of one magic stream. As his arm moved through the magic line heading into one of the machines, Bill found his thoughts filled with sensations that were not his own. A part of his mind was now walking among students taking a test, which by the look of the questions he was able to see as he walked through the room appeared to be in Transfiguration.

Bill casually moved his arm back to his side, so as to not make a scene, since that small interaction with the line of magic made him realize what all the strange machines were for. He could not help but gulp a little due to how many machines there all, all with lines of magic running through them. For if they were like the one he had just checked out the machines were being used to track people. As the machine he had checked out seemed to have been tied to Professor McGonagall, Bill tried to reason the machines were just being used to make sure the staff of Hogwarts were doing their jobs properly. However, there were more machines set up in Dumbledore's office than there were staff members at Hogwarts.

He wondered if he should inform his bosses back at the bank about this, in case Albus were using the machines to somehow spy on people as they dealt with the bank since that would be the only reason the Goblins would get involved. As he thought about how to phrase it to his boss, Bill moved away from the machines to not make the Headmaster suspicious who had shot a look of concern at him as he had tested them out. Moving over to the bookcase, Bill started to look through the volumes the Headmaster had collected over the years. He was a little surprised to see his Magic Aura Sight come into play as he looked at the books. Some books had dark auras coming off them as if they contained powerful dark magic, which did not make sense to him based on the headmaster's reputation of hating all forms of dark magic. There were a great number of books that had the aura Bill had long ago learned was his way of reading a Glamor on something.

Moving closer so his Magic Aura Sight could bypass the Glamor on one book, Bill was shocked to find the book was a Muggle phone book, rather than another tome full of dark magic. As nearly three-fourths of the headmaster's collections had similar aura signs of being Glamored, Bill wondered if they were all phone books that had been hidden by magic so it made the Headmaster look more read than he was. In fact, Bill noticed that less than five percent of the books lining the stuffed shelves did not have any type of magic coming off them which made him believe those books were the few books the Headmaster read. Bill wished he could get closer to them to read their spines but they were located behind the Headmaster's desk, and since the man and his mother had started to raise their voices as they talked, Bill decided to avoid heading back there.

"The Ministry had no right to get involved," Albus said once again passing behind his desk and throwing anxious looks over at Bill, knowing the oldest Weasley child had the gift of Mage Sight which might pick out some of his more questionable artifacts in the room.

"I quite agree, Albus. But they did, and that woman," Molly said pursing her lips as she referred to Lily's sister, "made such a scene we had to leave."

"And I said I will deal with it, Molly. I will get her to leave so you can hang out with Harry. After all, from the stories Harry has told us, she hates him, while you and your family have shown him such love and compassion," Albus said, mostly for Bill's benefit even though the Weasley son did not appear to be paying attention.

"And how long will that take?" Molly asked almost whining a little.

"It all depends on how soon we can finish our conversation and it takes me to find her and Harry," Albus said trying once again to get the woman to leave so he could fix the mistake the Ministry had created by sending Petunia Dursley nee Evans to his school. He was not worried about any spell he cast on the woman being detected by the badge the Ministry had given her, after all, he enhanced other Ministry-Protected Muggles before without incident.

Abandoned First-floor Classroom

While there was little love loss between Harry and her, after hearing about one of the boy's friends seeming to be overly concerned about his fame and money, Petunia could not help herself. Yes, she hated the Magical World for taking her sister away, someone she had enjoyed spending time with until Snivvly had corrupted her. She had always hated Snivvly not only for taking her sister, but recalled after the pair started at this place, the brat would sometimes try to give her potions. She recalled drinking just one of them since he had promised it would allow her to come to Hogwarts, but instead, it had given her stomach cramps and trapped her on the toilet for nearly seven hours. Now it turns out the bastard had also had a hand in her sister's death.

So with the small kernel of love she still held for her little sister, Petunia decided to tell her nephew about her old friend. "This boy sounds like an old "friend" I had back before Dudly was born," Petunia said shocking Harry as she opened up a little as well as her use of finger quotes as she said the word friend.

"Kay," Harry said not getting what she was talking about.

"Back before I had Dudley, I worked as a computer programmer and designer," she shared. "At the time, my best friend was a woman named Lisa. We had been classmates through our primary days and all the way through university. She got hired at the same company I worked at and we were often paired together at the job. We had great fun and made some great breakthroughs during our time, some of which I am still paid residuals for, but that is beside the point." Harry, not knowing why she was telling him any of this but knowing better than to ask a question just gave a non-committal grunt.

"It was only after Dudders was born that I began to notice something about her. While I was on maternity leave, she would stop by at least twice a week. She said it was to see my son but she spent most of the time ignoring him and asking questions about our job. She even refused to hold him, can you believe that?" Um, anyway," Petunia said recalling who she was talking to thanks to how riled up she got when talking about Lisa. "Her questions were not about me checking her work, but trying to get me to finish the job for her. It got even worse when I decided to become a stay-at-home mother after my maternity leave had ended. When Lisa heard of this she stopped by every single day to talk me out of it. She told me to hire a Nanny for Dudley or talk to the company we worked for to start up an in-house daycare center for other working parents with young kids.

After two weeks of this, I began to wonder why she wanted me back so badly. This leads me to think about our work together. During this introspection, I realized that I tended to most of the work from the planning stages all the way to the finished project. Lisa was just around chatting with me, granted sometimes as a sounding board as I worked out a problem but most of the time chatting about other stuff. Most of the time it was the latest gossip at the company such as who was dating who, and who she had heard had been handed their paper or promoted. I suddenly realized she had been the same way when we were in class together, letting me do all the work before she copied off of me or took some of the credit.

I brought up these observations to her the next day when she stopped by. She got rather upset at first accusing me of misremembering it due to lack of sleep for taking care of your cousin. When I said I was getting at least eight hours if not during the night but napping a little as Dudley napped, she tried to blame your uncle for everything. I could not figure that leap of logic out, so I decided to ignore it and point out that during her visits before I decided to leave the company, all she would talk about was her current project. It was at that point she got "angry" as she called me a bad friend. She stormed out of the house saying if I wanted to apologize she would do so when I came crawling back," Petunia finished.

"What happened to her?" Harry asked unable to stop himself.

Rather than get mad at him, his aunt actually answered the question. "Last I heard, a few weeks later she got fired since they found out she could not do the job. Unfortunately, she found a rich husband to marry and has been living as a trophy wife. The only reason I know that bit is she occasionally sends me cards of her and her husband lounging around on some private beach somewhere.

I only bring this up for from what you say this Weasley boy might be sort of similar to Lisa and is only hanging around to ride your coattails from the fame or hoping you might feel sorry for him and lend him some money."

"Ron's not like that," Harry protested.

"Maybe not, after all, I can hardly understand the minds of freaks like you. After all, he could be lying to say how poor his family is, so financial matters are not relevant to your friendship with him," she said with a shrug.

"They are poor," Harry admitted.

"And how would you know this?" Petunia asked.

"After Ron and his two older brothers came to collect me after you guys locked me in my room, I stayed with them," Harry reminded her.

"So what? It could all be an act," she said.

"When we went to get our school supplies we went to the bank, their vault barely had anything in it," Harry said.

"I take it since you saw their vault, they saw yours. And by the sound of it you have some money?" she asked arching an eyebrow making Harry wince since he did not want the Dursleys to know about the mounds of Golden Galleons, SIlver Sickles, or even Brozne Knuts that he had at Gringotts.

"We road the same cart to get money," Harry said confusing her with what he meant.

"The bankers allowed you to enter their vault and them into yours?" she asked.

"Well, no. I had to stand near the door when we went to their vault, and they stayed at the door at my vault," Harry shared.

"So you saw how little they had compared to yours, is it possible they have more than one of these vaults?" she asked.

"I guess they could, but why go to that one?" Harry asked.

She pressed her lips before answering, "Maybe to promote feelings of sympathy for them. I don't know. Also depending on how much stuff you have in your vaults was there anything close enough to the door for them to reach?"

"I don't know," Harry admitted only paying attention to putting some money in his bag at the time. "But I doubt they did anything, after all, when they took me to the cup this summer since the game could last a long time Mrs. Weasley got our school supplies."

Petunia ran a hand down her face at this bit of news shocked to see how dumb her nephew was, well maybe not dumb maybe he was a little like Vernon. "That does not sound right," she said as he gave her a strange look. "I will talk to your Uncle so that when we pick you up we will go to Diagon Alley so the bank can check your vaults to make sure the money she took was only used for the supplies she bought you." Harry was shocked she knew about Diagon Alley but guessed she must have gone there with his mother when they were kids. "I am surprised your lots bankers allow that. I know that in the real world, the only people who can access an account are those whose account it is, or are criminals. Sometimes both."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Your uncle once had a business partner, Richard Daniel," she said confusing him by her random change of subject. "The pair had been friends before they started a business together. They made a great team and the business boomed, however, it was shut down leading your uncle to take a job at Grunnings. It was not a lack of customers that had led to their business going under, but rather it was all down to Richard. The government had stepped in to seize the business and its assets when it was discovered that Richard was using the place as a front to launder money as well as embezzling from the non-criminal clients the company had. Your uncle was almost arrested alongside Richard, but we managed to prove that your uncle had not been aware of anything Richard had been doing. He still lost the company and had to start in Grunnings before working his way up to Manager, thankfully with the help of some clients who still trusted him after what Richard had done.

"Um, okay," Harry said.

"This is why we need to head to your lots' bank. Richard did all this thanks to having access to the company finances, yet this Mrs. Weasley who has no connection to your accounts at all, was allowed to get money out of them. Who is to say she did not take more money than was needed before putting them in her vault," Petunia pointed out.

"I don't think the Goblins would have allowed that," Harry said.

"Can you be sure, for they should not have allowed her to get anything out of your vault in the first place," she shot back.

"Well, I did give her my key," he said making her rub her face again.

"I think your uncle and I need to teach you about money management besides taking care of a home this summer," she said making him arch an eyebrow at her idea of teaching him to take care of a home by making him do most of the housework. But before he could comment on it the bell rang signally at the end of classes. He looked down at his watch only to recall it had not worked since the second task, but he was still surprised that his aunt and he had talked through a full period and it was now almost time for lunch.

Chapter 89: Writer's Block- Ended

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My Writer's Block has now ended. Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions of new ideas as well as which stories you would like to see new chapters on. I will leave this page to remind me of the three continuations I will work on before deleting it. The three storylines I got the most response to adding new chapters to were Red String of Fa... You got to be kidding me, Should'nt I get.... and The Acendence of Lord Potter. I will not necessarily add to them it that order.

Also as a means to control my overall imagination, I have decided that I will only write one hundred and fifty chapters to this work.

Once again thank you for your time and for reading my stories,


Chapter 90: Making the Grade


After Harry and Ron stop talking and hanging out with Hermione due to Crookshakes targeting Sabbers but also telling Professor McGonagall about the Firebolt Harry got for Christmas, the pair discover they need some help in with their homework.


The idea of this story was suggested by Verity44 who wanted a story set during the Third Year when Harry and Ron were not friends with Hermione. They wanted Harry and Ron to befriend Theo and get interested in runes. Other than that they wish there to be some Dumbles Bashing, Ron being less of a bigot, and while the boys are not friends with Hermione at the moment not to have the story bash her.

Verity44 wanted the story to focus more on academics rather than Harry going through a Creature inheritance like what happened in Angles In Green which happens around the same time.

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Harry and Ron both agreed they needed a break from Hermione due to the actions of her cat going after Ron's rat, but also by telling Professor McGonagall about one of his Christmas gifts, Harry's new broom had been confiscated for the time being. Harry understood her reason for telling their Head of House about the unsigned gift, Sirius Black was reportedly after him after all, but Harry did not like it. Harry also agreed with Ron that it was highly unlikely that Sirius Black being hunted by everyone could have gone into a store and purchased the broom. Granted after meeting with Draco's father the year before when he freed Dobby and the man tried to curse him, Harry understood some people might try to attack him other than Sirius Black.

The pair had avoided Hermione during the remainder of the Christmas Holiday, not that it was hard since she seemed to understand they were angry with her and spent most of the time out of the common room. When the Spring Term began there was some surprised muttering as Harry and Ron sat apart from Hermione during their classes, except for the few that had assigned seating like Divinations. In those classes, the pair did their best to treat Hermione's seat as if it was unoccupied and just focused on the class or their homework.

This is where the pair of friends began to find some issues of distancing themselves from Hermione as she usually helped them with their homework. But neither of them wanted to go to her and ask for her help which she might see as them admitting they were the ones at fault rather than Crookshanks or her. They did the best they could but their grades began to slip a little making them spend some more time in the library than they usually did. They both felt it was too bad they could not treat their assignments for their classes the same way they did in Divinituons and bullsh*t their way through them by putting down exactly what they knew the instructor wanted them to write.

Despite their understanding that Professor Trelawney wanted them to say they were to get nothing but bad luck during their assignments, the pair still tried to do them the right way for each new focus on Divinations. As the Spring Term started, Professor Trelawney had them learn how the positions of the planets not only at their birth but at the present time could affect their lives. Their homework for the moment involved a lot of calculations starting with everyone finding out their Birth Number from the field of Nemerology. Harry after being told how to find this number from Ron discovered his Birth Number was a six by taking all the numbers in his date of birth as single digit numbers and adding them together. Once he got the number forty-two, which made him think of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy as the number that was said to be the answer to everything, Harry had to add those two numbers together to make it a single digit.

After finding out his Birth Number, Harry had to place it into several large and complicated calculations involving his Birth Number times by his age before being combined with the current Day Number and positions of the various planets in the solar system. While Harry had been good with math back in his Muggle school some, he was not confident in his calculations here. As it was the first assignment for this area of study in Divinations, Ron and he wanted to try to do it properly to see if Professor Trewalney would be fair in her marking for once.

"Ah, this is so complicated," Harry said after doing only three days of calculations for the month-long they were assigned to do. "Man, I wish I had a calculator."

"A calcu...what?" Ron asked looking up in confusion.

"It is a Muggle device that helps one do math. I am sure I did everything right, but I would not mind double-checking some of these figures," Harry explained running his hands through his messy hair and making it stick out more than usual.

"That sounds awesome, I wonder if Dad would have one?" Ron asked, having also found it tough to do some of the calculations after discovering his Birth Number was a four.

"I doubt it would work, it is an electric device," Harry explained.

"You could borrow mine if you like, I am not using it," a voice said making the pair look over to a nearby table to see who had chimed in.

"Why do you have a calculator and how would it even work?" Harry asked seeing Theodore Nott from Slytherin holding out a calculator.

"Why would you help us anyway?" Ron asked, trying to think what the snake would get out of it. The only thing he could think of was the item was cursed and would harm Harry or him if they touched it.

"I have it due to my Grandfather making it for me so I could use it to check my own figures during my assignments, He enchanted it so it would work in a Magic heavy environment due to having his staff use them at Sycamore Academy. And as to why I am offering it to you to help, my family has always believed that education is important. And it looks like you two are having a hard time," Theodore said giving them a small smile still holding out the calculator.

"And how do we know it is not a curse and you are trying to hurt us like your friend Malfoy does at every opportunity?" Ron asked reaching into his pocket to grab his wand just in case.

"As I said, my family believes in education, I would never turn an aid to learning as a means to hurt anyone," Theo said. "But if you don't believe me I can just input the date of your calculations and give the answers. That way, you don't have to touch the calculator if you don't want to,"

"Fine but I still think you are planning something," Ron grumbled.

"Thanks for the help," Harry said, not having the same issues with Theodore as his friend did since he could not recall the pale-skinned boy joining Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, or Pansy in their bullying others.

"It is not a problem," Theo said as he gathered his stuff to move over to Harry and Ron's table so they would not get in trouble with Madam Pince if she came by. "So what are you working on?" he asked not recognizing the calculations the two Gryffindors were using.

"Divinations," Harry said.

"Not that I think it will do us any good," Ron chimed in keeping a close look on Theodore but letting the Slytherin join them for the moment.

"Why do you say that?' Theo asked not knowing much about the class since none of his Housemates or friends took it.

"The Professor likes to purport doom and gloom, especially when it comes to me. During each of our new assignments, we try to do them as they are meant to be done but get marked down for it if there are no misfortunes being listed. After we get bad grades we end up just faking the work to give her what she wants," Harry explained.

"That is... that is all kinds of messed up," Theo said shocked that a teacher would mark something wrong for such a stupid reason.

"That is not even the worst of it," Harry admitted as he began to feed Theodore the numbers for his calculation.

"There is something worse than marking you down for doing the work properly?" Theo asked.

"In our first class with Professor McGonagall after Divinations, she told us the instructor's favorite way to greet a new class is to declare that one of them would soon die," Ron explained gripping his wand in case the snake started to make fun of Harry for being the once the woman had said would die. "Professor Trewlaney chose Harry to be the one who is fated to die young. But the woman was an idiot since she got Harry's birthday wrong, but she will not let it go mentioning it at least once a lesson."

"Wow, and I thought Lockhart was the worst teacher they hired here. Surprised she has not been fired yet," Theo asked.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked a slight smile playing around his mouth after learning he had gotten the right answer in his calculations without a calculator.

"Well, first off getting your birthday wrong when the details about birth are well known due to your fame. Secondly, she seems to be targeting you both mentally and emotionally by saying you are to die in every class and as she marks you down for doing your work properly."

"And what do you suggest?" Ron asked for once letting his voice slip back into its normal tone rather than sounding defensive like he had since Theodore started to take to them.

"I would report what she is doing to someone, I would suggest one of the Governors. Um, do you keep your assignments in the class?" Theo asked.

"Not really since she showed she will not accept it unless bad stuff happens we see no reason to," Harry admitted.

"Then, I say to turn these into her, possibly making copies of them just in case she decides to change them as a reason for why she is marking you down. Then send both copies to a Governor along with how she acts towards you during your classes," Theo advised.

"And what if for once she marks them down correctly?" Harry asked.

"If she does, it might show she is doing her job properly. I would suggest you make copies of all your assignments for the class as you turn them in in case she starts to mark you down again," Theo said.

"Great even more extra work," Ron groused.

"Just using a simple copy spell on it," Theo suggested.

"A what?" both Harry and Ron asked.

"You know a spell to copy your homework, that way you can use it to check to see if you are being graded correctly in all your classes but also so you can use your graded homework, and use it to see where you might need some improvement," Theo explained before he led the pair through the simple spell.

"How do you know something like that?" Ron asked thinking if Percy knew it his parents would have made him and the others use it as well.

"My family runs Sycamore Academy," Theo said.

"Ah," Ron said in understanding.

"Sorry, I don't get it," Harry admitted.

"Sycamore Academy is a Magical school that was created to teach Magical and Muggle subjects to either the Squib children of Magical families or the Muggle siblings of Muggleborns to better understand both the Muggle and Magical Worlds," Ron explained.

"Does it have another name in the Muggle World?" Harry asked.

"No it has the same name, why?" Theo asked.

"If the school is for Muggle Siblings, or I assume people who live with Magicals, I am surprised my cousin was never invited to attend the place," Harry said.

"I could not tell you anything about why they would not be invited to join. Sure, my Grandfather is the school's Headmaster, and my family owns the place, but they don't share with me how they run the place, for obvious reasons," Theo said.

Ron was a little surprised at learning the Slytherin boy's family ran Sycamore Academy. He would have thought a place overseen by Slytherins would turn people evil, yet Sycamore had a reputation for being one of the best institutions of its kind in the world. Hell, if what he knew about the place it was the first of its kind as well, meaning that if it was the brainchild of the Nott family it had been teaching Squibs and Muggleborn siblings for over five hundred years without issue. If they did support people like You-Know-Who, one would think they would have lessons to make the students know their "proper place" as servants to Pure Blood Magicals.

"So do you want anything for helping us out with your calculator?" Harry asked used to everyone but his friends wanting something to help him out.

"Not really, as I said my family values education. I could not sit by when one asked for help on an assignment if I could aid them," Theo said with a shrug as he turned toward Ron to get the numbers for his homework calculations.

"Do you know any other spells that could be used on our assignments?" Harry asked.

"What do you mean? If you are looking for a spell or enchantment that automatically gives you the right answer, you can forget it. Even if I knew such a spell I would never share it with anyone for it would corrupt the learning process," Theo said his voice rising a little as if affronted about such a spell being used.

"I was not thinking about that, I was more thinking along the lines to see if there was a sort of Fact Checker spell, but I guess that might be the same thing. Maybe one to check a person's spelling and grammar?" Harry asked knowing that besides Hermione checking out how well they dealt with the assignment she also checked their spelling and grammar which was also causing them to lose points on their work since they were not hanging around with her.

"Oh, yeah, I know some spells like that," Theo said nodding his approval before teaching the spell to Harry and Ron.

Since their Divination assignment was not due for a couple of days, Harry and Ron used the spell to check their homework for Transfiguration. Harry was surprised that the spell acted like the spell check program, he had seen on the computers back in Muggle school that had just been created. The only difference was the spell while showing the proper way to spell a word, still required Harry and Ron to either rewrite their entire essay or cross the word out and put in the proper spelling. While both boys thought the spell would be helpful they agreed that it would be better, and less likely to lose them points if they rewrote the essay beforehand rather than crossing out and adding the words and changes in at the last minute. This meant they would have to start their homework earlier if they wanted the time to rewrite it.

Thanking Theo for helping out with his enchanted calculator, Harry and Ron packed up to head to Transfiguration at the sound of the bell, while Theo just waved them goodbye as he headed down to Herbology. Theo did ask to be kept updated on their issues with Divinations, having not shared with the pair of Gryffindors that his Grandfather besides being Headmaster of Sycamore, was also a member of the Hogwarts Board of Governors.

Harry and Ron ignored Hermione as they took their assigned seats in class for class getting out their homework. Both had been glad to see that the spell Theo had taught them either only lasted a short amount of time or ended when they made the corrections on their homework. Hermione could not help but glance at their pages arching an eyebrow at all the crossing out and scribbled additions to their work.

The pair might be mad at her for the moment, but she still thought of them as friends and had been worried bout how they were doing in class without her help. She was a little surprised to see that under the crossed-out words and areas, she was able to detect misspelled words and improper grammar. Maybe they were going to do okay without her if they were begging to notice the errors they made in their work. She was rather glad about it, for she did not have time to keep helping with their assignments when they immediately made up, due to all the classes and homework she was dealing with even with the Time-Turner she had been given.

Hermione kept a close watch on Harry and Ron's homework the next couple of days, seeing that while some had crossed-out bits like the ones they turned into Professor McGonagall, some of the others had no crossed-out parts at all. The most surprising one she noticed was Divinations, where she thought she saw a second copy of their work in their bag as they handed in their homework. A few days later, when they got their assignments back in the class, she also noticed the pair share a pointed look at each other making her wonder what was going on.

"We want to drop Divinations and report Professor Trelwaney," Ron and Harry said showing up to Professor McGonagall's office after they had gotten their latest homework from the class back.

"Not that I blame you but can you explain to me why?" she asked.

"Well, for one she keeps talking about my death during each lesson," Harry said shocking Professor McGonagall who knew the woman liked to greet a class with finding a Grim in their tea leaves but would usually drop the matter after the first lesson.

"And she is not grading our work properly," Ron said as he and Harry pulled out their latest assignments as well as the copies they had made of it before turning it in. "On the advice of a classmate we made copies of our work to show we had done it correctly," Ron said passing over the set of assignments. According to Theo when he had taught them the spell the copy was enchanted to show the date it had been made thus why the Syltherin boy had told them to keep the copy while handing in their original work to show if their assignment had been altered. "We turned in our original work but as you can see, Professor Trelawney marked us down for not doing it correctly and for not showing the misfortune that we would experience."

Minerva cast a spell on both copies of the assignments before her seeing the enchantments on the copies showed they had been made over a week ago and were the copies of the originals. Yet the numbers on both students' work had been altered in several places, most particularly Harry's Birth Number which had become a three throwing off all his calculations. "This is most troubling boys, I shall of course report this. However, what will you be doing if you drop the class?"
"The person who taught us the copy spell also gave us a spell to check our work for spelling and grammatical errors. I guess we would use it to make sure to get our work done write and then edit it," Harry said.

"I have noticed some improvement is those areas, as well as only one of my more recent assignments, had crossed out. I say good plan, but what about other classes? I get that it is already the Spring Term, but if you wanted to I could arrange for a tutor for one of the other electives so you can still have a full schedule in the coming years," she told them.

"Could we learn runes?" Ron asked knowing from what his brother, Bill said it could be useful after he left Hogwarts.

"It could be arranged, do you also want to study runes, Harry?" Minerva asked the other boy.

"I was thinking about Artimancy," Harry admitted knowing that if he had an enchanted calculator like Theo he could handle the classwork better.

Before McGonagall could say anything Ron chimed in, "Come on Harry runes would be fun you can do a lot of stuff with runes including some protection and healing magic. Maybe you would not spend so much time in the hospital wing if you knew how to use them," Ron said. "Or you could put some protection runes on your stuff so people could not target you like they did during the last two years."

"Wait what?" McGonagall asked, unaware Harry had been targeted by anyone else besides whoever had sent the broom.

"Could they be used to prove that an item I got was not cursed?" Harry asked ignoring his Heads of House's question.

"Oh, yeah. If you had used the right runes on the Firebolt before touching it you would have been able to see if there were any harmful magic associated with it," Ron said.

"Awesome, I would like to learn runes as well then," Harry said turning back to Professor McGonagall who still looked a little concerned that people were targeting her student besides Black. Albus had done his best to hide how the students reacted to Harry after she had taken all the points from him. Neville, and Hermione back in Harry's first year. Not to mention how he had prevented her from learning how the students had harassed Harry the year before when people had believed he was the Heir of Slytherin.

Chapter 91: Harry for a day.


After Ron gets mad at Harry for his name coming out of the Goblet of Fire, Harry uses some family magic to show his "friend" what is is like to be in his shoes.


This idea was submitted by Speak_Friend where Harry gets sick of Ron's attitude so goes about showing the other boy what it is like to be him. This story contains Ron Bashing taking place between Harry's name coming out of the Goblet of Fire and the First Task. As Speak_Friend had not given me any other bashing, Ron will be the only target at this time. Well, Ron and the obvious Rita since it takes place in Harry's Fourth Year.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After Hermione had explained to Harry the real reason Ron was upset with him, Harry just rolled his eyes. He had told both his friends how bad his life was at home, and Ron was with him during the last three years at school. So how could the redhead think Harry had an easy life due to his "fame." It would be almost laughable if his life did not suck so much. Seriously Ron saw how people had tried to hex and curse him during his second year, how they teased him for his reaction to the Dementors last year as well as how anyone outside Gryffindor was treating him now. Harry just could not understand his friend sometimes.

Going to sleep a little angry, Harry had a dream of the memory from just before the last school year. After running away from Marge and the Dursleys, Harry had found himself at Diagon Alley for almost a month. One of the first things he did was get some money from the bank to buy his new school supplies. He had been shocked to be taken to see a Goblin who introduced himself as Harry's family account manager. It seems the Goblins had been trying to reach Harry for a while but all the letters they had sent him had been returned unopened. Bonecrusher gave Harry a test to find out what else besides the Mail Ward Harry had been subjected to since his last visit to the bank. Bonecrusher had been horrified to find that a Horcrux had bonded to the young boy. Harry was immediately cleansed as well as given records about his family history.

Harry had discovered that his talent of Parsletongue had come from his father thanks to his ancestral family of the Peverells which branched off into both the Gryffindor and Slytherin family lines. His Parslesmouth ability was also strengthened due to Voldemort's attack on him as a child which led to what Bonecrusher had described as a Family Line Duel. Since Harry had "won" the battle an ancient ritual had taken place known as the Rite of Conquest giving Harry Lordship of Voldemort's family lines. Harry saw that thanks to the ritual he was now the Lord of both Slytherin and some family line known as the Gaunts.

But as it turned out, the test revealed that Harry possessed another Magical Gift known as Dreamshareing. However since it had come from the Potter family, Harry could not fully use the ability until he was the Lord of the family. Asking Bonecruher about it, the Goblin stated that Dreamsharing allowed a person to share their thoughts, memories, or dreams with another as the other person slept. Bonecrusher described it as if someone would actually be living Harry's life.

Waking up, Harry wondered why he had dreamed the memory as he headed to class. As usual, the day was not as great as waiting for Potions to start, Harry and Draco got into an argument leading to them casting spells at each other. While Harry's spell ricocheted into Goyle's face making his nose bulbous and start leaking, Draco's spell caused Hermione's teeth to start to grow. Both Harry and Ron moved to make sure Hermione was okay making it look like the pair might repair their friendship especially when they got on Snapes's case for not letting Hermione go to the Hospital Wing to fix her teeth. Yet as soon as they were in the classroom, Ron turned to sit with Dean, Seamus, and Neville leaving Harry all alone.

Snape went on to tell everyone they would be testing poison during the lesson and that someone would have to drink their brew before the class let out. Harry just knew it would be him since the bastard looked right at him as he told the class about testing the poison. Thankfully, after only ten minutes Colin Creevey showed up to take Harry to the Wand Weighing Ceremony for the tournament getting him out of the remainder of the class.

While he was out of one of his least favorite classes, Harry's day did not get better as he had to deal with Rita Skeeter dragging him into a broom cupboard and giving him an interview. He might have been okay with telling everyone his side of the story but it was clear that the woman did not believe him at all, and from what he was able to read of her notes as she used a Quick Quotes Quill she was making it sound like he had put his name in the Goblet and wanted to be part of the tournament. Thankfully Professor Dumbledore came to rescue him after only about ten minutes.

The rest of the day was a blur after that, but by the end of it, Harry wanted to knock Ron's block off. He sort of wished he could use the Dreamsharing so that Ron could see what it was like to be Harry for a day. As Harry turned over to pound his pillow into a more comfortable shape, Harry was startled to see sparks of magic coming from his fingers. Harry wondered if his name coming out of the Goblet after Professor Dumbledore had explained about the age line and how the Goblet would choose someone of age to compete in the tournament had somehow made him be recognized as the Lord of the Houses he belonged to.

Knowing that sparks might be due to how angry he was feeling towards Ron at the moment, Harry waited until he heard the snores and normal sleeping sounds of the others in the room. As quietly as he could, Harry left his bed and went over to where his former friend was sleeping. Taking a deep breath, Harry recalled what Bonecrusher said he had to do to activate the Potter Family's Dreamsharing talent as he held his hands on the sides of Ron's head. Letting his magic flow through him, Hary filled his mind of a typical day with the Dursleys as well as some of the days during his last few years at school. He saw some sparks shoot from his hands and hit Ron's temples before feeling extremely tired. Harry struggled back to his bed sinking into it and fell right to sleep.

Ron's Dream- Harry's Past

Ron felt himself jerk awake as a loud noise seemed to fill the space. Blinking his eyes, Ron found his vision was a little blurry causing him to rub his eyes but that did nothing to help at all. He tried to work out where he was, since his last memory was falling asleep in the Fourth Year dorms but it did not sound like he was there any longer. As he tried to puzzle where he was a loud sound banged from one of the walls, Ron's body acted on its own as he reached over and grabbed something and put them on his face. Suddenly his vision got better, not perfect but he was at least able to see where he was which looked to be a small room with a slanted ceiling. "Get Up Boy! You have work to do," someone called as the small room was suddenly filled with light with the opening of a door. Ron blinked a little before he laid his eyes on Harry's aunt.

"What?" Ron asked confused only to get slapped by the woman.

"How many times do we have to tell you, freak, don't ask questions," Harry's aunt said as she reached into the room and dragged Ron out by the scruff of his shirt. "Now get to work, breakfast is not going to make itself."

Ron tried to protest as the skinny horse-faced woman forced into a Muggle kitchen and with another smack told him to get to work. Ron could only stare at the strange Muggle stuff around him having no idea what many of them were used for. "Quite messing around," the woman barked as she hit him again sending Ron's body into auto-pilot. Just like when he had grabbed something in the small room earlier, Ron's body seemed to know what to do as he began to pull stuff out of the Muggle's ice box and began to prepare some bacon and scrambled eggs. Ron had no idea how he was able to make the food since his mother or the cooks at Hogwarts usually made all his meals, but Ron's mouth began to water at just the scent of the food.

Yet when he had finished making it, the bacon and eggs were taken from him and put onto three plates. As he headed to the table, Ron was pushed to the side by the large boy that his brothers had given the Ton Tongue Toffee. Rather then telling the large boy off, like his mother would his older siblings if they acted that way, the woman smiled at the boy as she and her husband took the other seats at the table. The trio began to scarf down the food leaving nothing for Ron to eat apart from some plain bread with a small cup of water that had been set aside.

The bread and water did not fill Ron up as his stomach growled but before he could say anything the scene in the dream changed. "Now make sure you do all your chores or else boy," the fat man said as he left the house slamming the door behind him.

"Chores, what chores," Ron muttered to himself before his body started moving on its own again. As Ron's normal chores back at the Burrow were de-gnomeing the Garden which he and his older brothers treated as a game, and setting the table at least once a week, he was not used to the work his body ended up doing. He had to struggle to lift some strange Muggle device up the stairs and to use it. Ron nearly let it go when it began to make some strange sound after he hit a button but his hand had frozen around the handle as it forced him to vacuum the stairs. After using the device, Ron was sent outside where he had to weed and water all the plants in the garden with hardly a gnome in site.

He did catch a sight of himself in a small mirror in the shed where the gardening gears had been kept letting him see not his own face but Harry's. Ron wanted to take longer to look at the reflection but his body moved on its own as it forced him to work for what felt like hours in the blazing sun to pull weeds and tend the flowers around the two-story Muggle house. After gardening, Ron was made to paint the picket fence that ran around the property, he could not understand why he was doing so since he was painting it the same color as the fence already was.

Rather than have lunch the dream shifted again as Ron watched Harry's family drive away in a Muggle car leaving Harry with a woman who smelled of cats. With the strange woman, Ron was made to clear out several litter boxes before being sat down by the woman as they looked through old photo albums of the woman's previous pets. What was worse the strange woman insisted on turning the pages herself but would force Ron to lick her finger so she could turn the page.

Thankfully the dream did not keep Ron in that scene for that long as he soon found himself back at Hogwarts. He found himself walking through the corridors of the castle. Yet it was just him and Hermione with no sight of Harry anywhere. As he walked to class wondering where Harry was forgetting for the moment due to the strange dream Harry and him were not hanging out with each other at the moment, someone stuck their leg out and tripped him. "Oh very mature," Hermione said as she helped Ron to his feet.

Yet that was not the end of it, Ron had no idea where he and Hermione were going but as they walked the corridors others tried to trip him or started to bad mouth him. At one point, Ron even thought that Ernie McMillian shot a hex at him. "What the hell," Ron said getting to his feet and glaring at the Hufflepuff boy.

"We don't want your kind around Potter. Get lost and keep your monster caged up," Ernie said not showing the least bit of fear at Ron's glare.

"Monster caged up?" Ron asked confused.

"Your family should be the ones who don't belong in the castle, not the Muggles. I am sure you would be safe away from him, Hermione," Ernie said shooting another spell at Ron making him jump out of the way.

"This sounds like something that would happen during our second year," Ron muttered to himself.

"Harry would not attack anyone," Hermione said seeming to not hear what Ron just said as she pulled Ron with her, as she pushed her way past Ernie. "The nerve of some people, eh Harry?"

"Hermione, what is going on?" Ron asked only for the corridor to look as if there was a heat haze going through it. Suddenly what looked like two Dementors jumped out from around the corridor. Or at least people dressed as Dementors since Ron could see their legs and the fact that the hooded figures were making groaning sounds and waving their arms about. Ron's mind was suddenly filled with images of the Muggle Ghost story where the ghost would act similarly to scare someone as the people dressed as Dementors were acting.

Ron's anger got the better of them as he reached forward and pulled the oversized robe off one of the Dementors. Yet rather than reveal who was underneath, Ron felt all the heat leave the room and the corridor seemed to swim a little in banks of fog. With his vision being obscured Ron heard a voice cry out. "Lily he found us take, Harry, and run." Ron heard what sounded like a struggle before the fog turned a vivid green sort of like the killing curse Moody had used on the spider earlier in the year.

"Not, Harry anything but Harry," another voice said this one a female.

"Step aside you silly girl," a voice said making a chill run down Ron's spine before another green flash and the sound of a body hitting the floor was heard.

Rather than the fog vanishing to reveal the corridor, Ron found himself in a strange room facing what looked like Quirrell without his turban. Behind the old Defense Professor, there was a mirror letting Ron see the strange sight of a second head coming out the back of Quirrell's body. Ron's body acted on auto-piolet as he tried to fight the man but only managed to hurt his former Professor by actually touching him, something that caused Ron immense pain as well.

As Ron seemed to pass out from the pain, he found himself in a large chamber facing a massive green snake with its eyes pecked out as some stranger ordered the snake to forget the bird and focus on Harry. Ron tried to run but his body acted on its own once more as he jammed the Sorting Hat onto his head only to nearly get knocked out as something heavy hit him. Pulling the hat off, Ron found the Sword of Gryffindor which he held before him his arms shaking like made. The giant snake moved light lightning as it came to bite down on Ron making him cry out in pain as one of the snake's fangs pierced his arm. The sword he had been holding ended up killing the snake but the pain caused Ron to collapse into a heap on the dirty floor. His body had enough strength to pull the fang still stuck in his arm out and stab a book nearby causing the stranger to let out a scream and vanish.

Ron felt his vision clouding but before the dream showed Fawks coming over to heal his arm, Ron found himself at the edge of the Black Lake next to Sirius Black as a hoard of Dementors approached them. Ron tried to fight them off but the strange screaming voices filled his mind again. The pitiful defenses Ron could muster were easily brushed aside before one of the Dementors reached down to deliver a kiss to Ron.

Ron woke up screaming in fear and nearly fell out of his bed. "Shut it," someone screamed and threw a pillow at him causing Ron to fully wake up. Shaking his head at the strange dream, Ron rushed out of the room to take a shower to hopefully clear his mind.

If he had stayed a little longer Ron would have been a little shocked to hear the others talk about him. "I wonder what Harry was dreaming about to cause him to wake up screaming?" Neville asked.

"I think the tournament is getting to him," Seamus said shaking his head as he and the other prepared for the day. Unnoticed by any of them, the real Harry lay fast asleep in his bed. Due to using his family magic at such a young age, there had been a side effect that no one could have seen coming. While his Dreamsharing had allowed him to show several of his memories with Ron, due to his young age, the magic had malfunctioned and made it so that for the next twenty-four hours, Harry would be unconscious while everyone else saw Ron as Harry.


Speak_Friend wanted the story to have Ron living out a day as Harry, but I could not figure out a way to do it, since Ron would hardly submit himself to drink Polyjuice Potion. So I decided to go with what I had first thought of how Harry could make Ron live out parts of his life before coming up with a reason for Ron to be mistaken as Harry for a day. During the day, Ron will not be counted as absent in his classes as everyone will forget that he exists until Harry wakes back up and the Dreamsharing magic comes to an end.

Chapter 92: Dear Diary


After Hermione returns to Hogwarts after an Easter spent at home during her Fourth Year, her parents discover she had left her diary behind. Recognizing it as a gift they had given her when she was younger but now with several pages at the front of the book torn out, they give into their curiosity and look at what is going on in their daughter's life.


This story was requested by WorthyofthePower2022, who wanted the Grangers to be unaware of their daughter going to Hogwarts. The requestor also wishes for Hermione, Dumbledore, and select Weasley Bashing. With a ship of Harry/Susan Bones.

As I use both the movie and book canon when writing my stories the Grangers will learn that they have been enchanted just as the requestor wished, since in the second book the pair are shown to have gone with Hermione to Diagon Alley.

As a side note, since Hermione's folks don't have names besides Mr and Mrs. Granger, I will be using the names I gave them back in My Mother Will Hear About This. I will also include some characters from my other stories such as Marge Figg "Dursley" who Albus had assigned to watch over the Dursleys's mistreatment of Harry as he lived with them from the Story Step Up Vernon Dursley. In that story, Marge and Arabella are twin sisters who work undercover as Squibs to discover Muggleborn students who could be useful to Albus's plans.

As there are very few dates in the story, besides Halloween, Christmas, and the three tasks for the Tournament, I will be using random dates for the entries in Hermione's diary.

This will be a long one-shot story

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Wendell and Monica had been glad that their daughter had been able to get back home for Easter this year from her elite boarding school. She had not managed to do so these last four years, which had led the family to be able to go to the Easter Mass as a family for the first time in years. As the pair had decided to close their dental practice for the week after Easter, Wendell and his wife were just doing some random work around the house. Monica had entered their daughter's room to dust it since Hermione was gone for months at a time at the boarding school of hers. She was rather shocked to find Hermione's diary lying on her daughter's desk. Monica recognized the book since she and her husband had bought it for their daughter's fifth birthday seeing the girl was already mastering reading and writing.

"I have not seen that for years," Monica said to herself as she lovingly caressed the book. She could not help but arch an eyebrow as she felt a slight give to the cover as she ran her hand over it. The book had been solid when they had given it to Hermione all those years ago, and even if it was as used as much as possible there should have been no give at all. While she wanted to respect Hermione's privacy, the give she was feeling piqued her curiosity leading Monica to lift the front cover. She had been expecting to see the crude handwriting that Hermione had used back when she had started the diary and would often show her parents for the praise they would give her, but Monica found evidence that several pages had been torn out of the book. Unable to help herself from the curiosity of the torn-out pages, Monica sat down at Hermione's desk and began to read from the book.

March 27, 1988

We received a strange visitor today. Mama and Papa did not know them, which was strange as they basically barged in and had us all sit down in the living room. The visitor, who introduced herself as Ms. Marge Figg works for some place called the Ministry of Magic. Ms. Figg explained that I was able to use magic and that in a few years time, I would be going to a place called Hogwarts. I could tell Mama and Papa thought Ms. Figg was pulling some sort of prank on us, but she showed us she was not lying about magic as she pulled out a wand and transfigured one of Mama's coasters into a tea kettle.

Ms. Figg told Mama and Papa that there was nothing wrong with me being able to use magic, it was just a special gift some possess. She did tell us not to spread it around, as if I would do so. All my classmates and even teachers are idiots. I wonder if my being magical is the reason I am so much smarter than anyone else. Something to look into, I guess.

June 12, 1988

Ms. Figg returned with her sister, Arabella, and they told Mama, Papa, and me that the person they worked for wanted to meet me. Mama and Papa were confused wondering why any Magical person would want to meet with me already. The Figg sisters explained about some recent events that had taken place in the Magical World back when I was one year old. It seemed that a Dark Monster of a man had tried to take over the Magical World before he would turn his sights on the Normal World. Though they called it the Muggle World. The man was defeated by a kid the same age as I am, give or take a few months.

It turns out their boss thought that I would be the perfect friend for the kid when we both ended up going to Hogwarts. To make sure he knew that the Normal World was just as if not more important than the Magical side of things. I could not help but beam in pride knowing that this boy, this Harry Potter, would have to be as smart as I was and it would be nice to know someone who would be able to keep up with me for once.

Monica had to stop reading, getting more confused by the second. Like her daughter, Monica had almost perfect recall yet she could not remember either of these two visits or the women that her daughter was writing about. She would almost think that Hermione was choosing to change her diary into some sort of story, but then why keep using dates and not just write it all down as the ideas came to her?

Wanting to see if Wendell recalled the visits that Hermione had written about, Monica grabbed the diary and took it downstairs to where he husband was once again recognizing the family's books. This time Wendel was trying to put all the fictional stories from the same universe in chronological order. While the non-fiction he was organizing alphabetically by subject. Seeing the book in her hands, Wendell asked. "Fiction or Non-Fiction?"

"I don't know," Monica said making him arch an eyebrow at her. "It is the diary we got for Hermione but the pages in the front have been ripped out and the first entry after that involves something I don't recall happening"

"Let me see it," Wendell said holding out his hand for the book which she gave to him. Wendell Granger read the first couple of entries getting as confused as his wife was. While he did not have the same memory powers as Monica and Hermione, he still had a very good memory for dates yet he could not recall anything special happening on the dates in the diary.

"That is strange," Wendell said, "You would think I would have recalled this Dumbledore with the way Hermione describes him if nothing else."

"What?" Wanda asked.

"How many entries did you read?" Wendell asked back.

"Just the first two," Monica said.

"Ah, I see the problem then, Dumbledore is not mentioned until the fourth entry," Wendell said as he began to read the entry in question.

September 4, 1988

The Figg sisters, finally brought their boss to see me. While I had seen both sisters perform magic by now, their boss was clearly magical just by the way he dressed. He strutted into our home in a red robe with golden lions on it. The lions even appeared to be alive as they moved and roared. The man who introduced himself to us as Professor or Headmaster Dumbledore had a beard that reached almost down to his knees and while I am not a fan of that much facial hair since all I could think about was how dirty it had to be, Professor Dumbledore pulled it off quite well.

There was a small problem as he sat down and offered us some Lemon Sherberts drops, Mama and Papa don't like that sort of stuff being dentist and all, but not wanting to offend him we all took a piece. It was fantastic, or maybe it was one of the first pieces of candy I had never had. Mama and Papa being dentists sometimes suck. The strange thing was, that Mama and Papa once they ate their candy got a strange look on their faces. It looked like they were in some sort of trance. I waved my hand in front of them but got no response. Headmaster Dumbledore did chuckle at me, but not in a way that made it look like he planned on hurting us or anything.

He explained that the candies my parents took were special and would allow the two of us to have a conversation in private without them recalling it. I could not help but ask why we would need to do so. Headmaster Dumbledore pointed out that Mama and Papa would not be able to understand our conversation and he did not have time to answer their questions about anything before he returned to Hogwarts.

Headmaster Dumbledore told me more about the boy he wanted me to become friends with. This unfortunately included the fact that Harry was not as smart as I was making me ask why I should befriend him at all. Professor Dumbledore leaned in and despite the fact it was only the two of us my parents told me in an almost conspiratorial whisper that Harry belonged to several old Magical families, even if the boy was living with his Muggle relatives at the moment. It seems that old magical families had a habit of collecting and writing old tomes filled with Magical Knowledge.

The Headmaster stated that as Harry did not have my intelligence, the books could be passed over to me. That way I could read them first and make the knowledge in them easily to instruct Harry in what he needed to know. He also said that the knowledge inside the books would give me an even bigger advantage than others when I got to Hogwarts than what I already possessed. It also sounded like that he would not have a problem with me not sharing the knowledge I gained from Harry's family books.

I could not wonder if he had a point, since by the sound of it while Harry was famous for what he had done to stop the Dark Lord, the boy was as dumb as those kids I go to school with. He most likely would not be able to understand what was in the books. As if to prove this, Headmaster Dumbledore pulled out one of the books belonging to Harry's family and let me look through it. As I had a hard time understanding some of it even with my intelligence I had to agree that Harry would be unable to gain anything from the books at all.

Before he left, the Headmaster handed over the book but tapped it with his wand so only I could read it. He pointed out that if my parents read anything from the book since it was magical it could hurt them. Almost at the same time, he safeguarded the book from hurting Mama and Papa they came back to themselves only to look confused as Headmaster Dumbledore stood up shaking their hands and saying it had been nice to meet them right before he left.

Wendell and Monica shared a look as it sounded like they had been enchanted by the candies they had been given and possibly been forced to take since neither of them liked sweets in the first place. The pair decided to see what else was in the book since they suddenly recalled that while they knew Hermione went to an elite private school, neither of them could recall the place's name or where it was located.

They ended up alternating reading the passages, but the next couple were just random everyday stuff, at least until the start of the next year.

January 31, 1989

Headmaster Dumbledore stopped by again today. After giving Mama and Papa some more Magic Candies, he asked me how I was coming with the book he had left for me back in September. I told him I had read the whole thing already, though I did not understand some of it. This caused him to chuckle as he explained I just lacked some knowledge of the Magical World and that he had stopped by to give me some help to understand it better.

Headmaster Dumbledore had Mama and Papa drive us to London before he led us to a place called Diagon Alley. The place was amazing. It was a magical shopping district though the kids around the place were as rowdy as the fools I have to go to school with. The Headmaster explained, that unlike the normal world schooling only really starts for Magicals when they turn eleven years old, hence why there were no kids eleven years or older on the street. He told me that most Magicals either home-school their kids or if they have a lot of money send them to private schools like Sycamore Academy.

While we walked past a bookstore, which I thought was where he was taking us, our destination turned out to be a large white marble building. The place was an honest-to-God Magical Bank run by Goblins. I of course was horrified by this knowing that Goblins were greedy and dangerous creatures. Especially since Ms. Marge Figg had explained that J.R.R. Tolkien was a Magic user who had written books as a means to disguise Magical knowledge for Normal kids who found out they could use magic. As we waited in line, Headmaster Dumbledore confirmed the Goblins were bad but said that until a Minister for Magic found the guts to stand up to them and put them in their place, Magicals had no choice but to allow the nasty things to run the banks. The way he had placed his hand on my shoulder as he said this, makes me wonder if he thought that I would one day become the Minister for Magic and be the one to help him deal with the Goblins.

When we got to the front of the line, Headmaster Dumbledore surprised me as he told the nasty Goblin he was opening an account, or as he called it a vault, for me. Though he had the vault created under my parent's name due to how young I was. He must have arranged this ahead of time since we were immediately taken from the hall and rode a mine cart to a vault that already had piles of books in it as well as some bronze, silver, and golden coins of various sizes. The Headmaster explained all about the money and how it would allow me to buy books at the bookstore we had seen in the alley and was another perk of me agreeing to become Harry's friend when we went to Hogwarts.

The Headmaster had me collect some money before leading us out of the bank and helping me pick out some books I could use from the bookstore which was named Florish and Blotts. He left us once we left the smelly and dingey pub making Mama and Papa wake up again and wonder what we were all doing there on a school night. I just said they had told me they had wanted a drive to London after a hard day at the office while holding my new books close to my chest. Just like the one Headmaster Dumbledore gave me during his first visit to our house, Mama and Papa could not see the books I was holding.

Monica and Wendell did not like the idea of having their names attached to the vault at the Magical Bank. Especially since they both agreed that the books inside the vault had to belong to the boy named Harry. If for some reason Dumbledore did not have permission to pass on the books, they knew the pair of them could be charged with stealing them from the boy. There were a few more normal entries, though their daughter would write about some of the stuff she was learning in her new books.

April 15, 1989

Headmaster Dumbledore picked me up from my school today and got me out of class for the day. He took me along as he App-or-ated, I think he called it. It was like teleporting from Papa's Star Trek program. I was shocked to find myself standing before a large building that was leaning two different ways without falling over. The Headmaster led me to the front door and knocked where a kindly, if loud woman let us in. The Headmaster introduced me to the woman, Mrs. Weasley, and told me that the woman's youngest son and daughter would be joining me in being Harry's friend.

Both of the Weasley kids were as dumb if not more so than the students in my class. They also appeared to be rather spoiled, making me wonder why out of everyone would I need their help when it came time to become Harry's friend. Headmaster Dumbledore and Mrs. Weasley showed me why as they sent up a chess board and had me face off against Ronald. Taking in his disheveled look I thought this game would be as easy as it ever was. I was the school chess champ after all beating even some of the high school kids at the game.

To my shock, Ronald beat me as if I was a newcomer to the game. I challenged him three more times and still got defeated by him, even when I made sure he would get no help from anyone by doing it after everyone else had left the room. So Ron might be an idiot, but he was good at strategy. His sister, on the other hand, I could not think of what she offered.

I was informed that the girl, Ginny would become Harry's girlfriend and later wife. I could not see why that mattered, at least until Headmaster Dumbledore reminded me of all the books that Harry's family had. As he could transfer most books to me the family Grimoirs were another story and could only be shared by a member of the family even if it was by marriage. I could not help but ask how this would affect me if Ginny was to marry him.

It was then that they dropped a bombshell that I was to marry Ronald. WHAT? Granted, he was good at chess, but I could see no reason to marry him besides that. Headmaster Dumbledore explained that when I married Ronald since Ginny was to marry Harry, I would be Harry's Sister-in-law which after a little fudging would allow me to gain access to Harry's Grimoires for more Magical knowledge.

"This is so wrong," Wendell said after reading about their daughter meeting these Weasleys. "Not only did he pull Hermione out of class, and we were not notified, but they set up a marriage for her when she was only eight years old."

"And they want to steal more of Harry's property," Monica said shaking her head in disappointment.

September 18, 1989

Ms. Arabell Figg stopped by today. She informed me that someone from the Ministry would be coming over tomorrow since it was my birthday and explained to my family that I was magical. I pointed out that I had known I was magical since Ms. Figg's twin sister had stopped by last year. Ms. Figg explained that she and her sister worked directly under Headmaster Dumbledore in his job as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. Which she said was the Magical World's combined court and parliamentary body and were tasked to find Muggleborns who could help lead the world in the proper direction or had the potential for great things. The people coming tomorrow were just some bureaucrats who came to see everyone no matter the potential they may have.

September 19, 1989

Just as Ms. Figg told me yesterday, we got a visit from the Ministry Worker, somebody named Darkin or something. I had to pretend I did not know about the Magical World. It was strange to see Mama and Papa go along with it, despite them not being home when Ms. Figg stopped by yesterday. But maybe they just saw how I was acting and followed my lead. Darkin, or whatever, explained about Hogwarts and the four Houses at the school. I tuned him out having learned all about the place. Gryffindor was the best House, Hufflepuff was a bunch of touchy-feely babies, Ravenclaw had sounded like a good place to go before I was told that it housed the second largest dark population at the school Then there was Slytherin, Darkin said it was the place where a person could find allies when they needed it after living a troubled life, but I knew the real deal about the place it was a dark house filled with followers or at least kids of followers from the Dark Lord. It was a place no sane or good person would ever be caught dead in.

The only good thing from the visit was that shortly after Darkin left, an owl came to deliver me a letter. The letter was from Headmaster Dumbledore who stated that since the Ministry had now "informed me" that I was magical it would not raise suspicions that I would use the owl post to send letters.

October 8, 1989

I have had some problems with Mama and Papa lately. First off Mama made a whole issue with the owl, Headmaster Dumbledore had sent me. It seems she is scared of birds, who knew? Secondly, they would not take me back to Diagon Alley so I could get some money out of the vault and buy some new books. Since I am to start Hogwarts in two years, I wanted to get the books for the first couple of years so I could work on them beforehand. Yet Mama and Papa don't want to go to London. I wrote to Headmaster Dumbledore about the problems, and he said he would solve them.

Monica was confused since she did not recall having a fear of birds at all. The two Granger parents also wondered if the story about the owl was true, where the bird was at this moment, or why there were no signs of it in their house.

October 12, 1989

There was no school today, and Headmaster Dumbledore showed up. The first thing he did was take us all outside and use his wand to place a Ward around our home. He told me that it would prevent anyone from knowing if any spells were cast inside the place for when I got older and began to learn how to use magic. I soon learned that that was just one of the reasons for the Ward, as we reentered the house and he cast a spell on my parents. I was a little confused and angry. After all, I kind of figured he and the Figg sisters were doing something with the candies they gave my parents but he had never to my knowledge cast a spell on them before.

He sent my mind at ease as he told me that the spells he had used had blocked Mama's Ornithophobia so she would not freak out about my owl. Another spell he told me he had placed on my parents was to make them forget about me being Magical or the Magical world, even when we went to Diagon Alley or other Magical Places. The last spell, was my favorite since it made my parents more willing to listen to me when it came to heading to get more books and supplies from Diagon Alley.

"I can't believe she was alright with that bastard casting spells on us," Monica growled almost throwing the diary into the fireplace in her anger.

"No wonder, we went to London so many times in the last couple of years," Wendell said just as angrily. Granted it was just a few hours from their home but the gas was expensive even with how profitable their dental practice was.

September, 19, 1990

It has been a good few years, but looking back at the start of the diary, I can't believe how dumb I was. Guess I was just a normie back then. I can't bear to look at those entries now. I decided to get rid of everything before finding out I was Magical. Since that is when my real life and future began. I made Mom and Dad take me to Diagon Alley for a birthday shopping spree. I think, I am ready for casting spells, but now I want to work on brewing potions. It should not be that hard, I already know most of the lessons for the high school students's Chemistry class potions should be just as easy.

Most of the next year's entries were all about the progress Hermione was making in her studies in magic and brewing, interspersed with some more meetings with the Weasley family and shopping trips to Diagon Alley.

September 3, 1991

I am finally at Hogwarts and was sorted into Gryffindor. The stupid hat tried to send me to Ravenclaw or Slytherin but I was having none of it. I easily tricked it using a spell I had learned from one of Harry's family's books to make its voice call out when it said Gryffindor. I did meet Harry, at last, on the train. He was seated next to Ronald who gave me a superior smirk that he had found Harry first. Now I owe him a Galleon since we bet who could find and befriend Harry first.

Not only did Ronald win the bet, but I also found out why Headmaster Dumbledore had stated Ronald was the youngest Weasley boy, despite only meeting Ron and Ginny. It seems that the rest of Ronald's family is not part of Headmaster Dumbledore's plan for Harry so I would only be allowed to go over there when they were not at the Burrow.

October 17, 1991

I am getting mad at Harry and possibly Ronald. Since Ronald became Harry's friend first, I have been trying to show that Harry needs me due to my intelligence, but Harry has not got the message. Either that or Ron not wanting to share Harry with me or possibly marry me later has been keeping Harry away.

October 19, 1991

I spoke to Headmaster Dumbledore about Ronald keeping me from Harry, but the Headmaster told me it was part of the plan. The longer Harry took to become my friend the more it showed he needed me thanks to the bad grades he got in class. I was shocked to find out that the whole idea had come from Ronald making me respect the red-haired idiot a little more.

November 3, 1991

We had a plan for Harry to become my friend for Halloween. Ron was to insult me and make my head to the bathroom to cry where I was to remain until Harry came along to make sure I was alright. IN NO PART OF THE PLAN WAS THERE ANY MENTION OF ME ALMOST GETTING KILLED BY A f*ckING TROLL! I would kill Ron and sue the Headmaster if I did not find out yesterday that they had not planned on a troll somehow entering the castle during the plan, let alone the thing finding me. On the other hand, I now have access to Harry's work, so I can make sure he is learning what the Headmaster wants him to. Also if he somehow starts to do better than me I can fix his assignments so he gives the wrong information so he knows that U am the smart one.

"A troll?" both Wendell and Monica gasped as they finished with the latest entry.

November 9, 1991

Harry had his first Quidditch game today. His broom got cursed, the idiot. To save his ass I had to set Professor Snape's robes on fire.

May 14, 1992

I agreed with the idea that we needed to make Harry a pariah around the school so the likes of Mafloy or even Ron's older brothers corrupt him, but I did not agree to have the same thing happen to me just because Professor McGonagall took Harry's snark at the number of points we lost as a means to take fifty points a piece from Harry, Neville and me.

I am just glad no one has tried to curse me like they have Harry, rather I just stopped trying to get called on in class. Granted I only do so since I had started to do it as a means to attract Harry to me at the start of the term, but had not wanted to change that much after we finally became friends.

May 27, 1992

Whose bright idea was to schedule detention in the Forbidden Forrest as punishment for breaking curfew? We were out past curfew to serve our detention and talk about mixed messages. I will have to start looking at how to change rules at the school as well as in the rest of the Magical World.

June 5, 1992

Ronald and I got Harry to go "protect the stone" as the Headmaster ordered us to. We even "took ourselves out" leaving Harry no choice but to face off against The Dark Lord's servant by himself. It was a good show, by the time Harry made his way to the mirror room, Headmaster Dumbledore showed up and led Ron and me to a side tunnel with a magical one-way wall where we watched Harry face off against Quirrell. The Headmaster showed why we needed to guide Harry in the proper way of things as we watched Harry actually kill the man with his bare hands. Using some sort of Dark Magic by the look of it. Headmaster Dumbledore calmed us down saying that while Harry could use such dark magic it would be useful to stop the Dark Lord when he returned to full power in a couple of years. This is why Ron and I have to keep Harry as light as possible until then and later when he marries Ron's sister.

July 12, 1992

I love the fact that the Headmaster put the Wards in place, I can now practice all the spells at home without any of my annoying classmates around or fear of getting into trouble with the Ministry. I have already been able to cast most of the spells taught in the first three years of Hogwarts.

August 13, 1992

Mrs. Weasley sent me a letter saying she and their family were heading to Diagon Alley and that I should come and bring my parents. As if I could resist a visit to the bookstore to pick up some more books. However, I had to hide the fact I had a vault from Harry and the rest of the Weasleys as I made my parents exchange some normie money to get some cash for my supplies. Thanks to the fight between Ronald's father and Malfoy's dad, I was easily able to use my money bag to purchase my books letting me keep the exchanged funds to get some snacks on the Hogwarts Express.

September 2, 1992

I am glad I complained about being the one who had to deal with being an outcast with Harry last year, so it was Ron's turn as he had to steal his dad's flying car and drive it to Hogwarts with Harry. Ron once more showed he was not dumb as he acted as he was able to convince Harry not to send a message to the school about the barrier to Platform 9 3/4 being blocked but just stealing the car. I wonder what they would have done if Ron's dad had not made a flying car.

Man, I thought Ron's mom's voice was loud before that Howler was ear-splitting, but it at least gave me a reason to "forgive" them for their actions of flying the car to Hogwarts.

November 1, 1992

Well, Ron and I finally learned the Headmaster's plan to train Harry this year after we read the message about the Chamber of Secrets being opened after we left the Deathday Party. Note to self, no matter what anyone tells me or promises to get me never attend another Deathday party, or at least if I have to go bring along some of my own food.

I am worried a little since I am Muggleborn with Slytherin's monster being unleashed. But the Headmaster assures me he has put protections in place so I alone would not be attacked.

November 10, 1992

Headmaster Dumbledore gave me a mission to help train Harry, as well as to show off once more I am the Smartest Witch of the age. He had me brew a Polyjuice Potion so that Harry and Ron could sneak into the Slytherin Dorms during the Christmas Break. Unfortunately, I was told I had to sabotage my own potion making me unable to come, thus keeping me away from that dark house which has to have some Magic Sensors that would detect a Muggle entering it leading to me being attacked.

Granted I was told to drink a potion with some hair that the Headmaster had taken from Professor McGonagall when she was in her cat form. I wonder if I will become a cat or look like McGonagall when I drink it. If I look like my Head of House I will use it as a distraction and take as many points away from those Slytherin bastards as I can.

June, 23, 1993

The Headmaster lied to me. I got petrified by the Monster of Slytherin and lost several weeks of class. He promised to make it up to me by having Ms. Marge Figg come to tutor me for a bit during the summer as well as increase the pay I received in my vaults. I am actually surprised Harry and Ron managed to find out the Monster was a Basilik and somehow beat it. This is all the more shocking since it sounds like after I got petrified the Headmaster was removed from Hogwarts.

July 16, 1993

My tutoring sessions had to be cut short as Mom and Dad decided to have a family vacation in France. I at least was able to get some new Magic books, and as if to show support for Harry's flying got him a birthday gift, a broom servicing kit.

September 1, 1993

Dementors suck. While I did not collapse like Harry did I felt horrible as if I was ashamed I was lying to Harry about being his friend. But that could not be it. He needs me and Ron to make sure the dark magic he has does not corrupt him or let him hurt anyone.

October 15, 1993

I think I am starting to lose it thanks to the Time Turner the Headmaster gave me so I can take every single class. I saw something rather strange today. Harry and Susan Bones meet together in an empty corridor and by the look of it the Hufflepuff comforting Harry about the teasing he was getting from his reaction to the Dementors. I think I am dreaming while I am awake, for the only reason the girl would comfort Harry is if they were friends, and thanks to Ron and me the only "friend" Harry has besides us and Ginny is Neville.

October 20, 1993

I saw Harry and Susan together again. I even got closer and heard the girl explain why she was helping Harry. It seems her "Aunty" or guardian was the Head of the Ministry's Magical Law Enforcement offices so Susan knew all about Dementors and what they could do to people. Harry must be hanging out with Susan due to Ron and my "fight." We are only doing this as a means to occupy Harry so he does not start to look into different aspects of the Magical World or drop Divinations which the Headmaster wants him to take.

October 30, 1993

I decided to report that Harry was becoming friends with Susan to the Headmaster. He thanked me and gave me a potion that would help me sleep a full night with only a few hours.

December 25, 1993

Ron is a great actor, I almost thought he would attack me for telling Professor McGonagall about the Firebolt Harry got for Christmas. Harry not knowing we were distracting him still showed anger and I feared he would use his dark magic on me, but thankfully Ron has been able to make sure he has not done so. At least so far.

May 15, 1994

OH MY MERLIN THAT FELT GREAT. I slugged Malfoy, granted I also missed the rest of my classes for the day, but it was worth it just to smack that evil bastard around.

June 5, 1994

I revealed to Harry about the Time Turner as we used it to save Sirius Black for some reason. The Headmaster told Ron and me that Sirius while not being the one to send the Dark Lord after Harry's parents was still a dark wizard and would corrupt Harry faster and surer than anyone else. The only upside was while we saved the man he had to go on the run.

"Wait Black is a Wizard?" Wendell asked thinking of the continued coverage of the manhunt for the escaped criminal.

"I guess," Monica answered with a shrug.

August 12, 1994

I used the spell the Headmaster cast on my parents years ago to have them approve of me going to the Quidditch World Cup. I don't like Quidditch but since the event is an international one I can take a closer look at how Magicals from around the world stack up against those from England.

August 17, 1994

THE MAGICAL WORLD NEEDS TO CHANGE. I just found out about House Elves, I can't believe the Magical World condones slavery. It is just another thing I am going to have to fix when I become the youngest Minister for Magic ever elected.

October 31, 1994

The Triwizard Tournament officially started at Hogwarts with Headmaster Dumbledore bringing out the Goblet of Fire. I was not that impressed, to tell the truth. I was more concerned with Ron's interest in one of the visiting students. Does he not recall that we are meant to get together so I can gain access to Harry's Grimoires? If he starts dating someone else, I will lose access to all that knowledge.

November 4, 1994

Harry is once more separated from the rest of the castle thanks to his name coming out of the Goblet of Fire. Since Ron was his friend last year with the whole Scabbers-Firebolt plan, I am the one supporting him this year. As Ron takes over spreading lies about Harry to everyone else to make sure no one wants to become his friend.

November 10, 1994

Harry got away from me today, and when I found him he was once more with Susan Bones. What was worse it seemed the Headmaster had not been able to get the pair apart either since they no longer looked to be just friends but had been sharing a chaste kiss. When I told the Headmaster about this, he had me hide in his office as he called Susan up before placing some spells on her to make her forget she and Harry were friends, dating, or whatever.

November 15, 1994

Being told about the upcoming Yule Ball, and to pay Ron back for his interest in the Beauxbaton's Champion, I have started to use some of the Love Potions that the Headmaster has made for Ginny to use on Harry to entice Viktor Krum. Ron is such a fanboy of the moronic Quidditch player, that he will hate it when Viktor asks me to the ball.

December 26, 1994

Last night was an utter disaster. Viktor was as big as a moron as I thought. He could not even give me any good information that I could pass on to Harry to "help" in the tournament.

December 27, 1994

I think I gave Viktor the wrong potion. He has not left me alone since the ball. I think I gave him the Devoted Love Potion which Ginny was supposed to give Harry to make him want to obey her every command or just follow her around like a love-sick puppy.

February 25, 1994

I want to kill the person who chose the Second Task for the Tournament was to rescue people from the Black Lake in the middle of Winter. Thanks to the potion that I have been unable to remove from Viktor's system, I was chosen as his hostage for the task. Nothing like getting spelled into a Magical Coma and then waking up in negative 15-degree water.

April 4, 1994

Since I have been unable to remove the Devoted Love Potion from Krum, I decided to head home for Easter Break just so I can get away from the moron. This does mean I was forced to go to normie church with my parents, as if I believe in any of that normie religion anymore now that I can use magic.

"We need to do something," Wendell said as they finished reading the last entry in Hermione's diary.

"I don't want her back here if this is how she treats us, putting spells on us or at least allowing others to do so," Monica agreed.

"She did mention in the entry from March that if worse came to worse she would convince this Krum boy to go to Gringotts to get Cleansed of the Potion. Maybe they can get rid of the spells on us as well," Wendell suggested.

The pair decided to try it, and using Hermione's diary which gave the directions to the Magical Alley in one of the earlier entries found their way to the Leaky Cauldron. They were both surprised that the spells that had been placed on them had not come back into effect as they made their way to the bank. Unknown to the pair since they learned of the spells from reading about them the spells were dormant for the rest of the day. Not knowing who to talk to, the Grangers when it was their turn to see a Goblin asked to see the bank manager.

"What do you want?" a gruff Goblin asked once they were taken to a side office.

"Um, we want to undergo a cleansing," Wendell said trying not to show fear before the strange creature growing at him, especially as behind the man's(?) desk was a bloody ax.

"Why do you feel you need to get cleansed?" the Goblin asked.

"Um, we found our daughter's diary and it tells us that we are under some enchantments," Monica said passing the diary over to the bank manager.

As Ragnock used some Goblin Magic to quickly read through the book, he felt his anger rise. Not at the pair of Muggles before him but for Albus, the pair's daughter, and some of the Weasley clan. The book showed evidence of Line Theft against the Potter Heir before he recently became a Lord, even if he had not yet claimed his family rings. Not to mention enchantments to Heiress Bones. "And how would you pay for your Cleansing?" Ragnock asked the pair of Muggles getting ready to grab his ax if they told him to use the vault Albus had set up for their daughter.

"Depending on how much it is, can we exchange some Muggle money to have it done?" Wendell asked.

"It can be arranged or we can work something out," Ragnock said.

"Um, reading our daughter's diary, we both think that the books inside and possibly the money are being taken from this Harry Potter boy's accounts. Since the book said we are the ones whose names are on the vaults can we shut it down and give him everything back?" Monica asked making Ragnock smile at them which caused the pair of Muggles to flinch back thinking he was mad at them.

"And that right there, will make your Cleansing free. Not only will we close the account, we will not make either of you pay back the money your daughter has used from it," Ragnock informed them.

"Um, is there some way after our cleansing to keep our daughter, these Weasleys, and Headmaster Dumbledore from enchanting us again?" Wendell asked.

"We can do so, but there is another option," Ragnock said leaning towards them.

"What is it? both Grangers asked.

"In the past, there have been times with Muggle relatives of Magic users feared for themselves from their relatives. In those cases, a Magical Resatraining Order can be made to prevent certain Magical people from getting anywhere near them. Now I get this would also include your daughter, but if you want," the Goblin Bank Manager began only to be cut off.

"Hermione can be added to the list, after everything in her diary I don't feel safe around her," Monica said.

"I agree. Maybe we can pass on a message to know about the order," Wendell said as in his mind he made plans to sell their house and practice before moving away so their daughter or one of the people she was working with could track them down.

"That can also be arranged," Ragnock said.

"What about sending a message to this Harry Potter boy, possibly Hermione's diary so he knows what they are doing to him?" Wendell asked.

"Now that will be a problem, for we have found there is a Mail Ward attached to young Lord Potter to prevent our messages from reaching him. However," Ragnock said raising a hand to stop their protest, "we can send the diary to Heiress's Bones guardian who might be able to take care of everything."

"Good," both Grangers agreed before they allowed themselves to be led away to get Cleansed.

As Hermione stepped off the Hogwarts Express at Kings Cross, rather than finding her parents she was greeted by a Magical Law officer who informed her she was being charged with conspiracy to commit Line Theft as she was led away along with Mrs. Weasley, Ginny, and Ron. Unlike the Weslseys, Hermione was also charged with using a banned potion on someone, for her dosing Krum. Hermione was sure Headmaster Dumbledore would be able to get them off on the charge only to find the Headmaster in a nearby cell as they were brought in.


Hermione and the others were arrested after Hogwarts ended to prevent a larger international incident. There still will be some since Hermione did douse Viktor, but this way the British Ministry could look better rather than the arrest happening before the two visiting groups of students.

Chapter 93: A Mother's Duty


Lily Potter nee Evans and Molly Weasley nee Prewett are two different types of Mothers. One dies to protect her child, the other wants their child to be perfect, at least to their standards.


This combines a request from AshleyKagome15 who wanted Molly's desire to have a daughter rather twisted. So that when Molly gives birth to a child who is either too sickly or a Squib she gets rid of the girl and steals one of the twin girls from the Lovegood family.

Since AshleyKagome15 just had that basic plot, they gave me the okay to do anything else with the story from ships and whatnot, so I decided to add a second area in the story that I had come up with but had been unable to place into one of my works yet, where Lily not trusting Albus completely makes arrangements to protect her son.

Tags: Molly Weasley bashing, Albus Bashing, abandoned and stolen kids. Molly Weasley is a bad parent, and finally protective Lily Potter

Chapter Text

Molly's Perspective

After almost twelve hours of labor, Molly had given birth to a pair of twins. She could not help but smile down at the kids as the Healer placed them in her arms. After so long, Molly had finally given birth to a girl like she had always dreamed of having. She did love her sons, in her own way, but a daughter was something special. Arthur and her and discussed it and their newest son would be named Ronald or Ron for short. As for the girl, Molly wanted to name her after her favorite aunt, Ginevra.

Passing Ronald over to her husband so she could focus on Ginevra, Molly could not help but coo a little at her precious baby. Molly gently untapped the baby's head so she could kiss the girl's forehead but had to stop herself. The girl had been born with hair, not that unusual but the strange thing was that unlike the rest of the family, the girl's hair was dark brown. While it was a little thing the color of the baby's hair was hard to ignore. Molly's mind was suddenly filled with memories of her cousin Antoney Prewett, the only other person in the family with non-red hair. Antoney had turned out to be a Squib. Fearing that her new daughter was also a Squib, the first chance Molly got she walked around St. Mungos to find a Healer she trusted.

Most Healers would even consider doing what she had in mind for a kid so young, but she knew that the Headmaster had some allies among the Healers who would use some less than legal or normal procedures when asked by other of the man's allies. "I need a scan to see my daughter's magic level," Molly "asked" after finding one of Albus's Healers.

"Why?" the Healer asked while still pulling out their wand.

"The only other member of my family that was not born or grew red hair was a Squib, I want to make sure my daughter is not one," Molly explained.

"Kay, sure," the man said casting the requested spell. The young girl fussed a little as the spell was cast on them almost blinding them due to their young age, which is why most healers would only cast such a spell when the kid was at least one year old. "Well, Madam, your daughter's magic is at the bottom ranking for a child her age."

"NO!," Molly cried feeling disgusted and disappointed that after all this time, the girl she wanted was a Bloody Squib.

Not wanting to let anyone know that she had birthed such a disappointment, Molly left the girl with the Healer and rushed back to the room to collect her new son. "Test him, to make sure they are not both duds," Molly ordered the man.

With a sigh, the Healer cast the spell on Ronald. While the scan had not had any harmful effect on the girl, Ronald had the misfortune of looking at the Healer's wand tip as the spell was cast. The flickering lights, while not blinding him miswired his brain a little which gave him ADHD but also would make it hard for him to recall things when he started school. The spell also suppressed the twin bond between Ronald and his sister. "Your son is shown to have a standard magic level for a kid his age," the Healer reported making Molly let out a breath of relief.

"Can I get you to sign something for me to pass on to my husband and family that said my daughter suffered from some complications and ended up dying?" Molly asked.

"Do you actually want me to kill the child?" the Healer asked having done similar things for Albus and his allies over the years.

Molly was almost tempted to say yes, but looking at the girl she had finally given birth to as she bounced Ronald in her arms, she decided she did not want the girl to die. "No, just take her to some Muggle orphanage and drop her off," Molly said.

"Very well," the Healer said as he quickly wrote up the report of Ginevra suffering some complications as Molly had walked her around St. Mungos leading to the girl's untimely death. As soon as the Healer passed over the report so Molly could share it with her family, the Healer snuck the young Weasley daughter out of the hospital.

As this was not the first time the Healer had been asked to do something like this either, he was quickly able to drop the newborn baby girl off at a Muggle orphanage in a freshly conjured bassinet. A few days later the girl was adopted by a Muggle couple who had just been informed they would be unable to have children due to the man's low sperm count and an issue with the woman's ovaries. While the couple had the money to hire a surrogate they decided to see if there were any kids they could adopt. Finding the day's old girl the pair had fallen in love with her and adopted her right away. As the staff of the place informed them the girl had been left with them with only her carrier and clothing on her back the couple decided to name the girl Hermione Granger before leaving to make sure their new daughter got the proper injections, just in case.

Lily's Perspective.

Lily could not help but smile down at her young son before she looked across the sitting room at her old Headmaster. While James and her had been active members of the Order of the Phoenix, standing with the various Ministry branches against Voldemort and his forces, the pair had stepped back for a bit when Lily became pregnant. Lily half expected Albus to try to talk them into rejoining the fight against Voldemort, but even she was surprised by his news. "I have just been informed of a Prophecy which might affect your child," Albus said sounding more somber than Lily had ever heard him before, though with that damn twinkle in his eyes, she had long ago learned to distrust.

"What is it about, Albus?" James said throwing an arm around Lily's shoulders to pull his beloved wife and new son closer to him.

"I was told that the person to defeat, Voldemort would be born to parents who had thrice defied the man. The child would be born around a certain time, and unfortunately your young son here," Albus said reaching over as if to rub his hand over Harrison's head, but Lily pulled her son closer to herself as if in fear of what she was hearing. "Was born around the time the Prophecy gave."

Lily had to bite her lip to prevent herself from asking about the rest of the Prophecy since she knew that no Prophecy was that short. But she only knew that due to her job as an Unspeakable. Due to the nature of her job except for James and her co-workers, everyone thought that Lily just worked in the Ministry's support staff. "Poor Frank, Alice, Edward, and Stacy," Lily said instead knowing that James's Auror training partner's wife had given birth to a son a few hours before Harrison arrived. And Stacy Bones had just birthed her first daughter an hour or so after Lily gave birth to Harrison.

"Yes, and while there are three possible children who Voldemort could be after, I believe he will target young Harry here," Albus said trying to pat her son's head again.

"His name is, Harrison, Albus," Lily snarled at the man seeing the damn twinkle in the man's eyes. "But why do you think out of the three he will target our son?"

"I think it is because of you, Lily," Albus said ignoring, as usual, her anger at calling Harrison the wrong name, making Lily want to curse the man.

"Come again?" Lily asked her voice dropping dangerously low as James pulled Harrison out of her arms and out of harm's way.

"Well, the Longbottoms both came from Pureblood families, while the Edward Bones is a Pureblood and Stacy's parents had been Muggleborns making her Halfblood. As we all know Voldemort hates that Muggleborns have "invaded" our world so the fact that one of the children destined to stop him has a Muggleborn parent he would focus on them. Or so I figure," Albus said not informing the Potters of the real reason thus revealing Voldemort himself was a Halfblood with only one Magical born parent just like young "Harry" was.

"Why would he even target us in the first place," Lily asked wishing to pull out her wand and curse Albus sensing the man knew more than what he was sharing.

"Unfortunately, the Prophecy was given to me by a person who was interviewing for the Divination Post. I have learned it is a bad idea to interview someone at the castle after all this time so it took place in the Hogshead. We were in a private room, but it seemed that someone had been listening at the door. I only found out later from the barman who explained he had found the person listening at the keyhole and tossed him out when I went to leave the pub," Albus explained. This just put Lily further on guard since due to her job, she knew the barman who worked at the Hogshead was, in fact, Albus's brother.

"So we will leave the island," Lily suggested making sure to keep a close watch on Albus's reaction thinking the man had some plan in mind for her son. Not only due to the old bastard hounding James about the Potter Family's Invisibility Cloak but also the man's utter refusal to call their son by his name but kept calling him "Harry."

"Now there is no reason to go that far, if you leave the country and young Harry is the child destined to defeat Voldemort you will allow him to take over. If not you both have been on the front lines and your running away could make others lose their hope in Voldemort's certain defeat," Albus said quickly making Lily notice the man's eyes widened in fear at them leaving. Something she believed had nothing to do with the lost morale or hope anyone else might feel. "I think it would be best that until Harry is older you all go into hiding under a Fidelius Charm."

"Why, use that? I am sure my family has some properties that could protect us even better and are already unplottable and unreachable unless I permit someone to stop by," James asked making Lily give him a small nod of approval.

"While they could work, there is the downside that some Magicals don't have the same protections as your family could provide. Voldemort if he learns you are just hiding in your family's homes might try to draw you out by increasing his attacks. Yet if we let it slip you are using a random property and the Fidelius Charm he would waste time and resources to look for you," Albus said and Lily had to admit for once the man had a point.

"Wouldn't he still try to drag us out of hiding by attacking others if Lily or I were the Secret Keeper?" James asked.

"That is why we will be using a third party as the Secret Keeper. I doubt he would try to reach you normally if I were also the Secret Keeper so we will have to use one of your old friends or co-workers who you both utterly trust," Albus said standing up as if giving them time to consider what he told them but was Lily ending the meeting on his terms rather then being told to leave like a respectable guest to the Potter Family Castle.

Lily knew she could not call on any of her current co-workers to be their Secret Keeper since it might out them and Lily as Unspeckables, which she knew if it came out Albus would be over more often than not trying to get her to tell her about what happened in the departments. Something he had often done to some Unspeakables forcing a departmental rule change that all Unspeakables were said to work in other Ministry departments to protect their identity. When Unspeakables left the DOM, they all wore large cloaks that hid their bodies as well as masked their voices, unless a person had certain permission or ranked high enough in the Ministry the Unspeakables were anonymous.

They also could not use James's Auror partner since Frank Longbottom was in a similar situation leaving them to decide on James's old school friends. Lily could not even choose some of her old school friends due to out of her three friends one had died, Marlene McKinnon, one of her friends had married someone who was thought to be Voldemort's right-hand man, Narcissa Malfoy nee Black, and her friendship with Severus had ended after he had called her a Mudblood back in their Fifth Year.

But just because she could not choose one of her fellow Unspeakables as their Secret Keeper did not mean Lily was not going to get their help. Since she did not trust Albus and that damn twinkle in his eyes as far as she could throw the Knight Bus without using Magic, Lily decided to talk to her boss. "Richard do you have a minute?" she asked coming into her boss's office.

"Sure thing, Lily just let me finish this up," Richard Greengrass aka Agent Memoria said as he signed his name on the last bit of paperwork on his desk. "So what can I do for you? I take it this is just a short visit since you just gave birth," he said giving her a look that said he hoped he was right for his wife was expecting their second child any day now and did not want to be in a meeting if he got the message that the girl who they decided to name Daphne was on her way at least.

"Albus just came to see James and me, telling us there is now a prophecy about my son possibly being the one to defeat Voldemort," Lily explained as she closed the door to Richard's office and sat before his desk. Like everyone who worked in the DOM, at least with people who knew where they worked, Richard did not flinch at the name. "First off, he did not give us the full Prophecy so I was hoping you could talk to the Head of the Prophecy group to let me watch it. Secondly, the old fool came up with some convoluted plan to keep James, Harrison, and me safe. I was sort of hoping you could help me out to make sure that whatever he has in mind will not harm my child if Albus's plan blows up in his face."

"What do you have in mind?" Richard asked before flinching back seeing the dangerous look on Lily Potter aka Agent Le Fay's face. Lily had gained her Agent title not only due to her skill in charms but finding out that James's family besides descending from, the Peverell and Griffindor lines also had some ties to Morgan le Fay.

"Albus plans on having us use Fideleus Charm with a Secret Keeper from our old friends or current co-workers. Just in case one of them leaks the news of where James and I will be living to protect Harrison. I was hoping you would let me perform an Orphaned Protection Ritual. I have a feeling that before Voldemort tries to kill Harrison he will target both James and me first lest we try to stop him," Lily explained.

"That could work," Richard said nodding his head in agreement. "What do you plan to tie the anchor point to since it sounds like Albus wants you to stay at some random place?"

"I was thinking of tying it to Harrison's crib and possible bed since that would be something that I would want to bring with me. And where James or I would put him to free up our hands to face Voldemort," Lily said.

"I see you have given this some thought. Where would you send Harrison when the ritual reads you and your husband are killed?" Richard asked.

"Unfortunately since James's partner's family is also getting targeted we can't send him to them. And with the Secret Keeper possibly being one of his friends, I was sort of hoping Harrison could be sent here to be brought up."

"You want to send your child here to the DOM to be raised if you and your husband are killed. I don't see Overseer Magic approving that at all," Richard said.

"Well, it does not have to be for a long time, just long enough to root out any of the people we thought we could trust who turned us over to Voldemort. If nothing else, I am sure someone will adopt Harrison," Lily said a note of pleading in her voice.

"Fine I will see to it, but we should check out this Prophecy in case it reveals something that indicates it might not even be about your son," Richard said getting up from his desk and having Lily follow him out of the room to the Hall of Prophecies. It was only thanks to Lily being a member of the DOM that Agent Pytho agreed to let Lily see the Prophecy. As a Prophecy Orb could only be safely touched by a person it was about, Agent Pytho used one of her group's Artifacts to show the contents of the Orb without breaking it.

"Maybe Overseer Magic might approve of the boy being raised here if the ritual takes effect. Where else might he learn things Voldemort would not know then right here," Richard said.

When Lily showed up a few days later with James, Harrison, and their son's shrunken crib to set the groundwork of the Orphaned Protection Ritual, Overseer Magic stopped by to give their approval of the plan for Harrison to come stay in the DOM if the worst happened. Overseer Magic, who unlike the other members of the DOM always wore their Unspeakable Robes with their hood up to hide their identity, even performed the Orphaned Protection Ritual themselves. Overseer Magic included a secondary effect which would activate a set of Wards around the home the crib would be in once Harrison was whisked away to safety. The Wards would include Anti-Magic and Anti-Apparition types to lock Voldemort inside them. Lily was shocked when after the ritual was finished, the DOM Overseer also gave James and her some packets of dried potions. "If you slip these into people who have permission to come over after the Fidelius Charm is activated if the Orphaned Protection Ritual also activates it will Magicall Summon them to us so we can vet them and make sure they were not involved with sending Voldemort against you and your family Agent Le Fay,' Overseer Magic explained as they shook Lily and James's hands before gently patting Harrison's head.

"Thank you, Overseer Magic," Lily said so overcome with their gesture and having recently given birth she began to cry and tried to hug the DOM's boss. Overseer Magic casually stepped aside patting her on her shoulder before they vanished.

"And I thought some people I work with were powerful," James said staring in wonder at the spot Overseer Magic had left since there was no usual "popping" sound that would happen when a person Apparated.

On October 31, 1981, the man known as Lord Voldemort after learning where James and Lily Potter were hiding from him, attacked the small home in Godric's Hallow where they had been staying. Voldemort showed no remorse as he killed James Potter who had tried to hold him back by throwing stuff at him, nor did he hesitate to kill the Mudblood. He did not care that Severus when the man told him about the Prophecy begged Voldemort not to kill the woman, but the Mudblood bitch had gotten in his way. Voldemort smiled as he watched the Mudblood sink to the floor before turning his sights on the one-year-old brat that he had been told would lead to his downfall. He had to admire the brat since the thing was not crying like the kids back at Wools did but just looked at him in wonder. However, as Voldemort started to cast his spell, there was a bright yellow flash and the kid vanished from the crib. Voldemort screamed with fury as he readied a spell to destroy the house only to feel a sudden heaviness sink onto him as Overseer Magic's special Wards fell into place trapping the man inside the baby's bedroom with no means of escape.

The next day the entire island threw parties in celebration at the news that You-Know-Who had been apprehended and taken to a specially designed cell deep within the legendary Department of Mysteries to be studied on how he had so much power and sometimes seemed unkillable. While many parties celebrated the man's defeat everyone also mourned the death of James and Lily Potter. Albus had tried to find out what had happened to their son but had been blocked at every turn. Which frustrated the man just as much as finding out that Voldemort had neither died nor been arrested and separated from his body due to the Horcruxes he had created. No, the bastard had managed to get arrested and by none of the Order thus not giving Albus any credit in it.

Molly's Perspective

On November first, when everyone was celebrating the Dark Lord's defeat the Lovegoods were also introducing their twin girls to the world. Molly hated having to come to the party and see the girls from the freak Lovegoods. She still had not gotten over the fact that the girl she had given birth to had been a Squib. Even though most thought she was acting the way she was due to their belief that the girl had died less than three hours after being born. Arthur had kept close to his wife in support knowing she might need it due to the reminder of their dead daughter as they went over to their neighbors to see the two little ladies.

Molly was shocked to see that just like her most recent set of twins the two Lovegood girls had different colors of hair. The one that had been introduced as Luna had dark locks while her twin sister Sol had bright blonde hair. Molly was instantly smitten by Luna wished the girl was her own child. She did not care for Sol for the hair color was the same as those of the Malfoy family. Molly was completely unaware that Xenophiliu was actually Lucious Malfoy's older brother. "Are you not concerned by their different colored hair?" Molly asked sliding up to Pandora to help her with the kids. Thus giving Molly a chance to hold little Luna making her fall further in love with the little baby.

"Not really, all of Xenophilous's family are born with blonde or white hair and part of the Lovegood family magic is to take on the traits of the lines they marry into. Though our family says if a child is born with the hair or features of their Lovegood parent it shows the child will be strong in Magic," Pandora explained.

"You are both extremely lucky then," Molly said bouncing Luna in her arms a little wishing her family magic had the same thing with kids of different colored hair being born into it rather than the child being a Squib or at least near enough of one.

As Pandora left to see Sol as the girl looked and smelled like she needed to be changed, Molly bounced Luna in her arms for a bit as she wished the girl was hers. As most knew of Molly's daughter dying so soon after birth most at the party left her alone, even Xenophilis seeing the smile on the woman's face. Yet the more time Molly spent with the girl in her arms the more she wished Luna was hers. As a way to take her mind off of "losing her daughter," Molly had been helping Albus sort through his library. Albus had actually suggested Molly do it in case her birth daughter somehow showed up sometime in the future thus showing Molly had lied about the girl's death.

During her time with Albus's library, Molly had found an old spell/ritual that would alter people's memories which would erase her birth daughter's knowledge that Molly was her mother if the Squib showed up. The more Molly spent with Luna in her arms, the more she wanted to perform the ritual making everyone believe Luna was her daughter and not one of the freaky Lovegoods. It might actually be for the best, after all, the Lovegoods were not fit to raise such a perfect little girl like Luna. Molly did think the girl would need a new name as she returned to the one she had picked out for the Squib changing it a little so the girl would be called Ginny.

Making sure no one was paying much attention to her, Molly carried Luna into a corner of the cramped rook-shaped house and pulled out her wand to perform the ritual. As the ritual involved a quick Blood Adoption Rite, Molly used her wand to create a small cut and let some of her blood enter the baby girl's mouth. Before she healed the cut, Milly used some blood to create a small ritual circle on the kid's forehead before saying the incantation. The ritual was so fast that no one even noticed as Luna was made into Ginny Weasley, her dark brown hair turning bright red and her eyes shifting back to bright blue before becoming the same shape as Molly's eyes.

Then came the test as Molly moved back to the others to see if the ritual had caused them to recall that "Ginny" was her daughter and that Sol was an only child. "Everything alright, Molly dear?" Arthur asked as she moved over to him.

"Everything is fine, Arthur don't be such a worry wort. Ginny was just fussing a little due to the noise in here," Molly said doing her best not to bite her bottom lip as she looked at her husband to see if the ritual had worked.

"Well, can you blame me?" Arthur asked. "After all this time we finally got the girl you always wanted and it was such a hard birth."

"I know, Arthur but we are both fine now," Molly said inwardly breathing a sigh of relief.

Molly was then slightly startled as Pandora came back from changing Sol, entering the room as if it was the first time as she introduced everyone to her and Xenophilius's new daughter Luna. Molly was shocked that her ritual caused Sol to be given her sister's name but hid her confusion as she joined in with the others congratulating the Lovegoods on the birth of their new daughter.

Chapter 94: Shouldn't I get... III


After Harry's trial.


I edited the last part of Shouldn't I Get... part 2 so that Reyes does not hand over Harry's Gringotts test since he said he would only be starting to work on that case after Harry's "hearing." Also in case you did not check out the edited chapter of Writer's Block- Ended, I have decided to only write one hundred and fifty chapters for this work. This is mostly due to how my mind keeps coming up with stories without finishing the ones I have already created. I had thought about doing only one hundred chapters, but after the ideas I got from Writer's Block, I was almost there.

Chapter Text

... My Godfather Back.

After Barrister Reyes informed the Wizengamot court that since Harry's "hearing" was over, he had been tasked to look into Albus and several others' criminal actions towards his client, the man led Harry out of the courtroom. As the court bailiff took down the Wards around the room the doors crashed open as Albus who had been trying to get inside to "represent" Harry was finally able to get them to move. Since Albus had been unable to just push them open and no one had responded to his knocking, the old bastard had been trying to force them open with his entire body causing him to fall into the room.

Reyes kept a hand on Harry's shoulder as he led his client out of the room telling Harry to ignore Fudge as the Minister started to yell at Dumbledore. It seems the Headmaster had not stayed around for a full tirad as he caught up to Harry and Reyes as they waited for a lift to head upstairs. "Harry, my boy, I have heard the good news. Though I am surprised you hired this man. That was a waste of money, I had told Molly and the others to let you know that I would be coming to your defense if this had been the hearing they had told us it was to be," Albus said moving to get Harry away from Reyes.

Reyes, who often had to deal with members of the press, members of a family who had been on opposing sides of his clients, and others trying to pull young clients away from him, did not let Harry go as he shot a glare at the Headmaster. "There was no wasted funds, Messor Dumbledore," Reyes said since they were not at Hogwarts and due to his ousting as Cheif Warlock at the start of the summer there was no lack of respect with the man's use of Albus's title. Especially since the Dumbledore family while somewhat powerful politically were not led by a Lord or Lady. "The Potter Family, which my client is a member of, long ago set up an agreement with my law firm to provide Barristers when needed. In exchange, the firm gets a yearly payment. My firm has not had to represent the Potters since my client's grandparents so it is nice to earn our pay for once." Reyes explained.

"I see, but I still should have been brought into the discussion since I am Harry's Magical Guardian after all," Albus said doing his best to smile but both Harry and Reyes saw it was rather forced.

"And that is something, I will discuss with you later. But for right now I have to take my client out of here to our pre-arranged meeting spot so he can get back home," Reyes said wishing the lift would arrive already.

"Ah, then it is a good thing, I came to talk to you. I can take Harry back with me," Albus said a twinkle coming to his eyes.

"I am afraid, I can not do that. When I was hired to take this job I was given very specific instructions on how to get my client home due to how famous he is in our world along with how some people have been treating him," Reyes said which he hoped the old man would misinterpret as Reyes talking about the Prophet and Ministry's actions towards Harry recently rather than a reference to how Albus and some of the Weasleys treated Harry.

"I am sure it will be alright," Albus said making another attempt to pull Harry away from the Barrister, but the man tightened his grip on Harry. "You want to come with me so I can get you home quicker, right, Harry?" Albus asked finding he could not pull the young man away from the Barrister.

"I was the one who set up the conditions for who my Barrister could take me to see to get me home. And since I never see you outside of Hogwarts, how would I have been able to guess you would come to my hearing," Harry said looking straight ahead, waiting for the lift's doors to open and let him get away from the Headmaster.

"There, as you see, Messor Dumbledore, I am just doing my job," Reyes said unable to stop himself from letting out a sigh of relief as the lift arrived and opened up. What was even better was the lift was empty, which made sense since this was the bottom floor of the Ministry and the lift would only come down here if someone needed to reach the courtrooms, DOM, or it was called. "Now as I have something to discuss with my client in private which you interrupted, I am going to have to ask you to wait for the next lift," Reyes said as he had Harry enter the lift and barred the door from the man's entry.

"Now see here," Albus said trying to get past the man, but Reyes held firm as Harry pressed the button to take the lift up. Both Harry and Reyes smiled a little as the lift doors shut right in Albus's face. "Did your Family gear heat up?" Reyes asked knowing that rather than Family Rings, Harry wore a Family Necklace.

"Not in the courtroom, but it did as we waited for the lift," Harry said not saying anything more since neither of them could be sure the lifts were not monitored.

"I see, I will add it to the list," Reyes said. "Now I have to ask, did you eat anything this morning, or were you too worried, and the early hour prevented you from doing so?"

"I know we had a plan but I was still rather worried, so I could not get anything down," Harry admitted.

"Right then before I take you back, we shall have to fix that," Reyes said having been informed that Harry was currently staying in the same place as several people who were listed on the Gringotts test that were dosing him. Reyes had a feeling that Lord Black was doing his best to make sure Harry was not dosed wherever they were, but it would be a good thing to give them both a break and just pick Harry up some breakfast in one of the Ministry's kiosks.

Reyes had them get off on the ground floor rather than finishing their ride to level two and took Harry to one of the cafe food carts around the floor. While Reyes only had a coffee, Harry ordered a maple frosted Honeymooner and some lactose-free milk, since he had discovered from the Gringotts test he was allergic to pumpkin, mint, and alcohol and was lactose intolerant which had all been hidden by some of the potions he had been under. While the potions had been secretly given him to prevent himself from getting sick the Cleansing Harry had undergone and cleared them out of his system. Sirius had been making sure that Molly or someone did not try to give Harry any of the things he was allergic to since it would reveal Harry had been cleansed as would buying some new health potions for Harry to start using. Harry was not sure if he would start using the health potions yet, since he did not really like the taste of pumpkin juice and had found the lactose-free milk was creamier than the normal variety and he rather liked it.

As Harry and Reyes sat down at one of the tables in the Ministry's lobby, Reyes cast a Secrecy Ward to discuss the case and what Reyes had been able to find so far about those embezzling from Harry along with enchanting him. "Your Account Manager has managed to find the vaults where your stolen funds had been sent to, however, he has found that apart from the Bird Fund vault some of the money has been used. They informed me that since you and Lord Black have informed him that you are currently staying with several of the embezzlers, they will not collect the money until we finally take them to court in case they try something. If you and Lord Black move somewhere else since he is a free man now, or if they leave let both my firm and the Goblins know so we can start getting your money back. There is something else they wanted me to tell you now where is it?" Reyes said as he opened up his satchel and began to rummage around in it pulling out small notes and quickly reading them before grabbing another one. "Ah, here it is once you are away from them, most particularly Miss Granger since she was the only one besides Messor Dumbledore to take anything other than money from you, Bonecrusher wants you to come to the bank to perform a Bloodborne Artifact Retrieval Ritual at the bank so that you can get the items back."

Umbridge's Office.

Dolores Umbridge was furious as she stomped into her office after yelling at her staff to not disturb her. First, the Potter Brat gets away from the Demenetors she had sent him. She had hoped the charges of using magic to save himself would have been enough to get him out of the way, but thanks to that Barrister he not only got off but now the Ministry had to let people know Black was innocent, stop the Prophet from writing anything about the brat, and pay compensation to both Black and the punk. She had just gotten away from Fudge who while not as angry as she was about what had happened had given her a new task. Hearing from Potter's Barrister that he had some information that could be harmful to Dumbledore, the Minister tasked her to find it at all costs.

The Minister had already a plan in place for her to become the new Defense teacher at Hogwarts. She had been originally hired to find evidence against Potter and DUmbledore, but now she had been ordered to try to get Potter on their side. She did not see that happening thinking he would just be like the rest of the unruly brats up at the castle. Dolores did not even try to renegotiate the contract for the post thinking it might be a good idea to get away from the Ministry for a while. It was all down to the memory Potter had supplied of the Dark Lord's meeting in the graveyard. Not only had it revealed several influential people who often spent time with the Minister or her such as Lucius Malfoy, but it also revealed Peter Pettigrew was alive. While it was not a well-known fact, Dolores and Peter were second cousins from Dolores's mother's side of the family. Dolores could see some newspaper writer after learning about Peter being alive and a member of the Death Eaters to do an expose on the man, which might reveal their connection.

Ministry Lobby

After finishing off the late breakfast, Reyes used a Patronus to check to see if Arthur was free to take Harry back to wherever his client was staying. As they waited, Reyes crossed his fingers hoping that Albus was not with the Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office, though they had a plan if the man was. "Well, it looks like it is Plan B, then," Reyes said as Arthur's return Patronus said he was with Albus and they could come right up. Reyes sent a second Patronus to the Weasley Patriarch before taking Harry out of the Ministry and Apparating them both to the law firm of Under, Over, and Scout. Once they were inside the building, Reyes sent a Patronus to Remus Lupin which gave the firm's Floo address for the man to come to pick Harry up.

Just over ten minutes later Remus arrived asking how everything went. "I was cleared but for the rest, I will share it when we get back," Harry said with a large smile as he hugged the man.

"Either myself or a member of my team will get in contact with news of the other issue," Reyes said with a nod to send them on their way. Harry was slightly glad for his smaller-than-normal size since it allowed him to accompany Remus through the Floo since he had not used it that much and still had trouble with that form of Magical Transportation. Harry's smile grew if anything even larger as they stepped out of the Floo into Sirius's suite and found his Godfather waiting for him.

"So how did it go, Pup?" Sirius asked and was almost tackled to the floor by Harry who rushed over to give him a hug.

"Well, I got off on all the charges. Barrister Reyes was right they tried to use my other two "uses of underage magic" against me," Harry said breaking the hug as he began to count on his fingers. "Next we proved Voldy was back. Reyes had a team transcribe the memory so they got the list of Death Eaters that showed up," Harry said beaming up at his Godfather as he delivered the next bit of news. "Including Wormtaim which along with my third memory proved your innocence to the Morjets. Reyes also worked to make the Ministry and the Prophet pay us both some compensation for their actions towards us. I would still wait for the story about the "hearing" which Reyes said was a trial to be printed so you don't have people running in fear or trying to arrest you."

"That is great," Sirius said giving a bark of joy and he pulled Harry into another hug before swinging his Godson around a little. One of Harry's flailing feet almost hit Remus who had to quickly step out of the way, glaring at his friend. Not due to almost getting kicked but because of Sirius's actions Remus could not join in on hugging James's son in celebration.

"However," Harry said causing Sirius to stop spinning him and place him on his feet again.

"However, what?" Sirius asked.

"Well, the Headmaster did come along, and while he had been prevented from entering the court he came to talk to Barrister Reyes and me as we waited for the lift. He tried to pull me away from Barrister Reyes a couple of times and I felt my necklace heat up," Harry reported. "Rather than head right to Mr. Weasley's office, Barrister Reyes took me to get something to eat. Unfortunately, by the time we were finished, the Headmaster had gone up there and was most likely waiting for us, hence why we used Plan B."

Trying to cheer Harry up a little Sirius and Remus told them about what had been going on in the house. "You only had to deal with the courts and Albus for a bit, we had to deal with Molly who got on our case for not helping them clean since we had started to do it to make sure no one did anything to you while you were working," Sirius reported.

"You had it worse than me," Harry said making the three laugh a little.

"Kreacher also surprised them a little when he came to Sirius's defense," Remus reported.

"I should have told the Elf to act like he used to rather than change since I ordered him to magic any family artifacts Molly or the others "threw away" but were being sent to the Burrow to be sold later," Sirius said shaking his head, He had found Kreacher had started to listen to him a little since he had given the Elf the order to re-collect the family treasures and hid them up in Regulus' room which no one was using and had protections in place to prevent anyone not of the family from getting into it.

"I also changed the Wards around slightly. A Fideleus Charm gives the Secret Keeper the ability to read and change mail that is being sent out from the affected property. Hence why my letters have been changed after I sent them to you. While the Secret Keeper does have power to do this, as the Lord of the House I can suppress the Mail Ward effect so that Albus can not read any mail I send out. Not that it should be a problem, since I finally found these," Sirius said pulling out two compact mirrors from behind his back.

"Mirrors?" Harry asked looking from them to his Godfather's smiling face.

"Magic Communication Mirrors," Sirius said handing one to Harry before leaving the room. Not wanting anyone to know that Harry would have the mirror, Sirius walked to his parent's old room before contacting Harry. "They can be used to talk with each other over vast differences. We once used them when your dad had gone on vacation with his family to Japan without any lag or issues," Sirius said turning the mirror around so Harry back in his room could see how clear the picture was letting him see a snoozing Buckbeak curled up on the shatter remains of Sirius's parent's bed. "All you have to do is say either Remus or my name at it will make a sound to draw our attention."

"Sort of like when a telephone rings," Remus said from Harry's side of the mirror.

"Yeah, like that, whatever that is. Now to keep these safe as well as not let anyone know we gave them to you, we will not call you. If we need to tell you something important, we will send a letter and tell you to call us up," Sirius said as he set the mirror down to prepare a meal for Buckbeak for when the Hippogriff woke up.

"We will also help you activate the Wards around your trunk so no one can reach your belongings," Remus said leaning into the mirror's frame as he placed a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Or now that I am free, I could take you to get a new trunk thus give a reason why the trunk's Protection Wards are now in place," Sirius said.

"Alright, who are you and what did you do with Sirius?" Remus joked making Harry laugh a little.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Sirius asked looking slightly offended by the old joke.

"Well, first agreeing to get Harry a Barrister for the case, taking him to get Cleansed, though I know that was not part of the plan, and now getting a new trunk rather than just activating Harry's current trunk's protection. You are not acting like yourself," Remus quipped.

"I would remind you I was an Auror, and thanks to that and my family, I am used to stunts like this," Sirius protested ruining it as he stuck his tongue out at his old friend.

Chapter 95: The Ascendance of Lord Potter part 3


Harry's time in Diagon Alley before term begins


This chapter will contain another Flashback concerning Albus learning about becoming a Vassel to Harry's family lines.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The first thing Harry did once he was shown into his room of the Griffin Peak Hotel, was to organize and pack his new trunk. Mostly this involved moving everything from his old trunk to his new one, since besides his training with Bladetomb and learning from Bonecrusher, Harry had organized all his belongings and done his summer homework in the Goblin Training room. There was still a lot of stuff to throw away since knowing all the books Lockhart had his classes get were all fiction, Harry had used them during sword practice. The only book that was completely destroyed that he did not need to throw away was Voyages With Vampires since it had been the target when Bladetomb had taught Harry to cast magic with his ancestor's sword. The rest were ripped to shreds if not already in bits and pieces.

Since he no longer was at the Number Four Harry left the books he had just bought out so he could look through them a little before school started. Something he had done before his first year at the castle but due to his belongings being taken from him once he got back to his relative's place and then Ron and the twins wanting to just mess around when he had been staying at the Burrow, he had been unable to do last year. Harry was looking forward to going over his new Ancient Runes book thinking the subject would be interesting, especially after some talks with Bonecrusher and Bladetomb during meals during the last year in the room. He was also leaning towards going into Alcemey at the moment but was keeping an open mind when it came to his planned Introduction to Magical Science classes which might show that Enchanting or Warding would be even better suited to him.

After putting away his new supplies, Harry switched his trunk over to access its apartment function to put all his new robes away it thus keeping the wrinkles to a minimum. As the magic room inside the trunk had nothing in it at the moment, Harry figured it would also serve as a place for him to continue with his sword training so as to not have an accident in the hotel room. The choice to use the trunk's apartment led Harry to pull Lockhart's books out of the trash so he could still use them as training targets.

At the end of the day, Harry drifted off to sleep the moment he lay in the hotel room's bed. The beds in the Gringotts Training Room had been like sleeping on slabs of rock, not that Harry had not slept on worse, but it was nice to have a soft and comfy mattress once again. While he removed Gryffindor's Sword, Harry kept it close by since during his training in the room after a while Bladetomb would occasionally wake Harry up by using the blunt side of his sword to attack Harry to see if he could defend himself. After the first time it happened, Harry had not been caught unaware again thanks to his already heightened danger sense due to the "adventures" he had lived through at Hogwarts.

It had been nice to have a full eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, as well as not having his body wake him up around six to make his uncle breakfast before the man had gone off to work. Before his time in the training room, Harry had never been able to break the habit of waking up earlier even when he had been at school or the Burrow, but thanks to his Cleansing and sword training, Harry could now sleep to at least seven-thirty. When he had rented his room the day before, Harry had been informed that Griffin Peak only served breakfast for its guests, and had no room service. That had been fine for Harry, who put on one of his new outfits an orange robe with a green undershirt and pants. He could not tell if he had no fashion sense or not thanks to only living with the Dursleys so he did not really notice the strange looks he got when he had gone down to eat. All he knew was the looks were not due to anyone finding out his identity nor was it due to the sword on his hip.

Eating some blueberry pancakes and some sausages, Harry noticed that the hotel also provided copies of the Daily Prophet. While he had not read much of the paper apart from the article Hagrid had cut out about the Gringotts Robbery back in his first year, Harry decided to take a look at the magical newspaper. He almost spit out his grape juice as he read about Dumbledore not only losing his position as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot but to the reporter's surprise the Dumbledore Seats had been removed from the Governing body.


The afternoon when Harry had entered the Gringotts Specialized Training Room, Albus received a notice that he had somehow lost his position of Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot due to the Light Cored Partry no longer holding the Majority of beings. Figuring it was all some sort of mistake, Albus Flooed to the Wizengamot stopping in his tracks as he stepped out of the fireplace. Looking around to make sure no one was looking at him, Albus rolled up his sleeve to find what he had felt appear on his wrist. His blood ran cold as he saw a Vassel cuff now on his left wrist. What was worse, the family crest on the cuff belonged to his Weapon's family meaning Harry had found out what Albus had done to the boy.

Albus could not figure out how the brat had even known about such a ritual let alone how to perform it. Albus quickly lowered his sleeve and looked around again to make sure no one had noticed the cuff. Albus breathed out a sigh of relief that no one had seen it as well as the fact that he always wore long-sleeve robes so he could possibly hide it for a while. The Vassel Cuff might also explain how he would have lost his post if Harry took his family seats back as well as Albus's out of the Light Party's voting block.

While Albus was able to find out that the lines he had been voting for as Harry's "proxy" had been removed from the voting pool as well as the Dumbledore family seat, Albus had been unable to discover if the brat had only given him the Vassel Cuff or if he had extended it to the Weasleys taking their lines as well. Since he had lost control of his family's seat voting rights, Albus had lost the proxy power he had over the Weasley seats as well as the authorization to discover who now held them. For all he knew the seats could have been transferred to Muriel Prewett who had refused to be removed as the Proxy for the Prewett seats when Molly and Arthur allowed him to become Proxy of them. And all it had cost Albus to gain proxy control of them had been to write up the marriage contract between Harry and Ginny, something he had been playing to do anyway to make sure Harry married a Light Cored Witch.

Albus quickly left the place before someone asked him why or how he had lost his post. Albus kept to himself for the next couple of days before heading to the Hogshead the night that he knew his brother would visit Gringotts. Knowing that Aberforth now would be wearing a Vassel Cuff, Albus could make it seem that it had been due to something his little brother had done that gave them the cuffs. But just in case his brother knew the real reason and revealed it to the patrons of his bar, Albus stopped by after closing time. "Aberforth we need to talk," Albus said barging into the place as his brother was Magicing the chairs onto the tables so the broom and dust pan could sweep the floor.

"What do you want Albus?" Aberforth asked though having a guess what this was going to be about.

"What did you do that caused us to become some family's vessels?" Albus asked pulling his sleeve up and revealing his cuff to the other man.

"Do you want to try that again, Albby?" Aberforth asked using the old childish nickname he had for his older brother knowing it would irritate him.

"Who did you lose a bet against so badly that they made our family vessels until you paid them back?" Albus asked.

"You are really doing this aren't you?" Aberforth asked throwing tossing his dirty dish towel onto his shoulder and glaring at his brother.

"I don't know what you are referring to," Albus protested.

"I am sure you don't," Aberforth answered sarcastically. "It is not as if the bank explained why they placed the cuff on my wrist." Aberforth wisely decided not to inform his brother that the bank also told him he was not required to pay any money back lest Albus try to either guilt him or enchant him to make him pay. "Something I guess you already know considering you are confronting about it now rather than when others are around. Albby, I suggest you take my advice and pay back the money you owe and leave me out of it, or I may accidentally let it slip to some of my patrons about the nature of the cuff. Especially since those who have seen it just think I have gotten a new piece of accessory to wear. After all the slip-up of this news might happen when your Groundskeep stops by and we both know how good that man is at keeping secrets," Aberforth warned smirking a little as he saw the color drain from his older brother's face.

"Now unless you want me to finish cleaning up, Albby, I got some work to do," Aberforth said laughing a little as his brother ran for it since he did not often get the better of the bastard. He would love to tell someone about the reason for the cuff, but thanks to the enchantments that Albus had placed on them after the death of their sister, Aberforth could not speak ill about his brother. However, he had learned some loopholes to the spell over the years meaning that all he had to do was identify the cuff to his curious patrons as a Vassel Cuff as well as what family crest it showed before mentioning it was not due to anything he had done to reveal that Albus had done something to earn their new Vassel status.

End Flashback

Harry had to chuckle at the fact that the Fumblef*ck* had lost his post as Chief Warlock knowing it had to be from becoming a Vassel for Harry's family. It was nice to see the reasons the reporter, someone named Rita Skeeter, had come up with for why Fumblef*ck had stepped down. The best reason that Harry was was Rita wondering if Albus was getting tried due to his age while holding multiple high positions around the world. Harry could not help but think about an episode of Doctor Who he had seen a few years ago where the newly regenerated Tenth Doctor ousted the British Prime Minister by mentioning to the woman's assistant that Harriet Jones looked tired. Harry would have loved to see a similar thing happen to Albus from Rita's article.

Not having any plans for the day, and since his summer homework was done, Harry just explored Diagon Alley looking down the other sidestreets to see what was there since he normally stayed on the main road. As it had the shops that held the items on his school list. Harry was able to find a secondary used bookshop like the ones Ronald, Granger, and he had found Percy in during their visit before the second year. Unlike the one from that time, this bookstore sold books concerning just the subject of History. Harry ended up chatting with one of the workers and found out that the store was actually a branch of a main company which was based on Kelpie Avenue. While Bonecrusher and Bladetomb had mentioned other Magical shopping districts during their year in the training room Harry was able to get a better account of them from the worker at the store. He also learned why the branch only sold history books as the worker shared that due to Binns still teaching at Hogwarts History was one of the worst subjects for most Hogwarts students so the parent store set up their branch to sell only history books to help students out.

Harry had to admit they had a point so decided to buy a few more books to help him with the subject. This also led him back to Florish and Blots to get more books for each of his subjects since he knew he would not be turning to Hermione to help him out anymore. He hoped he would not need it anyway since some of the potions had affected his ability to learn not to mention the enchantments on him to make it almost impossible for him to read from the board no matter where he sat in class.

By lunchtime, Harry received notice from Drake Vansel that his request to change electives had been approved, as well as sending Harry a new book list. Not that Harry needed it since Florish and Blotts had an overall book list in case students changed their class schedules or lost their original list. What was even better was that Vansel approved of Harry signing himself out to go to Hogsmeade after Harry had explained his situation, as well as letting the man know that he was considered the Lord of a couple of House despite being only fourteen thanks to the time in the training room. Harry had already arranged it with Bonecrusher since he was no longer going back to the Dursleys, Harry had found one of the properties his family controlled that he could stay in during the summer months. The property, Peverell Retreat, had a full complement of House Elves so Harry would not be alone just in case something happened to him during the summer.


Before heading back to England, Hermione talked her parents to taking her to one of France's Magical districts where a Gringott Branch was located so she could report her stolen funds. Not only did the Vassel Cuff appear on her arm as soon as she walked into the bank, but when she talked to the Goblin Teller about it they explained what it was and why it was there. The nasty thing had arched an eyebrow at her parent's lack of reaction to the news. This led to the Goblins forcing her parents to take a test and revealing that Professor Dumbledore had placed some enchantments on them. The Goblins ended up Cleansing her parents and informing her that the price of the procedure would be added to the amount of money she would have to pay back to Harry to get the cuff to come off of her.

Hermione's parents were furious that they had been enchanted and promised to make sure Hermione paid her debt even if they had her work as an intern at their dental practice until she could get a real job where they would garnish Hermione's wages themselves. Hermione was angry herself as her parents took back all the birthday money they had given her that she had planned to use to get an owl and had her use it as a first payment to the bank. It got worse when they got back home as they told her that for the rest of the summer, she would be working at their clinic, They then laid down the law that they would only pay for her to attend core classes at Hogwarts and the two classes which had the cheapest books of the various electives.

To make sure Hogwarts got enough notice to change her schedule for the coming year, the Grangers went to Diagon Alley the day they returned. Harry had noticed Granger and her parents and used his new knowledge of the place to make sure he was not seen by his former friend as the group headed into Flourish and Blotts. Hermione was angry and slightly embarrassed when her parents asked for a price guide to all the books for the electives so they could choose the cheapest one to decide what she would be taking. Hermione tried to talk them out of it especially since the two cheapest classes turned out to be Muggle Studies and Divinations, but her parents were adamant she would only be allowed to take those two classes, and since Hogwarts required third years and above to take two electives she would be unable to drop them if she disliked them later.

As Harry spied on his former friend, he wished she had been forced to take Care of Magical Creatures, knowing Granger would not like having a book that after a while would come alive and possibly attack her or ruin her other books. But he figured one could not always get what they wanted.


* Wanting to use a new nickname for the bastard I turned to comments from Two Strikes, Third Life when I took suggestions for it and chose one suggested by FalsumDeum, though in the comment they did not capitalize it.

I chose to have Hermione only take Muggle Studies and Divination since those were the two classes she is known to have dropped. Plus I like the idea of her being unable to escape Professor Trewlawney who without Harry going to that class will have to find someone new to say is going to die which I am trying to decide if it should be Ronald or Granger at the moment.

Graydove's Half-Brewed HP story Ideas. - Graydove71 - Harry Potter (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.