Finding Home - Chapter 2 - Hiddenwriter1028 - The Dragel's Song | Neilson Hewitt Series (2024)

Chapter Text

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Outside The Great Hall: Astor

Leaning against the wall, Astor watched with shrewd eyes as the usual troop of Gryffindors ambled down the stairs and into the Great Hall. Potter was trailing behind them looking worse for the wear. Astor hadn’t ever seen him look this bad, though, admittedly, they didn’t pay much attention to him throughout their time together. It was impossible to not note anything when someone shared a house and common room with Malfoy, but beyond that they just didn’t care about him.

Kicking off the wall as Potter passed, Astor hooked an arm through his and began steering him towards Luna and Kaeru. They were both sitting on the edge of the Slytherin table like usual, engaged in sparse conversation with a seventh year by the name of Nicostratus Augustine. He was another of the dragels and had a crush on Kaeru. They might not have realized it yet, but Nicostratus was attempting to court them on the quiet end of things.

Astor only barely approved.

Nicostratus had noticed Kaeru’s partial shift one day when their emotions were all over the place and had attempted to subtly question Astor on it for years since then. They had never given him an answer, but they were fairly certain he knew Kaeru wasn’t human.

The fact that Potter wasn’t fighting Astor was cause for concern, but the tension he had been holding melted away when they gently pushed him into a seat beside Luna. The waif was fond of him and it seemed that was true in the reverse as well. Astor could feel twin burning glares on their neck, but chose to ignore it in favor of eating a bit of eggs. Today had just begun and they had already attracted more attention from their head of house than in all six years of schooling combined. Such was the consequences of associating with Gryffindors.

Tapping a finger on their thigh, Astor motioned for Luna to fill Potters plate. She understood immediately and bubbled happily, dreamily talking about something or other with Kaeru, roping Potter into the discussion. They knew that Kaeru and Potter had interacted several time before because of Luna, but to see how Kaeru danced around the other submissive verbally was a treat. They really had everyone wrapped around their little finger. Nicostratus especially based on the looks he was giving them. It was cute in a nauseating way how enamored the older Slytherin was with Kaeru. Who was eyeing Astor from the side over their choice in companion this morning.

Focusing on the whispered silence of slowly approaching foot falls, Astor spun around in their seat just in time to meet George and Fred Weasley eye to eye. The Weasley twins had sharp grins in place that felt just to left of genuine. Astor recognized the look. They hated that look. One of them opened their mouth and began a tirade of barely concealed venom. “Hello little snakey! May we-”

f*cking great. The twinspeak.

The other picked up without pause, the same venom spewing just a bit harsher. “Inquire what it is-”

“You would like-” Astor was going to get a head ache at this rate.

“With out dearest Harrikins?” Finishing in tandem, the twins’ eyes danced with the promise of pain. Astor could guarantee the same and far worse.

Something rippling in their chest, Astor let their gaze narrow slightly before motioning to where Luna was still weaving a tale about a snoring pink bufflocorn. They didn’t pretend to follow most of Luna and Kaeru’s conversations. “His presence was needed. Now move along, some of us have food to eat.”

Astor felt more than saw the burning rage in the two pairs of eyes that were locked onto their presence. Could they have handled that better? Yes, but it wouldn’t do to be seen being friendly to more Gryffindors. Not when Astor could feel the slimy oil slick of Snape’s eyes on them. A hand came down harshly between Astor and the bowl of fruit they were reaching for. A very freckled hand that came with a matching growl.

If they didn’t know better they would assume that was the sound of a pissed off Dragel.

The table froze as Astor slowly turned once again and faced the twins. Something must have shown on their face because one of them was frantically pulling on the other’s arm. “Fred, come on. Harry looks fine and he’s eating. It’s fine.” Twirling their fork between their fingers, Astor co*cked one brow up high. They didn’t want to start a fight in the Great Hall, but they were itching to hit someone. So be it if it was a Weasley. Eyes staring down the Weasley, Fred, who was close to their face, Astor waited for a beat before gently placing the fork on the table.

“Remove yourself from my presence immediately, Weasley. I do not appreciate being crowded.” Their voice was soft, calm. Someone sucked in a breath behind them, but Astor was too focused to care. They needed to keep their breathing under control. Keep their hands from swinging and the beast in them caged. It didn’t matter how much they wanted to rip someone to shreds when they needed a way to Neverah still. They were so close. So f*cking close. They wouldn’t risk Kaeru’s freedom on the Weasley’s of all people.

If it weren’t for the scent blocking bracelet and the rune covered ring keeping their Dragel features hidden, Astor was positive their scales would be rippling and their fangs out, maybe their claws as well.

They missed having them out. Missed it so much it ached.

After a few seconds, Fred leaned back and made eye contact with Potter. “You doin’ okay there, Harrikins? The snake isn’t bugging you is she?”

They.” Kaeru’s voice was leaking venom in that one word. When the twins reared back and looked to them, Astor had to fight a grin. Let someone underestimate Kaeru. Astor was begging someone to do that.


“They. Astor’s pronouns are They/Them. If you’re going to insult them then do it properly.” And that right there is why Astor was so protective of Kaeru. Kaeru was perfect. The best friend and little sibling Astor always needed. They even used Astor’s favorite saying. Turning back towards the table, Astor saw that Nicostratus was fighting his own grin while watching Kaeru. “And Harry’ is fine. Astor would never hurt someone innocent.”

True, but only barely.

“Listen, Niji, we were just worried about our friend. Fred didn’t mean to offend anyone.” This time it was Nicostratus who laughed. His laugher was loud and held the hint of a snort at the end.

“You two have gone to school with them for the last six years. Everyone knows Astor’s pronouns. You aren’t stupid.” Taking a sip of their water, Astor hid a smirk. They might not always get on with their house, but Slytherins stuck together in public. “Now, run along. No one wants your ignorance stinking up the table where we eat. Shoo fly, adios.” Kaeru’s eyes were wide and shining as they beamed a smile towards Nicostratus.

Leaning over and pressing a shoulder against his, Kaeru’s grin softened. “Thanks, Nico.” Face twitching, Nicostratus shrugged and cut up a piece of toast.

“Whatever. Don’t call me Nico.” Yeah, he was beyond gone for Kaeru.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Forbidden Forest: Blaise and Astor

“So,” Astor was once again leaning against a tree while Zabini paced in front of them. “What is it you called me out here for again?” Mouth pulling back into a snarl, he rounded on them with fury in his eyes.

“What do you want with Theo?” The words were snappy and short, a far cry from the usual composure of the newly inherited gheyo. Flicking away a bit of the black paint from their nails, Astor settled further against the tree to hide their hand that was inching toward one of the daggers they wore constantly.

They didn’t like the way Zabini was bordering on feral with his aggressive questioning. “I told you this yesterday, Zabini. I need a way to Neverah. Nott needs someone to watch Potter. It’s a win win situation. I answered this yesterday, Zabini.” The eye twitch and flash of scales had Astor gripping their dagger and preparing to spring out of the way. Usually, someone like them wouldn’t be able to fight a gheyo and walk away, except, Astor had been training since they were eight, and Zabini was newly inherited. There would barely even be a fight. Astor would win.

“Why. Why now? Why not reveal yourself before yesterday, huh? What changed.” Everything. Everything changed. He had sent a letter and Astor couldn’t and wouldn’t let Kaeru go back to that place. Everything f*cking changed.

Kicking off the tree and delicately falling back into a fighting stance as Zabini paced, Astor tracked every move with careful eyes. “Nothing of importance, Zabini. With a war brewing, I just want gone. That’s all.” The lie tasted bitter on their tongue, but this wasn’t the first time they had lied and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. Zabini was the least of their worries when it came to lying. If they can manage not to get caught by Kaeru, the only one who f*cking mattered, then Zabini wouldn’t know the difference.

“Oh really? You decide to reveal yourself because of a simple war? Why not ask your own mentor, huh?” Astor really did fight the urge to snort in disbelief. It was a hard battle. One they lost epically and had Zabini’s claws coming out to play.

“Some people don’t get on with their mentors, Zabini. It’s really not that hard to understand.” Pausing, they tilted their head with a small gleam. “Well, I guess it might be for you. If you ever managed to think on your own and disregard Nott or Malfoy it might penetrate that thick skull of yours.” The growl that slipped from Zabini’s chest had a small part of Astor ready to run, but an even larger part ready to fight. It had been too long since they had actually had a challenge. It was one thing to feign challenge over the summers just to keep him off of Kaeru’s back, but for a actual challenge, Astor was itching. They craved the violence that was seconds away from breaking out.

With another growl, Zabini threw himself forward, claws arching toward Astor. They felt the a rush of adrenaline surging in their veins as they ducked and swiped upwards with their dagger, dragging it across Zabini’s thigh. The blood beaded immediately as his slacks gave quickly. The roar that came from the gheyo was enough to send a smile to Astor’s face. Finally some fun.

Ducking and dodging, Astor and Zabini danced around each other for nearly ten minutes. By the end of it both were sweating and panting a bit. Zabini had his scales on full display, but he seemed calmer than when they began. Seemed more in control of himself. “You’re Gheyo?” No, but it was better he think that then let him risk knowing the truth, not until they were safe from him.

Not answering, Astor began tucking their knife back away after spelling it clean. Shaking out their limbs, they met Zabini’s eyes for a brief moment before his eyes flashed with fury. “How am I supposed to trust you if you don’t tell us anything! You aren’t even the one watching Potter! Your little human pet is!”

Breathing in tightly through their teeth, Astor felt that ugly monster shake in their chest. “Insult Kaeru again and I will make evisceration sound pleasant. Understood?” The contacts in their eyes burned and itched in their eyes and Astor had to take a moment to close their eyes and breathe.

When they opened their eyes again, Zabini was still standing there staring at them. His face set in fury and indignation. “You have to give us something, Conti.” Tapping a finger on their thigh as they breathed through the shaking rage, Astor hummed in thought. One way to give them information would be if they knew Kaeru was safe as well and included in the deal.

“Meet me on the seventh floor tonight at seven twenty. You can bring Nott, but if you’re followed you learn nothing.” Strolling off, not waiting to hear what the young dragel said, Astor flipped over and over everything in their head. There were other ways they could have handled that, and coming out to the middle of the forest with an aggressive gheyo hadn’t been their brightest move to date. This was getting complicated and they just hoped that Kaeru was okay with a couple idiots knowing about the two of them.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Room of Requirment

Kaeru, unsurprisingly, had expected Astor’s warning that two dimwits were going to be intruding on their time in the Secret Room. It was the only time that Astor was able to keep up on their training and the only time it was safe for Kaeru to let their dragel features out, as well as when they could safely switch forms to be more comfortable. Astor wasn’t exactly a fan of the idea that people would be intruding on this time, but it was the simplest method of handling everything.

Plus, Kaeru was excellent with people, they typically saw things in characters that Astor looked right over the top of.

Nott and Zabini came ambling up the corridor at a sedate pace that set Astor’s teeth on edge. This school in general set their teeth on edge, the students more than anything else, other than Dumbledore that is.

These two though, these two had Astor on the precipice of insanity for something else. For something, largely, unrelated to the typical problems. “I distinctly remember telling you not to be followed.” Zabini and Nott both paused mid-step before Zabini shrugged and Nott began scanning his surroundings.

“You said I could bring Theo and no one else is around, so I wasn’t followed.” Except Astor had seen the flicker of a disillusionment spell just a moment ago.

Flicking their wand with a murmured spell, Astor watched as Nicostratus appeared in the corner of the corridor. Meeting Zabini’s eyes, Astor ground their teeth together and waited for the shock to wear off. “How did you see me, Conti?”

Narrowing their eyes and swinging their vision off to Augustine, Astor felt the urge to sigh bubbling forth with their annoyance. “You walked in front of a dancing portrait and the image buffered. Be more aware of where you are if you’re trying to creep on someone.”

To a certain degree, Astor liked Augustine. He wasn’t the worst person in the castle and he didn’t really bother them with most things. Except this year was different. Ever since Kaeru had turned sixteen he had been around every corner and in Astor’s business. It was annoying and more than slightly frustrating. Nodding his head, Augustine leaned back against the wall and smirked as the other two dragel’s gaped. “Why did you follow us?”

Zabini’s face was set in a harsh expression reminiscent of the look he had earlier when fighting Astor in the forest and his voice was chilling. Not that this seemed to have and effect on Augustine. “Something’s going on with you all and I need to know what it has to do with Kaeru.”

Sighing heavily, Astor cracked their neck and tapped their finger on their thigh. They were beyond done with this sh*t and, well, if Augustine was going to continue to court Kaeru when they left he would need to be in the know anyway. As Nott and Zabini shared alarmed looks, Astor met silvery gray eyes that showcased his air heritage. Motioning with two fingers, Astor paced in front of the image that allowed the Room of Requirement to appear. They just didn’t want to fight this right now. Plus, Augustine was going to be in Kaeru’s life, they could tell.

Eyes widened as the door swung open and Kaeru appeared, practicing with the dull, shortsword. They had stayed in their female form today, but had already taken off the scent suppressing bracelet. Kaeru didn’t wear the scale suppressor like Astor did, but it wasn’t as dangerous for them if he saw anything. He already knew that Kaeru was a submissive.

“Tor! Come check my form please!” Kaeru’s face lit up bright with energy before they paused and stood stock straight at the sight of Augustine shutting the door. Kaeru’s peachy scales were on full display and their wings were snapped flat against their back. Silver, blue and peach creating a gorgeous mosaic. “Nico?” Wide green eyes framed by blonde hair settled with a semi-tight, semi-relaxed smile. All tied together with her blue horns curling up from the front of their forehead.

Voice slightly choked, Augustine coughed. “Nicostratus. Why do you insist on shortening my name?” Astor tried to fight down the snort that burst out of their nose, but failed.

“Give it up and just admit you’re in love already.” Astor was done.




Not listening to the sputtering from both Kaeru and Augustine, Astor strolled across the room and began grabbing a few wraps for their arms and hands. Maybe Zabini would be willing to give them another fight tonight.

“You never mentioned another Dragel, Conti.” Humming at Nott’s statement, Astor nodded.

“Is that a problem?” Tightly wrapping the black clothe along their skin, Astor met Nott’s eyes and watched as shock and flashes of anger scattered. It wasn’t a problem necessarily, but it seemed Theodore Nott had a similar issue with surprises that Astor did. That was good to know.

“Not a problem, just unexpected.” You couldn’t hear the anger in Nott’s voice, which was impressive. Couldn’t even see it on his face.

Astor’s gift was unique in that they could read a person’s thoughts, though they tended to get migraines if they used it too often and they did require eye contact so it was easily avoided most of the time. “Good. Kaeru Niji meet Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini.” Making sure their jewelry was secured, Astor faced the group. “You wanted information. This is what I can give you.”

“Hold up, other? Conti are you Dragel too? And-” Augustine seemed to be floundering for something. Astor didn’t much care to find out what that was. They also didn’t care to answer the asinine question.

“Zabini, want to go a round two?” Kaeru turned sharply and scowled at Astor.

“Round two?” Shrugging, Astor waited for Zabini to grin in a feral glee before he peeled off his shirt and tie. “Astor!”

“You’re on, Conti.”

Finding Home - Chapter 2 - Hiddenwriter1028 - The Dragel's Song | Neilson Hewitt Series (2024)


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.